Edna Sayomi Kaneshiro , B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Distinguished Research Professor
Professional Summary
ECBR, Cellular physiology cell biology, and biochemistry; structure and function of free-living, opportunistic and parasitic eukaryotic protists with an emphasis on lipids
B.S.: Syracuse University Syracuse, New York, 1959 (Science Education)
M.S.: Syracuse University Syracuse, New York, 1962 (Science Education)
Ph.D.: Syracuse University Syracuse, New York, 1968 (Zoology (comparative physiology))
Research and Practice Interests
The primary contributions from this lab have been on the lipids of eukaryotic protists, including freeliving, parasitic, and opportunistic pathogens. Although work on a number of different protozoa are being performed, our current focus is on the AIDS-associated opportunistic infection caused by Pneumocystis carinii. This organism causes a type of pneumonia that can lead to the death of immunocompromised individuals. Pneumocystis proliferates extracellularly in the lung alveolus where lipids constitute a major part of lung surfactant. Thus, lipids are thought to be important to the nutrition, physiology and metabolism of the organism. The biosynthesis of pathogen-specific lipids represent potential targets for drug development. We also have an interest in the cell biology and life history of this poorly understood opportunistic infectious agent.
Positions and Work Experience
1960 -1962 classroom teacher, Biology and General Science,, Baker High School, Baldwinsville, NY
1972 -1978 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1978 -1982 Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1980 -1981 Sr. Research Microbiologist, , National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, Bethesda, MD
1982 -2005 Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2005 -2010 Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Chicago, IL
Research Support
Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics, Biological Sciences preproposal for A & S competition. Role:PI Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro, Miriam Steintiz-Kannan, Ting Lu Water Environment Research Foundation Preproposal Local Algal Turf Scrubbing for Wastewater Treatment and Biofuel/Biomass Production Role:PI Denied Type:Grant
2005 -2006 University Research Council Lipids and the Predatory Behavior and Parasitic Life Style of the Proteobacterium Bacteriovorax stolpii $6,500
2005 -2006 Burroughs Wellcome Foundation 9th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists $5,000
2005 -2010 National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis $1,381,500
2006 -2007 National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases 9th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists $15,000
2006 -2007 National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases Supplement grant to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research "Undergraduate Student Nhu-An Nguyen" $27,906
2006 -2007 National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis $299,785
2007 -2008 Burroughs Wellcome Foundation 10th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists $6,000
2007 -2008 National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis $307,532
Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro, Melanie Cushion, Elizabeth Didier, Francine Marciano-Cabral, Olga Matos, Anthony Sinai, Louis Weiss, Lihua Xiao 2008 -2011 NIAID NIAID, R13 conference grant. The 10th and 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Role:PI $49,800 Type:Grant Level:National
2008 -2010 National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, Division of AIDS 10th & 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists $40,000
2009 -2009 University of Cincinnati, Provost's Diversity Committee Short-Term Visitors Role:PI $7,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #RO1 AI064084 Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro 02-01-2009 -01-31-2012 NIAID Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis Role:PI $285,561 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #ID #1008873 Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro 11-15-2009 -11-01-2010 Burroughs Wellcome Fund 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $6,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:International
Grant: #NIAID AI064084 Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro 12-31-2009 -01-31-2012 NIAID NIH research grant, "Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis", $, P.I., ($285,561, 2009-10) extension of project period without additional funds. Role:PI extension of project period without additional funds Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro 2010 -2012 University of Cincinnati, Provost's Committee on Faculty Diversity, Recruitment of a minority faculty member in cell biology, 2010-2012, $24,000 Role:PI $24,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #1R13AI078718-01 Investigators:Edna S. Kaneshiro, Melanie Cushion, Elizabeth Didier, Francine Marciano-Cabral, Olga Matos, Anthony Sinai, Louis Weiss, Lihua Xiao 05-01-2010 -04-30-2011 NIAID The 10th and 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $20,000 Active Type:Grant Level:International
Investigators:Louis Weiss (PI), Edna Kaneshiro (co-investigator) 2011 -2016 NIAID "International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists (IWOP-12, 13, and 14) Role:co-investigator $109, 278 Pending Type:Grant
Grant: #1R01AI064084-01A1 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 08-10-2005 -01-31-2012 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis Role:PI $1,288,032.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1005818 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 08-15-2005 -08-14-2006 Burroughs Wellcome Fund IX International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #1R13AI069741-01 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 03-01-2006 -04-30-2007 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Ninth International Workshops On Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $15,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1R21-AI49145-01A1NCE Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 05-01-2002 -10-31-2004 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Pneumocystis Biochemistry: Ubiquinones Role:PI $376,267.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1-R13-AI49743-01 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 06-13-2001 -06-13-2002 National Institutes of Health 7th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $8,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #AI29316-9 NCE Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 07-01-1997 -06-30-2002 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Characterization of Pneumocystis Carinii Lipids Role:PI $758,138.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 02-01-1996 -01-31-2000 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Isoprenoid Drug Targets in Pneumocystis Carinii Role:PI $576,565.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1-R13-AI45627-01 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 05-26-1999 -05-26-2000 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 6th Annual International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $2,500.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1007406 Kaneshiro Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 08-30-2007 -08-01-2008 Burroughs Wellcome Fund 10th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $6,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R13 A1078718 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 05-01-2008 -04-30-2011 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 10th and 11th International Workshops On Opportunistic Protists (IWOP-10; IWOP-11) Role:PI $40,001.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1008873 Investigators:Kaneshiro, Edna Sayomi 11-15-2009 -11-01-2010 Burroughs Wellcome Fund 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists Role:PI $6,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nkinin, S.W., J. R. Stringer, S. P. Keely, K.D.R. Setchell, J-L. Giner, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2011. Pneumocystis carinii sterol 14a-demethylase activityin Sacchromyces erg11 knockout mutant: sterol biochemistry. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 58:383-392. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2011.00554.x
Sinai, A, E.S. Kaneshiro, H. Ward, L.M. Weiss, M.T. Cushion. The State of Research for AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Infections (AOI) and the Importance of Sustaining Smaller Research Communities. Eukaryot. Cell, 2011 Dec 9. [Epub ahead of print] PMI: 22158712
Nkinin, S.W., J. R. Stringer, S. P. Keely, K.D.R. Setchell, J-L. Giner, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2011. Pneumocystis carinii sterol 14a-demethylase activity in Sacchromyces erg11 knockout mutant: sterol biochemistry. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 58:383-392. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2011.00554.x
Kaneshiro, E.S., A.H. Limper. 2011. Pneumocystis. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons,. http://www.els.net/ [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002101.pub2] (
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.T. Cushion, F. Marciano-Cabral, L.M. Weiss, L. Xiao. 2011. Highlights and Summaries of the 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists (IWOP-11), J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. , 589:1-6.
Marciano-Cabral, F., M. Jamerson, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2010. Free-living amebae, Legionella and Mycobacterium in tap water supplied by a municipal drinking water utility in the USA. J. Water Health, 9:71-82.
Wyder, M.A., S.M. Griffin, D.N. Worsham, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2010. Clearance in vivo of instilled [3H]cholesterol from the rat lung. Biochem. Res. Intl. Article ID 965716, 4 pg.
Wyder, M.A. L.Q. Johnston, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2010. Evidence for DNA synthesis in Pneumocystis carinii trophic forms treated with the b-1,3-glucan synthesis inhibitor pneumocandin L-693,989. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 57:447-448.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2010. Biochemical research elucidating metabolic pathways in Pneumocystis. Parasite, 17 (4), 285-291.
Kaneshiro, E.S., E. Dei-Cas. 2009. Guest Commentary: Why the International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists? Eukaryot. Cell, 8:426-428.
Nkinin, S.W., K. Daly, P.D. Walzer, E. Ndzi, T. Asonganyi, N. Respaldiza, F. J. Medrano, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2009. Evidence for high prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii exposure among Cameroonians. Acta Trop., 112:219-224. [Epub, Aug 6, 2009].
Laseke, I., J. Korte, S.U. R. Lamendella, E.S. Kaneshiro, F. Marciano-Cabral, D.B. Oerther. 2009. Identification of Naegleria fowleri in warm groundwater aquifers. J. Environ. Qual., 39:147-153.
Slonczewski, J.L., E.S. Kaneshiro. 2009. Letter to the Editor. Evaluating Research Based on Discovery. Microbe, 4:50.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.M. Hunt, Y. Watanabe. 2008. Bacteriovorax stolpii proliferation and predation without sphingophosphonolipids. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 367:21-25; [Epub, Dec 14, 2007].
Nguyen, N-A.T., L. Sallans, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2008. The major glycerophospholipids of the predatory and parasitic bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HID5. Lipids, 43:1053-1063. [Epub, Sept 26, 2008].
Jayasimhulu, K., S.M. Hunt, Y. Watanabe, J-L. Giner, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2007. Detection and identification of Bacteriovorax stolpii UKi2 sphingophosphonolipid molecular species. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 18:394-403.
Nkinin, S.W., T. Asonganyi, E.S. Didier, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2007. Microsporidian infection is prevalent in healthy people in Cameroon. J. Clin. Microbiol., 45:2841-2846.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin, S. Merali, O. Kayser. 2006. Ubiquinone synthesis and its regulation in Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 53:435-444.
Nkinin, S.W., S.P. Keely, J.R. Stringer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2006. The sequence of the erg 11 gene in strains Form 1 and Form 6 of Pneumocystis carinii are identical. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 53:S146-S147.
Basselin, M., S.M. Hunt, H. Abdala-Valencia, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2005. Ubiquinone synthesis in mitochondrial and microsomal subcellular fractions of Pneumocystis: differential sensitivity to atovaquone. Eukaryot. Cell; 4:1483-1492.
