Heekyoung Jung
Assoc Professor
Master of Design Program Director
Aronoff Center
DAAP School of Design - 0016
Professional Summary
With a background in Human-Computer Interaction Design, Heekyoung Jung specializes in the design of information and product systems that simplify human experience with engaging user interfaces and empower human through creative and reflective practice. Her work extends to applying design as an exploratory and provocative method to investigate and reimagine the entangled relationship between humans and technology. She aims to cultivate aesthetic awareness through design research and education by unraveling entangled perspectives in complex system design, revealing hidden tensions, and visualizing invisible values. Her research interests include but are not limited to:
- Support for creative practice using mixed-media centered on aesthetics and values,
- Enhancing the expressiveness of human-computer interfaces through sensory integration,
- Development of use cases for human-machine collaboration,
- Linking design theory and practice through changing paradigms in HCI research.
Her recent projects are updated on design theory in practice.
Ph.D.: Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA, 2011 (School of Informatics and Computing)
MS: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Deajeon, South Korea, 2005 (Interaction Design)
BS: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Deajeon, South Korea, 2003 (Industrial Design)
Research and Practice Interests
User Interface, Interaction, and Experience Design; Information Product System Design; Research Through Design; Prototyping for Participatory Design; Creative and Reflective Informatics; Design (with) AI.
Research Support
Grant: #Safe & Smart Lift Truck Experience Investigators:Choi, Soo-Shin; Jung, Heekyoung 08-15-2013 -04-30-2014 Crown Equipment Smart+Safe Lift Truck Experience Role:Collaborator $60,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #LWC In Flight Redesign Investigators:Jung, Heekyoung 12-01-2013 -12-01-2014 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. In Flight Communication Redesign Role:PI $31,340.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary Awards AY2016-17 Investigators:Jung, Heekyoung 05-01-2017 -04-30-2018 UC's University Research Council Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Application to Enhance Self-Reflection on the Mind and Body Association Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #IFF Grant Investigators:Jung, Heekyoung; Rebola, Claudia 06-01-2023 -05-31-2024 Ian's Friends Foundation ArtCAN Teens Role:Collaborator 37000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Jung, H., Wiltse, H., Wiberg, M., Stolterman, E. (2017. ) Metaphors, materialities, and affordances: Hybrid morphologies in the design of interactive artifacts.Design Studies, , 53 ,24 -46
More InformationSanchez, N., Chopra, S., Friedman, M., Revalee, J., Yang, Z., France, A., Brown, K., Clarke-Myers, K., Hanke, S., Wu, D., Jung, H. (2018. ) Capturing Medical Complications Data for Inclusion in National Registries: A Needs Assessment .the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Clinical Informatics Conference, ,
Stolterman, E., Jung, H., Ryan, W., Siegal, M. (2013. ) Device Landscapes – a new challenge to interaction design and HCI research .Archives of Design Research, , 26 (2 ) ,7 -33
Jung, H., Bardzell, S., Blevis, E., Pierce, J., Stolterman, E. (2011. ) How deep is your love: deep narratives of ensoulment and heirloom status .International Journal of Design, , 5 (1 ) ,57 -71
Jung, H., Kim, S., Chan, J., Li, Y., Zhang, Y. (2016. ) This is not a watch: Reframing the design of wrist-worn devices .Proceedings of International Conference on Design and Emotion, , 322 -332
Jung, H. Zhou, J. (2016. ) Trends in mobile and wearable stress care & design implications for a culture of wellness .Proceedings of Academic Design Management Conference (ADMC), , 1068 -1084
Jung, H. (2016. ) An integrated approach to workplace safety and wellness: Case studies of warehouse communication system design .Society of Experiential Graphic Design (SEGD) Research Journal: Communication + Place, ,
Dixon, C., Ammerman, R., Dexheimer, J., Meyer, B., Jung, H., Johnson, B., Elliott, J., Jacobs,T., Pomerantz, W., Mahabee-Gittens, M. (2014. ) Development of iBsafe: A collaborative, theory-based approach to creating a mobile game application for child safety .Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, , 77 -85
Zhang, L. Jung, H. (2013. ) Simplicity by metaphor: How to apply metaphor to achieve simplicity of interaction design .Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research, , 1656 -1667
