David Y Hui , PhD
Mary M. Emery Chair of Pathology
University Hospital Laboratory
Suite 110
234 Goodman Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-584-7284
Email david.hui@uc.edu
Doctoral Degree: Indiana University
Fellowship: University of San Fransisco
Research and Practice Interests
Lipid Metabolism, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, Obesity, Vascular Biology
Our research program focuses on three specific areas relating cholesterol metabolism with individual susceptibility for coronary heart disease.
Particular emphasis is placed on the genetic factors that are important for regulation of cholesterol transport and in the maintenance of cell functions in the arterial wall.
One area of research uses induced mutant mice (transgenic and knockout mice) to determine the role of lipolytic enzymes and intestinal cell surface transporters in mediating dietary fat and cholesterol absorption through the gastrointestinal tract.
Mutant mice generated from these studies are also being used as an animal model to explore the potential of gene therapy as treatment for nutrient alabsorption due to pancreatic insufficiency. The mechanism by which the lipolytic enzymes and transport proteins mediates cholesterol absorption is being explored using protein chemistry and site specific mutagenesis approaches.
The second area of research uses tissue cell culture and transgenic mice to identify the interactive effects between diet and genetic factors in the maintenance of plasma cholesterol level and determination of atherosclerosis risk.
The current emphasis is focused on the role of cholesterol esterase, apolipoprotein (apo) E, LDL receptor, HMG-CoA reductase, and other hepatic lipoprotein receptors in determining individual susceptibility to diet-induced hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.
Major effort in the laboratory is also spent on the third project, which is to determine the molecular and cellular events in the arterial wall in response to injury, such as those observed in human subjects undergoing balloon angioplasty.
A mouse model of arterial injury has been established in the laboratory for this purpose. This model will be used to explore cell signaling mechanisms of arterial smooth muscle cell hyperplasia. Genetic factors that may contribute to or limit the vascular cell responses after injury will be identified by genetic approaches.
Particular emphasis is placed on testing the hypothesis that apoE has cytostatic functions in the vessel wall, limiting arterial smooth muscle cell hyperplasia after injury, and that apoE gene transfer to the vasculature may be a potential therapeutic treatment to reduce the risk of restenosis after balloon angioplasty.
Positions and Work Experience
- Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Research Support
Grant: #2 U24 DK059630-06 Investigators:Hui, David; Seeley, Randy; Sun, William; Tso, Patrick P.W. 09-01-2006 -05-31-2011 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Cincinnati Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center Role:Collaborator Active 000033-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL065915 Investigators:Hui, David 08-01-2006 -06-30-2011 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Lipogenesis and Lipoprotein Complications of HIV Therapy Role:PI Active 000078-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01-DK-069967 Investigators:Hui, David 04-01-2006 -04-30-2011 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Phospholipase A2 in Insulin Resistance and Obesity Role:PI Active 001816-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK074932 Investigators:Hui, David 04-01-2007 -01-31-2012 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role of Lipoprotein Receptors in Diet-Induced Obesity and Diabetes Role:PI Active 002552-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-HL-054176-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 04-01-2002 -03-31-2003 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Dietary PUFA Effects on LCAT Reactivity Role:PI Closed 003085-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #2-R01-HL-61332 Investigators:Hui, David 06-01-2003 -05-31-2007 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Apolipopprotein E: Impact on Vascular Cell Functions Role:PI Closed 003124-001 Level:Federal
Investigators:Hui, David 06-15-2003 -09-15-2003 American Heart Association - National Chapter HSPG Perlecan Mediates apoE's Anti-proliferative Effect Role:PI Closed 003247-001 Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R01 DK067416 Investigators:Hui, David 12-01-2004 -11-30-2010 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role of Lipolytic Enzymes in Intestinal Lipid Transport Role:PI Closed 003432-001 Level:Federal
Investigators:Hui, David 10-01-2004 -09-30-2006 Ilypsa, Inc. Lipid Metabolism Studies Role:PI Closed 003523-001 Level:Industry
Grant: #5-R01-HL-65915-05-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 07-19-2000 -06-30-2006 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Lipogenesis and Lipoprotein Complications of HIV Therapy Role:PI Closed 003694-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-HL-66246-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 09-01-2001 -06-30-2006 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Vascular Lipolysis: A Determinant of Atherosclerosis Role:PI Closed 003901-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #Astra Hassle AB-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 12-01-2000 -11-30-2004 A.B. Hassle (Sweden) Inhibitors of Cholesterol Absorption Role:PI Closed 003927-001 Level:Foreign Industry
Grant: #5-R01-DK-40917-09-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 06-01-1995 -05-31-2000 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Cholesterol Esterase in Dietary Lipid Absorption Role:PI Closed 004225-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #5-P01-DK-54504-05-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 03-01-1999 -02-28-2005 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Molecular Mechanisms of Cholesterol Absorption Role:PI Closed 004449-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #HASSLE-02-01-A0-S1-E1 Investigators:Hui, David 04-03-1998 -04-30-2001 A.B. Hassle (Sweden) Inhibitors of Cholesterol Absorption Role:PI Closed 004570-001 Level:Foreign Industry