Giner, J-L., H. Zhao, Z. Amit, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2004. Sterol composition of Pneumocystis jirovecii with blocked 14a-demethylase activity. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51:634-643.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2004. Sterol metabolism in the opportunistic pathogen Pneumocystis: advances and new insights. Lipids, 39: 753-761.
Zhao, H., J-L. Giner, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2003. Definitive structural identities of Pneumocystis jirovecii sterols. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 50: 680.
Worsham, D.N., M. Basselin, A.G. Smulian, D.H. Beach, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2003. Evidence for cholesterol scavenging by Pneumocystis and potential modifications of host-synthesized sterols by the P. carinii SAM:SMT. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 50: 678-679.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin, S. M. Hunt. 2003. Evidence that biosynthesis of individual ubiquinone homologs in Pneumocystis carinii is under homolog-specific negative feedback (product) control. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 50:622-623.
Giner, J., H. Zhao, D.H. Beach, E.J. Parish, K. Jayasimhulu, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2002. Comprehensive and definitive structural identities of Pneumocystisi carinii sterols. J. Lipid Res., 43:1114-1124.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2002. Is Pneumocystis a plant? J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 49:367–373.104.
Sul, D., E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. carinii biosynthesizes de novo four homologs of ubiquinone. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 48:184-189.
Amit, Z., E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Heterogeneity of Pneumocystis sterol profiles in samples from different sites of the same lung suggests co-infection by distinct organism populations. J. Clin. Microbiol., 39: 1137-1139.
Basselin, M., Y.H. Qui, K.J. Lipscomb, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Uptake of the neutral amino acids glutamine, leucine and serine by Pneumocystis carinii. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 391:90-98.
Watanabe, Y., M. Nakajima, T. Hoshino, K. Jayasimhulu, E.E. Brooks, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. A novel phospholipid head group 1-hydroxy-2-aminoethyl phosphonate identified in the major sphingophosphonolipid of the bacterium Bdellovibrio stolpii. Lipids, 36:513-519.
Basselin-Eiweida, M., E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Detection of two distinct transporter systems for 2-deoxyglucose uptake by the opportunistic pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1515:177-188.
Kaneshiro, E.S., D. Sul, M. Basselin, O. Kayser. 2001. Pneumocystis carinii synthesizes four ubiquinone homologs: inhibition by atovaquone and bupravaquone but not by stigmatellin. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 48:172S-173S.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2001. Is cytochrome b gene mutations the only cause of atovaquone resistance in Pneumocystis? Drug. Resist. Updates, 5:1-8. [Top 10 article published in same domain since this publication, 2001-2010]
Giner, J-L., D.H. Beach, E.J. Parish, K. Jayasimhulu, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Definitive structural identities of 42 sterol components in Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 48:142S-143S.
Basselin-Eiweida, M., Y.H. Qiu, K.J. Lipscomb, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Mechanisms of amino acid and glucose uptake by Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 48:155S-156S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., J.A. Rosenfeld, M. Basselin, S. Bradshaw, J.R. Stringer, A.G. Smulian, J-L. Giner. 2001. Pneumocystis carinii erg6 gene: sequencing and expression of recombinant SAM:sterol methyltransferase in heterologous systems. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 48:144S-146S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., D. Sul, B. Hazra. 2000. Effects of atovaquone and diospyrin-based drugs on ubiquinone biosynthesis in Pneumocystis carinii. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother, 44:14–18.
Cushion, M.T., M. Collins, B. Hazra, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2000. The effects of atovaquone and diospyrin-based drugs on the ATP content of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. carinii. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 44: 713-719.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.A. Wyder. 2000. The C27 to C32 sterols in Pneumocystis, an opportunistic pathogen of immunocompromised mammals. Lipids, 35:317-324.
Sul, D, E.S. Kaneshiro, K. Jayasimhulu, J.A. Erwin. 2000. Neutral lipids, their fatty acids and the sterols of the marine ciliated protozoan, Parauronema acutum. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 47:373-378.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.S. Collins, M.T. Cushion. 2000. Inhibitors of sterol biosynthesis and amphotericin B reduce the viability of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. carinii. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 44:1630-1638.
Kaneshiro, E.S., Z. Amit, M. M. Swonger, G. P. Kreishman, E. E. Brooks, M. Kreishman, K. Jayasimhulu, E. J. Parish, H. Sun, S.A. Kizito, D.H. Beach. 1999. Pneumocysterol [(24Z)-ethylidenelanost-8-en-3b-ol], a rare sterol detected in the opportunistic pathogen Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. hominis: structural identity and chemical synthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci,
Chandra, J., Z. Amit, R.P. Baughman, B. Kleykamp, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. Pneumocystis infection is correlated with a reduction in the total sterol content of human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:146S–148S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Collins, M.T. Cushion. 1999. The effects of sterol biosynthesis inhibitors on the ATP content of Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol.: 46:142S–143S.
Chin, K., T.D. Luttrell, J.D. Roe, S. Shadzi, M.A. Wyder, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. Putative Pneumocystis dormant forms outside the mammalian host, and long-term cultures derived from them: initial characterizations. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:95S–99S.
Chin, K., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. The distribution and biosynthesis of cis-9,10-epoxyoctadecanoic acid in Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:123S–124S.
Chin, K., M.A. Wyder, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. Glyphosate reduces organism viability and inhibits growth in vitro of Pneumocystis. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 46:139S–141S.
Wyder, M.A., D. Sul, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. The fatty acid and monosaccharide compostion of three neutral and three phosphorylated glycolipids in Leishmania donovani promastigotes grown in a chemically defined medium. J. Parasitol., 85:771–778.
Kaneshiro, E.S., Z. Amit, J. Chandra, R.P. Baughman, C. Contini, B. Lundgren. 1999. The sterol composition of Pneumocystis carinii hominis organisms isolated from human lungs. Clin. Diag. Lab. Immunol., 6:970–976.
Parish, E.J., N. Aksara, T.L. Boos, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. Remote functionalization of the cholestane side chain by chromyl acetates. J. Chem. Res. (S)., 708-709.
Parish, E.J., H. Sun,
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1998. The lipids of Pneumocystis carinii. Clin. Microbiol. Rev., 11:27–41.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1998. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: the status of Pneumocystis biochemistry. Intl. J. Parasitol., 28:65–84.
Matesic,D.F., J.A. Erwin, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1998. Incorporation in vivo and in vitro of sphingolipid precursors into Paramecium tetraurelia lipids. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 45:156–163.
Wyder, M.A., E.M. Rasch, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1998. Quantitation of absolute Pneumocystis carinii nuclear DNA content. Trophic and cystic
Kaneshiro, E.S., Z. Guo, D. Sul, K. Kallam, K. Jayasimhulu, D.H. Beach. 1998. Characterizations of Pneumocystis carinii and rat lung lipids: glyceryl ethers and fatty alcohols. J. Lipid Res., 39,1907-1917.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1998. Lipid metabolism of Pneumocystis: toward the definition of new molecular targets. FEMS:Immunol. Med. Microbiol., 22:135-144.
Cushion, M.T., P.D. Walzer, A.G. Smulian, M.J. Linke, J.J. Ruffolo, E.S. Kaneshiro, J.R. Stringer. 1997. Terminology
Beach, D.H., F. Chen, M.T. Cushion, R.S. Macomber, G.A. Krudy, M.A. Wyder, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1997. Effects of steroidal allenic phosphonic acid derivatives on the parasitic protists Leishmania donovani, Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Pneumocystis carinii carinii. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 41:162-168.
Grover, J.E., A.F., Rope, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1997. The occurrence of biogenic calcian struvite (Mg, Ca)NH4PO4.6H2O as intracellular crystals in Paramecium. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 44:366-373.
White, D.C., S. Alugupalli, D. P. Schrum, S. T. Kelly, M. K. Sikka, R. Fayer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1997. Sensitive quantitative detection/identification of infectious Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by signature lipid biomarker analysis. In: Clancy, J.L., P.A. Rochelle (ed.). Am. Water Works Assoc.,
Kaneshiro, E.S., P.D. Walzer. 1997. Comments: overview of the 5th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists and 5th General Meeting of the European Concerted Action on Pneumocystis Research, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 44:61S–63S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., K. Jayasimhulu, D. Sul, J.A. Erwin. 1997. Identification and initial characterizations of free, glycosylated, and phosphorylated ceramides of Paramecium. J. Lipid Res., 38:2399–2410.
Sul, D., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1997. Ubiquinone synthesis by Pneumocystis carinii: incorporation of radiolabeled polyprenyl chain and benzoquinone ring precursors. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 44:60S.
Ellis, J.E., M.A. Wyder, L. Zhou, A. Gupta, H. Rudney, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1996. Composition of Pneumocystis neutral lipids and identification of Coenzyme Q10 as the major ubiquinone homolog in P. carinii carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 43:165-170.
Guo, Z.,
Ellis, J.A., M.A. Wyder, E.L. Jarroll, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1996. Lipid compositional changes during in vitro encystation and fatty acid desaturase activity of Giardia lamblia. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 81:13-25.
Kaneshiro, E.S., J.N. Maiorano. 1996. Survival and infectivity of Pneumocystis carinii outside the mammalian host. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 43:35S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.M. Swonger, G. Kreishman, E. Brooks, K. Jayasimhulu, E.J. Parish, D.H. Beach. 1996. Identification of C31 and C32 sterols in Pneumocystis carinii hominis-infected human lungs. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 43:36S.
