Eleni Hatzaki
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor
Blegen Library
A&S Classics - 0226
Professional Summary
Eleni Hatzaki is an Aegean Prehistorian working on Crete with research interests in the archaeology of Prehistoric Knossos, ceramic production and consumption, burial customs and society, site formation processes, and household archaeology. She came to the University of Cincinnati from the British School at Athens where she held the academic positions of Assistant Director (2003-07) and Knossos Curator (1999-2003). In Greece she has directed two excavation projects (Little Palace North Project and Villa Dionysos Viridarium Project) and recently is co-directed the Knossos Gyspades Geophysics Project, together with Prof. John Bennet (Sheffield) and Dr. Amy Bogaard (Oxford), at the Bronze Age site of Knossos, Crete. Her long-standing academic association with Knossos (urban development, labyrinthine stratigraphy, pottery, and architecture) started while a graduate student of Mervyn Popham who suggested the Little Palace (excavated in the 1900s by Arthur Evans) as a suitable Oxford D.Phil. thesis. Apart from Knossos she has participated in numerous fieldwork projects in Greece: Palaikastro, Myrtos Pyrgos, Malia on Crete, Lefkandi and Phylla on Euboea, Kythera and Dokos (islands off the Peloponnese). Publications include the Late Bronze Age (MM IIIB to LM IIIC) chapters of the Knossos Pottery Handbook (Hatzaki 2007 in Momigliano ed. 2007); Knossos: the Little Palace (Hatzaki 2005); Knossos: Palace, City, State (Cadogan, Hatzaki and Vasilakis eds 2004). Current projects include the Little Palace North Project (now at post-excavation study season phase); the publication of the Late Bronze Age ceramic assemblages from the ‘Minoan’ settlement and House Tomb of Myrtos Pyrgos (excavated in the 1970s by Gerald Cadogan); and the publication of the Temple Tomb at Knossos (excavated in the 1930s by Evans and John Pendlebury). A new fieldwork project is at planning stage in collaboration with Dr. A. Bogaard (Oxford) and Dr. G. Ayala (Sheffield).
D.Phil.: University of Oxford UK, 1994
Research and Practice Interests
Aegean prehistory; the archaeology of Prehistoric Knossos; ceramic production, distribution and consumption; burial customs and society; site formation processes; household archaeology
Positions and Work Experience
1999 -2003 Knossos Curator, British School at Athens, Greece
2003 -2007 Assistant Director, British School at Athens, Greece
2007 -2013 Assistant Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati,
2013 - Associate Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology , Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
1995 BSA Knossos Donated Fund Knossos Little Palace Project
1997 Institute for Aegean Prehistory Research Grant Knossos Temple Tomb Project
1997 -1999 The White-Levy Program for Archaeological Publications Knossos Temple Tomb Project
2001 -2003 BSA Fieldwork Grant Knossos Little Palace North Project
2001 -2007 Institute for Aegean Prehistory Research Grant Knossos Little Palace North Project
Investigators:with Nicoletta Momigliano (Bristol University), David Wilson (University of Western Ontario) 2002 Institute for Aegean Prehistory Research Grant Knossos N. Platon Pottery Boxes Project
Investigators:with John Bennet (University of Sheffield) and Amy Bogaard (University of Oxford) 2010 Institute for Aegean Prehistory Research Grant Knossos Gypsades Geophysics Project
2013 -2014 Loeb Classical Library Foundation Type:Fellowship
Investigators:with Gianna Ayala (University of Sheffield) and Amy Bogaard (University of Oxford) 2014 Institute for Aegean Prehistory Research Grant Unexplored Knossos: Gypsades Excavation Project
Grant: #NESTOR2016 Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 11-01-2015 -11-01-2016 Institute for Aegean Prehistory INSTAP - 2016 NESTOR Funding (with Hershenson) Role:PI $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2017 INSTAP Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 11-02-2016 -11-01-2017 Institute for Aegean Prehistory INSTAP - 2017 NESTOR Funding (with Hershenson) Role:PI $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2018 INSTAP Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 11-01-2018 -10-31-2019 Institute for Aegean Prehistory NESTOR, the Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory (2018-2020) Role:PI $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2019 NESTOR Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 01-01-2019 -12-31-2019 Institute for Aegean Prehistory NESTOR, the Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2020 NESTOR Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 01-01-2020 -12-31-2020 Institute for Aegean Prehistory NESTOR, the Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas Role:PI $3,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Abbreviated Publications
Hatzaki, E., 2007. 'Review of Knossos: South House by P.A. Mountjoy (London 2003)' American Journal of Archaeology 111.2.