Grant: #5-R01-HL-61332-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Hui, David 06-01-1999 -05-31-2003 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Apolipoprotein E: Impact on Vascular Cell Functions Role:PI Closed 004636-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK076907 Investigators:Hui, David 08-01-2007 -07-31-2011 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Physiological Role of NPC1L1 in Lipid Transport and Metabolism Role:PI Active 005026-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R56 HD034089 Investigators:Davidson, William; Hui, David; Tso, Patrick P.W.; Woollett, Laura 09-01-2008 -08-31-2010 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Sterol Metabolism During Pregnancy and Development Role:Collaborator Closed 005802-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #U01 CA141464 Investigators:Hui, David; Kozma, Sara; Seeley, Randy; Thomas, George 07-01-2009 -06-30-2014 National Cancer Institute The Effect of Diet and Nutrients on the Progression and Treatment of Prostate Cancer Role:Collaborator Active 006477-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #3 R01 DK069967-04S2 Investigators:Hui, David 12-31-2009 -03-31-2010 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases ARRA (R01 DK069967) Equipment Request for Phospholipase A2 in Insulin Resistance and Obesity Role:PI Closed 006678-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL076684 Investigators:Blomkalns, Andra; Hui, David; Manka, David; Weintraub, Neal 02-01-2010 -01-31-2014 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Angiotensin II, Oxidative Stress and Aneurysm Formation Role:Collaborator Active 006727-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK074932 Investigators:Hui, David 02-05-2011 -01-31-2015 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases LDL Receptor Related Protein-1 in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Modulation Role:PI Active 007379-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK069967 Investigators:Hui, David 05-01-2011 -04-30-2015 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role of Group 1B Phospholipase A2 on Diet-Induced Metabolic Diseases Role:PI Active 007398-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK076928 Investigators:Howles, Philip; Hui, David; Tso, Patrick P.W. 08-01-2007 -07-31-2013 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Functional and Molecular Study of Intestinal Cholesterol Transporters and Absorption Role:Collaborator $1,564,045.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK077975 Investigators:Hui, David; Obici, Silvana; Perez-Tilve, Diego; Stern, Javier; Tschoep, Matthias 01-15-2009 -12-31-2013 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Neuroendocrine Regulation of Adipocyte Metabolism Role:Collaborator $1,747,173.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #1 R01 DK077170-01A2 Investigators:Howles, Philip; Hui, David; Tso, Patrick P.W. 09-30-2009 -05-31-2013 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Role of NPC1L1 in Regulating Energy Metabolism, Nutrient Utilization and Weight Gain Role:Collaborator $719,514.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #11PRE7310047 Investigators:Hollie, Norris; Hui, David 07-01-2011 -06-30-2013 American Heart Association - Great Rivers Affiliate Role of Phospholipase A2 Group 1B in the Development of Hyperlipidemia Associated Atherosclerosis Role:Collaborator $46,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #U24 DK059630 Investigators:Benoit, Stephen; Dalessio, David; Davidson, William; Howles, Philip; Hui, David; Jandacek, Ronald; Obici, Silvana; Schultz, Jo El; Seeley, Randy; Tschoep, Matthias; Tso, Patrick P.W.; Welge, Jeffrey; Woods, Stephen; Woollett, Laura 09-16-2011 -06-30-2016 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Cincinnati Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center Role:Collaborator $1,619,789.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #F31 HL110527 Investigators:Hollie, Norris; Hui, David 07-01-2012 -06-30-2015 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Role of PLAG1B in the Development of Hyperlipidemia-associated Atherosclerosis Role:Collaborator $67,080.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01HL112640 Investigators:Chatterjee, Tapan; Hui, David; Manka, David; Weintraub, Neal 07-13-2012 -06-30-2017 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Vascular Remodeling Role:Collaborator $459,820.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1 R01 HL118001 Investigators:Hui, David 02-01-2014 -01-31-2018 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Role of Endothelial and Macrophage ApoER2 in Atherosclerosis Modulation Role:PI $643,930.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #sub under HL076684 Investigators:Chatterjee, Tapan; Hui, David 06-01-2013 -01-31-2014 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Angiotensin II, oxidative stress, and aneurysm formation Role:PI $14,239.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #27641 / HL112640 Investigators:Chatterjee, Tapan; Hui, David 06-19-2013 -05-31-2017 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Perivascular adipose tissue and vascular remodeling Role:PI $18,121.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 DK074932 Investigators:Hui, David 02-01-2015 -02-29-2020 National Institutes of Health LDL Receptor Related Protein-1 in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Role:PI $355,969.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R21ES023942 Investigators:Hui, David; Wang, Shao-Chun 02-01-2015 -01-31-2017 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Early exposure to phthalate & obesity: the role of PCNA tyrosine phosphorylation Role:Collaborator $197,761.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL131028 Investigators:Hui, David 12-01-2015 -11-30-2019 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cell Type Specific Roles of ApoE2 in Tissue Inflammation and Atherosclerosis Role:PI $669,252.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #29937-1 / R01 HL126949 Investigators:Hui, David 03-01-2016 -02-28-2020 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Epigenetic regulation of HDAC9 in obesity and atherosclerosis Role:PI $19,404.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #31435-1_HL112640 Investigators:Hui, David 06-01-2016 -05-31-2017 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Perivascular adipose tissue and vascular remodeling Role:PI $19,083.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01DK112657 Investigators:Hui, David 09-20-2016 -06-30-2021 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Intestinal LPC/LPA modulation of gut microbiota and metabolic disease Role:PI $355,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #134164 / T32 HL125204 Investigators:Hui, David; Igel, Emily 12-01-2017 -10-29-2018 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Understanding Cardiovascular Disease Mechanisms Role:Collaborator $32,728.