Marshella (Shelly Sheats) Harkness

Marshella (Shelly Sheats) L. Harkness , PhD



Professional Summary

Prior to coming to the University of Cincinnati, in September 2005, Dr. Shelly Sheats Harkness began her career as a mathematics teacher in Indianapolis. After 12 years of public school teaching, she pursued a Ph.D. As a graduate assistant she taught courses at Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis. In 2002, Dr. Harkness earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University. She was an Assistant Professor at Miami University from 2003-2005.  As an Associate Professor a UC, Shelly currently is Co-Editor for the School Science and Mathematics journal. Her research interests include: STEM education; the impact of teachers’ listening and believing (Elbow, 1986); Ethnomathematics; and the connections between mathematics and social justice. Dr. Harkness enjoys teaching, working with doctoral students, and visiting K-12 classrooms.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, 2002 (Curriculum and Instruction, Mathematics Education)

K-12 Gifted and Talented Endorsement: Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis, Indiana, 1996

Master of Science (M.S.): Butler University Indianapolis, Indiana, 1991

Bachelor of Science with Highest Distinction (B.S.): Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis, Indiana, 1987

Positions and Work Experience

2005 -To Present Assistant Professor, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2003 -2005 Assistant Professor, University of Miami, Miami, OH

2003 - Assistant Professor, University of Northern Kentucky, Highland Heights, KY

1998 -2002 Graduate Assistant in Teaching, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN

1993 -1996 Graduate Assistant in Teaching, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN

1995 -1998 Mathematics Teacher and Department Chairperson, Northview Middle School, Indianapolis, IN

1987 -1996 Mathematics Teacher, 7th grade Mathematics, 8th grade Pre-Algebra, 8th grade Algebra, and Freshman Algebra. Served in the following positions of leadership: Lead Technology Teacher; Gifted and Talented Facilitator; Academic Pursuit Coach; Freshman Tennis Coach; Tribe Team Leader., Ben Davis Junior High School, Indianapolis, IN

Research Support

2007 -2009 Ohio Board of Regents Southwest Ohio STEM2 Teaching Academy Role:PI $340,000 Completed Type:Grant

2004 Education and Allied Professions Summer Research Grant Disseminating research results to different audiences Role:PI $5,000 Completed Type:Grant

2002 Indianapolis Museum of Art Geometry and Art Role:Collaborator Completed Type:Contract

09-01-2011 -To Present African American Initiative for Mathematics and Science II Role:Collaborator

Grant: #STEM FY07 Investigators:Harkness, Marshella; Vincent, Nelson 02-01-2007 -06-01-2010 Ohio Board of Regents Southwest Ohio STEM Academy Role:Collaborator $340,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #OBR STEM FY08 Investigators:Harkness, Marshella; Vincent, Nelson 06-01-2008 -06-01-2010 Ohio Board of Regents Southwest Ohio STEM Academy Role:PI $255,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #OBR COF 09-08 Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Escoe, Gisela; Gaffney, James; Harkness, Marshella; Johnson, Carla 07-01-2009 -06-30-2015 Ohio Board of Regents The Cincinnati STEM Hub Partnership Cincy-STEM Role:Collaborator $185,280.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #OIP Agreement Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Fowler, Thaddeus; Haring, Karen; Harkness, Marshella; Kemphaus, Ralph; Maynard, Kathie; Meyer, Helen 04-05-2010 -06-30-2015 Ohio Board of Regents Ohio Innovation Partnership Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program Role:Collaborator $2,056,250.00 Active Level:State of Ohio


Peer Reviewed Publications

Harkness, S. S. (2009. ) Social constructivism and the ‘Believing Game’: A mathematics teacher’s practice and its implications . Educational Studies in Mathematics, , 70 (3 ) ,243-258

Stinson, K., Harkness, S. S., Meyer, H., & Stallworth, J. (2009. ) Mathematics and science integration: Models and definitions. .School Science and Mathematcis, , 109 (3 ) ,153-161

Harkness, S. S.;Wachenheim, K. (2008. ) Using listening journals in math methods. The Teacher Educator, , 43 (1 ) ,50-71

Harkness, S. S., & Thomas, J. (2008. ) Reflections on “Multiplication as Original Sin”: The implications of using a case to help preservice teachers understand invented algorithms .The Journal of Mathematical Behavior , , 27 (2 ) , 128-137