Hatzaki, E., 2009. 'Review of Ακρωτήρι Θήρας Δυτική Οικία: Τράπεζες-Λίθινα-Μετάλλινα-Ποικίλα, edited by C.G. Doumas (Βιβλιοθήκη της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 246) American Journal of Archaeology (vol. 113, no. 4).
Hatzaki, E. M., 2005. Knossos: the Little Palace (British School at Athens Supplementary Volume Series no. 38). London.
Cadogan, G., E. Hatzaki and A. Vasilakis (eds), 2004. Knossos: Palace, City, State. Proceedings of the Conference in Herakleion organised by the British School at Athens and 23rd Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities fo Herakeion, in November 2000, for the Centenary of Sir Arthur Evans's Excavations at Knossos (British School at Athens Studies 12). London.
Book Chapter
Hatzaki, E., 2007. 'Neopalatial (MM III-B-LM IB): KS 178, Gypsades Well (Upper Deposit), and SEX North House Groups' in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook. Neolithic and Bronze Age (British School at Athens Studies volume 14) 151-196.
Hatzaki, E., 2007. 'Final Palatial (LM II-LM IIIA2) and Postpalatial (LM IIIB-LM IIIC Early): MUM South Sector, Long Corridor Cists, MUM Pits (8, 10-11), Makritikhos 'Kitchen', MUM North Platform Pits, and SEX Southern Half Groups' in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook. Neolithic and Bronze Age (British School at Athens Studies volume 14), 197-251.
Hatzaki, E., 2007. 'Well 576: the pottery deposits and ceramic sequence' in J.a. MacGillivray, L.H. Sackett and J.M. Driessen (eds), Palaikastro. Two Late Minoan Wells (British School at Athens Supplementary Volume no. 43), 15-94.
Hatzaki, E. 2005. 'Postpalatial Knossos: town and cemeteries from LM IIIA2 to LM IIIC' in A.-L. D'Agata and J. Moody (eds) Ariadne's Threads. Connections between Crete and the Greek Mainland in the Postpalatial Period (LM IIIA2 to SM) Italian School at Athens: 65-95.
Published Abstract
Hatzaki, E.M. 1995. 'The destruction date of the Little Palace at Knossos: LM IIIA or LM IIIB?' Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 40: 251-2.
Hatzaki, E. 2007. 'Spatial and temporal variability in identity and representation within the Final and Postpalatial (LM II-IIIB) cemeteries of Crete' AIA/APA 108th Annual Meeting, San Diego.
Hatzaki, E., 2008. 'The palatial past in a pst-palatial present. Strategies of re-occupation, abandonment, and new settlement in postpalatial Knossos' AIA/APA 109th Joint Annual Meeting, Chicago.
Hatzaki, E. 2009. 'Do decorative motifs have a meaning? ceramics, textiles, frescoes and social agendas in Late Bronze Age Crete' AIA/APA Joint Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
Invited Publication
Hatzaki, E.M., 1996. 'Was the Little Palace at Knossos the 'little palace of Knossos'?' in D. Evely, I.S. Lemos and S. Sherratt (eds) Minotaur and Centaur. Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham (BAR International Series 638): 34-45. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum.
Hatzaki, E., 2000. 'The Post-palatial period in Crete' in D. Huxley (ed.) Cretan Quests: British Explorers, Excavators and Historians: 151-61. London: British School at Athens.
Hatzaki, E., 2005. 'Crete' in J. Whitley, S. Germanidou, D. Urem-Kotsou, A. Dimoula, I. Nikolakopoulou, A. Karnava, and E. Hatzaki 2005. 'Archaeological Reports for 2004-2005' Archaeological Reports 51: 100-118.
