Jackson Hearn, MD

Jackson Ross Hearn, MD

Instructor of Clinical Fellow

Medical Sciences Building

COM IM General Medicine Division - 0535

Professional Summary

Personal Statement
My students at the mortuary college were used to dead bodies. They were apprentices in the art of embalming. Coming to lab in their dark business suits, they loved to tell me about their adventures in the embalming room: draining blood, passing preservative fluids through vessels, and sculpting wax to simulate muscles I’d made them memorize. With finals approaching, I decided to tie the semester together by showing a video of an open aortic valve replacement to demonstrate physiology in action: a live body. Their eyes widened while watching cardiac muscle contract and contort. I knew their wonder well. I realized my love of biology had found its partner in a blooming passion for teaching. My first years as an adjunct instructor were full of clarity and growth— I found joy in marveling at and guiding students through the intricacies of living, breathing things. When my graduate program offered me a chance to return to the classroom as a TA, I jumped at the opportunity. The microbiology lab became my workshop, and I loved training students in skills and techniques they would apply as future scientists. However, after many long nights in the research lab I began longing for a profession that would give me the chance to interpret the human side of science. Becoming a physician would allow me the opportunity to be a lifelong educator, to guide people through uncertainty, and to help them understand some part of their pain. I saw how my calling to teach could come to fruition in the practice of medicine.

Why I Chose Cincinnati
While interviewing at Cincinnati, I found myself consistently smiling. The innovative curriculum, the dedication to improvement, and the collegial atmosphere all appealed to me. UC’s educational research and commitment to patient-centered outcomes were impressive; it was clear that UC cared about finding out the right way to do residency. In the end, UC stood out as a program thoroughly dedicated to patients and invested in the growth of its residents. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be training with folks who so clearly enjoy their work!


MD: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine Memphis, TN, 2020 (Medicine)

MS: Lipscomb University Nashville, TN, 2015 (Biomolecular Science)

BA: Lipscomb University Nashville, TN, 2013 (Biology)


American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 08-14-2023 )

Clinical Interests

Internal Medicine

Primary Care


Internal Medicine

Positions and Work Experience

06-2020 -06-2023 Internal Medicine Residency, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH


Invited Presentations

Casillas, C., Clark, D., Hearn, J., O’Toole, J., Wehry, A., (10-2022. ) “False Negative PCR”: Addressing Barriers to Effective Patient Centered Rounds .International Conference on Residency Education, Montreal, Canada. Conference. . Level:International

Contact Information

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267