Todd Herzog , PhD
Professor in the School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies and the Department of Asian, East European, and German Studies. Director of the Niehoff Center for Film and Media Studies and the Digital Media Collaborative.
Professional Summary
Todd Herzog holds faculty appointments in the Department of Asian, East European, and German Studies and the School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies at the University of Cincinnati, where he also directs the Digital Media program and the Niehoff Center for Film & Media Studies. He is author or editor of six books and has published over three dozen articles on topics ranging from the modernist crime story to the representation of history in the films of Quentin Tarantino. He is currently working on a book project on Vienna’s Prater and the History of Amusement.
PhD: University of Chicago Chicago, IL, 2001 (Germanic Studies)
MA: Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, 1994 (Germanic Languages and Literature)
BA: Amherst College Amherst, MA, 1991 (European Studies)
Research and Practice Interests
Todd Herzog’s teaching and research interests include crime and detective fiction, the aesthetics of surveillance, European modernism, German-Jewish culture, amusement studies, Austrian studies, and film studies.
25 Years Berlin Republic: Reflections on/of German Unification. Ed. Todd Herzog, Tanja Nusser, and Anna Seyunsal. Leiden: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2019. Print. Paperback, 2019.
Tatort Germany: The Curious Case of German-Language Crime Fiction. Ed. Lynn Kutch and Todd Herzog. Rochester: Camden House, 2014. Print. Paperback, 2017.
East West and Centre: Reframing Post-1989 European Cinema. Ed. Michael Gott and Todd Herzog. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014. Print. Paperback, 2016.
Crime Stories: Criminalistic Fantasy and the Culture of Crisis in Weimar Germany. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009. Print.
Rebirth of a Culture: Jewish Identity and Jewish Writing in Germany and Austria Today. Ed. Hillary Hope Herzog, Todd Herzog, and Benjamin Lapp. New York: Berghahn Books, 2008. Print.
A New Germany in a New Europe. Ed. Todd Herzog and Sander L. Gilman. New York and London: Routledge, 2001. Print. Paperback, 2001.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
“Amerikadiskurse” Handbücher zur deutschsprachig-jüdischen Literatur. Bd. 2: Orte und Räume Hgg. Primus-Heinz Kucher, Alexandra Strohmaier. Forthcoming.
“Fritz Lang’s M.” The German Cinema Book (second edition). Ed. Tim Bergfelder, Erica Carter, Deniz Göktürk, Claudia Sandberg. London: British Film Institute, 2020. Print.
“The German Crime Story in the 21st Century.” The Short Story in German in the 21st Century. Ed. Lyn Marven, Andrew Plowman, and Kate Roy. New York: Camden House, 2020.
“Writing as Return: A Commentary on Doron Ravinovici’s ‘Nach Wilna.’” Reading Between the Bloodlines. Modern Languages Open, 2017. (with Hillary Hope Herzog) Web.
"Nazi Noir: Deutsche Detektiven und deutsche Verbrecher im englischsprachigen Kriminalroman." Recht und Moral. Ed. Claus-Michael Ort. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 2014. Print.
"Ronnie rennt. Der Marathonläufer und Bankräuber Johann Kastenberger." Text + Kritik. Sonderband: Kriminalfallteschichten. Ed. Alexander Košenina. V/14. Munich: edition text+kritik, 2014. Print.
“German Detective Films.” The Directory of World Cinema: Germany. Ed. Michelle Langford. London: Intellect Books, 2013. 234-239. Print.
“’What shall the history books read?:’ The Debate over Inglourious Basterds and the Limits of Representation.” In Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds: A Manipulation of Metacinema. Ed. Robert von Dassanowsky. New York and London: Continuum, 2012. 271-296. Print.
“The Banality of Surveillance: Michael Haneke’s Caché and Life after the End of Privacy.” Modern Austrian Literature 43:2 (2010). 25-40. Print.