Hatzaki, E., 2005. 'The BSA in the field - Crete' in J. Whitley and E. Calligas (eds) A History of the British School at Athens: 68-87. Athens: Motibo.
Hatzaki, E. 2006. 'Crete' in J. Whitley, S. Germanidou, D. Urem-Kotsou, A. Dimoula, I. Nikolakopoulou, A. Karnava, and E. Hatzaki 2006. 'Archaeological Reports for 2004-2005' Archaeological Reports 52: 102-111.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hatzaki, E., 1998. 'Test at Main Street' in L.H. Sackett, J.A. MacGillivray and J. Driessen 'Excavations at Palaikastro, 1994, 1996' Annual of the British School at Athens 93: 262-4.
Coldstream, N.J. and E. Hatzaki, 2003. 'Knossos 2000: Villa Dionysos Viridarium Test' Annual of the British School at Athens 98: 279-306.
Bunimovitz, S., Z. Lederman, and E. Hatzaki, 2013. ‘Knossian Gifts? Two Late Minoan IIIA1 Cups from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel’ Annual of the British School at Athens: 1-16.
Hatzaki, E., M. Prent, N. Coldstream, D. Evely, A. Livarda 2008. 'Knossos, the Little Palace North Project, Part 1: the Early Greek Periods' Annual of the British School at Athens: 235-289.
Hatzaki, E., 2009. 'Structured deposition as ritual action in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Palace at Knossos' in A.-L. D'Agata and A. Van de Moortel (eds) Archaeologies of Cult. Essays on Ritual, Cult and religion in Crete and the Aegean. Hesperia Supplement: 19-30. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies.
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Hatzaki, E. 2012.‘Mortuary Practices and Ideology in Bronze-Early Iron Age Crete and Cyprus: Comparative Perspectives’ [in collaboration with Dr. P. Keswani for the comparable discussion of Cyprus] in G. Cadogan, M. Iacovou, K. Kopaka and J. Whitley (eds) Parallel lives: ancient island societies in Crete and Cyprus. BSA Studies 20: 307-330. London.
Hatzaki, E. 2001. 'Construction, repairs and re-occupation in the Knossos town: the architectural history of the Little Palace' in Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Cretan Studies, Herakleion, 1: 556-62.
Hatzaki, E., 2013. ‘The end of an Intermezzo at Knossos: ceramic wares, deposits, and architecture in context’ in C. Macdonald and C. Knappett (eds), Intermezzo: Intermediacy and regeneration in Middle Minoan III Crete. BSA Studies 21: 37-45.
Hatzaki, E. 2011. 'From LM IB Marine Style to LM II marine motifs. Stratigraphy, chronology and the social context of a ceramic transformation: a response to MAria Andreadaki-Vlazaki' in T. Brogan and E. Hallager (eds.) LM IB pottery. Relative chronology and regional differences Actso of a workshop held at the Danish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007. Monographs of the Danish Institute in Athens, Volume 11.1.
Hatzaki, E., 2004. 'From Final Palatial to Postpalatial Knossos: a view from the Late Minoan II to Late Minoan IIIB town' in G. Cadogan, E. Hatzaki, A. Vasilakis (eds) Knossos: Palace, City, State. Proceedings of the Conference in Herakleion organized by the British School at Athens and the 23rd Ephoreia of Prehistorical and Classical Antiquities of Herakleion, in November 2000, for the Centenary of Sir Arthur Evans's Excavations at Knossos (British School at Athens Studies 12): 121-6.
Hatzaki, E., 2007. 'Pottery groups of the early Neopalatial period at Knossos in the context of Crete and the South Aegean' in F. Felten, W. Gauss and R. Smetana (eds) Middle Helladic Pottery and Syncronisms. Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 - Aegina conference, Salzburg October 2004. Wien: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: 273-294.
Hatzaki, E. 2009. 'Prospects and limitations in the study of Late Bronze Age ceramics from Crete. The case of Knossos' in K. Kopaka (ed.) Aegean Prehistory at the Start of the 21st Century. Proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Rethymnon Crete November 2003: 155-170. University of Crete Press.
