C. Jeff Jacobson Jr
Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Anthropology
Braunstein Hall
A&S Anthropology - 0582
Professional Summary
I am a clinically oriented medical and psychological anthropologist who specializes in the application of qualitative cultural and ethnographic methodologies to patient- and provider-centered health services research, and to problems of interpretation, validity, and translation of behavioral and psychological constructs and measures in health research. As a social scientist, my theoretical and methodological commitments align broadly with meaning- and discourse-centered approaches in the social sciences and with phenomenological, constructivist, and socio-linguistic traditions in medical and psychological anthropology. In my research, as in my teaching and advising, I emphasize attention to the kinds of humanistic, person-centered, and “experience-near” interviewing and analytic approaches highlighted in these traditions, particularly the focus within psychological anthropology on how people in the context of language, culture and socialization come to understand, characterize and construct their own and others’ minds, intentions, emotions or subjectivities. The wider aims and products of my research collaborations are not strictly anthropological nor are the venues in which they are published. I have three main areas of interest and collaboration which cover most of my publications as sole, lead, or major co-author: Trauma, Coping and Sense-Making; Health Services Research; and Occupational Health and Safety.
Ph.D.: Case Western Reserve University 2001 (Medical Anthropology. Dissertation: "Spirits, Demons, and Nightmares: Moral Images of Self and Other in Puerto Rican Life History and Religious Discourse")
M.A.: Case Western Reserve University 1993 (Medical Anthropology)
M.A.: Tulane University 1990 (Latin American Studies)
B.A.: Colorado College 1986 (Chemistry, with distinction)
Positions and Work Experience
2007 -To Present Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, University fo Cincinnati, Department of Anthropology,
2001 -To Present Research Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Anthropology,
2001 -To Present Research Assistant Professor, UC Department of Family Medicine,
2001 -To Present Research Fellow, UC Institute for the Study of Health,
1998 -2000 Education and Training Specialist, Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health Board, Cleveland, Ohio
1997 -2001 Language Instructor, Echo International,
1991 -1995 Language Instructor, CWRU English Language Services,
1988 -1990 Language Instructor, Tulane Institute for English as a Second Language, Tulane University
2014 -2015 Interim Head, University of Cincinnati, Department of Anthropology
2011 - Director, Taft Medical Humanities Research Group,
- Reviewer, Journal Pediatric Psychology,
Research Support
Grant: #OSP 03-166-01 Investigators:Jacobson, Clement; Oakley, Gregory 09-30-2002 -07-31-2007 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Partnerships to Educate on Environmental and Genetic Issues Role:PI Closed 000176-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005948 Investigators:Elder, Nancy; Horner, Ronnie; Jacobson, Clement; Matthews, Gerald; Ying, Jun 11-17-2008 -09-30-2010 American Academy of Neurology Comparability Of Work Intensity Among Medical Specialists: A Pilot Study Role:Collaborator Active 005948-001 Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R21 HD050137 Investigators:Acklin, Dana; Carrozza, Mark; Cotton, Sian; Jacobson, Clement; Leonard, Anthony; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Ritchey, Phillip; Szaflarski, Magdalena; Tsevat, Joel; Williams, Rhys 05-01-2007 -04-30-2010 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Religious Organizations' Responses to HIV/AIDS Role:Collaborator $425,100.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R03 HS019030 Investigators:Bolon, Shannon; Elder, Nancy; Jacobson, Clement 07-01-2010 -12-30-2011 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Assessing and Optimizing Medical Assistant Roles Role:Collaborator $95,839.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #106355 / U01 AR057940 Investigators:Jacobson, Clement 09-30-2009 -07-31-2013 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Enhancing PROMIS in Pediatric Pain, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation Research Role:PI $48,554.00 Active Level:Federal
CCHMC Morgan (PI-CCHMC) “Advancing Pediatric Chronic Illness Care and Research with PROMIS” NIH U19 RFA-AR- 15-014, $110,155 Denied Type:Grant
Grant: #Exh A-Study Design GSRH Investigators:Elder, Nancy; Jacobson, Clement; Regan, Saundra 08-16-2012 -10-31-2013 Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Epidemiological Study of Adult Primary Care Patients Aimed at Describing the Clinical Correlates and Subjective Bases of Patients' Ratings of Global Health Role:PI $64,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
CCHMC Brown, C. “Improving Uptake of Targeted Prevention Programs for Child Mental Health” NIMH R34 MH-16- 410 (Jacobson subcontract $15, 560). $710,911 Denied Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Eggerth, D., DeLaney, S., Flynn, M., Jacobson, C.J. 2012. Work Experiences of Latina Immigrants: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Career Development 39(1): 13-30
Jacobson, C.J., Bolon, S., Elder, N., Schroer, B. 2011. Temporal and Subjective Work Demands in Office Based Patient Care: An Exploration of the Dimensions of Physician Work Intensity. Medical Care 49(1): 52-58.