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL140962 Investigators:Hao, Jiukuan; Hui, David; Liu, Min; Millard, Ronald; Wang, Yi-Gang; Xu, Meifeng 03-15-2018 -01-31-2022 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Smarter exosomes derived from engineered MSCs promote neo-vascularization Role:Collaborator $502,815.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL147403 Investigators:Hui, David; Jaeschke, Anja 04-01-2019 -03-31-2023 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ApoE receptor-2 in vascular disease progression and regression Role:PI $701,789.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #314453/R01HL157260 Investigators:Davidson, William; Hui, David 04-01-2021 -03-31-2026 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Lipoprotein interactions in the entrapment of LDL in the vessel wall Role:Collaborator 139875.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #R01HL156954 Investigators:Hui, David; Jaeschke, Anja 12-01-2021 -11-30-2025 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Polymorphic ApoE at the crossroad of lipid metabolism & inflammation in atherosclerosis Role:PI 614941.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R03TR004097 Investigators:Huaman Joo, Moises; Hui, David 04-01-2022 -03-31-2024 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Mouse model of post-infection atherosclerosis Role:Collaborator 81000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01HL167670-01A1 Investigators:Chella Krishnan, Karthickeyan; Hui, David 01-01-2024 -11-30-2028 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Sex-Specific Roles of L-PK in Cholesterol Metabolism and Atherosclerosis Role:Collaborator 572069.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #1R01HL167670-01A1 Investigators:Chella Krishnan, Karthickeyan; Hui, David 01-01-2024 -11-30-2028 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Sex-Specific Roles of L-PK in Cholesterol Metabolism and Atherosclerosis Role:Collaborator 63562.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Basford, Joshua E; Wancata, Lauren; Hofmann, Susanna M; Silva, R A Gangani D; Davidson, W Sean; Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y (2011. ) Hepatic Deficiency of Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein-1 Reduces High Density Lipoprotein Secretion and Plasma Levels in Mice.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 286 (15 ) ,13079-87 More Information
Adams, Michelle R; Konaniah, Eddy; Cash, James G; Hui, David Y (2011. ) Use of NBD-cholesterol to identify a minor but NPC1L1-independent cholesterol absorption pathway in mouse intestine.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 300 (1 ) ,G164-9 More Information
Yang, Li; Li, Xiaoming; Ji, Yong; Kohan, Alison B; Wang, David Q-H; Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y; Lai, Jianghua; Tso, Patrick (2010. ) Effect of ezetimibe on incretin secretion in response to the intestinal absorption of a mixed meal.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 299 (5 ) ,G1003-11 More Information
Cash, J G; Kuhel, D G; Goodin, C; Hui, D Y (2010. ) Pancreatic acinar cell-specific overexpression of group 1B phospholipase A(2) exacerbates diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in mice.International journal of obesity (2005), , More Information
Labonté, Eric D; Pfluger, Paul T; Cash, James G; Kuhel, David G; Roja, Juan C; Magness, Daniel P; Jandacek, Ronald J; Tschöp, Matthias H; Hui, David Y (2010. ) Postprandial lysophospholipid suppresses hepatic fatty acid oxidation: the molecular link between group 1B phospholipase A2 and diet-induced obesity.The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 24 (7 ) ,2516-24 More Information
Chambliss, Ken L; Wu, Qian; Oltmann, Sarah; Konaniah, Eddy S; Umetani, Michihisa; Korach, Kenneth S; Thomas, Gail D; Mineo, Chieko; Yuhanna, Ivan S; Kim, Sung Hoon; Madak-Erdogan, Zeynep; Maggi, Adriana; Dineen, Sean P; Roland, Christina L; Hui, David Y; Brekken, Rolf A; Katzenellenbogen, John A; Katzenellenbogen, Benita S; Shaul, Philip W (2010. ) Non-nuclear estrogen receptor alpha signaling promotes cardiovascular protection but not uterine or breast cancer growth in mice.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 120 (7 ) ,2319-30 More Information
Perez-Tilve, Diego; Hofmann, Susanna M; Basford, Joshua; Nogueiras, Ruben; Pfluger, Paul T; Patterson, James T; Grant, Erin; Wilson-Perez, Hilary E; Granholm, Norman A; Arnold, Myrtha; Trevaskis, James L; Butler, Andrew A; Davidson, William S; Woods, Stephen C; Benoit, Stephen C; Sleeman, Mark W; DiMarchi, Richard D; Hui, David Y; Tschöp, Matthias H (2010. ) Melanocortin signaling in the CNS directly regulates circulating cholesterol.Nature neuroscience, , 13 (7 ) ,877-82 More Information
Nawrocki, Andrea R; Hofmann, Susanna M; Teupser, Daniel; Basford, Joshua E; Durand, Jorge L; Jelicks, Linda A; Woo, Connie W; Kuriakose, George; Factor, Stephen M; Tanowitz, Herbert B; Hui, David Y; Tabas, Ira; Scherer, Philipp E (2010. ) Lack of association between adiponectin levels and atherosclerosis in mice.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 30 (6 ) ,1159-65 More Information
Qin, Zhenyu; Konaniah, Eddy S; Neltner, Bonnie; Nemenoff, Raphael A; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L (2010. ) Participation of ATP7A in macrophage mediated oxidation of LDL.Journal of lipid research, , 51 (6 ) ,1471-7 More Information
Zhu, Yanjuan; Kodvawala, Ahmer; Hui, David Y (2010. ) Apolipoprotein E inhibits toll-like receptor (TLR)-3- and TLR-4-mediated macrophage activation through distinct mechanisms.The Biochemical journal, , 428 (1 ) ,47-54 More Information
Basford, Joshua E; Moore, Zachary W Q; Zhou, Li; Herz, Joachim; Hui, David Y (2009. ) Smooth muscle LDL receptor-related protein-1 inactivation reduces vascular reactivity and promotes injury-induced neointima formation.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 29 (11 ) ,1772-8 More Information
Hui, D Y; Cope, M J; Labonté, E D; Chang, H-T; Shao, J; Goka, E; Abousalham, A; Charmot, D; Buysse, J (2009. ) The phospholipase A(2) inhibitor methyl indoxam suppresses diet-induced obesity and glucose intolerance in mice.British journal of pharmacology, , 157 (7 ) ,1263-9 More Information
Pinkaew, Decha; Cho, Sung Gook; Hui, David Y; Wiktorowicz, John E; Hutadilok-Towatana, Nongporn; Mahabusarakam, Wilawan; Tonganunt, Moltira; Stafford, Lewis J; Phongdara, Amornrat; Liu, Mingyao; Fujise, Ken (2009. ) Morelloflavone blocks injury-induced neointimal formation by inhibiting vascular smooth muscle cell migration.Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1790 (1 ) ,31-9 More Information
