Paul E Keck Jr. , MD
Executive Vice Chair of Psychiatry; and President and CEO of the Lindner Center of HOPE
Stetson Building
Suite 3200
260 Stetson Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone 513-558-7700
Email paul.keck@uc.edu
Professional Summary
PAUL E. KECK, JR., MD, is Professor of Psychiatry and
Executive Vice Chair for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center.
Dr. Keck is President and CEO of the Lindner Center of HOPE located in Mason,
Ohio. As president and CEO of Lindner Center of HOPE, Dr. Keck provides
leadership and direction for the overall operation of the Center, directing and
coordinating the development of short and long range objectives.
A graduate of Dartmouth College, Dr. Keck received his MD from the Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. He served his internship in Internal
Medicine at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York and completed his
residency training in Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA. Dr. Keck
remained on faculty at McLean and Harvard Medical School before joining the
faculty at the University of Cincinnati in 1991.
Dr. Keck is the author of over 300 scientific papers in leading medical journals
and was the 7th most cited scientist in the world published in the fields of
psychiatry and psychology over the past decade. He has also contribued over 160
reviews and chapters to major psychiatric textbooks. Dr. Keck is the author of 6
scientific books and serves on the editorial boards of 7 journals. He serves on
the American Psychiatric Association’s Workgroup to Develop Practice Guidelines
for Treatment of Patients with Bipolar Disorders and also serves on the APA
Institute for Research and Education.
Dr. Keck is the recipient of numerous honors, including the Gerald Klerman Young
Investigator Award from the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association
(NDMDA); the Gerald Klerman Senior Investigator Award from teh Depression &
Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA); the Exemplary Psychiatrist Award from the
National Alliance of the Mentally Ill (NAMI); the Philip Isenberg Teaching Award
from Harvard Medical School; the Nancy C A Roeske Certificate for medical
student education from the American Psychiatric Association; Distinguish Fellow
of the American Psychiatric Association, the Wyeth-Ayerst AADPRT Mentorship
Award; two Communicator Awards for Continuing Medical Education; the Outstanding
Physician Partner Award of the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine; and two
Golden Apple Teaching Awards from the University of Cincinnati College of
Medicine. He is listed as one of the Best Doctors in Cincinnati by Cincinnati
Magazine; The Best Docotrs in America, a directory of the top one percent of
physicians in the United States as rated by their peers; and as one of the
nation's Best Mental Health Experts by Good Housekeeping Magazine.
Medical Degree: Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1983
Bachelor Degree: Dartmouth College 1979
Residency: McLean Hospital 1987,
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Kecks' research interests focus on the:
- development of novel psychopharmacologic agents in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and anxiety disorders
- study of the course, phenomenology and treatment response of patients with dysphoric mania;investigation of clinical and biological predictors of treatment response and outcome in bipolar disorder
- pharmacologic probes in the biology of mood and anxiety disorders;study of the epidemiology and risk factors associated with the neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- study of the biological markers of bulimia nervos
- study of serotonin uptake inhibitors in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder and impulse control disorders;use of valproic acid in the treatment of bipolar disorder and panic disorder
- use of anticonvulsant agents with antikindling properties in the treatment of bipolar disorders;predictors of response to oxcarbazepine treatment of bipolar disorder;predictors of response to clozopine in the treatment of schizophrenia
Research Support
Investigators:Keck, Paul 01-01-2004 -12-31-2006 American Diabetes Association A Prospective Study of Glucose Tolerance in New Onset Psychotic and Bipolar Disorders Role:PI $291,685.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #1-N01-MH-70007-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Keck, Paul 06-01-1998 -06-30-2001 National Institute of Mental Health A Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of a Standardized Extract Hypericum Perforatum in Major Depressive Disorder Role:PI $146,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #PAL-OUT-009 Investigators:Guo, Jianfei; Keck, Paul 03-01-2007 -08-31-2010 Ortho-McNeil, Inc. Drug-Drug Interactions with Atypical Antipsychotic Medications in Patients with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Role:Collaborator $160,560.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #3 K23MH067705-05S1 Investigators:Geracioti, Thomas; Herman, James; Keck, Paul; McElroy, Susan Lynn; Nelson, Erik; Shukla, Rakesh; Strakowski, Stephen 07-01-2009 -06-30-2010 National Institute of Mental Health Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysregulation & Phenomenology of Major Depression ARRA Supplement Role:Collaborator $54,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #217197 / R01 HS019371 Investigators:Keck, Paul; McElroy, Susan Lynn; Winstanley, Erin 09-30-2010 -09-29-2013 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Evidence Based Biomarkers to Select Personalized Treatment in Bipolar Disorder Role:Collaborator $694,909.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Hellemann, Gerhard; Altshuler, Lori; Leverich, Gabriele S; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Post, Robert M (2010. ) Prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in 875 patients with bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Martens, Brian E; Winstanley, Erin L; Creech, Ryan; Malhotra, Shishuka; Keck, Paul E (2010. ) Placebo-controlled study of quetiapine monotherapy in ambulatory bipolar spectrum disorder with moderate-to-severe hypomania or mild mania.Journal of affective disorders, , 124 (1-2 ) ,157-63 More Information
Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph W; Hellemann, Gerhard; Frye, Mark A; Sugar, Catherine A; McElroy, Susan L; Nolen, Willem A; Grunze, Heinz; Leverich, Gabriele S; Keck, Paul E; Zermeno, Melanie; Post, Robert M; Suppes, Trisha (2010. ) Gender and depressive symptoms in 711 patients with bipolar disorder evaluated prospectively in the Stanley Foundation bipolar treatment outcome network.The American journal of psychiatry, , 167 (6 ) ,708-15 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Martens, Brian E; Creech, Ryan S; Welge, Jeffrey A; Jefferson, Lena; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E (2010. ) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of divalproex extended release loading monotherapy in ambulatory bipolar spectrum disorder patients with moderate-to-severe hypomania or mild mania.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 71 (5 ) ,557-65 More Information
Joo, Eun-Jeong; Greenwood, Tiffany A; Schork, Nicholas; McKinney, Rebecca A; Sadovnick, A Dessa; Remick, Ronald A; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Kelsoe, John R (2010. ) Suggestive evidence for linkage of ADHD features in bipolar disorder to chromosome 10p14.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, , 153B (1 ) ,260-8 More Information
Keck, Paul E; Hsu, Hai-An; Papadakis, Kelly; Russo, John Memantine efficacy and safety in patients with acute mania associated with bipolar I disorder: a pilot evaluation.Clinical neuropharmacology, , 32 (4 ) ,199-204 More Information
Sheehan, David V; McElroy, Susan L; Harnett-Sheehan, Kathy; Keck, Paul E; Janavs, Juris; Rogers, Jamison; Gonzalez, Robert; Shivakumar, Geetha; Suppes, Trisha (2009. ) Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of risperidone for acute treatment of bipolar anxiety.Journal of affective disorders, , 115 (3 ) ,376-85 More Information
Keck, Paul E; Versiani, Marcio; Warrington, Lewis; Loebel, Antony D; Horne, R Lynn (2009. ) Long-term safety and efficacy of ziprasidone in subpopulations of patients with bipolar mania. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 70 (6 ) ,844-51
Altshuler, Lori L; Post, Robert M; Hellemann, Gerhard; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A; Frye, Mark A; Keck, Paul E; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz; McElroy, Susan L; Sugar, Catherine A; Suppes, Trisha (2009. ) Impact of antidepressant continuation after acute positive or partial treatment response for bipolar depression: a blinded, randomized study. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 70 (4 ) ,450-7
Frye, Mark A; Helleman, Gerhard; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Black, David O; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Leverich, Gabriele S; Grunze, Heinz; Mintz, Jim; Post, Robert M; Suppes, Trisha (2009. ) Correlates of treatment-emergent mania associated with antidepressant treatment in bipolar depression.The American journal of psychiatry, , 166 (2 ) ,164-72 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; Fleck, David E; DelBello, Melissa P; Adler, Caleb M; Shear, Paula K; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Moss, Quinton; Cerullo, Michael A; Kotwal, Renu; Arndt, Stephan (2009. ) Characterizing impulsivity in mania.Bipolar disorders, , 11 (1 ) ,41-51 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Martens, Brian; Keck, Paul E; Pope, Harrison G; Hudson, James I (2009. ) Role of antiepileptic drugs in the management of eating disorders. CNS drugs, , 23 (2 ) ,139-56
Keck, P E; Orsulak, P J; Cutler, A J; Sanchez, R; Torbeyns, A; Marcus, R N; McQuade, R D; Carson, W H (2009. ) Aripiprazole monotherapy in the treatment of acute bipolar I mania: a randomized, double-blind, placebo- and lithium-controlled study.Journal of affective disorders, , 112 (1-3 ) ,36-49 More Information
Keck, Paul E; Kessler, Ronald C; Ross, Ruth (2008. ) Clinical and economic effects of unrecognized or inadequately treated bipolar disorder.Journal of psychiatric practice, , 14 Suppl 2 ,31-8 More Information
Evans, Lynn M; Akiskal, Hagop S; Greenwood, Tiffany A; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Sadovnick, A Dessa; Remick, Ronald A; Schork, Nicholas J; Kelsoe, John R (2008. ) Suggestive linkage of a chromosomal locus on 18p11 to cyclothymic temperament in bipolar disorder families.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, , 147 (3 ) ,326-32 More Information
Anthenelli, Robert M; Blom, Thomas J; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E (2008. ) Preliminary evidence for gender-specific effects of topiramate as a potential aid to smoking cessation.Addiction (Abingdon, England), , 103 (4 ) ,687-94 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Bowden, Charles L; Collins, Michelle A; Wozniak, Patricia J; Keck, Paul E; Calabrese, Joseph R (2008. ) Relationship of open acute mania treatment to blinded maintenance outcome in bipolar I disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 107 (1-3 ) ,127-33 More Information
Shivakumar, Geetha; Bernstein, Ira H; Suppes, Trisha ; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinze; Leverich, Gabriele S; Mintz, Jim; Post, Robert M (2008. ) Are bipolar mood symptoms affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle?.Journal of women's health (2002), , 17 (3 ) ,473-8 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Nelson, Erik B; Welge, Jeffrey A; Kaehler, Laura; Keck, Paul E (2008. ) Olanzapine in the treatment of pathological gambling: a negative randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 69 (3 ) ,433-40
Post, Robert M; Luckenbaugh, David A; Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Grunze, Heinz; Walden, Joerg (2008. ) Incidence of childhood-onset bipolar illness in the USA and Europe.The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, , 192 (2 ) ,150-1 More Information
Guerdjikova, Anna I; McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik; Lake, Katie; Alessio, David D'; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2008. ) High-dose escitalopram in the treatment of binge-eating disorder with obesity: a placebo-controlled monotherapy trial.Human psychopharmacology, , 23 (1 ) ,1-11 More Information
