Ali O. Ilhan , PhD
Asst Professor
Aronoff Center
DAAP School of Design - 0016
Professional Summary
Ali O. Ilhan is an interdisciplinary design researcher and social scientist with a focus on computational and quantitative methods. His research interests span critical studies of interdisciplinarity, the sociology of knowledge, institutional and intellectual histories of design disciplines, science and technology studies, higher education studies, and child welfare.
PhD: Washington State University 2013 (Sociology)
MSc: Istanbul Technical University 2007 (Industrial Design)
BSc: Istanbul Technical University 2003 (Industrial Design)
Research Support
Investigators:Serkan Şavk , Ali O. İlhan , Kaya Oğuz , Aydın Çam 2021 -2024 Technological Research Council of Turkey A Data Driven, Digital and Open Approach to the History of Turkish Cinema Role:Co Investigator 696,965 Turkish Liras Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Gregory Hooks (Principal Investigator), Wanessa Watts (Investigator), Neil McLauglin (Investigator), and Ali O. Ilhan (collaborator) 2021 -2026 The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Reflexive Re-Envisioning of the Social Sciences: A Theory-Driven Analysis of the JSTOR Corpus of Social Science Articles, 1890-2019 Role:Colloborator 218,951 Canadian Dollars Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Melis Cin (Co-PI) and Ali O. Ilhan (Co-PI) 2021 -2021 Egitim Reformu Girisimi and Aydin Dogan Foundation An Analysis of the Differences of PISA Reading Scores of Boys and Girls in Turkey Role:Co Investigator 101,359 Turkish Liras Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Candan Turkkan (Co-PI) and Ali O. Ilhan (Co-PI) 2020 -2021 Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology Integration of Urban and Rural Economies in Turkey Role:Co Investigator 330,000 Turkish Liras Completed Type:Grant
Published Abstracts
Armstrong, L. and Ilhan, A. O. (2024. ) Professional Polycrisis: Trust and Risk in Industrial Design. College Art Association 112th Annual Conference,
Yaman, S., Savk, S. and Ilhan, A. O (2023. ) What do Women Say and Do in Movies: A Computational Comparison of Women’s Representation in Atif Yilmaz and Bilge Olgac Movies .[Abstract]New Tendencies in Turkish Film Studies XXII: Cinema and Women,
Ilhan A. O. (2021. ) R and Bibliometric Analysis, a Short Introduction .[Abstract]Why R? Turkey Virtual Conference.,
Savk, S., Cam, A. and Ilhan, A. O. (2022. ) Crossing Mountains, Crossing the Audience: Localized Film Styles, Narration and Sub-genres in the History of Turkish Cinema .[Abstract]HOMER (History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception),
Ilhan, A. O, Kaygan, H. and Timur-Ogut, S. (2018. ) Uses of Actor Network Theory in Design Research: Towards a Critical Dialogue .[Abstract]EAAST Conference: Making Science, Technology and Society Together,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Ilhan, Ali O. (2024. ) A Review of the “The Quantified Scholar” and its Implications for Design Scholarship and Research .She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation, , Forthcoming ,
Cin, M., Korlu, O, Ilhan, A. O., Ozdemir, O., Duskun, Y (2024. ) Lost in PISA-lation: The Limits of Measuring Gender and Poverty .NORRAG, , Special Issue (9 ) ,50-54
Davis, M., Feast L., Forlizzi, J., Friedman, K., Ilhan A. O., Ju, W., Kortuem, G., Reimer M. H., Teixeria, C. (2023. ) Responding to the Indeterminacy of Doctoral Research in Design .She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation, , 9 (2 ) ,283-307
Aydınoğlu, A.U., Ilhan, A. O. and Özer, O. K. (2023. ) Bibliometrics As A Research Method in Social Sciences: The Example Of Academic Entrepreneurship. Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute. , , 55 (1 ) ,235-258
Brint S. and Ilhan, A. O (2022. ) Conceptions of Professionalism in U.S. Research Universities: Evidence from the gradSERU Survey .Minerva, , 60 ,535-565
Ilhan, A. O. and Deniz, E. (2021. ) An Introduction to Four Main Survey Errors. Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute .Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, , 42 (1 ) ,199-214
Arikan, G., Kumru, A. and Ilhan, A. O. (2021. ) Turkish Validation Study of Caregiving Helplessness Questionnaire .Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi, , 9 (19 ) ,11-19
Kaygan, P., Ilhan, A. O. and Oygur, I (2020. ) Change in Industrial Designer's Jobs: The Case of Turkey, 1984-2018 .The Design Journal, , 23 (6 ) ,821-841
Johnson, E., Ilhan, A. O. and Frickel, S. (2020. ) Riding a Long Green Wave: Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences and Studies in Higher Education .Environmental Sociology, , 6 (4 ) ,433-448
