Wei-Wen Hsu , PhD
Associate Professor
Kettering Lab Complex
COM BHIDS Biostat - 0056
Professional Summary
PhD: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (Statistics)
MBA: National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan (Statistics)
BB: Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan (Statistics)
Research and Practice Interests
- Methodologies
Two-component Mixture Models, Classification Methods for High-Dimensional Data, Longitudinal and Correlated Data Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, Latent Class/Transition Model
- Subject Matter Applications
Cancer Research (Early Detection and Biomarker Discovery), Geriatric Research (Alzheimer's Disease), Environmental Exposure Research, Dental Caries Research, Mental Health Research
Positions and Work Experience
07-2024 - Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Department of Biostatistics, Health Informatics and Data Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
07-2021 -07-2024 Associate Professor, Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-2019 -12-2019 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
08-2018 -06-2021 Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
08-2013 -07-2018 Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
08-2011 -06-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Research Support
Grant: #WSIC24-230331-027 Investigators:Balachandran, Sivaraman; Grinshpun, Sergey; HSU, WEIWEN; Li, Tao; Lu, Mingming; Wang, Jun 07-01-2023 -06-30-2024 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Enhance Performance and Applications of Exposure-Protection Integrated Communicator (EPIC) Role:Collaborator 1474198.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #A22-0524-S002 (R34MH126043) Investigators:HSU, WEIWEN 08-01-2022 -02-28-2025 Kansas State University Physical Activity to Reduce Cardiometabolic Risk in Adults with Serious Mental Illness (PARCS Study) Role:PI 15762.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sidana, Abhinav; Tayebi, Shima; Blank, Fernando; Lama, Daniel J; Meyer, Meredith; Saeed, Yusef; Tobler, Juliana; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Verma, Sadhna (2024. ) Magnetic resonance imaging-ultrasound fusion guided focal cryoablation for men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer.Urologic oncology, , More Information
Wang, Jingjing; Xiao, Bo; Kimura, Eiki; Mongan, Maureen; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Medvedovic, Mario; Puga, Alvaro; Xia, Ying (2024. ) Crosstalk of MAP3K1 and EGFR signaling mediates gene-environment interactions that block developmental tissue closure.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 300 (7 ) ,107486 More Information
Zandvakili, Inuk; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Ginsberg, Gregory G (2024. ) Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists and risk of adverse anesthesia events: caution warranted when interpreting associations with pulmonary aspiration.Gastroenterology, , More Information
Holovach, Phillip G; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Fleischer, Alan B (2023. ) Number Bias in Clinicians' Documentation of Actinic Keratosis Removal.Journal of clinical medicine, , 13 (1 ) , More Information
Todem, David; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Kim, KyungMann (2023. ) Nonparametric scanning tests of homogeneity for hierarchical models with continuous covariates.Biometrics, , 79 (3 ) ,2063-2075 More Information
Blank, Fernando; Meyer, Meredith; Wang, Hannah; Abbas, Hasan; Tayebi, Shima; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Sidana, Abhinav (2023. ) Salvage Radical Prostatectomy after Primary Focal Ablative Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Cancers, , 15 (10 ) , More Information
Chun, Colin K Y; Roth, Mary; Welti, Ruth; Richards, Mark P; Hsu, Wei-Wen; O (2023. ) Exploring the potential effect of phospholipase A2 antibody to extend beef shelf-life in a beef liposome model system.Meat science, , 198 ,109091 More Information
Li, Yiming; Hsu, Wei-Wen (2022. ) A classification for complex imbalanced data in disease screening and early diagnosis.Statistics in medicine, , 41 (19 ) ,3679-3695 More Information
Hsu, Wei-Wen; Mawella, Nadeesha R; Todem, David (2022. ) On testing for homogeneity with zero-inflated models through the lens of model misspecification.International statistical review = Revue internationale de statistique, , 90 (1 ) ,62-77 More Information
Huang, Yan-Jang S; Bilyeu, Ashley N; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Hettenbach, Susan M; Willix, Joshua L; Stewart, Savannah C; Higgs, Stephen; Vanlandingham, Dana L (2021. ) Treatment with dry hydrogen peroxide accelerates the decay of severe acute syndrome coronavirus-2 on non-porous hard surfaces.American journal of infection control, , 49 (10 ) ,1252-1255 More Information
Schulze, Kiana M; Weber, Ramona E; Colburn, Trenton D; Horn, Andrew G; Ade, Carl J; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Poole, David C; Musch, Timothy I (2021. ) The effects of pulmonary hypertension on skeletal muscle oxygen pressures in contracting rat spinotrapezius muscle.Experimental physiology, , 106 (10 ) ,2070-2082 More Information