Richtand, Neil M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Logue, Aaron D; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M; McNamara, Robert K (2008. ) Role of serotonin and dopamine receptor binding in antipsychotic efficacy.Progress in brain research, , 172 ,155-75 More Information
Keck, Paul E; Frye, Mark A; Thase, Michael E (2007. ) Bipolar depression: best practices for the hospitalized patient. CNS spectrums, , 12 (11 Suppl 19 ) ,1-13
Suppes, Trisha; Kelly, Dorothy I; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Mintz, Jim; Frye, Mark A; Nolen, Willem A; Luckenbaugh, David A; Post, Robert M; Leverich, Gabriele S; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz (2007. ) Quetiapine for the continuation treatment of bipolar depression: naturalistic prospective case series from the Stanley Bipolar Treatment Network.International clinical psychopharmacology, , 22 (6 ) ,376-81 More Information
Frye, Mark A; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Walden, Jorge; Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori L; Nakelsky, Shoshanna; Hwang, Sun; Mintz, Jim; Post, Robert M (2007. ) A placebo-controlled evaluation of adjunctive modafinil in the treatment of bipolar depression.The American journal of psychiatry, , 164 (8 ) ,1242-9 More Information
Barzman, Drew H; DelBello, Melissa P; Forrester, Jacob J; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M (2007. ) A retrospective chart review of intramuscular ziprasidone for agitation in children and adolescents on psychiatric units: prospective studies are needed.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 17 (4 ) ,503-9 More Information
Richtand, Neil M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Logue, Aaron D; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M; McNamara, Robert K (2007. ) Dopamine and serotonin receptor binding and antipsychotic efficacy.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, , 32 (8 ) ,1715-26 More Information
Guo, Jeff J; Keck, Paul E; Li, Hong; Patel, Nick C (2007. ) Treatment costs related to bipolar disorder and comorbid conditions among Medicaid patients with bipolar disorder.Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), , 58 (8 ) ,1073-8 More Information
Leverich, Gabriele S; Post, Robert M; Keck, Paul E; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Kupka, Ralph W; Nolen, Willem A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Grunze, Heinz; Denicoff, Kirk; Moravec, Maria K M; Luckenbaugh, David (2007. ) The poor prognosis of childhood-onset bipolar disorder.The Journal of pediatrics, , 150 (5 ) ,485-90 More Information
Guerdjikova, Anna I; McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Stanford, Kevin; Keck, Paul E (2007. ) Psychiatric and metabolic characteristics of childhood versus adult-onset obesity in patients seeking weight management.Eating behaviors, , 8 (2 ) ,266-76 More Information
Guerdjikova, A I; McElroy, S L; Kotwal, R; Keck, P E (2007. ) Comparison of obese men and women with binge eating disorder seeking weight management. Eating and weight disorders : EWD, , 12 (1 ) ,e19-23
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna; Kotwal, Renu; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik B; Lake, Kathleen A; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2007. ) Atomoxetine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 68 (3 ) ,390-8
McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Keck, Paul E (2006. ) Comorbidity of eating disorders with bipolar disorder and treatment implications.Bipolar disorders, , 8 (6 ) ,686-95 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Kupka, Ralph; Nolen, Willem A; Grunze, Heinz (2006. ) New findings from the Bipolar Collaborative Network: clinical implications for therapeutics. Current psychiatry reports, , 8 (6 ) ,489-97
Keck, Paul E (2006. ) Long-term management strategies to achieve optimal function in patients with bipolar disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (12 ) ,e17
McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik B; Lake, Kathleen A; D'Alessio, David A; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2006. ) Zonisamide in the treatment of binge eating disorder with obesity: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (12 ) ,1897-906
Keck, Paul E; Mintz, Jim; McElroy, Susan L; Freeman, Marlene P; Suppes, Trisha; Frye, Mark A; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; Nolen, Willem A; Leverich, Gabriele S; Denicoff, Kirk D; Grunze, Heinz; Duan, Naihua; Post, Robert M (2006. ) Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of ethyl-eicosapentanoate in the treatment of bipolar depression and rapid cycling bipolar disorder.Biological psychiatry, , 60 (9 ) ,1020-2 More Information
Bermudes, Richard A; Keck, Paul E; Welge, Jeffrey A The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in psychiatric inpatients with primary psychotic and mood disorders.Psychosomatics, , 47 (6 ) ,491-7 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Kaneria, Rakesh; Keck, Paul E (2006. ) Antidepressants and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 8 (5 Pt 2 ) ,596-617 More Information
Kotwal, Renu; Guerdjikova, Anna; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E (2006. ) Lithium augmentation of topiramate for bipolar disorder with comorbid binge eating disorder and obesity.Human psychopharmacology, , 21 (7 ) ,425-31 More Information
Altshuler, Lori L; Post, Robert M; Black, David O; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; Grunze, Heinz; Kupka, Ralph W; Leverich, Gabriele S; McElroy, Susan L; Walden, Joerg; Mintz, Jim (2006. ) Subsyndromal depressive symptoms are associated with functional impairment in patients with bipolar disorder: results of a large, multisite study. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (10 ) ,1551-60
Post, R M; Altshuler, L L; Leverich, G S; Frye, M A; Nolen, W A; Kupka, R W; Suppes, T; McElroy, S; Keck, P E; Denicoff, K D; Grunze, H; Walden, J; Kitchen, C M R; Mintz, J (2006. ) Mood switch in bipolar depression: comparison of adjunctive venlafaxine, bupropion and sertraline.The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, , 189 ,124-31 More Information
