Professional Summary
Dr. Huml is originally from the Chicago suburbs. He completed his associates at Kishwaukee Community College, his bachelors and masters at Grand Valley State University (Go Lakers!), and his doctorate from University of Louisville. My research interests fall into two areas. First is the examination of employee experiences within the sport industry context. The heightened demands, pressure, travel, and workplace culture faced by employees, and its effect on their work and family dynamics, is especially interesting to me. My secondary interest is within the academic experiences of college athletes. This provides me opportunities to connect my past experiences (former athlete, former advisor) with the current environment experienced by athletes.
Positions and Work Experience
2019 -2023 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,
2016 -2019 Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University,
2013 -2016 Assistant Director - Academic Advising, University of Louisville,
2012 -2013 Senior Academic Counselor, University of Louisville,
2011 -2012 Academic Advisor I, University of Tennessee,
2023 - Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati,
2022 - Doctoral Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Investigators:Bunds, K. Taylor, E. Huml, M. Wayne, J. 10-30-2020 -10-30-2022 Atlantic Coast Conference Examining the Impact of Family and Organizational Culture on the Work-Nonwork Relationship of Intercollegiate Athletic Department Employees Role:Co-I $5850 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Taylor, E., Heffernan, C., Huml, M., Wells, J. E., Athanas-Linden, G. 02-26-2020 -06-20-2022 American Athletic Conference Research Grant Program Examining Leadership Development Initiatives: Perceptions of Student-Athletes and Athletic Department Staff within the American Athletic Conference $14429 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Huml, M. R. 08-15-2022 -08-30-2024 University Research Council Effect of Toxic “Hot Spots” on Industry-Wide Employee Trends Role:PI $25000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Huml, M. R. 05-01-2022 -08-15-2022 University Honors Program – Discover Faculty Application Undergraduate research student support for the relationship between hours worked and athletic success Role:PI $4000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Huml, M. R. 05-01-2021 -08-15-2021 University Honors Program – Discover Faculty Application Undergraduate research student support for examining the work environment and work experiences of intercollegiate athletic department employees Role:PI $4,300 Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Huml, M. R., Taylor, E. A., Nite, C., Ackermann, J., & Ishida, E. (2024. ) Does all work and no play make me a winner? Institutionalized perceptions of hours worked and athletic program success .Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 17 ,25-45
Huml, M. R., Taylor, E. A., & Martin, E. M. (2023. ) The effect of remote work on family and work dynamics within the sport industry. Journal of Sport Management, , 37 ,179-190 More Information
Rubin, L. M., & Huml, M. R. (2023. ) Athletic advisors' experiences supporting athletes through head coach transitions. International Sport Coaching Journal, , 10 ,181-191 More Information
Stokowski, S. E., Paule-Koba, A. L., Huml, M. R., Koch, M. C., & Li, B. (2022. ) Defining our field: What is sport management?. The Physical Educator, , 79 ,84-103 More Information
Lisinskiene, A., Huml, M. R., & Lochbaum, M. (2022. ) Discriminant validity of the positive and negative processes in the C-A-P questionnaire. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, , 17 ,351-357 More Information
Taylor, E. A., Ward, R. M., Huml, M. R., & Darvin, L. (2022. ) Examining intercollegiate athletic department employees' workplace behaviors using latent profile analysis. Sport Management Review, , 25 ,162-187 More Information
Taylor, E. A., Huml, M. R., Cohen, A., & Lopez, C. (2021. ) The impacts of work-family interface and coping strategy on the relationship between workaholism and burnout in campus recreation and leisure employees. Leisure Studies, , 40 ,714-729 More Information
Weight, E. A., Taylor, E., Huml, M. R., & Dixon, M. A. (2021. ) Working in the sport industry: A classification of human capital archetypes. Journal of Sport Management, , 35 ,364-378 More Information
Pifer, N. D., Huml, M. R., & Asada, A. (2021. ) Switching schools: Examining the networks, antecedents, and on-court outcomes of NCAA Division I menâ??s basketball transfers . Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 14 ,170-193
Huml, M. R., Taylor, E. A., & Dixon, M. A. (2021. ) From engaged worker to workaholic: A mediated model of athletic department employees. European Sport Management Quarterly, , 21 ,583-604 More Information
Garver, M. J., Gordon, A. M., Philipp, N., M., Huml, M. R., & Wakeman, A. J. (2021. ) Change-event steals "athlete" from "college athlete": Perceived impact and depression, anxiety, and stress . Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, , 14 ,1873-1882
Huml, M. R. & Cintron, A. M. (2021. ) Stakeholder status in the identification, prioritization, and management of college athletic donors. Sport, Business and Management, , 11 ,451-471 More Information
Huml, M. R. & McLeod, C. M. (2021. ) Aligning donor and organisational interests: An analysis of college athletics fundraising officers. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, , 21 ,149-171 More Information
Huml, M. R., Gellock, J. L., & LeCrom, C. W. (2020. ) College athletes and influence of academic and athletic investment on sense of belonging . Journal of Amateur Sport, , 6 ,43-72
Huml, M. R., Brown, K. M., & Bergman, M. J. (2020. ) A deficiency of donors or an abundance of barriers? Title IX fundraising challenges from the perspective of athletic department fundraisers . Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, , 13 ,48-68