Horn, Andrew G; Kunkel, Olivia N; Baumfalk, Dryden R; Simon, Mikaela E; Schulze, Kiana M; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Muller-Delp, Judy; Poole, David C; Behnke, Bradley J (2021. ) Prolonged mechanical ventilation increases diaphragm arteriole circumferential stretch without changes in stress/stretch: Implications for the pathogenesis of ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction.Microcirculation (New York, N.Y. : 1994), , (28 ) ,e12727 More Information
Wang, Sheng-Chao; Liao, Li-Min; Ansar, Muhamad; Lin, Shih-Yun; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Su, Chih-Ming; Chung, Yu-Mei; Liu, Cai-Cing; Hung, Chin-Sheng; Lin, Ruo-Kai (2021. ) Automatic Detection of the Circulating Cell-Free Methylated DNA Pattern of GCM2, ITPRIPL1 and CCDC181 for Detection of Early Breast Cancer and Surgical Treatment Response. Cancers, , 13 (6 ) , More Information
Hsu, Wei-Wen; Todem, David; Mawella, Nadeesha R; Kim, KyungMann; Rosenkranz, Richard R (2020. ) A robust score test of homogeneity for zero-inflated count data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, , 29 (12 ) ,3653-3665 More Information
Fisher, Sycarah; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Adams, Zachary; Arsenault, Chelsea; Milich, Richard (2020. ) The effect of impulsivity and drinking motives on alcohol outcomes in college students: a 3-year longitudinal analysis. Journal of American College Health, , 1-10 More Information
Kusuma, Mutiara Tirta Prabandari Lintang; Kidd, Tandalayo; Muturi, Nancy; Procter, Sandra B; Yarrow, Linda; Hsu, Wei-Wen (2020. ) HIV knowledge and stigma among dietetic students in Indonesia: implications for the nutrition education system. BMC Infectious Diseases, , 20 (1 ) ,663 More Information
Young, Christian L; Lyons, Amy C; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Vanlandingham, Dana L; Park, So Lee; Bilyeu, Ashley N; Ayers, Victoria B; Hettenbach, Susan M; Zelenka, Ashley M; Cool, Konner R; Peterson, Gregory J; Higgs, Stephen; Huang, Yan-Jang S (2020. ) Protection of swine by potent neutralizing anti-Japanese encephalitis virus monoclonal antibodies derived from vaccination. Antiviral Research, , 174 ,104675 More Information
Kusuma, Mutiara Tirta Prabandari Lintang; Kidd, Tandalayo; Muturi, Nancy; Procter, Sandra Butin; Yarrow, Linda; Hsu, Wei-Wen (2020. ) The Symbolic Meaning of HIV: Understanding Lecturers' Ambivalence over Teaching HIV to Dietetic Students. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, , 19 , More Information
Chao, M.D., Donaldson,E.A., Wu, W.J., Hsu, W.-W., Shulte, M.D., and Lonergan, S.M. (2020. ) Characterizing membrane phospholipid hydrolysis of pork loins throughout three aging periods.Meat Science, , 163 ,108065 More Information
Mailey, Emily L; Irwin, Brandon C; Joyce, Jillian M; Hsu, Wei-Wen (2019. ) InDependent but not Alone: A Web-Based Intervention to Promote Physical and Mental Health among Military Spouses. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, , 11 (3 ) ,562-583 More Information
Todem, David; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Fine, Jason P (2018. ) A quasi-score statistic for homogeneity testing against covariate-varying heterogeneity. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, , 45 (3 ) ,465-481 More Information
Lyons, Amy C; Huang, Yan-Jang S; Park, So Lee; Ayers, Victoria B; Hettenbach, Susan M; Higgs, Stephen; McVey, D Scott; Noronha, Leela; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Vanlandingham, Dana L (2018. ) Shedding of Japanese Encephalitis Virus in Oral Fluid of Infected Swine. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.), , 18 (9 ) ,469-474 More Information
Mailey, Emily L., Dlugonski, Deirdre, Hsu, Wei-Wen; and Segar, Michelle (2018. ) Goals Matter: Exercising for well-being but not health or appearance predicts future exercise among parents.Journal of Physical Activity & Health, , 15 (11 ) ,857-865 More Information
Huang, Yan-Jang S; Lyons, Amy C; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Park, So Lee; Higgs, Stephen; Vanlandingham, Dana L (2017. ) Differential outcomes of Zika virus infection in Aedes aegypti orally challenged with infectious blood meals and infectious protein meals. PloS One, , 12 (8 ) ,e0182386 More Information
Kolt, Gregory S; George, Emma S; Rebar, Amanda L; Duncan, Mitch J; Vandelanotte, Corneel; Caperchione, Cristina M; Maeder, Anthony J; Tague, Rhys; Savage, Trevor N; Van Itallie, Anetta; Mawella, Nadeesha R; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Mummery, W Kerry; Rosenkranz, Richard R (2017. ) Associations between quality of life and duration and frequency of physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Baseline findings from the WALK 2.0 randomised controlled trial. PloS One, , 12 (6 ) ,e0180072 More Information
Mailey, Emily L; Hsu, Wei-Wen (2017. ) Is a general or specific exercise recommendation more effective for promoting physical activity among postpartum mothers?. Journal of Health Psychology, , 24 (7 ) ,964-978 More Information
Hsu, Wei-Wen; Todem, David; Kim, KyungMann (2016. ) A sup-score test for the cure fraction in mixture models for long-term survivors. Biometrics, , 72 (4 ) ,1348-1357 More Information