Arnold, Lesley M; Hudson, James I; Keck, Paul E; Auchenbach, Megan B; Javaras, Kristin N; Hess, Evelyn V (2006. ) Comorbidity of fibromyalgia and psychiatric disorders. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (8 ) ,1219-25
Guo, Jeff J; Keck, Paul E; Corey-Lisle, Patricia K; Li, Hong; Jiang, Dongming; Jang, Raymond; L'Italien, Gilbert J (2006. ) Risk of diabetes mellitus associated with atypical antipsychotic use among patients with bipolar disorder: A retrospective, population-based, case-control study. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (7 ) ,1055-61
Brown, Eileen B; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Deldar, Ahmed; Adams, David H; Tohen, Mauricio; Williamson, Douglas J (2006. ) A 7-week, randomized, double-blind trial of olanzapine/fluoxetine combination versus lamotrigine in the treatment of bipolar I depression. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (7 ) ,1025-33
Corya, Sara A; Perlis, Roy H; Keck, Paul E; Lin, Daniel Y; Case, Michael G; Williamson, Doug J; Tohen, Mauricio F (2006. ) A 24-week open-label extension study of olanzapine-fluoxetine combination and olanzapine monotherapy in the treatment of bipolar depression. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (5 ) ,798-806
Nievergelt, Caroline M; Kripke, Daniel F; Barrett, Thomas B; Burg, Elyssa; Remick, Ronald A; Sadovnick, A Dessa; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Schork, Nicholas J; Kelsoe, John R (2006. ) Suggestive evidence for association of the circadian genes PERIOD3 and ARNTL with bipolar disorder.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, , 141B (3 ) ,234-41 More Information
Strawn, Jeffrey R; Keck, Paul E (2006. ) Early bicarbonate loading and dantroline for ziprasidone/haloperidol-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (4 ) ,677
Keck, Paul E; Calabrese, Joseph R; McQuade, Robert D; Carson, William H; Carlson, Berit X; Rollin, Linda M; Marcus, Ronald N; Sanchez, Raymond (2006. ) A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 26-week trial of aripiprazole in recently manic patients with bipolar I disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (4 ) ,626-37
Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Kupka, Ralph W; Denicoff, Kirk D; Nolen, Willem A; Grunze, Heinz; Martinez, Maria I; Post, Robert M (2006. ) Risk of switch in mood polarity to hypomania or mania in patients with bipolar depression during acute and continuation trials of venlafaxine, sertraline, and bupropion as adjuncts to mood stabilizers.The American journal of psychiatry, , 163 (2 ) ,232-9 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; Fleck, David E; Adler, Caleb M; Anthenelli, Robert M; Keck, Paul E; Arnold, Lesley M; Amicone, Jennifer (2005. ) Effects of co-occurring alcohol abuse on the course of bipolar disorder following a first hospitalization for mania.Archives of general psychiatry, , 62 (8 ) ,851-8 More Information
Perlis, Roy H; Keck, Paul E (2005. ) The Texas implementation of medication algorithms update for treatment of bipolar I disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 66 (7 ) ,818-20
Rasgon, Natalie L; Altshuler, Lori L; Fairbanks, Lynn; Elman, Shana; Bitran, Jose; Labarca, Rodrigo; Saad, Mohammed; Kupka, Ralph; Nolen, Willem A; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele; Grunze, Heinz; Walden, Joerg; Post, Robert; Mintz, Jim (2005. ) Reproductive function and risk for PCOS in women treated for bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 7 (3 ) ,246-59 More Information
Akiskal, Hagop S; Fuller, Matthew A; Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Keck, Paul E; Ketter, Terence A; Weisler, Richard H (2005. ) Reassessing carbamazepine in the treatment of bipolar disorder: clinical implications of new data. CNS spectrums, , 10 (6 ) ,suppl 1-11; discuss
Revicki, Dennis A; Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Ahearn, Eileen P; Weisler, Richard H; Palmer, Cynthia; Keck, Paul E (2005. ) Effectiveness and medical costs of divalproex versus lithium in the treatment of bipolar disorder: results of a naturalistic clinical trial.Journal of affective disorders, , 86 (2-3 ) ,183-93 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Keck, Paul E; Akiskal, Hagop S (2005. ) Comorbidity of bipolar and eating disorders: distinct or related disorders with shared dysregulations?.Journal of affective disorders, , 86 (2-3 ) ,107-27 More Information
Fleck, David E; Keck, Paul E; Corey, Kimberly B; Strakowski, Stephen M (2005. ) Factors associated with medication adherence in African American and white patients with bipolar disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 66 (5 ) ,646-52
McElroy, Susan L; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Black, David; Frye, Mark A; Altshuler, Lori L; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W; Leverich, Gabriele S; Walden, Jorg; Grunze, Heinz; Post, Robert M (2005. ) Open-label adjunctive zonisamide in the treatment of bipolar disorders: a prospective trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 66 (5 ) ,617-24
Keck, Paul E; Corya, Sara A; Altshuler, Lori L; Ketter, Terence A; McElroy, Susan L; Case, Michael; Briggs, Susan D; Tohen, Mauricio (2005. ) Analyses of treatment-emergent mania with olanzapine/fluoxetine combination in the treatment of bipolar depression. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 66 (5 ) ,611-6
Evans, Lynn; Akiskal, Hagop S; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Sadovnick, A Dessa; Remick, Ronald A; Kelsoe, John R (2005. ) Familiality of temperament in bipolar disorder: support for a genetic spectrum.Journal of affective disorders, , 85 (1-2 ) ,153-68 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Kupka, Ralph; Nolen, Willem A; Luckenbaugh, David A; Walden, Jorg; Grunze, Heinz (2005. ) Preliminary observations on the effectiveness of levetiracetam in the open adjunctive treatment of refractory bipolar disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 66 (3 ) ,370-4
Nievergelt, Caroline M; Kripke, Daniel F; Remick, Ronald A; Sadovnick, A Dessa; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Kelsoe, John R (2005. ) Examination of the clock gene Cryptochrome 1 in bipolar disorder: mutational analysis and absence of evidence for linkage or association. Psychiatric genetics, , 15 (1 ) ,45-52
