Bruce Jayne

Bruce C Jayne



Rieveschl Hall


A&S Biological Sciences - 0006

Professional Summary

ECBR, SBBE, Functional morphology; evolution of behavior, structure and function; neuromuscular basis of the locomotion of ectothermic vertebrates; herpetology; natural history and ecology of reptiles


Ph.D.: Michigan State University East Lansing, 1985 (Zoology)

Research and Practice Interests

I am interested in the evolution of complex systems that involve a combination of behavior, physiology and morphology. I believe that using a comparative, functional and experimental approach combined with an ecological perspective provides the rigor necessary for studying evolutionary adaptation. Most of my research has been on different aspects of locomotion and muscle function in snakes, fishes and lizards. Major methods used in my lab are the quantitative analysis of both motion (from high-speed video images) and in vivo patterns of muscle activity (from electromyography). I have also conducted field studies of reptiles. Click here for more details on my research interests, equipment & facilities.

The following information is also available:
Bibliography on the Physiology and Biomechanics of Cycling
Cycling Physiology & Biomechanics
Post-docs and Students

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

Petersen, J.C., Jayne, B.C., Wilde, S.D., John G. Capano, J.G. & Roberts, T.J. (2024) Effects of ingesting large prey on the kinematics of rectilinear locomotion in Boa constrictor. J. Exp. Biol. 227, jeb247042. doi:10.1242/jeb.247042

Jayne, B.C., Easterling, I.C., & Bartoszek, I.A. (2024) Big Pythons, Big Gape and Big Prey. Reptiles & Amphibians 31: e21867

Petersen, J.C., Campbell, L.C., Jayne, B.C. & Thomas J. Roberts, T.J. (2024) Mechanical properties of snake skin vary longitudinally, following large prey ingestion, and among species. J. Exp. Biol. 227 (24): jeb248142 doi 10.1242/jeb.248142

Gripshover, N.D.* & Jayne, B.C. (2023) Using natricine snakes to test how prey type and size affect prey handling behavior and performance. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 17:1134131. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1134131

Jayne, B.C. (2023). Scaling relationships of maximal gape and prey size of snakes for an egg-eating specialist (Dasypeltis gansi) and a dietary generalist (Pantherophis obsoletus). J. Zool., London. 321(2): 99-112. doi:10.1111/jzo.13102

Jayne, B.C., Bamberger, A.**, Mader, D., Bartoszek, I. (2022) Scaling relationships of maximal gape in two species of large invasive snakes, brown treesnakes and Burmese pythons, and implications for maximal prey size. Int. Org. Biol.

Savidge, J.A., Seibert, T.F., Kastner, N. & Jayne, B.C. (2021) Lasso locomotion expands the climbing repertoire of snakes. Current Biol. 31(1):PR7-R8.

Gripshover, N.D.* & Jayne, B.C. (2021). Crayfish eating in snakes: Testing how anatomy and behavior affect prey size and feeding performance, Int. Org. Biol. 3:

Jurestovsky, D.J., Jayne, B.C., & Astley, H.C. (2020) Experimental modification of morphology reveals the effects of the zygosphene-zygantrum joint on the range of motion of snake vertebrae. J. Exp. Biol. 223:  jeb216531. doi:10.1242/jeb.216531.

Jayne, B.C. (2020). What defines different modes of snake Locomotion? Int. Comp. Biol. 60(1):1-15. doi:10.1093/icb/icaa017

Jayne, B.C., Harold K. Voris & Peter K.L. Ng. (2018). How big is too big? Using crustacean-eating snakes (Homalopsidae) to test how anatomy and behavior affect prey size and feeding performance. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 123 (2): 636–650.

 Newman, S.J.* & Jayne, B.C. (2018). Crawling without wiggling: muscular mechanisms and kinematics of rectilinear locomotion in boa constrictors J. Exp. Biol. 221, jeb166199. doi:10.1242/jeb.166199 (featured in the new York Times)

Jorgensen, R.M. & Jayne, B.C. (2017). Three-dimensional trajectories affect the epaxial muscle activity of arboreal snakes crossing gaps. J. Exp. Biol. 220: 3545-3555.

Tingle, J., Gartner, G.E.A. Jayne, B.C. & Garland, T.Jr. (2017). Ecological and phylogenetic variability in the spinalis muscle of snakes. J. Evol. Biol. 30 (11): 2031-2043.

