Christy K. Holland , PhD
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases; Director, Image-Guided Ultrasound Therapeutics Laboratories; Scientific Director, Heart, Lung, and Vascular Institute
Cardiovascular Center
231 Albert Sabin Way
Room 3935
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0586
Phone 513-558-5675
Fax 513-558-6102
Email christy.holland@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Christy K. Holland, PhD, attended Wellesley College where she was a double major (B.A.) in Physics and Music in 1983. She completed M.S.(1985), M.Phil. (1987), and Ph.D. (1989) degrees at Yale University in Engineering and Applied Science. She is currently a Professor in both the College of Medicine and the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Cincinnati (UC) with joint appointments in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Health and Disease, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME). From 2015 – 2022 Prof. Holland served as Scientific Director of the Heart, Lung, and Vascular Institute, a key component of efforts to align the UC College of Medicine and UC Health efforts around research, education, and clinical programs. She is a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine®. Prof. Holland served as Editor-in-Chief of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, the official Journal of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, from 2006 - 2021. She served as President of the Acoustical Society of America from 2015 to 2017. She is actively involved in teaching biomedical engineering and biomedical ultrasound in the BME undergraduate and graduate curricula and received teaching awards in the UC Colleges of Engineering and Medicine in 2008 and 2009. She served as the Director of Graduate Studies for BME in 2007-2009. She mentors and advises students within and outside of BME and educational programs. Prof. Holland directs the Image-guided Ultrasound Therapeutics Laboratories in the UC Cardiovascular Center, which focus on applications of biomedical ultrasound including sonothrombolysis, ultrasound-mediated drug and bioactive gas delivery, development of echogenic liposomes, early detection of cardiovascular disease, and ultrasound-image guided thrombus ablation using high-amplitude pulsed ultrasound (histotripsy). Prof. Holland has gained national and international recognition for her contributions in ultrasound research, available in over 145 scientific publications, 12 book chapters, and 9 issued patents.
University of Freiburg Breisgau, DE, (Studied Beethoven and Schubert)
Bachelor's Degree: Wellesley College Wellesley, MA, 1983 (Physics and Music (Cum Laude))
Master's Degree: Yale University New Haven, CT, 1985 (Engineering and Applied Science)
Master's Degree: Yale University New Haven, CT, 1987 (Engineering and Applied Science)
Doctoral Degree: Yale University New Haven, CT, 1989 (Engineering and Applied Science)
Fellowship: Yale University New Haven, CT, 1991 (Diagnostic Radiology)
Research and Practice Interests
- Bioeffects of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Acoustic Cavitation
- New Diagnostic imaging Techniques for the Early Detection of Vascular Disease and Ischemic Injury to Brain
Positions and Work Experience
2010 -To Present Professor, Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Biomedical Engineering Program, and Radiology ,
2009 -2010 Professor, Depts. Of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, University of Cincinnati, Colleges of Engineering and Medicine
2001 -2009 Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies (2008-2009) Tenured 09/2005 Director of Research (2001-2007) , University of Cincinnati, Colleges of Engineering and Medicine
1999 -2001 Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
1994 -2001 Research Associate Professor, (Medical Physics), University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine
1994 -2001 Acoustics Consultant, Trustees for the Bowling/Pfizer Heart Valve 1994, 2001 Settlement Fund, federal court appointed scientific advisory committee ,
1991 -1994 Associate Research Scientist, (Ultrasound Physics), Yale School of Medicine, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology
1989 -1991 Post-Doctoral Associate, Joint appointment with Dept. of Diagnostic 1989-91 Radiology , Yale School of Medicine and Dept. of Mechanical, Radiology
1985 -1986 Architectural Acoustics Consultant, Cesar Pelli & Associates 1985-86 (Modified Ley Student Center at Rice Univ., Houston, Texas) (Thresholds of cavitation produced by pulsed ultrasound), Yale University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2009 -To Present Professor, (Introduction to Biomedical Engineering; Medical Imaging), University of Cincinnati, Biomedical Engineering and Radiology
2001 -2009 Associate Professor, (Introduction to Biomedical Engineering; Medical Imaging), University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
1994 -2001 Research Associate Professor, (Ultrasound Physics; Radiologic Instrumentation and Engineering), University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Radiology
1991 -1994 Associate Research Scientist, (Ultrasound Physics for Radiology Residents), Yale University , Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology
1989 -1991 Postdoctoral Associate, (Ultrasound Physics for Sonographers), Yale University, Depts. of Mechanical Engineering and Diagnostic Radiology
1987 - Visiting Lecturer, (Architectural Acoustics), Yale University, School of Architecture
1985 -1987 Teaching Fellow, (Computer Laboratory, and Physics of Musical Instruments), Yale University, Dept. of Applied Physics
1983 - Instructor, "Wintersession", (Music Appreciation), Wellesley College ,
1982 -1983 Teaching Assistant, (Music Theory), Wellesley College , Dept. of Music
Research Support
Grant: #2 R01 NS047603 Investigators:Holland 12-01-2008 -11-30-2013 NIH//NINDS Ultrasound-Assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy Role:PI $3,532,870
Grant: #2 R01 HL074002 Investigators:Holland 04-01-2010 -03-31-2014 NIH/NHLBI Echogenic Targeted Liposomes for Transfection/Drug Delivery Role:PI $1,095,100
Grant: #2 R01 HL059586 Investigators:Holland 12-01-2008 -11-30-2012 NIH/NHLBI Targeted Liposomes for Acoustic Cardiovascular Imaging Role:PI $1,455,433
Grant: #1 R21EB008483 Investigators:Holland 02-01-2009 -01-31-2011 NIH/NIBIB Passive cavitation imaging for ultrasound guidance and control of thermal ablation $150,000
Grant: #P50 NS044283 Investigators:Shaw, Holland 02-15-2009 -04-30-2013 NIH/NINDS SPOTRIAS-II: Recanalization therapies and markers of stroke outcome Project 3: TRUST (Transcranial Ultrasound Treatment for Stroke)
Grant: #0600 370 FZ42 729 / R01 HL059586 Investigators:Holland, Christy 07-01-2003 -08-31-2006 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Acoustic Targeted Liposomes for Transfection and Drug Delivery Role:PI $325,928.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #0600 370 FZ43 918 / R01 HL074002 Investigators:Holland, Christy 04-01-2004 -07-31-2006 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Acoustic Targeted Liposomes for Transfection and Drug Delivery Role:PI $411,741.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R29-EB-000284 Investigators:Holland, Christy 04-01-2002 -03-31-2003 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Mechanicl Bioeffects Due to Diagnostic Ultrasound Role:PI $98,897.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01-NS-047603 Investigators:Holland, Christy 07-01-2004 -02-14-2009 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Ultrasound Assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy Role:PI $2,297,981.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NEURO-01-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Holland, Christy 11-01-1999 -12-31-2001 University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Institute Transcranial Ultrasound Thrombolysis Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #SenMed-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Holland, Christy 05-01-2001 -05-31-2003 Sentron Medical, Inc. Development of Transcranial Ultrasound Thrombolysis Role:PI $441,562.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #5-R29-HL-58761-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Holland, Christy 04-01-1998 -03-31-2002 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Mechanical Bioeffects in Lung Due to Diagnostic Ultrasound Role:PI $418,421.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1-R13-HL-61450-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Holland, Christy 01-01-1999 -12-31-1999 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute AIUM Mechanical Bioeffects Conference Role:PI $19,800.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #0005534A / HL074002-04 Investigators:Ammi, Azzdine; Holland, Christy 04-01-2007 -03-31-2009 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Echogenic Targeted Liposomes: Transfection/Drug Delivery Role:PI $252,053.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 004874 Investigators:Abruzzo, Todd; Caudell Stamper, Danielle; Holland, Christy; Pyne-Geithman, Gail Jean 01-01-2007 -12-31-2011 University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Institute Ultrasound-Enhanced Thrombolysis in an Ex Vivo Rat Carotid Artery Role:PI $8,655.59 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #HL059586 / 0005533A Investigators:Holland, Christy 09-15-2006 -05-31-2009 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Targeted Liposomes for Acoustic Cardiovascular Imaging Role:PI $246,763.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #P50 NS044283 Investigators:Broderick, Joseph; Clark, Joseph; Flaherty, Matthew; Holland, Christy; Jauch, Edward; Lindsell, Christopher; Lu, Aigang; Pancioli, Arthur; Pyne-Geithman, Gail Jean; Shaw, George 08-01-2008 -04-30-2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Recanalization Therapies and Markers of Stroke Outcome Role:Collaborator $7,150,853.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R21 EB008483 Investigators:Holland, Christy; Mast, T. Douglas; Rao, Marepalli; Rudich, Steven 02-01-2009 -01-31-2012 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Passive Cavitation Imaging for Guidance and Control of Ultrasound Ablation Role:Collaborator $387,043.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 NS047603 Investigators:Holland, Christy; Mast, T. Douglas; Shaw, George; Wagner, Kenneth 02-15-2009 -01-31-2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Ultrasound-Assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy Role:PI $1,769,841.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #0006871A / R02 HL059586-08A1 Investigators:Holland, Christy 03-14-2009 -02-28-2012 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Targeted Liposomes for Acoustic Cardiovascular Imaging Role:PI $397,279.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #0007526A Investigators:Holland, Christy; Pyne-Geithman, Gail Jean 04-15-2010 -03-31-2012 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Echogenic Targeted Liposomes: Transfection/Drug Delivery Role:PI $377,803.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #F32 HL104916 Investigators:Haworth, Kevin; Holland, Christy; Mast, T. Douglas 09-01-2010 -08-31-2012 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Passive Cavitation Image-Guided Ultrasound-Mediated Drug Delivery for Atheroma Therapy Role:Collaborator $102,974.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2R01NS047603-09 Investigators:Holland, Christy 08-15-2014 -07-31-2019 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Ultrasound-Assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy Role:PI $581,417.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary Award AY2015-16 Investigators:Haworth, Kevin; Holland, Christy; Papautsky, Ian 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 UC's University Research Council MICROFLUIDIC MANUFACTURING OF PERFLUOROCARBON DROPLETS FOR ACOUSTIC DROPLET VAPORIZATION Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #3 R01 NS047603 Investigators:PI: Holland 07-01-2014 -06-30-2019 NIH/NINDS Ultrasound-Assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy Role:PI $3,457,621 Total Active Type:Grant
Grant: #FP066598-B / R01 HL133334 Investigators:Haworth, Kevin; Holland, Christy; Lynch, Donald 12-15-2017 -11-30-2022 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Chronic thrombus ablation with histotripsy and thrombolytics Role:PI $220,899.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #1 R01 HL135092 Investigators:Holland, Haworth, McPherson 09-01-2017 -08-31-2022 NIH/NHLBI Echogenic targeted liposomes: Transfection/Drug Delivery Role:PI of Subaward $3,741,010 Total Active Type:Grant
Grant: #R01 NS047603 Supplement Investigators:Mercado-Shekhar, Holland 08-01-2016 -09-30-2018 NIH/NINDS Research Supplement to Promote Diversity Role:PI and Mentor $173,534 Total Active Type:Grant
Grant: #R01 HL148451 Investigators:Haworth, Kevin; Holland, Christy; Lorenz, John 07-01-2019 -04-30-2024 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Ultrasound-mediated Controlled Hypoxemic Reperfusion for Inhibition of Reperfusion Injury Role:Collaborator $773,375.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #1 R01 HL133334 Investigators:Holland, Haworth, Bader 12-01-2017 -11-30-2022 NIH/NHLBI Localized thrombus ablation with histotripsy and echogenic liposomes Role:PI of Subaward $3,771,235 Total Active Type:Grant