Harkness, S.S.;Portwood, L. (2007. ) A quilting lesson for early childhood preservice and regular classroom teachers: What constitutes mathematical activity? .The Mathematics Educator, , 17 (1 ) ,15-23

Harkness, S.S.;D'Ambrosio, B.D.;Morrone, A. (2007. ) Preservice elementary teachers’ voices describe how their teacher motivated them to do mathematics .Educational Studies in Mathematics, , 65 ,235-254

Harkness, S.S. (2005. ) Geometry of transformations: Teacher and unit under construction .Mathematics Teacher, , 99 (2 ) ,88-92

D'Ambrosio, B.D.;Boone, W.J.;Harkness, S.S. (2004. ) Planning district wide professional development: Insights gained from teachers and students regarding mathematics teaching in a large urban district .School Science and Mathematics, , 104 (1 ) ,5-15

Morrone, A.S.;Harkness, S.S.;D'Ambrosio, B.;Caulfield, R. (2004. ) Patterns of instructional discourse that promote the perception of mastery goals in a social constructivist mathematics course .Educational Studies in Mathematics, , 56 (1 ) ,19-38

Harkness, S.S.; Poston, A. (2004. ) Nickel and dimed: Using a topical theme to create opportunities for students to make connections between social studies and mathematics .Ohio Council for the Social Studies, The Review, , 40 (1 ) ,33-39

Harkness, S.S.;Hickey, D. (2004. ) Using Ohio’s academic content standards: Reflections from two stakeholders .Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, , Autumn ,21-25

Caulfield, R.;Harkness, S.S.;Riley, R. (2003. ) Surprise! Turn routine problems into worthwhile tasks .Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, , 9 (4 ) ,198-202

Harkness, S.S.;Grant, M. (2002. ) Do you have a passion related to your teaching? Fund it! The impact of a Lilly teacher creativity fellowship .Indiana Mathematics Teacher, , 17 (1 ) ,14-16

Lane, C.P., & Harkness, S. S. (2012. ) Game show mathematics: Specializing, conjecturing, generalizing, and convincing. .Journal of Mathematical Behavior, , 31 (2 ) ,163-173

Breiner, J. M., Harkness, S. S., Johnson, C. C., & Koehler, C. M. (2012. ) What is STEM?: A discussion about conceptions of STEM in education and partnerships. .School Science and Mathematics, , 112 (1 ) ,3-10

Harkness, S. S., Johnson, I. D., Hensley, B, & Stallworth, J. (2011. ) Apprenticeship of immersion: College access for high school students. .School Science and Mathematcis, , 111 (1 ) ,11-19

Meyer, H., Stinson, K., Harkness, S. S., & Stallworth, J. (2010. ) Middle grades teachers’ characterizations of integrated mathematics and science instruction. .Middle Grades Research Journal, , 5 (3 ) ,153-167

Harkness, S. S., Lane, C., Mau, S. T., & Brass, A. (2010. ) The ‘Believing Game’ in mathematics: Stories in a discipline of doubt. .The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning,, , 15 ,37-49

Uzan, E., & Harkness, S. S. (2012. ) Concrete, pictorial, and symbolic: Representations help teachers and students understand a geometry problem. .Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, , 65 ,6-13

Breiner, J.M., Harkness, S.S., Johnson, C.C., & Koehler, C.M. (2012. ) What is STEM?: A discussion about conceptions of STEM in education and partnerships. .School Science and Mathematics., , 112(1) ,3-10.

Uzan, E., & Harkness, S.S. Concrete, pictorial, and symbolic: Representations help teachers and students understand a geometry problem. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics. , ,

Lane, C.P., & Harkness, S.S. Game show mathematics: Specializing conjecturing, generalizing, and convincing. .Journal of Mathematical Behavior., , 31(2) ,163-173.

