Todd F Haydon
Teachers College
CECH Special Education - 0022
Professional Summary
Todd Haydon PhD, BCBA-D, LISW is a Professor in the Special Education Program. He earned his doctorate from the University of Florida in Special Education with a focus on emotional and behavioral disorders and Autism. Dr. Haydon’s current research interests include effective teaching practices, functional behavior assessments, positive behavior and supports, and mental health services for students with Autism.
PhD: University of Florida, Special Education Gainesville, FL, 2008 (Autism; Emotional Behavioral Disorders)
MSW: Washington University St. Louis, MO, (Social Work)
B.M.: Washington University St. Louis, MO, (Music)
LISW; Ohio:
Research Support
Grant: #RSC13042 / 63941-P11622 / H027A090111A Investigators:Camp, Emilie; Crosby, Cathryn; Haydon, Todd; Hord, Casey; Kroeger, Stephen 12-16-2013 -06-30-2015 Department of Education Addressing the Needs of Every Student: An Evidence-Based Model for Inclusive and Special Education Teacher Preparation Role:Collaborator $124,998.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #RSC14036 /ODE 63941 /USEd H027A140111A Investigators:Camp, Emilie; Crosby, Cathryn; Haydon, Todd; Hord, Casey; Kroeger, Stephen 07-01-2014 -06-30-2015 Department of Education Addressing the Needs of Every Student: An Evidence-Based Model for Inclusive and Special Education Teacher Preparation Role:Collaborator $124,821.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Haydon, T.; Mancil, G. R.; VanLoan, C. (2009. ) Using opportunities to respond in a general education classroom: A case study .Education and Treatment of Children, , 32 (2 ) ,267-278.
Haydon T., Conroy M., Scott T.,Sindelar P.,Barber B.,Orlando M. (2010. ) A Comparison of three typs of opportunities to respond on student academic and social behaviors .Journal of Emotional Behavior Disorders, , 18 (1 ) ,27-40
Haydon, T.,Borders, C.,Embury, D.,Clarke, L. (2009. ) Using effective instructional delivery as a classwide management tool .Beyond Behavior, , 18 (2 ) , -1-6
Haydon, T. (2009. ) A response to Diller and Lattal's "Radical Behaviorism and Buddhism" .The Behavior Analyst, , 321 (1 ) ,241 -242
Carnahan, C.; Williamson, P.; Haydon, T. (2009. ) Matching literacy profiles with instruction for students on the spectrum: Making reading instruction meaningful .Beyond Behavior, , 18 (1 ) ,10-16
Mancil, G. R.; Conroy, M. A.; Haydon, T. (2008. ) Effects of a modified milieu therapy intervention on the social communicative behaviors of young children with autism spectrum disorders .Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, , 39 ,149-163
Haydon, T. & Scott, T. M. (2008. ) Using commonsense in common settings: Utilizing active supervision and pre-correction in the "Morning Gym" .Intervention in School and Clinic, , 43 ,283–290.
Alter, P. J.; Conroy, M. A.; Mancil, G. R., Haydon, T. (2008. ) A comparison of functional behavior assessment methodologies with young children: Descriptive methods and functional analysis .Journal of Behavioral Education, , 17 ,200-219.
Conroy, M. A.; Stichter, J. P.; Daunic, A. P., & Haydon, T. (2008. ) Classroom-based research in the field of emotional/behavioral disorders: Methodological issues and future research directions .Journal of Special Education, , 41 , 209-222
Mancil, G., Haydon, T. (2009. ) Differentiated effects of paper and computer-assisted social stories on inappropriate behavior in children with autism .Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, , 24 (4 ) ,
Conroy, M. A.; Sutherland, K. S.; Haydon, T.; Stormont, M.; Harmon, J. (2009. ) Preventing and ameliorating young children’s chronic problem behaviors: A multi-gated classroom-based approach .Psychology in the Schools, , 46 ,3-17.