Grant: #K25 HL133452 Investigators:Haworth, Holland, Redington 07-01-2016 -06-30-2020 NIH/NHLBI Ultrasound-mediated oxygen scavenging for inhibition of reperfusion injury Role:Mentor $639,441 Total Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Haworth, Kevin; Holland, Christy 09-01-2023 -05-31-2024 Lantheus Holdings, Inc. Assessment of Cavitation from Lantheus Contrast Agents Role:PI 128561.28 Hold Level:Industry
Investigators:Haworth, Kevin; Holland, Christy 09-01-2023 -05-31-2024 Lantheus Holdings, Inc. Assessment of Cavitation from Lantheus Contrast Agents Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lattwein K.;Shekhar H.;Van Wamel W.;Gonzalez T.;Herr A.;Holland C.;Kooiman K. (12-01-2018. ) An in vitro proof-of-principle study of sonobactericide.Scientific Reports, , 8 (1 ) , More Information
Shekhar H.;Smith N.;Raymond J.;Holland C. (02-01-2018. ) Effect of Temperature on the Size Distribution, Shell Properties, and Stability of Definity.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 44 (2 ) ,434-446 More Information
Bader K.;Haworth K.;Maxwell A.;Holland C. (01-01-2018. ) Post Hoc Analysis of Passive Cavitation Imaging for Classification of Histotripsy-Induced Liquefacti.IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, , 37 (1 ) ,106-115 More Information
Lattwein, Kirby R; Shekhar, Himanshu; van Wamel, Willem J B; Gonzalez, Tammy; Herr, Andrew B; Holland, Christy K; Kooiman, Klazina (2018. ) An in vitro proof-of-principle study of sonobactericide.Scientific reports, , 8 (1 ) ,3411 More Information
Shekhar, Himanshu; Smith, Nathaniel J; Raymond, Jason L; Holland, Christy K (2018. ) Effect of Temperature on the Size Distribution, Shell Properties, and Stability of Definity®.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 44 (2 ) ,434-446 More Information
Haworth K.;Goldstein B.;Mercado-Shekhar K.;Holland C.;Redington A. (10-31-2017. ) Dissolved oxygen scavenging by acoustic droplet vaporization using intravascular ultrasound.IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, , More Information
Haworth K.J.;Arunkumar P.;Goldstein B.H.;Su H.;Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Privitera E.M.;Srivastava R.;Holland C.K.;Redington A.N. (10-31-2017. ) Dissolved oxygen scavenging by acoustic droplet vaporization using intravascular ultrasound.IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, , More Information
Haworth K.;Bader K.;Rich K.;Holland C.;Mast T. (01-01-2017. ) Quantitative frequency-domain passive cavitation imaging.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, , 64 (1 ) ,177-191 More Information
Beigel, John H; Tebas, Pablo; Elie-Turenne, Marie-Carmelle; Bajwa, Ednan; Bell, Todd E; Cairns, Charles B; Shoham, Shmuel; Deville, Jaime G; Feucht, Eric; Feinberg, Judith; Luke, Thomas; Raviprakash, Kanakatte; Danko, Janine; O'Neil, Dorothy; Metcalf, Julia A; King, Karen; Burgess, Timothy H; Aga, Evgenia; Lane, H Clifford; Hughes, Michael D; Davey, Richard T (2017. ) Immune plasma for the treatment of severe influenza: an open-label, multicentre, phase 2 randomised study.The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, , 5 (6 ) ,500-511 More Information
Huang, Shenwen; Shekhar, Himanshu; Holland, Christy K (2017. ) Comparative lytic efficacy of rt-PA and ultrasound in porcine versus human clots.PloS one, , 12 (5 ) ,e0177786 More Information
Shekhar, Himanshu; Bader, Kenneth B; Huang, Shenwen; Peng, Tao; Huang, Shaoling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2017. ) In vitro thrombolytic efficacy of echogenic liposomes loaded with tissue plasminogen activator and octafluoropropane gas.Physics in medicine and biology, , 62 (2 ) ,517-538 More Information
Haworth K.;Raymond J.;Radhakrishnan K.;Moody M.;Huang S.;Peng T.;Shekhar H.;Klegerman M.;Kim H.;McPherson D.;Holland C. (05-01-2016. ) Erratum to: "Trans-stent B-mode Ultrasound and Passive Cavitation Imaging" in Ultrasound Med Biol 20.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 42 (5 ) ,1244 More Information
Holland C. (04-01-2016. ) ACOUSTICAL NEWS-USA.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 139 (4 ) , More Information
Raymond, Jason L; Luan, Ying; Peng, Tao; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Versluis, Michel; de Jong, Nico; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Loss of gas from echogenic liposomes exposed to pulsed ultrasound.Physics in medicine and biology, , 61 (23 ) ,8321-8339 More Information
Sutton, J T; Haworth, K J; Shanmukhappa, S K; Moody, M R; Klegerman, M E; Griffin, J K; Patton, D M; McPherson, D D; Holland, C K (2016. ) Delivery of bevacizumab to atheromatous porcine carotid tissue using echogenic liposomes.Drug delivery, , 23 (9 ) ,3594-3605 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Shekhar, Himanshu; Maxwell, Adam D; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Efficacy of histotripsy combined with rt-PA in vitro.Physics in medicine and biology, , 61 (14 ) ,5253-74 More Information
Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Holland, Christy K; Haworth, Kevin J (2016. ) Scavenging dissolved oxygen via acoustic droplet vaporization.Ultrasonics sonochemistry, , 31 ,394-403 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Crowe, Michael J; Raymond, Jason L; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Effect of Frequency-Dependent Attenuation on Predicted Histotripsy Waveforms in Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 42 (7 ) ,1701-5 More Information
Kandadai, Madhuvanthi A; Mukherjee, Prithviraj; Shekhar, Himanshu; Shaw, George J; Papautsky, Ian; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Microfluidic manufacture of rt-PA -loaded echogenic liposomes.Biomedical microdevices, , 18 (3 ) ,48 More Information
Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; Shekhar, Himanshu; Klegerman, Melvin E; Kim, Hyunggun; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Erratum to: "Trans-stent B-mode Ultrasound and Passive Cavitation Imaging" in Ultrasound Med Biol 2016;42(2):518-527.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 42 (5 ) ,1244 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Predicting the growth of nanoscale nuclei by histotripsy pulses.Physics in medicine and biology, , 61 (7 ) ,2947-66 More Information
Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; Shekhar, Himanshu; Klegerman, Melvin E; Kim, Hyunggun; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Trans-Stent B-Mode Ultrasound and Passive Cavitation Imaging.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 42 (2 ) ,518-27 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Bouchoux, Guillaume; Holland, Christy K (2016. ) Sonothrombolysis.Advances in experimental medicine and biology, , 880 ,339-62 More Information
Klegerman, Melvin E; Naji, Ali K; Haworth, Kevin J; Zou, Yuejiao; Golunski, Eva; Peng, Tao; Britton, George L; Huang, Shao-Ling; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D (2016. ) Ultrasound-enhanced bevacizumab release from echogenic liposomes for inhibition of atheroma progression.Journal of liposome research, , 26 (1 ) ,47-56 More Information
Bader K.;Holland C. (10-28-2015. ) Development of a hybrid finite difference solution of the Westervelt equation using the fast nearfie.AIP Conference Proceedings, , 1685 , More Information
Mukherjee P.;Kandadai M.;Shaw G.;Holland C.;Papautsky I. (01-01-2015. ) Generation of drug loaded echogenic liposomes using microfluidic hydrodynamic focusing .MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, , 466-468
Bader, Kenneth B; Bouchoux, Guillaume; Peng, Tao; Klegerman, Melvin E; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2015. ) Thrombolytic efficacy and enzymatic activity of rt-PA-loaded echogenic liposomes.Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, , More Information
Haworth, Kevin J; Salgaonkar, Vasant A; Corregan, Nicholas M; Holland, Christy K; Mast, T Douglas (2015. ) Using Passive Cavitation Images to Classify High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Lesions.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 41 (9 ) ,2420-34 More Information
Holland, C (2015. ) WE-D-210-03: Microbubble Pumps: Â Ultrasound Theragnostic Agents.Medical physics, , 42 (6 ) ,3672 More Information
Raymond, Jason L; Luan, Ying; van Rooij, Tom; Kooiman, Klazina; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Versluis, Michel; de Jong, Nico; Holland, Christy K (2015. ) Impulse response method for characterization of echogenic liposomes.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 137 (4 ) ,1693-703 More Information
Kandadai, Madhuvanthi A; Meunier, Jason M; Hart, Kimberley; Holland, Christy K; Shaw, George J (2015. ) Plasmin-loaded echogenic liposomes for ultrasound-mediated thrombolysis.Translational stroke research, , 6 (1 ) ,78-87 More Information
Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Haworth, Kevin J; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2015. ) Loss of echogenicity and onset of cavitation from echogenic liposomes: pulse repetition frequency independence.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 41 (1 ) ,208-21 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Gruber, Matthew J; Holland, Christy K (2015. ) Shaken and stirred: mechanisms of ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 41 (1 ) ,187-96 More Information
Bouchoux, Guillaume; Shivashankar, Ravishankar; Abruzzo, Todd A; Holland, Christy K (2014. ) In silico study of low-frequency transcranial ultrasound fields in acute ischemic stroke patients.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 40 (6 ) ,1154-66 More Information
Haworth, Kevin J; Weidner, Christopher R; Abruzzo, Todd A; Shearn, Jason T; Holland, Christy K (2014. ) Mechanical properties and fibrin characteristics of endovascular coil-clot complexes: relevance to endovascular cerebral aneurysm repair paradigms.Journal of neurointerventional surgery, , More Information
Gruber, Matthew J; Bader, Kenneth B; Holland, Christy K (2014. ) Cavitation thresholds of contrast agents in an in vitro human clot model exposed to 120-kHz ultrasound.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 135 (2 ) ,646-53 More Information
Raymond, Jason L; Haworth, Kevin J; Bader, Kenneth B; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Griffin, Joseph K; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2014. ) Broadband attenuation measurements of phospholipid-shelled ultrasound contrast agents.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 40 (2 ) ,410-21 More Information
Sutton, J T; Raymond, J L; Verleye, M C; Pyne-Geithman, G J; Holland, C K (2014. ) Pulsed ultrasound enhances the delivery of nitric oxide from bubble liposomes to ex vivo porcine carotid tissue.International journal of nanomedicine, , 9 ,4671-83 More Information
Kim, Hyunggun; Britton, George L; Peng, Tao; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D; Huang, Shao-Ling (2014. ) Nitric oxide-loaded echogenic liposomes for treatment of vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage.International journal of nanomedicine, , 9 ,155-65 More Information
Haworth K.;Salgaonkar V.;Corregan N.;Holland C.;Mast T. (06-19-2013. ) Spatial specificity and sensitivity of passive cavitation imaging for monitoring high-intensity focu.Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, , 19 , More Information
Ferrara K.;Griffin R.;Guha C.;Holland C.;Lafon C. (01-01-2013. ) TU?E?144?01: Advanced Novel Technologies & Therapeutic Strategies.Medical Physics, , 40 (6 ) ,451 More Information
Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Kopechek, Jonathan A; Raymond, Jason L; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2013. ) Relationship between cavitation and loss of echogenicity from ultrasound contrast agents.Physics in medicine and biology, , 58 (18 ) ,6541-63 More Information
Kopechek, Jonathan A; Haworth, Kevin J; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Huang, Shao-Ling; Klegerman, Melvin E; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2013. ) The impact of bubbles on measurement of drug release from echogenic liposomes.Ultrasonics sonochemistry, , 20 (4 ) ,1121-30 More Information
Sutton, Jonathan T; Haworth, Kevin J; Pyne-Geithman, Gail; Holland, Christy K (2013. ) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery for cardiovascular disease.Expert opinion on drug delivery, , 10 (5 ) ,573-92 More Information
Sutton, Jonathan T; Ivancevich, Nikolas M; Perrin, Stephen R; Vela, Deborah C; Holland, Christy K (2013. ) Clot retraction affects the extent of ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis in an ex vivo porcine thrombosis model.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 39 (5 ) ,813-24 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Holland, Christy K (2013. ) Gauging the likelihood of stable cavitation from ultrasound contrast agents.Physics in medicine and biology, , 58 (1 ) ,127-44 More Information
