Renee O. Hawkins , Ph.D.
Professor And Director, School of Human Services
Teachers College
CECH Human Services - 0068
Professional Summary
Renee O. Hawkins is Director of the School of Human Services and Professor in the Ed.S. and Ph.D. School Psychology Programs at the University of Cincinnati. She is a Licensed Psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Hawkins’ research focuses on identifying effective school-based interventions to promote positive academic and social emotional outcomes for children, including children with disabilities. She graduated from the APA-accredited School Psychology Program at the University of Tennessee, following completion of her pre-doctoral internship at Boys and Girls Town in Boys Town, Nebraska. In addition, Dr. Hawkins serves on the editorial review boards of several journals in school psychology and education and as Associate Editor for the Journal of School Psychology.
Research Support
Grant: #H325T070001 Investigators:Barnett, David; Bauer, Anne; Hawkins, Renee; Kroeger, Stephen; Musti, Shobana; Troup, Karen 08-01-2007 -07-31-2013 Department of Education Capturing the Future: Cincinnati Model for HQT and Evidence-Based Intervention Services Preparation Role:Collaborator $470,005.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Early Career Research Award (ECRA) Investigators:Hawkins, Renee 07-01-2009 -06-30-2010 Society for Study of School Psychology Replications of Low Intensity Interventions with Highly Challenging Students Role:PI $15,739.50 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #CSP905514 Investigators:Collins, Tai; Hawkins, Renee; Morrison, Julie 12-18-2013 -10-31-2015 Ohio Department of Education Dyslexia Pilot Project Evaluation Role:Collaborator $125,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #Dohn Community High School Mental Health Grant Investigators:Collins, Tai; Hawkins, Renee; Manchak, Sarah 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 Foundation Problem Analysis and Implementation Planning for Expanding the Circle of Care Role:Collaborator $77,250.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Stremel J.M.; Hawkins R.O.; Collins T.A.; Nabors L. (03-01-2022. ) Positive behavior change: Effects of an intervention package for disruptive behavior in a specialize.Psychology in the Schools, , 59 (3 ) ,607-627 More Information
Fite N.M.; Morrison J.Q.; Hawkins R.O.; Newman C.; Rojas-Guyler L. (06-01-2021. ) Increasing content accessibility to promote reading comprehension among English learners.Psychology in the Schools, , 58 (6 ) ,1096-1113 More Information
Hawkins R.O.; Collins T.A.; Haas Ramirez L.; Murphy J.M.; Ritter C. (08-01-2020. ) Examining the Generalization of a Combined Independent and Interdependent Group Contingency for Stud.Behavioral Disorders, , 45 (4 ) ,238-251 More Information
Morrison J.Q.; Hawkins R.O.; Collins T.A. (04-01-2020. ) Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the Dyslexia Pilot Project: A multitiered system of supports fo.Psychology in the Schools, , 57 (4 ) ,522-539 More Information
Haydon T.;Alter P.;Hawkins R.;Kendall Theado C. (04-01-2019. ) “Check Yourself”: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teachers of Students With Challenging Behav.Beyond Behavior, , 28 (1 ) ,55-60 More Information
Ramirez L.;Hawkins R.;Collins T.;Ritter C.;Haydon T. (01-01-2019. ) Generalizing the effects of group contingencies across instructional settings for students with emot.School Psychology Review, , 48 (1 ) ,98-112 More Information
Schmitt, Ara J; McCallum, Elizabeth; Hawkins, Renee O; Stephenson, Emily; Vicencio, Kenneth (2019. ) The effects of two assistive technologies on reading comprehension accuracy and rate.Assistive technology : the official journal of RESNA, , 31 (4 ) ,220-230 More Information
Hawkins R.;Luevano C. (01-01-2018. ) The good behavior game: Developing positive classroom behavior .Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children through Games and Play: Making Social Emotional Learning Fun, , 1-27
Hawkins R.;Nabors L. (01-01-2018. ) Promoting prosocial behaviors in children through games and play: Making social emotional learning f .Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children through Games and Play: Making Social Emotional Learning Fun, , 1-254
Hawkins R.;Nabors L. (01-01-2018. ) Preface .Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children through Games and Play: Making Social Emotional Learning Fun, , vii-viii
Collins T.;Hawkins R.;Flowers E.;Kalra H.;Richard J.;Haas L. (01-01-2018. ) Behavior Bingo: The effects of a culturally relevant group contingency intervention for students wit.Psychology in the Schools, , 55 (1 ) ,63-75 More Information
Nabors L.; Hawkins R.; Yockey A.R.; Booker S.; Tipkemper A. (03-01-2017. ) Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Friendships and Social Interactions.Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, , 1 (1 ) ,14-20 More Information
