Professional Summary
Michael S. Hennessey is the editor of PennSound (a web archive of more than 22,000 poetry recordings, boasting more than 25 million annual downloads) and Jacket2 (archives and continues the mission of John Tranter's Jacket Magazine, one of the web's first and best venues for poetry and poetics), as well as the faculty advisor for Short Vine, UC's undergraduate literary journal.
Recent scholarly publications include essays on Charles Bernstein's "1-100" (in English Studies in Canada's special "Sound and Event" issue, for which he also served as audio editor) and Ted Berrigan and Harris Schiff's Yo-Yo's with Money (in Inverval[le]s) as well as forthcoming pieces in The Journal of Electronic Publishing and Jacket2, along with book chapters in Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies (Routledge, 2011) and The Salt Companion to Charles Bernstein (Salt Publishing, 2011).
His poetry has appeared in Jacket, EOAGH, Cross Cultural Poetics, Elective Affinities and Horse Less Review, as well as in the chapbooks Last Days in the Bomb Shelter (17 Narrower Poems) (2008) and [ static ] (2009). You can listen to several archived readings on his PennSound author page.
MFA: Emerson College Boston, 2007 (Creative Writing)
BA: Saint Joseph's University Philadelphia, 2000 (English / Fine and Performing Arts)
Positions and Work Experience
2007 -To Present Editor, PennSound, The Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2010 -To Present Editor, Jacket2, The Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2008 -2010 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2006 -2007 Editorial Assistant, The Atlantic, Boston, MA
2007 -2008 Adjunct Professor, St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA
Abbreviated Publications
In Press
Last Days in the Bomb Shelter (17 Narrower Poems). Satellite 7 Press, 2008.
"Your Voice" in Binding Bound Restricted (chapbook). The Common Press 2007.
"From Text to Tongue to Tape: Notes on Charles Bernstein’s ‘1-100’” in "Discreteness: A Survey"." English Studies in Canada "Sound and Event" issue. [Link]
"Entertainments," "The Indigo Hours" and "1994" in Jacket #40 (late 2010):
"Spare Parts," "These Are My Twisted Words" and "My Own Disaster" in Elective Affinities (May 2010):
[ static ]. Satellite 7 Press, 2009.
"Miss Minus" and "Overcast, Waiting" in Horse Less Review #8 (October 2010): [Link]
"Attention Span 2009" Third Factory, October 2009:
"Attention Span 2010," Third Factory, October 2010
"Towards No Horizon," "A Loose Association to Departure" and "An Anthology of Lost Hotel Rooms" in EOAGH #5 (Fall 2009):
"In Reverse" in Brighton Approach: Gold Edition (February 2010)
Peer Reviewed Publications
"An Imperfect Diamond: the National Pastime Transfigured in Ted Berrigan and Harris Schiff's Yo-Yo's with Money". Interval(le)s Fall 2008.
"No New Money (History is Broken)" in Fooling Around in Prose: An Anthology of Postmodern American Fiction (ed. DeWitt Henry). 2007.
"Now I Dial 9" in Red Letters. 2004.
"Forgive Me" in What If?: Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers (3rd Edition) ed. Pamela Painter and Anne Bernays. Longman, 2009.
"The Boiling Cells" (collaborative broadside from letterpress workshop with Johanna Drucker). The Common Press 2007.
"Bernadette Mayer, Scarlet Tanager." Redivider. (2007).
"Aaron McGruder, Public Enemy #2: An All-New Boondocks Collection." MELUS. (2007).
"Kevin Young, To Repel Ghosts: The Remix." Redivider. (2007).
"Ted Berrigan, The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan." Redivider. (2006).
"Kenneth Koch, The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch." Redivider. (2006).
Work in Progress
"Poetry by Phone and Phonograph: Tracing the Influence of Giorno Poetry Systems" in Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies, ed. Matthew Rubery (Routledge, March 2011)
Book Chapter
"A Life, Spliced: on the Early Tapeworks of Charles Bernstein" in The Salt Companion to Charles Bernstein, ed. William Allegrezza (Salt, late 2011)
Paper Presentations
(2009. ) Towards a True Avant-Garde Poetics (panel chair) .Boston, MA.
(2008. ) Roundtable on Electronic Editions and Archives of Poetry .San Francisco, CA.
(2008. ) Electronic Roundtable: A Demonstration of Digital Poetry Archives .San Francisco, CA.
(2008. ) Speaking in Borrowed Tongues: an Investigation of Appropriative Literature (panel chair) .Buffalo, NY.
(2007. ) The Power of Print in the Internet Age (lead researcher) .Orlando, FL.
(2007. ) Signifying Exorcisms: Tensions of Voice and Medium in Kevin Young's To Repel Ghosts .Boston, MA.
(2007. ) Redefining the Canon: Allusive Affinities and the New York School of Poetry .Baltimore, MD.
(2007. ) Ted Berrigan in a Sampling Society .Atlanta, GA.
(01-08-2011. ) Jacket Magazine and John Tranter: A Creative Conversation (panel chair) .Los Angeles, CA.
(2009. ) Joe's Ways of Knowing: Binary Play in Joe Brainard's "I Remember" .University of Tulsa, OK.
(12-06-2010. ) Without Precedent: Daisy Aldan and A New Folder .The Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Other Institution. Level:National
(04-29-2011. ) Electric Arguments: Poetry, Proselytizing and the Phonograph .Cleveland, OH. Conference. Level:National
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