Carol Hershenson

Carol R. Hershenson

Jr Research Associate

Junior Research Associate

Blegen Library


A&S Classics - 0226

Professional Summary

Carol is a Classical archaeologist specializing in the Aegean Bronze Age. She has field experience at Troy in Türkiye and in Greece at the Classical sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea, the Early Iron Age settlements at Kavousi on Crete, and the Bronze Age town of Ayia Irini on Kea. She has published on Prepalatial domestic architecture on Crete and Late Bronze Age pottery and Early Bronze Age Cycladic figurines in later contexts from Ayia Irini. As a Research Associate of the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati she curates the Classics Study Collection and has been editor of Nestor, The Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory for more than two decades.


PhD: University of Cincinnati BAD DATE

Research and Practice Interests

Bronze Age Aegean Architecture; LH III Period at Agia Irini, Kea; Classical Mythology.

Research Support

Grant: #NESTOR2016 Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 11-01-2015 -11-01-2016 Institute for Aegean Prehistory INSTAP - 2016 NESTOR Funding (with Hershenson) Role:Collaborator $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #2017 INSTAP Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 11-02-2016 -11-01-2017 Institute for Aegean Prehistory INSTAP - 2017 NESTOR Funding (with Hershenson) Role:Collaborator $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #2018 INSTAP Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 11-01-2018 -10-31-2019 Institute for Aegean Prehistory NESTOR, the Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory (2018-2020) Role:Collaborator $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #2019 NESTOR Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 01-01-2019 -12-31-2019 Institute for Aegean Prehistory NESTOR, the Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas at the University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $6,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #2020 NESTOR Investigators:Hatzaki, Eleni; Hershenson, Carol 01-01-2020 -12-31-2020 Institute for Aegean Prehistory NESTOR, the Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory and Related Areas Role:Collaborator $3,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit


The Bronze Age Aegean, Court factions during the Julio‑Claudian period, Classical and comparative mythology