Hawkins, Renee O; Haydon, Todd; McCoy, Dacia; Howard, Andrea (2017. ) Effects of an interdependent group contingency on the transition behavior of middle school students with emotional and behavioral disorders.School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association, , 32 (2 ) ,282-289 More Information
Hawkins R.;Collins T.;Hernan C.;Flowers E. (01-01-2016. ) Using Computer-Assisted Instruction to Build Math Fact Fluency: An Implementation Guide.Intervention in School and Clinic, , 52 (3 ) ,141-147 More Information
Haydon T.;Musti-Rao S.;McCune A.;Clouse D.;McCoy D.;Kalra H.;Hawkins R. (01-01-2016. ) Using Video Modeling and Mobile Technology to Teach Social Skills.Intervention in School and Clinic, , 52 (3 ) ,154-162 More Information
Larkin, Wallace; Hawkins, Renee O; Collins, Tai (2016. ) Using trial-based functional analysis to design effective interventions for students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association, , 31 (4 ) ,534-547 More Information
Collins, Tai A; Hawkins, Renee O; Nabors, Laura A (2016. ) Introduction to the Special Issue: Interventions to Improve Children's Social and Emotional Functioning at School.Behavior modification, , 40 (4 ) ,487-92 More Information
Wahl, Elaine; Hawkins, Renee O; Haydon, Todd; Marsicano, Richard; Morrison, Julie Q (2016. ) Comparing Versions of the Good Behavior Game: Can a Positive Spin Enhance Effectiveness?.Behavior modification, , 40 (4 ) ,493-517 More Information
Hawkins R.;Haydon T.;Denune H.;Larkin W.;Fite N. (06-01-2015. ) Improving the transition behavior of high school students with emotional behavioral disorders using .School Psychology Review, , 44 (2 ) ,208-223 More Information
Hawkins R.;Marsicano R.;Schmitt A.;McCallum E.;Musti-Rao S. (01-01-2015. ) Comparing the efficiency of repeated reading and listening-while-reading to improve fluency and comp.Education and Treatment of Children, , 38 (1 ) ,49-70 More Information
Denune H.;Hawkins R.;Donovan L.;Mccoy D.;Hall L.;Moeder A. (01-01-2015. ) Combining self-monitoring and an interdependent group contingency to improve the behavior of sixth g.Psychology in the Schools, , 52 (6 ) ,562-577 More Information
Barnett D.;Hawkins R.;McCoy D.;Wahl E.;Shier A.;Denune H.;Kimener L. (03-01-2014. ) Methods Used to Document Procedural Fidelity in School-Based Intervention Research.Journal of Behavioral Education, , 23 (1 ) ,89-107 More Information
Haydon T.;Macsuga-Gage A.S.;Simonsen B.;Hawkins R. (12-01-2012. ) Opportunities to Respond: A Key Component of Effective Instruction.Beyond Behavior, , 22 (1 ) ,23-31 More Information
Schmitt A.;McCallum E.;Hennessey J.;Lovelace T.;Hawkins R. (12-01-2012. ) Use of reading pen assistive technology to accommodate post-secondary students with reading disabili.Assistive Technology, , 24 (4 ) ,229-239 More Information
Barnett D.;Hawkins R.;Lentz F. (07-01-2011. ) Intervention adherence for research and practice: Necessity or triage outcome?.Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, , 21 (3 ) ,175-190 More Information
Ling S.;Hawkins R.;Weber D. (06-01-2011. ) Effects of a Classwide Interdependent Group Contingency Designed to Improve the Behavior of an At-Ri.Journal of Behavioral Education, , 20 (2 ) ,103-116 More Information
Hawkins R.;Hale A.;Sheeley W.;Ling S. (01-01-2011. ) Repeated reading and vocabulary-previewing interventions to improve fluency and comprehension for st.Psychology in the Schools, , 48 (1 ) ,59-77 More Information
Hale A.D.;Henning J.B.;Hawkins R.O.;Sheeley W.;Shoemaker L.;Reynolds J.R.;Moch C. (01-01-2011. ) Reading assessment methods for middle-school students: An investigation of reading comprehension rat.Psychology in the Schools, , 48 (1 ) ,28-36 More Information
Hale A.;Hawkins R.;Sheeley W.;Reynolds J.;Jenkins S.;Schmitt A.;Martin D. (01-01-2011. ) An investigation of silent versus aloud reading comprehension of elementary students using Maze asse.Psychology in the Schools, , 48 (1 ) ,4-13 More Information
Barnett, D.W., Hawkins, R.O., & Lentz, F.E. (2011. ) Intervention adherence for research and practice: Necessity or Triage Outcome? .Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, , 21 ,175-190
Hawkins, R.O., McCallum, E., McGuire,S., Barkley, E., Berry, L., & Hailley, J. (2011. ) Adding listening previewing to decrease reading errors during peer tutoring and increase reading fluency and comprehension. .Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, , 12 ,151-178
Ling, S., Hawkins, R.O., & Weber, D. (2011. ) Effects of a classwide interdependent group contingency designed to improve the behaviour of an at-risk student. .Journal of Behavioral Education, , 20 ,103-116
Musti-Rao, S., Hawkins, R.O., & Tan, C. (2011. ) A practitioner's guide to consultation and problem-solving in inclusive settings. .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 44 ,18-26
Schmitt, A.J., McCallum, E., Rubinic, D., & Hawkins, R.O. (2011. ) Reading pen decoding and vocabulary accommodations: Impact on student comprehension accuracy and rate. .Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, , 12 ,223-241.
