Lawrence Johnson
Professor - Emeritus
Dean, Professor, and Executive Director of the Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center
The University of Cincinnati College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services
401 Teachers College
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-556-2322
Fax 513-556-2483
Email lawrence.johnson@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Lawrence J. Johnson received his PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He specializes in behavioral problems and statistical analysis. Dr. Johnson has published extensively. Additionally, he served as the Principal Investigator or primary author of 200 grant proposals that have had an impact at the local state, and national levels. Dr. Johnson has been recognized by the International Council for Exceptional Children Division of Teacher Education for his contributions as president of the organization. He strives to enhance the excellence of teaching at the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services.
Ph.D: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1984 (Special Education; Dissertation: Factors that Influence Skill Acquisition of Practicum Students During a Field-Based Experience)
M.A: University of Illinois Chicago, 1981 (Special Education (with an emphasis in school counseling))
BS: Western Illinois University Macomb, IL, 1978 (Special Education (with an emphasis in behavioral disorders and learning disabilities))
Research and Practice Interests
Program evaluation and research design; data analysis techniques (content analysis, statistics, applied behavior methods); early childhood (Head Start, at risk, special education); consultation and collaborative techniques; enabling resources and regular classroom teachers to teach students with mild learning and behavior problems; program administration (early childhood and higher education); assessment of young childrne; seeking and obtaining external funds
Positions and Work Experience
09-1999 -To Present Dean, College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services/University of Cincinnati., Chief administrative officer of the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services; oversees the day-to-day activities of the college; coordinates all academic programs, sponsored programs and training programs; liaisons with the greater Cincinnati community for the University of Cincinnati.,
09-1995 -To Present State Representative for the University of Cincinnati Institute of Community Pratnerships., University of Cincinnati. Oversees the day-to-day operation of the University of Cincinnati Institute of Community Partnerships, supervise office staff, disseminate information on institute activities, and coordinate institute efforts to seek external funds.,
01-1994 -1999 Professor with tenure and Associate Dean for Research and Development. University of Cincinnati., Oversaw day-to-day operation of the Research and Development office of the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services; supervised office staff; disseminate information on research, development, and funding opportunities; and coordinate college efforts to seek external funds.,
09-1992 -To Present Director of the Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center (promoted to Executive Director in 1999)., As director, I oversaw the day-to-day operation of funded projects housed at the center. Currently, chief administrator of preschool (including a Head Start program) that serves over 180 children and their families. ,
08-1990 -12-1993 Professor with tenure and Head of Early Childhood and Special Education (Promoted to Professor 09-1993)., University of Cincinnati. Supervised and managed all aspects of the Early Childhood Special Education program; taught courses; advised development; supervised graduate research; and engaged in other scholarly activities. ,
08-1984 -07-1986 Associate Professor with tenure and Chairperson of Early Childhood Special Education. The University of Alabama. , Established an Early Childhood Special Education program; administrated the Early Childhood Special Education program; taught courses; advised development; supervised graduate research; and engaged in other scholarly activities. ,
06-1984 -07-1986 Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of the Colonel Wolfe Projects. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign., Oversaw that day-to-day operation of federally and state funded projects housed at Colonel Wolfe School of the University of Illinois; supervised project staff; analyzed and interpreted project data; disseminated project results through presentations and journal articles; oversaw research conducted at Colonel Wolfe School (a school for handicapped preschoolers) and University Primary School (a school for gifted preschoolers); and coordinated the writing of grants and to seek additional funds. ,
09-1982 -06-1984 Teaching Assistant. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign., Observed practicum students in the Specialized Instruction (SI) program at their practicum sites, provided feedback, and evaluated their teaching performance. Oversaw the operation of the SI program while the coordinator was on sabbatical. The intent of the SI program was to provide Elementary Education majors with the skills to individualize instruction for children with mild learning and behavior problems in regular classroom settings. ,
09-1979 -06-1981 Co-coordinatory of the Elementary Gifted Program of School District 171. Sunnybrook School District 171, Lansing, IL., Coordinated identification procedures and curriculum development for the elementary section of the gifted program (K-4). Taught science to gifted students within the elementary program. ,
02-1978 -06-1981 Learning Counselor. Sunnybrook School District 171, Lansing, IL. , Designed and implemented individualized educational programs for learning disabled, behaviorally disorder, and educable mentally handicapped students in grades K-8. Consulted with regular teachers to develop programs to reduce inappropriate student behaviors. Supervised two school psychologist interns to develop skills in behavioral consultation. ,
Research Support
Grant: #p116z040087 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-2004 -08-31-2005 Department of Education Ohio Partnership for Accountability Learning Community Practice Role:PI Closed 000794-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #P116Z050329 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-2005 -08-31-2006 Department of Education Ohio Partnership for Accountability-Teacher Quality Partnership Role:PI Closed 001037-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-2001 -09-30-2005 Department of Education Transition to Teaching Role:PI Closed 001277-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #UC 05 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-2001 -08-31-2002 Administration for Children and Families Quality Improvement Center for Head Start - Year 5 Role:PI Closed 001396-001 Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP02145 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 06-01-2001 -08-31-2002 Ohio Department of Education Establishing the Impact of Teacher Education Role:PI Closed 001422-001 Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #062927-RXEV-00 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 01-01-2000 -06-30-2001 Ohio Department of Education Ohio Reads Grants Analysis Role:PI Closed 002169-001 Level:State of Ohio
09-1999 -08-2000 U.S. Department of Education GEAR UP: Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs Role:Project Director $256,800 Completed Type:Grant
07-1998 -01-2000 Ohio Department of Education A Statewide Model for Rethinking Schooling in Fundamental Ways Role:Subcontractor $105539 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #OSP00177 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 01-01-2000 -02-28-2001 Administration for Children and Families Success for All Students Role:PI Closed 002219-001 Level:Federal
09-1990 -08-1995 Ohio Early Childhood Education Consortium Training Project Role:Director $60,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #Contract 00-91 A-1 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 11-01-2000 -10-31-2001 Administration for Children and Families Head Start Program FY 00-01 Role:PI Closed 002271-001 Level:Federal
03-1990 -07-1992 Child to Child Evaluation Role:Director $36,972 Completed Type:Grant
07-1998 -06-1999 Cincinnati Public Schools Career Pathways in Education: An Innovative Pilot Project between Cincinnati Public Schools, Hughes High School and the Arlitt Center Role:Subcontractor $41,047 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #UC 04 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-2000 -08-31-2001 Administration for Children and Families Quality Improvement Center for Head Start - Year 4 Role:PI Closed 002316-001 Level:Federal
05-1999 -03-2000 National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Freedom Curriculum Evaluation Role:Subcontractor $65,399 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #OSP 01136 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-2000 -09-30-2001 Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program Role:PI Closed 002330-001 Level:Federal
08-1998 -09-1999 Association for the Advancement of Arts Education An Evaluation of the Advancement of Arts Education Role:Subcontractor $13,260 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #OSP01129 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-2000 -06-30-2001 Talbert House Ujima Day Treatment and Wraparound Services Role:PI Closed 002346-001 Level:Private Non-Profit
03-1999 -07-1999 Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency Start Community Needs Assessment Role:Subcontractor $24,000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #062927-HEMA-2001 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 07-01-2000 -06-30-2001 Ohio Department of Education Ohio Indicators of Success - Part 4 Role:PI Closed 002357-001 Level:State of Ohio
07-1999 -10-2000 Cincinnati County Department of Human Services Arlitt Child Care Services to Hamilton County Role:Director $100,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #RF No. 738586 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 07-01-2000 -06-30-2001 Ohio Board of Regents Early Childhood Education through the Ohio Learning Network Role:PI Closed 002424-001 Level:State of Ohio
10-1998 -09-1999 Ohio Department of Education Child and Adult Care Food Program Role:Director $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #P334A020113 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-15-2002 -08-14-2009 Department of Education Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR-UP) Role:PI Active 002489-001 Level:Federal
10-2000 -09-2001 Ohio Department of Education Child and Adult Care Food Program Role:Director $30,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1998 -06-2000 Cincinnati Public Schools Even Start Family Literacy Role:Director $21,280 Completed Type:Grant
11-1998 -10-1999 Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency Head Start Program 1998-1999 Role:Director $543,869 Completed Type:Grant
11-1992 -06-1999 Hamilton County Department of Human Services Improvement of Quality of Early Childhood Development Programs Role:Director $50,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1998 -09-1999 Ohio Department of Education National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System Role:Subcontractor $10,000 Completed Type:Contract
03-1999 -07-1999 Northwest Local School District Northwest Local School District Community Survey Role:Subcontractor $20,000 Completed Type:Contract
07-1998 -09-1999 Ohio Department of Education Year 1 of the Ohio Indicators of Success Role:Subcontractor $126,250 Completed Type:Contract
07-2000 -06-2001 Ohio Department of Education Year 2 of the Ohio Indicators of Success Role:Subcontractor $104,000 Completed Type:Contract
03-1999 -12-1999 City of Cincinnati Department of Health Staff Training Role:Subcontractor $10,000 Completed Type:Contract
09-1998 -08-1999 Cincinnati Public Schools Role:Subcontractor $6,000 Completed Type:Contract
10-1998 -09-1999 Child Focus, Incorporated Clermont County Head Start Evaluation Role:Subcontractor $5,000 Completed Type:Contract
09-1998 -08-1999 Ohio Stat University Research Foundation Head Start Quality Improvement Center Role:Subcontractor $10,000 Completed Type:Contract
09-1997 -09-1999 Cooperative Education Service Agency Role:Subcontractor $70,000 Completed Type:Contract
07-1997 -12-1999 National Institute of Justice Role:Subcontractor $399,919 Completed Type:Contract
07-1997 -06-1998 Adams County Distance Learning Role:Subcontract Director $43,825 Completed Type:Grant
09-1997 -12-1997 Southwest Ohio Regional Professional Development Center Needs Assessment Role:Director $16,750 Completed Type:Contract
01-1997 -09-1997 GAP Analysis Role:Director $57,400 Completed Type:Grant
04-1997 -09-1997 Butler County Head Start Butler County Head Start Evaluation Plan Role:Director $3,000 Completed Type:Grant
08-1997 -08-1998 Butler County Head Start Butler County Head Start Evaluation Plan Role:Director $5,000 Completed Type:Grant
08-1997 -08-1998 Butler County Head Start Butler County Head Start Evaluation Plan Role:Director $14,994 Completed Type:Grant
04-1997 -08-1998 Ohio Department of Education Goals 2000 Teacher Induction Year Role:Director $9,000 Completed Type:Grant
04-1997 -06-1997 Parent Involvement Project Role:Director $26,485 Completed Type:Grant
03-1997 -09-1997 Butler County Children & Family First Role:Director $43,5000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1997 -03-1997 Clermont County Domestic Relations Court Role:Subcontract Director $5,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #P334A080117 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-03-2008 -09-02-2014 Department of Education Gear Up Scores Role:PI $5,748,449.00 Active Level:Federal
01-1997 -08-1997 Association for the Advancement of Art Education Role:Subcontract Director $13,400 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #OSLN-STEM Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-2008 -09-30-2009 Battelle Memorial Institute Ohio STEM Learning Network Role:PI $166,139.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
10-1996 -10-1997 Child Focus Inc. Role:Director $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #STRIVE Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-15-2008 -02-15-2009 Living Cities, Inc. The STRIVE Fund Role:PI $170,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