Kallam, K.A., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1996. Detailed analyses of individual neutral lipid classes of Pneumocystis. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 43:51S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., J.E. Ellis, Z. Guo, K. Jayasimhulu, J.N. Maiorano, K.A. Kallam. 1996. Characterizations of neutral lipid fatty acids and cis-9,10-epoxy octadecanoic acid in Pneumocystis carinii carinii. Infect. Immun., 64:4105-4114.
Guo, Z., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1995. Phospholipid composition of Pneumocystis carinii carinii and the effects of methylprednisolone immunosuppression on rat lung lipids. Infect. Immun., 63:1286-1290.
Bartlett, M., M.T. Cushion, J.A. Fishman, E.S. Kaneshiro, C.H. Lee, M.J. Leibowitz, J.-J. Lu, B. Lundgren, S.E. Peters, J.W. Smith, A.G. Smulian, C. Staben, J.R. Stringer, S.L. Stringer, A.E. Wakefield, P.D. Walzer, G.A. Weinberg. 1994. Revised nomenclature
Kaneshiro, E. S., J. E. Ellis, K. Jayasimhulu, D. H. Beach. 1994. Evidence
Ellis, J.E., K.D.R. Setchell, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1994. Detection of ubiquinone in parasitic and free-living protozoa, including species devoid of mitochondria. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 65:213-224.
Kaneshiro, E.S., J.E. Ellis, L.H. Zhou, H. Rudney, A. Gupta, K. Jayasimhulu, K.D.R. Setchell, D.H. Beach. 1994. Isoprenoid metabolism in Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41:93S.
Wyder, M.A., E.M. Rasch, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1994. Assessment of Pneumocystis carinii DNA content. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 41:120S.
Ellis, J.E., M. Reilly, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1994. Detection and characterization of an epoxy fatty acid in Pneumocystis carinii lipids. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41:87S.
Guo, Z., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1994. The composition of Pneumocystis carinii phospholipids. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41:90S.
Sleight, R.G., M. Mehta, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1994. Uptake and metabolism of lipids by Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41:111S.
Baque-Richmond, E.S. Kaneshiro, M.H. Iltzsch. 1994. Uptake and metabolism of purines by Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41:74S.
Baque-Richmond, B, Kaneshiro, E, & Iltzsch, M H. 1994. Purine metabolism in Pneumocystis carinii. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 41(5), 74S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.A. Wyder, Y-P. Wu, M.T. Cushion. 1993. Reliability of calcein methoxy methyl ester and ethidium homodimer or propidium iodide
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.A. Wyder. 1993. Lipophosphoglycan antigen shedding by Leishmania donovani. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 40:336-340.
Reuter, S.F., R.L. Prairie, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1993. The kinetics of fatty acid uptake by Paramecium tetraurelia. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 40:370-376.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.A. Wyder, L.H. Zhou, J.E. Ellis, D.R. Voelker, S.G. Langreth. 1993. Characterization of Pneumocystis carinii preparations developed
Schwartz, D.E., R.L. Mancinelli, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1992. The use of mineral crystals as bio-markers in the search
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.F. Reuter, F.J. Quattrone, R.E. Morris. 1992. Sustained food vacuole
Kaneshiro, E.S., Y-P. Wu, M.T. Cushion. 1991. Assays
Beach, D.H., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1990. In Memoriam. George Gilbert Holz, Jr. (1922-1989). J. Protozool. 37:446-447.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. In Memoriam. Robert L. Conner (1927-1990). J. Protozool., 37:607-608.
Suchard, S.J., D.E. Rhoads, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1989. The inositol lipids of Paramecium tetraurelia and preliminary characterizations of phosphoinositide kinase activity in the ciliary membrane. J. Protozool., 36:185-190.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.J. Merkel, S.F. Reuter. 1989. Uptake and utilization of small organic molecules by Paramecium tetraurelia. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 49:55-60.
Reuter, S.F., P.J. Soldano, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1989. Uptake and utilization of lipids by Paramecium tetraurelia. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 49:61-65.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.T. Cushion, P.D. Walzer, K. Jayasimhulu. 1989. Analyses of Pneumocystis fatty acids. J. Protozool., 36:69S-72S.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.F. Reuter, L.S. Trinkle. 1989. Fatty acid uptake by ciliated protozoans analyzed by flow cytometry. J. Microbiol. Meth., 10: 189-197.
Kaneshiro, E.S., K.B. Meyer, D.E. Rhoads. 1987. The glyceryl ethers of Paramecium phospholipids and phosphonolipids. J. Protozool. 34:357-361.
Rhoads, D.E., O. Honer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1987. Saturated fatty acid metabolism in Paramecium. J. Lipid Res., 28:1424-1433.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1987. Lipids of Paramecium. J. Lipid Res., 28:1241-1258.
Kaneshiro, E.S., K. Jayasimhulu, R.L. Lester. 1986. Characterizations of inositol lipids from Leishmania donovani promastigotes: Identification of an inositol sphingolipid. J. Lipid Res., 27:1294-1303.
Doughty, M.J., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1985. Divalent cation-dependent ATPase activities in ciliary membranes and other surface structures in Paramecium tetraurelia: Comparative in vitro studies. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 238:118-128.
Kaneshiro, E.S., D.F. Matesic, K. Jayasimhulu. 1984. Characterizations of six ethanolamine sphingophospholipids from Paramecium cells and cilia. J. Lipid Res., 25:369-377.
Rhoads, D.E., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1984. Fatty acid metabolism in Paramecium: oleic acid metabolism and inhibition of polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis by triparanol. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 795:20-29.
Matesic, D.F., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1984. Incorporation of serine into Paramecium ethanolamine phospholipid and phosphonolipid head groups. Biochem. J., 222:229-233.
O'Donnell, C.J., K.B. Meyer, J.V. Jones, T. Benton, E.S. Kaneshiro, J.S. Nichols, F.W. Schaefer, III. 1984. Survival of parasite eggs upon storage in sludge. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 48:618-625.
Kaneshiro, E.S., K.B. Meyer, M.L. Reese. 1983. The neutral lipids of Paramecium tetraurelia: changes with culture age and detection of steryl esters in ciliary membranes. J. Protozool., 30:392-396.
Doughty, M.J., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1983. Divalent cation-dependent ATPase activities associated with cilia and other subcellular fractions of Paramecium: An electrophoretic characterization on Triton-polyacrylamide gels. J. Protozool., 30:565-573.
VanDenBrink, S.E., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1983. A simple and direct method
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Gottlieb, D.M. Dwyer. 1982. Cell surface origin of antigens shed by Leishmania donovani during growth in axenic culture. Infect. Immun., 37:558-567.
Black, M.I., P.V. Scarpino, C.J. O'Donnell, K.B. Meyer, J.V. Jones, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1982. Survival rates of parasite eggs in sludge during aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 44:1138-1143.
Rhoads, D.E., K.B. Meyer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1981. Isolation and preliminary characterization of 1-O-octadec-cis-11-enyl glycerol from Paramecium phospholipids. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 98:858-865.
Merkel, S.J., E.S. Kaneshiro, E.I. Gruenstein. 1981. Characterization of the cilia and ciliary membrane proteins of wild type Paramecium tetraurelia and a pawn mutant. J. Cell Biol., 89:206-215.
Fok, A.K., R.D. Allen, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1981. Axenic Paramecium caudatum. III. Biochemical and physiological changes with culture age. Eur. J. Cell Biol., 25:193-201.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1980. Positional distribution of fatty acids in the major glycerophospholipids of Paramecium tetraurelia. J. Lipid Res., 21:559-570.
Kaneshiro, E.S., R.D. Karp. 1980. Studies on the phagocytic coelomocytes of the sea star, Dermasterias imbricata. Biol. Bull., 159:295-310.
Kaneshiro, E.S., L.S. Beischel, S.J. Merkel, D.E. Rhoads. 1979. The fatty acid composition of Paramecium aurelia cells and cilia: Changes with culture age. J. Protozool., 26:147-158.
Rhoads, D.E., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1979. Characterizations of phospholipids from Paramecium tetraurelia cells and cilia. J. Protozool., 26:329-338.
Meyer, K.B., K.D. Miller, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1978. Recovery of Ascaris eggs from sludge. J. Parasitol., 64:380-383.
Fisher, G.W., E.S. Kaneshiro, P.D. Peters. 1976. Divalent cation affinity sites in Paramecium aurelia. J. Cell Biol., 69:429-442.
Kaneshiro, E.S., G.G. Holz, Jr. 1976. Observations on the ultrastructure of Uronema spp., marine scuticociliates. J. Protozool., 23:503-517.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S. Scott, R.L. Conner. 1974. Divalent cations and the regulation of inorganic phosphate metabolism in starved Tetrahymena. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 338:554-560.
Woodard, J, Kaneshiro, E, & Gorovsky, M A (1972). Cytochemical studies on the problem of macronuclear subnuclei in Tetrahymena. Genetics, 70(2), 251-60.
Conner, R.L., J.R. Landrey, E.S. Kaneshiro, W.J. VanWagtendonk. 1971. The metabolism of stigmasterol and cholesterol by Paramecium aurelia. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 239:312-319.
Conner, R.L., F.B. Mallory, K.A. Ferguson, J.R. Landrey, E.S. Kaneshiro, E. Ray. 1971. Ergosterol replacement of tetrahymanol in Tetrahymena membranes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 44:995-1000.
Woodard, J., E.S. Kaneshiro, M. Gorovsky. 1971. Cytochemical studies on the problem of macronuclear subnuclei in Tetrahymena. Genetics, 70:251-260.
Kaneshiro, E.S., P.B. Dunham, G.G. Holz, Jr. 1969. Osmoregulation in a marine ciliate, Miamiensis avidus. I. Regulation of inorganic ions and water. Biol. Bull., 136:63-75.