Thomas, J. N., & Harkness, S. S. (2013. ) Implications for intervention: Categorizing the quantitative mental imagery of children. Mathematics Education Research Journal, , 25(2) (231-256 ) ,DOI 10.1007/s13394-012-0059-y

Harkness, S. S., Thomas, J. N., Lane, C., & Cooper, A. (2013. ) Allowing “What is the whole?” to usurp, “Where is the reciprocal?” .Far East Journal of Mathematical Education, , 10(1) (1-30 ) ,

Lane, C., Thomas, J. N., & Harkness, S. S. (2013. ) What is the whole in cornhole? Introducing and capitalizing upon disequilibrium with fraction operations. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, , 67 (33-41 ) ,

Harkness, S. S., & Stallworth, J. (2013. ) Photovoice: Understanding high school females’ conceptions of mathematics and learning mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, , 84(3) (329-347 ) ,

Harkness, S. S., Truhart, R., & Gregson, S. (2014. ) Using mathematics to design costumes: Hat making. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, , 70 (27-33 ) ,

Ragland, T. C., & Harkness, S. S. (2014. ) Recruiting secondary mathematics teachers: Characteristics that add up for African American students. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, , 7(2) (76-96 ) ,

Harkness, S. S. (2014. ) Recycling plastics: Utilizing ‘moments of contingency’ for formative assessment. Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics, , 10 (13-26 ) ,

Cargile, L., & Harkness, S. S. Flip or flop: Are math teachers using Khan Academy as envisioned by Sal Khan? .Tech Trends, ,

Brass, A., & Harkness, S. S. Preservice teachers’ conceptions of the relative size of numbers. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, ,

Lane, C. P., Harkness, S. S., & Thomas, J. N. (2014. ) Multiple ways to persevere: Liar’s Bingo .Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, ,

Invited Publications

Harkness, S.S.;Portwood, L. (2006. ) Is quilting doing mathematics? (and other questions) .Math Explorer, 8 (3 ) ,4-5

Harkness, S.S. (2005. ) Geometry of transformations: Teacher and unit under construction .Albuquerque Public Schools Mathematics Teacher, 2 (2 ) ,1-5

Harkness, S. S. (2011. ) Letter from the editor .School Science and Mathematics.,

Harkness, S. S. (2012. ) Book Review: Effective instruction for STEM disciplines: From learning theory to college teaching .Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 12(1), 90-92.,

Harkness, S. S. (2012. ) Letter from the editor. School Science and Mathematics.,

Harkness, S. S. (2013. ) Letter from the editor. Full STEAM ahead. School Science and Mathematics,

Harkness, S. S. (2014. ) Letter from the editor. Fight the fight for public schools and public school teachers. School Science and Mathematics,

Harkness, S. S., Truhart, R., & Gregson, S (2014. ) Using mathematics to design costumes: Hat making. The Pinnacle Newsletter of the Idaho Council of Teachers of Mathematics, VXII(8), 20-26. Reprint with permission from OJSM. ,

Book Chapter

Harkness, S.S. (2005 ) Prompt intervention in mathematics education Intervention for all students: Mathematics and cultural connections .(pp. 33 -56).Columbus, OH, Ohio Resource Center for Mathematics, Science, and Reading and the Ohio Department of Education

Harkness, S.S.;Grant, M. (2006 ) Teachers engaged in research: Inquiry into mathematics classrooms, grades 6-8 Mosaics of Granada to the mathematics of Escher .(pp. 15 -34).Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Harkness, S. S., & Lane, C. P. (2011 ) Professional development: The importance of upfront evaluation planning. Secondary STEM educational reform .(pp. 25-45).New York, NY, Palgrave Macmillan

Harkness, S.S., & Lane, C.P. (2011 ) The importance of upfront evaluation planning. Secondary STEM educational reform. (pp. 24-45).New York, NY, Palgrave Macmillian.

Additional Publications


Invited Presentations

Harkness, S. S., & Shumar, A. (2006. ) Engineering Our Students’ Mathematical Learning .Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Toledo, OH.

Grant, M., & Harkness, S. S. (2006. ) Mathematics in Art: Exploring Sirpinski Triangles. Girls' Conference at Sycamore School, Indianapolis, IN.

Harkness, S. S., & D’Ambrosio, B. D. (2005. ) Lessons Learned from "Young Mathematicians at Work" .Presented at the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dayton, OH.

Wanko, J. J., Harkness, S. S., & Johnson, I. D. (2005. ) Understanding and Enhancing Discourse in Teacher Preparation: Teachers, Students, and Technology .Dallas, TX.

Harkness, S. S., & Caulfield, R. (2004. ) Ratio, Proportion, and Probability: Turn Routine Problems into Worthwhile Tasks .Presented at the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Akron, OH.

Harkness, S. S. (2004. ) Motivating Teacher Practices that Promote Mathematics for All .Invited presentation: Mathematics/Science Doctoral Seminar (EDCI858), University of Maryland.