10-1996 -06-1997 Ohio Department of Health: Individual Family Services Plan Role:Director $15,000 Completed Type:Grant
10-1996 -09-1997 C-HCCAA Early Head Start Longitudinal Study Role:Director $16,000 Completed Type:Grant
10-1996 -12-1998 Head Start: Child Care Tech Program Role:Director $6,314 Completed Type:Grant
09-1996 -08-1997 Mayerson Academy for Human Resource Development Role:Director $27,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1996 -08-1997 Hamilton County Families and Children First-Early Start Program Role:Director $3,000 Completed Type:Grant
06-1996 -06-1997 UW Family Centered Child Care Project Role:Director $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
04-1996 -09-1996 City of Cincinnati Office of Reshaping Youth Priorities Violence Prevention Role:Director $13,139 Completed Type:Grant
01-1995 -01-1997 The Screening Project Role:Co-Director $60,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1995 -06-1996 Resource Moms Project Evaluation Role:Director $8,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1996 -08-1996 Creating University Partnerships to Create Healthy Neighborhoods Role:Co-Director $33,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1996 -12-2000 Providing Alternatives to Violence Role:Co-Director $99,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1996 -12-1997 Developing a Developmentally Appropriate Screening Process for Young Children in Head Start Programs Role:Director $48,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1995 -06-1996 The T-Cap Evaluation Role:Director $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 The Instructional Assistant Program Role:Evaluator $100,000 Completed Type:Grant
1995 -1996 The Instructional Assistant Program Role:Evaluator $100,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1995 -06-1996 Southwest Ohio Professional Development Center: Highlighting best practices Role:Director $8,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1994 -07-1995 Laurel Holmes Demonstration Project Role:Evaluator $254,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1994 -07-1995 Children's Trust Fund: Evaluation Project Role:Director $5,000 Completed Type:Grant
06-1995 -11-1995 Project Succeed Summer Project Role:Co-Director, Evaluator $104,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1994 -08-1997 Collaborative In-Service Training: Applying Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Recommended Practice, and Family Centered Services to Early Childhood Special Education Programs. Role:Co-Director $390,000 Completed Type:Grant
1993 -1994 A Collaborative Partnership with Business and the Cincinnati Mini-pilot district Role:Director $14,457 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 A Collaborative Partnership with Business and the Cincinnati Mini-pilot district Role:Director $14,459 Completed Type:Grant
1995 -1996 A Collaborative Partnership with Business and the Cincinnati Mini-pilot district Role:Director $14,459 Completed Type:Grant
09-1993 -09-1993 Biggs Early Childhood Center Study Role:Co-Director $16,789 Completed Type:Grant
08-1995 -08-1995 Biggs Early Childhood Center Study Role:Co-Director $5,000 Completed Type:Grant
1992 -1993 Integration Demonstration Program Role:Director $19,000 Completed Type:Grant
1993 -1994 Integration Demonstration Program Role:Director $28,000 Type:Grant
1994 -1995 Integration Demonstration Program Role:Director $28,000 Completed Type:Grant
1995 -1996 Integration Demonstration Program Role:Director $33,000 Completed Type:Grant
1996 -1997 Integration Demonstration Program Role:Director $33,000 Completed Type:Grant
1993 -1994 Title XX Program Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 Title XX Program Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
1995 -1996 Title XX Program Role:Director $32,458 Completed Type:Grant
1996 -1998 Title XX Program Role:Director $140,000 Completed Type:Grant
1992 -1993 Food Service Program Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
1993 -1994 Food Service Program Role:Director $24,000 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 Food Service Program Role:Director $36,458 Completed Type:Grant
1996 -1997 Food Service Program Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
1992 -1993 Project Head Start: Providing an exemplary Head Start Program Role:Director $284,000 Completed Type:Grant
1993 -1994 Project Head Start: Providing an exemplary Head Start Program Role:Director $362,899 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 Project Head Start: Providing an exemplary Head Start Program Role:Director $470,000 Completed Type:Grant
1995 -1996 Project Head Start: Providing an exemplary Head Start Program Role:Director $376,010 Completed Type:Grant
1996 -1997 Project Head Start: Providing an exemplary Head Start Program Role:Director $410,000 Type:Grant
09-1993 -08-1996 LINCCS: Linking Interagency Networks for Comprehensive Computer Systems Role:Co-Director $474,000 Completed Type:Grant
10-1996 -09-1998 LINCCS: Linking Interagency Networks for Comprehensive Computer Systems Role:Co-Director $40,969 Completed Type:Grant
09-1992 -08-1993 Arena Assessment: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Assessment of Young Children with Disabilities Role:Director $9,898 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 Cincinnati Public Schools: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Pilot Mini-District Role:Director $16,764 Completed Type:Grant
1994 -1995 Cincinnati Public Schools: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Pilot Mini-District Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
1995 -1996 Cincinnati Public Schools: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Pilot Mini-District Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
1996 -1997 Cincinnati Public Schools: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Pilot Mini-District Role:Director $20,000 Completed Type:Grant
09-1992 -08-1997 Training Personnel for the Education Preschoolers with Disabilities Program: A Collaborative Model Role:Co-Director $453,860 Completed Type:Grant
09-1992 -08-1993 Examining the Impact of the Consultation Process: Extending the Knowledge Base Role:Co-Director $78,560 Completed Type:Grant
09-1992 -08-1995 Collaborative Early Intervention Project Role:Co-Director $224,259 Completed Type:Grant
07-1983 -06-1986 Facilitating Success in Young Handicapped Children by Enhancing Task Persistence (Task Persistence) Role:Evaluator $239,204 Completed Type:Grant
09-1985 -10-1986 Precise Early Education of Children with Handicapped (PEECH) Role:Co-Director and Evaluator $270,580 Completed Type:Grant
07-1984 -06-1985 Bringing Out Head Start Talents (BOHST) Role:Evaluator $148,058 Completed Type:Grant
07-1985 -06-1987 Retrieval and Acceleration Expertise to Strengthen Systems (TIES) Role:Co--Director $164,934 Completed Type:Grant
10-1985 -10-1988 Retrieval and Acceleration of Young Promising Handicapped and Talented (RAYPHT) Role:Co-Director and Evaluator $448,764 Completed Type:Grant
10-1985 -09-1988 Enhancing Instructional Option for Student with Mild Learning and Behavior Problems (Peer Collaboration) Role:Co-Director $330,957 Completed Type:Grant
11-1985 -10-1988 APPLE Project: A Network Approach to Effectively Grapple with the Diverse Needs of the Handicapped Infants' and Toddlers' Families Through the Coordination and Development of Community Resources Role:Evaluator $495,863 Completed Type:Grant
11-1985 -10-1986 Learning Independence through Family Education (LIFE) Role:Evaluator $49734 Completed Type:Grant
01-1986 -08-1988 Project Alpha: Programming for Young Children at-Risk for Later Academic Failure Role:Co-Director $523,832 Completed Type:Grant
06-1987 -01-1988 The Alabama State of the Art Study: Services to Young Handicapped Children Role:Director $3,981 Completed Type:Grant
07-1987 -06-1990 Training of Supervisors for Early Childhood Special Education Programs Role:Director $204,321 Completed Type:Grant
03-1988 -09-1989 RISE-Tec: A Technical Assistance Center for Early Childhood Special Education Serving West Alabama Role:Co-Director $107,888 Completed Type:Grant
11-1987 -09-1990 Training Opportunities for Preschool Teachers of the Handicapped in Alabama (TOPAL) Role:Director $343,000 Completed Type:Grant
10-1989 -09-1990 RISE-TRAN: A Model Project to Increase Family Involvement and Facilitate Transition Role:Co-Director $35,998 Completed Type:Grant
05-1998 -12-1988 A Proposal to Evaluate the Illinois Early Childhood Transition Projects Role:Co-Director $24,709 Completed Type:Grant
09-1989 -09-1990 ACT-Lab: Adaptive Computer and Other Technology Laboratory for Young Children with Special Needs Role:Co-Director $5,667 Completed Type:Grant
07-1989 -06-1993 Project Forward: Focusing on the Specific Needs Within Alabama to Improve the Quality of Services Provided to Handicapped Students and Their Families Role:Co-Director $179,894 Completed Type:Grant
07-1989 -06-1993 CIRCLE: A Comprehensive Interdisciplinary, Research-Centered, with Laboratory Emphasis, Approach to Early Childhood Special Education Role:Co-Director $160,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1990 -12-1990 Video Demonstration of Alternatives to Accommodate the Needs of Students with Mild Learning and Behavior Problems with the Regular Classroom Role:Co-Director $12,000 Completed Type:Grant
01-1990 -12-1990 Early Indicators of Emotional Conflicts in Preschool Children Role:Co-Director $892 Completed Type:Grant
01-1990 -12-1990 A Comparison of Regular and Special Educators Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Teaching Practices Role:Co-Director $1,208 Completed Type:Grant
03-1990 -03-1991 Factors Considered by General and Special Educators when they Determine if a Teaching Practice is Effective Role:Co-Director $2,108 Completed Type:Grant
09-1990 -12-1990 A Comparison of Parent and Service Provider Perceptions of the Usefulness and Intrusiveness of Information Obtained on Family Assessment Instruments Role:Co-Director $852 Completed Type:Grant
09-1990 -08-1993 Early Childhood Handicapped Research Leadership Personnel Preparation Role:Co-Director $257,637 Completed Type:Grant
09-1990 -08-1995 Cincinnati Early Intervention Infant and Toddler Training Project Role:Co-Director $314,488 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #ODHS 1224 - Amend 3 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 07-01-1999 -06-30-2001 Administration for Children and Families Arlitt Child Care Services to Hamilton County Role:PI $150,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #95X9050 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 03-01-1999 -12-31-1999 Cincinnati Health Department Health Department Staff Training Role:PI $3,427.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #99-41 Amendment # 2 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 11-01-1999 -10-31-2000 Administration for Children and Families Head Start Program 99-00 Role:PI $577,045.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP99187 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 01-01-1999 -12-31-1999 Department of Labor Region Five School-To-Work Role:PI $39,970.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #062927-HEMA-2000 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 07-01-1999 -06-30-2000 Ohio Department of Education Ohio Indicators of Success Part 3 Role:PI $99,250.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #FY2000-1 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1999 -09-30-2000 Department of Agriculture Arlitt Food Program Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #UC 03 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1999 -08-31-2000 Administration for Children and Families Quality Improvement Center for Head Start: Year 3 Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP#00142 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-15-1999 -07-31-2000 Department of Education Mt. Healthy Even Start Evaluation Program Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP00144 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1999 -09-30-2000 Administration for Children and Families Child Focus Evaluation Project Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP00146- NCE Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-31-1999 -06-30-2000 Ohio Department of Education Resource Sharing Evaluation Project Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1999 -09-30-2002 Association for the Advancement of Arts Education Arts Connections Project Role:PI $170,816.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OSP00190 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 12-16-1999 -09-30-2002 Department of Education Cincinnati Public Schools Even Start Evaluation Program Role:PI $12,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP00195 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1999 -08-31-2002 Ohio Board of Regents Southern Ohio Urban Network Role:PI $455,742.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #MRDD FY01 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1993 -06-30-2001 Hamilton County Community Mental Health Board Collaborative Relationship with Hamilton County Board of Mental Retardation Role:PI $220,616.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #Ujima Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1995 -06-30-2000 Talbert House Ujima Day Treatment and Wraparound Role:PI $125,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OSP98124 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1997 -12-31-1999 State Justice Institute, Virginia Research Design for Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court Mediation Study Role:PI $4,930.00 Closed Level:Other