Sutton, J. T.; Ivancevich, N. M.; Perrin, S. R., Jr.; Vela, D. C.; Holland, C. K. (2013. ) Clot retraction affects the extent of ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis in an ex vivo porcine thrombosis model .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 39 (5 ) ,813-24
Sutton, J. T.; Haworth, K. J.; Pyne-Geithman, G.; Holland, C. K. (2013. ) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery for cardiovascular disease .Expert Opin Drug Deliv, , 10 (5 ) ,573-92
Kopechek, J. A.; Haworth, K. J.; Radhakrishnan, K.; Huang, S. L.; Klegerman, M. E.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2013. ) The impact of bubbles on measurement of drug release from echogenic liposomes .Ultrason Sonochem, , 20 (4 ) ,1121-30
Haworth, K. J.; Salgaonkar, V. A.; Corregan, N. M.; Holland, C. K.; Mast, T. D. (2013. ) Spatial specificity and sensitivity of passive cavitation imaging for monitoring high-intensity focused ultrasound thermal ablation in ex vivo bovine liver .J Acoust Soc Am, , 133 (5 ) ,3263
Bader, K. B.; Holland, C. K. (2013. ) Gauging the likelihood of stable cavitation from ultrasound contrast agents .Phys Med Biol, , 58 (1 ) ,127-44
Laing S.;Moody M.;Kim H.;Smulevitz B.;Huang S.;Holland C.;McPherson D.;Klegerman M. (10-01-2012. ) Thrombolytic efficacy of tissue plasminogen activator-loaded echogenic liposomes in a rabbit thrombu.Thrombosis Research, , 130 (4 ) ,629-635 More Information
Bouchoux, Guillaume; Bader, Kenneth B; Korfhagen, Joseph J; Raymond, Jason L; Shivashankar, Ravishankar; Abruzzo, Todd A; Holland, Christy K (2012. ) Experimental validation of a finite-difference model for the prediction of transcranial ultrasound fields based on CT images.Physics in medicine and biology, , 57 (23 ) ,8005-22 More Information
Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Haworth, Kevin J; Huang, Shao-Ling; Klegerman, Melvin E; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2012. ) Stability of echogenic liposomes as a blood pool ultrasound contrast agent in a physiologic flow phantom.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 38 (11 ) ,1970-81 More Information
Huppert, Jill S; Reed, Jennifer L; Munafo, Jennifer Knopf; Ekstrand, Rachel; Gillespie, Gordon; Holland, Carolyn; Britto, Maria T (2012. ) Improving notification of sexually transmitted infections: a quality improvement project and planned experiment.Pediatrics, , 130 (2 ) ,e415-22 More Information
Haworth, Kevin J; Mast, T Douglas; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Burgess, Mark T; Kopechek, Jonathan A; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2012. ) Passive imaging with pulsed ultrasound insonations.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 132 (1 ) ,544-53 More Information
Radhakrishnan, K.; Haworth, K. J.; Huang, S. L.; Klegerman, M. E.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2012. ) Stability of echogenic liposomes as a blood pool ultrasound contrast agent in a physiologic flow phantom .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 38 (11 ) ,1970-81
Laing, S. T.; Moody, M. R.; Kim, H.; Smulevitz, B.; Huang, S. L.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D.; Klegerman, M. E. (2012. ) Thrombolytic efficacy of tissue plasminogen activator-loaded echogenic liposomes in a rabbit thrombus model .Thromb Res, , 130 (4 ) ,629-35
Haworth, K. J.; Mast, T. D.; Radhakrishnan, K.; Burgess, M. T.; Kopechek, J. A.; Huang, S. L.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2012. ) Passive imaging with pulsed ultrasound insonations .J Acoust Soc Am, , 132 (1 ) ,544-53
Bouchoux, G.; Bader, K. B.; Korfhagen, J. J.; Raymond, J. L.; Shivashankar, R.; Abruzzo, T. A.; Holland, C. K. (2012. ) Experimental validation of a finite-difference model for the prediction of transcranial ultrasound fields based on CT images .Phys Med Biol, , 57 (23 ) ,8005-22
Laing S.;Moody M.;Smulevitz B.;Kim H.;Kee P.;Huang S.;Holland C.;McPherson D. (06-01-2011. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolytic effect of tissue plasminogen activator-loaded echogenic liposomes i.Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, , 31 (6 ) ,1357-1359 More Information
Meunier, Jason M; Holland, Christy K; Porter, Tyrone M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Shaw, George J (2011. ) Combination treatment with rt-PA is more effective than rt-PA alone in an in vitro human clot model. Current neurovascular research, , 8 (4 ) ,305-12
Kopechek, Jonathan A; Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Douglas Mast, T; Perrin, Stephen R; Klegerman, Melvin E; Huang, Shaoling; Porter, Tyrone M; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2011. ) Acoustic characterization of echogenic liposomes: frequency-dependent attenuation and backscatter.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 130 (5 ) ,3472-81 More Information
Hitchcock, Kathryn E; Ivancevich, Nikolas M; Haworth, Kevin J; Caudell Stamper, Danielle N; Vela, Deborah C; Sutton, Jonathan T; Pyne-Geithman, Gail J; Holland, Christy K (2011. ) Ultrasound-enhanced rt-PA thrombolysis in an ex vivo porcine carotid artery model.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 37 (8 ) ,1240-51 More Information
Meunier, J. M.; Holland, C. K.; Porter, T. M.; Lindsell, C. J.; Shaw, G. J. (2011. ) Combination treatment with rt-PA is more effective than rt-PA alone in an in vitro human clot model .Curr Neurovasc Res, , 8 (4 ) ,305-12
Laing, S. T.; Moody, M.; Smulevitz, B.; Kim, H.; Kee, P.; Huang, S.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D. (2011. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolytic effect of tissue plasminogen activator-loaded echogenic liposomes in an in vivo rabbit aorta thrombus model--brief report .Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, , 31 (6 ) ,1357-9
Kopechek, J. A.; Haworth, K. J.; Raymond, J. L.; Douglas Mast, T.; Perrin, S. R.; Klegerman, M. E.; Huang, S.; Porter, T. M.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2011. ) Acoustic characterization of echogenic liposomes: frequency-dependent attenuation and backscatter .J Acoust Soc Am, , 130 (5 ) ,3472-81
Hitchcock, K. E.; Ivancevich, N. M.; Haworth, K. J.; Caudell Stamper, D. N.; Vela, D. C.; Sutton, J. T.; Pyne-Geithman, G. J.; Holland, C. K. (2011. ) Ultrasound-enhanced rt-PA thrombolysis in an ex vivo porcine carotid artery model .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 37 (8 ) ,1240-51
Britton G.;Kim H.;Kee P.;Aronowski J.;Holland C.;McPherson D.;Huang S. (10-19-2010. ) In vivo therapeutic gas delivery for neuroprotection with echogenic liposomes.Circulation, , 122 (16 ) ,1578-1587 More Information
Laing S.;Kim H.;Kopechek J.;Parikh D.;Huang S.;Klegerman M.;Holland C.;McPherson D. (06-01-2010. ) Ultrasound-mediated delivery of echogenic immunoliposomes to porcine vascular smooth muscle cells in.Journal of Liposome Research, , 20 (2 ) ,160-167 More Information
Klegerman M.;Wassler M.;Huang S.;Zou Y.;Kim H.;Shelat H.;Holland C.;Geng Y.;McPherson D. (03-19-2010. ) Liposomal modular complexes for simultaneous targeted delivery of bioactive gases and therapeutics.Journal of Controlled Release, , 142 (3 ) ,326-331 More Information
Herbst S.M.;Klegerman M.E.;Kim H.;Qi J.;Shelat H.;Wassler M.;Moody M.R.;Yang C.M.;Ge X.;Zou Y.;Kopechek J.A.;Clubb F.J.;Kraemer D.C.;Huang S.;Holland C.K.;McPherson D.D.;Geng Y.J. (02-01-2010. ) Delivery of stem cells to porcine arterial wall with echogenic liposomes conjugated to antibodies ag.Molecular Pharmaceutics, , 7 (1 ) ,3-11 More Information
Holland C.;Shaw G.;Datta S. (01-01-2010. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis .Therapeutic Ultrasound: Mechanisms to Applications, , 239-260
Hitchcock, Kathryn E; Holland, Christy K (2010. ) Ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis for stroke therapy: better thrombus break-up with bubbles.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 41 (10 Suppl ) ,S50-3 More Information
Shaw, George J; Meunier, Jason M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Pancioli, Arthur M; Holland, Christy K (2010. ) Making the right choice: optimizing rt-PA and eptifibatide lysis, an in vitro study.Thrombosis research, , 126 (4 ) ,e305-11 More Information
Kopechek, Jonathan A; Kim, Hyunggun; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2010. ) Calibration of the 1-MHz Sonitron ultrasound system.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 36 (10 ) ,1762-6 More Information
Hitchcock, Kathryn E; Caudell, Danielle N; Sutton, Jonathan T; Klegerman, Melvin E; Vela, Deborah; Pyne-Geithman, Gail J; Abruzzo, Todd; Cyr, Peppar E P; Geng, Yong-Jian; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2010. ) Ultrasound-enhanced delivery of targeted echogenic liposomes in a novel ex vivo mouse aorta model.Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, , 144 (3 ) ,288-95 More Information
Smith, Denise A B; Vaidya, Sampada S; Kopechek, Jonathan A; Huang, Shao-Ling; Klegerman, Melvin E; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2010. ) Ultrasound-triggered release of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator from echogenic liposomes.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 36 (1 ) ,145-57 More Information
Smith, D. A.; Vaidya, S. S.; Kopechek, J. A.; Huang, S. L.; Klegerman, M. E.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2010. ) Ultrasound-triggered release of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator from echogenic liposomes .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 36 (1 ) ,145-57
Shaw, G. J.; Meunier, J. M.; Lindsell, C. J.; Pancioli, A. M.; Holland, C. K. (2010. ) Making the right choice: optimizing rt-PA and eptifibatide lysis, an in vitro study .Thromb Res, , 126 (4 ) ,e305-11
Laing, S. T.; Kim, H.; Kopechek, J. A.; Parikh, D.; Huang, S.; Klegerman, M. E.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D. (2010. ) Ultrasound-mediated delivery of echogenic immunoliposomes to porcine vascular smooth muscle cells in vivo .J Liposome Res, , 20 (2 ) ,160-7
Kopechek, J. A.; Kim, H.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2010. ) Calibration of the 1-MHz Sonitron ultrasound system .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 36 (10 ) ,1762-6
Klegerman, M. E.; Wassler, M.; Huang, S. L.; Zou, Y.; Kim, H.; Shelat, H. S.; Holland, C. K.; Geng, Y. J.; McPherson, D. D. (2010. ) Liposomal modular complexes for simultaneous targeted delivery of bioactive gases and therapeutics .J Control Release, , 142 (3 ) ,326-31
Hitchcock, K. E.; Holland, C. K. (2010. ) Ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis for stroke therapy: better thrombus break-up with bubbles .Stroke, , 41 (10 Suppl ) ,S50-3
Hitchcock, K. E.; Caudell, D. N.; Sutton, J. T.; Klegerman, M. E.; Vela, D.; Pyne-Geithman, G. J.; Abruzzo, T.; Cyr, P. E.; Geng, Y. J.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2010. ) Ultrasound-enhanced delivery of targeted echogenic liposomes in a novel ex vivo mouse aorta model .J Control Release, , 144 (3 ) ,288-95
Herbst, S. M.; Klegerman, M. E.; Kim, H.; Qi, J.; Shelat, H.; Wassler, M.; Moody, M. R.; Yang, C. M.; Ge, X.; Zou, Y.; Kopechek, J. A.; Clubb, F. J.; Kraemer, D. C.; Huang, S.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D.; Geng, Y. J. (2010. ) Delivery of stem cells to porcine arterial wall with echogenic liposomes conjugated to antibodies against CD34 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 .Mol Pharm, , 7 (1 ) ,3-11
Britton, G. L.; Kim, H.; Kee, P. H.; Aronowski, J.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D.; Huang, S. L. (2010. ) In vivo therapeutic gas delivery for neuroprotection with echogenic liposomes .Circulation, , 122 (16 ) ,1578-87
Krishnamoorthy M.K.;Roy-Chaudhury P.;Wang Y.;Holland C.K.;Rigger D.;Choe A.;Banerjee R.K. (12-01-2009. ) Vascular remodeling of arteriovenous fistula.Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, , (PART B ) ,1077-1078 More Information
Holland C.;McPherson D. (11-17-2009. ) Echogenic lipsomes for targeted drug delivery.Proceedings - 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2009, , 755-758 More Information
Salgaonkar V.;Datta S.;Holland C.;Masta T. (07-21-2009. ) Passive imaging of cavitational acoustic emissions with ultrasound arrays.AIP Conference Proceedings, , 1113 ,73-77 More Information
Karunakaran C.;Burgess M.;Holland C.;Mast T. (07-21-2009. ) Role of cavitation in bulk ultrasound ablation: A histologic study.AIP Conference Proceedings, , 1113 ,43-47 More Information
Shaw, G. J.; Meunier, J. M.; Huang, S. L.; Lindsell, C. J.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2009. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis with tPA-loaded echogenic liposomes .Thromb Res, , 124 (3 ) ,306-10
Salgaonkar, V. A.; Datta, S.; Holland, C. K.; Mast, T. D. (2009. ) Passive cavitation imaging with ultrasound arrays .J Acoust Soc Am, , 126 (6 ) ,3071-83
Meunier, J. M.; Holland, C. K.; Pancioli, A. M.; Lindsell, C. J.; Shaw, G. J. (2009. ) Effect of low frequency ultrasound on combined rt-PA and eptifibatide thrombolysis in human clots .Thromb Res, , 123 (3 ) ,528-36
Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D. (2009. ) Echogenic Lipsomes for Targeted Drug Delivery .Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging, , 2009 (3 ) ,755-758
