Hyesun Jeong , PHD
Asst Professor
PhD, Assoc. AIA, Assistant Professor
DAA Addition
DAAP School of Planning - 0016
Professional Summary
Hyesun Jeong, PhD, Assoc. AIA, is a designer, researcher, and educator. Dr. Jeong's research primarily focuses on sustainable urbanism and cultural placemaking, bridging the fields of architecture and planning. Using a mixed method, her research investigates the relationship between the built environment and socio-cultural dynamics of cities associated with pedestrian mobility and street-level urban activities. Prior to joining Cincinnati, Dr. Jeong previously worked at the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Chicago. She obtained PhD in Architecture degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology and practiced at international design firms, including Goettsch Partners (Chicago), Dominique Perrault Architecture (Paris), and POSCO Architects and Consultants (Seoul). Dr. Jeong's research has been published in top peer-reviewed journals, including Cities and Urban Affairs Review, and book chapters. Currently, she is working on her solo book,Creating Sustainable Cities from Pedestrian Urbanism under contract with Routledge. Dr. Jeong received the National Endowment for the Arts's Research Grant award in 2024 and American Institute of Architect’s national Upjohn Grant Initiative award in 2022. Recently, she was also awarded the UC's Society+Culture Fellowship award supported by the Office of Provost and Office of Research.
PhD: Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, 2016 (Architecture)
MS Arch: Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, 2012 (Architecture)
Bachelor of Architecture: Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, 2011 (Architecture)
Research and Practice Interests
Architecture l Urban design l Cultural placemaking l Ecological urbanism l GIS Spatial analysis
Positions and Work Experience
08-15-2022 -To Present Assistant Professor of Urban Design (Tenure-Track), School of Planning, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-15-2022 -To Present (Co-)Director, Simpson Center for Urban Futures, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2018 -2019 Senior Research Associate, Urban Innovation Analysis, Inc., Chicago, IL
2017 -2018 Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Chicago, Urbanism Lab, Chicago, IL
2017 - Adjunct Professor, College of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
2014 - Architectural Designer, Dominique Perrault Architecture, Paris, France
2014 - Architectural Designer, Hammersley Architecture, Chicago, IL
2009 -2011 Architectural Intern, Goettsch Partners, Chicago, IL
2007 -2009 Architectural Designer, POSCO Architects & Consultants, Seoul, Korea
2019 -2022 Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), School of Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
2012 - Urban Design/Research Assistant, Marshall Brown Projects, Chicago, IL
Research Support
Investigators:Matt Patterson, Henry Tsang, Hyesun Jeong, Eliot Tretter, Carry Wu 02-01-2021 Government of Canada - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The Politics of Placemaking in Chinatown Role:Collaborator $71,438 Active Type:Grant Level:International
Investigators:Hyesun Jeong, Kathryn Holliday 06-01-2020 -08-31-2022 University of Texas at Arlington Sustainable Main Streets as Catalysts for Urban Development in the Context of Urban Sprawl: Comparative Analysis of Food, Retail, and Transit Model in DFW area Role:PI $12,860 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Hyesun Jeong 2020 -2020 College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs (CAPPA) Dean's Travel Grant Role:PI $1,500 Type:Grant Level:College
Grant: #2022 Upjohn Grant Investigators:Jeong, Hyesun 08-22-2022 -07-31-2023 American Institute of Architects The Future of Green Infrastructure: Measuring and Designing the Built Environment for Pedestrian and Bicycle Activities in Dallas-Fort Worth Role:PI 15,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1019419 Investigators:Hyesun Jeong 05-01-2023 -04-30-2025 University of Cincinnati, Office of Research Cultural Placemaking and Street Art: The Role of Street Art in Pedestrian Activity, Local Economy, and Crime Prevention in Cincinnati Role:PI 25000 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Matt Patterson (PI); Qian Lu; Eliot Tretter; Henry Tsang; Hyesun Jeong 2023 -2024 University of Calgary - Transdisciplinary Connector Grant "The Politics of Placemaking in Chinatown" Role:Collaborator 17,000 Type:Grant Level:International