Jung, H. Stolterman, E. (2012. ) Digital form & materiality: Theoretical propositions for a new approach to interaction design research.Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), , 645 -654
More InformationJung, H. Stolterman, E. (2011. ) Material probe: exploring materiality of digital artifacts.Proceedings of International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), , 153 -156
More InformationJung, H., Blevis, E., Stolterman, E. (2010. ) Conceptualizations of the materiality of digital artifacts and their implications for sustainable interaction design .Proceedings of Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference, ,
Jung, H., Altieri, Y., Bardzell, J. (2010. ) SKIN: designing aesthetic interactive surfaces.Proceedings of International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), , ACM ,85 -92
More InformationJung, H., Stolterman, E., Ryan, W., Thompson, T., Siegel, M. (2008. ) Toward a framework for ecologies of artifacts: how are digital artifacts interconnected within a personal life? .Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), , 201 -210
More InformationJung, H. (2020. ) In Search of Forms for Evocative and Generative Reflection: Exploratory Studies and a Design Proposal.Proceedings of Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI), , ACM ,Paper 104: 1 - 13 More Information
Jung, H., Ståhl, A. (2018. ) Soma-Wearable Design: Integrating Somaesthetic Practice and Fashion Design for Somatic Wellbeing .Proceedings of Design Research Society (DRS), , 646 - 679
Zhou, Q., Jung, H. (2019. ) Learning and Sharing Creative Skills with Short Videos: A Case Study of User Behavior in TikTok and Bilibili .International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), ,
Jung, H., Trischler, D.J. (2021. ) Exploring Generative Reflection by Agency of Visual Practice: An Autoethnographic Study on Reflection by Noticing and Making.Proceedings of Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), , ACM ,549–563 More Information
Wu, DTY., Xin, C., Bindhu, S., Xu, C., Sachdeva, J., Brown, J. L., Jung, H. (2020. ) Clinician Perspectives and Design Implications in Using Patient Generated Health Data to Improve Mental Health Practices .JMIR Formative Research, , 4 (8 ) ,10.2196/18123
Book Chapter
Jung, H. (2020 ) Design Possibilities and Responsibilities in Framing Well-being Ethics in Design and Communication: Critical Perspectives .Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Invited Presentations
Heeyoung Jung (05-05-2020. ) AI-Enabled UI/UX Design: Building Blocks, Guidelines & Examples .Fifth Third SME Digital Assistant Workshop, Virtual. Level:Regional
Jung, H. (12-10-2014. ) Form & Materiality of Digital Artifacts: An Evolving Trajectory of Human-Computer Interaction .HCI Korea in conjunction with the CHI AC Meeting, Seoul, South Korea. Level:International
Heeyoung Jung (11-01-2018. ) Reflections on Design for Well-Being: Toward Embodied and Transformative Reflective Practice .Cumulus Conference, Wuxi, China. Level:International
Heekyoung Jung (11-28-2022. ) Aesthetic Awareness in Entanglement HCI .Design Seminar at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Virtual. Level:International
Heeyoung Jung (01-21-2022. ) Augmented Creativity and Design Justice .College of Design at University of Minnesota, Virtual. Level:National
Jung, H. (03-02-2018). Hybrid Information System Design for Wellbeing: Design Studies and Reflections . School of Informatics and Computing Colloquium at IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. Other Institution.
Jung, H., Kim, T. (10-17-2012). Aesthetic Data Visualization: Tools & Challenges for Interaction Designers . ACM NordiCHI , Copenhagen, Demnark. Workshop. Level:International
Blevis, E., Bødker, S., Flach, J., Forlizzi, J., Jung, H., Kaptelinin, V., Nardi, B., Rizzo. (04-15-2015). Ecological Perspectives in HCI: Promise, Problems and Potentials . ACM CHI, Seoul, South Korea. Workshop. Level:International
Jung, H. (10-04-2016). Framing Interaction Design Education and Research Through the Lens of Form-Making . Ph.D. Colloquium at Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå, Sweden. Other Institution.
Jung, H. (10-29-2021). Augmented Creativity: Theories and Methods for Designing (with) AI . CIDR Lab Colloquium at KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea. Other Institution.
Jung, H. (12-01-2021). Questions Regarding Public Design for Sustainable Development . Panel at KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Sejong, South Korea. Other Institution.
Jung, H., Miller, A., Reddy, M., Siek, K., Jelen, B., Toscos, T. (02-10-2018. ) Consumer Health Informatics in Midwest .Fort Wayne, IN. Professional Meeting.