Nancy A Jennings , PHD
Professor, and Director of the Children's Education and Entertainment Research (CHEER) Lab;
Professional Summary
Dr. Jennings studies the impact of media on the lives of children and their families and public policies and practices involved with children’s media. Her research focuses on children's cognitive and social development and their use of media. She employs experimental design as well as qualitative methodologies to explore children’s relationships with media characters. She has also conducted evaluation research on educational media and outreach programs and content analyses and textual analyses of media content. She has authored Tween Girls and Their Mediated Friends (2014) and co-edited The Marketing of Children's Toys with Rebecca Hains (2021), and 20 Questions about Youth and the Media with Sharon Mazzarella (2018). Dr. Jennings has published on other topics including virtual environments, children’s advertising, families and media, and media violence. She provides parent education programs on children’s media use, directs the Children’s Education and Entertainment Research (CHEER) Lab, and has published peer-reviewed journals articles in journals such as New Media & Society, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Children and Media, and Learning, Media and Technology. She has also published book chapters in the Handbook of Family Communication, the Handbook of Children and Media, and 20 Questions about Children and Media.
PhD: University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX, 2000 (Radio-Television-Film)
MBA: DePaul University Chicago, IL, 1996 (Marketing)
BS: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL, 1992 (Media Studies)
Research Support
Investigators:Jennings, N. 06-2011 -06-2012 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Research Council Individual Grant Role:PI $2,103 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jennings, N., Jacquez, F., Wilson, B., Breit-Smith, A., & Downing, K. 01-01-2012 -12-31-2012 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Watch, move & learn: Making screen time active Role:PI $150,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Jennings, N., Jacquez, F., & Gilman, R. 01-15-2011 -06-30-2011 University of Cincinnati, CDOC Watch, move & learn: Making screen time active Role:PI $50,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jennings, N., Caplovitz, A., Jacquez, F., & Murnan, J. 2010 -2011 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Watch, move & learn: Making screen time active Role:PI $150,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Jennings, N. A., Murnan, J., Jacquez, F. M. 06-2009 -12-2010 University of Cincinnati - University Research Council Doing It! Healthy Habits for Kids: A School-Based Intervention to Improve Children’s Physical Activity and Eating Habits Role:PI $25,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jennings, N. 09-2007 -09-2010 subcontract from the University of Pennsylvania (via Corporation for Public Broadcasting/US Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences) Ready to Learn Children and Media Role:Principal Investigator $275,000 Completed
Investigators:Jennings, N. 01-2007 -03-2008 subcontract from the University of Pennsylvania via Corporation for Public Broadcasting/US Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences Characters and Learning Outcomes Role:Principal Investigator $50,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Jennings, N. 09-2003 -05-2004 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Children’s television programs Role:Principal Investigator $900 Completed
Investigators:Jennings, N. 09-2003 -05-2004 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Children’s television advertising Role:Principal Investigator $900 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Jennings, N. 09-2002 -06-2004 Hogg Foundation Mental illness stigma, television and children Role:Co-Principal Investigator $36,500 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Jennings, Nancy 01-01-2012 -09-30-2012 National Communication Association Mediated Minds: An undergraduate research conference Role:PI $5,000 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Jennings, N.A. & Jennings, W.P. 05-2012 -05-2013 Seasongood Good Government Foundation Ohio American Trustees: Inspiring a Nation Through Civic Literacy Role:Co-PI $20,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:Local
Grant: #5-45800-B Investigators:Jennings, Nancy 01-01-2007 -03-14-2008 Department of Education Characters and Learning Outcomes Role:PI $101,629.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #545800-D / 9300-71000 Investigators:Jennings, Nancy 09-15-2007 -09-14-2010 Department of Education Ready to Learn: Educational Media and Children Role:PI $194,091.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Common Ground Investigators:Calfano, Brian; Jennings, Nancy 06-30-2017 -12-31-2018 Scripps Howard Foundation The Common Ground Project Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Jennings, Nancy, Sharp, Michael, and Blevins, Jeff UC Forward Community Collaborative Grant Digital Media and App Production and Media Literacy Role:Co-Principal Investigator $6,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jennings, Nancy Identity in Children’s Educational Media Role:PI $3,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jennings, Nancy and Jennings, William Murray and Agnes Seasongood Good Government Foundation Reaching the Audience: Outreach for the Ohio American Trustees Project Role:Co-Principal Investigator $7,875 Completed Type:Grant Level:Local