Kaneshiro, E.S., G.G. Holz, Jr., P.B. Dunham. 1969. Osmoregulation in a marine ciliate, Miamiensis avidus. II. Regulation of intracellular free amino acids. Biol. Bull., 137:161-169.
Thompson, J.C., Jr., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1968. Redescription of Uronema filificum and U. elegans. J. Protozool., 15:141-144.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2010. Introduction In: BioScience Compilation: Topics in Cell Biology and Eukaryotic Protists. University of California Press for the American Institute of Biological Sciences
ISBN 978-0-9817130-5-2, pp 1-5.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1984. The structure and function of cilia and flagella. Introduction. J. Protozool., 31:7.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2010. Introduction In: BioScience Compilation: Topics in Prokaryote and Virus Biology. University of California Press for the American Institute of Biological Sciences. ISBN 789-0-9817130-7-6, pp 1-4.
Book Chapter
Kaneshiro, E.S., A.G. Smulian. 2007. Pneumocystis. In: Mehlhorn, H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Parasitology, 3rd edn. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Pp. 1170-1181.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2004. Lipids. In: Walzer, P.D., M.T. Cushion (ed.) Pneumocystis Pneumonia, 3rd edn., Marcel Dekkar, New York. Chapter 21, pp. 539-575.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2002. Pneumocystis. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, London: Nature Publishing Group, vol.14, pp. 654-661. [http://www.els.net].
Kaneshiro, E.S., R.P. Baughman. 2001. Pneumocystosis. In: Mehlhorn, H. (ed.) Enclyclopedic Reference of Parasitology: Diseases, Treatment, Therapy, vol. 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 500-507.
Kaneshiro, E.S., R.P. Baughman. 2001. Pneumocystis carinii. In: Mehlhorn, H. (ed.) Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology: Biology, Structure, Function, vol 1. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 520-526.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.J. Sanderson, G.B. Witman. 2001. Amoeboid movement, cilia and flagella. In: Sperelakis, N. (ed.), Cell Physiology Source Book, 3rd edn., Academic Press, New York, pp. 959-983.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 2001. Centrin-based contraction, and bacterial flagella. In: Sperelakis, N. (ed.), Cell Physiology Source Book, 3rd edn. Academic Press, New York, pp. 985-1001.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1999. Pneumocystis carinii. Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group, London: [http://www.els.net].
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1998. Amoeboid movement, cilia and flagella. In: Sperelakis, N. (ed.), Cell Physiology Source Book, 2nd ed., Academic Press,
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1998. Centrin-based contraction, and bacterial flagella. In: Sperelakis, N. (ed.), Cell Physiology Source Book, 2nd ed. Academic Press,
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1995. Amoeboid movement, cilia and flagella. In: Sperelakis, N. (ed.), Cell Physiology Source Book. Academic Press,
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1995. Spasmonemes/centrin-based contraction and bacterial flagella. In: Sperelakis, N. (ed.), Cell Physiology Source Book. Academic Press,
Kaneshiro, E.S., R.G. Sleight. 1994. Biochemistry and Metabolism. In: Walzer, P.D. (ed.) Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia, 2nd edn. Marcel
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. Lipids of ciliary and flagellar membranes. In: Bloodgood, R., (ed.) Structure and Function of Ciliary and Flagellar Surfaces. Plenum Press,
Doughty, M.J., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1982. Calcium ATPases in Paramecium cilia. In: Brokaw, C.J., P. Verdugo (ed.), Mechanism and Control of Ciliary Movement. Alan R. Liss Inc., NY, p. 217-218.
Kaneshiro, E.S., G.W. Fisher. 1981. Divalent cation-dependent deposits in Paramecium. In:
Kaneshiro, E.S. l980. Role of the cilia membrane in control of microtubule sliding. In: Bailey, G.W. (ed.), 38th Ann. Proc. Electron Microscopy Soc. Amer., San Francisco, CA, pp. 612-615.
Published Abstract
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.M. Hunt, S.W. Nkinin. 2007. Recombinant Pneumocystis carinii S-adenosylmethionine:sterol D24 methyltransferase (SAM:SMT) expressed in heterologous systems. J. Eukaryt. Microbiol., 54: 44S.
Nkinin, S.W., S.P. Keely, J.R. Stringer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2007. The sequence of the Pneumocystis carinii erg11 gene that codes
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin, D.N. Yarbrough, A.G. Smulian. 2004. The Pneumocystis SAM:SMT, an atypical fungal enzyme protein. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51:4A.
Amit, Z., M.A. Wyder, S. Keely, R.P. Baughman, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2003. Sterol recycling in the lung could explain the presence of Pneumocystis sterols in the absence of organisms in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 50:5A.
Yarbrough, D.N., M. Basseslin-Eiweida, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2003. Can Pneumocystis methylate the C-24 position of sterols scavenged from the host? J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 50:12A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin, M.A. Wyder, C. Riordan, G. Zhu, J.S. Keithly. 2001. Evidence for the presence of cardiolipin, a mitochondrial marker lipid, in Cryptosporidium parvum sporozoites. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 48:5A.
Wyder, M.A., D. Sul, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2000. De novo synthesis of neutral glycoglycerolipids and phosphoglycolipids by Leishmania donovani promastigotes. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 47:6A.
Amit, Z., R.P. Baughman, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. The occurrence of pneumocysterol in human samples. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:7A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., D. Sul, M.T. Cushion, M. Collins, B. Hazra. 1999. Effects of naphthoquinones on Pneumocystis carinii ATP content and ubiquinone biosynthesis. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:6A.
Chin, K., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. Cis-9,10-Epoxystearic acid is restricted to phosphatidylethanolamine in the opportunistic pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:7A.
Bacchi, C.J., B. Goldberg, K. Chin, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1999. Incorporation of [14CH3] from methionine into the lipids of procyclic Trypanosoma brucei spp. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46:7A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.A. Wyder, J.E. Ellis, E.L. Jarroll. 1997. Giardia lamblia desaturates fatty acids. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 44:11A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M.A. Wyder, R.S. Macomber, G.A. Krudy, F. Chen, M.T. Cushion. 1996. Cidal effects of steroidal allenic phosphonic acid derivatives on Pneumocystis carinii in vitro. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 43:7A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., K. Jayasimhulu, J.A. Erwin. 1996. Evidence
Ellis, J.E., E.L. Jarroll, K. Jayasimhulu, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1994. Lipid compositional changes during in vitro encystment of Giardia lamblia. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 51:181.
Kaneshiro, E.S., J.E. Ellis, M.A. Wyder, L.H. Zhou, S.G. Langreth, D.R. Voelker. 1993. Pneumocystis preparations of high purity and viability. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 49:381.
Langreth, S.G., M.T. Cushion, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1992. Ultrastructural analysis of Pneumocystis carinii isolated from rat lung. J. Protozool., 39:1A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Iltzsch, Y-P. Wu, K. Jayasimhulu. 1991. Fatty acids and the neutral lipids of Toxoplasma gondii. J. Protozool. 38:1A.
Wyder, M., E.S. Kaneshiro, K. Jayasimhulu. 1991. The glycolipids of Leishmania donovani promastigotes. J. Protozool. 38:8A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.F. Reuter. 1991. Sustained rates of phagosome
Kaneshiro, E.S., A.F. Rope, J.E. Grover. 1989. Characterization of crystals from Paramecium tetraurelia. J. Protozool. 36:7A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.F. Reuter, L. Trinkle. 1988. Uptake of fluorescent fatty acid analogs by Tetrahymena and Paramecium. J. Cell Biol.107:651a.
Jayasimhulu, K., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1986. Identification of long chain bases in inositol sphingophospholipids from Leishmania donovani promastigotes. 34th Ann. Cong. Mass Spect. Allied Topics,
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.F. Reuter, D.F. Matesic. 1983. Fatty acid transport and energy metabolism in Paramecium. J. Cell Biol., 97:314a.
Suchard, S.J., S.E. VanDenBrink, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1982. Studies on lectin binding and the surface coat of Paramecium. J. Protozool., 29:478.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Gottlieb, D.M. Dwyer. 1982. Partial characterization of the major shed membrane antigens (SMA-) from Leishmania donovani promastigote cultures. J. Protozool., 29:471.
Meyer, K.B., M.L. Reese, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1982. The neutral lipids of Paramecium cells and cilia: changes with culture age. J. Protozool., 29:477.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1982. The inositol phospholipids of Leishmania donovani promastigotes. J. Cell Biol., 95:98a.
Suchard, S.J., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1982. Phosphorylation of inositol lipids by kinase activity in Paramecium ciliary membranes. J. Cell Biol., 95:261a.
Rhoads, D.E., M.J. Doughty, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1981. Modification of K+-induced ciliary reversal and renormalization in Paramecium by inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis and other compounds. J. Cell Biol., 91:260A.
Doughty, M.J., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1981. Analyses of ciliary membrane antigens of wild-type and mutant Paramecium tetraurelia. J. Cell Biol., 91:260A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., D.M. Dwyer, M. Gottlieb. 1981. Shed membrane antigens from Leishmania promastigote cultures. J. Cell Biol., 91:250A.
Kaneshiro, E.S., K.B. Meyer, D.E. Rhoads. 1980. The glyceryl ethers of Paramecium cells and cilia. J. Protozool., 27:15A.
Rhoads, D.E., D.F. Matesic, K.B. Meyer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1980. Quantitative analyses of total hydrocarbon moieties of Paramecium phospholipids. J. Protozool., 27:15A.
Fok, A.K., R.D. Allen, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1980. Biochemical changes with culture age in axenically grown Paramecium caudatum. J. Protozool., 27:14A.
Rhoads, D.E., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1980. Fatty acid metabolism in Paramecium. J. Cell Biol., 87:326A.
Merkel, S.J., E.S. Kaneshiro, E.I. Gruenstein. 1979. Cilia and ciliary membrane protein composition of Paramecium tetraurelia wild-type and membrane excitation mutant cells. J. Cell Biol., 83:265A.
Rhoads, D.E., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1979. Phosphoinositide metabolism and backward swimming in Paramecium. J. Cell Biol., 83:265A.
Williams, M.G., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1978. The free amino acid pool of Miamiensis avidus. J. Protozool., 25:152.
Williams, M.G., G. Holz, III, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1977. Osmotic pressure and medium composition influence the free amino acid pool of Miamiensis avidus. J. Cell Biol., 75:410a.
Rhoads, D., L. Beischel, K. Meyer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1977. Lipid composition of Paramecium aurelia cilia. J. Cell Biol., 75:223a.
Kaneshiro, E.S., J. Kerman, M. Crnkovich. 1976. Effects of ionophores and polyene antibiotics on ciliary reversals in Paramecium "pawn" mutants. J. Cell Biol., 70:325a.
Fisher, G.W., E.S. Kaneshiro. 1975. Ultrastructural localization of calcium deposits in cilia of Paramecium aurelia. J. Cell Biol., 67:115a.
Kaneshiro, E.S., E. Ray, R.L. Conner. 1971. Lipids of cilia and ciliary membranes of Tetrahymena pyriformis: effects of ergosterol. J. Protozool., 18 (suppl.):9.
Woodard, J., M. Gorovsky, E.S. Kaneshiro. 1968. Macronuclear subnuclei in Tetrahymena. J. Cell Biol., 39:181a.
Software and Database
Nkinin, S.W., S.P. Keely, J.R. Stringer, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2006. Sequence of the Pneumocystis carinii erg11 Gene that Codes
Rosenfeld, J.A., J.R. Stringer, A.G. Smulian, E.S. Kaneshiro. 2001. Pneumocystis carinii S-adenosyl methionine:sterol methyl transferase (erg6) mRNA, complete cds. GenBank, AY032981.
Newspaper Article
Loper, J., E. Kaneshiro. 2003. Protecting drinking water quality. Cincinnati Post, 12-11-2003.
Brochures/Fact Sheets
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1999. Eugene C. Bovee (The Theodore L. Jahn and Eugene C. Bovee Award). Society of Protozoologists handout to awardees of best student presentations at annual meetings of the Society.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. The Theodore Louis Jahn Award. Society of Protozoologists handout to awardees of the best student presentation at annual meetings.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. The
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. The Richard P. Hall Memorial Fund. Society of Protozoologists handout to awardees of funds to assist in defraying costs of publishing meritorious articles by young investigators in the Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology (
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. George G. Holz, Jr., The George G. Holz, Jr. and Robert L. Conner Travel Fund. Society of Protozoologists handout to awardees of funds to assist in travel costs to participate in the annual meetings of the Society.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1990. Robert L. Conner. The George G. Holz, Jr. and Robert L. Conner Travel Fund. Society of Protozoologists handout to awardees of funds to assist in travel costs to participate in the annual meetings of the Society.
Kaneshiro, E.S. 1996. Prasad, R., M.A. Ghannoum (ed.) Lipids of Pathogenic Fungi (book review), Mycopathologia, 135:193-194.
Teaching and Resource Materials
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.F. Reuter. 1991. Sustained rates of phagosome
Kaneshiro, E.S., G. Stern. 1986. Survival of parasite eggs in stored sludge. U.S.E.P.A. Project Summary (EPA/600/S2-85/142), 5 pgs. Complete Report, National Technical In
Invited Presentations
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1990. ) "The Lipids of Paramecium" .University of Pisa, Institute of Zoology, Pisa, Italy. Other Institution. . Level:University
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1990. ) "Studies on Protozoa Lipids" .11th Meeting of the Italian Society of Protozoology, Genoa, Italy. Level:National
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1990. ) "The Lipids of Paramecium", .University of Camerino, Department of Biology,, Camerino, Italy,. Level:University
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1993. ) "Pneumocystis Isoprenoids". Glaxo Group Research Ltd., , Greenford, U.K..
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1995. ) "Pneumocystis Drug Targets" .Hope College, Department of Biology, , Holland, MI, . Level:College
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1995. ) Pneumocystis carinii Metabolic Lipids . University of Sao Paulo, Department of Parasitology, Sao Paulo, Brazil,. Level:University
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1995. ) "Pneumocystis", .Brazilian Society of Protozoologists and Chagas Diseases Conference, Round Table on "Protozoan Infections (Toxoplasma, T. cruzi, Pneumocystis, Sporozoa) in Immunosuppressed Patients" , Caxambu, Brazil,. Level:National
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1996. ) "Parasite 'Metabolic Lipids' as Chemotherapeutic Targets" . Ohio Wesleyan University, Department of Biology, Delaware, OH,,, Delaware, OH. Level:College
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1996. ) "Pneumocystis carinii Lipids" .University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Biology, Chicago, IL,. Level:Department
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1997. ) "Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia: The Status of Pneumocystis Biochemistry", .X International Congress of Protozoology,, Sydney Australia, 1997. Level:International
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1997. ) "Lipid Metabolism of Pneumocystis: Toward the Definition of New Molecular Targets" . 5th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists and 5th General Meetings of the European Concerted Action on Pneumocystis Research, Advances in Prevention and Control of Opportunistic Protist Diseases, University of Lille, Lille, France. Level:International
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1998. ) “Pneumocystis is Pneumocystis: What Lipids Can Tell Us” .Indiana University School of Medicine, Dept. Pharmacology & Toxicology, ndianapolis, IN. Level:Department
Edna S. Kaneshiro, Michael Wyder (1999. ) "C27 to C32 Sterols are Found in Pneumocystis, an Opportunistic Pathogen in Immunocompromised Mammals", .American Oil Chemist's Society, Symposium on "Chemistry, Biochemistry and Function of Steroids, Orlando, FL. Level:National
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1999. ) "Atovaquone Inhibits the Biosynthesis of Pneumocystis carinii Ubiquinones", .New York Department of Health, Wadsworth Center, Drug Discovery Meeting,, Albany, NY.
Edna S. Kaneshiro (2000. ) "The Heretical History of Pneumocystis: Sterol Biochemistry" .University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Cell Biophysics, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Department
Edna S. Kaneshiro (2001. ) "Lessons Learned from Pneumocystis about Ubiquinone Biosynthesis" .University of Cincinnati, Department of Biological Sciences, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Department
Edna S. Kaneshiro (2001. ) "Studies on Ubiquinone Biosynthesis in the AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Pathogen Pneumocystis carinii, .University of Cincinnati, Physician Scholar Training Program, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Edna S. Kaneshiro (2001. ) "Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q, CoQ) Biosynthesis in Pneumocystis carinii" .Institute of Cytology, St. Petersburg, Russia. Level:University
Edna S. Kaneshiro (2001. ) "Is Cytochrome b Gene Mutations the Only Cause of Atovaquone Resistance in Pneumocystis?", .University of Hawaii, Tropical Medicine and Medical Microbiology,, Honolulu, HI. Level:Department
(2004. ) Immunodeficiency-Dependent Pathogens: Advances in Pneumocystis Lipid Metabolism .Electronic Materials and Devices Seminar, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati.
(2004. ) Sterol Metabolism in the Opportunistic Infectious Agent Pneumocystis .University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.
(2007. ) The AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Protist Pneumocystis: Potential Drug Targets in Lipid Metabolism .Inter American University, Metro Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
(2007. ) The AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Protist Pneumocystis: Potential Drug Targets in Lipid Metabolism .Inter American University, Bayamon Campus, Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
(2007. ) The AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Protist Pneumocystis: Potential Drug Targets in Lipid Metabolism .Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce, Puerto Rico.
(2007. ) The AIDS-Associated Opportunistic Protist Pneumocystis: Potential Drug Targets in Lipid Metabolism .. Hospital Instituto Fernandez Figueira, FIOCRUZ (Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, American Society for Microbiology.
(2008. ) Drinking Water Issues .Department of Environmental Health, Industrial Hygiene Program, University of Cincinnati.
Edna S. Kaneshiro (04-17-2010. ) "Pneumocystis, Unculturable but Possible to Study: Sterols" .American Society for Microbiology, Ohio Branch Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Level:State
Edna S. Kaneshiro (05-14-2010. ) Free-Living Amoebae, Legionella and Mycobacterium In Tap Water Supplied by a Municipal Drinking Water Utility in the USA, .Greater Cincinnati Water Works, Scientists and Engineers Advisory Committee,, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Kaneshiro, Edna S. (03-03-2011. ) "Treatment Technologies to Protect Public Health. GCWW, Proactive and Leader in Water Industry", .Greater Cincinnati Water Works, Miller Plant, , Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
Kaneshiro, Edna S. (03-10-2011. ) "Global Population, Population Density, and Emerging Infectious Diseases" .Sigma Xi, The 2011 Sigma Xi Futures Symposium, featuring Fellows of AAAS,, University of Cincinnati. Level:University
Kaneshiro, Edna S. (05-12-2011. ) University of Cincinnati, "Authorships", .Dean of the Graduate School, Workshop on Professional Ethics for Graduate Students, University of Cincinnati. Level:University
Poster Presentations
Keely, S.P., J.R. Stringer, C. Contini, B, Lundgren, R. Brubaker, L.Q. Johnston, E.S. Kaneshiro (08-02-2010. ) Variation in the erg11 Gene from Pneumocystis jirovecii. .11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Hilo, HI. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Wyder, M.A., L.Q. Johnston, E.S. Kaneshiro (08-04-2010. ) DNA Replication Continues in Pneumocystis carinii Trophic Forms Treated with the Beta-1,3-Glucan Synthesis Inhibitor Pneumocandin L-693,989 . 11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Hilo, HI. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Johnston, L.Q., E.S. Kaneshiro (04-17-2010. ) Expression of recombinant Pneumocystis carinii S-adenosyl-L-methionine:sterol C-24 methyltransferase (SAM:SMT) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae .Ohio Branch, American Society for Microbiology, Cincinnati, OH. . Professional Meeting. . Level:State
Jenny E. Custer, Larry Sallans José L. Giner, Bryan D. Goddard, Edna S. Kaneshiro (04-17-2010. ) Phospholipids and glycolipids of the oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans. Ohio Branch, American Society for Microbiology, Cincinnati, OH. . Professional Meeting. . Level:State
Custer, J.E., E.S. Kaneshiro (05-22-2011. ) Culture Age Changes in Streptococcus mutans UA159: Fatty Acid Composition Changes Occur within Individual Lipid Classes. .American Society for Microbiology General Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Kaneshiro, E.S., L. Beischel, K. Meyer, D. Rhoads. (1977. ) Fatty acid composition of Paramecium aurelia. New York, NY.. Conference. Level:International
Kehlenbeck, E.K., P.B. Dunham, G.G. Holz, Jr. (1965. ) Inorganic ion concentrations in a marine ciliate, Uronema. London, U.K.. Conference. Level:International
Kaneshiro, E., P.B. Dunham, G.G. Holz, Jr. (1969. ) Osmoregulation in a marine ciliate, Miamiensis avidus .Leningrad, U.S.S.R.. Conference. Level:International
Rhoads, D., K. Meyer, E.S. Kaneshiro. (1977. ) Lipids of Paramecium aurelia .New York, NY.. Conference. Level:International
Yarbrough, D.N., M. Basselin-Eiweida, A.G. Smulian, E.S. Kaneshiro (2003. ) Is the Pneumocystis SAM:SMT a Typical Fungal Enzyme Protein? .Arlington, VA.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin-Eiweida, S.M. Hunt (2003. ) Ubiquinone Biosynthesis in Pneumocystis carinii Microsomes and Mitochondria .Washington, DC.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin, D.N. Yarbrough, A.G. Smulian (2003. ) The Pneumocystis SAM:SMT, an Atypical Fungal Enzyme Protein .Gleneden Beach, OR.
Kaneshiro, E.S., M. Basselin (2003. ) Evidence that Biosynthesis of Individual Ubiquinone Homologs in Pneumocystis carinii is under Homolog-Specific Begative Feedback (Product) Control .Hilo, HI.
Yarbrough, D.N., M. Basselin, A.G. Smulian, E.S. Kaneshiro (2003. ) Properties of the Unique Pneumocystis carinii SAM:SMT Enzyme .Hilo, HI.
Zhao, H., G-L. Giner, E.S. Kaneshiro (2003. ) Definitive Structural Identities of P. jirovecii Sterols .Hilo, HI.
Hunt, S.M., E.S. Kaneshiro (2003. ) Preparation of Pneumocystis carinii Subcellular Fractions .Hilo, HI.
Kaneshiro, E.S. (2004. ) Sterol Metabolism in the Opportunistic Pathogen Pneumocystis: Advances and New Insights .Cincinnati, OH.
Nkinin, S.W., Asonganyi, T., Medrano, F.J., Respaldiza, N., Calderón, E., Kaneshiro, E.S. (2004. ) Evidence for Widespread Occurrence of Pneumocystis jirovecii in Cameroon and Spain .New Orleans, LA.
Nkinin, S.W., E.S. Ndzi, T. Asonganyi, L. Xiao, E.S. Kaneshiro (2005. ) Detection of Cryptosporidium hominis in Cameroon .Atlanta, GA.
Watanabe, Y., S.M. Hunt, K. Jayasimhulu, E.S. Kaneshiro (2005. ) Synthesis of Rare Sphingophosphonolipids in Bacteriovorax stolpii .Atlanta, Ga.
. Kaneshiro, E.S. (2005. ) Understanding Ubiquinone Biosynthesis in Pneumocystis carinii: an Update .Guangzhou, China.
Kaneshiro, E.S. (2005. ) The Status of Research on Pneumocystis Sterol Biochemistry .Guangzhou, China.
Hunt, S.M., Edna S. Kaneshiro (2006. ) Biosynthesis of Bacteriovorax stolpii Sphingophosphonolipids .Orlando, FL.
Nkinin, S.W., S.P. Keely, J.R. Stringer, E.S. Kaneshiro (2006. ) The Sequence of the Pneumocystis carinii erg11 Gene and Sterols Synthesized by Yeast Expressing the Recombinant P. carinii 14-Demethylase .Orlando, FL.
Nkinin, S.W., S.P. Keely, J.R. Stringer, E.S. Kaneshiro (2006. ) The Sequence of the Pneumocystis carinii erg11 Gene that Codes for Sterol 14-Demethylase .Lisbon, Portugal.
Kaneshiro, E.S., S.M. Hunt, S.W. Nkinin (2006. ) Recombinant Pneumocysts carinii S-Adenosylmethionine:Sterol 24 Methyltransferase (SAM:SMT) Expressed in Heterologous Systems .Lisbon, Portugal.
Nguyen, N-A.T., L. Sallans, E.S. Kaneshiro (2007. ) Phospholipids and Fatty Acid Composition of Host Independent Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus .Washington, D.C..
Pandey, A.K., S.W. Nkinin, E.S. Kaneshiro (2007. ) Expression of Pneumocystis carinii Sterol Biosynthesis Enzymes in Heterologous Systems .Toronto, Canada.
Nguyen, N-A.T., L. Sallans, E.S. Kaneshiro (2007. ) Phospholipids and Fatty Acid Composition of Host Dependent and Host Independent Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus .Toronto, Canada.
. Nkinin, S.W., T. Asonganyi, E.S. Didier, E.S. Kaneshiro (2007. ) Microsporidiosis in Yaoundé, Cameroon .Toronto, Canada.
Larry Sallans; Nhu-An T. Nguyen; Edna S. Kaneshiro (2007. ) The Phospholipids and Fatty Acids of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus .Indianapolis, IN.
Johnston, L.Q., E.S. Kaneshiro (08-04-2010. ) Heterologous Systems Tested for Expression of the Recombinant Pneumocystis carinii S-Adenosylmethionine:Sterol C-24 Methyltransferase. Hilo, HI. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Keely, S.P., J.R. Stringer, M.J. Linke, T. Furuta, E.S. Kaneshiro (08-04-2010. ) . Sequences of the erg11 Gene from P. jirovecii, P. carinii, P. murina and Pneumocystis from the Rhesus Macaque Monkey .Hilo, HI. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Nkinin, S.W., J.R. Stringer, S. Keely, K.D.R. Setchell, J-L. Giner, E.S. Kaneshiro (08-05-2010. ) Functional Complementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae erg11 Deletion Mutant by the Pneumocystis carinii erg11 cDNA and Identification of > 20 Sterols in Wild Type and Transformed Yeast Cells .Hilo, HI. Professional Meeting. Level:International
(1983. ) Society of Protozoologists, annual meetings .Pace University, New York City, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1980. ) "Role of the Cilia Membrane in Control of Microtubule Sliding". Reno, Nevada. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Edna S. Kaneshiro (1997. ) "Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia: The Status of Pneumocystis Biochemistry" .Sydney Australia. Conference. Level:International
Edna S. Kaneshiro, Michael Wyder (1999. ) "C27 to C32 Sterols are Found in Pneumocystis, an Opportunistic Pathogen in Immunocompromised Mammals" .Orlando, FL,. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Edna S. Kaneshiro (2009. ) "Pneumocystis Biochemistry" .,Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,. Conference. Level:International
Event Organized
Conference on Cell Biology in Honor of Hewson Swift, , chair/organizerConference on Cell Biology in Honor of Hewson Swift, , chair/organizer Conference 1983 1985 Pine Island, GA Level:International
Midwest Protozoology Conference, chair/organizerMidwest Protozoology Conference, chair/organizer Conference 1984 1985 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, Level:Regional
Conference on Biochemistry, Lipids and Protozoans in Honor of George G. Holz, Jr. and Robert L. Conner, chair/organizerConference on Biochemistry, Lipids and Protozoans in Honor of George G. Holz, Jr. and Robert L. Conner, chair/organizer Conference 1989 1990 Shenandoah Natl Park, VA Level:International
Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Overall Organizer and CoordinatorWorkshops on Opportunistic Protists, Overall Organizer and Coordinator Conference 1994 Cleveland, Ohio Level:International
Workshops on Opportunistic ProtistsWorkshops on Opportunistic Protists Conference 1996 Tucson, Arizona Level:International
Fifth International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, and 5th General Meeting of the European Concerted Action on Pneumocystis ResearchFifth International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, and 5th General Meeting of the European Concerted Action on Pneumocystis Research Conference 1997 Lille, France, Level:International
6th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Organizing Committee, chair6th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Organizing Committee, chair Conference 1999 Raleigh, NC Level:International
X International Congress of Protozoology, Symposium on Opportunistic Protozoan Parasites, symposium convenerX International Congress of Protozoology, Symposium on Opportunistic Protozoan Parasites, symposium convener Symposium 1997 Sydney, Australia, Level:International
7th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Scientific Organizing Comm., chair; Local Arrangements Comm., chair7th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Scientific Organizing Comm., chair; Local Arrangements Comm., chair 2001 Cincinnati, OH Level:International
XI International Congress of Protozoology, Symposium Convener, Opportunistic ProtistsXI International Congress of Protozoology, Symposium Convener, Opportunistic Protists 2001 Salzburg, Austria Level:International
8th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Scientific Program Organizing Committee, chair; Local Arrangements Committee, chair8th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Scientific Program Organizing Committee, chair; Local Arrangements Committee, chair Conference 2003 Hilo, HI,
International Conference on Anaerobic Protists, consultant/coordinator,International Conference on Anaerobic Protists, consultant/coordinator, Conference 2003 Hilo, HI Level:International
XII International Congress on Protozoology, Scientific Committee, Biochemistry session chairXII International Congress on Protozoology, Scientific Committee, Biochemistry session chair Conference 2005 Guangzhou, China, Level:International
9th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Co-Chair Scientific Program Organizing Committee9th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Co-Chair Scientific Program Organizing Committee 2003 2006 Lisbon, Portugal Level:International
10th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Chair Organizing Committee & Coordinator of publications, Boston, MA, 2008.10th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Chair Organizing Committee & Coordinator of publications, Boston, MA, 2008. Conference 2008 Boston, MA Level:International
XIII International Congress of Protozoology, Scientific Committee, Organizer of 2 symposia ("Pneumocystis Symposium: 100 years"; "Opportunistic Protist Symposium"), 2009.XIII International Congress of Protozoology, Scientific Committee, Organizer of 2 symposia ("Pneumocystis Symposium: 100 years"; "Opportunistic Protist Symposium"), 2009. Conference 2007 2009 Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Level:International
11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Chair Organizing Committee,11th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Chair Organizing Committee, Prof. Meeting 08-01-2008 04-30-2010 Hilo, Hawaii, Level:International
American Society for Microbiology, Co-Convener of Symposium: "Organelles"American Society for Microbiology, Co-Convener of Symposium: "Organelles" Symposium 2004 2005 Atlanta, GA Level:National
Honors and Awards
1959 -2010 Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honorary Level:National
1973 -2010 Elected member of the Corporation Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, Level:Honorary Type:Recognition
1974 -2010 Elected member Sigma Xi, national honorary for research (chapter 045 Secretary, 1987-89; Vice President, 1989-91; President, 1991-92; Nominating Committee, 1997, 2002; President, 2009-10, Past President, Advisory Board, 2009-2011) Status:Recipient Level:National
1988 -2010 Elected member of the Corporation Beta beta beta, Biological Honors Society Xi Kappa chapter, organizer, adviser, and charter member Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
1994 -2010 University of Cincinnati, Fellow of the Graduate School Membership Committee, 2003-04; Distinguished Lectureship Committee, 2005-present; chair, 2005-07; Rieveschl Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, Selection Committee, 2005-present Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Young Investigator, Selection Committee, 2005-present Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship
1997 -1997 The Henri Warembourg Faculty of Medicine Medal University of Lille, Lille, France Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
1997 -1997 Faculty Achievement Award University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
1998 -1998 Outstanding Accomplishments Award Society of Protozoologists Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
1999 -2010 Elected Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
2001 -2001 The Rieveschl Award for Distinguished Scientific Research University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2001 -2010 Elected Fellow American Academy of Microbiology Procter & Gamble Award for Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Selection Committee, 2002-05; ad hoc chair, 2004; nominating committee, 2007-2010; Selection Committee, 2011- Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
2005 -2010 Distinguished Research Professorship Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Non-Monetary
2003 -2009 USA Commissioner International Commission on Protozoology, International Union of Biological Sciences Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Non-Monetary
Herman Schneider Legacy Society member Level:University Type:Recognition
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International -1999
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Type:Editorial Service Level:International -2003
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International -2003
several Type:Editorial Service Level:International
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, ( ad hoc study section, cell biology, ) Member Type:Other Level:National -1974
National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute, (site visit team, Duke University, ) Member Type:Other Level:National -1989
Ohio State University ( 5th Annual Graduate Research Forum - ) Member Type:Other Level:University -1991
National Science Foundation, ( Biological Instrumentation Facilities panel, ) Committee Member Type:Other Level:National -1991
Educational Testing Service (Goldwater Scholarship Program Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:Other Level:National -1994
Jeffress Memorial Trust (Richmond, VA), Member Type:Other Level:National -1996
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases ( AIDS Special Emphasis Panel ) Type:Other Level:National -1996
International Foundation for Science (Stockholm, Sweden) Member Type:Other Level:International -1997
US Veteran's Affair (VA Merit Award ) Member Type:Other Level:National -1998
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (,Animal Models for HIV Study Section ) Member Type:Other Level:National -1999
National Science Foundation, ( Major Research Instrumentation Program ) Committee Member Type:Other Level:National -2000
National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources, (Comparative Medicine Study Section ) Committee Member Type:Other Level:National -2004
Austrian Science Fund Type:Other Level:International -2007
National Institutes of Health, (Drug Discovery and Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance Study Section ) Type:Other Level:National -2008
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Type:Other Level:International -2008
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (Challenge grant proposals ) Member Type:Other Level:National -2009
Austrian Science Fund and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Austrian Science Fund, ) Member Type:Other Level:International -2009
National Institutes of Health (Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15) applications, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Review Group ) Committee Member Type:Other Level:National -2009
Society of Protozoologists Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
American Society for Cell Biology - ( Local Arrangements Committee, ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National -1980
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Local Arrangements Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National -1994
Regional Beta Beta Beta Convention, (Judge, ) Type:University/College Service Level:Regional -1987
Marine Biological Laboratory, (Establishment of Endowed Library Desk in Honor of George G. Holz, Jr. ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International -1990
Vice Provost's Committee (review of N.S.F. Instructional Scientific Equipment grant proposals, ) Type:University/College Service Level:University -1975
(University Research Council, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
N.IH. Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) symposium, Type:University/College Service Level:University -1977
College of Medicine (Second Annual Graduate Student Research Forum ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College -1982
(University Faculty comm. to evaluate proposals for Ohio Board of Regents Eminent Scholars program ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -1983
(University Committee for selection of Faculty Summer Fellowship awards ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University -1984
University of Cincinnati (ad hoc Grievance Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -1992
University of Cincinnati (Center for Environmental Genetics Pilot Projects ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -1993
University of Cincinnati, West Campus Biomedical Research Support Awards, Review Committee, ( Biomedical Research Support Awards, Review Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -1993
College of Medicine (Minority Student Summer Trainee program ) Type:University/College Service Level:University -1993
Arts and Sciences ( ad hoc Grievance Committee, ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College -1988
University of Cincinnati (Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop ) Type:University/College Service Level:University -2000
University of Cincinnati (Faculty Mentoring Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2003
University of Cincinnati (NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Rsearch Traineeship (IGERT) program on Bio-Applications of Membrane Science and Technology, ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2005
University of Cincinnati (Link-to-Excellence ) Type:University/College Service Level:University -1998
University of Cincinnati, College of Arts and Sciences (sabel & Mary Neff Award Selection Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2009
University of Cincinnati (VP Research VP Research committee to review UC's NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant pre-proposals ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2010
University of Cincinnati (VP Research committee to review UC's NSF Partnership in Innovation program pre-proposals ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University -2010
International Society of Protistologists Representative Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
Sigma Xi (University of Cincinnati chapter ) President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International -2010
University of Cincinnati (Selection Committee for the George Rieveschl Award for Excellence in Scientific Research ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
University of Cincinnati (Selection Committee for the Sigma Xi Young Investigator Award ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
Chemistry-Biology Library Liason Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
American Society for Cell Biology Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Institute for Biological Sciences Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Association of University Women Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
american Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Orchid Society Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Departmental Seminar Other Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Departmental Seminar Other Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
VP Research (Review UC's NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant preproposals ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
VP Research (Review UC's NSF Partnership in Innovation program preproposals ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
Greater Cincinnati Water Works (Scientists and Engineers Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public
University of Cincinnati chapter of Sigma Xi (Awards and grants-in-aid Selection committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:University
University of Cincinnati chapter of Sigma Xi (Nomination ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:University
University of Cincinnati chapter of Sigma Xi Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:University
University of Cincinnati chapter of Sigma Xi (Executive committee ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:University
Moeller High School, 1990 (Career Day, speaker ) Type:Community Service Level:Local -1990
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local -1991
Applied and Environmental Microbiology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Applied Microbiology Reviewer Type:Other
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Reviewer Type:Other Level:International
(Biomedical Research Support Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1967 -1977
Department of Biological Sciences (Departmental seminars ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1972 -1973
Department of Biological Sciences (Graduate Studies Executive Committee ) Secretary Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1973 -1974
Department of Biological Sciences (Cell Biology Program Group ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1973 -1974
Department of Biological Sciences (Graduate Admissions Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1974 -1976
Department of Biological Sciences (Technical Management Committee, Research Instrument Subcommittee, ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1974 -1975
University of Cincinnati Association for Women Faculty Board Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1974 -1975
College of Arts and Sciences (Honors Council, ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 1975 -1978
American Association of University Professors, (Committee on Minorities, ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:University 1975 -1976
Arts and Sciences (Space Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1975 -1977
Department of Biological Sciences (Electron Microscope Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1975 -1990
Department of Biological Sciences (Honors Committee and Advisor ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1975 -1978
Arts and Sciences (Scholarship and Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1976 -1985
Arts and Sciences (Review Committee of Asian Studies Program, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1976 -1977
College of Arts and Sciences (Scholarship Committee, ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 1977 -1978
Department of Biological Sciences (Physiology Program Group ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1977 -1978
Neff Scholarship for Graduate Women (-Selection Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1978 -1979
Arts and Sciences (Review Committee on the Honors Program ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1978 -1979
Arts and Sciences ( Review Committee on the Headship of the Department of Geology ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1978 -1979
Department of Biological Sciences (Cell Biology Program Group ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1981 -1982
Arts and Sciences (External Funding Board of Consultants ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1981 -1982
Arts and Sciences (Animal Care Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 1982 -1984
Department of Biological Sciences (Physiology Program Group ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1982 -1983
Journal of Microbiological Methods Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 1982 -2011
Journal of Lipid Research Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 1983 -1988
National Science Foundation (member of cell biology subpanel, ) Member Type:Other Level:National 1983 -1986
(University Graduate Program Review Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1986 -1990
Department of Biological Sciences (Beta Beta Beta (Biology Honorary), University of Cincinnati chapter, Organizer, Charter member & Adviser ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1986 -1988
Ohio Board of Regents (Eminent Scholar Screening Committee ) Type:Other Level:State 1987 -1988
Ohio Board of Regents ( Eminent Scholar Awards Advisory Panel, ) Member Type:Other Level:State 1987 -1988
American Institute of Biological Sciences (National Aeronautical & Space Agency grant proposals) ) Type:Other Level:National 1988 -1995
Journal of Protozoology Editor of Journal 1988 -1993
Walnut Hills High School (Science Fair, judge ) Type:Community Service Level:Local 1988 -1989
University of Cincinnati Association for Women Faculty (Marine Biological Laboratory Committee, ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 1989 -1996
National Research Council, ( National Science Foundation pre-doctoral fellowships, biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology panel, ) Committee Chair Type:Other Level:National 1989 -1990
American Type Culture Collection, ( Protistology advisory panel ) Member Type:Other Level:International 1992 -1996
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 1993 -1998
University of Cincinnati (Rieveschl Award for Creative and/or Scholarly Works Selection Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1995 -2002
University of Cincinnati (University of Cincinnati-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Steering Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1996 -1997
University of Cincinnati (University Research Council, ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1996 -1999
Department of Biological Sciences (Strategic Planning Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1996 -1997
University of Cincinnati (Evers vs. University of Cincinnati, Class Action Suit, ) Type:University/College Service Level:University 1996 -1997
Greater Cincinnati Water Works (Scientists and Engineers Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Public Level:Local 1996
University of Cincinnati (Distinguished Graduate Assistantship Selection Committee, ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 1997 -2000
University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, ( Cell Biology, Ph. D. program faculty member, ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1997 -2000
Department of Biological Sciences (Head’s Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1998 -1999
Department of Biological Sciences (Faculty-Student Awards and Public Relations Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1998 -1999
University of Cincinnati (Mass Spectrometry Facility Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 1999 -2005
Ohio Board of Regents, Type:Other Level:State 1999 -2000
(BioOne Publisher Advisory Board ) Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2000
University of Cincinnati (Graduate Student Research and Scholarship Forum ) Type:University/College Service Level:University 2000 -2004
Department of Biological Sciences (Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2001 -2002
University of Cincinnati (Chemistry-Biology Library Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2001
University of Cincinnati (Women in Science and Engineering summer research program, ) Type:University/College Service Level:University 2001 -2006
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbioogy Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2001
Faculty of 1000, Microbiology Faculty (Parasitology Section ) Member Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2002 -2004
American Academy of Microbiology (Procter & Gamble Award for Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Selection Committee, ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2002 -2012
University of Cincinnati (Physician Scientist Training Program (M.D.-Ph.D.) Executive Committee, ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2002 -2007
University of Cincinnati (Graduate Fellows, Membership Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2003 -2004
American Society for Microbiology - ( Division X ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2003 -2004
BioScience Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2003
American Society for Microbiology - (ASM Council Policy Committee (CPC), At-Large Member Representing Divisions, ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2004 -2010
Department of Biological Sciences (Faculty Mentoring Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2004 -2009
Department of Biological Sciences (Faculty Mentoring Committee for John Layne ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2010
Fellows of the Graduate School (Distinguished Lectureship Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2005 -2012
University of Cincinnati (Rieveschl Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, Selection Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2005 -2012
University of Cincinnati; Sigma Xi (Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Young Investigator, Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:University 2005
International Society of Protistologists (Annual Meetings Program Committee, ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2005 -2006
Research Letters in Biochemistry, Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007 -2009
American Academy of Microbiology (Nominating Committtee for Procter & Gamble Award in Environmental and Applied Microbiology ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2007 -2010
University of Cincinnati (Provost Faculty Mentoring Program, for Stephen Matter 2008-09 ) Type:University/College Service Level:University 2008 -2010
University of Cincinnati, Arts and Sciences (Committee to review Head of the Department of Physics, and Headship Search Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2008 -2009
University of Cincinnati (African Strategy Group, ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:International 2009 -2010
American Society for Microbiology (Membership Board's Women Career Development Grants Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2009 -2010
American Society for Microbiology (Council Policy Committee Agenda Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2009 -2010
Biochemistry Research International Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2009
Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio (Center for Allaying Health Disparities (CADRE) Summer Research Awards ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:National 2010 -2010
Department of Biological Sciences (Faculty Mentoring Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010
Biochemical Research International Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Microbiological Methods Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International
BioScience Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:National
several Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
National Institutes of Health (Technical Evaluation Panel, An Integrated Approach to Understanding Host-Pathogens Interactions (contracts), ) Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 2011 -2011
American Society for Microbiology (Membership Board's Women Career Development Grants Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Academy of Microbiology (Procter & Gamble Award in Environmental and Applied Microbiology, Selection Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2011 -2014
American Academy of Microbiology (Primary sponsor for Alison Weiss for election into Fellowship ) Fellow Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Academy of Microbiology (Primary sponsor of Judith Van Houten for election into Fellowship ) Fellow Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Academy of Microbiology (e. Primary sponsor of Denis Lynn (Canadian) for election into Fellowship ) Fellow Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
American Association for the Advancement of Science (Primary sponsor of Jerry Lingrel for election into Fellowship - elected ) Fellow Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
American Association for the Advancement of Science ( Primary sponsor of Sandra Degen for election into Fellowship - elected ) Fellow Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
International Society of Protistologists (ISOP's Representative to AIBS Council ) Representative Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, an Affiliate of the Council of Graduate Schools ( Reviewer for Distinguished Master's Thesis award for 2011 ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Development Programs Level:Regional
University Fellows of the Graduate School (Distinguished Lectureship Committee ) Type:University/College Service Level:University
Fellows of the Graduate School ( Rieveschl Award for Excellence in Scientific Research, Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
(Co-Nominator of Thane Maynard for Honorary Doctoral Degree ) Faculty Sponsor Type:University/College Service Level:University
(University of Cincinnati, Chemistry-Biology Library Comm. ) Other Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Department of Biological Sciences (Faculty Mentoring Committee for John Layne ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Department of Biological Sciences ( Faculty Mentoring Committee for Joshua Gross ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Provost Faculty Mentoring Program ( Mentor of Stephen Matter (Biology) ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
Sigma Xi, UC chapter (Awards and Grants-in-Aid Committee; ) Executive Board Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
Sigma Xi (Nomination Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Vice President of Research (Reviewer of pre-proposals for NSF IGERT grants ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
A & S (Nominator of David Witte for College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College
Departmental Seminar ( host for Judith van Houten ) Other Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Greater Cincinnati Water Works, (Scientists and Engineers Advisory Committee ) Other Type:Community Service Level:Local
Water for People (Student Award Committee ) Committee Member Type:Public Level:International
Post Graduate Training and Education
1968-1970 Post-doctoral fellow, Cell Biology, University of Chicago, , Chicago, IL
1970-1972 Post-doctoral fellow, Biochemistry, Bryn Mawr College, , Bryn Mawr, PA
Professional Affiliation
1989 -1999: Council of Biology Editors, 1989-99
American Association for the Advancement of Science
1999: American Institute for Biological Sciences, (council)
American Association of University Women
International CoQ10 Association
12-02-2011 -12-06-2011: American Society for Cell Biology Attended the Annual Meetings of the American Society for Cell Biology (Denver, CO) to (1) network with diversity leaders to help identifiy potential diversity faculty members for the Department of Biological Sciences and (2) planned, prepared and manned a table in the Graduate Student Fair to advertise and solicit applications to our graduate program American Society for Cell Biology,
I am a member of AIBS in addition to being a representative of a member organization. I attended the AIBS Council Meeting, Dec 07, 2011 in Washington, DC American Institute for Biological Sciences,
American Association of University Women I am an active dues-paying member of AAUW American Association of University Women,
American Association of University Professors I am an active, dues-paying member of AAUP American Association of University Professors,
I am an active, dues-paying member of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and receive its journal. American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
American Orchid Society I am an active, dues-paying member of the American Orchid Socieity and donate monthly magazines to UC chem./biol library American Orchid Society ,
American Women in Science I am a member of the American Women in Science
Courses Taught
General Physiology
Structure and Function of Biomembranes
General Protozoology/Protistology
Physiology program group seminar
Cell Biology program group seminar
Experimental Cell Biology
Special Problems in Biology
Topics in Honors Research
Cell Motility
Anatomy and Physiology
Cell Structure and Function
Animal Physiology
Topics in Cell Physiology
Medical Parasitology
Power of Plagues
Research and Careers
Current Topics in Environment, Evolution and Infectious Diseases,
15-BIOL-683 MEDICAL PARASITOL Level:Undergraduate
15-BIOL-140 POWER OF PLAGUES Level:Undergraduate
15-BIOL-140 POWER OF PLAGUES Level:Undergraduate
Other Information
1. University of Malaysia Sarawak, Dr. Zunika Amit promotion to Associate Professor
2. Bryan Goddard, application for Physician Assistant schools
3. Dr. Giovanna Fantoni, NIH, letter supporting application for USA residence status.
4. Dr. Stephenson Nkinin, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, applicaton for permanent USA residence status
5. Dr. Oscar Perez-Leal, Temple University, application for permanent USA residence status
6. Dr. Hui Zhao, Squibb Bristol-Meyers, letter supporting application for USA permanent residence status.