Salgaonkar, Vasant A; Datta, Saurabh; Holland, Christy K; Mast, T Douglas (2009. ) Passive cavitation imaging with ultrasound arrays.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 126 (6 ) ,3071-83 More Information
Shaw, George J; Meunier, Jason M; Huang, Shao-Ling; Lindsell, Christopher J; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2009. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis with tPA-loaded echogenic liposomes.Thrombosis research, , 124 (3 ) ,306-10 More Information
Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D (2009. ) ECHOGENIC LIPSOMES FOR TARGETED DRUG DELIVERY. Proceedings / IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, , 2009 ,755-758
Meunier, Jason M; Holland, Christy K; Pancioli, Arthur M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Shaw, George J (2009. ) Effect of low frequency ultrasound on combined rt-PA and eptifibatide thrombolysis in human clots.Thrombosis research, , 123 (3 ) ,528-36 More Information
Kee P.;Abruzzo T.;Smith D.;Kopechek J.;Wang B.;Huang S.;MacDonald R.;Holland C.;McPherson D. (12-01-2008. ) Synthesis, acoustic stability, and pharmacologic activities of papaverine-loaded echogenic liposomes.Journal of Liposome Research, , 18 (4 ) ,263-277 More Information
Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Holland C.;Choe A. (06-17-2008. ) A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" Amer.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 123 (6 ) ,4466-4481 More Information
Miller D.L.;Averkiou M.A.;Brayman A.A.;Everbach E.C.;Holland C.K.;Wible J.H.;Wu J. (01-01-2008. ) Bioeffects considerations for diagnostic ultrasound contrast agents.Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 27 (4 ) ,611-632 More Information
Fowlkes J.B.;Abramowicz J.S.;Church C.C.;Holland C.K.;Miller D.L.;O'Brien W.D.;Sanghvi N.T.;Stratmeyer M.E.;Zachary J.F.;Deng C.X.;Harris G.R.;Herman B.A.;Hynynen K.H.;Merritt C.R.B.;Thomenius K.E.;Bailey M.R.;Carson P.L.;Carstensen E.L.;Frizzell L.A.;Nyborg W.L.;Barnett S.B.;Duck F.A.;Edmonds P.D.;Ziskin M.C.;Abbott J.G.;Dalecki D.;Dunn F.;Greenleaf J.F.;Salvesen K.A.;Siddiqi T.A.;Averkiou M.A.;Brayman A.A.;Everbach E.C.;Wible J.H.;Wu J.;Simpson D.G. (01-01-2008. ) American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine consensus report on potential bioeffects of diagnostic .Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 27 (4 ) ,503-515 More Information
Kopechek, Jonathan A; Abruzzo, Todd M; Wang, Boyu; Chrzanowski, Stephen M; Smith, Denise A B; Kee, Patrick H; Huang, Shaoling; Collier, Joel H; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2008. ) Ultrasound-mediated release of hydrophilic and lipophilic agents from echogenic liposomes. Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 27 (11 ) ,1597-606
Shaw, George J; Meunier, Jason M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Holland, Christy K (2008. ) Tissue plasminogen activator concentration dependence of 120 kHz ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 34 (11 ) ,1783-92 More Information
Ammi, Azzdine Y; Mast, T Douglas; Huang, I-Hua; Abruzzo, Todd A; Coussios, Constantin-C; Shaw, George J; Holland, Christy K (2008. ) Characterization of ultrasound propagation through ex-vivo human temporal bone.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 34 (10 ) ,1578-89 More Information
Mast, T Douglas; Salgaonkar, Vasant A; Karunakaran, Chandrapriya; Besse, John A; Datta, Saurabh; Holland, Christy K (2008. ) Acoustic emissions during 3.1 MHz ultrasound bulk ablation in vitro.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 34 (9 ) ,1434-48 More Information
Datta, Saurabh; Coussios, Constantin-C; Ammi, Azzdine Y; Mast, T Douglas; de Courten-Myers, Gabrielle M; Holland, Christy K (2008. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis using Definity as a cavitation nucleation agent.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 34 (9 ) ,1421-33 More Information
Wang, Yang; Krishnamoorthy, Mahesh; Banerjee, Rupak; Zhang, Jianhua; Rudich, Steven; Holland, Christy; Arend, Lois; Roy-Chaudhury, Prabir (2008. ) Venous stenosis in a pig arteriovenous fistula model--anatomy, mechanisms and cellular phenotypes.Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, , 23 (2 ) ,525-33 More Information
Holland, Christy K; Vaidya, Sampada S; Datta, Saurabh; Coussios, Constantin-C; Shaw, George J (2008. ) Ultrasound-enhanced tissue plasminogen activator thrombolysis in an in vitro porcine clot model.Thrombosis research, , 121 (5 ) ,663-73 More Information
Zhou, X.; Espy-Wilson, C. Y.; Boyce, S.; Tiede, M.; Holland, C.; Choe, A. (2008. ) A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English /r .J Acoust Soc Am, , 123 (6 ) ,4466-81
Wang, Y.; Krishnamoorthy, M.; Banerjee, R.; Zhang, J.; Rudich, S.; Holland, C.; Arend, L.; Roy-Chaudhury, P. (2008. ) Venous stenosis in a pig arteriovenous fistula model--anatomy, mechanisms and cellular phenotypes .Nephrol Dial Transplant, , 23 (2 ) ,525-33
Shaw, G. J.; Meunier, J. M.; Lindsell, C. J.; Holland, C. K. (2008. ) Tissue plasminogen activator concentration dependence of 120 kHz ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 34 (11 ) ,1783-92
Miller, D. L.; Averkiou, M. A.; Brayman, A. A.; Everbach, E. C.; Holland, C. K.; Wible, J. H., Jr.; Wu, J. (2008. ) Bioeffects considerations for diagnostic ultrasound contrast agents .J Ultrasound Med, , 27 (4 ) ,611-32; quiz 633-6
Mast, T. D.; Salgaonkar, V. A.; Karunakaran, C.; Besse, J. A.; Datta, S.; Holland, C. K. (2008. ) Acoustic emissions during 3.1 MHz ultrasound bulk ablation in vitro .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 34 (9 ) ,1434-48
Kopechek, J. A.; Abruzzo, T. M.; Wang, B.; Chrzanowski, S. M.; Smith, D. A.; Kee, P. H.; Huang, S.; Collier, J. H.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2008. ) Ultrasound-mediated release of hydrophilic and lipophilic agents from echogenic liposomes .J Ultrasound Med, , 27 (11 ) ,1597-606
Kee, P. H.; Abruzzo, T. A.; Smith, D. A.; Kopechek, J. A.; Wang, B.; Huang, S. L.; MacDonald, R. C.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D. (2008. ) Synthesis, acoustic stability, and pharmacologic activities of papaverine-loaded echogenic liposomes for ultrasound controlled drug delivery .J Liposome Res, , 18 (4 ) ,263-77
Holland, C. K.; Vaidya, S. S.; Datta, S.; Coussios, C. C.; Shaw, G. J. (2008. ) Ultrasound-enhanced tissue plasminogen activator thrombolysis in an in vitro porcine clot model .Thromb Res, , 121 (5 ) ,663-73
Datta, S.; Coussios, C. C.; Ammi, A. Y.; Mast, T. D.; de Courten-Myers, G. M.; Holland, C. K. (2008. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis using Definity as a cavitation nucleation agent .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 34 (9 ) ,1421-33
Ammi, A. Y.; Mast, T. D.; Huang, I. H.; Abruzzo, T. A.; Coussios, C. C.; Shaw, G. J.; Holland, C. K. (2008. ) Characterization of ultrasound propagation through ex-vivo human temporal bone .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 34 (10 ) ,1578-89
Mast T.;Salgaonkar V.;Karunakaran C.;Besse J.;Datta S.;Holland C. (09-24-2007. ) Measurements of cavitation dose, echogenicity, and temperature during ultrasound ablation.AIP Conference Proceedings, , 911 ,335-341 More Information
Salgaonkar V.;Karunakaran C.;Besse J.;Heinlein G.;Datta S.;Holland C.;Mast T. (08-31-2007. ) Image-guided Ex vivo liver ablation by unfocused ultrasound using passive cavitation detection.Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, , 6440 , More Information
Tiukinhoy-Laing S.;Huang S.;Klegerman M.;Holland C.;McPherson D. (03-23-2007. ) Ultrasound-facilitated thrombolysis using tissue-plasminogen activator-loaded echogenic liposomes.Thrombosis Research, , 119 (6 ) ,777-784 More Information
Holland C. (01-01-2007. ) Online review facilitates rapid publishing.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 33 (1 ) ,1-2 More Information
Tiukinhoy-Laing, S. D.; Huang, S.; Klegerman, M.; Holland, C. K.; McPherson, D. D. (2007. ) Ultrasound-facilitated thrombolysis using tissue-plasminogen activator-loaded echogenic liposomes .Thromb Res, , 119 (6 ) ,777-84
Smith, D. A.; Porter, T. M.; Martinez, J.; Huang, S.; MacDonald, R. C.; McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2007. ) Destruction thresholds of echogenic liposomes with clinical diagnostic ultrasound .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 33 (5 ) ,797-809
Shaw, G. J.; Dhamija, A.; Bavani, N.; Wagner, K. R.; Holland, C. K. (2007. ) Arrhenius temperature dependence of in vitro tissue plasminogen activator thrombolysis .Phys Med Biol, , 52 (11 ) ,2953-67
Nahirnyak, V.; Mast, T. D.; Holland, C. K. (2007. ) Ultrasound-induced thermal elevation in clotted blood and cranial bone .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 33 (8 ) ,1285-95
Meunier, J. M.; Holland, C. K.; Lindsell, C. J.; Shaw, G. J. (2007. ) Duty cycle dependence of ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis in a human clot model .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 33 (4 ) ,576-83
Nahirnyak, Volodymyr; Mast, T Douglas; Holland, Christy K (2007. ) Ultrasound-induced thermal elevation in clotted blood and cranial bone.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 33 (8 ) ,1285-95 More Information
Shaw, George J; Dhamija, Ashima; Bavani, Nazli; Wagner, Kenneth R; Holland, Christy K (2007. ) Arrhenius temperature dependence of in vitro tissue plasminogen activator thrombolysis.Physics in medicine and biology, , 52 (11 ) ,2953-67 More Information
Smith, Denise A B; Porter, Tyrone M; Martinez, Janet; Huang, Shaoling; MacDonald, Robert C; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2007. ) Destruction thresholds of echogenic liposomes with clinical diagnostic ultrasound.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 33 (5 ) ,797-809 More Information
Meunier, Jason M; Holland, Christy K; Lindsell, Christopher J; Shaw, George J (2007. ) Duty cycle dependence of ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis in a human clot model.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 33 (4 ) ,576-83 More Information
Toepfer N.;Racadio J.;Adams J.;Babcock D.;Holland C. (03-01-2006. ) Aortic pseudothrombus: A sonographic artifact in the abdominal aorta.Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, , 22 (2 ) ,131-134 More Information
Porter, Tyrone M; Smith, Denise A B; Holland, Christy K (2006. ) Acoustic techniques for assessing the Optison destruction threshold. Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 25 (12 ) ,1519-29
Wright, Stewart W; Lindsell, Christopher J; Hinckley, William R; Williams, Annette; Holland, Carolyn; Lewis, Christopher H; Heimburger, Gail (2006. ) High fidelity medical simulation in the difficult environment of a helicopter: feasibility, self-efficacy and cost.BMC medical education, , 6 ,49 More Information
Datta, Saurabh; Coussios, Constantin-C; McAdory, Louis E; Tan, Jun; Porter, Tyrone; De Courten-Myers, Gabrielle; Holland, Christy K (2006. ) Correlation of cavitation with ultrasound enhancement of thrombolysis.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 32 (8 ) ,1257-67 More Information
Nahirnyak, Volodymyr M; Yoon, Suk Wang; Holland, Christy K (2006. ) Acousto-mechanical and thermal properties of clotted blood. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 119 (6 ) ,3766-72
More, Shashikant R; Lim, Teik C; Li, Mingfeng; Holland, Christy K; Boyce, Suzanne E; Lee, Jing-Huei (2006. ) Acoustic noise characteristics of a 4 Telsa MRI scanner.Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, , 23 (3 ) ,388-97 More Information
Wright, S. W.; Lindsell, C. J.; Hinckley, W. R.; Williams, A.; Holland, C.; Lewis, C. H.; Heimburger, G. (2006. ) High fidelity medical simulation in the difficult environment of a helicopter: feasibility, self-efficacy and cost .BMC Med Educ, , 6 (4 ) ,49
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Cheng J.;Shaw G.;Holland C. (07-01-2005. ) In vitro microscopic imaging of enhanced thrombolysis with 120-kHz ultrasound in a human clot model.Acoustic Research Letters Online, , 6 (3 ) ,25-29 More Information
Cheng J.;Shaw G.;Holland C. (01-01-2005. ) In vitro microscopic imaging of enhanced thrombolysis with 120-kHz ultrasound in a human clot model.Acoustic Research Letters Online, , 6 (1 ) ,25-29 More Information
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Coussios, Constantin-C; Holland, Christy K; Jakubowska, Ludwika; Huang, Shao-Ling; MacDonald, Robert C; Nagaraj, Ashwin; McPherson, David D (2004. ) In vitro characterization of liposomes and Optison by acoustic scattering at 3.5 MHz.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 30 (2 ) ,181-90 More Information
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McPherson, D. D.; Holland, C. K. (2003. ) Seizing the science of ultrasound: beyond imaging and into physiology and therapeutics .J Am Coll Cardiol, , 41 (9 ) ,1628-30
Fowlkes J.;Holland C.;Kremkau F. (01-01-2000. ) Mechanical bioeffects from diagnostic ultrasound: AIUM consensus statements .Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 19 (2 ) ,68-168
Fowlkes J.;Holland C. (01-01-2000. ) Mechanical bioeffects from diagnostic ultrasound: AIUM consensus statements. American Institute of U.Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 19 (2 ) ,69-72 More Information