Grant: #NEA 1925664-38 Investigators:Jeong, Hyesun 01-01-2024 -12-31-2025 National Endowment for the Arts The Socio-Economic Impacts of Murals on Pedestrian Activities and Local Businesses: A Comparative Study of US Metropolitan Areas Role:PI 20000 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1020848 Investigators:Hyesun Jeong 2024 -2025 Office of Research, University of Cincinnati - Society & Culture Fellowship Matching Grant Role:PI 20000 Active Type:Fellowship Level:University
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hyesun Jeong (2022. ) Rebuilding Cultural Ethos in Urban Storefront: The Cases of Bishop Arts District and Deep Ellum in Dallas, Texas.Built Environment, , 48 (1 ) ,76 -103More Information
Hyesun Jeong & Matt Patterson (2020. ) Starchitects in Bohemia: An Exploration of Cultural Cities from the “Top-Down” and “Bottom-Up.”.Urban Affairs Review, , 57 (6 ) ,1656 -1696More Information
Emily Talen & Hyesun Jeong (2019. ) Does the classic American main street still exist? An exploratory look.Journal of Urban Design, , 24 (1 ) ,78 -98More Information
Emily Talen & Hyesun Jeong (2019. ) Street Rules: Does Zoning Support Main Street?.Urban Design International, , 24 (3 ) ,206 -222More Information
Emily Talen & Hyesun Jeong (2019. ) What is the value of ‘main street’? Framing and testing the arguments.Cities, , 92 ,208 -218More Information
Hyesun Jeong (2019. ) The role of the arts and bohemia in sustainable transportation and commuting choices in Chicago, Paris, and Seoul.Journal of Urban Affairs, , 41 (6 ) ,795 -820More Information
Jeong H. (01-01-2022. ) Rebuilding Cultural Ethos in Urban Storefronts Two Arts Districts in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.Built Environment, , 48 (1 ) ,76-103 More Information
Jeong H. (2023. ) Does café culture drive artistic enclaves?.Journal of Urbanism, , More Information
Hyesun Jeong; Brian Hammersley (2024. ) The Future of Social and Green Infrastructure: Building Communal Connections with an Integrated Architectural Approach.ACSA 112 Conference Proceedings, , More Information
Hyesun Jeong (2023. ) The Future of Main Streets for Sustainable Placemaking in Downtown Arlington .110 ACSA Proceedings , ,
Other Publications
Hyesun Jeong (2020. ) Café as a Place for Cultural Innovation .The Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Lab (AEI) Symposium, National Endowment for the Arts Lab & Center for Cultural Affairs
Café as a Place for Cultural Innovation
Published Books
Hyesun Jeong (2024. ) Creating Sustainable Cities from Pedestrian Urbanism (Under Contract) .Routledge (Author)
Book Chapter
Hyesun Jeong & Terry N. Clark (2023 ) Retail Scenes Streetlife: Urban Retail Dynamics and Prospects .University of Toronto (Co-Author)
Hyesun Jeong (2024 ) The Role of Urban Green Space in Social Cohesion in Dallas-Fort Worth The Routledge Handbook on Greening High-Density Cities: Climate, Society and Health .Routledge (Author)
Invited Presentations
Hyesun Jeong (2021. ) Street Urbanism and Cultural Placemaking .Virtual, IIT PhD Forum.
Hyesun Jeong (06-2020. ) Creative Escapes during COVID: Design and Place Making of Buildings and Landscapes .Virtual, CIRTLE, University of Texas at Arlington.
Hyesun Jeong (03-2020. ) Cafe Scenes and the Arts for Cultural Placemaking .Global Local Politics (SOCI 20116, SOCI 30116, PBPL 27900, HMRT 30116, HMRT 20116), University of Chicago.
Hyesun Jeong (03-26-2020. ) Art, Culture, and Urban Development .Virtual, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Hyesun Jeong (07-2018. ) Cultural Placemaking: Comparative Perspectives .University of Toronto, School of Cities, University of Toronto. Other Institution. . Level:International
Hyesun Jeong, Matt Patterson (07-2017. ) Cultural Placemaking: Comparative Perspectives .University of Toronto, School of Cities, Toronto. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong (06-2016. ) Building Arts Scenes for Cultural Placemaking .Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago, Chicago. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong (10-2023. ) The Future of Social and Green Infrastructure: Building Ecological and Communal Connections through Adaptive Urban Design .Office of Sustinability, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Hyesun Jeong (05-2024. ) Sustainable Cities and Cultural Innovation (Declined due to schedule conflict) .KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. Other Institution. .
Hyesun Jeong (05-2024. ) Cultural Placemaking and Sustainable Urban Design .Congress for New Urbanism conference, Cincinnati. Conference. . Level:National
Hyesun Jeong (05-2024. ) Ecocultural Placemaking .University of Chicago. Other Institution. .