Labonté, Eric D; Camarota, Lisa M; Rojas, Juan C; Jandacek, Ronald J; Gilham, Dean E; Davies, Joanna P; Ioannou, Yiannis A; Tso, Patrick; Hui, David Y; Howles, Philip N (2008. ) Reduced absorption of saturated fatty acids and resistance to diet-induced obesity and diabetes by ezetimibe-treated and Npc1l1-/- mice.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 295 (4 ) ,G776-83 More Information
Faulkner, Loren E; Panagotopulos, Stacey E; Johnson, Jacob D; Woollett, Laura A; Hui, David Y; Witting, Scott R; Maiorano, J Nicholas; Davidson, W Sean (2008. ) An analysis of the role of a retroendocytosis pathway in ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from macrophages.Journal of lipid research, , 49 (6 ) ,1322-32 More Information
Hui, David Y; Labonté, Eric D; Howles, Philip N (2008. ) Development and physiological regulation of intestinal lipid absorption. III. Intestinal transporters and cholesterol absorption.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 294 (4 ) ,G839-43 More Information
Hui, David Y (2008. ) Intimal hyperplasia in murine models. Current drug targets, , 9 (3 ) ,251-60
Hofmann, Susanna M; Perez-Tilve, Diego; Greer, Todd M; Coburn, Beth A; Grant, Erin; Basford, Joshua E; Tschöp, Matthias H; Hui, David Y (2008. ) Defective lipid delivery modulates glucose tolerance and metabolic response to diet in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.Diabetes, , 57 (1 ) ,5-12 More Information
Hofmann, Susanna M; Zhou, Li; Perez-Tilve, Diego; Greer, Todd; Grant, Erin; Wancata, Lauren; Thomas, Andrew; Pfluger, Paul T; Basford, Joshua E; Gilham, Dean; Herz, Joachim; Tschöp, Matthias H; Hui, David Y (2007. ) Adipocyte LDL receptor-related protein-1 expression modulates postprandial lipid transport and glucose homeostasis in mice.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 117 (11 ) ,3271-82 More Information
Nogueiras, Ruben; Wiedmer, Petra; Perez-Tilve, Diego; Veyrat-Durebex, Christelle; Keogh, Julia M; Sutton, Gregory M; Pfluger, Paul T; Castaneda, Tamara R; Neschen, Susanne; Hofmann, Susanna M; Howles, Philip N; Morgan, Donald A; Benoit, Stephen C; Szanto, Ildiko; Schrott, Brigitte; Schürmann, Annette; Joost, Hans-Georg; Hammond, Craig; Hui, David Y; Woods, Stephen C; Rahmouni, Kamal; Butler, Andrew A; Farooqi, I Sadaf; O'Rahilly, Stephen; Rohner-Jeanrenaud, Françoise; Tschöp, Matthias H (2007. ) The central melanocortin system directly controls peripheral lipid metabolism.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 117 (11 ) ,3475-88 More Information
Labonté, Eric D; Howles, Philip N; Granholm, Norman A; Rojas, Juan C; Davies, Joanna P; Ioannou, Yiannis A; Hui, David Y (2007. ) Class B type I scavenger receptor is responsible for the high affinity cholesterol binding activity of intestinal brush border membrane vesicles.Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1771 (9 ) ,1132-9 More Information
Kim, Ja-Young; van de Wall, Esther; Laplante, Mathieu; Azzara, Anthony; Trujillo, Maria E; Hofmann, Susanna M; Schraw, Todd; Durand, Jorge L; Li, Hua; Li, Guangyu; Jelicks, Linda A; Mehler, Mark F; Hui, David Y; Deshaies, Yves; Shulman, Gerald I; Schwartz, Gary J; Scherer, Philipp E (2007. ) Obesity-associated improvements in metabolic profile through expansion of adipose tissue.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 117 (9 ) ,2621-37 More Information
Gilham, Dean; Labonté, Eric D; Rojas, Juan C; Jandacek, Ronald J; Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y (2007. ) Carboxyl ester lipase deficiency exacerbates dietary lipid absorption abnormalities and resistance to diet-induced obesity in pancreatic triglyceride lipase knockout mice.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 282 (34 ) ,24642-9 More Information
Hui, David Y (2007. ) A no-no for NonO and JNK in extracellular matrix homeostasis and vascular stability.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 27 (8 ) ,1677-8 More Information
Frolov, Andrey; Hui, David Y (2007. ) The modern art of atherosclerosis: a picture of colorful plants, cholesterol, and inflammation.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 27 (3 ) ,450-2 More Information
Tschöp, Matthias H; Hui, David Y; Horvath, Tamas L (2007. ) Diet-induced leptin resistance: the heart of the matter.Endocrinology, , 148 (3 ) ,921-3 More Information
Ting, Harold J; Stice, James P; Schaff, Ulrich Y; Hui, David Y; Rutledge, John C; Knowlton, Anne A; Passerini, Anthony G; Simon, Scott I (2007. ) Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins prime aortic endothelium for an enhanced inflammatory response to tumor necrosis factor-alpha.Circulation research, , 100 (3 ) ,381-90 More Information
Labonté, Eric D; Kirby, R Jason; Schildmeyer, Nicholas M; Cannon, April M; Huggins, Kevin W; Hui, David Y (2006. ) Group 1B phospholipase A2-mediated lysophospholipid absorption directly contributes to postprandial hyperglycemia. Diabetes, , 55 (4 ) ,935-41
Davidson, W Sean; Ghering, Amy B; Beish, Lauren; Tubb, Matthew R; Hui, David Y; Pearson, Kevin (2006. ) The biotin-capture lipid affinity assay: a rapid method for determining lipid binding parameters for apolipoproteins.Journal of lipid research, , 47 (2 ) ,440-9 More Information
Kodvawala, Ahmer; Ghering, Amy B; Davidson, W Sean; Hui, David Y (2005. ) Carboxyl ester lipase expression in macrophages increases cholesteryl ester accumulation and promotes atherosclerosis.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 280 (46 ) ,38592-8 More Information
Moore, Zachary W Q; Hui, David Y (2005. ) Apolipoprotein E inhibition of vascular hyperplasia and neointima formation requires inducible nitric oxide synthase.Journal of lipid research, , 46 (10 ) ,2083-90 More Information
Pham, Thomas; Kodvawala, Ahmer; Hui, David Y (2005. ) The receptor binding domain of apolipoprotein E is responsible for its antioxidant activity.Biochemistry, , 44 (20 ) ,7577-82 More Information
Hui, David Y; Howles, Philip N (2005. ) Molecular mechanisms of cholesterol absorption and transport in the intestine.Seminars in cell & developmental biology, , 16 (2 ) ,183-92 More Information
Hui, David Y; Basford, Joshua E (2005. ) Distinct signaling mechanisms for apoE inhibition of cell migration and proliferation.Neurobiology of aging, , 26 (3 ) ,317-23 More Information
Hui, David Y (2004. ) Apolipoprotein E-induced cell signaling in the vessel wall.Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders, , 5 (4 ) ,335-41 More Information
Camarota, Lisa M; Chapman, Jamie M; Hui, David Y; Howles, Philip N (2004. ) Carboxyl ester lipase cofractionates with scavenger receptor BI in hepatocyte lipid rafts and enhances selective uptake and hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters from HDL3.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 279 (26 ) ,27599-606 More Information