Hatzaki, E., 2011. 'Defining domestic architecture and household assemblages at Late Bronze Age Knossos' in K. Glowacki and N. Vogeikoff-Brogan (eds) The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete. Hesperia Supplement, American School of Classical Studies.
Hatzaki, E. 2011. 'Under the floor: structured deposits from cists and pits at the Bronze Age palace at Knossos' Proceedings of the 10th Cretological Congress, Round Table: Feasting and Ritual Depositions in Prehistoric and Geometric Crete. Khania October 2006, 241-253.
In Press
Hatzaki, E. (in press). ‘Visible and Invisible Death. Shifting Patterns in the Burial Customs of Bronze Age Crete’ in Y. Papadatos and M. Relaki (eds.) From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Society. A Sheffield Aegean Round Table in Honour of Professor Keith Branigan, Sheffield, January 2010.
Hatzaki, E. (in press). ‘Ceramic production and consumption at the Neopalatial settlement of Myrtos-Pyrgos: the case of ‘in-and-out’ bowls’ in C. F. Macdonald, S. Andreou, and E. Hatzaki (eds.) Festschrift for Gerald Cadogan. Athens: Kapon editions.
Hatzaki, E., (in press ).‘Pots, Frescoes, Textiles and People. The Social Life of Decorated Pottery at Late Bronze Age Knossos, Crete’ in J. Bennet and M. Peters (ed.) Technologies of Representation. Sheffield Round Table 2008.
Under Review
Hatzaki, E., (submitted) ‘Spatial and temporal variability in identity and representation within the Bronze Age cemeteries of Knossos, Crete’ in M. Mina, S. Triantaphyllou, Y. Papadatos (eds.) Embodied Identities in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence of theory and practice. Proceedings of the University of Cyprus, University of Thessaloniki, University of Athens workshop, Nikosia April 10-12 2012. Oxbow.
Invited Presentations
(2000. ) Postpalatial Knossos: town and cemeteries from LM IIIA2 to LM IIIC .Knossos: Palace, City, State Conference, Herakleion, Crete.
(2003. ) Postpalatial Knossos: town and cemeteries from LM IIIA2 to LM IIIC .Italian Archaeological School in Athens, Conference. "Ariadne's Threads. Connections between Crete and the Greek Mainland in the Postpalatial Period (LM IIIA2 to SM), Athens, Greece.
(2003. ) Past, current and future directions in the study of Late Bronze Age ceramics from Knossos and Crete .BSA Upper House Seminar, Athens, Greece.
(2003. ) Prospects and limitations in the study of Late Bronze Age ceramics from Crete. The case of Knossos .University of Rethymnon, Crete Workshop "Aegean Prehistory at the start of the 21st century", University of Rethymnon.
(2004. ) Pottery groups of the early Neopalatial period at Knossos in the context of Crete and the South Aegean .University of Salzburg, SCIEM 2004-Aegina Conference, University of Salzburg, Austria.
(2005. ) Defining domestic architecture and household assemblages at Late Bronze Age Knossos .Conference "STEGA. The archaeology of houses and household in Ancient Crete", Ierapetra, Crete.
(2005. ) Celebrations of death at 'Minoan' and 'Mycenaean' Knossos .Friends of the BSA, Athens, Greece.
(2006. ) Fragmentation, feasting and structured deposition at the Late Bronze Age Palce at Knossos .BSA Upper House Seminar, Athens, Greece.
(2006. ) The Temple Tomb within the context of Palatial and Postpalatial Knossos and Crete .INSTAPEC - Summer Lecture Series, INSTAPEC, Pachia Ammos, Crete.
(2006. ) Ceramic production and consumption at the Neopalatial settlement of Myrtos Pyrgos .10th Cretological Congress, Khania, Crete.
(2006. ) Under the floor: structured deposits from cists and pits at the Bronze Age Palace at Knossos .10th Cretological Congress. Round table: "Feasting and Ritual Depositions in Prehistoric and Geometric Crete", Khania, Crete.
with P. Keswani (2006. ) Mortuary practices and ideology in Bronze-Early Iron Age Crete and Cyprus .University of Cyprus, University of Crete, BSA Conference: "Parallel lives: ancient island societies in Crete and Cyprus", Nicosia, Cyprus.