Mau, S., Harkness, S. S., Rayl, S., Vance, M., Embry, M., & Vandell, C. (2004. ) Mentors and Teachers: What We Have Learned from Each Other .Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA.

Harkness, S. S. (2003. ) “Rewards” of Listening To Students .Invited presentation: Mathematics Education Student Association at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Harkness, S. S. (2003. ) "Rewards" of Listening To Students .Presented at School Science and Mathematics, Columbus, OH.

Morrone, A. S., & Harkness, S. S. (2003. ) Motivating Teacher Practices In a Social Constructivist Mathematics Course for Pre-service Teachers .Presented at the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Harkness, S. S., & Morrone, A., S. (2002. ) Motivating Experiences In a Mathematics Course for Preservice Teachers .Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Presession, Las Vegas, NV.

Mau, S., & Harkness, S. S. (2008. ) Videos, Voices, Vision: What Do Student Teachers Identify As Their Own Best Practice? .Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Tulsa, OK.

Harkness, S.S., & Dunk, D. (2006. ) The Environment: A “Nature” al Connection to Mathematics and Culture .National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, St. Louis, MO.

Houser, L., Harkness, S., & Thompson, B. (2002. ) Implications of the INTASC Portfolios Project for Teacher Educators and P-12 Teachers .American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New York, NY.

Houser, L., & Harkness, S. (2002. ) INTASC Portfolio Scorer Training: The Impact on Educators’ Thinking and Practices .Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Houser, L., Mau, S., & Harkness, S. (2001. ) Understanding Teachers’ Thinking and Practices .Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Harkness, S. S., & Foley, G. (2007. ) NCTM Alignment .Implementing Ohio’s Standards for Teachers and Administrators in Higher Education, Columbus, OH.

Harkness, S., Stinson, K., Meyer, H., & Stallworth, J. (2007. ) Mathematics and Science Content Standards Integration In the Middle Grades .A Symposium on Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning, Columbus, OH.

Pullin, C., & Harkness, S. S. (2007. ) “Biggest Loser,” “Deal or No Deal?”, “Survivor”: Developing reasoning and proof .Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Columbus, OH.

Grant, M., & Harkness, S. (2000. ) Ethnomathematics: A Worlf of Mathematics .Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, IN.

Grant, M., & Harkness, S. (1998. ) Inspirations from Spain: Mosaics of Granada to Escher’s geometry .Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, IN.

Grant, M., & Harkness, S. (1998. ) Symmetry, Tessellations, and the Art of M. C. Escher .Central Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, IN.

Harkness, S.S. (2008. ) A Personal Journey with Mathematics and Cultural Connections .Miami University Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Oxford, OH.

Harkness, S. S. (2007. ) What If “Believing” Rather Than “doubting” Was the “Bedhogger” In Our Mathematics Teaching Practice? .Visiting Scholar at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN.

Harkness, S. S. (2007. ) Launch, Explore, Summarize: Engage Students with Mathematics and “Stories” .Eileen Tway Children’s Literature Conference, Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Harkness, S. S. (2009. ) Geometry Describes the Beauty of Islamic Art .Evenings for Educators, Cincinnati Art Museum.

Jones, P., Zydney, J. M., Harkness, S. S., & Diehl, L. (2009. ) Designing and Assessing a Mlearning Environment Aimed at Allowing Students Greater Control and Flexibility .Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.

Harkness, S. S. (2009. ) Art Nouveau: Nature and Mathematics "Order from Chaos" in Fractal Designs .Evening for Educators, Cincinnati Art Museum.

Harkness, S. S., Lane, C., & Thomas, J. (2009. ) Condos and Contexts: Japanese Lesson Study .Stone Soup, Faculty Development Center, CECH, University of Cincinnati.

Lane, C., & Harkness, S. S. (2010. ) Mathematical Thinking: A Natural or Learned Behavior? .Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.

Harkness, S. S., Lane, C., & Thomas, J. (2010. ) Pictures and Portions: Leveraging Contexts and Representations to Buttress the Understanding of Fractions .Kentucky Center for Mathematics, Frankfort, KY.

Brass, A., & Harkness, S. S. (2012. ) Examining Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of the Magnitude of Large Numbers. .Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Fort Worth, TX.

Meyer, H., Maynard, K., & Harkness, S. S. (2010. ) Re-claiming the STEM Curriculum for Humanity .XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey.