Moore, Zachary W Q; Zhu, Binghua; Kuhel, David G; Hui, David Y (2004. ) Vascular apolipoprotein e expression and recruitment from circulation to modulate smooth muscle cell response to endothelial denudation.The American journal of pathology, , 164 (6 ) ,2109-16 More Information
Herz, Joachim; Hui, David Y (2004. ) Lipoprotein receptors in the vascular wall. Current opinion in lipidology, , 15 (2 ) ,175-81
Kirby, R Jason; Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y (2004. ) Rate of gastric emptying influences dietary cholesterol absorption efficiency in selected inbred strains of mice.Journal of lipid research, , 45 (1 ) ,89-98 More Information
Huggins, Kevin W; Camarota, Lisa M; Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y (2003. ) Pancreatic triglyceride lipase deficiency minimally affects dietary fat absorption but dramatically decreases dietary cholesterol absorption in mice.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 278 (44 ) ,42899-905 More Information
Zhu, Yanjuan; Hui, David Y (2003. ) Apolipoprotein E binding to low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 inhibits cell migration via activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 278 (38 ) ,36257-63 More Information
Riddle, Tara M; Fichtenbaum, Carl J; Hui, David Y (2003. ) Leptin replacement therapy but not dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid alleviates HIV protease inhibitor-induced dyslipidemia and lipodystrophy in mice. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), , 33 (5 ) ,564-70
Hui, David Y (2003. ) Effects of HIV protease inhibitor therapy on lipid metabolism. Progress in lipid research, , 42 (2 ) ,81-92
Hui, David Y (2003. ) HIV protease inhibitors and atherosclerosis.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 111 (3 ) ,317-8 More Information
Hui, David Y; Howles, Philip N (2002. ) Carboxyl ester lipase: structure-function relationship and physiological role in lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis. Journal of lipid research, , 43 (12 ) ,2017-30
Huggins, Kevin W; Boileau, Amy C; Hui, David Y (2002. ) Protection against diet-induced obesity and obesity- related insulin resistance in Group 1B PLA2-deficient mice.American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, , 283 (5 ) ,E994-E1001 More Information
Panagotopulos, Stacey E; Witting, Scott R; Horace, Erica M; Hui, David Y; Maiorano, J Nicholas; Davidson, W Sean (2002. ) The role of apolipoprotein A-I helix 10 in apolipoprotein-mediated cholesterol efflux via the ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCA1.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 277 (42 ) ,39477-84 More Information
Zeleny, Michelle; Swertfeger, Debi K; Weisgraber, Karl H; Hui, David Y (2002. ) Distinct apolipoprotein E isoform preference for inhibition of smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation. Biochemistry, , 41 (39 ) ,11820-3
Riddle, Tara M; Schildmeyer, Nicholas M; Phan, Cam; Fichtenbaum, Carl J; Hui, David Y (2002. ) The HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir increases lipoprotein production and has no effect on lipoprotein clearance in mice. Journal of lipid research, , 43 (9 ) ,1458-63
Kuhel, David G; Zhu, Binghua; Witte, David P; Hui, David Y (2002. ) Distinction in genetic determinants for injury-induced neointimal hyperplasia and diet-induced atherosclerosis in inbred mice. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 22 (6 ) ,955-60
Yao, Lihang; Heubi, James E; Buckley, Donna D; Fierra, Humberto; Setchell, Kenneth D R; Granholm, Norman A; Tso, Patrick; Hui, David Y; Woollett, Laura A (2002. ) Separation of micelles and vesicles within lumenal aspirates from healthy humans: solubilization of cholesterol after a meal. Journal of lipid research, , 43 (4 ) ,654-60
Zhu, Binghua; Reardon, Catherine A; Getz, Godfrey S; Hui, David Y (2002. ) Both apolipoprotein E and immune deficiency exacerbate neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury in mice. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 22 (3 ) ,450-5
Kirby, R Jason; Zheng, Shuqin; Tso, Patrick; Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y (2002. ) Bile salt-stimulated carboxyl ester lipase influences lipoprotein assembly and secretion in intestine: a process mediated via ceramide hydrolysis.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 277 (6 ) ,4104-9 More Information
Swertfeger, Debi K; Bu, Guojun; Hui, David Y (2002. ) Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein mediates apolipoprotein E inhibition of smooth muscle cell migration.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 277 (6 ) ,4141-6 More Information
Riddle, T M; Kuhel, D G; Woollett, L A; Fichtenbaum, C J; Hui, D Y (2001. ) HIV protease inhibitor induces fatty acid and sterol biosynthesis in liver and adipose tissues due to the accumulation of activated sterol regulatory element-binding proteins in the nucleus.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 276 (40 ) ,37514-9 More Information
Zhu, B; Zhao, G; Witte, D P; Hui, D Y; Fagin, J A (2001. ) Targeted overexpression of IGF-I in smooth muscle cells of transgenic mice enhances neointimal formation through increased proliferation and cell migration after intraarterial injury. Endocrinology, , 142 (8 ) ,3598-606
Swertfeger, D K; Hui, D Y (2001. ) Apolipoprotein E receptor binding versus heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding in its regulation of smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 276 (27 ) ,25043-8 More Information
Cai, S F; Kirby, R J; Howles, P N; Hui, D Y (2001. ) Differentiation-dependent expression and localization of the class B type I scavenger receptor in intestine. Journal of lipid research, , 42 (6 ) ,902-9
Richmond, B L; Boileau, A C; Zheng, S; Huggins, K W; Granholm, N A; Tso, P; Hui, D Y (2001. ) Compensatory phospholipid digestion is required for cholesterol absorption in pancreatic phospholipase A(2)-deficient mice.Gastroenterology, , 120 (5 ) ,1193-202 More Information
Du, H; Heur, M; Duanmu, M; Grabowski, G A; Hui, D Y; Witte, D P; Mishra, J (2001. ) Lysosomal acid lipase-deficient mice: depletion of white and brown fat, severe hepatosplenomegaly, and shortened life span. Journal of lipid research, , 42 (4 ) ,489-500
Swertfeger, D K; Hui, D Y (2001. ) Apolipoprotein E: a cholesterol transport protein with lipid transport-independent cell signaling properties. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library, , 6 ,D526-35
Bridges, J P; Davis, H W; Damodarasamy, M; Kuroki, Y; Howles, G; Hui, D Y; McCormack, F X (2000. ) Pulmonary surfactant proteins A and D are potent endogenous inhibitors of lipid peroxidation and oxidative cellular injury.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 275 (49 ) ,38848-55 More Information