Grant: #OSP99149 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1997 -06-30-1999 Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc. Bridges to Reading Evaluation Role:PI $16,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #Hunger Task Force Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 02-10-1998 -09-30-1999 Administration for Children and Families Urban School Initiative School Age Child Care Expansion Role:PI $66,137.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP 98133 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 02-03-1998 -12-31-1999 Hamilton County Educational Service Center Peer Assistance Project Role:PI $17,000.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #Amendment # 1 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 04-01-1998 -12-31-1999 Child Advocacy Center Success for All Students Project Role:PI $40,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OSP99112 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1998 -08-10-1999 Department of Housing and Urban Development Actively Engaged Parents in Educational Interactions with their Children and How It Affects Their Educational Achievement and Interpersonal Skills Role:PI $6,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP98155 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 02-01-1998 -10-01-1999 Department of Labor High Schools that Work (Ohio Region 5 School to Work Evaluation) Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Addendum # 2 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 11-01-1998 -10-31-1999 Administration for Children and Families Head Start Program 98-99 Role:PI $547,649.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP 98161 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 06-01-1998 -08-01-1999 Association for the Advancement of Arts Education The Advancement of Arts Education Role:PI $13,260.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #UC 02- Amendment 1 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1998 -08-31-1999 Administration for Children and Families Quality Improvement Center for Head Start: Year 2 Role:PI $31,700.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP99110 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 08-24-1998 -06-10-2000 Department of Education Even Start Family Literacy Role:PI $21,280.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #FY 1999 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1998 -09-30-1999 Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #282677 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 07-01-1998 -06-30-2000 Cincinnati Public Schools Career Pathways in Education: An Innovative Pilot Project Between Cincinnati Public Schools, Hughes, and Arlitt Role:PI $41,047.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #OSP 00176 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 01-01-1999 -05-31-2001 Department of Education A Statewide Model for Rethinking Schooling in Fundamental Ways Role:PI $105,539.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-39360 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1998 -09-30-1999 Department of Education National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System Role:PI $10,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP 99126 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 10-01-1998 -09-30-1999 Administration for Children and Families Clermont County Head Start Evaluation Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP99141 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 05-01-1999 -04-30-2000 National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Freedom Curriculum Evaluation Role:PI $65,399.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #OSP99159 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 12-01-1998 -09-30-1999 Ohio Department of Education Entry Year Program Role:PI $4,500.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #FY 1999 Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 03-15-1999 -07-09-1999 Department of Education Northwest Local School District Community Survey Role:PI $20,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #P334A990179-NCE Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 09-01-1999 -08-31-2006 Department of Education Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR-UP) Role:PI $2,579,299.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Johnson, Lawrence 03-25-1999 -12-31-1999 Administration for Children and Families 1999 Head Start Community Needs Assessment Role:PI $24,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #60042097-UC / NSF HRD-1304371 Investigators:Dunn, Cheryll Ann; Escoe, Gisela; Johnson, Jeffrey; Johnson, Lawrence; Simonson, Kenneth Winston 09-15-2013 -08-31-2018 National Science Foundation Ohio LSAMP Role:Collaborator $91,214.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bauer,A.M.; Johnson,L.J.; Sapona,R.H. (2004. ) Reflections on 20 years of preparing special education teachers .Exceptionality, , 12 (4) ,239 -246
Bauer,A.M.; Johnson,L.J.; Kreig,J. (2003. ) Teacher education and special education: a second look back .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 26 (4) ,341 -348
LaMontage,M.J.; Johnson,L.J.; Kilgo,J.L.; V,Stayton; V,Carr; Bauer,A.; Carpenter,J. (2002. ) Unified early childhood personnel preparation programs: Perceptions from that field .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 25(3) ,236 -246
Feldis,D.; Johnson,L.J.; Anania-Smith,D. (1997. ) The utility of multidisciplinary assessment reports for classroom intervention: ratings from the field .Diagnostique 22 ,193 -204
Johnson,L.J. (1996. ) Evolving transitions? .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 19 (3) ,202 -204
Johnson,L.J. (1996. ) Rejoinder to reflection pieces .Teacher education and Special Education, , 19 (3) ,221
Johnson,L.J.; Pugach,M.C. (1996. ) Role of collaborative dialogue in teachers' conceptions of appropriate practice for students at risk .Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, , 7 (1) ,9 -24
Spooner,F.; Johnson,L.J. (1996. ) To stay the course or change: reflections on preparing personnel in special education .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 19 (3) ,197 -199
Johnson,L.J.; Gallagher,R.J.; Cook,M.; Wong,P. (1995. ) Critical skills for kindergarten: perceptions from kindergarten teachers .Journal of Early Intervention, , 19 (4) ,315 -349
Pugach,M.C.; Johnson,L.J. (1995. ) Unlocking the expertise among classroom teachers through structured dialogue: extending research on peer collaboration .Exceptional Children, , 62 (2) ,101 -110
Sapona,R.; Malone,D.M.; Johnson,L.J. Eligibility .The Special Education Legal Handbook, ,
Malone,D.M.; Sapona,R.; Johnson,L.J. History of the laws regulating special education .The Special Education Legal Handbook, ,
Blanton, J. & Johnson, L. J., (1991. ) Using computer assisted biofeedback to help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to gain self-control .Journal of Special Education Technology, , 11 (1 ) ,49-56
Karnes,M.B.; Johnson,L.J. Serving young gifted children .Missouri Exceptional Children, ,
Cook, M. J., Johnson, L. J., & Kullman, A. (1991. ) An examination of the predictive validity of the Bayley Scales of infant development .Alabama Exceptional Children, ,
Sapona, R. Etienne, J. Bauer, A., Fordon, A. E., Johnson, L. J., Hendricks-Lee, M., & Vincent, N. C. (2006. ) Teacher education reform within university special education programs .Focus on Exceptional Children, , 38 ,1-12
Johnson, L. J., & Pugach, M. C. (1991. ) Peer collaboration: Accommodating students with mild learning and behavior problems .Expectional Children, , 57 (5 ) ,454-461
Karnes, M. B., Johnson, L. J., & Beauchamp, K. D. F. (2005. ) Reprise: Developing problem-solving skills to enhance task persistence of handicapped preschool children .Journal of Early Intervention, , 27 ,236-246
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1991. ) The preschool/primary gifted child .Journal for the Education of the Gifted, , 14 (3 ) ,267-283
Marx, M., Johnson, L. J., Baker, R., McBroom, R., Cochran, S., & Stillwell, M. (2003. ) Understanding Head Start student success on a standardized test .Ohio Journal of the English Language Arts, , 43 ,12-21
Johnson, L .J., & Lewman, B. (1990. ) Parent perceptions of talents of young gifted boys and girls .Journal for the Education of the Gifted, , 13 (176-188 ) ,
Johnson, L. J., Kai Yung Tam, B., Zorn, D., LaMontagne, M., & Johnson, S. (2003. ) Stakeholders' views of factors that impact successful interagency collaboration .Exceptional Children, , 69 ,195-208
Johnson, L. J., & Murphy, M. F. (1990. ) Siblings of children with handicapping conditions .The Communicator, , p16
Johnson, S. J., & Johnson, L. J. (2002. ) The 4 C's: A model for teaching dosage calculation .Nurse Educator, , 27 ,79-83
Johnson, L. J., Pugach, M. C., & Devlin, S. (1990. ) Professional collaboration: Challenges of hte next decade .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 22 ,9-11
Hendricks-Lee, M., & Johnson, L. J. (2001. ) New accountability for teacher education .TEDLines, , 3 (2 ) ,2-3
Johnson, L. J., & Pugach, M. C. (1990. ) Classroom teachers' views of intervention strategies for learning and behavior problems: Which are reasonable and how frequently are they used? .Journal of Special Education, , 24 ,69-84
Kowalski, K., Pretti-Frontczak, K., & Johnson, L. J. (2001. ) Preschool teachers' beliefs concerning the importance of various developmental skills and abilities .Journal of Research in Childhood Education, , 16 (1 ) ,5-14
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1990. ) Fostering the continued democratization of consultation through action research .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 13 ,240-245
Seery, M. E., Davis, P. M., & Johnson, L. J. (2000. ) Seeing eye-to-eye: Are parents and professionals in agreement about the benefits of preschool inclusion? .Remedial and Special Education, , 21 (5 ) ,268-278,319
Stayton, V. D., & Johnson, L. J. (1990. ) Personnel preparation in early childhood special education: Assessment as content area .Journal of Early Intervention, , 14 (4 ) ,352-359
Odom, S. L., McLean, M. E., Johnson, L. J., & LaMontagne, M. J. (1995. ) Recommended practices in early childhood special education: Validation and current use .Journal for Early Intervention, , 19 (1 ) ,1-17
Cook, M. J., Holder-Brown, L., Johnson, L. J., & Kilgo, J. (1989. ) An examination of the stability of the Bayley Scales of infant development with high-risk infants .Journal of Early Intervention, , 13 ,45-49
Beauchamp, K. D., Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1993. ) A comparison of intelligence and creativity in young gifted children .Journal for the Education of the Gifted, , 37 (3 ) ,113-117
Johnson, L. J., & Alford, J. (1989. ) Meta-analysis for applied behavioral research: Help or hindrance? .The Capstone Journal of Education, , 9 ,84-93
Johnson, L. J., & LaMontagne, M. J. (1993. ) Using content analysis to examine the verbal or written communication of stakeholders within early intervention .Journal of Early Intervention, , 17 (1 ) ,73-79
Johnson, L. J., & Hammitte, D. (1989. ) Alabama state of the art study of community-based programs serving preschool handicapped children .Alabama Exceptional Children, , 6 ,11-19
Johnson, L. J., Kilgo,J., Cook, M. J., Hammitte D. J., Beauchamp, K. & Finn, D. (1992. ) The skills needed by early intervention administrators/supervisors: A study across six states .Journal of Early Intervention, , 16 (2 ) ,1-10
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1989. ) Training for staff, parents, and volunteers working with gifted young children, especially those with disabilities and from low-incidence homes .Young Children, , 44 ,49-56
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) An examination of the concurrent validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory as compared with the Vineland Adaptive Scales and the Bayley Scales of infant development .Journal of Early Intervention, , 16 (4 ) ,353-359
Karnes, M. B., Johnson, L. J., & Beauchamp, K. D. (1989. ) Developing problem-solving skills to enhance the task persistence of preschool handicapped children .Journal of Early Interventions, , 13 ,61-72
Johnson, L. J., Pugach, M. C., & Cook, R. (1991. ) Peer collaboration as a means to facilitate collegial support to reduce teacher isolation and facilitate classroom problem solving in rural areas .Rural Special Education Quarterly, , 12 (2 ) ,21-26
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1989. ) Prereferral interventions: Progress, problems, and challenges .Exceptional Children, , 56 ,232-235
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1989. ) The challenge of implementing collaboration between general and special education .Exceptional Children, , 56 ,232-235
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1989. ) Facilitation consultation through peer collaboration .PAISE Reporter, , 21 ,1-2
Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) The role of the university supervisor: Perceptions from practicum students .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 10 ,120-125
Johnson, L. J., Pugach, M., & Hammitte, D. (1988. ) Barriers to effective special education consultation .Remedial and Special Education, , 9 ,41-47
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) Encouraging gifts and talents of Head Start children .Education Able Learners: Discovering & Nurturing Talent, , 13 ,4-5
Karnes, M. B., Johnson, L. J., & Beauchamp, K. D. (1988. ) Enhancing critical relationships: A systems approach to mental health for Head Start families and programs .Young Children , , 44 ,58-65
Karnes, M. B., Johnson, L. J., & Beauchamp, K. D. (1988. ) Project TIES: Enhancing the affective environment of Head Start children, families, and staff .Children Today, , 17 ,25-28
Kilgo, J., Holder-Brown, L., Johnson, L. J., & Cook, M. (1988. ) An examination of the effects of tactile-kinesthetic stimulation on preterm infants .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 12 ,320-327
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) Peer collaboration .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 20 ,75-77
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) Rethinking the relationship between consultation and collaborative problem solving .Focus on Exceptional Children, , 21 ,1-8
Johnson, L. J., & Beauchamp, K. D. (1987. ) Preschool assessment measures: What are teachers using? .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 12 ,70-76
Johnson, L. J., & Heal, L. (1987. ) Inter-observer agreement: How large should Kappa be? .Capstone Journal of Education, , 7 ,51-64
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1987. ) Bringing out Head Start talents: Findings from the field .Gifted Child Quarterly, , 31 ,174-180
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1987. ) An imperative: Programming for the young gifted/talented .Journal for the Education of the Gifted, , 10 ,195-214
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1987. ) Head Start expands services to gifted children .Children Today, , 16 ,7-31
Karnes, M. B., Santelli, B., & Johnson, L. J. (1987. ) Involving families in early childhood special education programs .Rural Special Education Quarterly, , 7 ,16-19
Fujiura, G., & Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Methods of microcomputer research in early childhood special education .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 10 ,264-269
Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Factors that influence skill acquisition of practicum students during a field-based experience .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 9 ,89-103
Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Microcomputers in early childhood special education: An overview .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 10 ,195-196
Johnson, L. J., & Idol-Maestas, L. (1986. ) Peer tutoring as a reinforcer for appropriate tutee behavior .Journal of Special Education Technology, , 7 ,14-21
Johnson, L. J., & Lewman, B. (1986. ) The educational value of microcomputers: Perceptions among parents of young gifted children .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 11 ,87-93
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Early identification and programming for young gifted/talented handicapped .Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, , 6 ,50-61
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Identification and assessment of gifted/talented handicapped and non-handicapped children in early childhood .Journal of Children in Contempory Society: Advances in Theory and Applied Research, , 18 ,35-54
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Bringing out Head Start talents .Head Start Bulletin, , 1 (11 ) ,13
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1986. ) Teaching interpersonal expertise to strengthen systems .Head Start Bulletin, , 11 ,4
Karnes, M. B., Johnson, L. J., Cohen, T., & Beauchamp, K. D. (1986. ) Metacognitive strategies with preschoolers .Teaching Exceptional Children, , 19 ,54-56
Johnson, L. J. (1985. ) Early childhood special education programs in France: A reaction .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 9 ,250-253
Karnes, M. B., Johnson, L. J., Cohen, T., & Shwedel, A. (1985. ) Facilitating school success among mild and moderately handicapped children by enhancing task persistence .Journal of the Division for Early Childhood, , 9 ,151-162
Johnson, L. J., & Blankenship, C. S. (1984. ) A comparison of label induced expectancy bias in two preservice teacher education programs .Behavioral Disorders, , 9 ,167-174
Blankenship, C. S., & Johnson, L. J. (1983. ) Specialized instruction: Report of a three-year follow-up study of program graduates .Teacher Education and Special Education, , 6 (2 ) ,112-120
Heal, L., Johnson, L. J., & Fujiura, G. (1983. ) Variations in restrictiveness .Superintendents' Digest, , 2 ,40-42
Other Publications
Johnson, L. J., & Zorn, D. (1998. ) General education program evaluation .University of Cincinnati General Education Program,
Johnson, L. J., & Zorn, D. (1998. ) Southwestern regional professional development center needs assessment project report .Southwest Ohio Regional Professional Development,
Johnson, L. J., & Zorn, D. (1998. ) Evaluation of H/CCA Data Center Services .Hamilton/Clermont Cooperative Association of Boards of Education,
Johnson, L. J., & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Ohio Head Start: A report on children and families .Butler County Head Start,
Johnson, L. J., & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Analysis of parent satisfaction survey .Butler County Educational Service Center,
Johnson, L. J., Zorn, D., & Anania-Smith, D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Early Head Start .Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Committee,
Johnson, L. J., Zorn, D., & Dillion, P. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Early Head Start .Clermont Head Start Program,
Johnson, L. J., Zorn, D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Division of teacher education Spring Course .University of Cincinnati College of Education,
Johnson, L. J., Zorn, D., Dillinger, A. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Cincinnati initiative for teacher education student and intern surveys .University of Cincinnati College of Education,
Johnson, L. J., & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Head Start parent satisfaction survey .Butler County Head Start,
Johnson, L.J. & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Arts connection .
Johnson, L.J., Wheeler-Russell, Trich-Kremer, & Gorday, K. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Individualized family service plan . Ohio Department of Health
Johnson, L.J., Wilder, N., & Baim, E. (1997. ) Evaluation plan: Labor market study . Center for Economic Education
Johnson, L.J., Tatem, D., & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Pilot mini-district overall evaluation . Cincinnati Public Schools
Johnson, L.J. Tatem, D., & Zorn D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Pilot mini-district: DAP Evaluation . Cincinnati Public Schools
Johnson, L.J., Moore, K., Wagner, A., Tatem, D., & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Pilot mini-district preschool evaluation . Cincinnati Public Schools
Johnson, L.J., Davis, P., Baim, E., Schnekenberger, & Dool, E. (1997. ) Evaluation report: Professional development for school-to-work gap analysis . Ohio Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Zorn, D. (1997. ) Parent perceptions of parent involvement in Ohio's public schools: A preliminary report . Ohio Deprtment of Education Parent Advisory Council
Zorn, D., Hurley, D.C., & Johnson, L.J. (1997. ) Skills training center evaluation . Urban League of Greater Cincinnati
Johnson, L.J., Anania-Smith, D., Ruiz, D., & Roszmann-Millican, M. (1996. ) Evaluation report: James E. Biggs Covington research project .
Johnson, L.J., & Zorn, D. (1996. ) Evaluation report: Ohio Head Start: A report on children and families . Ohio Department of Education Division of Early Childhood Education
Johnson, L.J., Tatem, D., Kmitta, D.M., Simpson, M., Wilder, N., & Zorn, D. (1996. ) Evaluation report: Violence prevention curriculum program . Cincinnati Health Department Office of Reshaping Youth Priorities
Johnson, L.J., & Zorn, D. (1996. ) Evaluation report: Ohio Head Start marketing study . Ohio Deparment of Education Division of Early Childhood Education
Johnson, L.J., Zorn, D., Hendricks, M.S., Adkins, M., Tatem, D. (1996. ) Cincinnati initiative for teacher education report .
Johnson, L.J., & Davis, P.S. (1996. ) Collaborative early intervention project. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Wheeler-Russell, G. (1996. ) Cincinnati early intervention infant and toddler training project . Final Report - U.S. Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Gallagher, R.J. (1995. ) Ohio early childhood special education consortium training project . Final Report - Ohio Department of Early Childhood
Johnson, L.J., Ruiz, D.S. & Zorn, D.L. (1995. ) Analysis of signature pages for unified service provider plans, 1993-94, and 1994-95, and county comprehensive system assurances, early intervention 1994-95 and 1995-96 .
Johnson, L.J., Zorn, D., Fordon, A., Hensley, B., Byrom, S., & Spearman, P. (1995. ) Evaluation report: Cincinnati initiative for teacher education . University of Cincnnati College of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Zorn, D. (1995. ) Evaluation report: Comprehensive preschool program initiative school year 1994-95 . Cincinnati Public Schools
Johnson, L.J. & Zorn, D. (1995. ) Evaluation report: Developmentally appropriate practice initiative school year 1994-95 . Cincinnati Board of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Zorn, D. (1995. ) Evaluation report: Cincinnati public schools: A Comprehensive evaluation of the pilot mini-district . Cincinnati Board of Education
Johnson, L.J., Zorn, D., & Sheets-Ruiz, D. (1995. ) Evaluation report: United service provider plans . Ohio Department of Early Childhood
Johnson, L.J., Tatem, D., Brown, K., & Edwards, J. (1995. ) Evaluation report: Overall pilot mini-district . Cincinnati Public Schools
Johnson, L.J., & Brown, L. (1994. ) Project Succeed summer project. Final Report . Ohio Urban University Program
Johnson, L.J., & LaMontagne, M.J. (1994. ) Project Succeed summer project. Final Report . Ohio Urban Univeristy Program
Elliot, R., & Johnson, L.J. (1993. ) Project Forward: Focusing on the specific needs within Alabama to improve the quality of services provided to handicapped students and their families. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Johnson, L.J. & Cook, M. (1993. ) CIRCLE: A comprehensive interdisciplinary, research-centered, with laboratory emphasis, approach to early childhood special education. Final Report .
Johnson, L.J., & LaMontagne, M.J. (1993. ) Arena assessment: A transdisciplinary approach to the assessment of young children with disabilities. Final Report .
Zins, J., & Johnson, L.J. (1993. ) Examining the impact of the consultation process: Extending the knowledge base. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Johnson, L.J. & LaMontagne, M.J. (1992. ) Child to child evaluation report . National Head Start Regional Access Projects
Johnson, L.J. (1990. ) Training of supervisors for early childhood special education programs. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Johnson, L.J. (1990. ) Video demonstration of alternatives to accommodate the needs of students with mild learning and behavior problems within the regular classroom. Final Report .
Johnson, L.J. (1990. ) Training opportunities for preschool teachers of the handicapped in Alabama. Final Report . State of Alabama Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Cook, M. (1990. ) RISE-TRAN: A model project to increase family involvement and facilitate transition. Final Report . State of Alabama Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Cook, M. (1989. ) RISE-Tec: A technical assistance center for early childhood special education service West Alabama. Final Report . State of Alabama Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., Cook, M.J. (1989. ) Standards and guidelines for developing an early education of the handicapped program . Programs for Exceptional Children and Youth, Alabama State Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., Cook, M.J. & Hammitte, D.J. (1989. ) Early childhood education of handicapped needs assessment: Demographics and training needs . Program for Exceptional Chidlren and Youth, Alabama State of Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., Cook, M.C. & Murphy, M.F. (1989. ) Family interview form . Program for Exceptional Children and Youth, State Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., Cook, M.C., & Murphy M.F. (1989. ) Systematic observation of child behavior . Program for Exceptional Children and Youth, Alabama State Department of Education
Cook, M.J. & Johnson, L.J. (1988. ) Directory of assessments of preschool handicapped children and their families . Programs for Exceptional Children and Youth, Alabama State Department of Education
Johnson, L.J. (1988. ) The Alabama state of the art study: Services to young handicapped children. Final Report . State of Alabama Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., & Cook, M.J. (1988. ) Directory of programs preparing researchers in early childhood special education . Research Committe of the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Excpetional Children
Johnson, L.J., & Cook, M.J. (1988. ) RISE-TEC: An early childhood technical assistance center of the program of exceptional children and youth: Handbook of operations . Program for Exceptional Children and Youth, Alabama State Department of Education
Johnson, L.J., Pugach, M.P. (1988. ) Enhancing instructional options for students with mild learning and behavior problems (Peer Collaboration). Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
McClean, J., & Johnson, L.J. (1988. ) A proposal to evaluation the Illinois early childhood transition projects. Final Report . State of Illinois Department of Education
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1987. ) Teaching interpersonal expertise to strengthen systems. Final Report . State of Illinois Department of Education
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1987. ) Teaching interpersonal expertise to strengthen systems. Final Report . Administration Children Youth and Families
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1986. ) Learning independence through family education. Final Report . State of Illinois Department of Education
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1986. ) Facilitation success in young handicapped children by enhancing task persistence. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1986. ) Precise early education of children with handicapped. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1986. ) Retrieval and acceleration of young promising handicapped and talented. Final Report . U.S. Department of Education
Karnes, M.B., & Johnson, L.J. (1985. ) Bringing out Head Start talents. Final Report . Administration Children Youth and Families
Published Books
Wang,L.; Johnson,L.J.; Boat,M.; Brown,R.; Pan,W.; Zorn,D.; Austin,J.T. (2002. ) Ohio early childhood indicators of success year iv final report: instrument evaluation .Columbus, OH , Ohio Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood Education
Johnson,L.J.; LaMontagne,M.; Elgas,P.; Bauer,A.M. (1998. ) Blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices: collaboration to meet the needs of children and their families .Baltimore , Paul H. Brookes
Johnson,L.J.; Davis,P. (1996. ) Collaborative early intervention project .Final report--U.S. Department of Education ,
Johnson,L.J.; Zorn,D. (1996. ) Evaluation report: ohio head start marketing study .Ohio Department of Education Division of Early Childhood Education
Pugach,M.C.; Johnson,L.J. (1995. ) Collaborative practitioners, collaborative schools .Tucson, AZ , Love Publishing
Johnson,L.J.; LaMontagne,M.J.; Bauer,A.M.; Elgas,P. Collaborative methods for early childhood programs .Baltimore , Paul H. Brookes
Malone,D.M.; Sapona,R.; Johnson,L.J. Transition. the special education legal handbook .San Antonio, Texas , Omni Publishers
Malone, D. M., Denno, D. M., Johnson, L. J., Boat, M. Strategies for effective assessment-based decision making in early childhood .Baltimore , Paul H. Brookes
Bell, S. H., Carr, V. W., Denno, D. M., Johnson, L. J., & Phillips, L. (2003. ) Creating a place for all children: Responding to challenging behaviors in early childhood settings .Baltimore , Paul H. Brookes
Johnson, L. J., LaMontagne, M. J., & Case, D. (1995. ) Actualizing the rhetoric: Linking research and practice for quality field-based/clinical experiences. Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Institute for the Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium .
Johnson, L. J., Gallagher, R. J., LaMontagne, M. J., and Jordan, J. B., Gallagher, J. J., Huntinger, P. L., & Karnes, M. B. (Eds). (1994. ) Meeting early intervention challenges: Issues from birth to three .Baltimore , Paul H. Brookes
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) Policy issues: Creating a unified vision. Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Institute for the Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium .
Johnson, L. J., & Bauer, A. M. (1992. ) Meeting the needs of special students: Legal, ethical, and practical ramifications .Newbury Park, CA , Corwin Press
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1991. ) Coordinating assessment and programming for preschoolers: CAPP .Tucson, AZ , Communication Skill Builders
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1990. ) Educating young black gifted children .New York , Trillium Press
Book Chapter
Gilbertson,S.A.; Johnson,L.J.; Wahrman,J.; West,M.; Zigler,T. (2005 ) The demand for alternative teaching licensing in ohio Policy brief: Meeting the teacher education accountability challenge .Teacher Quality Partnership
Bauer,A.M.; Battle,M.; Johnson,L.J. (2004 ) Challenging behaviors in early childhood settings: creating a place for all children Engaging parents as partners in changing behavior .(pp. 33 -48).Baltimore, MD, Paul H. Brookes
Johnson,L.J.; Karnes,M.B.; V,Carr (1997 ) Handbook for gifted Children with gifts and disabilities .Needham Heights, MA, Allyn & Bacon
Sapona,R.H.; Etienne,J.F.; Bauer,A.M.; Fordon,A.E.; Johnson,L.J.; Hendricks-Lee,M.; Vincent,N.C. (1997 ) Teacher education in transition: collaborative programs to prepare general and special educators Teacher education reform within the special education program at the University of Cincinnati: An ongoing journey .(pp. 128 -151).Denver, CO, Love Publishing
Johnson,L.J.; V,Carr (1996 ) Curriculum trends, special education, and reform Curriculum in early childhood: Moving toward inclusive specialization .New York, NY, Teachers College Press
Johnson,L.J.; V,Carr (1996 ) Controversial issues confronting special education: divergent perspectives, (2nd ed.) The emerging third wave of collaboration: Solving to create educational systems that embrace diversity .Boston, Allyn & Bacon
LaMontagne,M.J.; Johnson,L.J. (1995 ) Actualizing the rhetoric: linking research and practice for quality field-based/clinical experiences. proceedings of the 1994 summer institute for the ohio early childhood special education higher education consortium Forward .
Etienne,J.; Sapona,R.; Bauer,A.; Johnson,L.J.; Fordon,A.; Hendricks-Lee,M.; Vincent,N.C. Forum on teacher education The ongoing journey to change: Transformation of a special education program .Tucson, AZ, Love Publishing
Bauer, A. M., Battle, M., & Johnson, L. J., (2003 ) How can I engage parents as partners in changing behavior? Creating a place for all children: Responding to challenging behaviors in early childhood settings .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Boat, M., Carr, V., Johnson, L. J., Denno, D. (2003 ) How do I know when I need outside help? Creating a place for all children: Responding to challenging behaviors in early childhood settings .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Carr, V.. Johnson, L. J., & Corkwell, C. (2003 ) How can I develop center wide support? Creating a place for all children: Responding to challenging behaviors in early childhood settings .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Miller, P., Bauer, A., Plevyak, L., Carr, V., Johnson, L. J., & Fong, L. (2002 ) Characteristics of faculty members in personnel preparation programs DEC personnel preparation in early childhood education: Implementing the DEC recommended practices .
Bauer, A. M., Johnson, L. J., Ulrich, M., Denno, D., & Carr, V. (1998 ) A history of working and for children Blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices: Collaboration to meet the needs of children and their families .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Diagre, I., Johnson, L. J., Bauer, A. M., & Anania-Smith, D. (1998 ) Prosocial curriculum for young children in inclusive settings Blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices: Collaboration to meet the needs of children and their families .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Johnson, L. J., Noga, J. E. (1998 ) Key collaborative skills Blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices: Collaboration to meet the needs of children and their families .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Johnson, L. J., Ruiz, D., LaMontagne, M. J., George, E. (1998 ) The history of collaboration and its importance to blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices Blending early childhood and early childhood special education practices: Collaboration to meet the needs of children and their families .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Johnson, L. J., Karnes, M. B., & Carr, V. W. (1997 ) Children with gifts and disabilities Handbook for gifted (2nd ed.) .(pp. -Needham Heights, MA).Allyn & Bacon,
Johnson, L. J., & Carr, V. (1996 ) Curriculum in ealry childhood education: Moving toward an inclusive specialization What's worth knowing: How curriculum trends affect the reform of special education .New York, Teachers College Press
Johnson, L. J., & Pugach, M. C. (1996 ) The emerging thrid wave of collaboration: Expanding beyond individual problem solving to create educational system that embraces diversity Controversial issues confronting special education: Divergent perspectives (2nd ed) .Boston, Allyn & Bacon
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1996 ) Rethinking the relationship between consultation and collaborative problem-solving Challenges facing special education .Denver, Love
Johnson, L. J. (1995 ) The knowledge base for field/clinical experiences: A synopsis of supervision in early childhood special education programs: What are we doing? Actualizing the rhetoric: Linking research and practice for quality field-based/clinical experiences. Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Institute for hte OHio Early Childhod Special Education Higher Educaton Consortium .
Johnson, L. J. & La Montagne, M. J. (1994 ) Program ecaluation: The key to quality programming Meeting early intervention challenges: Issues from birth to three .(pp. 185-216).Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Johnson, L. J. (1994 ) Meeting early intervention challenges: An overview Meeting early intervention challenges: Issues from birth to three .(pp. 1-12).Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Gallagher, R. J., Johnson, L. J., & LaMontagne, M. J. (1994 ) Early intervention: The collaborative challenge Meeting early intervention challenges: Issues from birth to three .Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Zins, J., & Johnson, L .J. (1994 ) Prereferral intervention for students with special needs International encyclopedia of educaton: Research and studies (2nd ed., Vol 8) .(pp. 4657-4662).Oxford, Elserier Science
Johnson, L. J. (1992 ) Forward Policy issues: Creating a unified vision. Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Institute for the Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium .
Johnson, L. J. & Pugach, M. C. (1992 ) Continuing the dialogue: Embracing a more expansive understanding of collaborative relationships Controversial issues confronting special education: Divergent perspectives .(pp. 215-222).Boston, Allyn & Bacon
Gallagher, R. J., Roszeman-Millicanm, M., Johnson, L. J., & LaMontagne, M. J. (1992 ) Solomon's conundrum: Who owns the child? Policy issues: Creating a unified vision. Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Institute for the Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium .
Gallagher, R. J. Johnson, L. J., & Espe-Sherwindt, M. (1991 ) Critique of keynote presentations. Proceedings and directions for collaboration in the year 2000: Summer institute. The Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium .
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1991 ) Differentiating the instruction for preschool gifted children Counseling gifted and talented children: A guide for teachers, counselors, and parents .Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1990 ) Meeting diverse needs through professional peer collaboration Support networks for inclusive schools: Integrated interdependent education .(pp. 123-137).Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1990 ) Developing reflective teaching through structured dialogue: The case for peer collaboration Encouraging reflective practice in education: An analysis of issues and programs .(pp. 186-208).New York, Teachers College Press
Johnson, L. J. (1988 ) Program evaluation: The key to quality programming Early childhood special education: Birth to three .(pp. 183-212).Reston, VA, The Council for Exceptional Children
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1988 ) Considerations and future directions for conducting research with young handicapped and at-risk children Research in early childhood special education .Monterey, CA, Brooks/Cole
Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1988 ) Promoting teacher reflection through structured dialogue Images on relfection in teacher education .Reston, VA, Association of Teacher Educations Monograph
Karnes, M. B., & Johnson, L. J. (1986 ) Identification and assessment of the gifted/talented handicapped and non-handicapped in early childhood Intellectual giftedness in young children: Recognition and development .New York, The Haworth Press
Additional Publications
Johnson, L. J. (2010. ) Partnership for Innovation in Education: Blog Archive .
Invited Presentations
Johnson, L.J., LaMontagne, M.J., & Case, D. (1995. ) Actualizing the rhetoric: Linking research and practice for quality field-based/clinical experiences .Proceedings of the 1994 Summer Institute for the Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium,
Johnson, L. J. (2002. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (2000. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (1999. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (1998. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (1997. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (1996. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (1995. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J. (1994. ) How to write successful proposals .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Johnson, L. J.; Lindell, A.; Jackson, H.; Fioretti, W. (2000. ) Issues in higher education-Entrpreneurship .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Johnson, L. J.; Noga, J. (1998. ) Ohio Head Start: A report on children and families . Level:National
Johnson, L. J.; Kilgo, J.; Stayton, J.; LaMontagne, M.; Joseph, S.;& Zwicker, S.A. (1997. ) A national study of practitioner's definitions of developmentally appropriate practice and inclusion .
Johnson, L. J. (1997. ) Measuring outcomes and other tools to assure timely and high quality services .Cincinnati, OH.
Johnson, L. J. (1997. ) Beliefs and challenges of unification process: Perception of reality from the field. Sacannah, GA.
Johnson, L. J. (1996. ) Participants needs assessment .Newport, RI.
Johnson, L. J. (1996. ) Preschool evaluation outcomes meeting .Denver, CO.