Fowlkes, J. B.; Holland, C. K. (2000. ) Mechanical bioeffects from diagnostic ultrasound: AIUM consensus statements. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine .J Ultrasound Med, , 19 (2 ) ,69-72
Ouanounou, S.; Tomsick, T. A.; Heitsman, C.; Holland, C. K. (1999. ) Cavernous sinus and inferior petrosal sinus flow signal on three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography .AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, , 20 (8 ) ,1476-81
Ouanounou, S; Tomsick, T A; Heitsman, C; Holland, C K (1999. ) Cavernous sinus and inferior petrosal sinus flow signal on three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, , 20 (8 ) ,1476-81
Holland, C K; Brown, J M; Scoutt, L M; Taylor, K J (1998. ) Lower extremity volumetric arterial blood flow in normal subjects. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 24 (8 ) ,1079-86
Holland, C. K.; Brown, J. M.; Scoutt, L. M.; Taylor, K. J. (1998. ) Lower extremity volumetric arterial blood flow in normal subjects .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 24 (8 ) ,1079-86
Deng C.;Xu Q.;Apfel R.;Holland C. (01-01-1996. ) Inertial cavitation produced by pulsed ultrasound in controlled host media.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 100 (2 I ) ,1199-1208 More Information
Deng C.;Xu Q.;Apfel R.;Holland C. (01-01-1996. ) In vitro measurements of inertial cavitation thresholds in human blood.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 22 (7 ) ,939-948 More Information
Holland, C. K.; Deng, C. X.; Apfel, R. E.; Alderman, J. L.; Fernandez, L. A.; Taylor, K. J. (1996. ) Direct evidence of cavitation in vivo from diagnostic ultrasound .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 22 (7 ) ,917-25
Holland, C. K.; Clancy, M. J.; Taylor, K. J.; Alderman, J. L.; Purushothaman, K.; McCauley, T. R. (1996. ) Volumetric flow estimation in vivo and in vitro using pulsed-Doppler ultrasound .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 22 (5 ) ,591-603
Deng, C. X.; Xu, Q.; Apfel, R. E.; Holland, C. K. (1996. ) In vitro measurements of inertial cavitation thresholds in human blood .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 22 (7 ) ,939-48
Deng, C. X.; Xu, Q.; Apfel, R. E.; Holland, C. K. (1996. ) Inertial cavitation produced by pulsed ultrasound in controlled host media .J Acoust Soc Am, , 100 (2 Pt 1 ) ,1199-208
Holland, C K; Deng, C X; Apfel, R E; Alderman, J L; Fernandez, L A; Taylor, K J (1996. ) Direct evidence of cavitation in vivo from diagnostic ultrasound. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 22 (7 ) ,917-25
Holland, C K; Clancy, M J; Taylor, K J; Alderman, J L; Purushothaman, K; McCauley, T R (1996. ) Volumetric flow estimation in vivo and in vitro using pulsed-Doppler ultrasound. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 22 (5 ) ,591-603
Brown J.M.;Hammers L.W.;Barton J.W.;Holland C.K.;Scoutt L.M.;Pellerito J.S.;Taylor K.J.W. (01-01-1995. ) Quantitative Doppler assessment of acute scrotal inflammation.Radiology, , 197 (2 ) ,427-431 More Information
Reinhold C.;Hammers L.;Taylor C.;Quedens-Case C.;Holland C.;Taylor K. (01-01-1995. ) Characterization of focal hepatic lesions with duplex sonography: Findings in 198 patients.American Journal of Roentgenology, , 164 (5 ) ,1131-1135 More Information
McCauley T.R.;Pena C.S.;Holland C.K.;Price T.B.;Gore J.C. (01-01-1995. ) Validation of volume flow measurements with cine phase?contrast MR imaging for peripheral arterial w.Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, , 5 (6 ) ,663-668 More Information
Reinhold, C.; Hammers, L.; Taylor, C. R.; Quedens-Case, C. L.; Holland, C. K.; Taylor, K. J. (1995. ) Characterization of focal hepatic lesions with duplex sonography: findings in 198 patients .AJR Am J Roentgenol, , 164 (5 ) ,1131-5
McCauley, T. R.; Pena, C. S.; Holland, C. K.; Price, T. B.; Gore, J. C. (1995. ) Validation of volume flow measurements with cine phase-contrast MR imaging for peripheral arterial waveforms .J Magn Reson Imaging, , 5 (6 ) ,663-8
Brown, J. M.; Hammers, L. W.; Barton, J. W.; Holland, C. K.; Scoutt, L. M.; Pellerito, J. S.; Taylor, K. J. (1995. ) Quantitative Doppler assessment of acute scrotal inflammation .Radiology, , 197 (2 ) ,427-31
Holland C.;Taylor K. (01-01-1993. ) Blood flow quantitation: waveform analysis, volume measurement, tumor flow, and the role of color im .Clinics in diagnostic ultrasound, , 28 ,125-139
Dillon E.;Case C.;Ramos I.;Holland C.;Taylor K. (01-01-1993. ) Endovaginal pulsed and color doppler in first-trimester pregnancy.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 19 (7 ) ,517-525 More Information
Dillon E.;Case C.;Ramos I.;Holland C.;Taylor K. (01-01-1993. ) Endovaginal US and Doppler findings after first-trimester abortion.Radiology, , 186 (1 ) ,87-91 More Information
Holland, C. K.; Taylor, K. J. (1993. ) Blood flow quantitation: waveform analysis, volume measurement, tumor flow, and the role of color imaging .Clin Diagn Ultrasound, , 28 (2 ) ,125-39
Holland, C. K. (1993. ) An ethnographic study of nursing culture as an exploration for determining the existence of a system of ritual .J Adv Nurs, , 18 (9 ) ,1461-70
Dillon, E. H.; Case, C. Q.; Ramos, I. M.; Holland, C. K.; Taylor, K. J. (1993. ) Endovaginal pulsed and color Doppler in first-trimester pregnancy .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 19 (7 ) ,517-25
Dillon, E. H.; Case, C. Q.; Ramos, I. M.; Holland, C. K.; Taylor, K. J. (1993. ) Endovaginal US and Doppler findings after first-trimester abortion .Radiology, , 186 (1 ) ,87-91
Crum L.;Roy R.;Dinno M.;Church C.;Apfel R.;Holland C.;Madanshetty S. (01-01-1992. ) Acoustic cavitation produced by microsecond pulses of ultrasound: A discussion of some selected resu.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 91 (2 ) ,1113-1119 More Information
Holland C.;Roy R.;Apfel R.;Crum L. (01-01-1992. ) In Vitro Detection of Cavitation Induced by a Diagnostic Ultrasound System.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, , 39 (1 ) ,95-101 More Information
Holland, C. K.; Roy, R. A.; Apfel, R. E.; Crum, L. A. (1992. ) In vitro detection of cavitation induced by a diagnostic ultrasound system .IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, , 39 (1 ) ,95-101
Crum, L. A.; Roy, R. A.; Dinno, M. A.; Church, C. C.; Apfel, R. E.; Holland, C. K.; Madanshetty, S. I. (1992. ) Acoustic cavitation produced by microsecond pulses of ultrasound: a discussion of some selected results .J Acoust Soc Am, , 91 (2 ) ,1113-9
Apfel R.;Holland C. (01-01-1991. ) Gauging the likelihood of cavitation from short-pulse, low-duty cycle diagnostic ultrasound.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 17 (2 ) ,179-185 More Information
Apfel, R. E.; Holland, C. K. (1991. ) Gauging the likelihood of cavitation from short-pulse, low-duty cycle diagnostic ultrasound .Ultrasound Med Biol, , 17 (2 ) ,179-85
Holland C.;Apfel R. (01-01-1990. ) Thresholds for transient cavitation produced by pulsed ultrasound in a controlled nuclei environment.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 88 (5 ) ,2059-2069 More Information
Holland, C. K.; Apfel, R. E. (1990. ) Thresholds for transient cavitation produced by pulsed ultrasound in a controlled nuclei environment .J Acoust Soc Am, , 88 (5 ) ,2059-69
Holland C.;Apfel R. (01-01-1989. ) An Improved Theory for the Prediction of Microcavitation Thresholds.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, , 36 (2 ) ,204-208 More Information
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Atchley A.;Frizzell L.;Apfel R.;Holland C.;Madanshetty S.;Roy R. (01-01-1988. ) Thresholds for cavitation produced in water by pulsed ultrasound.Ultrasonics, , 26 (5 ) ,280-285 More Information
Atchley, A. A.; Frizzell, L. A.; Apfel, R. E.; Holland, C. K.; Madanshetty, S.; Roy, R. A. (1988. ) Thresholds for cavitation produced in water by pulsed ultrasound .Ultrasonics, , 26 (5 ) ,280-5
Hendley, Samuel A; Bhargava, Aarushi; Holland, Christy K; Wool, Geoffrey D; Ahmed, Osman; Paul, Jonathan D; Bader, Kenneth B (2022. ) (More than) doubling down: Effective fibrinolysis at a reduced rt-PA dose for catheter-directed thrombolysis combined with histotripsy.PloS one, , 17 (1 ) ,e0261567 More Information
Karunakaran, Chandra Priya; Burgess, Mark T; Rao, Marepalli B; Holland, Christy K; Mast, T Douglas (2021. ) Effect of Overpressure on Acoustic Emissions and Treated Tissue Histology in ex Vivo Bulk Ultrasound Ablation.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 47 (8 ) ,2360-2376 More Information
Lafond, Maxime; Salido, Nuria G; Haworth, Kevin J; Hannah, Alexander S; Macke, Gregory P; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K (2021. ) Cavitation Emissions Nucleated by Definity Infused through an EkoSonic Catheter in a Flow Phantom.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 47 (3 ) ,693-709 More Information
Kleven, Robert T; Karani, Kunal B; Hilvert, Nicole; Ford, Samantha M; Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Racadio, John M; Rao, Marepalli B; Abruzzo, Todd A; Holland, Christy K (2021. ) Accelerated sonothrombolysis with Definity in a xenographic porcine cerebral thromboembolism model.Scientific reports, , 11 (1 ) ,3987 More Information
Kooiman, Klazina; Roovers, Silke; Langeveld, Simone A G; Kleven, Robert T; Dewitte, Heleen; O'Reilly, Meaghan A; Escoffre, Jean-Michel; Bouakaz, Ayache; Verweij, Martin D; Hynynen, Kullervo; Lentacker, Ine; Stride, Eleanor; Holland, Christy K (2020. ) Ultrasound-Responsive Cavitation Nuclei for Therapy and Drug Delivery.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 46 (6 ) ,1296-1325 More Information
Bollen, Viktor; Hendley, Samuel A; Paul, Jonathan D; Maxwell, Adam D; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; Bader, Kenneth B (2020. ) In Vitro Thrombolytic Efficacy of Single- and Five-Cycle Histotripsy Pulses and rt-PA.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 46 (2 ) ,336-349 More Information
Lattwein, Kirby R; Shekhar, Himanshu; Kouijzer, Joop J P; van Wamel, Willem J B; Holland, Christy K; Kooiman, Klazina (2020. ) Sonobactericide: An Emerging Treatment Strategy for Bacterial Infections.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 46 (2 ) ,193-215 More Information
Lafond, Maxime; Shekhar, Himanshu; Panmanee, Warunya; Collins, Sydney D; Palaniappan, Arunkumar; McDaniel, Cameron T; Hassett, Daniel J; Holland, Christy K (2019. ) Bactericidal Activity of Lipid-Shelled Nitric Oxide-Loaded Microbubbles.Frontiers in pharmacology, , 10 ,1540 More Information
Bhatt, Seema R; Eckerle, Michelle D; Reed, Jennifer L; Robinson, Venita; Brown, Angela; Lippe, Joyce; Holland, Carolyn; Iyer, Srikant Implementation of Targeted Point of Care HIV Testing in a Pediatric Emergency Department.Pediatric quality & safety, , 5 (1 ) ,e248 More Information
Kee, Patrick H; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Kim, Hyunggun; Yin, Xing; Peng, Tao; Laing, Susan T; Klegerman, Melvin E; Rahbar, Mohammad H; Vela, Deborah; Genstler, Curtis; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D (2020. ) Stabilizing Peri-Stent Restenosis Using a Novel Therapeutic Carrier.JACC. Basic to translational science, , 5 (1 ) ,1-11 More Information
Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Su, Haili; Kalaikadal, Deepak S; Lorenz, John N; Manglik, Raj M; Holland, Christy K; Redington, Andrew N; Haworth, Kevin J (2019. ) Acoustic droplet vaporization-mediated dissolved oxygen scavenging in blood-mimicking fluids, plasma, and blood.Ultrasonics sonochemistry, , 56 ,114-124 More Information
Kleven, Robert T; Karani, Kunal B; Salido, Nuria G; Shekhar, Himanshu; Haworth, Kevin J; Mast, T Douglas; Tadesse, Dawit G; Holland, Christy K (2019. ) The effect of 220?kHz insonation scheme on rt-PA thrombolytic efficacy in vitro.Physics in medicine and biology, , 64 (16 ) ,165015 More Information
Bader, Kenneth B; Gruber, Matthew J; Holland, Christy K (2019. ) Corrigendum to: "Shaken and Stirred: Mechanisms of Ultrasound-Enhanced Thrombolysis" in Ultrasound Med Biol 2015; 41(1): 187-196.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 45 (8 ) ,2266 More Information
Shekhar, Himanshu; Kleven, Robert T; Peng, Tao; Palaniappan, Arunkumar; Karani, Kunal B; Huang, Shaoling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2019. ) In vitro characterization of sonothrombolysis and echocontrast agents to treat ischemic stroke.Scientific reports, , 9 (1 ) ,9902 More Information
Shekhar, Himanshu; Palaniappan, Arunkumar; Peng, Tao; Lafond, Maxime; Moody, Melanie R; Haworth, Kevin J; Huang, Shaoling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K (2019. ) Characterization and Imaging of Lipid-Shelled Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Release of Xenon.Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, , 16 (3 ) ,878-890 More Information
Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Kleven, Robert; Rivera, Hermes Aponte; Lewis, Ryden; Karani, Kunal B; Vos, Hendrik J; Abruzzo, Todd A; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K (2019. ) Erratum to 'Effect of clot stiffness on recombinant tissue plasminogen activator lytic susceptibility in vitro' [Ultrasound Med Biol 44 (2018) 2710-2727].Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 45 (7 ) ,1860 More Information