Hawkins R. (11-01-2010. ) Introduction to the special issue: Identifying effective classwide interventions to promote positive.Psychology in the Schools, , 47 (9 ) ,869-870 More Information
McKissick C.;Hawkins R.;Lentz F.;Hailley J.;McGuire S. (11-01-2010. ) Randomizing multiple contingency components to decrease disruptive behaviors and increase student en.Psychology in the Schools, , 47 (9 ) ,944-959 More Information
Hawkins R.;Musti-Rao S.;Hale A.;McGuire S.;Hailley J. (11-01-2010. ) Examining listening previewing as a classwide strategy to promote reading comprehension and vocabula.Psychology in the Schools, , 47 (9 ) ,903-916 More Information
Oddo M.;Barnett D.;Hawkins R.;Musti-Rao S. (09-01-2010. ) Reciprocal peer tutoring and repeated reading: Increasing practicality using student groups.Psychology in the Schools, , 47 (8 ) ,842-858 More Information
Oddo, M.; Barnett, D.; Hawkins, R. O.; Musti-Rao, S. (2010. ) Reciprocal peer tutoring and repeated reading: Increasing practicality using student groups .Psychology in the Schools, ,
Skinner C.H.;Williams J.L.;Morrow J.A.;Hale A.D.;Neddenriep C.E.;Hawkins R.O. (12-01-2009. ) The validity of reading comprehension rate: Reading speed, comprehension, and comprehension rates.Psychology in the Schools, , 46 (10 ) ,1036-1047 More Information
Hawkins R.;Musti-Rao S.;Hughes C.;Berry L.;McGuire S. (09-25-2009. ) Applying a randomized interdependent group contingency component to classwide peer tutoring for mult.Journal of Behavioral Education, , 18 (4 ) ,300-318 More Information
Hale, A. D., & Hawkins, R. O. (2009. ) Assessment and evaluation of counseling outcomes .Journal of Psychological Practice, , 15 ,1 -23
Musti-Rao, S., Hawkins, R. O., Barkley, L. (2009. ) Effects of repeated reading on oral reading fluency of urban fourth graders: Implications for practice .Preventing School Failure, , 54 ,12 -23
Hawkins, R. O.; Musti-Rao, S.; Hughes, C.; Berry, L.; McGuire, S. (2009. ) Applying a randomized interdependent group contingency component to classwide peer tutoring for multiplication fact fluency .Journal of Behavioral Education, , 18 ,300 -318
Skinner, C. H.; Williams, J. L.; Morrow, J. A.; Hale, A. D.; Neddenriep, C. E.; Hawkins, R. O. (2009. ) The validity of reading comprehension rate: Reading speed, comprehension, and comprehension rates .Psychology in the Schools, , 46 ,1036 -1047
Hawkins R.;Kroeger S.;Musti-Rao S.;Barnett D.;Ward J. (09-01-2008. ) Preservice training in response to intervention: Learning by doing an interdisciplinary field experi.Psychology in the Schools, , 45 (8 ) ,745-762 More Information
Hawkins, R.O. & Axelrod, M.I. (2008. ) Increasing the on-task homework behavior of youth with behavior disorders using functional behavioral assessment .Behavior Modification, ,
Hawkins, R.O.; Morrison, J.Q.; Musti-Rao, S. & Hawkins, J. (2008. ) Treatment integrity for academic interventions in real world settings .School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, , (3 ) ,1 -15
Hawkins, Renee O; Axelrod, Michael I (2008. ) Increasing the on-task homework behavior of youth with behavior disorders using functional behavioral assessment.Behavior modification, , 32 (6 ) ,840-59 More Information
Neddenriep C.E.;Hale A.D.;Skinner C.H.;Hawkins R.O.;Winn B.D. (04-01-2007. ) A preliminary investigation of the concurrent validity of reading comprehension rate: A direct, dyna.Psychology in the Schools, , 44 (4 ) ,373-388 More Information
Neddenriep,C.; Hale,A.; Skinner,C.H.; Hawkins,R.O.; Winn,B.D. (2007. ) A preliminary investigation of the concurrent validity of reading comprehension rate: a direct dynamic measure of reading comprehension .Psychology in the Schools, , 44(4) ,373 -388
Hale, A.D.; Skinner, C.H.; Williams, J.; Hawkins, R.O.; Neddenriep, C.E. & Dizer, J. (2007. ) Comparing comprehension following silent and aloud reading across elementary and secondary students: Implications for curriculum-based measurement .The Behavior Analyst Today, , 8 ,9-23
Oliver,R.; Williams,R.L. (2006. ) Performance patterns of high, medium, and low performers during and following a reward versus non-reward contingency phase .School Psychology Quarterly, , 21 ,119 -147
