Cass Johnson

Cass M Johnson

Instructor - Adj

Director of Marketing, CECH

Teachers College

CECH Literacy & Second Language Studies - 0022


Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.): University of Louisville Louisville, KY, 1991 (Middle School Language Arts and Social Studies; Secondary School Language Arts)

Bachelor of Arts with Honors (B.A.): University of Louisville Louisville, KY, 1982 (English Writing and Rhetoric)

Positions and Work Experience

06-2008 -To Present Graduate Assistant to the Director of Graduate Studies, Teacher Education, Provided administrative support to the Director of Graduate Studies, Teacher Education, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

06-2008 -To Present Program Manager, Graduate Certificate in PostSecondary Literacy Instruction, Managed all aspects of the online PLI Certification program. Maintained records of 50+ graduate students in the program, and supported instructors in course scheduling, operations, and other related duties., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

06-2008 -09-2008 Middle Education Graduate Program Entrance Advisor, Reviewed applicant records for program entrance requirements, and advised students in course requirements, program entry, and application package requirements., Teacher Education; Middle Education; College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati

09-2007 -06-2008 Gabbard Associate, Graduate assistant to the Associate Dean of Research and Development, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

06-2007 -09-2007 Middle Education Graduate Program Entrance Advisor, Reviewed applicant records for program entrance requirements, and advised students in course requirements, program entry, and application package requirements., Teacher Education; Middle Education; College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati

Research Support

Grant: #COFSP-03-08 2008 -2009 Ohio State Board of Education, Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program Strengthening the PK-8 Grade Mathematics and Science Pipeline with an Integrated STEM Teacher Education Curriculum Role:Collaborator $822,000 Active Type:Grant Level:State


Invited Presentations

Johnson, H.;Johnson, C. (02-1991. ) Implementing literature in the content areas .Kentucky Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference, Louisville, KY. Level:State

Johnson, H.;Johnson, C. (10-1990. ) Organizing an interdisciplinary unit .Kentucky Middle School Association Annual Fall Conference, Covington, KY. Level:State

Honors and Awards

2007 Gabbard Fellowship Status:Recipient Level: University Type:Fellowship


Spring Research Conference (Organizing Committee ) Conference Organizer Level:Regional 2007 -2008

Science & Engineering Expo (Organizing Committee ) Member Level:Regional 2007 -2008

(Coach/Judge, Science & Engineering Expo State Finals Coaching Session )