(2007. ) Spatial and temporal variability and representation within Final and Postpalatial (LM II-LM IIIB) cemeteries of Crete .Graduate Seminar, Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
(2007. ) Ritual action at the edge of town. The Temple Tomb within the context of Late Bronze Age Knossos and Crete .BSA - the Annual Meeting of Subscribers, London, UK.
(2007. ) Ceramic production and consumption. Ancient practice and modern typologies .Danish Institute Athens, Workshop on LM IB pottery, Athens, Greece.
(2008. ) Pots, frescoes, textiles and people. The social life of decorated pottery at Late Bronze Age Knossos .Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology Round Table: "Technologies of Representation", Sheffield, UK.
(2008. ) Mortuary ritual and society in Late Bronze Age Crete: the Temple Tomb at Knossos in context .Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium, Institute of Fine Arts, New York.
(2008. ) The end of an Intermezzo at Knossos: ceramic wares, deposits, and architecture in context .BSA/23rd EPCA Workshop: "Intermezzo. Intermediacy and regeneration in Middle Minoan III Crete", Knossos, Crete.
(2008. ) Mortuary ritual and society in Late Bronze Age Crete: the Temple Tomb at Knossos in context .University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia.
(2009. ) Pretties with a twist: the social meaning of decorated pottery and the case of Late Bronze Age Crete .University of Thessaloniki Workshop: "Recent approaches in the study of pottery from Aegean sites", Thessaloniki, Greece.
(2010. ) Visible and invisible death. Shifting patterns in the burial customs of Bronze Age Crete .Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology Round Table in honor of Professor Keith Braningan, Sheffield, UK.
(2011. ) Knossos and the Making of 'Minoan' Archaeology Research Agendas and Results, Past, Present, Future .Minoan Archaeology. Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st Century. International Conference. University of Heidelberg, Germany.
(2011. ) Knossos and Making of Minoan Civilization: a Century of Bronze Age Archaeology .Humanities West, Herbst Theatre, San Francisco.
(2011. ) Urban transformations: the Little Palace North Project and the Urban Landscapes of Late Bronze Age Knossos .11th Cretological Congress, Rethymnon, Crete.
with Bennet, J. A. Bogaard (2011. ) First view: the Cityscape of Bronze Age Knossos at Lower Gypsades .11th Cretological Congress, Rethymnon, Crete.
(2012. ) Spatial and Temporal Variability in Identity and Representation within the Bronze Age Cemeteries of Knossos Crete .University of Cyprus, University of Crete, BSA Conference: "Parallel lives: ancient island societies in Crete and Cyprus", Nikosia, Cyprus.
(2013. ) Knossos Little Palace North Project: the LM III stratigraphical and ceramic sequence in context .International Workshop «How long is a century? Late Minoan IIIB pottery. Relative chronology and regional differences » at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, October 2013,
(2014. ) Thinking Vertically: the Role of Archaeological Sections in Pre- and Historic Period Site Publications from the Aegean .AIA Gold Medal Colloquium in honor of Hugh Sackett Annual AIA/APA Meeting in Chicago, January 2014,
(02-2011. ) Twin palaces? Sir Arthur Evans, Carl Blegen and the archaeology of Knossos and Pylos, Greece .UC.
(04-2011. ) A clash of disciplines in Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology .Ohio University.
(04-2011. ) Knossos, Arthur Evans and the making of Minoan Archaeology .Shouvlin Center, Wittenberg Campus.
(04-2011. ) Knossos and the making of Minoan civilization: a century of Bronze Age archaeology .Herbst Theatre, San Fransisco.
Paper Presentations
(2012. ) Urban transformations: the Little Palace North Project and the Urban Landscapes of Late Bronze Age Knossos .Philadephia.
(2007. ) Spatial and Temporal Variability in Identity and Representation within the Final and Postpalatial (LM II-LM IIIB) Cemeteries of Crete .