Zhu, B; Kuhel, D G; Witte, D P; Hui, D Y (2000. ) Apolipoprotein E inhibits neointimal hyperplasia after arterial injury in mice.The American journal of pathology, , 157 (6 ) ,1839-48 More Information
Kuhel, D G; Zheng, S; Tso, P; Hui, D Y (2000. ) Adenovirus-mediated human pancreatic lipase gene transfer to rat bile: gene therapy of fat malabsorption. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 279 (5 ) ,G1031-6
Liang, Y; Medhekar, R; Brockman, H L; Quinn, D M; Hui, D Y (2000. ) Importance of arginines 63 and 423 in modulating the bile salt-dependent and bile salt-independent hydrolytic activities of rat carboxyl ester lipase.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 275 (31 ) ,24040-6 More Information
Keelan, M; Hui, D Y; Wild, G; Clandinin, M T; Thomson, A B (2000. ) Variability of the intestinal uptake of lipids is genetically determined in mice. Lipids, , 35 (8 ) ,833-7
Ishigami, M; Swertfeger, D K; Hui, M S; Granholm, N A; Hui, D Y (2000. ) Apolipoprotein E inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation but not the inhibition of migration is mediated through activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 20 (4 ) ,1020-6
Richmond, B L; Hui, D Y (2000. ) Molecular structure and tissue-specific expression of the mouse pancreatic phospholipase A(2) gene. Gene, , 244 (1-2 ) ,65-72
Howles, P N; Stemmerman, G N; Fenoglio-Preiser, C M; Hui, D Y (1999. ) Carboxyl ester lipase activity in milk prevents fat-derived intestinal injury in neonatal mice. The American journal of physiology, , 277 (3 Pt 1 ) ,G653-61
Young, S C; Hui, D Y (1999. ) Pancreatic lipase/colipase-mediated triacylglycerol hydrolysis is required for cholesterol transport from lipid emulsions to intestinal cells. The Biochemical journal, , 339 ( Pt 3) ,615-20
Hui, D Y (1998. ) Utility and importance of gene knockout animals for nutritional and metabolic research. The Journal of nutrition, , 128 (11 ) ,2052-7
Ishigami, M; Swertfeger, D K; Granholm, N A; Hui, D Y (1998. ) Apolipoprotein E inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-induced vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation by suppressing signal transduction and preventing cell entry to G1 phase. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 273 (32 ) ,20156-61
Qin, X; Swertfeger, D K; Zheng, S; Hui, D Y; Tso, P (1998. ) Apolipoprotein AIV: a potent endogenous inhibitor of lipid oxidation. The American journal of physiology, , 274 (5 Pt 2 ) ,H1836-40
Li, F; Hui, D Y (1998. ) Synthesis and secretion of the pancreatic-type carboxyl ester lipase by human endothelial cells. The Biochemical journal, , 329 ( Pt 3) ,675-9
Li, F; Hui, D Y (1997. ) Modified low density lipoprotein enhances the secretion of bile salt-stimulated cholesterol esterase by human monocyte-macrophages. species-specific difference in macrophage cholesteryl ester hydrolase. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 272 (45 ) ,28666-71
Hornick, C A; Hui, D Y; DeLamatre, J G (1997. ) A role for retrosomes in intracellular cholesterol transport from endosomes to the plasma membrane. The American journal of physiology, , 273 (3 Pt 1 ) ,C1075-81
Carter, C P; Howles, P N; Hui, D Y (1997. ) Genetic variation in cholesterol absorption efficiency among inbred strains of mice. The Journal of nutrition, , 127 (7 ) ,1344-8
Hui, D Y (1997. ) Use of gene knockout mice to establish lipase function. Methods in enzymology, , 286 ,67-80
Feaster, S R; Lee, K; Baker, N; Hui, D Y; Quinn, D M (1996. ) Molecular recognition by cholesterol esterase of active site ligands: structure-reactivity effects for inhibition by aryl carbamates and subsequent carbamylenzyme turnover.Biochemistry, , 35 (51 ) ,16723-34 More Information
Hui, D Y (1996. ) Molecular biology of enzymes involved with cholesterol ester hydrolysis in mammalian tissues. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1303 (1 ) ,1-14
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Howles, P N; Carter, C P; Hui, D Y (1996. ) Dietary free and esterified cholesterol absorption in cholesterol esterase (bile salt-stimulated lipase) gene-targeted mice. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 271 (12 ) ,7196-202
Brodt-Eppley, J; White, P; Jenkins, S; Hui, D Y (1995. ) Plasma cholesterol esterase level is a determinant for an atherogenic lipoprotein profile in normolipidemic human subjects. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1272 (2 ) ,69-72
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DiPersio, L P; Carter, C P; Hui, D Y (1994. ) Exon 11 of the rat cholesterol esterase gene encodes domains important for intracellular processing and bile salt-modulated activity of the protein. Biochemistry, , 33 (11 ) ,3442-8
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Warden, C H; Davis, R C; Yoon, M Y; Hui, D Y; Svenson, K; Xia, Y R; Diep, A; He, K Y; Lusis, A J (1993. ) Chromosomal localization of lipolytic enzymes in the mouse: pancreatic lipase, colipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, hepatic lipase, and carboxyl ester lipase. Journal of lipid research, , 34 (8 ) ,1451-5
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DiPersio, L P; Hui, D Y (1993. ) Aspartic acid 320 is required for optimal activity of rat pancreatic cholesterol esterase. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 268 (1 ) ,300-4
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Yamashita, S; Hui, D Y; Wetterau, J R; Sprecher, D L; Harmony, J A; Sakai, N; Matsuzawa, Y; Tarui, S (1991. ) Characterization of plasma lipoproteins in patients heterozygous for human plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) deficiency: plasma CETP regulates high-density lipoprotein concentration and composition. Metabolism: clinical and experimental, , 40 (7 ) ,756-63
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DiPersio, L P; Fontaine, R N; Hui, D Y (1991. ) Site-specific mutagenesis of an essential histidine residue in pancreatic cholesterol esterase. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 266 (7 ) ,4033-6
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Yamashita, S; Sprecher, D L; Sakai, N; Matsuzawa, Y; Tarui, S; Hui, D Y (1990. ) Accumulation of apolipoprotein E-rich high density lipoproteins in hyperalphalipoproteinemic human subjects with plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein deficiency.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 86 (3 ) ,688-95 More Information
Yamashita, S; Hui, D Y; Sprecher, D L; Matsuzawa, Y; Sakai, N; Tarui, S; Kaplan, D; Wetterau, J R; Harmony, J A (1990. ) Total deficiency of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein in subjects homozygous and heterozygous for the intron 14 splicing defect. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 170 (3 ) ,1346-51