Uzan, E., & Harkness, S. S. (2011. ) Teaching and Learning with Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives (GeoGebraTM) .School Science and Mathematics, Colorado Springs, CO.

Harkness, S. S. (2012. ) Chilkat Dance Blanket Mathematics .Evenings for Educators, Cincinnati Art Museum.

Harkness, S. S. (2011. ) Art Deco Jewelry Boxes .Evenings for Educators, Cincinnati Art Museum.

Kastberg, S., Harkness, S. S., Naresh, N., Cox, & D. C., Keiser, J. (01-2013. ) Development as a Mathematics Teacher Educator: Living Contradictions .Orlando, Florida. Level:National

Harkness, S. S., & Brass, A. (02-2015. ) Methods Textbooks: Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Struggles to Choose and Use .Irvine, California. Level:National

Watson, P., Johnson, H., & Harkness, S. S. (12-2013. ) What’s Wrong with the Core? Analyzing the Common Concerns around Disciplinary Literacy and the Us of Expository Texts . Level:National

Watson, P., Johnson, H., & Harkness, S. S. (12-2013. ) What’s Wrong with the Core? Analyzing the Common Concerns around Disciplinary Literacy and the Us of Expository Texts .Sanibel Island, Florida. Level:National

Paper Presentations

Harkness, S. S. (11-2008. ) Informing Mathematics and Science Integration Professional Development: Teachers’ Models, Definitions, and Constraints .North Carolina.

Harkness, S.S. (10-2011. ) Art Deco Jewelry Boxes.

Uzan, E., & Harkness, S.S. (11-2011. ) Teaching and Learning with Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives (GeoGebra). .Colorado Springs, Colorado..

Brass, A., & Harkness, S.S. (02-2012. ) Examining Preservice Teachers' Understanding of the Magnitude of Large Numbers .Fort Worth, TX..

Harkness, S.S. (02-2012. ) Chilkat Dance Blanket Mathematics. .

Harkness, S. S. (02-2013. ) Photography and Mathematics .Cincinnati Art Museum. Level:Local

Harkness, S. S. (04-2013. ) Filling and Designing Coffee Pots: Algebraic Functions. Cincinnati Art Museum. Level:Local

Harkness, S. S. (11-2013. ) Choreography: Transformations on a Coordinate Plane .Cincinnati Art Museum. Level:Local

Harkness, S. S. (01-2015. ) Perspective: Art and Geometry Converge .Cincinnati Art Museum. Level:Local

Harkness, S. S. (04-2015. ) Costuming and Design: Hat Math .Cincinnati Art Museum. Level:Local


mathematics educaton, "believing", listening, secondary education, social justice, critical theory

Professional Affiliation

2007 -2009: Co-PI for an Ohio Board of Regents Grant Currently supporting 44 high school students who are interested in careers teaching mathematics or science. The students lived on Miami’s campus for a week and on UC’s campus for a week during the summer and attended Precalculus class for 5 hours each day. They will participate in 10 follow-up sessions this academic year and earn 3 PreCalculus credits which will transfer to any Ohio higher education institution. Southwest Ohio Secondary Teaching Academy,

2006 -To Present: Facilitator for graduate-level online professional development courses Related to reform-based mathematics teaching and learning iDiscovery, Miami University

2006: Judge for the Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program One of 16 reviewers (from across the United States) for this prestigious award program. 120 teachers from a cadre of 773 applicants were chosen to receive an $8000 stipend for professional projects which would “provide creative ways to renew and revitalize” experienced teachers Lilly Foundation,

2005 -2006: PD3-PCMI and Districts Partner to Design Professional Development National Science Foundation grant, concentrating on working with five teachers from Aiken University High School and have IRB approval to collect data about their use of representation. Withrow University and Hughes Center High Schools’ teachers also participate in this project. University of Cincinnati,

2005 -2006: Professional Development Workshop Leader For three groups of teachers 5-6, 7-8, and 9-10 that focus on the big ideas of mathematics, helping teachers become reflective practitioners, and increasing content knowledge of mathematics Winton Woods School District, Cincinnati, Ohio

2005 -2006: Instructor, Reaching Academic Mathematics Proficiency 2 A series of sessions with teachers from Hamilton City Schools (grades K-8) both during the school years (Spring and Fall 2005, and Spring 2006) and the summer (a week-long workshop) Hamilton City Schools, Ohio