(2008. ) The Palatial Past in a Post-palatial Present. Strategies of Re-occupation, Abandonment, and New Settlement in Post-palatial Knossos .
(2009. ) Do Decorative Motifs Have a Meaning? Ceramics, Textiles, Frescoes and Social Agendas in Late Bronze Age Crete .
(11-15-2000. ) "Knossos: Palace, City, State". Conference co-organized with G. Cadogan (BSA) and Dr. A. Vasilakis (23rd EPCA) for the Centenary of Sir Arthur Evans's excavations at Knossos .Herakleion, Crete. Level:International
(12-11-2009. ) "Recent Approaches in the Study of Pottery from Aegean Sites" Workshop co-organized with Prof. K. Kotsakis (U of Thessaloniki), Dr. D. Urem-Kotsou (U of Xanthi), Dr. E. Kyriatzi (Fitch Laboratory BSA) .University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Level:International
Event Organized
Evans Centenary EventsEvans Centenary Events 03-2000 11-2000 Knossos and Herakleion, Crete Level:Regional
Arthur Evans – Minos Kalokairinos ExhibitionArthur Evans – Minos Kalokairinos Exhibition 03-2000 11-2000 Herakleion Museum, Crete Level:Regional
Frescoes: a passport into the past. Minoan Crete through the eyes of Mark CameronFrescoes: a passport into the past. Minoan Crete through the eyes of Mark Cameron 10-2000 11-2000 Herakleion, Crete Level:Regional
John Pendlebury Exhibition for the British School at AthensJohn Pendlebury Exhibition for the British School at Athens 05-2001 07-2001 Knossos and Herakleion, Crete Level:Regional
Honors and Awards
1992 Oxford University Hardship Fund
1992 -1994 T.W. Greene Scholarship, University of Oxford
1994 Michael Ventris Memorial Award. Supplementary Award
1995 The Hellenic Foundation 10th Annual Award for the best doctoral thesis in the UK (Ancient/Classical Period, Archaeology and History category
1997 Dr. M. Aylwin Cotton Fellowship Award
Courses Taught
Aegean Bronze Age Iconography in Context Level:Graduate
Ceramic Analysis (Pots & Potters) Level:Graduate
The Aegean: the Archaeology of Prehistoric Knossos Level:Graduate
Greek Archaeology: Early Iron Age to Archaic Greece Level:Graduate
Greek Archaeology: Hellenistic Art and Archaeology Level:Graduate
Greek Archaeology: Early Iron Age to Archaic Greece Level:Undergraduate
Greek Archaeology: Hellenistic Art and Archaeology Level:Undergraduate
Palaces and palatial societies of the Bronze Age Aegean Level:Undergraduate
The Art and Archaeology of the Ancient World: Ancient Greece Level:Undergraduate
Classical Civilization: Early Greece Level:Undergraduate
Classical Civilization: Early Greece Level:Undergraduate
Archaeological Theory Level:Graduate
Aegean Prehistory Level:Undergraduate
Aegean Prehistory Level:Graduate
Burial Archaeology Level:Graduate
Feasting (in the Prehistoric Aegean) Level:Graduate
Minoans I Level:Graduate
Minoans II Level:Graduate
Prehistory 1 Level:Graduate
Other Information
Excavations, directed
Knossos Little Palace North Project (fieldwork 2001, 2002; study seasons 2003-2013)
Knossos Villa Dionysos Viridarium Project (fieldwork 2000; study season 2001)
Excavations, trench supervisor
Knossos (1992, 1997); Palaikastro (1990, 1991, 1996); Phylla Euboea (1996)
Study Seasons
Knossos various projects (1989-1999); Palaikastro (1992, 1996-7); Malia (1991); Kythera (2002); Lefkandi (1989, 1995)
Geophysical Survey, co-directed
Knossos Gypsades Geophysics Project with Prof. J. Bennet (Sheffield) and Dr. A. Bogaard (Oxford) (2010, 2011)
Survey and architectural recording
Phylla Euboea (1992); Dokos (1992)
Site conservation
Knossos, Little Palace and Unexplored Mansion (1995),