Winn,B.D.; Skinner,C.H.; Oliver,R.; Hale,A.; Ziegler,M.F. (2006. ) The effects of listening-while-reading and repeated reading on the reading fluency of adult learners .Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, , 50 ,196 -205
Hawkins,R.O. (2005. ) The effects of task demands and additive interspersal ratios on fifth-grade students' mathematics accuracy .School Psychology Review, , 34(4) ,543 -545
Published Books
Axelrod, M. I., Collong-Chaffin, M. & Hawkins, R. O. (Eds) (2021. ) School-based behavioral intervention case studies: Effective problem solving for school psychologists .New York , Routledge
Collins, T. A., & Hawkins, R. O. (Eds.) (2021. ) Peers as change agents: A guide to implementing peer-mediated interventions in schools .New York , Oxford University Press
Hawkins, R. O. & Nabors, L. (Eds.) (2018. ) Promoting prosocial behaviors in children through games and play: Making social emotional learning fun .New York , Nova
Book Chapter
Axelrod, M. I., Coolong-Chaffin, M., & Hawkins, R. O. (2021 ) Behavioral momentum School-based behavioral intervention case studies: Effective problem solving for school psychologists .New York, Routledge
Collins, T. A., & Hawkins, R. O. (2021 ) A new conceptualization of peer-mediated interventions Peers as change agents: A guide to implementing peer-mediated interventions in schools .New York, Oxford University Press
Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T. A., Heidelburg, K., & Hawkins, J. A. (2021 ) Ethical issues in functional assessment Functional assessment for challenging behaviors and mental health disorders (2nd ed.) .New York, Springer
Hawkins, R. O., Newman, C., Gerrard, M. K., & McIntire, H. (2021 ) Peers as change agents Peers as change agents: A guide to implementing peer-mediated interventions in schools .New York, Oxford University Press
Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T. A., & Dillon, C. (2020 ) Functional Assessment Handbook of dual diagnosis: Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment in persons with intellectual disabilities .New York, Springer
Collins, T. A., Hawkins, R. O., Heidelburg, K., & Hill, K. (2019 ) Group contingencies Handbook of behavioral interventions in schools: Multi-tiered system of supports .Cary, NC, Oxford University Press
Hawkins, R. O.; Hale, A. D. (2010 ) Assessment of social skills Social skills instruction: A handbook for teachers .Singapore, Cobee Publishing House
Hawkins, R. O., Barnett, D. W., Morrison, J. Q., & Musti-Rao, S. (2009 ) Choosing targets for assessment and intervention: Improving important student outcomes. In R. Ervin, G. G.Peacock, E. J. Daly, & K Merrell (Eds.), The practical handbook of school psychology: Effective practices for the 21st century New York, Guilford
Musti-Rao, S.; Hawkins, R.O.,; Cartledge, G. & Utley, C. (2008 ) Culturally responsive literacy instruction Improving vocabulary .Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin
Barnett,D.W.; Hawkins,R.O.; Prasse,D.; Macmann,G.; Graden,J.L.; Nantais,M.; Pan,W. (2007 ) The handbook of response to intervention: the science and practice of assessment and intervention Decision making validity in response to intervention .New York, NY, Springer Science Inc
Friman,P.C.; Hawkins,R.O. (2006 ) Antecedent intervention: recent developments in community based behavior support (2nd ed.) Clinical implications of motivating events with special emphasis on establishing operations .(pp. 31 -52).Baltimore, MD, Paul Brookes
Barnett, D.W. & Hawkins, R.O. Handbook of behavioral interventions in schools Behavioral interventions for preschools .Washington, D.C., APA
Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T. A., Luevano, C., & Faler, A. (2019 ) Tier three basics Handbook of behavioral interventions in schools: Multi-tiered system of supports .Cary, NC, Oxford University Press
Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T. A., & Murphy, J. M. (2019 ) Assessing challenging behaviors Handbook of intellectual disabilities: Integrating theory, research and practice .New York, Springer