Horner, R., Szaflarski, J., Jacobson, C.J., Bolon, S. 2011. Clinical Work Intensity among Physicial Specialties: How Might We Assess It? What Do We Find? Medical Care 49(1): 108-113
Grossoehme, D.H., Jacobson, C.J., Cotton, S., Ragsdale, J.R., Seid, M. 2011. Written Prayers and Religious Coping in a Paediatric Hospital Seting. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture 14(5): 423-432.
Grossoehme, D.H., VanDyke, R., Jacobson, C.J., Cotton, S., Ragsdale, J.R., Seid, M. 2010. Written Prayers in a Pediatric Hospital Setting: Linguistic Analysis. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 2(4): 227-233.
Anthony, J., Baik, S.Y., Susman, J., Bowers, B., Tidjani, B., Jacobson, C.J. 2010. Conditions that Influence the Primary Care Clinician's Decision to Refer Patients for Depression Care. Rehabilitation Nursing 35(3): 113-122.
Fujihiro, K., Gong, F., Baron, S., Jacobson, C.J. 2010. Translating Questionnaire Items for a Multi-Lingual Worker Population: The Iterative Process of Translation and Cognitive Interviews with English-, Spanish-, and Chinese-Speaking Workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 53: 194-203
Jacobson, C.J. 2009. The Nightmares of Puerto Ricans: An 'Embodied Altered States of Consciousness' Perspective. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 33(2): 266-289.
Baker, J., Bazemore, A., Jacobson, C.J. 2008. Rapid Assessment of Access to Care: Using GPS to Examine Access to Primary Care in Remote Parts of the Developing World. Field Methods 20(3): 296-309.
Zink, T., Jacobson, C.J., Regan, S., Fisher, B., Pabst, S. 2006. Older Women's Descriptions and Understandings of their Abusers. Violence Against Women 12(9): 851-865.
Zink, T., Jacobson, C.J., Pabst, S., Regan, S., Fisher, B. 2006. A Lifetime of Intimate Partner Violence: Coping Strategies of Older Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21(5): 634-651.
Jacobson, C.J., Luckhaupt, S., DeLaney, S., Tsevat, J. 2006. Religio-Biography, Coping, and Meaning-Making Among Persons with HIV/AIDS. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45(1): 39:56.
Under Review
Edler, N., Jacobson, C.J., Bolon, S. Primary Care Teams of Providers and Medical Assistants in Small Offices: Understanding the Role of the Medical Assistant. Submitted to Annals of Family Medicine, September 2012.
In Press
Jacobson, C.J., Farrel, J.E., Zuck, S.K., Seid, M., Verkamp, E., DeWitt, E.M. 2012. Sometimes at Pains to Say: An Exploration of Communication Factors Affecting Child and Adolescent Self Report of Pain and Pain Related Functioning. Submitted to Journal of Pediatric Psychology, January 2012. Accepted for publication, in press.
Jacobson, C. J Farrell, J. E., Kashikar-Zuck, S., Barnett, K., Goldschneider K.,
Dampier, C., and J., DeWitt, E. M. “ Qualitative Evaluation of Pediatric Pain
Behavior, Quality, and Intensity Item Candidates and the PROMIS Pain Domain Framework in Children With Chronic Pain. Journal of Pain, 16(12) : 1243-55
Flynn, M., Eggerth D., Jacobson C. J. « Undocumented Status as a Social
Determinant of Occupational Safety and Health: The Workers’ Perspective."
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 58 (11) : 1127-1137
Courses Taught
15-ANTH-101 CULTURAL ANTHROPOL Level:Undergraduate
15-ANTH-279 MEDICAL ANTHROPOL Level:Undergraduate
15-ANTH-779 ADV MEDICL ANTH SEM Level:Graduate
15-ANTH-379 MEDICAL ANTHROP II Level:Undergraduate
Advanced Topics in the Anthropology of Health and Illness Level:Graduate
Peoples of the Caribbean Level:Undergraduate
Caribbean Ethnography Level:Graduate
Ethnographic Methods Level:Graduate