University of Cincinnati Digital Media and App Production and Media Literacy Role:Co-PI $6,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jennings, Nancy UC International UC International Program Development Faculty Award Role:PI $3,015 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Digital Scholarship Center Mellon Subaward Role:PI $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
Niehoff Center for Film and Media Studies $1,500 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #Common Ground Investigators:Calfano, Brian; Jennings, Nancy 06-30-2017 -12-31-2018 Scripps Howard Foundation The Common Ground Project Role:PI $10,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Disruption Research Role:PI $4,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Youth, News, and Misinformation in the 21st Century Role:PI $2,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Nancy Jennings and Sarah Schroeder Media Literacy, Storytelling and Change: Voices of urban teens living through the COVID-19 pandemic Role:Co-PI $2,000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Sarah Schroeder and Nancy Jennings University of Cincinnati - UC Forward Media Literacy, Storytelling, and Change Role:Co-PI $14,700 Completed Type:Grant
Equitable Cities $20,000 Active Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
Technical Report
Jennings, N. A., Hooker, S. D., & Linebarger, D. L. (2010). Children’s Response to Interactive TV: An Observational Study of Super WHY! Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Jennings, N. A., Hunt, K. P., Altenau, M. L., & Linebarger, D. L. (2010). Examining Interactive Educational Television: A Content Analysis of Super WHY! Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Moses, A. M., Jennings, N. A., Hooker, S. D., Cordell, B., Sallee, T. J., & Linebarger, D. L. (2010). “With the Power to Read”: The effects of consistent, positive literacy messages in an educational television program. Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Jennings, N. A. (2018). Evaluation of REACH program: Observations and Parent Surveys. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati.
Jennings, N. A. (2013). Super Readers at CET/ThinkTV: An Evaluation of Super WHY! Reading Camps. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati. Available: http://www.cincy-americangraduate.org/docs/SuperWhy_Full_Report_FINAL_042913.pdf
Jennings, N., Hooker, S. and Linebarger, D. L. "A final report prepared for Corporation for Public Broadcasting." Observing the “Ins” and “Outs” of Between the Lions: Educational Television and Emergent Literacy in Preschoolers. (2008). Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Jennings, N., Hooker, S., Hunt, K., Altenau, M. & Linebarger, D.L. (2009, April). Television’s Impact on Children’s Reading Skills: A Longitudinal Study. Research Brief 20 prepared for Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Jennings, N., Hunt, K., Altenau, M. and Linebarger, D. L. "A final report prepared for Corporation for Public Broadcasting." Electronic Company: Children’s Parasocial Relationships and Loneliness. (2008). Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Linebarger, D.L., Jennings, N., & Piotrowski, J.T. (2008). Between the Lions and Literacy Outcomes: The Role of Literacy Manipulatives and Parasocial Relationships. Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Piotrowski, J.T., Linebarger, D.L., & Jennings, N.A. (2009). Assessing the Impact of Between the Lions and Literacy Manipulatives on the Literacy Skills of Young Children. A final report prepared for Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Philadelphia, PA: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Banjo, O., & Jennings, N. (2016). Content Analysis of the Portrayal of White Characters in Black Films Across Two Decades. Mass Communication and Society 20(2), 281-309.
Jennings, N. A. (2013). And Now a Click from Our Sponsors: Changes in Children’s Advertising in the United States. In A. N. Valdivia (Gen. Ed.) & S. R. Mazzarella (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of media studies. Vol. 3: Content and representation (pp. 54-73). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Jennings, N. A., and Walker, B. "Experiential Mediation: Making meaningful differences with the “Other Parent."" Journal of Family Communication 9 (2009): 3-22.
Jennings, N., and Collins, C. "Virtual or virtually U: Educational institutions in Second Life." International Journal of Social Sciences 2 (2008): 180-186.
Moses, A. M., Jennings, N. A., Brod, R., Hooker, S. D., Cordell, B., & Sallee, T. (2014). How an Educational Television Program Depicts Literacy and How its Messages Affect Young Children’s Literacy Attitudes. NHSA Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 17(1), 93-97. Available online: https://journals.uncc.edu/dialog/article/view/146
Moses, A. M., Jennings, N. A., Brod, R., Hooker, S. D., Cordell, B., & Sallee, T. (2014). The Effects of Literacy Messages in an Educational Television program: A Content Analysis and Experiment. NHSA Dialog: The Research to Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 17(1) (online: https://journals.uncc.edu/dialog/article/view/208).