Newman, D., Hawkins, R. O., & Justice, N. (2019 ) The intersection of technology, ethics, and the law in school psychology training and practice Technology applications in school consultation, supervision, and school psychology training .New York, Routledge
Hawkins, R. O., & Luevano, C. (2018 ) Creating a positive classroom environment using the Good Behavior Game .), Promoting prosocial behaviors in children through games and play: Making social emotional learning fun .New York, Nova
Invited Presentations
Carnahan, C. R., Schumaker-Dyke, K., Musti-Rao, S., & Hawkins, R. O. (05-2007. ) Teaching students with Autism to follow directions in small group settings. Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Hale, A. D., Sheeley, W., Hawkins, R. O., Martin, D. A., & Jenkins, S. (05-2007. ) An investigation of silent versus aloud reading comprehension with elementary students using maze assessment procedures. Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Hawkins, R. O., Musti-Rao, S., & Hughes, C. (05-2007. ) Improving student outcomes using an interdisciplinary, collaborative problem solving approach .Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Hawkins, R. O., Haski, H., McKissick, C., & Bunger, C. (03-2007. ) Preservice training in response to intervention: Structuring applied learning experiences .National Association of School Psychologists, New York, NY.
Hawkins, R. O., Hale, A. D., Sheeley, W., & Gable, A. M. (03-2007. ) Reading comprehension assessment and intervention: Identifying and helping struggling students .National Association of School Psychologists, New York, NY.
Hawkins, R. O. (05-2006. ) The effects of task demands and additive interspersal ratios on 5th grade student mathematics accuracy .Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.
Hawkins, R. O. (05-2006. ) The effects of task demands and additive interspersal ratios on 5th grade student mathematics accuracy .Annual Convention of Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.
Hale, A.D.; Hawkins, R.O.; Shoemaker, L.; Taylor, M.; Moore, L. & Shouse, M. (2008. ) An investigation of aloud reading comprehension rate .Association for behavior analysis, Chicago, IL.
Hawkins, R.O.; Musti-Rao, S.; Berkley, E.; Berry, L.; Hailley, J.; Hughes, C. & McGuire, S. (2008. ) Improving academic outcomes for at-risk urban learners .National Association of school psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
Hawkins, R.O.; Sheeley, W. & Hale A.D. (2008. ) Improving reading fluency and comprehension for struggling hign school students .Association for behavior analysis, Chicago, IL.
Johnson, T.; Hawkins, R.O. & Hughes, C. (2008. ) Training school psycologists for practice in response to intervention .Association for behavior analysis, Chicago, IL.
Johnson, T.; Hawkins, R.O. & Urshel, C. (2008. ) Creating continuity across classrooms for secondary students exhibiting disruptive behaviors .National association of school psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
Poster Presentations
Hale, A. D.; Hawkins, R. O. (2010. ) Reading curriculum-based measures for elementary and middle school students .Annual Conference of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL. .
Schmitt, A. J.; McCallum, E.; Rubinic, D.; Hawkins, R. O. (2010. ) Reading pen assistive technology: Effects on comprehension accuracy and rate .Annual Conference of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL. .
Purple, M., Hawkins, R.O., & Butts, L. (2012. ) Effects of self-monitoring on the writing performance of fourth-graders. National Association of School Pyschologists annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. . . Professional Meeting. .
Paper Presentations
Ling, S., McKissick, C., Shier, A., & Hawkins, R.O. (2012. ) Examining group contingency systems to improve classroom behavior. .Philadelphia, Pennsylvania..
Walroth, E., McCoy, D., Kimener, L., Denune, H., & Hawkins, R.O. (2012. ) Mathods for documenting intervention adherence: What does the school psychology research tell us? .Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.