Mauro, A.A. & Jayne, B.C. (2016). Perch compliance and experience affect destination choice of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis). Zoology 119:113–118

Crotty, T.L. & Jayne, B.C. (2015). Trade-offs between eating and moving: What happens to the locomotion of slender arboreal snakes when they eat big prey? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 114: 446–458.

Jayne, B.C. & Byrnes, G. (2015). The effects of slope and branch structure on the locomotion of a specialized arboreal colubrid snake (Boiga irregularis). J. Exp. Zool. 323A:309–321.

Jayne,B.C., Newman, S.J., Zentkovich, M.M. & Berns, H.M. (2015) Why arboreal snakes should not be cylindrical: body shape, incline and surface roughness have interactive effects on locomotion. J. Exp. Biol. 218: 3978-3986.

Jayne, B.C., Lehmkuhl, A.M. & Riley, M.A. (2014). Hit or miss: branch structure affects perch choice, behaviour, distance and accuracy of brown tree snakes bridging gaps. Animal Behaviour 88:233-241.

Horner A.M. & Jayne, B.C. (2014) Lungfish axial muscle function and the vertebrate water to land transition. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96516.

Byrnes, G, & Jayne, B.C. (2014) Gripping during climbing of arboreal snakes may be safe but not economical. Biol. Lett. 10: 20140434.

Hoefer, K.M. & Jayne, B.C. (2013).  Three-dimensional locations of destinations have species-dependent effects on the choice of paths and the gap-bridging performance of arboreal snakes. J. Exp. Zool. A 319(3):124-137.

Jayne, B.C. Baum, J.T. & Byrnes, G. (2013) Incline and peg spacing have interactive effects on the arboreal locomotor performance and kinematics of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis). J. Exp. Biol. 216:3321-3331

Jones, Z. M. & Jayne, B. C. (2012). The effects of sound on the escape locomotor performance of anole lizards. J. Herpetol. 46(1):51–55.

Jones, Z. M. & Jayne, B. C. (2012). Perch diameter and branching patterns have interactive effects on the locomotion and path choice of anole lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 215:2128-2134.

Byrnes, G. & Jayne, B. C. (2012) Three-dimensional trajectories affect gap bridging performance and behavior of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis). J. Exp. Biol. 215:2611-2620

Hyams, S.E., Jayne, B.C. & and Cameron, G.N. (2012) Arboreal habitat structure affects locomotor speed and path choice of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) J. Exp. Zool. 317A:540–551.

Jayne, B.C., Olberding, J.P., Athreya, D. & Michael A. Riley. (2012). Surface shape affects the three-dimensional exploratory movements of nocturnal arboreal snakes. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 198:905–913.

Mansfield, R. H. & Jayne, B. C. (2011). Arboreal habitat structure affects route choice by rat snakes. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 197:119–129.

Jayne, B. C. & Herrmann, M. H. (2011). Perch size and structure have species-dependent effects on the arboreal locomotion of rat snakes and boa constrictors. J. Exp. Biol. 214:2189-2201.

Byrnes, G. & Jayne, B. C. (2010). Substrate diameter and compliance affect the gripping strategies and locomotor mode of climbing boa constrictors. J. Exp. Biol. 213:4249-4256.

Astley, H. C. & Jayne, B. C. (2009). Arboreal habitat structure affects the performance and modes of locomotion of corn snakes (Elaphe guttata). J. Exp. Zool., 311A, 207-216.

Horner, A.M. & Jayne, B. C. (2008). The effects of viscosity on the axial motor pattern and kinematics of the African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) during lateral undulatory swimming. J. Exp. Biol. (211), 1612-1622.

Day, L.M., & Jayne, B.C. (2008). Interspecific scaling and posture of the limbs during the locomotion of cats (Felidae). J. Exp. Biol., 210(4), 642-654.

Jayne, B.C., & Riley, M.A. (2007). Scaling of the axial morphology and gap-bridging ability of the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis). J. Exp. Biol., 210, 1148-1160.

Astley, H.C., & Jayne, B.C. (2007). Effects of perch diameter and incline on the kinematics, performance and modes of arboreal locomotion of corn snakes (Elaphe guttata). J. Exp. Biol., 210, 3862-3872.

Mattingly, W.B., & Jayne, B.C. (2005). The choice of arboreal escape paths and its consequences for the locomotor behaviour of four species of Anolis lizards. Animal Behaviour, 70(6), 1239-1250.

Higham, T.E., Malas, B., Jayne, B.C., & Lauder, G.V. (2005). Constraints on starting and stopping: Behavior compensates for reduced pectoral fin area during braking of the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). J. Exp. Biol., 208(12), 4735-4746.