Piotrowski, J. T., Jennings, N. A., & Linebarger, D. L. (2012). Extending the Lessons of Educational Television with Young American Children. Journal of Children and Media, iFirst.
Stout, P. A., Staiger, J., and Jennings, N. A. "Affective Stories: Understanding the Lack of Progress of Women Faculty." NWSA Journal 19 (2007): 124-144.
Wartella, E., and Jennings, N. "New members of the family: The digital revolution in the home." Journal of family communication 1 (2001): 59-69.
Wartella, E., and Jennings. N. "The role of computers in children’s lives." The Future of children: Children and computer technology 10 (2001): 31-43.
Book Chapter
Collins, C., and Jennings, N. "Emerging “Best Practices” for Campus Builds in Second Life." Proceedings of the Second Life Education Workshop 2007: Part of the Second Life Community Convention 2007. Ed. D. Livingston and J. Kemp. Available from: http://cis.paisley.ac.uk/livi-ci0/slccedu2007rev2.doc, 2007. 78-81.
Jennings, N. & Wartella, E. (2004). Technology and the family. In A. Vangelisti (Ed.), The handbook of family communication, (pp. 593-608). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Jennings, N. & Wartella, E. (2013). Technology and the family. In A. Vangelisti (Ed.), The handbook of family communication, 2ndEdition(pp. 448-462) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Jennings, N. "Children – Consumption, advertising, and media." Advertising, branding, and consuming – The ABC’s of marketing in American schools. Ed. F. Hansen, J. Rasmussen, A. Martensen, & L.B. Christensen. Denmark: Samfundslitteratur, 2002. 283-298.
Jennings, N. "Kid stuff: 20 questions about youth and the media." Advertising and consumer development: In the driver’s seat or being taken for a ride?. Ed. S. R. Mazzarella. New York: Peter Lang, 2007. 103-116.
Jennings, N. A. (2017). One Choice, Many Petals: Reading the Female Voice of Tris in the Divergent series. In T. Classen & H. Hassel (Eds.), Gender(ed) Identities: Critical Rereadings of Gender in Children's and Young Adult Literature (pp. 102-116). New York: Routledge.
Jennings, N. A., and Wartella, E.A. "Children and television: 50 Years of research." Advertising and consumer development. Ed. N. Pecora, J. P. Murray, and E. A. Wartella. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. 149-182.
Jennings, N., & Wartella, E. (2012). Hazards and possibilities of commercial media in the schools. In D.G. Singer & J.L. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of children and the media, 2nd Edition. (pp. 553-66). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Jennings, N.A. (2017). Teen Drama and Gender in the US: Two Moms, a Transgender Teen, and One Family on The Fosters. In D. Lemish & M. Götz (Eds.), Beyond the Stereotypes? Images of Boys and Girls, and their Consequences (pp. 43-51). Göteborg: Nordicom.
Jennings, N.A. (2018). Why do kids think Dora the Explorer is their friend? In S. R. Mazzarella (Ed.), 20 questions about youth and the media, 2nd Edition (pp. 125-135). New York: Peter Lang.
Wartella, E., and Jennings, N. "Handbook of children and the media." Hazards and possibilities of commercial TV in the schools. Ed. D.G. Singer & J.L. Singer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2001. 557-570.
Wartella, E., Olivarez, A., and Jennings, N. "Children and media violence." Children and television violence in the United States. Ed. U. Carlsson & C. von Feilitzen. Kungälv, Sweden: Livréna Grafiska AB, 1998. 55-62.
Wartella, E., Whitney, C., Lasorsa, D., Danielson, W., Olivarez, A., Lopez, R., Jennings, N. and Klijn, M. "National television violence study, Volume 2." Television violence in “reality” programming: University of Texas at Austin Study. Ed. Center for Communication and Social Policy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. 205-266.
Whitney, C., Wartella, E., Lasorsa, D., Danielson, W., Olivarez, A., Jennings, N., and Lopez, R. "National television violence study, Volume 3." Television violence in “reality” (non-fictional) programming: University of Texas at Austin Study. Ed. Center for Communication and Social Policy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. 221-284.