Rich, Kyle T; Holland, Christy K; Rao, Marepalli B; Mast, T Douglas (2018. ) Characterization of cavitation-radiated acoustic power using diffraction correction.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 144 (6 ) ,3563 More Information
Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Kleven, Robert T; Aponte Rivera, Hermes; Lewis, Ryden; Karani, Kunal B; Vos, Hendrik J; Abruzzo, Todd A; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K (2018. ) Effect of Clot Stiffness on Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Lytic Susceptibility in Vitro.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 44 (12 ) ,2710-2727 More Information
Haworth, Kevin J; Goldstein, Bryan H; Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Srivastava, Rohan; Arunkumar, P; Su, Haili; Privitera, Ellena M; Holland, Christy K; Redington, Andrew N (2017. ) Dissolved Oxygen Scavenging by Acoustic Droplet Vaporization using Intravascular Ultrasound.IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium : [proceedings]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, , 2017 , More Information
Klegerman, Melvin E; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; Laing, Susan T; Govindarajan, Vijay; Danila, Delia; Tahanan, Amirali; Rahbar, Mohammad H; Vela, Deborah; Genstler, Curtis; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D; Kee, Patrick H (2022. ) Demonstration of ultrasound-mediated therapeutic delivery of fibrin-targeted pioglitazone-loaded echogenic liposomes into the arterial bed for attenuation of peri-stent restenosis.Journal of drug targeting, , 1-10 More Information
Zemzemi, Chadi; Phillips, Matthew; Vela, Deborah C; Hilvert, Nicole A; Racadio, John M; Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K (2022. ) Effect of Thrombin and Incubation Time on Porcine Whole Blood Clot Elasticity and Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Susceptibility.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 48 (8 ) ,1567-1578 More Information
Suarez Escudero, Daniel; Haworth, Kevin J; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K (2023. ) Quantifying the Effect of Acoustic Parameters on Temporal and Spatial Cavitation Activity: Gauging Cavitation Dose.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 49 (11 ) ,2388-2397 More Information
Kennedy, Sonya R; Lafond, Maxime; Haworth, Kevin J; Escudero, Daniel Suarez; Ionascu, Dan; Frierson, Brion; Huang, Shaoling; Klegerman, Melvin E; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K (2023. ) Initiating and imaging cavitation from infused echo contrast agents through the EkoSonic catheter.Scientific reports, , 13 (1 ) ,6191 More Information
Kleven, Robert T; Huang, Shenwen; Ford, Samantha M; Sakthivel, Karthikeyan; Thomas, Seth R; Zuccarello, Mario; Herr, Andrew B; Holland, Christy K (2023. ) Effect of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator and 120-kHz Ultrasound on Porcine Intracranial Thrombus Density.Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 49 (2 ) ,539-548 More Information
Escudero, Daniel Suarez; Lafond, Maxime; Salido, Nuria G; Haworth, Kevin J; Hannah, Alexander S; Macke, Gregory P; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K (2023. ) Corrigendum to 'Cavitation emissions nucleated by Definity infused through an EkoSonic catheter in a flow phantom' [Ultrasound in Med & Biol. 47 (2021) 693-709].Ultrasound in medicine & biology, , 49 (1 ) ,410-414 More Information
Holland C.K.; Shekhar H.; Lafond M. (10-01-2019. ) Lipid-shelled microbubbles for ultrasound-triggered release of bioactive gases to treat stroke and c.IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, , 2019-October ,2037-2039 More Information
Kee P.H.; Moody M.R.; Huang S.L.; Kim H.; Yin X.; Peng T.; Laing S.T.; Klegerman M.E.; Rahbar M.H.; Vela D.; Genstler C.; Haworth K.J.; Holland C.K.; McPherson D.D. (01-01-2020. ) Stabilizing Peri-Stent Restenosis Using a Novel Therapeutic Carrier.JACC: Basic to Translational Science, , 5 (1 ) ,1-11 More Information
Lafond M.; Shekhar H.; Panmanee W.; Collins S.D.; Palaniappan A.; McDaniel C.T.; Hassett D.J.; Holland C.K. (01-01-2020. ) Bactericidal activity of lipid-shelled nitric oxide-loaded microbubbles.Frontiers in Pharmacology, , 10 , More Information
Hendley S.A.; Paul J.D.; Maxwell A.D.; Haworth K.J.; Holland C.K.; Bader K.B. (09-01-2021. ) Clot Degradation Under the Action of Histotripsy Bubble Activity and a Lytic Drug.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, , 68 (9 ) ,2942-2952 More Information
Maxwell A.D.; Haworth K.J.; Holland C.K.; Hendley S.A.; Kreider W.; Bader K.B. (01-01-2022. ) Design and Characterization of an Ultrasound Transducer for Combined Histotripsy-Thrombolytic Therap.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, , 69 (1 ) ,156-165 More Information
Holland C.K. (01-01-2022. ) Editorial.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, , 48 (1 ) ,1-2 More Information
Haworth K.J.; Salido N.G.; Lafond M.; Escudero D.S.; Holland C.K. (06-01-2023. ) Passive Cavitation Imaging Artifact Reduction Using Data-Adaptive Spatial Filtering.IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, , 70 (6 ) ,498-509 More Information
Book Chapter
J. B. Fowlkes and C. K. Holland (2010 ) Biologic effects and safety Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4th Ed. St. Louis, MO, Mosby
C. K. Holland and J. B. Fowlkes (2004 ) Biologic effects and safety Diagnostic Ultrasound, 3rd Ed. .St. Louis, MO, Mosby
AIUM (2000 ) Mechanical Bioeffects from Diagnostic Ultrasound: AIUM Consensus Statements J. Ultrasound Med. (pp. 68-168).
C. K. Holland, T. A. Siddiqi (1999 ) Mechanical Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis .(pp. 44-55).London, England, British Medical Ultrasound Society/British Institute of Radiology
C. K. Holland (1998 ) Cavitation produced by diagnostic ultrasound pulses: Can it occur in vivo? Progress in Obstetric and Gynecological Sonography Series: Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound .Pearl River, New York , Parthenon Publishing Group
J. B. Fowlkes and C. K. Holland (1998 ) Biologic effects and safety Diagnostic Ultrasound, 2nd Ed. .St. Louis, MO, Mosby
C. K. Holland (1995 ) Ultrasound Bioeffects: The Mechanical and Thermal Indices Medical CT and Ultrasound: Current Technology and Applications .(pp. 211-228).Madison, WI, Advanced Medical Publishing
C. K. Holland and K. J. W. Taylor (1993 ) Blood flow quantitation: Waveform analysis, volume measurement, tumor flow and the role of color imaging Advances in ultrasound techniques and instrumentation .(pp. 125-139).Livingstone, New York , Churchill
C. K. Holland, G. J. Shaw and S. Datta (2011 ) Ultrasound-Enhanced Thrombolysis Therapeutic Ultrasound: Mechanisms to Applications .New York, Nova Science
K. B. Bader, G. Bouchoux, C. K. Holland (2015 ) Sonothrombolysis Therapeutic Ultrasound .New York, Springer
J. B. Fowlkes and C. K. Holland (2017 ) Biologic effects and safety Diagnostic Ultrasound, 5th Ed. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier
Invited Presentations
C. K. Holland (10-04-2010. ) Targeting therapeutics with ultrasound .Mackay Memorial Hospital, Tamshui branch , Taipei county, Taiwan.
C. K. Holland (10-04-2010. ) Submission of papers to Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology: A Round table discussion .National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. K. Holland (11-02-2010. ) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery using echogenic liposomes .Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine , Taipei, Taiwan.
C. K. Holland (10-01-2010. ) Expanding the impact of therapeutic ultrasound .National Yang-Ming University , Institute of Biomedical Engineering.
C. K. Holland (09-16-2010. ) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery using echogenic liposomes .Cardiovascular Center of Excellence Seminar,College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (09-14-2010. ) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery using echogenic liposomes .Department of Physics and the National Center for Physical Acoustics Seminar, University of Mississippi , Mississippi.
C. K. Holland (09-14-2010. ) The submission and review process of academic publishing .National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi, Mississippi.
K. E. Hitchcock, N. M. Ivancevich, K. J. Haworth, D. N. Caudell Stamper, D. Vela, G. J. Pyne-Geithman, C. K. Holland (2010. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis in an ex vivo porcine carotid artery model .J. Acoust. Soc. Am. ,
C. K. Holland (2010. ) Expanding the impact of therapeutic ultrasound .J. Ultrasound Med. 29:S69 ,
C. K. Holland, J. A. Kopechek, K. E. Hitchcock, D. Caudell, G. Pyne-Geithman, S. Huang, D. D. McPherson (01-21-2010. ) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery using echogenic liposomes .15th European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
C. K. Holland (09-30-2009. ) Sonothrombolysis: In vitro, Ex vivo, In vivo .Third Autumn School on Therapeutic Ultrasound, Cargese , Corsica, France .
C. K. Holland (08-30-2009. ) Ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis .Ultrasound Med Biol 35(8S):S33 ,
C. K. Holland (08-31-2009. ) Ultrasound mediated drug delivery .Ultrasound Med Biol 35(8S):S8 ,
C. K. Holland (04-05-2009. ) Ultrasound thrombolysis and drug delivery .J Ultrasound Med 28(3):S114,
C. K. Holland (11-23-2008. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis .Student chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland, D. A. Smith, J. M. Meunier, G. J. Shaw, S. L. Huang, D. D. McPherson (2008. ) Targeting thrombolysis with ultrasound-sensitive liposomes .Int. J. Stroke 3(Suppl 1):36 ,
C. K. Holland, A. Y. Ammi, J. M. Meunier, G. J. Shaw, K. R. Wagner (2008. ) Ultrasound thrombolysis .Int. J. Stroke 3(Suppl 1):437 ,
C. K. Holland (2008. ) Interactions between clot and ultrasound: Better blood clot break-up with bubbles .Cerebrovasc Dis 26:8 ,
C. K. Holland and D. D. McPherson (2008. ) Echogenic liposomes for image-guided drug delivery .J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123:3112 ,
C. K. Holland (06-24-2008. ) Ultrasound contrast in sonothrombolysis .Stroke Team Seminar, Neurology Dept., University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (03-15-2008. ) Ultrasound contrast in sonothrombolysis .J Ultrasound Med 27(3):S74,
C. K. Holland (10-28-2007. ) The role of cavitation in ultrasound-enhanced membrane permeability and drug activity .IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, New York.
C. K. Holland (10-26-2007. ) Better Blood Clot Break up with Bubbles: Ultrasound Enhanced Thrombolysis .Division of Nephrology and Hypertension Seminar, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (10-25-2007. ) The role of cavitation in ultrasound-enhanced membrane permeability and drug activity .National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health,
C. K. Holland (10-11-2007. ) Better Blood Clot Breakup With Bubbles: Ultrasound-Enhanced Thrombolysis .Ohio State University Biomedical Engineering Research Seminar, Columbus, OH.
C. K. Holland (2007. ) Better Blood Clot Breakup With Bubbles: Ultrasound-Enhanced Thrombolysis .J Ultrasound Med 26:S57 ,
C. K. Holland (06-01-2006. ) The evolution of contrast agents: From therapeutics to diagnostics .Department of Physics, SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, Korea .
C. K. Holland (Bad Format: 20060431. ) Ultrasound-assisted drug delivery and thrombolysis .Medison Inc., Seoul, Korea .
C. Holland, T. Porter, D. McPherson (05-30-2006. ) Ultrasound-assisted drug delivery and thrombolysis .World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Meeting , Seoul, Korea.
C. K. Holland (05-23-2006. ) The evolution of contrast agents: From therapeutics to diagnostics .The Leading Edge Symposium , Atlantic City, NJ .
C. K. Holland (04-26-2006. ) The evolution of contrast agents: From therapeutics to diagnostics .Dept. of Systems Biology and Physiology, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (03-30-2006. ) The evolution of contrast agents: From therapeutics to diagnostics .Department of Radiology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas.
C. K. Holland (01-27-2006. ) The evolution of contrast agents: From therapeutics to diagnostics .Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, TN.
C. K. Holland (11-03-2005. ) The evolution of contrast agents: From therapeutics to diagnostics .Memphis BioImaging Symposium, Memphis, TN.
C. K. Holland (07-04-2005. ) Ultrasound enhancement of membrane permeability and drug actvity .Mayneord Phillips Summer School on Ultrasound and Other Minimally Invasive Therapies, Oxford University , Oxford, UK .
C. K. Holland (06-23-2005. ) BME Research Opportunities .Summer Surgery Experience at UC program, Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (06-18-2005. ) Risk and Safety .American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Preconvention Course on Diagnostic Ultrasound Principles and Instruments: Fundamentals and Advances ,
C. K. Holland (03-23-2005. ) Ultrasound-assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy .Department of Mechanical Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series, Univeristy of Texas , Austin, TX.