Johnson, L. J. (1995. ) Preschool evaluation outcomes meeting .Portland, OR.
Johnson, L. J. (1995. ) Issues of consultation and collaboration .Esu Claire, WI.
Johnson, L. J. (1995. ) Foundation for effective inclusion and collaboration strategies .University of Wisconsin, Esu Claire, WI.
Johnson, L. J. (1995. ) Evaluating the outcomes and effectiveness of preschool programs .Baltimore, MD.
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) Ongoing assessment and programming current research .Vail, CO.
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) Learners with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD): Successful Strategies for Assessment and Management .Cincinnati, OH.
Johnson, L. J.; Irvin, L. (1992. ) Developing and validating instruments .Denver, CO.
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) Interviewing .Denver, CO.
Johnson, L. J.; Irvin, L.; & Rule,S. (1992. ) Overview to evaluate planning model .Denver, CO.
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) Differentiating instruction to incorporate gifted children in the regular classroom .Hickory, NC.
Johnson, L. J. (1992. ) Evaluation of in-service training and its effects on change .Marshall, IN. Level:Regional
Johnson, L. J. (1990. ) Models for mainstreaming preschool children with special needs .Cincinnati, OH.
Johnson, L. J.; Brechin, C.; & Smith, T. (1990. ) Update: Alabama special education advisory panel .Birmingham, AL.
Johnson, L. J.; Murphy, M.; Young, P. (1989. ) Techniques to facilitate transition .University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Johnson, L. J.; Cook, M.J. (1989. ) Proposed preschool guidelines for Alabama .Birmingham, AL.
Johnson, L. J.; Hammitte, D.J. (1989. ) Determining eligibility of preschool children: Implementing a different assessment model .Tuscaloosa, AL.
Johnson, L. J.; Hammitte, D.J.; & Galloway, N. (1989. ) Family involvement in early childhood education of the handicapped .University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Johnson, L. J. (1989. ) The least restrictive environment .Montgomery, AL.
Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) Early intervention: Appropriate testing .Birmingham, AL.
Johnson, L. J.; and Kaufman, J. (1988. ) The unification of teacher education for general and special education .Charlottesville, VA.
Johnson, L. J.; Cook, M.J.; & Hammite, D.J. (1988. ) Overview of RISE-TEC, ECEH technical assistance center .Tuscaloosa, AL.
Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) Accessing services for children with disabilities .Andalusia, AL.
Johnson, L. J. (1988. ) Mainstreaming for success .Tuscaloosa, AL.
Johnson, L. J.; Hammitte, D.J.; Fletcher, M.; & Duncan,M. (1988. ) The Alabama state of the art study: Services to young handicapped children .Birmingham, AL.
Karnes, M.B., Johnson, L.J. (10-1987. ) Strategies for teaching pre-kindergarten children with special needs .Florida Diagnostic and LEarning Resources System , Escambia, Santa Rose and Okaloosa Counties, FL.
Johnson, L.J. (01-1992. ) Nurturing the gifts and talents of children with disabilities .Catawba County Schools and Lenoir-Rhyne College Symposium on Nurturing Gifted and Talented Students, Hickory, NC.
Pugach, M.C., & Johnson, L.J. (10-1987. ) Developing reflective teaching through structured dialogue .OERI Invitational Conference on Reflective Inquiry in Teacher Education, Houston, TX.
Karnes, M., & Johnson, L.J. (05-1986. ) Models of dissemination .Oklahoma State Department Teleconference for Staff Development, Stillwater, OK.
Karnes, M., & Johnson, L.J. (04-1986. ) Services to young children .Oklahoma State Department Teleconference for Staff Development , Stillwater, OK .
Johnson, L.J. (06-1986. ) Practical procedures to effectively evaluate early childhood programs .Birth-3 State of the Art Conference , Springfield, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (01-1986. ) Applied behavioral analysis in the classroom . Lombard SChool District 44, Lombard, IL.
Johnson, L.J. (03-1985. ) Issues in using meta-analysis to summarize early childhood special eduation research .Illinois Council for Exceptional Children , Bloomington, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (05-1984. ) Techniques to effectively evaluate early childhood programs .3rd Annual Illinois Birth to Three Symposium, Peoria, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (02-1984. ) Structuring your classroom for success .Durfee Elementary School, Decatur, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (11-1983. ) The great debate: Competency based teacher education .University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (04-1981. ) Effective discipline for parents .Sunnybrook School District 171, Lansing, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (12-1980. ) Rx for teacher burn-out .Chicago Regional Title I Program, Chicago, IL .
Johnson, L.J. (01-1980. ) Rx for teacher burn-out .Sunnybrook School District 171, Lansing, IL .
Paper Presentations
Bauer, A., Johnson, L. J., Vondrell, J., Vincent, N., & Sapona, R (03-2005. ) Calling all data: Tracking and monitoring assessment systems .Columbus, OH.
Bauer, A., Vondrell, J., Vincent, N., Johnson, L. J., & Sapona, R. (02-2005. ) Implementing unit-wide assessment including dispositions and student learning .Washington, DC.
Johnson, L. J., Sapona, R., Vincent, N., Bauer, A.M., & Vondrell, J. (02-2003. ) The challenge and opportunity of continuous improvement: Changing the culture of teacher preparation programs .New Orleans, LA.
Ruiz, D., Johnson, L., Brown, L., Rauch, C., Hawkins, A. (01-2003. ) Urban education: Meeting the unmet challenge through partnerships .Honolulu, HI.
Sheets-Ruiz, D., Hawkins, C., Brown, L., and Johnson, L. (2002. ) Conditions effecting urban children: Street violence .Atlanta, GA..
Sheets-Ruiz, D., Hawkins, C., Brown, L., and Johnson, L. (2002. ) Conditions effecting urban children: Street violence .Honolulu, HI.
Johnson, L.J., Lasley, T., & Loadman, B. (11-2006. ) Academic achievement of all students through quality teacher preparation: The Ohio study .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (11-2002. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .Savannah, GA. .
Johnson, L.J., & Joga, J.E. (04-2002. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (11-2001. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (04-2001. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research jounral .
LeMasters, B., & Johnson, L.J. (2001. ) Electronic data gather in preparation of the self-study .Chicago, IL .
Ruiz, D.M., Hawkins, A., Brown, L.H., & Johnson, L.J. (02-2001. ) University and urban schools partnerships for initiatives of teacher education: Elements of accountability .New York, NY .
Johnson, L.J. & Noga, J.E. (11-2000. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .Las Vegas, NV .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (04-2000. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .
Marx, M., Johnson, L.J., McBroom, R., cochran, S., Stillwell, M. (06-2000. ) Joining forces: A researcher-practitioner partnership for a Head Start local impact study .Washington, D.C. .
Ruiz, D.M., & Johnson, L.J. (12-2000. ) Documenting child, family and program outcomes: Models for accountability .Albuquerque, NM .
Ruiz, D.M., Marx, M., Johnson, L.J., Sykes, D., & Herwig, J. (06-2000. ) Practitioner and researcher partners building evaluation capcity for data-driven decision-making .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (11-1999. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research jounral .Palm Springs, CA .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (04-1999. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research jounral .Charlotte, NC .
Bagnato, S.J., Isler, M., Gestrich, S., & Johnson, L.J. (07-1998. ) Comprehensive, coordinated service delivery to improve the lives of young children and their families .Washington, D.C. .
Carr, V., Denno, D., & Johnson, L. (12-1998. ) The curriculum-based screening portfolio for preschoolers .Chicago, IL .
Carr, V., Johnson, L.J., Stayton, V., LaMontagne, M.J., & Kilgo, J. (12-1998. ) Description of early childhood and early childhood special educaiton unified programs .Chicago, IL .
Carr, V., & Johnson, L.J. (12-1998. ) Finding community-wide solutions for preschoolers with challenging behaviors .Chicago, IL .
Carr, V.W., Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (07-1998. ) Ohio Head Start: A report on children and families .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J., Noga, J.E., Marx M., Sykes, D., Carr, V.W., & Rush M.L. (07-1998. ) Head Start in Ohio: A Collaborative model for program research, evaluation and design .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J., Zorn, D., Nelson, K., Tatem, D., & Wilder, N. (1998. ) Ohio Head Start: A report on children and families .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (11-1998. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .Dallas, TX.
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (11-1998. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .Minneapolis, MN.
Johnson, L.J., & Nogal, J.E. (04-1998. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .Dallas, TX.
Kilgo, J., Stayton, V., & Johnson, L.J. (12-1998. ) Standards for early childhood professionals: A national study of program graduate perceptions .Chicago, IL .
Ruiz, D.M., & Johnson, L.J. (12-1998. ) What families want from early child care providers/services: Research-based practices . Chicago, IL .
Stayton, V., LaMontagne, M., & Johnson, L.J. (12-1998. ) Unified early childhood personnel preparation programs: An examination of research practices and needs .Chicago, IL .
Wheeler-Russell, G., & Johnson, L.J. (12-1998. ) Evaluating IFSP's in Ohio: A determination of utility and impact .Chicago, IL .
Johnson, L.J., Davis, P., & Ruiz, D. (1997. ) Families of children with severe behavioral problems: Characterization through family perception .Salt Lake City, UT .
Johnson, L.J., Davis, P., & Ruiz, D. (1997. ) Project Succeed: Family participation in an alternative to suspension and expulsion .Salt Lake City, UT .
Johnson, L.J., & Noga, J.E. (11-1997. ) TESE writers' workshop: Writing for a research journal .Savannah, GA .
Zorn, D., & Johnson, L.J. (1997. ) Forfronting stakeholders' values in planning for program evaluation .Sand Diego, CA.
Carr, V.W., Webb, J., Johnson, L.J., Barnett, D., DeMeo, W., Shuemak, S., Schwiegeraht, L., Nelson, K., & Maples, K. (12-1996. ) Development of a new screening process for Head Start .Mason, OH.
LaMontagne, M.J., Johnson, L.J., V.W., Kilgo, J.L., & Stayton, V.D. (12-1996. ) Early childhood education and early childhood special education: Barriers and potentials in program unification for institutions of higher education .Phoenix, AZ .
Johnson, L.J. (02-1995. ) Resource management .University of Cincinnati .
Johnson, L.J. (11-1995. ) Creating community/university partnerships to revitalize neighborhoods .Columbus, OH .
Johnson, L.J., Kilgo, J., Stayton, V., LaMontagne, M.J. & Carr, V. (10-1995. ) Descriptions of early childhood and early childhood special education programs: Preliminary data analysis .Orlando, FL .
Johnson, L.J., Wheeler-Russell, G. (11-1995. ) A dean's view of ways to promote diversity .Honolulu, HI .
LaMontagne, M.J., Johnson, L.J., Kilgo, J., Stayton, V.D., & Carr, V.W. (11-1995. ) Early childhood and early childhood special education: Collaborative process in institutions of higher education .Orlando, FL .
Johnson, L.J., Wheeler, Russell, G., von Allmen, E., Davis, P.S., Seery, M.E., & LaMontagne, M.J. (10-1994. ) The practice of includion in preschool: Parent and professional perceptions .Dayton, OH .
Johnson, L.J., Wheeler-Russell, G., von Allmen, E., Davis, P.S., Seery, M.E., & LaMontagne, M.J. (08-1994. ) The practice of inclusion in preschool: Parent and professional perceptions .Lexington, Ky .
Browm C.W., Johnson, L.J., McEvoy, M., & McBride, S. (1993. ) Let's talk about research: Where we are and where we would like to go .San Diego, CA .
Johnson, L.J., & LaMontagne, M.J. (12-1993. ) Arena assessment: A practical guide for practitioners .San Diego, CA .
