Steven Robert Howe
Adjunct Research Professor
Professor Emeritus
Ohio Phone 5132538718
Email howesr@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
My work is concerned with system improvement through evaluation, policy research, and planning. I am particularly interested in systems that serve children at risk, that serve persons in poverty, and that promote economic empowerment.
Ph.D.: University of Cincinnati 1981
Research and Practice Interests
Continuous quality improvement - children services
Quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluation
Public policy research and analysis
Strategic planning and program planning
Statistical modeling
Positions and Work Experience
2014 - Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Cincinnati,
2005 -2012 Head, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati,
2001 -2014 Professor of Psychology, University of Cincinnati,
1993 -2001 Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Cincinnati,
1988 -1993 Associate Director, Institute for Policy Research, University of Cincinnati,
2001 - Principal, Steven R. Howe and Associates, LLC,
1980 -1988 Research Associate, Institute for Policy Research, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #VA250-P-0604 Investigators:Howe, Steven 09-30-2010 -03-31-2013 Department of Veterans Affairs Consulting Services for Assessing and Documenting VA Training Effectiveness Role:PI $619,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CAPMIS - C-1415-06-0918 Investigators:Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 01-01-2015 -06-30-2015 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Study to Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of Ohio's Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - Interim Solution (CAPMIS) Role:PI $172,471.50 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #CAPMIS - C-1415-06-0918 Investigators:Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 01-01-2015 -01-31-2017 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Study to Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of Ohio's Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - Interim Solution (CAPMIS) Role:PI $766,399.50 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #C-2021-06-0828 Investigators:Boone, Xan; Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 12-04-2020 -06-30-2026 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Statewide Coordination of the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP) Role:PI $5,249,563.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #C-2223-06-0225 Investigators:Boone, Xan; Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Administration for Children and Families Statewide Coordination of the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP) Role:PI 17875437.47 Active Level:Federal
Honors and Awards
Graduate Fellow, University of Cincinnati
Fellow, American Psychological Association
Fellow, Society for Community Action and Research
Contact Information
Academic - Ohio,
Phone: 5132538718