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Boyles, J K; Zoellner, C D; Anderson, L J; Kosik, L M; Pitas, R E; Weisgraber, K H; Hui, D Y; Mahley, R W; Gebicke-Haerter, P J; Ignatius, M J (1989. ) A role for apolipoprotein E, apolipoprotein A-I, and low density lipoprotein receptors in cholesterol transport during regeneration and remyelination of the rat sciatic nerve.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 83 (3 ) ,1015-31 More Information
Mahley, R W; Hui, D Y; Innerarity, T L; Beisiegel, U Chylomicron remnant metabolism. Role of hepatic lipoprotein receptors in mediating uptake. Arteriosclerosis (Dallas, Tex.), , 9 (1 Suppl ) ,I14-8
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Gadang, Vidya; Konaniah, Eddy; Hui, David Y; Jaeschke, Anja (2014. ) Mixed-Lineage Kinase 3 Deficiency Promotes Neointima Formation Through Increased Activation of the RhoA Pathway in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 34 (7 ) ,1429-36 More Information
Manka, David; Chatterjee, Tapan K; Stoll, Lynn L; Basford, Joshua E; Konaniah, Eddy S; Srinivasan, Ramprasad; Bogdanov, Vladimir Y; Tang, Yaoliang; Blomkalns, Andra L; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L (2014. ) Transplanted Perivascular Adipose Tissue Accelerates Injury-Induced Neointimal Hyperplasia: Role of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , More Information
Omar, Abdullah; Chatterjee, Tapan K; Tang, Yaoliang; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L (2014. ) Proinflammatory Phenotype of Perivascular Adipocytes.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , More Information
Hollie, Norris I; Konaniah, Eddy S; Goodin, Colleen; Hui, David Y (2014. ) Group 1B phospholipase A? inactivation suppresses atherosclerosis and metabolic diseases in LDL receptor-deficient mice.Atherosclerosis, , 234 (2 ) ,377-80 More Information
Hollie, Norris I; Cash, James G; Matlib, M Abdul; Wortman, Matthew; Basford, Joshua E; Abplanalp, William; Hui, David Y (2014. ) Micromolar changes in lysophosphatidylcholine concentration cause minor effects on mitochondrial permeability but major alterations in function.Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1841 (6 ) ,888-95 More Information
Waltmann, Meaghan D; Basford, Joshua E; Konaniah, Eddy S; Weintraub, Neal L; Hui, David Y (2014. ) Apolipoprotein E receptor-2 deficiency enhances macrophage susceptibility to lipid accumulation and cell death to augment atherosclerotic plaque progression and necrosis.Biochimica et biophysica acta, , More Information
Wang, Fei; Kohan, Alison B; Dong, H Henry; Yang, Qing; Xu, Min; Huesman, Sarah; Lou, Danwen; Hui, David Y; Tso, Patrick (2014. ) Overexpression of apolipoprotein C-III decreases secretion of dietary triglyceride into lymph.Physiological reports, , 2 (3 ) ,e00247 More Information
Chatterjee, Tapan K; Basford, Joshua E; Knoll, Ellen; Tong, Wilson S; Blanco, Victor; Blomkalns, Andra L; Rudich, Steven; Lentsch, Alex B; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L (2014. ) HDAC9 knockout mice are protected from adipose tissue dysfunction and systemic metabolic disease during high-fat feeding.Diabetes, , 63 (1 ) ,176-87 More Information
Gadang, Vidya; Kohli, Rohit; Myronovych, Andriy; Hui, David Y; Perez-Tilve, Diego; Jaeschke, Anja (2013. ) MLK3 promotes metabolic dysfunction induced by saturated fatty acid-enriched diet.American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, , 305 (4 ) ,E549-56 More Information
Chatterjee, Tapan K; Aronow, Bruce J; Tong, Wilson S; Manka, David; Tang, Yaoliang; Bogdanov, Vladimir Y; Unruh, Dusten; Blomkalns, Andra L; Piegore, Mark G; Weintraub, Daniel S; Rudich, Steven M; Kuhel, David G; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L (2013. ) Human coronary artery perivascular adipocytes overexpress genes responsible for regulating vascular morphology, inflammation, and hemostasis.Physiological genomics, , 45 (16 ) ,697-709 More Information
Shen, Ling; Xiong, Ye; Wang, David Q-H; Howles, Philip; Basford, Joshua E; Wang, Jiang; Xiong, Yu Qing; Hui, David Y; Woods, Stephen C; Liu, Min (2013. ) Ginsenoside Rb1 reduces fatty liver by activating AMP-activated protein kinase in obese rats.Journal of lipid research, , 54 (5 ) ,1430-8 More Information
Wang, Daren; El-Amouri, Salim S; Dai, Mei; Kuan, Chia-Yi; Hui, David Y; Brady, Roscoe O; Pan, Dao (2013. ) Engineering a lysosomal enzyme with a derivative of receptor-binding domain of apoE enables delivery across the blood-brain barrier.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 110 (8 ) ,2999-3004 More Information
Kuhel, David G; Konaniah, Eddy S; Basford, Joshua E; McVey, Courtney; Goodin, Colleen T; Chatterjee, Tapan K; Weintraub, Neal L; Hui, David Y (2013. ) Apolipoprotein E2 accentuates postprandial inflammation and diet-induced obesity to promote hyperinsulinemia in mice.Diabetes, , 62 (2 ) ,382-91 More Information
Basford, Joshua E; Koch, Sheryl; Anjak, Ahmad; Singh, Vivek P; Krause, Eric G; Robbins, Nathan; Weintraub, Neal L; Hui, David Y; Rubinstein, Jack (2013. ) Smooth muscle LDL receptor-related protein-1 deletion induces aortic insufficiency and promotes vascular cardiomyopathy in mice.PloS one, , 8 (11 ) ,e82026 More Information
Liu, Min; Kuhel, David G; Shen, Ling; Hui, David Y; Woods, Stephen C (2012. ) Apolipoprotein E does not cross the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, as revealed by an improved technique for sampling CSF from mice.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, , 303 (9 ) ,R903-8 More Information
Howles, Philip N; Hui, David Y (2012. ) Physiological role of hepatic NPC1L1 in human cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism: new perspectives and open questions.Journal of lipid research, , 53 (11 ) ,2253-5 More Information
Cash, James G; Kuhel, David G; Basford, Joshua E; Jaeschke, Anja; Chatterjee, Tapan K; Weintraub, Neal L; Hui, David Y (2012. ) Apolipoprotein E4 impairs macrophage efferocytosis and potentiates apoptosis by accelerating endoplasmic reticulum stress.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 287 (33 ) ,27876-84 More Information
Godby, Richard C; Van Den Berg, Yascha W; Srinivasan, Ramprasad; Sturm, Robert; Hui, David Y; Konieczny, Stephen F; Aronow, Bruce J; Ozhegov, Evgeny; Ruf, Wolfram; Versteeg, Henri H; Bogdanov, Vladimir Y (2012. ) Nonproteolytic properties of murine alternatively spliced tissue factor: implications for integrin-mediated signaling in murine models.Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.), , 18 ,771-9 More Information
Hui, David Y (2012. ) Phospholipase A(2) enzymes in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.Current opinion in lipidology, , 23 (3 ) ,235-40 More Information