“’Wien bleibt Wien’: Austrian-Jewish Culture at Two Fins de Siècle.” Literature in Vienna at the Turn of the Centuries: Continuities and Discontinuities around 1900 and 2000. Ed. Ernst Grabovski and James Hardin (Rochester and Suffolk: Camden House, 2003. 205-20. (with Hillary Hope Herzog). Print.
“Crime Stories: Criminal, Society and the Modernist Case History.” Representations 80 (Fall 2002), 34-61. Print.
Positions and Work Experience
2011 -2021 Co-Editor, Journal of Austrian Studies, The Journal of Austrian Studies (formerly: Modern Austrian Literature) is the flagship journal of the Austrian Studies Association (formerly MALCA)., Austrian Studies Association,
2012 -2022 Head, Department of German Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2019 - Director, Digital Media Collaborative, University of Cincinnati,
2015 - Director, Niehoff Center for Film & Media Studies , University of Cincinnati,
2019 -2019 Visiting Professor, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz,
2015 - President, Delta of Ohio Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, University of Cincinnati,
2018 -2019 President, Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning , University of Cincinnati,
2021 -2022 Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning , University of Cincinnati,
2010 -2011 Acting Faculty Chair, Charles Phelps Taft Research Center, University of Cincinnati,
2009 -2011 Director, European Studies Program , University of Cincinnati,
2009 -2011 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of German Studies , University of Cincinnati,
2004 -2007 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of German Studies , University of Cincinnati,
2017 -2018 Interim Director, BA Program in Film & Media Studies, University of Cincinnati,
2017 -2018 Vice President, Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning , University of Cincinnati,
2020 -2021 Vice President, Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning , University of Cincinnati,
Invited Presentations
(02-28-2004. ) Aimee and Jaguar and the Holocaust Love Story. Out of the Shadows: Berlin in German Cinema After the Wall, Miami, OH.
(09-18-2003. ) Methods of Teaching European Cinema in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Workshop For High School and University Teachers .Kentucky Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
(05-12-2001. ) Crime Stories: Criminal, Society and the Modernist Case History .German Historical Institute, Washington, DC. Conference. . Level:International
(11-26-2000. ) New York is More Fun .Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin,Germany. Conference. . Level:International
(12-17-1999. ) Seeing the Criminal .Einstein Forum and the Deutsches Historisches Museum, Potsdam, Germany. Other Institution. . Level:International
Todd Herzog (03-23-2023. ) Vienna’s Prater and the History of Amusement .Department of General History and Center for German and European Studies, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. Level:International
(03-01-2009. ) Rebirth of a Culture - Birth of a Book" .Miami University, Oxford, OH. Other Institution. . Level:International
Todd Herzog (12-11-2021. ) ’Ambience – Viennese…Epoch – World War I’: Nostalgia for a Self-Destructive Society in Dishonored (1931).” .Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Museum, Los Angeles, CA.
Todd Herzog (10-2011. ) German Noir: Deutsche Detektive und deutsche Verbrecher im englischspragigen Kriminalroman .Internatioanle Tagung: Recht und Moral, Kiel, Germany. Conference. . Level:International
Todd Herzog (05-10-2019. ) Representing the Balkans in European and Hollywood Cinema .University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.
(02-21-2020. ) Cincinnati’s Brewery District: Urban Futures and Cultural Heritage .Urban Layers, Cincinnati, OH.
Todd Herzog (10-2011. ) (In Progress. ) German Noir: Deutsche Detektive und deutsche Verbrecher im englischspragigen Kriminalroman .Internatioanle Tagung: Recht und Moral, Kiel, Germany. Conference. . Level:International
(02-14-2014. ) Film Studies in Deutschland und den USA .Zentrum für interdiziplinäre Forschung, Bielefeld, Germany.
(10-21-2011. ) German Noir: Deutsche Detektive und deutsche Verbrecher im englischspragigen Kriminalroman .Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
(03-23-2006. ) Keeping Memory Alive: Commentary on New Directions in Representing the Holocaust .Bowling Green, OH.