Higham, T.E., & Jayne, B.C. (2004). In vivo muscle activity in the hind limb of the arboreal lizard, Chamaeleo calyptratus: general patterns and the effects of incline. J. Exp. Biol., 207(2), 249-261.

Mattingly, W.B., & Jayne, B.C. (2004). Resource use in arboreal habitats: structure affects locomotion of four ecomorphs of Anolis lizards. Ecology, 85(4), 1111-1124.

Spezzano Jr., L.C., & Jayne, B.C. (2004). The effects of surface diameter and incline on the hindlimb kinematics of an arboreal lizard (Anolis sagrei). J. Exp. Biol., 207(12), 2115-2131.

Higham, T.E. & B.C. Jayne (2004). Locomotion of lizards on inclines and perches: hindlimb kinematics of an arboreal specialist and a terrestrial generalist. J. Exp. Biol., 207(2), 233-248.

Jayne, B.C., H.K. Voris & P.K.L. Ng (2002). Snake circumvents constraints on prey size. Nature, 418(143).

Higham, T.E., M.S. Davenport & B.C. Jayne (2001). Maneuvering in an arboreal habitat: The effects of turn angle on the locomotion of three sympatric ecomorphs of Anolis lizards. J. Exp. Biol., 204(23), 4141-4155.

Nelson, F.E. & B.C. Jayne (2001). The effects of speed on the in vivo activity and length of a limb muscle during the locomotion of an iguanian lizard, Dispsosaurus dorsalis. J. Exp. Biol., 204(20), 3507-3522.

Jayne, B.C. & D.J. Irschick (2000). A field study of incline use and preferred speeds for the locomotion of lizards. Ecology, 81(11), 2969-2983.

Irschick, D.J. & B.C. Jayne (2000). Size matters: Ontogenetic variation in the three-dimensional kinematics of steady-speed locomotion in the lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis. J. Exp. Biol., 203, 2133-2148.

Jayne, B.C. & M.W. Daggy (2000). The effects of temperature on the axial motor pattern and performance of sandswimming of the Mojave fringe-toe lizard, Uma scoparia. J. Exp. Biol., 203(7), 1241-1252.

Irschick, D.J. & B.C. Jayne (1999). A comparative analysis of three-dimensional kinematics of the hindlimb for high-speed bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in lizards. J. Exp. Biol., 202, 1047-1065.

Jayne, B.C. & D.J. Irschick (1999). Effects of incline and speed on the three-dimensional hindlimb kinematics of a generalized iguanian lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. J. Exp. Biol., 202, 143-159.

Irschick, D.J. & B.C. Jayne (1999). A field study of the effects of incline on the escape locomotion of a lizard, Callisaurus draconoides. Physiol. Biochem. Zool., 72(1), 44-56.

Jayne, B.C. & R.V. Ellis (1998). How inclines affect the escape behaviour of a dune dwelling lizard, Uma scoparia. Anim. Behav., 55, 1115-1130.

Fieler, C.L. & B.C. Jayne (1998). Effects of speed on the hindlimb kinematics of a lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis. J. Exp. Biol., 201(4), 609-622.

Irschick, D.J. & B.C. Jayne (1998). Effects of incline on speed, acceleration, body posture, and hind limb kinematics in two species of lizards (Callisaurus draconoides and Uma scoparia). J. Exp. Biol., 201, 273-287.

Lauder, G.V. & B.C. Jayne (1996). Pectoral fin locomotion in fishes: testing drag-based models using three-dimensional kinematics. Amer. Zool., 36, 642-655.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1996). New data on axial locomotion in fishes: how speed affects diversity of kinematics and motor patterns. Amer. Zool., 36, 567-581.

Rumping, J.M. & B.C. Jayne (1996). Muscle activity in autotomized tails of a lizard (Gecko gecko): a naturally occurring spinal preparation. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 179, 525-538.

Jayne, B.C. A.F. Lozada & G.V. Lauder (1996). Functions of the dorsal fin in bluegill sunfish: motor patterns during four distinct locomotor behaviors. J. Morph, 228, 307-326.

Jayne, B.C., T.J. Ward, & H.K. Voris (1995). Morphology, reproduction and diet of the marine homalopsine snake Bitia hydroides in peninsular Malaysia. Copeia, 1995(4), 800-808.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1995). Red muscle motor patterns during steady swimming in largemouth bass: effects of speed and correlations with axial kinematics. J. Exp. Biol., 198(7), 1575-1587.