LaMontagne, M.J., Sexton, D., Fewell, R., Johnson, L.J., & Thompson, B. (12-1993. ) Student research issues in early intervetion: Views from the field .San Diego, CA .
Johnson, L.J. (1993. ) How can colllaborative consultation be taught .San Antonio, TX.
Johnson, L.J. (11-1992. ) Collaboration in early intervention .Cincinnati, OH .
Johnson, L.J. (09-1992. ) Research with colleagues in other colleges and how to get it underway successfully .Cincinnati, OH.
Feldis, D., Johnson, L.J., & Hess, D. (12-1992. ) The usefulness of multifactored assessment reports for classroom intervention .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J.,LaMontagne, M.J., (11-1992. ) Collaboration in early intervention .Cincinnati, OH .
Johnson, L.J. (04-1992. ) Facilitation the transition of children with special needs and their families from early intervention settings to regular kindergarten settions .Baltimore, MD .
Kilgo, J., Johnson, L.J., Cooper, C., Cook, M., & Stayton, V. (04-1992. ) A multistate study examining the utility of information gathered through family assessment instruments .Baltimore, MD .
Johnson, L.J. (11-1991. ) Encouragine regular education integration .Cincinnati, OH .
Johnson, L.J. (04-1991. ) Encouraging general educators to use alternative interventions for children with mild learning and behavioral disabilities .Atlanta, GA .
Johnson, L.J., Brady, J., & Sykes, D. (11-1991. ) Utlizing inservice training as a startegy to create and enahnce integrated programs for young children with disabilities .St. Louis, MO .
Johnson, L.J., & LaMontagne, M.J. (04-1991. ) Kepping in step...Problem solving with others .Atlanta, GA .
Sindelar, P., Crocker, L., Johnson, L.J., & Wilborn, A.O. (11-1991. ) Design and methodology options for teacher education researchers .Charlotte, NC .
Stayton, V., Cooper, C.S., Cook, M., Kilgo, J., & Johnson, L.J. (11-1991. ) Examination of utility of information obatined from family assessment instruments: A multi-state perspective .St. Louis, MO .
Pugach, M.C., Johnson, L.J. (11-1991. ) The interface of special education within teacher education reform efforts: Experience from two institutions .Charlotte, NC .
Johnson, L.J., Pugach, M.C., & Cahalane, B. (04-1990. ) Improving collaborative relationships between special and general education: What's the next step? .Toronto, Ontario.
Johnson, L.J., & McEvoy, M. (07-1990. ) Preparing preschoolers for kindergarten: What do teachers expect? .Atlanta, GA .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M.C. (04-1990. ) Facilitation independent problem-solving through peer collaboration .Toronto, Ontario.
Johnson, L.J., & Yongue, C.P. (02-1990. ) Preparing preschoolers for kindergarten: What do teachers expect? .Tuscaloosa, AL .
Livingston, J., Davis, S., Beeler, R., Cook, M., & Johnson, L.J. (02-1990. ) Activities to facilitate the integration of handicapped and nonhandicapped children in preschool settings .Tuscaloosa, AL .
Richardson, C., Cook, M., & Johnson, L.J. (02-1990. ) Determining preschool service delivery options .Tuscaloosa, AL .
Johnson, L.J., Odom, S., Kretschmer, R., & Brotherson, M.J. (10-1990. ) A qualitative orientation toward early intervention research .Albuquerque, NM .
Johnson, L.J. (11-1989. ) Implementation of findings from evaluation studies .Memphis, TN .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M.C. (11-1989. ) An untapped source of collaborative problems solving .Memphis, TN .
Hammitte, D., Cook, M.J., & Johnson, L.J. (10-1989. ) Special competence in children: How to identify and facilitate the development of self-esteem .Minneapolis, MN .
Johnson, L.J., & Cook, M.J. (10-1989. ) A comparative examination of the Dial-R and DDST screening tests .Minneapolis, MN .
Stayton, V., Cooper, C., Johnson, L.J., & Kilgo, J. (10-1989. ) Innovative teacher training practice to confront the challenges of P.L. 99-457 .Minneapolis, MN .
Bolland, K.A., McLean, J., & Johnson, L.J. (10-1989. ) An evaluation of the implementation of an early childhood interagency transition model .San Francisco, CA .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M.C. (04-1989. ) Tapping the expertise of the general educator .San Francisco, CA .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M.C. (03-1989. ) The natural affinity between reflective teaching practice and meta-cognitive thinking .San Francisco, CA .
Kilgo, J.L., Johnson, L.J., Cook, M.J., & Hammitte, D.J. (04-1989. ) An overview of early childhood special education supervisors .San Francisco, CA .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M.C. (04-1989. ) Peer collaboration: Unlocking expertise in general education through teacher dialogue .San Francisco, CA .
Cook, M.J., Johnson, L.J., & Kilgo, J. (03-1989. ) Comparison of early childhood special education competencies in rural and urban settings in six states .Fort Lauderdale, FL .
Johnson, L.J., Waid, J., Richardson, C., & Kendal, K. (02-1989. ) MEeting the challenges of providing services to young handicapped children and their families .Birmingham, AL .
Pugach, M., & Johnson, L.J. (11-1988. ) Facilitation consultation: A reconsideration of the consulting relationship . Salt Lake City, UT .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M. (10-1988. ) Peer collaboration: A problem solving process for teachers .Huntsville, AL.
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M. (03-1988. ) Teacher collaboration to solve problems .Washington, D.C. .
Pugach, M.C., & Johnson, L.J. (04-1988. ) Peer collaboration: Enhancing teacher problem-solving capabilities for students' at-risk .New Orleans, LA .
Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L., Friend, M., Johnson, L.J., Pugach, M.C., & Safer, N. (11-1987. ) Directive vs. non-directive approaches to prefessional intervention: Implications for school-based consulation .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J. (11-1987. ) The regular education initiative .Birmingham, AL .
Johnson, L.J., & Alford, J. (11-1987. ) Meta-analysis for single-subject research: Help or hindrance? .Mobile, AL .
Johnson, L.J., Karnes, M.B., Brigance, A., McCarthy, J., McLean, M., Sanford, A., & Huntinger, P . (10-1987. ) Ongoing assessment in early childhood special education .Denver, CO .
Johnson, L.J., Pugach, M., & Cook, R.J. (04-1987. ) Systematic dialogue as a pre-referral intervention: Self-appraisal through peer collaboration .Washington, D.C. .
Holder-Brown, L., Cook, M., & Johnson, L.J. (02-1987. ) Mainstreaming orthopedically young children .Montgomery, AL .
Johnson, L.J., & Cook, R.J. (02-1987. ) The peer collaboration process: A problem solving process for teachers .Urbana, IL .
Johnson, L.J., Holder-Brown, L., & Cook, M. (02-1987. ) Issues in research of young handicapped children .Montgomery, AL .
Pugach, M.C., & Johnson, L.J. (11-1987. ) Directive vs. non-directive approaches to prereferral intervention: Implications for school-based consultation .Washington, D.C. .
Pugach, M.C., & Johnson, L.J. (10-1987. ) Strategic problem solving skills for classroom teachers through peer collaboration: A prereferral intervention for students at risk .Madison, WI .
Johnson, L.J., & Pugach, M. (11-1986. ) Metacognition in teacher education: Training for self-appraisal and the problem of over-referral . Louisville, KY .
Johnson, L.J., & Santelli, B. (09-1986. ) Meeting family life education needs of developmentally disabled adults .Chicago, IL .
Johnson, L.J., Santelli, B., & Schmidt, P. (05-1986. ) Learning independence through family life education .Chicago, IL .
Karnes, M., & Johnson, L.J. (05-1986. ) Programming for bright/talented Head Start Children .San Francisco, CA .
Kranes, M., & Johnson, L.J. (04-1986. ) Brining out talents and gifts in Head Start children .New Orleans, LA .
Johnson, L.J., & Cohen, T. (04-1986. ) Increasing handicapped child's ability to persist at a difficult task .New Orleans, LA .
Karnes, M., Santelli, B., & Johnson, L.J. (11-1985. ) Involving families in early childhood special education programs .Chicago, IL .
Karnes, M., Johnson, L.J., & Cohen, T. (04-1985. ) Teacher behaviors that enhance levels of task persistence in young children .Anaheim, CA .
Karnes, M., Johnson, L.J., Strain, P., Odom, S., & Wolery, M. (10-1985. ) Future directions in evaluation of early chlidhood special education programs .Denver, CO .
Johnson, L.J., Fujiura, G., & Heal, L. (04-1984. ) Defining restrictiveness across facility alternatives .Charleston, IL .
Johnson, L.J., & Ritter, S., (04-1984. ) Use of cross-age tutoring as an aid to effective instruction .Washington, D.C. .
Johnson, L.J. (11-1983. ) Using play-check and the good behavior game to reduce inappropriate classroom behavior .Chicago, IL .
Honors and Awards
Graduated from Western Illinois University with Honors
Awarded a Graduate College Dissertation Research Grant
Awarded a College of Education Dissertation Research Grant
Awarded a Dissertation Grant from Phi Delta Kappen
Awarded an Outstanding Dissertation Grant from the Graduate Student Organization
"Enhancing essential relationships: Developing a nurturing affective environment for ong children" was selected for inclusion in J. S. McKee & K.M. Paciorek (Eds.) Annual editions: Educating exceptional children (6th Ed., pp. 153-159). Guilford, CT: Dushkin.
"Rethinking the relationship between consultation and collaborative problem solving" was selected for inclusion in E. L. Meyen, G.A. Vergason, & R.J. Whelan (Eds.) Challenges facing special education. Tucson, AZ: Love.
Recognized in 2002 at the Ohio Educational Services Center Association annual meeting for Outstanding Leadership Award.
Recognized in 1998 at the Council for Exceptional Children annual convention for Teacher Education Division Publication Award.
Recognized in 1997 at the Ohio Department of Education Awards Ceremony for contributions to early childhood education.
Recognized in 1995 by the International Council of Exceptional Children Division of Teacher Education, for contributions as President of the Division.
Recognized in 1995 by the University of Cincinnati for scholarly contributions to the field.
Recognized in 1994 and 1999 by the College of Education of the University of Cincinnati for service contributions to the college. (Sylvia Boltz Tucker Award).
Recognized in 1994 for contributions to Ohio's Hunger Task Force.
Recognized in 1993 for contribution as Department Head of Special Education at the University of Cincinnati.
Recognized in 1993 by the International Council of Exceptional Children Division of Early Childhood for contributions to the strategic planning process for the division.
Recognized in 1992 by the International Council of Exceptional Children Division of Early Childhood for contributions as Research Chair of the Division.
Manuscript entitled "The democratization of consultation through action research" was selected as the most outstanding manuscript of the journal Teacher Education and Special Education, published in 1990, Vol.13
Recognized in 1987 by Alabama's State Superintendent of Schools for contributions to the Educational Systems of Alabama.
Recognized in 1983 by Illinois State Suerintendent of Schools for contributions to special education in Illinois.