Calabrese, Joseph R; Keck, Paul E; Bowden, Charles L; Ketter, Terence A; Sachs, Gary; Findling, Robert L; Sajatovic, Martha (2005. ) A US perspective of the CANMAT bipolar guidelines.Bipolar disorders, , 7 Suppl 3 ,70-2 More Information
Keck, Paul E (2005. ) Bipolar depression: a new role for atypical antipsychotics?.Bipolar disorders, , 7 Suppl 4 ,34-40 More Information
Hudson, James I; Arnold, Lesley M; Keck, Paul E; Auchenbach, Megan B; Pope, Harrison G (2004. ) Family study of fibromyalgia and affective spectrum disorder.Biological psychiatry, , 56 (11 ) ,884-91 More Information
Nolen, Willem A; Luckenbaugh, David A; Altshuler, Lori L; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Kupka, Ralph W; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Post, Robert M (2004. ) Correlates of 1-year prospective outcome in bipolar disorder: results from the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network.The American journal of psychiatry, , 161 (8 ) ,1447-54 More Information
Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Keck, Paul E; Kramer, Michelle; Karcher, Keith; Canuso, Carla; Eerdekens, Marielle; Grossman, Fred (2004. ) Rapid antimanic effect of risperidone monotherapy: a 3-week multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The American journal of psychiatry, , 161 (6 ) ,1057-65
McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Malhotra, Shishuka; Nelson, Erik B; Keck, Paul E; Nemeroff, Charles B (2004. ) Are mood disorders and obesity related? A review for the mental health professional. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 65 (5 ) ,634-51, quiz 730
Arnold, Lesley M; Keck, Paul E; Collins, Jacqueline; Wilson, Rodgers; Fleck, David E; Corey, Kimberly B; Amicone, Jennifer; Adebimpe, Victor R; Strakowski, Stephen M (2004. ) Ethnicity and first-rank symptoms in patients with psychosis.Schizophrenia research, , 67 (2-3 ) ,207-12 More Information
Keck, Paul E (2004. ) Evaluation and management of breakthrough depressive episodes. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 65 Suppl 10 ,11-5
McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Hudson, James I; Nelson, Erik B; Keck, Paul E (2004. ) Zonisamide in the treatment of binge-eating disorder: an open-label, prospective trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 65 (1 ) ,50-6
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2003. ) Bipolar disorder, obesity, and pharmacotherapy-associated weight gain. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 (12 ) ,1426-35
Dewan, Naakesh A; Conley, Douglas; Svendsen, Dale; Shon, Steven P; Staup, John R; Miller, Alexander L; Crismon, M Lynn; Rush, A John; Trivedi, Madhukar; Skale, Tracy; Keck, Paul E; Strawkowski, Stephen M (2003. ) A quality improvement process for implementing the Texas algorithm for schizophrenia in Ohio. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), , 54 (12 ) ,1646-9
Keck, Paul E (2003. ) The management of acute mania.BMJ (Clinical research ed.), , 327 (7422 ) ,1002-3 More Information
Baldessarini, Ross J; Hennen, John; Wilson, Michael; Calabrese, Joseph; Chengappa, Roy; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Sachs, Gary; Vieta, Eduard; Welge, Jeffrey A; Yatham, Lakshmi N; Zarate, Carlos A; Baker, Robert W; Tohen, Mauricio (2003. ) Olanzapine versus placebo in acute mania: treatment responses in subgroups.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 23 (4 ) ,370-6 More Information
Altshuler, Lori; Suppes, Trisha; Black, David; Nolen, Willem A; Keck, Paul E; Frye, Mark A; McElroy, Susan; Kupka, Ralph; Grunze, Heinz; Walden, Jörg; Leverich, Gabrielle; Denicoff, Kirk; Luckenbaugh, David; Post, Robert (2003. ) Impact of antidepressant discontinuation after acute bipolar depression remission on rates of depressive relapse at 1-year follow-up. The American journal of psychiatry, , 160 (7 ) ,1252-62
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Havens, Jennifer Rochussen; Altshuler, Lori L; Nolen, Willem A; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; Denicoff, Kirk D; Kupka, Ralph; Leverich, Gabrielle S; Rush, A John; Post, Robert M Psychosis in bipolar disorder: phenomenology and impact on morbidity and course of illness.Comprehensive psychiatry, , 44 (4 ) ,263-9 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; Keck, Paul E; Arnold, Lesley M; Collins, Jacqueline; Wilson, Rodgers M; Fleck, David E; Corey, Kimberly B; Amicone, Jennifer; Adebimpe, Victor R (2003. ) Ethnicity and diagnosis in patients with affective disorders. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 (7 ) ,747-54
Gyulai, Laszlo; Bowden, Charles L; McElroy, Susan L; Calabrese, Joseph R; Petty, Frederick; Swann, Alan C; Chou, James C-Y; Wassef, Adel; Risch, Craig S; Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Nemeroff, Charles B; Keck, Paul E; Evans, Dwight L; Wozniak, Patricia J (2003. ) Maintenance efficacy of divalproex in the prevention of bipolar depression.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, , 28 (7 ) ,1374-82 More Information
Post, Robert M; Denicoff, Kirk D; Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha M; Rush, A John; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Luckenbaugh, David A; Pollio, Chad; Kupka, Ralph; Nolen, Willem A (2003. ) Morbidity in 258 bipolar outpatients followed for 1 year with daily prospective ratings on the NIMH life chart method. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 (6 ) ,680-90; quiz 738-9
Frye, Mark A; Altshuler, Lori L; McElroy, Susan L; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Denicoff, Kirk; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Leverich, Gabriele S; Pollio, Chad; Grunze, Heinz; Walden, Jorge; Post, Robert M (2003. ) Gender differences in prevalence, risk, and clinical correlates of alcoholism comorbidity in bipolar disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, , 160 (5 ) ,883-9
Strakowski, Stephen M; Del Bello, Melissa P; Adler, Caleb M; Keck, Paul E (2003. ) Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of bipolar disorder.Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, , 4 (5 ) ,751-60 More Information