Encyclopedia Article
Jennings, N. "Advertising, Deceptive practices in." Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.
Jennings, N. "Advertising, Viewer age and." Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.
Jennings, N. A. (2014). Tween Girls and their Mediated Friends. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Jennings, N.A. & Mazzarella, S. (Eds.) (2018). 20 Questions about Youth and the Media (2nd Edition). NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Other Publication
Jennings, N. A. (2016). I am who I am. TelevIZIon, 29, 33-35. Available: http://www.br-online.de/jugend/izi/english/publication/televizion/29_2016_E/Jennings-I_am_who_I_am.pdf
Jennings, N. A. with Gruber, F., Lahusen, S., Hildebrand, E., Koray, S., Baykal, G. E., Gomez, P., Toro, Y., Klempin, A., Sirichotchumnarn, P., Termsirikamol, W., Talbot, S., Stein, K. & Götz, M. (2016). What shapes my self, TelevIZIon, 29, 14-19. Available: http://www.br-online.de/jugend/izi/english/publication/televizion/29_2016_E/Jennings_Gruber_Lahusen-What_shapes_my_self.pdf
Invited Presentations
Jennings, N. (05-2011. ) Couch potatoes into jumping beans: New understandings of children, media use, and obesity. .Cincinnati Diabetes and Obesity Center Research Retreat, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Jennings, N. (11-2005. ) Tough times: Helping young children process the media messages they see and hear .Mercy Montessori Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Jennings, N. (07-2002. ) Stigma, Mental Illness, and the Media. National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, D.C..
Jennings, N. (03-2012. ) Challenges of research involving online social networks .Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) Forum, Cincinnati, OH. UC. . Level:Local
Jennings, Nancy Social Media Mentoring: Families and Their Devices .Social Media Week, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Jennings, Nancy Teens, Fake News, and Social Media .Social Media Week., Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Jennings, Nancy Changing the Norm: Transgender Teens and Lesbian Parents in Youth Media .Kunz Center for Social Research, Family and Gender Workshop, Cincinnati, OH. Level:College
Jennings, Nancy Gotta catch ‘em all: Uses and Abuses of Pokemon Go .An Academic Primer on Pokémon Go panel for the Center for Film and Media Studies, Cincinnati, OH. Level:College
Jennings, Nancy Top 5 things to do to give a good speech .Design Based Information Technology Leadership Experience (DITLE), Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Jennings, Nancy News and Public Policy .Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Level:International
Jennings, Nancy Qualitative Research Methods .Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Level:International
Jennings, Nancy Identity Night at Prix Jeunesse .Prix Jeunesse, Munich, Germany. Level:International
Jennings, Nancy Parenting in a Digital Age Workshop .BeechAcres, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Jennings, Nancy Fandom on Facebook: The Social Television Experience .Social Media Week, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Jennings, Nancy The Impact of Social Media and Technology on Youth Communication and Culture .#askmewhoIam Conference on Youth Culture, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Jennings, Nancy and Dell, Laura Media Literacy .BeechAcres, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Jennings, Nancy Parenting in the Digital Age .Parents Association of Seven Hills Middle School, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Jennings, Nancy Living in a Digital Age: Benefits and Pitfalls .October Meeting of the Ohio River Valley Chapter of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, Highland Heights, KY. Level:Regional
Jennings, Nancy Youth Living in a Digital Age: Benefits and Pitfalls .Division of Home Care Services conference entitled “Pediatric healthcare in the community: Professionals helping children cope in today’s world.” , Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Jennings, Nancy Media and early childhood: What parents should know .A Parenting Symposium, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI. Level:Local
Poster Presentations
Lapierre, M. & Jennings, N. (05-2011. ) Children and Trade Characters: Predicting Recognition and Knowledge of Character's Business Function .International Communication Association, Boston, MA. . Level:International
Jennings, N. (08-2006. ) Advertising and promotions in children’s programs in the new millennium .Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA. .
Jennings, N. (11-1999. ) Young characters in violent reality television programs, 1994-1997 .National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, IL. .
Jennings, N. (04-1999. ) Depictions of children in violent reality programs, 1996-1997 .Biennial Meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM. . Professional Meeting. .
Paper Presentations
Jennings, N., & Collins, C. (11-2008. ) To speak or not to speak: Use of voice in Second Life. San Diego, CA.
