Benjamin B Just , PT, MPT
Instructor - Educator
PT, MPT Instructor-Adjunct Clinical
Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-0253
Fax 513-558-7474
Email justbn@ucmail.uc.edu
Masters of Physical Therapy: Mount St. Joseph University Cincinnati, OH, 2003 (Physical Therapy)
B.S. Rehabilitation Science: Mount St. Joseph University Cincinnati, OH, 2002 (Rehabilitation Science)
Research and Practice Interests
Ben Just's interests focus on improving the ability of allied health students to solve ill-structured problems using video games, etc.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Seo, K.K., Just, B., Victor, M. (2016. ) Cultivating positive social interactions through a web-based cyberbullying prevention program .International Journal of Innovation in Education, , 3 (2-3 ) ,
Book Chapter
Just, B., & Seo, K. K. (2020 ) Creating a computer simulation with ill-structured problems for physical therapists in acute care setting Teaching, Learning, and Leading With Computer Simulations .(pp. 1 -337).Hershey, PA, IGI Global
Honors and Awards
2020 QuILT Golden Apple UC College of Allied Health Sciences
2017 Excellence in Teaching Award, Nominee UC College of Allied Health Sciences
2017 Outstanding Adjunct of the Year, nominee University of Cincinnati
2014 Outstanding Adjunct of the Year, nominee University of Cincinnati
2014 Breakfast of Champions, Darwin T. Turners Scholars Program University of Cincinnati
2003 St. Maria Corona Leadership Award Mt. St. Joseph University
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-0253
Fax: 513-558-7474