Shaw, S H; Mroczkowski-Parker, Z; Shekhtman, T; Alexander, M; Remick, R A; Sadovnick, A D; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Kelsoe, J R (2003. ) Linkage of a bipolar disorder susceptibility locus to human chromosome 13q32 in a new pedigree series.Molecular psychiatry, , 8 (5 ) ,558-64 More Information
Barrett, T B; Hauger, R L; Kennedy, J L; Sadovnick, A D; Remick, R A; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Alexander, M; Shaw, S H; Kelsoe, J R (2003. ) Evidence that a single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter of the G protein receptor kinase 3 gene is associated with bipolar disorder.Molecular psychiatry, , 8 (5 ) ,546-57 More Information
Keck, Paul E; Versiani, Marcio; Potkin, Steven; West, Scott A; Giller, Earl; Ice, Kathleen (2003. ) Ziprasidone in the treatment of acute bipolar mania: a three-week, placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial. The American journal of psychiatry, , 160 (4 ) ,741-8
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2003. ) Aripiprazole: a partial dopamine D2 receptor agonist antipsychotic.Expert opinion on investigational drugs, , 12 (4 ) ,655-62 More Information
Calabrese, Joseph R; Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Reed, Michael; Davies, Marilyn A; Frye, Mark A; Keck, Paul E; Lewis, Lydia; McElroy, Susan L; McNulty, James P; Wagner, Karen D (2003. ) Impact of bipolar disorder on a U.S. community sample. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 (4 ) ,425-32
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2003. ) Redefining mood stabilization. Journal of affective disorders, , 73 (1-2 ) ,163-9
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2003. ) New approaches in managing bipolar depression. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 Suppl 1 ,13-8
Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Calabrese, Joseph R; Weissman, Myrna M; Reed, Michael; Davies, Marilyn A; Frye, Mark A; Keck, Paul E; Lewis, Lydia; McElroy, Susan L; McNulty, James P; Wagner, Karen D (2003. ) Screening for bipolar disorder in the community. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 (1 ) ,53-9
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2003. ) Divalproex in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Psychopharmacology bulletin, , 37 Suppl 2 ,67-73
Arnold, Lesley M; McElroy, Susan L; Hudson, James I; Welge, Jeffrey A; Bennett, Aurora J; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) A placebo-controlled, randomized trial of fluoxetine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 (11 ) ,1028-33
Suppes, Trisha; Chisholm, Karrie A; Dhavale, Dawn; Frye, Mark A; Altshuler, Lori L; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Denicoff, Kirk D; Leverich, Gabrielle S; Rush, A John; Post, Robert M (2002. ) Tiagabine in treatment refractory bipolar disorder: a clinical case series. Bipolar disorders, , 4 (5 ) ,283-9
Soutullo, Cesar A; DelBello, Melissa P; Ochsner, Jennifer E; McElroy, Susan L; Taylor, Siobhan A; Strakowski, Stephen M; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) Severity of bipolarity in hospitalized manic adolescents with history of stimulant or antidepressant treatment. Journal of affective disorders, , 70 (3 ) ,323-7
Namjoshi, Madhav A; Rajamannar, Gopalan; Jacobs, Thomas; Sanger, Todd M; Risser, Richard; Tohen, Mauricio F; Breier, Alan; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) Economic, clinical, and quality-of-life outcomes associated with olanzapine treatment in mania. Results from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of affective disorders, , 69 (1-3 ) ,109-18
Suppes, Trisha; Dennehy, Ellen B; Swann, Alan C; Bowden, Charles L; Calabrese, Joseph R; Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Keck, Paul E; Sachs, Gary S; Crismon, M Lynn; Toprac, Marcia G; Shon, Steven P (2002. ) Report of the Texas Consensus Conference Panel on medication treatment of bipolar disorder 2000. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 (4 ) ,288-99
Charney, Dennis S; Nemeroff, Charles B; Lewis, Lydia; Laden, Sally K; Gorman, Jack M; Laska, Eugene M; Borenstein, Michael; Bowden, Charles L; Caplan, Arthur; Emslie, Graham J; Evans, Dwight L; Geller, Barbara; Grabowski, Lenore E; Herson, Jay; Kalin, Ned H; Keck, Paul E; Kirsch, Irving; Krishnan, K Ranga R; Kupfer, David J; Makuch, Robert W; Miller, Franklin G; Pardes, Herbert; Post, Robert; Reynolds, Mildred M; Roberts, Laura; Rosenbaum, Jerrold F; Rosenstein, Donald L; Rubinow, David R; Rush, A John; Ryan, Neal D; Sachs, Gary S; Schatzberg, Alan F; Solomon, Susan (2002. ) National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association consensus statement on the use of placebo in clinical trials of mood disorders. Archives of general psychiatry, , 59 (3 ) ,262-70
McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; Dhavale, Dawn; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori; Denicoff, Kirk D; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Grunze, Heinz; Walden, Jorg; Post, Robert M (2002. ) Correlates of overweight and obesity in 644 patients with bipolar disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 (3 ) ,207-13
Arnold, Lesley M; Hess, Evelyn V; Hudson, James I; Welge, Jeffrey A; Berno, Sarah E; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, flexible-dose study of fluoxetine in the treatment of women with fibromyalgia. The American journal of medicine, , 112 (3 ) ,191-7
Kupka, Ralph W; Nolen, Willem A; Post, Robert M; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Denicoff, Kirk D; Frye, Mark A; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Rush, A John; Suppes, Trisha; Pollio, Chad; Drexhage, Hemmo A (2002. ) High rate of autoimmune thyroiditis in bipolar disorder: lack of association with lithium exposure. Biological psychiatry, , 51 (4 ) ,305-11
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2002. ) Carbamazepine and valproate in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 Suppl 10 ,13-7
Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2002. ) Clinical pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of antimanic and mood-stabilizing medications. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 Suppl 4 ,3-11