Seo, K, Curran, A., Jennings, N., & Collins, C. (11-2008. ) Lesson on Demand!: Mobilizing Classroom Learning with Podcasts .Orlando, FL.
Collins, C., Jennings, N., Duke, C., & Roosa, K. (04-2008. ) Second Life Bootcamp .St. Louis, MO.
Duke, C., Roosa, K., Collins, C., & Jennings, N. (03-2008. ) Second Life Bootcamp .Galveston Island, TX.
Collins, C., Anderson, E., & Jennings, N. (03-2008. ) Second Life Bootcamp .Columbus, OH.
Jennings, N. (11-2007. ) And Now a Click from our Sponsors: Websites and Marketing for the Child Audience .Chicago, IL.
Jennings, N. (11-2006. ) Podcasting, distance education, and mass communication: Becoming the topic of study .San Antonio, TX.
Pecora, N., Jennings, N., Eakin, M., and MacDonald, S. (05-2005. ) What’s the web got to do with it?: The state of children’s television advertising revisited .New York, NY.
Stout, P., Jennings, N., and Kim, H. (05-2004. ) Assessing the Use of Mental Illness References During Prime-Time Television .New Orleans, LA.
Jennings, J. (11-2003. ) Family communication: Theory, developmental issues, and context .Miami, FL.
Staiger, J., Stout, P., and Jennings, N. (05-2003. ) Promotion and senior women faculty: A study of the status of tenured faculty women .San Diego, CA.
Jarvis, S., Jennings, N., Jennings, W. & Pharr, J. (11-2002. ) Candidates and young Americans discuss the youth vote: A closer examination of the cycle of neglect .New Orleans, LA.
Jennings, N. (05-2001. ) Commercialization in the schools .Washington, D.C..
Jennings, N. (04-2001. ) Children’s use of technology in multiple settings .Minneapolis, MN. Professional Meeting.
Jennings, N. (06-1998. ) Media literacy and child development .University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Jennings, N., & Lapierre, M. (11-2011. ) Children’s Parasocial Relationships with Trade Characters .New Orleans, LA. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, N., Moses, A., & Sallee, T. (11-2011. ) Parental Mediation: Implications on Children’s Outcomes .New Orleans, LA. Conference. Level:National
Haas, S. M., Irr, M. E., Jennings, N., and Wagner, L. M. (04-2010. ) Communicating thin: Stigma and the co-construction of online enabling support groups in the pro-anorexia movement .Cincinnati, OH. Conference. Level:Regional
Jennings, N. (04-2010. ) Mario vs Peach: Gender in Young Children's Video Game Play .Cincinnati, OH. Conference. Level:Regional
Jennings, N. (11-2009. ) From Sugar-Plums to Bratz Dolls and Cell Phones: Children’s Christmas Wishes and Advertising .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, N. (11-2009. ) Not Your Parents’ 30-Second Commercial: Targeting Kids through Non-traditional Media and with Non-Traditional Products .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, N., Hooker, S., & Linebarger, D. (10-2009. ) Educational Television and Children: Watching children watch Super Why! .St. Louis, MO. Conference. Level:Regional
Jennings, N. A. Preconference on Teaching Children’s Media .London, UK. Conference. Level:International
Alper, M. & Jennings, N. Young children’s positive and negative parasocial relationships with media characters. London, UK. Conference. Level:International
Moses, A. M., Jennings, N. A., Bennett, C. M., Cregan, G., Maras, E., Saritoprak, S. N. (2018. ) Time, Access, Context and Beliefs: A Survey of Electronic Media in Early Childhood Settings .New York, NY. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, Nancy (2017. ) Examining the Pinkification of STEM toys: Debating the science of gendering STEM toys .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, Nancy (2016. ) Strong Females in Youth Dystopian Literature: Reading the Female Voice of Tris in the Divergent series .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:Regional
Jennings, Nancy and Talbot, Stephanie (2016. ) Making Meaning in the Cloud: Word Clouds for Qualitative Data Analysis and Presentation .Ashland, OH. Conference. Level:State
Rosaen, S., and Jennings, N. A. (2016. ) Children who Trust in the Real-World also Trust Characters in the Para-World .Fukuoka, Japan. Conference. Level:International
Ige, TMJ, BRA Wilson, and NA Jennings. (2016. ) Advertising Tobacco Products Across Time: Comparing Pre-1970 Cigarette to Current Online E-cigarette Advertisements .Crested Butte, CO. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, Nancy (2015. ) Parasocial Mourning: Audience Response to the Death of Derek Shepherd in Grey’s Anatomy #RIPDerek #RIP McDreamy .Cincinnati, OH. Conference. Level:Regional
Wilson, B. R. A., Jennings, N. A., Hesse J. P., & Elmore, S.I. R. (2015. ) Advertising Food Items to Children Across Time: Comparing Broadcast and Cable Advertisements in 2007 and 2012. Steamboat Springs, CO. Conference. Level:National
Banjo, O., Jennings, N. A., & Dorsett, N. (2014. ) Content Analysis of the Portrayal of White Characters in Black Films Across Two Decades .Montreal, Canada. Conference. Level:National
Wilson, B. R. A., Jennings, N. A., Elmore, S. I. R. & Hesse, J. P. (2014. ) A food content analysis of two children’s show .Telluride, CO. Conference. Level:National
Wilson, B. R. A., Jennings, N. A., Hesse J. P. & Elmore, S. I. R (2013. ) A health content analysis of commercials for two children’s shows. .Big Sky, MT. Conference. Level:National
Jennings, N. (03-2005. ) Media and early childhood: What parents should know .Grosse Pointe Woods, MI.