Mancil, G Richmond; Conroy, Maureen A, & Haydon, T. (2009. ) Effects of a modified milieu therapy intervention on the social communicative behaviors of young children with autism spectrum disorders.Journal of autism and developmental disorders, , 39 (1 ) ,149-63 More Information
Gagnon, J. C., Haydon, T., & Maccini (2010. ) Juvenile correctional schools for committed youth: Assessment and accountability policies and practices .The Journal of Correctional Education, , 61 (1 ) ,23-45
Haydon, T., & Maheady, L., & Hunter, W. C. (2010. ) Examining the Effects of NHT on Quiz Results with Students Identified with Various Disabilities .Journal of Behavioral Education, , 19 (3 ) ,222-238
Haydon, T., & Hunter, W. C. (2011. ) The effects of two types of teacher questioning on teacher behavior and student performance: A case study .Education and Treatment of Children , , 34 (2 ) ,229-245
Gagnon, J. C., Maccini, P., & Haydon, T. (2011. ) Assessment and accountability in public and private secondary day treatment and residential schools for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. .Journal of Special Education Leadership,, , 24 (2 ) ,79-91
Landers, E., Servilio, K., Tuttle, T., Alter, P. A., Haydon, T., & Anderson, K. (2011. ) Defining disrespect: A teacher’s perspective .Rural Special Education Quarterly, , 30 (2 ) ,13-18.
Haydon, T., Mancil, G. R., Kroeger, S. D., McLeskey, J., & Lin, W. J. (2011. ) A review of the effectiveness of guided notes for students who struggle learning academic content. Preventing School Failure, , 55 (4 ) ,226-231
Musti-Rao, S., & Haydon, T. (2011. ) Strategies to increase behavior specific teacher praise in an inclusive environment. Intervention in School and Clinic, , 47 (2 ) ,91-97
Haydon, T., DeGreg, J., Maheady, L., & Hunter, W. C. (2012. ) Using active supervision and precorrection to improve transition behaviors in a middle school classroom .Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, , 13 (1 ) ,81-97
Haydon, T., Marsicano, R., & Scott, T. M. (2013. ) A comparison of choral and individual responding: A review of the literature .Preventing School Failure., , 57 ((4) ) ,181-188.
Haydon, T., Hawkins, R., Basham, J., Denune, H., Kimener, L., & McCoy, D. (2012. ) A comparison of iPads and worksheets on math skills of high school students with emotional disturbance .Behavioral Disorders, , 37 ((4) ) ,232-243.
Haydon, T., & Hunter, W.C. (2011. ) The effects of two types of teacher questioning on teacher behavior and student performance: A case study. Education and Treatment of Children, , 34(2) ,229-245.
Haydon, T., Mancil, G.R., Kroeger, S.D., McLeskey, J., & Lin, W.J. (2011. ) A review of the effectiveness of guided notes for students who struggle learning academic content. Preventing School Failure, , 55(4) ,226-231
Haydon, T., & Musti-Rao, S. (2011. ) Using teacher praise to reduce disruptive behavior in two eighth-grade general education classrooms. .Beyond Behavior, , 20(2) ,31-39.
Haydon, T. (2012. ) Using functional assessment to match task difficulty for a 5th grade student: A case study .Education and Treatment of Children, , 35 ((2) ) ,459- 476
Haydon, T., Musti-Rao, S., & Alter, P (2017. ) Comparing choral responding and a mnemonic strategy during geography lessons for students with multiple disabilities .Education and Treatment of Children, , 40 ((1) ) ,77–96.
Haydon, T., Musit-Rao, S., McCune, A., Clouse, D., McCoy, D., *Denune, H., & Hawkins, R., (2017. ) The use of video modeling and mobile technology with students with emotional behavioral disorders. Intervention in School and Clinic, , 52 ((3) ) ,154-162.
*Wahl, E., Hawkins, R. O., Haydon, T., *Marsicano, R., & Morrison, J. (2016. ) Comparing versions of the good behavior game: Can a positive spin enhance effectiveness? .Behavior Modification., , 40 ((4) ) ,493–517
Mancil, G. R., Haydon, T., & Boman, M. (2016. ) Differentiated effects of sensory activities as abolishing operations via non-contingent reinforcement on academic and aberrant behavior. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. , , 51 ((1) ) ,93–104.
Clarke, L., & Haydon, T., & Bauer, A. (2016. ) Use of picture response cards in the general education classroom to increase participation of students with mild mental disabilities. .Preventing School Failure, , 60 ((1) ) ,35-42.
Haydon, T., & Kroeger, S. (2016. ) Using active supervision, precorrection, and an explicit timing procedure to improve transition behaviors in a co-taught high school classroom. .Preventing School Failure, , 60 ((1) ) ,70-78.