Teacher Education and Special Education Editor Type:Editorial Service 1998 -2003
The Journal of Early Intervention Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service 01-1988 -07-1992
Focus on Research Editor Type:Editorial Service 1989 -1992
Journal of Early Intervention (Research Notes section ) Editor Type:Editorial Service 01-1987 -01-1988
Journal of the Division for Early Childhood (Special issue editor. ) 1986
Committee Chair Type:Editorial Service
Teacher Education and Special Education Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service 1984 -1998
NHSA DIALOG Consultant Type:Editorial Service 1995 -To Present
QSE: Internation Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education Consultant Type:Editorial Service 1995 -To Present
The Journal of Special Education Consultant Type:Editorial Service 04-1988 -To Present
The Journal for the Education of the Gifted Consultant Type:Editorial Service 07-1988 -To Present
The Journal of Early Intervention Consultant Type:Editorial Service 08-1992 -To Present
The Journal of Teacher Education Consultant Type:Editorial Service 08-1990 -To Present
Remedial and Special Education Consultant Type:Editorial Service 01-1988 -12-1991
The Journal of the Division of Early Childhood Consultant Type:Editorial Service 07-1984 -06-1988
Mental Retardation Systems Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service 04-1985 -07-1988
Office of Special Education Programs Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1996 -To Present
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 08-1992 -To Present
Diagnostic Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 08-1992 -To Present
Exceptionalities Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 09-1990 -To Present
Education Foundations Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 09-1990 -09-1993
Remedial and Special Education Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 1987
Council of Deans Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 2003
Preventing Students Disturbances Member Type:University/College Service 2002 -To Present
Administrative Services Advisory Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2002 -To Present
Advisory Committee to MCH LEND Project; Children's Hospital Member Type:University/College Service 06-2002 -To Present
Search Committee for Dean of College of Applied Sciences Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 2002
Professional Affiliation
05-1983 -06-1983: Statistical Consultant Precise Early Education for Children with Handicaps (P.E.E.C.H.) Outreach Project and Retrieval and Acceleration of Young Handicapped and Talented (R.A.P.Y.H.T.) Outreach Project. Colonel Wolfe School, Champaign, IL. Provided assistance in the development of the statistical aspects of the evaluation design used in each project. Analyzed and interpreted each program's evaluation data.
10-1983 -06-1984: Behavioral Consultant Schools within Macon and Piatt Counties of Illinois. Macon-Piatt Special Education Cooperative, Decatur, IL. Worked with individual teachers to develop behavior programs to remediate inappropriate student behavior and to improve their behavior management skills.
12-1983 -01-1984: Statistical Consultant The First National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Identified and conducted the appropriate statistical analysis for the "Retail Industry and Treasury Practice Survey," which was a national survey regarding the ways in which the retail industry used banking services.
12-1983 -01-1984: Statistical Consultant Dr. W. G. Gingold, Executive Director, Developmental Services Center. Champaign, IL. Provided assistance in establishing the reliability of the "Organizational Life and Growth and Crises Identification Scale."
01-1985 -04-1985: Evaluation Consultant Early Childhood Program of the Urbana School District; Urbana, IL. Provided assistance in the development of an evaluation of the Early Childhood Program.
08-1985 -08-1986: Evaluation Consultant State of Illinois; Springfield, IL. Provided assistance in teh development of a comprehensive evaluation design for the Illinois State Plan to provide comprehensive services to children and their families ages 0-5 being served by early childhood special education services. Worked with sub-committees to monitor progress toward their objectives and developed a plan to evaluate services to children as the State of Illinois instituted services.
08-1986 -09-1988: Evaluation Consultant Region V Resource Access Project. Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, and Michigan. Provided assistance in the development of a comprehensive evaluation design for project activities.
07-1987 -07-1990: Research Consultant Professional and Parent Paraprofessional Early Intervention Service Delivery Research Project. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Consulted on research design and data analysis procedures being implemented.
08-1988 -07-1990: Evaluation Consultant Rural Preparation Project for Supervisors in Early Childhood Special Education. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Evaluated implementation and outcomes of project objectives.
08-1987 -07-1990: Evaluation Consultant State of Alabama Early Childhood Special Education program. Montgomery, AL. Provided assistance in the development of a comprehensive evaluation design for services being provided to young children and their families.
07-1988 -07-1991: Evaluation Consultant Early Intervention Field-Based Training Project. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL. Evaluated implemention and outcomes of project objectives.
10-1991: Evaluation Consultant University of Wisconsin-University Affiliated Program. Madison, WI. Assisted with conceptualization of early childhood special education project, development of data collection instruments and data analysis techniques.
08-1989 -09-1992: Evaluation Consultant National Resource Access Network. United States and the Territories. Provided assistance in the development of the research design for their national effort to examine effective techniques for integrating children with handicapping conditions within Head Start.
08-1989 -07-1990: Research Consultant Project Alliance. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. Consulted on procedures, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
08-1989 -05-1990: Educational Consultant Mountain Brook School District. Homewood, AL. Provided training and support to enable the entire school district in the use of Peer Collaboration to help classroom teachers develop alternatives to accommodate the needs of students experiencing mild learning and behavior problems.
08-1991: Evaluation Consultant Covington School Early Intervention Program. Covington, KY. Developed evaluation designs, data collection instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis procedures for early intervention program evaluations and foundation research proposals.
08-1991 -12-1991: Evaluation Consultant Wright State University, Dayton, OH. Conducted external evaluation of their special education department and provided a written report, which included a summary of the evaluation with recommendations for future directions.
08-1991 -09-1994: Evaluation Consultant Division for Early Childhood, International Council for Exceptional Children. Cincinnati, OH. Designed a questionnaire, data collection and analysis procedures for a natinal effort identify field based best practice strategies and techniques. Provided input into a written report which summarized the results of the national survey which was submitted to the International Division of Early Childhood for dissemination to members.
08-1990 -09-1993: Evaluation Consultant Ohio State University - Special Education Program. Columbus, OH. Assisted with conceptualization of early childhood special education project, development of data collection instruments and data analysis techniques.
08-1991: Evaluation Consultant National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System. Cincinnati, OH. Assisted with conceptualization of asustem of evaluation support for issues related to early childhood special education. As part of this effort, consulted with representatives from the following states on evaluation: California, Arizona, Kansas, Alaska, New Hampshire, Colorado, Rhode Island, New York, Delaware, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Idaho, Vermont, Missouri, Virginia, and Florida.
07-1993 -07-1994: Evaluation Consultant Portage Early Childhood Projects. Portage, WI. Assisted with the development of outcome evaluations of funded projects.
08-1995: Evaluation Consultant University of Pittsburgh Early Childhood Special Education Projects. Pittsburgh, PA. Assisted with the development of procedures to determine the impact of their early childhood projects.
Memberships in the Council for Exceptional Children: Teacher Education Division, Early Childhood Division, Research Division.
American Education Research Association. Member.
09-1982 -06-1985: Council for Exceptional Children, Chpater 51, President.
1988: Alabama Division of Early Childhood of the Alabama Council for Exceptional Children, Vice-President.
1988: Alabama Division of Early Childhood of the Alabama Council for Exceptional Children, President.
1988: The Alamaba Council for Exceptional Children, Pan-Coordinator.
1989 -To Present: Elected to the Executive Board of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children in the following positions: Member at Large, 1989-1991. Vice President, 1992-present. This position is a four year term and automatically shifts to President Elect, the President and finally Past President.
1989 -1992: Executive Committee of the Early Childhood Division of the International Council for Exceptional Children, Chairperson of Research, Member.
1991 -1992: Executive Board of the Research Division of the International Council for Exceptional Children, Member.
1992 -To Present: Board of Directors of the Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium, Member.
2000 -2002: Chair. Ohio Department of Education coalition of Educational Organizations.
1998 -To Present: Chair. State Superintendent's Task Force.
2002 -2003: Chair. Council of Univeristy of Cincinnati Deans.
2002 -2003: Member. University of Cincinnati President's Cabinet.
2001 -2002: Vice President. State University of Education Deans.
2001 -To Present: Member. 4C's Advisory Council.
2002 -To Present: Member. iSpace Board of Directors.
2002 -To Present: Member. Success by 6 Operations Council of the Community Chest.
2002 -To Present: Member. OSI Discovery Advisory Committee.
2002 -To Present: Member. Project Grad.
1999 -2002: State Teachers Accountability Task Force.
1998 -To Present: Member. State Superintendent's Task Force on Special Education.
1999 -2000: Member. Governor's Urban Revitalization Task Force.
1992: Member. Advisory Board of the Johnson and Johnson Foundation.
1991 -To Present: Member. University Affiliated Cincinnati Center for Developmental Disorders Research Advisory Subcommittee.
1992: Member. NEC*TAS Evaluation Task Force.
1996: Member. Congress of Urban Schools.
1989 -1992: Chair. Division for Early Childhood Conference Research strand. Reviewed all research proposals submitted for considerations as presentations at the International DEC Conferences.
1984 -1985: Elected to the Nomination and Election committee to elect new officers for the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1985 -1989: Member. Research Committee for the Early Childhood Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1989 -1992: Chairperson. Research Committee for the Early Childhood Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1985 -1986: Member. Illinois Handicapped Children's Early Education Program Advisory Panel. Participant in the Evaluation Subcommittee.
1986 -1989: Member. Budget Task Force for the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1987 -1988: Member. Publications Committee of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1989 -1992: Chairperson. Publications Committee of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1987 -1988: Member. National Inquiry Study Group on Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Partnership for Personnel Preparation Programs and Building Better Partnership in Public Schools.
11-01-1987 -11-03-1987: Member. Advisory Committee for the National Early Childhood Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Denver, CO.
1986 -1990: Appointed to and then elected Vice Chairperson and then Chairperson of the Alabama Special Education Advisory Board to advise the State Superintendent of Schools on the implementation of PL 94-142 in Alabama.
1987 -1989: Member. National Inquiry Study Group on Integrative Training in Special and Regular Education.
1986 -1988: Member. Alabama Handicapped Children's Early Education Program Advisory Panel. Participant in the following subcommittees: Standards for Programs Serving Children 3-5 (Chairperson), Needs Assessment and Evaluation, Standards for Programs Serving Children Birth-2, Standards for Personnel Preparation.
1988: Appointed to the Alabama Committee to Develop Guidelines for an R.F.P. to address the needs of "Grey Area" children and to facilitate better cooperation between general and special educators.
1987 -1989: Member. Ad Hoc Task Force on a Research Agenda for the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1987 -1989: Member. Alabama Congress of Parents and Teacher Exceptional Child Committee.
1988 -1989: Member. Research Committee of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1988 -1990: Member. Advisory Board of the Alabama Head Start.
10-21-1989 -10-25-1989: Member. Program Advisory Committee for National Early Childhood Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Minneapolis, MN.
1989 -To Present: Member. Publications Committee of the Division of Research of the Council for Exceptional Children.
1989 -To Present: Chairperson. First Annual Southeastern DEC Conference in which 12 Southeastern States are participating in an effort to develop a regional early intervention conference.
07-1992: Co-Chairperson. The Ohio Early Childhood Special Education Higher Education Consortium Summer Institute: Proceedings and directions for collaboration in the year 2000.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Exceptional Children Level:Undergraduate
Specialized Instruction Seminar
Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education. Level:Both
Methods for Teaching the Gifted and Talented. Level:Graduate
Resource & Consulting Teach Project.
Historical Theories in Learning Disabilities Level:Graduate
Working with Families of Young Children with Disabilities Level:Both
Assessment of Y oung Children with Disabilities Level:Both
Seminar in Early Education of Children with Disabilities Level:Graduate
Applied Behavioral Research
Techniques and Strategies Level:Undergraduate
Research in Special Education
Special Education Doctoral Seminar
Seeking and Obtaining External Funds
Current Issues in Early Childhood Special Education
Contact Information
Academic - The University of Cincinnati College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services
401 Teachers College
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-556-2322
Fax: 513-556-2483
Home - 1373 Skyview Circle
Phone: 812-537-0890
Fax: 513-677-2945