Lingrel, Jerry B; Pilcher-Roberts, Robyn; Basford, Joshua E; Manoharan, Palanikumar; Neumann, Jon; Konaniah, Eddy S; Srinivasan, Ramprasad; Bogdanov, Vladimir Y; Hui, David Y (2012. ) Myeloid-specific Krüppel-like factor 2 inactivation increases macrophage and neutrophil adhesion and promotes atherosclerosis.Circulation research, , 110 (10 ) ,1294-302 More Information
Castañeda, Tamara R; Abplanalp, William; Um, Sung Hee; Pfluger, Paul T; Schrott, Brigitte; Brown, Kimberly; Grant, Erin; Carnevalli, Larissa; Benoit, Stephen C; Morgan, Donald A; Gilham, Dean; Hui, David Y; Rahmouni, Kamal; Thomas, George; Kozma, Sara C; Clegg, Deborah J; Tschöp, Matthias H (2012. ) Metabolic control by S6 kinases depends on dietary lipids.PloS one, , 7 (3 ) ,e32631 More Information
Hollie, Norris I; Hui, David Y (2011. ) Group 1B phospholipase A? deficiency protects against diet-induced hyperlipidemia in mice.Journal of lipid research, , 52 (11 ) ,2005-11 More Information
Chatterjee, Tapan K; Idelman, Gila; Blanco, Victor; Blomkalns, Andra L; Piegore, Mark G; Weintraub, Daniel S; Kumar, Santosh; Rajsheker, Srinivas; Manka, David; Rudich, Steven M; Tang, Yaoliang; Hui, David Y; Bassel-Duby, Rhonda; Olson, Eric N; Lingrel, Jerry B; Ho, Shuk-Mei; Weintraub, Neal L (2011. ) Histone deacetylase 9 is a negative regulator of adipogenic differentiation.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 286 (31 ) ,27836-47 More Information
Faulkner, Loren E; Panagotopulos, Stacey E; Johnson, Jacob D; Woollett, Laura A; Hui, David Y; Witting, Scott R; Maiorano, J Nicholas; Davidson, W Sean (2008. ) An analysis of the role of a retroendocytosis pathway in ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from macrophages.Journal of lipid research, , 49 (6 ) ,1322-32 More Information
Riddle, T M; Kuhel, D G; Woollett, L A; Fichtenbaum, C J; Hui, D Y (2001. ) HIV protease inhibitor induces fatty acid and sterol biosynthesis in liver and adipose tissues due to the accumulation of activated sterol regulatory element-binding proteins in the nucleus.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 276 (40 ) ,37514-9 More Information
Hamlin, Allyson Naugle; Basford, Joshua E; Jaeschke, Anja; Hui, David Y (2016. ) Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 deficiency exacerbates palmitate-induced steatosis and toxicity in hepatocytes.The Journal of biological chemistry, , More Information
Cash, J G; Hui, D Y (2016. ) Liver-specific overexpression of LPCAT3 reduces postprandial hyperglycemia and improves lipoprotein metabolic profile in mice.Nutrition & diabetes, , 6 ,e206 More Information
Goodson, M L; Packard, A E B; Buesing, D R; Maney, M; Myers, B; Fang, Y; Basford, J E; Hui, D Y; Ulrich-Lai, Y M; Herman, J P; Ryan, K K (2016. ) Chronic stress and Rosiglitazone increase indices of vascular stiffness in male rats.Physiology & behavior, , More Information
Unruh, Dusten; Srinivasan, Ramprasad; Benson, Tyler; Haigh, Stephen; Coyle, Danielle; Batra, Neil; Keil, Ryan; Sturm, Robert; Blanco, Victor; Palascak, Mary; Franco, Robert S; Tong, Wilson; Chatterjee, Tapan; Hui, David Y; Davidson, W Sean; Aronow, Bruce J; Kalfa, Theodosia; Manka, David; Peairs, Abigail; Blomkalns, Andra; Fulton, David J; Brittain, Julia E; Weintraub, Neal L; Bogdanov, Vladimir Y (2015. ) Red Blood Cell Dysfunction Induced by High-Fat Diet: Potential Implications for Obesity-Related Atherosclerosis.Circulation, , 132 (20 ) ,1898-908 More Information
Yiew, Kan Hui; Chatterjee, Tapan K; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L (2015. ) Histone Deacetylases and Cardiometabolic Diseases.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 35 (9 ) ,1914-9 More Information
Lee, Wan Ru; Sacharidou, Anastasia; Behling-Kelly, Erica; Oltmann, Sarah C; Zhu, Weifei; Ahmed, Mohamed; Gerard, Robert D; Hui, David Y; Abe, Jun-ichi; Shaul, Philip W; Mineo, Chieko (2015. ) PDZK1 prevents neointima formation via suppression of breakpoint cluster region kinase in vascular smooth muscle.PloS one, , 10 (4 ) ,e0124494 More Information
Manoharan, Palanikumar; Basford, Joshua E; Pilcher-Roberts, Robyn; Neumann, Jonathan; Hui, David Y; Lingrel, Jerry B (2014. ) Reduced levels of microRNAs miR-124a and miR-150 are associated with increased proinflammatory mediator expression in Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2)-deficient macrophages.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 289 (45 ) ,31638-46 More Information
Ulrich, Victoria; Konaniah, Eddy S; Lee, Wan-Ru; Khadka, Sadiksha; Shen, Yu-Min; Herz, Joachim; Salmon, Jane E; Hui, David Y; Shaul, Philip W; Mineo, Chieko (2014. ) Antiphospholipid antibodies attenuate endothelial repair and promote neointima formation in mice.Journal of the American Heart Association, , 3 (5 ) ,e001369 More Information
Chatterjee, Tapan K; Basford, Joshua E; Yiew, Kan Hui; Stepp, David W; Hui, David Y; Weintraub, Neal L Role of histone deacetylase 9 in regulating adipogenic differentiation and high fat diet-induced metabolic disease.Adipocyte, , 3 (4 ) ,333-8 More Information
Ulrich, Victoria; Konaniah, Eddy S; Herz, Joachim; Gerard, Robert D; Jung, Eunjeong; Yuhanna, Ivan S; Ahmed, Mohamed; Hui, David Y; Mineo, Chieko; Shaul, Philip W (2014. ) Genetic variants of ApoE and ApoER2 differentially modulate endothelial function.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 111 (37 ) ,13493-8 More Information
Konaniah, Eddy S; Kuhel, David G; Basford, Joshua E; Weintraub, Neal L; Hui, David Y (2017. ) Deficiency of LRP1 in Mature Adipocytes Promotes Diet-Induced Inflammation and Atherosclerosis-Brief Report.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, , 37 (6 ) ,1046-1049 More Information
Yiew, Nicole K H; Chatterjee, Tapan K; Tang, Yao Liang; Pellenberg, Rod; Stansfield, Brian K; Bagi, Zsolt; Fulton, David J; Stepp, David W; Chen, Weiqin; Patel, Vijay; Kamath, Vinayak M; Litwin, Sheldon E; Hui, David Y; Rudich, Steven M; Kim, Ha Won; Weintraub, Neal L (2017. ) A novel role for the Wnt inhibitor APCDD1 in adipocyte differentiation: Implications for diet-induced obesity.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 292 (15 ) ,6312-6324 More Information
Davidson, W S; Inge, T H; Sexmith, H; Heink, A; Elder, D; Hui, D Y; Melchior, J T; Kelesidis, T; Shah, A S (2017. ) Weight loss surgery in adolescents corrects high-density lipoprotein subspecies and their function.International journal of obesity (2005), , 41 (1 ) ,83-89 More Information
Hui, David Y (2016. ) Intestinal phospholipid and lysophospholipid metabolism in cardiometabolic disease.Current opinion in lipidology, , 27 (5 ) ,507-12 More Information
Hui, David Y (2017. ) The good side of cholesterol: a requirement for maintenance of intestinal integrity.Journal of lipid research, , 58 (10 ) ,1935-1936 More Information
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