Event Organized
Mediated MindsMediated Minds Conference 04-20-2012 University of Cincinnati Level:University
Bro Code ScreeningBro Code Screening Other 01-28-2013 01-28-2013 Level:University
Screenings for Black History MonthScreenings for Black History Month Lecture 02-01-2013 02-28-2013 TUC Level:University
Honors and Awards
Turner Scholar Champion Nominated by Janae' Collier-Stone Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2018 Anthem IT Expo Best of Research Symposium IT Expo Research Symposium Status:Recipient Level:University
Graduate Fellow Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
Top Paper in Poster Session International Communication Association Annual Conference “Top Paper in Poster Session” for the Children, Adolescents, and Media Division, 2016 Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
“Top Paper” for the Political Communication Division National Communication Association Annual Conference “Top Paper” for the Political Communication Division, 2002 Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
Innovative Teaching Award Innovative Teaching Award, Ohio Communication Association (2015) Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
3rd Place, Unsung Heroes, MY HERO International Film Festival 3rd Place, Unsung Heroes, MY HERO International Film Festival, “Jim Cotter: An Appalachian Renaissance.” (2015) Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
Honorable Mention, MY HERO International Film Festival Honorable Mention, MY HERO International Film Festival, “Roger Grein: The Cheerful Giver.” (2015) Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
Honorable Mention, MY HERO International Film Festival Honorable Mention, MY HERO International Film Festival, “Janaki Venkayya: Committed To Caring.” (2015) Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
(Search Committee for New Media faculty position ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2008 -01-2009
Faculty Advisor (COMMunity House ) Type:Departmental Service 03-2008 -09-2008
(Admissions Committee for Graduate Program ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2007
(Curriculum Committee for Mediated Communication ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2004
(Online Course Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2004 -06-2007
(Course Evaluation Assistant Coordinator ) Type:Departmental Service 01-2006 -12-2007
(Online Course Coordinator ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 09-2005 -06-2006
(Speech Judge, Alice M. House Speaking Competition ) Type:Departmental Service
(A&S Committee on Distance Learning, College of Arts and Sciences ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 09-2005
(Search Committee for e-Media faculty position, College Conservatory of Music ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 09-2007 -05-2008
(University of Cincinnati Second Life Learning Community ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 01-2007
(Podcasting Pilot ) Type:University/College Service 09-2006 -06-2007
(Search Committee, Blackboard Support and Faculty Technology Resource Center ) Type:University/College Service
International Communication Association (Mass Communication Division ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations
International Communication Association (Instructional and Developmental Communication Division ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations
National Communication Association (Mass Communication Division ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations
Journal of Children and Media Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service
Mass Communication and Society Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service
Popular Communication Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service
Spanish Journal of Psychology Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service
(Kentucky Taskforce for Universal Screen-time Reduction, Partnership for a Fit Kentucky ) Member Type:Community Service 09-2007 -06-2008
National Taskforce, Center for Screen-Time Awareness, Washington, DC Member Type:Community Service 09-2006 -06-2007
International Communication Association (Mass Communication Division ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
International Communication Association (Children, Adolescents, and Media Division ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International
International Communication Association (Mass Communication Division ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
International Communication Association (Children, Adolescents, and Media ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
(Role of the Regionals ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 03-14-2013
Communication Quarterly Peer Review/Referee
Media Psychology Peer Review/Referee
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Peer Review/Referee
University Research Council (Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National
Communication Theory Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Family Communication Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National
International Communication Association (Children, Adolescents and Media Division ) Paper Reader Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
BMC Public Health Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Children’s Literature Association Type:Editorial Service
Depression and Anxiety Type:Editorial Service
Human Communication Research Type:Editorial Service