Ilhan, A. O. and Oguz, M. C. (2019. ) Collaboration in Design Research: An Analysis of Co-Authorship in Thirteen Design Research Journals .The Design Journal, , 22 (1 ) ,5-27
Arikan, G., Korkut, B., Kumru, A. and Ilhan, A. O. (2019. ) Examining Toddlers’ Problem Behaviors: The Role of SES, Parenting Stress, Perceived Support and Negative Intentionality .Journal of Child and Family Studies, , 28 (12 ) ,3467-3478
Ilhan, A. O. (2017. ) Growth of Undergraduate Education in Design in the United States, 1988–2012 .Design Issues, , 33 (4 ) ,17-29
Ilhan, Ali O. (2016. ) Growth or Decline? A Longitudinal Analysis of Factors Affecting the Institutional Trajectories of Five Design Disciplines in the United States .She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation, , 2 (4 ) ,300-321
Ilhan, A. O. and Er, H. A. (2016. ) Existential Antagonisms: Boundary Work and the Professional Ideology of Turkish Industrial Designers .Design Issues, , 31 (1 ) ,19-31
Wang, D. and Ilhan, A. O. (2009. ) Holding Creativity Together: A Sociological Theory of the Design Professions. Design Issues .Design Issues, , 25 (1 ) ,5-21
Oygur, I., Ilhan, A. O., Trauth, B. and Vogel, C (2023. ) Pedagogical Pedagogical Implications of Service Design for Industrial Design Education: Current Claims And Future Directions .in the proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, ,
Smith, J., Ilhan A. O., Rulifson, G. and Claussen, S. (2021. ) Ethical Pessimism and Student Views of Engineers’ Agency in Corporations .IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science and Technology (ETHICS), ,
Ilhan, A. O (2018. ) A Co-Authorship Analysis of Product and Industrial Design Education Literature, 2000-2015 .In the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, ,
Ilhan, A. O. (2015. ) The Growth of Five US Design Disciplines, 1984-2012 .In the proceedings of the 11th European Academy of Design Conference: Value of Design Research, ,
Oygur, I. and Ilhan, A. O. (2011. ) Now is Non-Human Actor’s Time, too: Actor Network Theory and Design Ethnography. In the proceedings book of 7th Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, ,
Ilhan, A. O. and Er, H. A. (2007. ) Understanding the Order in Disorder: Analyzing the Professional Ideology of Industrial Design in Turkey through Discourse .In the proceedings of the 7th European Academy of Design Conference: Dancing with Disorder: Design, Discourse & Disaster, ,
Ilhan, Ali O. (2006. ) An Introduction to the Libidinal Economy of Design: Desire, Objects and the Subject .In the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Design Research Society (Wonderground ’06), ,
Karabulut, D., Ilhan, A., Kumru, A. and Arikan, G. (2016. ) Turkish Psychometric Properties of Infant Intentionality Questionnaire During Early Childhood Period .In the Proceedings of 52nd National Psychiatry Congress., ,
Karabulut, D., Ilhan, A., Kumru, A. and Arikan, G. (2016. ) The Psychometric Structure of Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire in a Turkish Sample During Early Childhood .In the proceedings of the 52nd National Psychiatry Congress, ,
Published Books
Ilhan, Ali O., Aydınoğlu, A. U (2023. ) Science and Technology Studies for Everybody .Istanbul , Fol
Book Chapter
Ilhan, Ali O. (2024 ) Social Network Analysis Advanced Statistical Applications .Istanbul, Nobel
Ilhan, Ali O and Aydınoğlu, A. U. (2023 ) Data Wars During COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey: The Role of Trust, Risk, and Citizen Science in Democratic Deliberation Citizen Centered Public Policy Making in Turkey .(pp. 289-309).Springer Nature
Frickel, S. and Ilhan, A. O. (2016 ) Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Change in Six Social Sciences: A Longitudinal Comparison Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Theory and Practice across Disciplines .(pp. 148-168).New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press
Technical Reports
Cin, M., Ilhan, A. O., Ozdemir, O., Duskun, Y. and Korlu, O. (2022. ) An Analysis of the Differences of PISA Reading Scores of Boys and Girls in Turkey .Egitim Reformu Girisimi and Aydin Dogan Foundation,
Turkkan, C., Ilhan, A. O., Bayramoglu, M. and Pala, O. (2021. ) Integration of Urban and Rural Economies in Turkey .Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology, Research Report , 34 (7) ,
Patents and Inventions
WO 2006/064432 A Thermoelectric Cooling/Heating Appliance Guclu Y., Oguz E., Meydanli C., Buyukcan E., Ilhan A. O., Filinesi R., Ozturk U. E. , Awarded 2005
WO 2005/065515, EP170860 A Vacuum Cleaner Sar C., Fedai G., Goktas M., Buyukcan E., Ilhan A. O. , Awarded 2005