Hyesun Jeong (10-2024. ) The Economic Impact of Public Art .CODASummit, Cincinnati. Conference. . Level:National
Speaker information of CODA Summit
Paper Presentations
Hyesun Jeong (2022. ) The Future of Main Streets for Sustainable Placemaking in Downtown Arlington .ACSA 110. Conference.
Hyesun Jeong (04-2022. ) Towards Street Urbanism: Measuring the Built Environment for Main Streets in Dallas-Fort Worth .Urban Affairs Association (UAA) 50th Annual Meeting Conference. Conference. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong (06-2021. ) Where are pedestrian Main Streets in Dallas-Fort Worth? Cases of Bishop Arts District and West Magnolia Ave .Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS) Conference. Conference. Level:National
Hyesun Jeong (06-2020. ) Café as a Place of Cultural Innovation .National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab & Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (AEI) Lab . Conference. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong (02-2020. ) TOD & PLACE-making: Arlington Case Study .Focus North Texas . Conference. Level:State
Hyesun Jeong (04-2019. ) Typology of Cafe Scene .Urban Affairs Association.
Hyesun Jeong (11-01-2018. ) Arts, Bohemia, and Cultural Placemaking .Does Main Street Have a Future? Reconsidering Retail in the Era of Chain Stores and E-Commerce (University of Chicago & KTH). Conference. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong (07-2023. ) Cultural Placemaking of Street Art: Measuring the Impact of Street Art on Pedestrian Activity and Crime in Cincinnati .Melbourne (Virtual). Conference. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong (04-2023. ) Urban Affairs Association Meeting .Nashville. Conference. Level:International
Hyesun Jeong & Yajie Hu (04-2024. ) Cultural Placemaking of Street Art: Measuring the Impact of Street Art on Pedestrian Activity and Crime in Cincinnati (Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference) .New York. Conference. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2022 AIA Upjohn Grant Award American Institute of Architects Status:Recipient
2021 Dream/Unbuilt Urban Design Award Greater Dallas Planning Council Status:Recipient
2011 American Institute of Architects Student Award (IIT Runner-Up) American Institute of Architects (Chicago)
2011 Jerrold Loebl Traveling Fellowship Award Illinois Institute of Technology Status:Recipient Type:Fellowship
2010 Chicago Women in Architecture Award 2nd Place Status:Recipient
2009 Droste Travel Scholarship Travel Scholarship for Paris Study Abroad Illinois Institute of Technology Status:Recipient
2009 The 2nd Design Competition for Sustainable Design in Architecture Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems Status:Recipient
2011 Graduate Scholar Award Spaces and Flows Conference
05-2023 -04-2025 URC Faculty Research Scholar Award, 2023 University of Cincinnati, Office of Research Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
2024 -2025 UC Office of Research - Society & Culture Fellowship Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
Student Advising
Yajie Hu (Doctoral ) Co-Chair
Urban Studies Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Cities Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Journal of Urbanism Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Urban Affairs Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
University of Texas at Arlington (Interior Design Director Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-2019 -12-2019
University of Texas at Arlington (Undergraduate Assembly ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 09-01-2019 -05-31-2020
University of Texas at Arlington (Appointments and Continuation ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-01-2019 -05-31-2020
University of Texas at Arlington, CAPPA (Scholarship, Honors, and Award ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 09-01-2021 -05-31-2022
University of Texas at Arlington, CAPPA (ACSA Representative ) Member Type:University/College Service 09-01-2021 -05-31-2022
University of Texas at Arlington (Summer@CAPPA ) Coordinator Type:Community Service 06-2020
Texas Society of Architects (Community-Engaged Design ) Committee Member Type:Public 2020 -2021
University of Cincinnati, School of Planning (Ad Hoc Committee for Strategic Plan ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2022 -2023
University of Cincinnati, School of Planning (Curriculum Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2022
Congress for New Urbanism (Focus and Programming committee ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Regional 2023
(Academic Advisory Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2023
University of Cincinnati, School of Planning (Scholarship and Award Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2023
National Academy of Science - Transportation Research Board (Research Panel ) Other Level:National 2024
Professional Affiliation
2011 -To Present: Assoc. AIA American Institute of Architects,
Faculty Development Activities
08-2021 -05-2022 Maverick Advantage Fellowship Engagement University of Texas at Arlington Type:Faculty Fellowship