Randy Johnson

Randy A Johnson


Emeritus Faculty

Professional Summary

Undergraduate degree: A.B. in Chemistry, Princeton University, 1969
Graduate degree: Ph.D. in Physics, University of California at Berkeley, 1975

Professional History:
Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1976-1984
Professor, University of Cincinnati, 1984-present

Present Courses: Undergraduate Mechanics and Relativity

Previous Courses: College and General Physics
Modern Physics for Engineers
Advanced Lab for Majors
Graduate Electrodynamics
Graduate Particle Physics


Ph.D.: University of California at Berkeley 1975

Research and Practice Interests

I have been building detectors and doing neutrino experiments at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory for the last 10 years. Presently I am part of the MiniBooNE collaboration which began data taking in the fall of 2002 and will continue to run until June of 2005. This experiment is looking for evidence of neutrino flavor changes. (We know of three types of neutrinos: the electron, muon and tau neutrinos. If they are massless and distinct, then the neutrinos observed in a detector would have to be the same type produced elsewhere. However, if they have mass and are coupled by some type of interaction, then quantum mechanics would allow them to change as they travelled from the production point to the detection point. There is evidence of such a change happening in an experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory. MiniBooNE is designed to confirm with high precision or refute definitely this experiment). In addition to MiniBooNE, I am still part of NuTeV, a high energy neutrino experiment at Fermilab. We are in the final stages of data reduction for this experiment and expect to have the final results published later this year.

Research Support

Grant: #PHY-0406400 001 Investigators:Johnson, Randy 08-01-2004 -01-31-2011 National Science Foundation Neutrino Physics at Fermilab Role:PI $330,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 06117 Investigators:Johnson, Randy 09-01-2005 -08-31-2007 Department of Energy Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment to the Department of Energy for Professor Randy A. Johnson Role:PI $273,274.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #PHY-0244915 Investigators:Johnson, Randy 08-01-2003 -07-31-2006 National Science Foundation Neutrino Physics at Fermilab Role:PI $110,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PHY-0070413-NCE Investigators:Johnson, Randy 04-01-2000 -09-30-2003 National Science Foundation Neutrino Physics at Fermilab Role:PI $442,183.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PHY-9512716-002 Investigators:Johnson, Randy 07-01-1995 -01-31-2000 National Science Foundation Neutrino Physics at Fermilab Role:PI $240,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 007694 Investigators:Johnson, Randy 09-01-2011 -08-31-2012 Department of Energy Research in Particle Physics Role:PI $15,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #DE-SC0011784 Investigators:Argyres, Philip; Johnson, Randy; Kagan, Alexander; Kinoshita, Kay; Schwartz, Alan; Sousa, Alexandre 06-01-2014 -05-31-2017 Department of Energy Research in Particle Theory and Experiment at the University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $914,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal


High Energy Physics Experiments