C. K. Holland (2004. ) Ultrasound-assisted drug delivery: From bioeffects to therapeutic benefit .J Ultrasound Med., 23:S84 ,
C. K. Holland (2004. ) Biomedical Engineering: A platform for research and innovation in ultrasound .J Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2563 ,
C. K. Holland (2004. ) Robert Apfel’s contribution to clinical diagnostic ultrasound: The mechanical index .J Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2418 ,
C. K. Holland (10-29-2003. ) Ultrasound-Assisted Thrombolysis for Stroke Therapy .Biomedical Engineering Research Seminar Series, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ,
C. K. Holland, R. A. Roy, P. W. Biddinger, C. J. Disimile, C. Cawood (09-06-2001. ) Cavitation mediated rat lung bioeffects from diagnostic ultrasound .International Congress on Acoustics , Rome, Italy .
C. K. Holland (2001. ) Bioeffects in Tissues with Gas Bodies .AIUM Categorical Course, J. Ultrasound in Med. ,
C. K. Holland (12-07-2000. ) Bioeffects in the Lung and Intestine .Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the British Medical Ultrasound Society , Eastbourne, U.K. .
C. K. Holland (12-07-2000. ) The Mechanical Index – An Overview .Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the British Medical Ultrasound Society , Eastbourne, U.K. .
C. K. Holland (05-01-2000. ) The Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound .Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting , Ft. Meyers, FL .
C. K. Holland (11-17-1999. ) Assessing Arterial Stenosis by Tracking Turbulence .Condensed Matter Seminar, Dept. of Physics, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (11-16-1999. ) Mechanical Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Lung and Intestine .Dept. of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Introduction to Biomechanics, 20-251-627 ,
C. K. Holland (10-19-1999. ) What you should know about Doppler Artifacts and Bioeffects .Midwest Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland, R. E. Apfel (1999. ) Fundamentals of the Mechanical Index and Caveats in its Application .J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, No.2, Pt. 2, ,
C. K. Holland (12-10-1997. ) Diagnosing Arterial Disease with Turbulence .Department of Surgery Noon Conference, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (07-16-1997. ) Turbulence in Arteries .Research seminar for the REACH program, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (04-05-1997. ) Noninvasive Assessment of Turbulent Flow in Arteries .Ben Felson Lecture Presentations, Radiology Dept., University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (03-30-1996. ) Bioeffects in Rat Lung from Diagnostic Ultrasound .Ben Felson Lecture Presentations, Radiology Dept., University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (02-13-1996. ) Ultrasound Physics III .Trauma/Critical Care Division, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (01-30-1996. ) Ultrasound Physics II .Trauma/Critical Care Division, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (01-16-1996. ) Ultrasound Physics I .Trauma/Critical Care Division, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (1996. ) Potential bioeffects of ultrasound in lungs and intestines .Medical Physics 23, 1069 ,
C. K. Holland (1996. ) Biophysical bubble dynamics: Theory and prediction in bio-like fluids .The Conference for Ultrasonics in Biophysics and Bioengineering , Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign .
C. K. Holland (1995. ) Bioeffects and the Thermal Index .AAPM Summer School, Connecticut College , New London, CT .
C. K. Holland (1995. ) Bioeffects and the Mechanical Index .AAPM Summer School, Connecticut College , New London, CT .
C. K. Holland (04-11-1995. ) Doppler and His Effect on Medical Imaging .Howard Hughes Medical Institute Special Lecture, Swarthmore College , Swarthmore, PA.
C. K. Holland (04-01-1995. ) Lower Extremity Volumetric Blood Flow Measurement in Normal Subjects .Ben Felson Lecture Presentations, Radiology Dept., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (03-22-1995. ) Direct Evidence of Cavitation In Vivo From Diagnostic Ultrasound .Medical Physics Seminar, Dept. of Radiology, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH.
C. K. Holland (10-20-1994. ) Doppler Physics and Bioeffects .Dept. of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Introduction to Biomechanics, 20-251-627 ,
C. K. Holland (10-18-1994. ) Ultrasound Physics .Dept. of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Introduction to Biomechanics, 20-251-627 ,
R. E. Apfel, C. K. Holland, L. A. Crum, and R. A. Roy (1992. ) Acoustic cavitation from diagnostic ultrasound .J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, No. 4, Pt. 2, 2430 ,
C. K. Holland (1991. ) In vitro cavitation: Bubble thresholds in water with a controlled nuclei environment .The Conference for Ultrasonics in Biophysics and Bioengineering, Allerton Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Monticello, Illinois.
C. K. Holland (1990. ) A simple index for estimating the likelihood of transient cavitation from diagnostic ultrasound .Medical Physics 17, 556 ,
C. K. Holland (1990. ) Gauging the likelihood of transient cavitation from clinical diagnostic ultrasound .International Symposium on the Mechanisms of Acoustical Bioeffects, Pushchino, USSR .
Paper Presentations
N. M. Ivancevich, K. J. Haworth, K. E. Hitchcock, C. K. Holland (2010. ) Determination of optimal ultrasound parameters for ex vivo sonothombolysis .
V. A. Salgaonkar, C. K. Holland, T. D. Mast (2010. ) Spatially sensitive passive cavitation detection with ultrasound imaging arrays during focused ultrasound ablation .
H. Kim, G. L. Britton, C. K. Holland, D. D. McPherson, S. L. Huang (09-30-2009. ) Ultrasoundcontrolled therapeutic gas delivery provides enhanced neuroprotection following hypoxic ischemia .
C. K. Holland (09-30-2009. ) Ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis .
C. K. Holland (09-30-2009. ) Ultrasound mediated drug delivery .
Y.-J. Geng, M. Klegerman, C. Holland, D. McPherson (2009. ) Targeted delivery of stem cells to atherosclerotic arteries using immunoliposomes .
A. Y. Ammi, S. Datta, S. R. Perrin, Jr., Sh. L. Beiler, C. R. Beiler, K. R. Wagner, C. K. Holland (2009. ) 120 kilohertz ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis in a porcine intracerebral hemorrhage model .
K . E. Hitchcock, J. T. Sutton, D. N. Caudell, G. J. Pyne-Geithman, M. E. Klegerman, S. L. Huang, D. Vela, D. D. McPherson, C. K. Holland (2009. ) Delivery of targeted echogenic liposomes in an ex vivo mouse aorta model .
J. A. Kopechek, T. M. Porter, C.-C. Coussios, S. R. Perrin, Jr., S.-L. Huang, D. D. McPherson, C. K. Holland (2009. ) Acoustic characterizaiton of echogenic liposomes: Attenuation and quantitative backscatter .
G. J. Shaw, J. M. Meunier, C. K. Holland (2009. ) Exogenous plasminogen increases tPA lytic efficacy in in-vitro human clot .
A. Y. Ammi, S. Beiler, K. E. Hitchcock, S. Vaidya, K. R. Wagner, T. D. Mast, G deCourten- Myers, C. K. Holland (2008. ) 120-kHz ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis in a porcine intracerebral hemorrhage model .
J. M. Meunier, D. A. B. Smith, C. K. Holland, S.-L. Huang, D. D. McPherson, G. J. Shaw (2008. ) 120 kHz pulsed ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis with tPA-loaded echogenic liposomes .
C. K. Holland (2008. ) Interactions between clot and ultrasound: Better blood clot break-up with bubbles .
A. Y. Ammi, T. D. Mast, I.-H. Huang, T. A. Abruzzo, C.-C. Coussios, G. J. Shaw, C. K. Holland (2008. ) Characterization of ultrasound propagation through ex-vivo human temporal bone .
D. D. McPherson, S. Huang, C. K. Holland (2008. ) Echogenic liposomes for molecular targeted therapeutic delivery .
S. Huang, D. D. McPherson, C K. Holland (2008. ) Echogenic liposomes for vasoactive gas delivery and inhibition of intima hyperplasia in atheroproliferative disease .
C. K. Holland and D. D. McPherson (2008. ) Echogenic liposomes for image-guided drug delivery .
C. K. Holland (2008. ) Ultrasound contrast in sonothrombolysis .
G. J. Shaw, J. M. Meunier, C. J. Lindsell, C. K. Holland (2008. ) Optimal tPA concentration for 120 kHz ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis .
J. M. Meunier, D. A. B. Smith, C. K. Holland, S. Huang, D. D. McPherson, G. J. Shaw (2007. ) 120 kHz pulsed ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activatorloaded echogenic liposomes .
S. Datta, A. Y. Ammi, C. C. Coussios, C. K. Holland (2007. ) Monitoring and simulating stable cavitation during ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis .
J. A. Kopechek, S. M. Chzanowski, D. A. B. Smith, W. B. Gaskins, T. A. Abruzzo, S-L Huang, D. D. McPherson, C. K. Holland (2007. ) Ultrasound-mediated release of calcein from echogenic liposomes .
D. A. B. Smith, S. Vaidya, J. A. Kopechek, K. E. Hitchcock, S. L. Huang, D. D. McPherson, C. K. Holland (2007. ) Echogenic liposomes loaded with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activatory (rt-PA) for image-guided, ultrasound-triggered drug release .
T. Abruzzo, B. Wang, J. Kopechek, P. Kee, D. Smith, J. Collier, R. McDonald, D. McPherson, C. Holland (2007. ) Ultrasound-Mediated Drug Release From Nanoscale Echogenic Liposomes .
G. J. Shaw, T. M. Porter, J. M. Meunier, D. Woo, C. K. Holland (2007. ) Low-intensity 120-kHz pulsed ultrasound "busts more clot" than 2-MHz transcranial Doppler in the presence of rtPA .
C. K. Holland, S. Datta, S. S. Vaidya, J. M. Meunier, G. J. Shaw and C.-C. Coussios (2006. ) Ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis .
S. Datta, S. S. Vaidya, S. Beiler, G. de Courten-Meyer, C. K. Holland (2006. ) Ultrasound-assisted penetration of rt-PA into clots to enhance thrombolysis .
T. M. Porter, C. K. Holland, J. M. Meunier, G. J. Shaw (2006. ) Enhancement of recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator (rt-PA) with 2-MHz transcranial Doppler ultrasound .
V. M. Nahirnyak and C. K. Holland (2006. ) Ultrasound hyperthermia in clotted blood and ex vivo cranial bone .
C. K. Holland (2006. ) Ultrasound-enhanced drug delivery will achieve widespread clinical use .
T. D. Mast, V. A. Salgaonkar, C. Karunakaran, J. A. Besse, S. Datta, C. K. Holland (2006. ) Measurements of cavitation dose, echogenicity, and temperature during ultrasound ablation .
C. K. Holland, T. M. Porter, D. D. McPherson (2006. ) Ultrasound-assisted drug delivery and thrombolysis .
S. R. More, T. C. Lim, M. Li, C. K. Holland, S. E. Boyce, J-H. Lee (2006. ) Structural-Acoustic Analysis, Identification and Control of a 4T MRI Scanner .
D. A. B. Smith, T. M. Porter, C. K. Holland, S.-L. Huang, R. C. MacDonald, D. D. McPherson (2006. ) Destruction thresholds of echogenic liposomes with clinical diagnostic ultrasound .
T. M. Porter, S. S. Vaidya, C. K. Holland, S-L Huang, R. C. MacDonald, D. D. McPherson (2006. ) Quantification of the pressure threshold for Optison® destruction .
G. J. Shaw, J. M. Meunier, J. Y. Cheng, C. K. Holland (2006. ) Duty cycle dependence of 120-kHz pulsed ultrasound enhancement of thrombolysis in human clots .
J. M. Meunier, C. K. Holland, A. M. Pancioli, and G. J. Shaw (2006. ) 120-kHz ultrasound enhances rt-PA and Eptifibatide thrombolysis in human clots .
S. Tiukinhoy-Laing, S. Huang, D. S. Parikh, J Martinez, S. S. Vaidya, C. K. Holland, R. C. MacDonald, D. D. McPherson (2005. ) Ultrasound-facilitated lot lysis using tPA-loaded echogenic liposomes .
G. J. Shaw, J. M. Meunier, J. Y. Cheng, C. K. Holland (2005. ) Duty cycle dependence of ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis in an in-vitro human clot model .
V. M. Nahirnyak, S. W. Yoon, C. K. Holland (2005. ) Acousto-mechanical and thermal properties of clotted blood .
T. M. Porter, S. S. Vaidya, C. K. Holland, S-L Huang, R. C. MacDonald, D. D. McPherson (2005. ) Evaluation of backscattered intensity to quantify the destruction rate of echogenic liposomes .
D. A. B. Smith, T. M. Porter, C. K. Holland, S-L Huang, R. C. MacDonald, D. D. McPherson (2005. ) Effect of clinical diagnostic ultrasound pressure amplitude and pulse repetition frequency on echogenic liposome destruction .
S. Datta, L. E. McAdory, J. Tan, C. K. Holland (2005. ) Cavitation detection during ultrasoundassisted thrombolysis in porcine blood clots .
J. Y. Cheng, C. K. Holland, G. J. Shaw (2004. ) Microscopic imaging study of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator thrombolysis with 120-KHz ultrasound in an in-vitro human clot model .
S. R. More, T. C. Lim, C. K. Holland, J-H. Lee (2004. ) Characterization of the acoustic noise response of a 4T MRI scanner .