Anderson, B.D., J.W. Shultz & B.C. Jayne (1995). Axial kinematics and muscle activity during terrestrial locomotion of the centipede, Scolopendra heros. J. Exp. Biol, 198(5), 1185-1195.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1995). Are muscle fibers within fish myotomes activated synchronously? patterns of recruitment within deep myomeric musculature during swimming in largemouth bass. J. Exp. Biol, 198(3), 805-815.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1995). Speed effects on midline kinematics during steady undulatory swimming of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. J. Exp. Biol, 198(2), 585-602.

Johnson, T.P. D.A. Syme B.C. Jayne, G.V. Lauder & A.F. Bennett (1994). Modeling red muscle power output during steady and unsteady swimming in largemouth bass. Am. J. Physiol, 267, R481-R488.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1994). How fish use slow and fast muscle fibers: implications for models of vertebrate muscle recruitment. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 175, 123-131.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1994). Comparative morphology of the myomeres and axial skeleton in four genera of Centrarchid fishes. J. Morph, 220, 1-22.

Gibb, A.C., B.C. Jayne & G.V. Lauder (1994). Kinematics of pectoral fin locomotion in the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus. J. Exp. Biol, 189, 133-161.

Jayne, B.C. & G.V. Lauder (1993). Red and white muscle activity and kinematics of the escape response of the bluegill sunfish during swimming. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 173, 495-508.

Secor, S.M., B.C. Jayne & A.F. Bennett (1992). Locomotor performance and energetic cost of sidewinding of the snake Crotalus cerastes. J. Exp. Biol, 163, 1-14.

Jayne, B.C. & J.D. Davis (1991). Kinematics and performance capacity for the concertina locomotion of a snake (Coluber constrictor). J. Exp. Biol, 156, 539-556.

Jayne, B.C., G.V. Lauder, S.M. Reilly & P.C. Wainwright (1990). The effect of sampling rate on the analysis of digital electromyograms from vertebrate muscle. J. Exp. Biol, 154, 557-565.

Jayne, B.C. & A. F. Bennett (1990). Selection on locomotor performance capacity in a natural population of garter snakes. Evolution, 44(5), 1189-1203.

Jayne, B.C. & A.F. Bennett, & G.V. Lauder (1990). Muscle recruitment during terrestrial locomotion: how speed and temperature affect fibre type use in a lizard. J. Exp. Biol, 152, 101-128.

Walton, M., B.C. Jayne & A.F. Bennett (1990). The energetic cost of limbless locomotion. Science, 249, 524-527.

Jayne, B. C. & A. F. Bennett (1990). Scaling of speed and endurance in garter snakes: a comparison of cross-sectional and longitudinal allometry. J. Zool, 220, 257-277.

Jayne, B. C. & A.F. Bennett (1989). The effect of tail morphology on locomotor performance of snakes: a comparison of experimental and correlative investigations. J. Exp. Zool, 252(2), 126-133.

Jayne, B.C. (1988). Muscular mechanisms of snake locomotion : an electromyographic study of the sidewinding and concertina locomotion of Crotalus cerastes, Nerodia fasciata and Elaphe obsoleta. J. Exp. Biol, 140, 1-33.

Jayne, B.C. (1988). Muscular mechanisms of snake locomotion: an electromyographic study of lateral undulation of the Florida banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata) and the yellow rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta). J. Morph, 197, 159-181.

Jayne, B.C., H.K. Voris, & K.B. Heang (1988). The diet, feeding behavior, growth and numbers of a population of Cerberus rynchops (Serpentes: Homalopsinae) in Malaysia. Fieldiana Zoology New Series, 50, 1-15.

Jayne, B.C. (1988). Mechanical behaviour of snake skin. J. Zool., London, 214, 125-140.

Jayne, B.C. (1986). Kinematics of terrestrial snake locomotion. Copeia, 1986, 915-927.

Jayne, B.C. (1985). Swimming in constricting (Elaphe g. guttatta) and nonconstricting (Nerodia fasciata pictiventris) colubrid snakes. Copeia, 1985, 195-208.

Jayne, B.C. (1982). Comparative morphology of the semispinalis-spinalis muscle of snakes and correlations with locomotion and constriction. J. Morph, 172, 83-96.

Voris, H.K. & B.C. Jayne (1979). Growth reproduction and population structure of a marine snake, Enhydrina schistosa (Hydrophiidae). Copeia, 1979, 307-318.

Voris, H.K. & B.C. Jayne (1976). The costocutaneous muscles in some sea snakes. J. Herpetology, 10(3), 175-180.

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