Htoo, Zaw Wai; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Rosenkranz, Richard (2016. ) Systematic review and meta-analysis: Is lifestyle modification effective for glycemic control among adults with type II diabetes in Southeast Asia?. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, , 122 ,148-153 More Information
Huang, Yan-Jang S; Hettenbach, Susan M; Park, So Lee; Higgs, Stephen; Barrett, Alan D T; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Harbin, Julie N; Cohnstaedt, Lee W; Vanlandingham, Dana L (2016. ) Differential Infectivities among Different Japanese Encephalitis Virus Genotypes in Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquitoes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, , 10 (10 ) ,e0005038 More Information
Todem, David; Kim, KyungMann; Hsu, Wei-Wen (2016. ) Marginal mean models for zero-inflated count data. Biometrics, , 72 (3 ) ,986-94 More Information
Han, Lisa; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Todem, David; Osuch, Janet; Hungerink, Angela; Karmaus, Wilfried (2016. ) In utero exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls is associated with decreased fecundability in daughters of Michigan female fisheaters: a cohort study. Environmental health, , 15 (1 ) ,92 More Information
Park, So Lee; Huang, Yan-Jang S; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Hettenbach, Susan M; Higgs, Stephen; Vanlandingham, Dana L (2016. ) Virus-specific thermostability and heat inactivation profiles of alphaviruses. Journal of Virological Methods, , 234 ,152-5 More Information
Zapolski, Tamika C B; Fisher, Sycarah; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Barnes, Jessica (2016. ) What can parents do? Examining the role of parental support on the negative relationship between racial discrimination, depression, and drug use among African American youth. Clinical Psychological Science, , 4 (4 ) ,718-731 More Information
Obaro, Stephen K.; Daniel, Yvonne; Lawson, Juliana O.; Hsu Wei-Wen; Dada, John; Essen, Uduak; Ibrahim, Khalid; Akindele, Adebayo; Brook, Kevin; Olanipekun, Grace; Ajose, Theresa; Stewart, Claire E.; and Inusa, Baba P.D. (2016. ) Sickle-Cell Disease in Nigerian Children: Parental Knowledge and Laboratory Results.Public Health Genomic, , 19 ,102-107 More Information
Huang, Yan-Jang S; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Higgs, Stephen; Vanlandingham, Dana L (2015. ) Temperature Tolerance and Inactivation of Chikungunya Virus. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.), , 15 (11 ) ,674-7 More Information
Wendel, Sebastian O; Menon, Sailesh; Alshetaiwi, Hamad; Shrestha, Tej B; Chlebanowski, Lauren; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Bossmann, Stefan H; Narayanan, Sanjeev; Troyer, Deryl L (2015. ) Cell Based Drug Delivery: Micrococcus luteus Loaded Neutrophils as Chlorhexidine Delivery Vehicles in a Mouse Model of Liver Abscesses in Cattle. PloS One, , 10 (5 ) ,e0128144 More Information
Hsu, Wei-Wen; Todem, David; Kim, KyungMann (2015. ) Adjusted Supremum Score-Type Statistics for Evaluating Non-Standard Hypotheses.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, , 42 ,746-759 More Information
Hsu, Wei-Wen; Osuch, Janet Rose; Todem, David; Taffe, Bonita; O (2014. ) DDE and PCB serum concentration in maternal blood and their adult female offspring. Environmental Research, , 132 ,384-90 More Information
Cao, Quanqun; Hsu, Wei-Wen and Todem, David (2014. ) A score-type test for heterogeneity in zero-inflated models in a stratified population.Statistics in Medicine, , 33 (12 ) ,2103-2114 More Information
Hsu, Wei-Wen; Todem, David; Kim, KyungMann and Sohn, Woosung (2014. ) A Wald test for zero inflation and deflation for correlated count data from dental caries research.Statistical Modelling, , 14 (6 ) ,471-488 More Information
Fisher, Sycarah; Reynolds, Jennifer; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Barnes, Jessica; and Tyler, Kenneth (2014. ) Examining Multiracial Youth in Context: Ethnic Identity Development and Mental Health Outcomes.Journal of Youth and Adolescence, , 43 (10 ) ,1688-1699 More Information
Todem, David; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Kim, KyungMann (2012. ) On the efficiency of score tests for homogeneity in two-component parametric models for discrete data.Biometrics, , 68 (3 ) ,975-982 More Information
Osuch, Janet; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Todem, David; Landgraf, Jeffrey; Mikucki, Dorota; Haan, Pam S; Karmaus, Wilfried (2012. ) Female reproductive status and circulating blood leukocyte expression of selected metabolic or signaling genes involved in sex steroid metabolism .International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics, , 3 (2 ) ,134-143
Professional Affiliation
07-2019 -07-2021: Chapter Representative Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of ASA,
07-2018 -07-2019: President Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of ASA,
07-2017 -07-2018: Vice President Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of ASA,
07-2014 -07-2017: Secretary/Treasurer Kansas-Western Missouri Chapter of ASA,
Contact Information
101 Kettering Lab
Ohio, 45267-0056
Phone: 513-558-2767