Lopez, C., Taylor, E. A., Jones, G. J., Huml, M. R., & Funk, D. (2020. ) Examining work experiences among collegiate recreation employees. Recreational Sports Journal, , 44 ,15-23 More Information
Pifer, N. D. & Huml, M. R. (2020. ) The year-two effect: Evidence and antecedents for second season success in NCAA division I football. Journal of Sport Analytics, , 6 ,45-60 More Information
Lisinskiene, A., Lochbaum, M., May, E., & Huml, M. R. (2019. ) Quantifying the coach-athlete-parent (CAP) relationship in youth sport: Initial development of the positive and negative processes in C-A-P questionnaire (PNPCAP). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, , 16 ,4140 More Information
Weight, E. A., Huml, M. R., Zagorin, L., Chandran, A., & Popp, N. (2019. ) Beyond economic impact: College town resident perceptions of psychic income from intercollegiate athletics . Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 12 ,133-153
Taylor, E. A., Huml, M. R., & Dixon, M. A. (2019. ) Workaholism in sport: A mediated model of work-family conflict and burnout. Journal of Sport Management, , 33 ,249-260 More Information
Huml, M. R., Bergman, M. J., Newell, E. M., & Hancock, M. G. (2019. ) From the playing field to the classroom: The academic challenges for NCAA Division I athletes . Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, , 13 ,97-115
Huml, M. R. & Nite, C. (2019. ) Are athletes addicted to their identity? The development and validation of the Athletic Identity Addiction (AIA) scale. Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, , 1 ,98-112 More Information
Huml, M. R., Pifer, N. D., Towle, C., & Rode, C. R. (2019. ) If we build it, will they come? The effect of new athletic facilities on recruiting rankings for power five football and men's basketball programs. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, , 29 ,1-18 More Information
Huml, M. R., Hancock, M. G., Bergman, M. J., & Hums, M. A. (2019. ) Student-athletes performing community service: Examination of community service motivation and athletic department involvement. Social Science Quarterly, , 100 ,1916-1931 More Information
Huml, M. R., Hancock, M. G., & Hums, M. A. (2019. ) Athletics and academics: The relationship between athletic identity sub-constructs and educational outcomes . Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 12 ,46-62
Huml, M. R., Hancock, M. G., Weight, E. A., & Hums, M. A. (2018. ) Building an athlete community service motivation model: Investigating the relationship between athletic identity, student involvement, and community service . Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 11 ,189-213
Huml, M. R., Hambrick, M. E., Hums, M. A., & Nite, C. (2018. ) It's powerful, legitimate, and urgent, but is it equitable? Stakeholder claims within the attributes of stakeholder salience in sport. Journal of Sport Management, , 32 ,243-256 More Information
Huml, M. R. (2018. ) A factor structure examination of athletic identity related to NCAA divisional difference. Journal of College Student Development, , 59 ,376-381 More Information
Foster, S. J. & Huml, M. R. (2017. ) The relationship between athletic identity and academic major chosen by student-athletes . International Journal of Exercise Science, , 10 ,915-925
Huml, M. R.; Moorman, A. M. (2017. ) Student-athlete educational records? The involvement of FERPA within recent NCAA Division I academic scandals.Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, , 27 ,127-144 More Information
Huml, M. R., Svensson, P. G., & Hancock, M. G. (2017. ) Community service in intercollegiate athletics: A student involvement approach to college athlete engagement . Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 10 ,101-121
Weight, E. A., & Huml, M. R. (2016. ) Education through athletics: An examination of academic courses designed for NCAA athletes. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, , 9 ,352-378 More Information
Huml, M. R., Hambrick, M. E., & Hums, M. A. (2016. ) Coaches' perceptions of the reduction of athletic commitment for Division II student-athletes: Development and validation of a measure of athletic/academic balance. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, , 9 ,303-325 More Information
Andrassy, E. J., Bruening, J. E., Svensson, P. G., Huml, M. R., & Chung, M. (2014. ) The role of organizational capacity in student-athlete development . Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, , 7 ,218-244
Huml, M. R., Bergman, M. J., & Hums, M. A. (2014. ) Comeback player of the year: A conceptual model on former student-athletes returning as adult students. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, , 8 ,148-167 More Information
Huml, M. R., Svensson, P. G., & Hancock, M. G. (2014. ) Exploring the role of educational institutions in student-athlete community engagement. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 7 ,224-244 More Information
Huml, M. R., Hancock, M. G., & Bergman, M. J. (2014. ) Additional support or extravagant cost? Student-athletes' perceptions on athletic academic centers . Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, , 7 ,410-430
Svensson, P. G., Huml, M. R., & Hancock, M. G. (2014. ) Exploring intercollegiate athletic department community partnerships through the lens of community service organizations . Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, , 18 ,97-127
Taylor, E. A., Lee, L., Huml, M. R., & Lopez, C. (2024. ) Impacts of career commitment, gender, and job position on turnover intentions among athletic department employees: A moderated mediation model.European Sport Management Quarterly, , 24 ,515-535 More Information
Huml, M. R., Taylor, E. A., Dixon, M. A., & Graham, J. A. When calling and overwork climate collide: The effect on burnout and intention to change careers.European Sport Management Quarterly, , More Information
Huml, M. R., Kim, M., Black, Wayne, L., & Taylor, E. A. The effect of toxicity and competitive psychological climate on team orientation and turnover intentions within sport employees.European Sport Management Quarterly, , More Information
Honors and Awards
NASSM Fellow
CSRI Fellow