(02-27-2004. ) Aimee and Jaguar and the Holocaust Love Story .Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Paper Presentations
(04-26-2008. ) Life Under Sueveillance: Ethics and the Media in the Films of Michael Haneke .Seattle, WA. Conference. Level:International
(09-29-2005. ) Berlin Childhoods: Film Versions of Emil und die Detektive .Milwaukee, WI.
(07-20-2005. ) A Child’s Guide to Berlin: Filming Childhood in the City from the Weimar Republic to the Berlin Republic .Cincinnati, OH.
(01-06-2005. ) Criminalistic Fantasy and the Culture of Crisis in Weimar Germany .Seattle, WA.
(04-15-2004. ) Crime, Detection, and German Modernism .Lexington, KY.
(04-24-2003. ) Crime, Childhood and the City: Film Adaptations of Emil und die Detektive from 1931-2001 .Lexington, KY.
(10-04-2002. ) Literary Encounters Between German Jews and Jewish Americans in the 1990s .San Diego, CA .
(04-18-2002. ) Is There A German Crime Fiction? .Lexington, KY.
(10-07-2001. ) Nazi Crime Fiction: The Case of the S-Bahn Murderer .Lexington, KY. Conference. Level:National
(03-09-2001. ) ’We Understand It—On a Certain Level’: Criminal, Society and The Modernist Case History .Austin, TX. Conference. Level:National
(10-07-2000. ) Judges on Trial: Ingeborg Bachmann’s ‘Ein Wildermuth’ and the Crisis of the Modern Judicial System .Emory University. Conference. Level:National
(04-29-2000. ) The Criminal as Virtual Archive: On the Re-Appearance of the Hochstapler in Weimar Germany .Lexington, KY. Conference. Level:National
(03-23-2006. ) Keeping Memory Alive .Bowling Green, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:International
(04-24-2008. ) Life Under Surveillance: Ethics and the Media in the Films of Michael Haneke .Seattle, WA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Todd Herzog (09-2011. ) Nazi Detectives .Louisville, KY. Conference. Level:International
Todd Herzog (04-2012. ) Prater Time Machine: Ulrike Ottinger’s Cultural History of Amusement .Long Beach, CA. Conference. Level:International
(09-17-2022. ) Crimes and Amusements .Houston, TX.
Todd Herzog (05-2012. ) Surveillance Stories: Art and Life after the Death of Privacy .Cincinnati, OH. UC. Level:National
(04-14-2024. ) Tatort Prater .West Chester, PA.
(10-06-2017. ) Beyond the Law: German Legal Culture and the Threat of the Modern .Atlanta, GA.
(11-09-2023. ) Don DeLillo Goes to the Movies .Atlanta, GA.
(09-28-2018. ) Exhibiting Surveillance: Museum Exhibitions Confront the History of German Surveillance .Pittsburgh, PA.
(10-05-2013. ) Run, Ronnie, Run: The Marathoner and Bankrobber Johann Kastenberger .Denver, CO.
(09-19-2014. ) After 1984: Friedrich Dürrenmatt and the Banality of Surveillance .Kansas City, MO.
(10-01-2016. ) Literary Interventions .San Diego, CA.
(10-06-2023. ) Commentator: Hybrid Modernism, or the Return of the 1920s in Cultural Productions Today .Montreal, Canada.
(11-18-2022. ) Adapting Surveillance in a Post-Private World .Minneapolis, MN.
(11-11-2022. ) Vienna’s Prater and the Cultural History of Amusement .Los Angeles, CA.
(11-05-2021. ) The Future of My City: Branding, Breweries, and Transatlantic Collaboration .Milwaukee, WI.
(10-27-2018. ) The Situation is Hopeless, but Not Serious: Tiny Amusements and Their Big Impact on German Modernism .Melbourne, Australia.
(11-06-2021. ) Welcome to Rudolfsgrund: Migration and Community in Contemporary Austrian Cinema .Milwaukee, WI.
(10-11-2919. ) Cinema and the Amusement Park .El Paso, TX.