Information Society Type:Editorial Service
Journal of Advertising Type:Editorial Service
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Type:Editorial Service
NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field Type:Editorial Service
International Communication Association (Children, Adolescents, and Media Division ) Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
International Communication Association (Children, Adolescents, and Media Division ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
National Communication Association (Mass Communication Division ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Ohio Department of Higher Education (Arts and Humanities, History, Communication and Design Cluster Faculty Panel ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
College of A&S (A&S Strategic Retention Board ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
College of A&S (A&S Academic Program Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College
(IT Expo Organizing Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
University Libraries (Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Strategic Initiative ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service
Nationally Competitive Award (Review committee for Truman Nationally Competitive Award ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -To Present
College of A&S (RPT Committee for Journalism Tenure-track Faculty ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2018
Graduate Fellows (Graduate Student Fellows Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2018
(University Transfer Taskforce ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2017
(Faculty Advisor Liaison, 5th Annual UC Advising Conference ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2016
UC International (Study Abroad Mentor ) Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2016
College of A&S (RPT Committee for Journalism Tenure-track Faculty ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2015
(Search Committee, Digital Media Collaborative ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014
College of A&S (Search committee for Director of Marketing ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2012 -2013
(Undergraduate Director ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014 -2018
(Teaching Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2016 -To Present
(Capstone Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -To Present
(Curriculum Committee for Mediated Communication ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012 -To Present
(Evaluation Committee for Department Head ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012 -To Present
(COMM-IT Collaboration Team ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2017 -To Present
(RPT Committee ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -To Present
(COMM-IT Collaboration Team ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015 -2017
(Student Development Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011 -2016
(Search Committee for Computer-Mediated Communication faculty position ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015 -2016
(Evaluation Committee for Department Head 5-year Review ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015
(Advisor, 4+1 Undergraduate/Graduate Program ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2013
(Co-Director, Graduate Program ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011 -2012
(Recruitment Committee for Graduate Program ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
(Online Course Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2004 -2007
(Presenter, Riverview East College and Career Day ) Type:Community Service Level:College 2018
(Hosted 100 displaced high school students at the University of Cincinnati from Riverview East Academy during flood ) Type:Community Service Level:Public 2018
(Teen and Parent Social Media Workshops, Bridgetown Middle School ) Type:Community Service Level:Public 2017
children, technology, tech, kids, youth, PBS, RTL, Ready to Learn
Courses Taught
15-COMM-326 INTRO TO MASS COMM Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-416 CHILDREN AND MEDIA Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-429 COMM & TECHNOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-392 PROJECT IN COMMUNIC Level:Undergraduate
Seminar in Mediated Communication Level:Graduate
15-COMM-326 INTRO TO MASS COMM Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-392 PROJECT IN COMMUNIC Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-861 DIR PROBLEMS COMM Level:Graduate
15-COMM-392 PROJECT IN COMMUNIC Level:Undergraduate
15-COMM-861 DIR PROBLEMS COMM Level:Graduate
-COMM-5026 CAPSTONE: MEDIA Children and Advertising Level:Undergraduate
-COMM-5026 CAPSTONE: MEDIA Children's Media Around the World Level:Undergraduate
-COMM-4016 CHILDREN & MEDIA Level:Undergraduate
-COMM-4016 CHILDREN & MEDIA Level:Undergraduate
-COMM-4016 CHILDREN & MEDIA Level:Undergraduate
Empirical Research Methods Level:Graduate
-COMM-5026 CAPSTONE: MEDIA Level:Undergraduate
Mediated Communication and Public Opinion Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
Setting the Tone of Your Lab University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH Type:Workshop
Preventing Harassment University of Cincinnati Online Type:Online Class
03-2012 -05-2012 FTRC Equipment Lending Program Type:Other
Program Assessment Institute CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop