Micheal Antoine Kattoura
Asst Professor - Educator
Edwards Center
CEAS - Engineering & Computing Education - 0071
Professional Summary
I am a Mechanical and Materials Engineer and an Educator that aims to bring real life experience to engineering learning.
BE: Notre Dame University Lebanon, 2011 (Mechanical Engineering)
MS: American University of Beirut Lebanon, 2013 (Mechanical Engineering )
PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2017 (Mechanical Engineering )
Positions and Work Experience
- Materials Research Engineer , LSP Technologies, Dublin, Ohio
- Senior Engineer - Materials Laboratory Manager, Acuren, West Chester, Ohio
- Department Manager - Fatigue Testing, Element Materials Technology , Fairfield, Ohio
Peer Reviewed Publications
Micheal Kattoura, Seetha Ramaiah Mannava, Dong Qian, Vijay K. Vasudevan (2021). Tensile Properties and Fracture Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy at Room and Elevated Temperatures. (2021. ) Tensile Properties and Fracture Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy at Room and Elevated Temperatures. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , , 52 (8 ) ,3553
Micheal Kattoura, Seetha Ramaiah Mannava, Dong Qian, Vijay K. Vasudevan (2018. ) Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification on Elevated Temperature Residual Stress, Microstructure and Fatigue Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy .International Journal of Fatigue , , 110 ,186
Micheal Kattoura, Abhishek Telang, Seetha Ramaiah Mannava, Dong Qian, Vijay K. Vasudevan (2018. ) Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification on Residual Stress, Microstructure and Fatigue Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy .Materials Science & Engineering: A , , 711C ,364
Micheal Kattoura, Seetha Ramaiah Mannava, Dong Qian, Vijay K.Vasudevan (2017. ) Effect of Laser Shock Peening on Elevated Temperature Residual Stress, Microstructure and Fatigue Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy. .International Journal of Fatigue, , 104 ,366
Micheal Kattoura, Seetha Ramaiah Mannava, Dong Qian, Vijay K. Vasudevan (2017. ) Effect of Laser Shock Peening on Residual Stress, Microstructure and Fatigue Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy. .International Journal of Fatigue , , 102 ,121
Micheal Kattoura and Mutasem Shehadeh (2014. ) On the ultra-high-strain rate shock deformation in copper single crystals: multiscale dislocation dynamics simulations. .Philosophical Magazine Letters , , 94 (7 ) ,415
Micheal Kattoura and Mutasem Shehadeh (2013. ) Modeling the Low Cycle Fatigue in Copper Single Crystal: Multiscale Dislocation Dynamics Simulations. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. , , 1535 ,
Wenbo Wang, Micheal Kattoura, Stan Bovid, Zhengyu Zhang, David Lahrman,Wenjun Cai (2023. ) Effects of nanosecond laser shock peening on residual stress, corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of WE43 magnesium alloys. Wear , ,
Stanley Bovid, Micheal Kattoura, Allan Clauer, Anupam Vivek, Glenn Daehn, Stephen Niezgoda (2022. ) Pressure Amplification and Modelization in Laser Shock Peening of Ti-6Al-4V and AA7085 with Adhesive-Backed Opaque Overlays. .Journal of Materials Processing Technology , , 299 ,
Stanley Bovid, Allan Clauer, Micheal Kattoura, Anupam Vivek, Glenn Daehn, and Stephen Niezgoda (2021. ) Measurement and characterization of nanosecond laser driven shockwaves utilizing photon Doppler velocimetry. .Journal of Applied Physics , , 129 ,
Boateng Twum Donkor, Jie Song, Yao Fu, Micheal Kattoura, Seetha R. Mannava, Matthew A. Steiner, and Vijay K. Vasudevan (2020. ) Accelerated -Face-Centered Cubic to -Hexagonal Close Packed Massive Transformation in a Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additively Manufactured Co-29Cr-5Mo Alloy .Scripta Materialia, , 179 ,65
Yerik Bazarbayev, Micheal Kattoura, Keyou S. Mao, Jie Song, Vijay K. Vasudevan, Janelle P. Wharry (2018. ) Effects of corrosion-inhibiting surface treatments on irradiated microstructure development in Ni-base alloy 718. .Journal of Nuclear Materials , , 512 ,276
Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Micheal Kattoura, Seetha R. Mannava, Vijay K. Vasudevan, Arif S. Malik, Dong Qian (2017. ) A Computational Study on the Microstructural Evolution in Near-Surface Copper Grain Boundary Structures Due to Femtosecond Laser Processing. .Journal of Computational Mechanics , , 26 ,105
Book Chapter
1. Micheal Kattoura, Stanley Bovid, David Lahrman, and Allan Clauer (2021 ) Modern Laser Peening for Material Surface Enhancement Shot Peening (6th Edition) .(pp. 176).Witzikon, MFN - Metal Finishing News, (Author)
Invited Presentations
Micheal Kattoura (2022. ) The Benefits of Laser Peening to Extend Die Life .Die Materials Meeting, North American Die Casting Association (NADCA),
Micheal Kattoura (2022. ) The Benefits of Laser Peening to Extend Die Life .NADCA Chapter 14 January 2022 Meeting, North American Die Casting Association (NADCA), Troy, Ohio.
Micheal Kattoura (2021. ) Material Properties Enhancement of Laser Peening .1st Annual Conference on Laser Shock Peening 2021 (LSP21) ,
Micheal Kattoura (2021. ) Laser Peening for Additive Manufacturing .1st Annual Conference on Laser Shock Peening 2021 (LSP21), ,
Micheal Kattoura (2021. ) Laser Shock Peening and Material Properties Enhancement .Laser Applications Conference (LAC), The Optical Society (OSA) Laser Congress, ,
Micheal Kattoura (2018. ) Effect of Advanced Mechanical Surface Treatments on Room and Elevated Temperature Residual Stress, Microstructure, Strength, and Fatigue Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy .American University of Beirut,
Micheal Kattoura (2018. ) Effect of Advanced Mechanical Surface Treatments on Room and Elevated Temperature Residual Stress, Microstructure, Strength, and Fatigue Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy .University of Cincinnati,
Contact Information
Phone: 513-556-0539