Hawkins, R. O., Haydon, T., Denune, H., Larkin, W. & Fite, N. (2015. ) Improving the transition behavior of high school students with emotional behavioral disorders using a randomized interdependent group contingency. School Psychology Review, , 44 ((2) ) ,208-223.
Hunter, W. C., & Haydon, T. (2013. ) Increasing the effectiveness of numbered heads together for students with emotional and behavioral disorders .Beyond Behavior, , 22 ((3) ) ,40-45.
Haydon, T., Hunter, W., & Scott, T. M. (2019. ) Active supervision: Preventing behavioral problems before they occur. Beyond Behavior, , 28 ((1) ) ,29–35
Haydon, T., Stevens, D., & Leko, M. (2018. ) Source and protective factor: The role of the principal in special education teacher stress .Journal of Special Education Leadership, , 31 ((2), ) ,99-107.
Haydon, T., Schmidt, C., *Buncher, A., Carnahan, C. (2019. ) Comparing numbered heads together with and without peer led opportunities to respond: A case study. .Education and Treatment of Children,, , 42 ((2) ) , 245-264.
Haydon, T, Alter, P., Hawkins, R., & Kendall-Theado, C (2019. ) “Check yourself”: Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for teachers .Beyond Behavior, , 28 (1 ) ,55–60.
Haydon, T., *Murphy, M., Musit-Rao, S., *Kennedy, A., Hunter, W., & Boone, J. (2020. ) Using positive feedback with older students .Beyond Behavior, , 29 (2 ) ,108–115
Published Books
Haydon, T. (2009. ) Thorns for a seeker .Madrid , Trompa De Elefante
Electronic Journal
Haydon, T. (2010. ) Using Behavior Specific Praise with Students .Association for Behavior Analysis- India Newsletter , 1 (2 ) ,
Invited Presentations
Scott, T. M. & Haydon, T. (10-2006. ) Using a team-based approach to secondary and tertiary intervention: Facilitating adult compliance .PBIS Secondary and Tertiary Interventions, Chicago, IL.
Haydon, T. (2012. ) Using Classroom-level PBIS Interventions To Manage Off-task and Disruptive Behaviors .9th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Atlanta, GA..
Haydon, T. (2011. ) Using active supervision and precorrection as an effective classroom management tool. .50th Anniversary Conference of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, New Orleans, LA.
Haydon, T (2010. ) The effects of teacher questioning on teacher behavior and student performance .34th Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders, Tempe, AZ.
Haydon, T. (10-2021. ) • If B.F. Skinner Taught Piano: Using Behavior Principles During Piano Lessons .KMTA/OhioMTA Joint State Conference, Kentucky. Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Haydon, T. (2008. ) A comparison of three types of opportunities to respond on student behavior and academic responding .34th Association for Behavioral Analysis International, Chicago, IL. .
Haydon, T. (2007. ) Using commonsense in common settings: Utilizing active supervision and pre-correction in the "Morning Gym" .4th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support, Boston, MA. .
Haydon, T. (2007. ) Using Opportunities to respond in a general education classroom: A case study .33rd Association for Behavioral Analysis International ,
Haydon, T. (2016. ) Comparing Choral Responding and a Choral Responding Plus Mnemonic Device During Geography Lessons .ABAI’s 42nd Annual Convention., Chicago. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Haydon, T. (2009. ) Improving Student Social and Academic Behavior Through Increased Opportunities to Respond .Jacksonville, FL.
Haydon, T; Duckham (2010. ) Applying behavioral consultation in an urban middle school: An example .St. Louis, MO.
Haydon, T. (2012. ) Using Classroom-level PBIS Interventions to Manage Off-Task and Disruptive Behaviors. Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:International
Haydon, T. (2016. ) Haydon, T. (2016). Are Two Interventions Better Than One? .Tempe, AZ.. Conference. Level:National
Tsai, S.C., Scott, T. Haydon, T., & Hunter, W. (03-2021. ) Effects of Race, Behavior Type, and Special Education Label on Educators' Judgment .Virtual. Conference. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2012 -2013 Ted Carr Initial Researcher Award Association for Positive Behavior and Supports (APBS). Status:Recipient Level:International
Ohio Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Secretary Type:Other Educational Service Level:State 2009 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
2009 -To Present: Secretary Ohio Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.
2010 -To Present: Member Higher Education Consortium for Special Education.
2012: Tedd Carr Initial Researcher Award Association for Positive Behavior and Supports.