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Richtand, N; Tohen, M (2002. ) What makes a drug a primary mood stabilizer?.Molecular psychiatry, , 7 Suppl 1 ,S8-14 More Information
Greenwood, T A; Alexander, M; Keck, P E; McElroy, S; Sadovnick, A D; Remick, R A; Shaw, S H; Kelsoe, J R (2002. ) Segmental linkage disequilibrium within the dopamine transporter gene.Molecular psychiatry, , 7 (2 ) ,165-73 More Information
Post, R M; Altshuler, L L; Frye, M A; Suppes, T; Rush, A J; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Denicoff, K D; Leverich, G S; Kupka, R; Nolen, W A (2001. ) Rate of switch in bipolar patients prospectively treated with second-generation antidepressants as augmentation to mood stabilizers. Bipolar disorders, , 3 (5 ) ,259-65
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (2001. ) Definition, evaluation, and management of treatment refractory mania. Psychopharmacology bulletin, , 35 (4 ) ,130-48
Geracioti, T D; Baker, D G; Ekhator, N N; West, S A; Hill, K K; Bruce, A B; Schmidt, D; Rounds-Kugler, B; Yehuda, R; Keck, P E; Kasckow, J W (2001. ) CSF norepinephrine concentrations in posttraumatic stress disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, , 158 (8 ) ,1227-30
Janicak, P G; Keck, P E; Davis, J M; Kasckow, J W; Tugrul, K; Dowd, S M; Strong, J; Sharma, R P; Strakowski, S M (2001. ) A double-blind, randomized, prospective evaluation of the efficacy and safety of risperidone versus haloperidol in the treatment of schizoaffective disorder. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 21 (4 ) ,360-8
Kupka, R W; Nolen, W A; Altshuler, L L; Denicoff, K D; Frye, M A; Leverich, G S; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Rush, A J; Suppes, T; Post, R M (2001. ) The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network. 2. Preliminary summary of demographics, course of illness and response to novel treatments. The British journal of psychiatry. Supplement, , 41 ,s177-83
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Arnold, L M (2001. ) Ziprasidone: a new atypical antipsychotic.Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, , 2 (6 ) ,1033-42 More Information
Calabrese, J R; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Shelton, M D (2001. ) A pilot study of topiramate as monotherapy in the treatment of acute mania. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 21 (3 ) ,340-2
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Arnold, L M (2001. ) Bipolar disorder. The Medical clinics of North America, , 85 (3 ) ,645-61, ix
Freeman, M P; Keck , P E; McElroy, S L (2001. ) Postpartum depression with bipolar disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, , 158 (4 ) ,652
Keck, P E; Strakowski, S M; Hawkins, J M; Dunayevich, E; Tugrul, K C; Bennett, J A; McElroy, S L (2001. ) A pilot study of rapid lithium administration in the treatment of acute mania. Bipolar disorders, , 3 (2 ) ,68-72
Greenwood, T A; Alexander, M; Keck, P E; McElroy, S; Sadovnick, A D; Remick, R A; Kelsoe, J R (2001. ) Evidence for linkage disequilibrium between the dopamine transporter and bipolar disorder. American journal of medical genetics, , 105 (2 ) ,145-51
Hudson, J I; Laird, N M; Betensky, R A; Keck, P E; Pope, H G (2001. ) Multivariate logistic regression for familial aggregation of two disorders. II. Analysis of studies of eating and mood disorders. American journal of epidemiology, , 153 (5 ) ,506-14
McElroy, S L; Altshuler, L L; Suppes, T; Keck, P E; Frye, M A; Denicoff, K D; Nolen, W A; Kupka, R W; Leverich, G S; Rochussen, J R; Rush, A J; Post, R M (2001. ) Axis I psychiatric comorbidity and its relationship to historical illness variables in 288 patients with bipolar disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, , 158 (3 ) ,420-6
Denicoff, K D; Leverich, G S; Nolen, W A; Rush, A J; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Suppes, T; Altshuler, L L; Kupka, R; Frye, M A; Hatef, J; Brotman, M A; Post, R M (2000. ) Validation of the prospective NIMH-Life-Chart Method (NIMH-LCM-p) for longitudinal assessment of bipolar illness. Psychological medicine, , 30 (6 ) ,1391-7
Rush, A J; Post, R M; Nolen, W A; Keck, P E; Suppes, T; Altshuler, L; McElroy, S L (2000. ) Methodological issues in developing new acute treatments for patients with bipolar illness. Biological psychiatry, , 48 (6 ) ,615-24
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E (2000. ) Pharmacologic agents for the treatment of acute bipolar mania. Biological psychiatry, , 48 (6 ) ,539-57
Kornberg, J R; Brown, J L; Sadovnick, A D; Remick, R A; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Rapaport, M H; Thompson, P M; Kaul, J B; Vrabel, C M; Schommer, S C; Wilson, T; Pizzuco, D; Jameson, S; Schibuk, L; Kelsoe, J R (2000. ) Evaluating the parent-of-origin effect in bipolar affective disorder. Is a more penetrant subtype transmitted paternally? .Journal of affective disorders, , 59 (3 ) ,183-92
McElroy, S L; Suppes, T; Keck, P E; Frye, M A; Denicoff, K D; Altshuler, L L; Brown, E S; Nolen, W A; Kupka, R W; Rochussen, J; Leverich, G S; Post, R M (2000. ) Open-label adjunctive topiramate in the treatment of bipolar disorders. Biological psychiatry, , 47 (12 ) ,1025-33
Keck, P E; Welge, J A; Strakowski, S M; Arnold, L M; McElroy, S L (2000. ) Placebo effect in randomized, controlled maintenance studies of patients with bipolar disorder. Biological psychiatry, , 47 (8 ) ,756-61
Keck, P E; Welge, J A; McElroy, S L; Arnold, L M; Strakowski, S M (2000. ) Placebo effect in randomized, controlled studies of acute bipolar mania and depression. Biological psychiatry, , 47 (8 ) ,748-55
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Bennett, J A (2000. ) Pharmacologic loading in the treatment of acute mania. Bipolar disorders, , 2 (1 ) ,42-6
Dunayevich, E; Sax, K W; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Sorter, M T; McConville, B J; Strakowski, S M (2000. ) Twelve-month outcome in bipolar patients with and without personality disorders. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 61 (2 ) ,134-9
Shapira, N A; Goldsmith, T D; Keck, P E; Khosla, U M; McElroy, S L Psychiatric features of individuals with problematic internet use. Journal of affective disorders, , 57 (1-3 ) ,267-72