2005: Co-PI, MTH699.U: Increasing Proficiency in Mathematics Content: Part II This 4-week summer course was part of a grant, Encouraging Proficiency in Content: Mathematics for the Middle Grades, funded by the Ohio Department of Education to provide graduate credit in mathematics content for teachers (Summer 2005) Miami University and TCP World Academy, Ohio

03-2005: Workshop Leader One day professional development workshop for all teachers K-6. Focus: “Best Practices” for Teaching Mathematics Wilbur Wright Elementary School, New Castle, Indiana

2004 -2005: PI, Reaching Academic Mathematics Proficiency Improving Teacher Quality Grant. A series of sessions with teachers from Hamilton City Schools (grades K-8) both during the school years (Spring 2004-Fall 2004, and Spring 2005) and the summer (a week-long workshop). Focus: Algebraic Thinking; and, Number, Number Sense, and Operations Hamilton City Schools, Ohio

2003 -2005: Project Leader, Hands-On Geometry A collaborative effort of faculty/project staff from the College of Mount St. Joseph, University of Dayton, Miami University, and the Hamilton County Educational Services Center, working with teachers at Mount Healthy City Schools, Northwest Local School District, Three Rivers Local School District, and Winton Woods City School District. This year-long program was divided into three phases: Phase 1 – Three meetings during the Spring of 2003; Phase 2 – A week-long summer course; and Phase 3 – Follow-up visits by the project staff to participants’ classes and two group sessions, one in the Fall (2004) and one in the Spring (2005). Participants, middle school mathematics teachers, engaged in inquiry-based geometry lessons that align with the Ohio Academic Content Standards and developed lessons for inquiry-based geometry instruction in their classrooms Mount Healthy City Schools, Northwest Local School District, Three Rivers Local School District, and Winton Woods City School District, Ohio

1999 -2001: Graduate Assistant, Standards-based Professional Development for Secondary Math Teachers in Indiana A year-long professional development program based on the Indiana Professional Teaching Standards for Mathematics. During the second year of the program mentored 14 teachers in 12 different schools throughout Central Indiana. These teachers videotaped their teaching and created portfolios based on IPSB/INTASC Standards Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN

1999 -2002: Facilitator, Fostering Algebraic Thinking Workshop Series A series of six all-day workshops for IPS 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers. Facilitated extended mathematics activities that focused on problem solving, reasoning, communication, real number sense, estimation, geometry, and measurement. Helped teachers learn to assess open-ended problems and create rubrics for assessment. Used cases and videotapes of students to foster reflection about best practices in mathematics. (1999-2000: Grade 5. 2000-2001: Grade 6. 2001-2002: Grade 3.) Indianapolis Public Schools, Indianapolis, Indiana

2011: Co-Editor School Science and Mathematics.

Courses Taught

Advanced Methods Secondary: Mathematics Level:Undergraduate

Intermediate Methods Secondary: Mathematics Level:Undergraduate

Issues in Mathematics Education Level:Undergraduate

Doctoral Professional Seminar Level:Graduate

Integrating STEM into Practice Level:Undergraduate

Inquiry into Teaching and Learning Level:Undergraduate

Teaching Geometry in Schools Level:Undergraduate

Teaching Math in the Middle School Level:Undergraduate

Secondary Teaching Methods: Mathematics Level:Undergraduate

Applied Teaching Methods: Mathematics Level:Undergraduate

Middle Childhood Mathematics I. Miami University Level:Undergraduate

Adolescent Mathematics I. Miami University Level:Undergraduate

Mathematics Early Childhood. Miami University Level:Undergraduate

: Intermediate Algebra. Miami University Level:Undergraduate

Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. Miami University Level:Undergraduate

Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School. Northern Kentucky University Level:Undergraduate

Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers Via Problem Solving. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Level:Undergraduate

Advanced Methods of Teaching Mathematics at the Secondary/Middle and Elementary Levels. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Co-instructor with Dr. Beatriz D’Ambrosio Level:Undergraduate

Mathematics in the Elementary Schools/Field Experience. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Level:Undergraduate

Mathematics for Future Elementary Teachers. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Internship with Dr. Beatriz D’Ambrosio Level:Undergraduate

Mathematical Structures and Geometry. Butler University Level:Undergraduate