G. J. Shaw, A. Dhamija, C. K. Holland (2004. ) Effect of temperature on ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis .
M K. Tiede, S. E. Boyce, C. K. Holland and K. A. Choe (2004. ) A new taxonomy of American English /r/ using MRI and ultrasound .
T. M. Porter, C. K. Holland, S. Datta (2004. ) In vitro characterization of echogenic liposomes by acoustic scattering at 3.5 - 15.0 MHz .
J. Y. Cheng, C. K. Holland and G. J. Shaw (2004. ) In vitro microscopic imaging of rt-PA thrombolysis with 120-KHz ultrasound in a human clot model .
C. K. Holland, C.-C. Coussios, L. Jakubowska, S. Huang, R. C. MacDonald, A. Nagaraj, D. D. McPherson (2003. ) In vitro characterization of liposomes and optison by acoustic scattering at 3.5 MHz .
C.-C. Coussios, C. K. Holland, L. Jakubowska, S.-L. Huang, R. C. MacDonald, A. Nagaraj, and D. D. McPherson (2003. ) Acoustic characterization of liposome suspensions and Optison® at 3.5 MHz .
G. J. Shaw, A. Dhamija, C. K. Holland and K. R. Wagner (2003. ) Temperature dependence of tPA thrombolysis in an in-vitro clot model .Washington, D.C..
GJ Shaw, A Dhamija, CK Holland and KR Wagner (2003. ) Temperature dependence of tPA thrombolysis in an in-vitro clot model .
C.-C. Coussios, C. K. Holland and G. J. Shaw (2002. ) Transmission of a large unfocused 120-kHz and 1-MHz ultrasound beam through the human skull .
C. K. Holland, S. S. Vaidya, C.-C. Coussios, and G. J. Shaw (2002. ) Thrombolytic effects of 120- kHz and 1-MHz ultrasound and tissue plasminogen activator on porcine whole blood clots .
G. J. Shaw, S. S. Vaidya, K. R. Wagner, and C. K. Holland (2002. ) 1-MHz Ultrasound Assists Clot Lysis .
C. K. Holland, R. A. Roy, P. W. Biddinger, C. J. Disimile, C. Cawood (2001. ) Cavitation mediated rat lung bioeffects from diagnostic ultrasound .
G. J. Shaw, N. L. Hahn, K. R. Wagner, D. S. Kanter, C. K. Holland (2001. ) Ultrasound assisted clot lysis for stroke therapy .
G. J. Shaw, N. L. Hahn, K. R. Wagner, D. S. Kanter, C. K. Holland (2001. ) Ultrasound assisted thrombolysis in an in-vitro clot model .
J. Stanek, W. Kossenjans, C. K. Holland, L. Myatt, T. A. Siddiqi (2000. ) Is the human hemochorial placenta impermeable to gas-carrier ultrasound contrast agents .
C. K. Holland, C. J. Disimile, P. A. Bejarano, C. Cawood, W. A. Karle (2000. ) Threshold of rat lung damage from 6.0 MHz pulsed Doppler ultrasound .
C. K. Holland, J. T. Flament (1999. ) The acoustic field of a clinical pulsed Doppler ultrasound system near lung .
M. M. Miller, C. K. Holland, P. J. Disimile (1999. ) Assessing arterial stenoses by tracking turbulence with Doppler ultrasound .
J. S. Moulton, S. E. Braley, K. A. Choe, C. K. Holland (1999. ) Significance of adrenal masses detected by CT: Relation to oncologic history .
C. K. Holland (1999. ) Fundamentals of the Mechanical Index and caveats in its application .
C. K. Holland (1998. ) Mechanical Mechanisms Update .
J. S. Stroud, C. K. Holland (1997. ) Assessment of turbulent flow in arteries using Doppler ultrasound .
C. K. Holland, J. S. Stroud, N. E. Reinhart (1996. ) Quantitative assessment of arterial stenoses using Doppler ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging .Snowbird, Utah .
C. K. Holland (1996. ) Bioeffects in rat lungs from diagnostic ultrasound .
S. Arora, C. K. Holland, H. Pedersen, K. J. W. Taylor, R. J. Gusberg, G. H. Meier (1995. ) Noninvasive impedance estimation in an in vitro pulsatile flow model .
C. K. Holland, X. Zheng, R. E. Apfel, J. L. Alderman, L. Fernandez, K. J. W. Taylor (1995. ) Direct evidence of cavitation in vivo from diagnostic ultrasound .
C. K. Holland, J. M Brown, L. M. Scoutt, K. J. W. Taylor (1995. ) Lower extremity volumetric blood flow measurement with Doppler ultrasound in normal subjects .
C. K. Holland, K. Sandstrom, X. Zheng, J. Rodriguey, R. A. Roy (1994. ) The acoustic field of a pulsed Doppler diagnostic ultrasound system near a pressure-release surface .
Q. Xu, C. K. Holland, and R. E. Apfel (1992. ) Measurement of cavitation thresholds for human blood .
J. S. Pellerito, C. K. Holland, S. K. Holland, R. I. White, L. W. Hammers, J. Barton, and K. J. W. Taylor (1992. ) In vivo and in vitro observation of color persistence: A sign of peripheral arterial stenosis .
C. K. Holland, S. K. Holland, R. R. Bailey, J. S. Pellerito, J. C. Gatenby, and K. J. W. Taylor (1991. ) Flow patterns in a stenosed artery model: In vitro experiments .
J. S. Pellerito, C. K. Holland, S. K. Holland, L. W. Hammers, R. I. White, J. Barton, and K. J. W. Taylor (1991. ) Color persistence: an indicator of hemodynamically significant peripheral arterial stenosis .
L. W. Hammers, C. L. Quedens-Case, C. Y. Reinhold, C. K. Holland, and K. J. W. Taylor (1991. ) Pulse Doppler ultrasound of focal liver masses .
R. E. Apfel and C. K. Holland (1991. ) New approaches to the use of acoustic radiation forces in the calibration of high frequency transducers .
Q. Xu, C. K. Holland, and R. E. Apfel (1991. ) Signal processing to extract transient microcavitation signals from noise .
R. A. Roy, C. K. Holland, R. E. Apfel, and L. A. Crum (1990. ) Cavitation from diagnostic ultrasound .
C. K. Holland and R. E. Apfel (1989. ) Effects of nuclei and host fluid parameters on the threshold for cavitation produced by pulsed ultrasound .
Honors and Awards
2008 -2009 Richard Akeson Excellence in Teaching Award College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati
2008 Master Educator Award College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati
2007 Distinguished Researcher Award College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati
2006 -To Present Editor-in-Chief Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
2003 -2006 Associate Editor Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
06-2003 Attended The Whitaker Foundation Academic Leadership Program
2001 Fellow Acoustical Society of America
2000 Fellow American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
2000 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Presidential Recognition Award
1990 International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics Young Scientist Award Pushchino, USSR
1983 Emanuel Gratenstein Fellowship Yale University
1983 Sigma Xi
1983 Graduated Cum Laude Wellesley College
2013 Joseph H. Holmes Basic Science Pioneer Award, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
2010 Student Council Mentoring Award, Acoustical Society of America
Student Advising
Jason Raymond (Master ) Advisor
Matthew Gruber Advisor
Jonathan Sutton Advisor
Stephen Perrin (Undergrad ) Advisor
Kirthi Radhakrishnan Advisor
Jonathan Kopechek Advisor
Kate Hitchcock (Doctoral ) Advisor
Saurabh Datta (Doctoral ) Advisor
Denise Smith (Doctoral ) Advisor
Jun Tan (Undergrad ) Advisor
Volodya Nahirnyak (Doctoral ) Advisor
Nancy Hahn Advisor
Kim Philippi (Master ) Advisor
Donnevan Blake (Master ) Advisor
Megan Miller (Master ) Advisor
Patrick Whitlock (Doctoral ) Advisor
Jeff Vaitekunas (Doctoral ) Advisor
Ilya Alexeev (Doctoral ) Advisor
(Intellectual Property Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 2009 -2011
(Information Technology Infrastructure Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2005 -2008
College of Engineering (Decanal Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2003
College of Medicine (Committee on Committees ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2010 -To Present
College of Medicine (Faculty Forum Executive Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2000 -To Present
University Hospital (Ultrasound Credentialing Subcommittee Chair ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 2002
(UCBME Head Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2002
Rowe Center for Women Engineers (Steering Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2001 -2002
College of Medicine (Women Faculty Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 1997 -1998
College of Medicine (Committee on Research ) Co-Chair Type:University/College Service 1995 -1997
Facilitation of Research subcommittee (Core Facilities subcommittee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2007 -2009
(Director of Graduate Studies ) Director Type:Departmental Service 2007 -2009
(Promotion and Tenure Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2006 -To Present
Medical Imaging Faculty (UCBME Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair 2004
Center for Imaging Research (UCBME Faculty Search Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2002
Department of Biomedical Engineering (Research Administration ) Director Type:Departmental Service 2001 -2007
(Women in Discovery Executive Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2001
Department of Radiology (Committee on Research ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 1996 -2001
(Scientific Advisory Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 1995 -2001
Mechanical Bioeffects of Diagn,Medical Ultrasound,Doppler ultrasound,Acoustic Cavitation,Stroke Therapy Echo Contrast Agents Targeted Liposomes Acoustic Cavitation Biomedical Ultrasound,Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment(MeSH E),Cardiovascular Diseases(MeSH C14),Diagnosis(MeSH E01),Therapeutics(MeSH E02),Investigative Techniques(MeSH E05),Equipment and Supplies(MeSH E07)
Professional Affiliation
Acoustical Society of America, Fellow: Elected to Executive Council (1999-2002) Cavitation Working Group (Technical Report S1/WG22), published in 2000 Physical Acoustics Technical Committee (1997 - 2006) Biomedical Ultrasound Technical Committee (1996 - ) Membership Committee (2008 - 2011) Nominating Committee (1996) Ethics Committee (1996) Committee on Public Relations (1994 - 2010)
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Fellow: American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Fellow: Elected as Officer, Secretary (2001 - 2005) Elected to Board of Governors (1998 - 2001) Co-Chair, Mechanical Bioeffects Conference (Aspen, CO: August 1998) Organizing Committee, Bioeffects Conference (Keystone, CO: August 2005) Organizing Committee, Workshop on Effects of Non-linear Propagation on Output Display Indices (TI and MI), (1998) Bioeffects Committee (1994-1997)
Courses Taught
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering in the Clinical Environment
Career Building Blocks
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering in the Clinical Environment
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering II
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering III
Medical Imaging with Ionizing Radiation
Patents and Inventions
US9675820B2 Ultrasound-mediated inducement, detection and enhancement of stable cavitation C. K. Holland, S. Datta, T. D. Mast, N. Ivancevich, K. E. Hitchcock, K. Haworth, Awarded 06-13-2017 Inventor https://patents.google.com/patent/US9675820B2/en
US9814672B2 Echogenic vehicle for clinical delivery of plasminogen activator and other fribrin-binding therapeutics to thrombi S. T. Laing, S. Huang, D. D. McPherson, C. K. Holland, M. E. Klegerman, 11-14-2017 Co-Inventor https://patents.google.com/patent/US9814672B2/en?q=rt-PA&q=loaded&q=echogenic&q=liposomes
7,300,414 Transcranial ultrasound thrombolysis system and method of treating a stroke C. K. Holland, D. S. Kanter, L. J. Busse, K. R. Wagner, Awarded 11-27-2007 https://patents.google.com/patent/US7300414B1/en
US20160250252A1 Bioactive Gas-Encapsulated Echogenic Liposomes and Methods for Treating Cardiovascular Disease C. K. Holland, Jason L. Raymond, Jonathan T. Sutton, Filed Inventor https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160250252A1/en
PCT/US2016/048934 WO2017035454A1 Scavenging Dissolved Oxygen via Acoustic Droplet Vaporization K. Radhakrishnan, C. K. Holland, K. J. Haworth, Filed Co-Inventor https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2017035454A1/en
PCT/US2016/048934 Dissolved Oxygen Scavenging by Acoustic Droplet Vaporization Using Intravascular Ultrasound K. J. Haworth, C. K. Holland, K. Mercado-Shekhar, A. Redington, B. Goldstein, Co-Inventor
US9669203B2 Methods of enhancing delivery of drugs using ultrasonic waves and systems for performing the same C. K. Holland, K. E. Hitchcock, K. Haworth, N. Ivancevich, T. D. Mast, Awarded 06-06-2017 Inventor https://patents.google.com/patent/US9669203B2/en
14/957,705 Gas-encapsulated acoustically responsive stabilized microbubbles and methods for treating cardiovascular disease C. K. Holland, H. Shekhar, A. Palaniappan, Inventor
U.S. Patent Application 14/957,705 Gas-encapsulated acoustically responsive stabilized microbubbles and methods for treating cardiovascular disease C. K. Holland, H. Shekhar, A. Palaniappan, Filed Inventor Gas-encapsulated acoustically responsive stabilized microbubbles and methods for treating cardiovascular disease
Contact Information
Academic - Cardiovascular Center
231 Albert Sabin Way
Ohio, 45267-0586
Phone: 513-558-5675
Fax: 513-558-6102