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Soutullo, C A (2000. ) Antipsychotics in the treatment of mood disorders and risk of tardive dyskinesia. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 61 Suppl 4 ,33-8
Keck, P E; Strakowski, S M; McElroy, S L (2000. ) The efficacy of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of depressive symptoms, hostility, and suicidality in patients with schizophrenia. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 61 Suppl 3 ,4-9
Tsevat, J; Keck, P E; Hornung, R W; McElroy, S L (2000. ) Health values of patients with bipolar disorder. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, , 9 (5 ) ,579-86
Hirschfeld, R M; Allen, M H; McEvoy, J P; Keck, P E; Russell, J M (1999. ) Safety and tolerability of oral loading divalproex sodium in acutely manic bipolar patients. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 60 (12 ) ,815-8
DelBello, M P; Strakowski, S M; Sax, K W; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; West, S A; Kmetz, G F (1999. ) Familial rates of affective and substance use disorders in patients with first-episode mania. Journal of affective disorders, , 56 (1 ) ,55-60
Altshuler, L L; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Suppes, T; Brown, E S; Denicoff, K; Frye, M; Gitlin, M; Hwang, S; Goodman, R; Leverich, G; Nolen, W; Kupka, R; Post, R (1999. ) Gabapentin in the acute treatment of refractory bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders, , 1 (1 ) ,61-5
Shapira, N A; DelBello, M P; Goldsmith, T D; Rosenberger, B M; Keck, P E (1999. ) Evaluation of bipolar disorder in inpatients with prelingual deafness. The American journal of psychiatry, , 156 (8 ) ,1267-9
Calabrese, J R; Bowden, C L; McElroy, S L; Cookson, J; Andersen, J; Keck, P E; Rhodes, L; Bolden-Watson, C; Zhou, J; Ascher, J A (1999. ) Spectrum of activity of lamotrigine in treatment-refractory bipolar disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, , 156 (7 ) ,1019-23
Soutullo, C A; Sorter, M T; Foster, K D; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E (1999. ) Olanzapine in the treatment of adolescent acute mania: a report of seven cases. Journal of affective disorders, , 53 (3 ) ,279-83
McElroy, S L; Soutullo, C A; Taylor, P; Nelson, E B; Beckman, D A; Brusman, L A; Ombaba, J M; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E (1999. ) Psychiatric features of 36 men convicted of sexual offenses. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 60 (6 ) ,414-20; quiz 421-2
Goldsmith, T B; Shapira, N A; Keck, P E (1999. ) Rapid remission of OCD with tramadol hydrochloride. The American journal of psychiatry, , 156 (4 ) ,660-1
Suppes, T; Brown, E S; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Nolen, W; Kupka, R; Frye, M; Denicoff, K D; Altshuler, L; Leverich, G S; Post, R M (1999. ) Lamotrigine for the treatment of bipolar disorder: a clinical case series. Journal of affective disorders, , 53 (1 ) ,95-8
Galli, V; McElroy, S L; Soutullo, C A; Kizer, D; Raute, N; Keck, P E; McConville, B J The psychiatric diagnoses of twenty-two adolescents who have sexually molested other children. Comprehensive psychiatry, , 40 (2 ) ,85-8
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M (1999. ) Schizoaffective disorder: role of atypical antipsychotics. Schizophrenia research, , 35 Suppl ,S5-12
Geracioti, T D; West, S A; Baker, D G; Hill, K K; Ekhator, N N; Wortman, M D; Keck, P E; Norman, A B (1999. ) Low CSF concentration of a dopamine metabolite in tobacco smokers. The American journal of psychiatry, , 156 (1 ) ,130-2
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Strakowski, S M (1999. ) An overview of the treatment of schizoaffective disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 60 Suppl 5 ,16-21; discussion 22
Sax, K W; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; West, S A; Stanton, S P (1998. ) Symptom correlates of attentional improvement following hospitalization for a first episode of affective psychosis. Biological psychiatry, , 44 (8 ) ,784-6
Berardi, D; Amore, M; Keck, P E; Troia, M; Dell'Atti, M (1998. ) Clinical and pharmacologic risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a case-control study. Biological psychiatry, , 44 (8 ) ,748-54
Sax, K W; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E (1998. ) Attentional improvement following quetiapine fumarate treatment in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research, , 33 (3 ) ,151-5
Strakowski, S M; Sax, K W; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Hawkins, J M; West, S A (1998. ) Course of psychiatric and substance abuse syndromes co-occurring with bipolar disorder after a first psychiatric hospitalization. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 59 (9 ) ,465-71
Geracioti, T D; Keck, P E; Ekhator, N N; West, S A; Baker, D G; Hill, K K; Bruce, A B; Wortman, M D (1998. ) Continuous covariability of dopamine and serotonin metabolites in human cerebrospinal fluid. Biological psychiatry, , 44 (3 ) ,228-33
Soutullo, C A; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E (1998. ) Hypomania associated with mirtazapine augmentation of sertraline. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 59 (6 ) ,320
Chang, K D; Keck, P E; Stanton, S P; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Geracioti, T D (1998. ) Differences in thyroid function between bipolar manic and mixed states. Biological psychiatry, , 43 (10 ) ,730-3
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; West, S A; Sax, K W; Hawkins, J M; Bourne, M L; Haggard, P (1998. ) 12-month outcome of patients with bipolar disorder following hospitalization for a manic or mixed episode. The American journal of psychiatry, , 155 (5 ) ,646-52
Linder, M W; Keck, P E (1998. ) Standards of laboratory practice: antidepressant drug monitoring. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. Clinical chemistry, , 44 (5 ) ,1073-84
McElroy, S L; Frye, M; Denicoff, K; Altshuler, L; Nolen, W; Kupka, R; Suppes, T; Keck, P E; Leverich, G S; Kmetz, G F; Post, R M (1998. ) Olanzapine in treatment-resistant bipolar disorder. Journal of affective disorders, , 49 (2 ) ,119-22
McElroy, S L; Soutullo, C A; Beckman, D A; Taylor, P; Keck, P E (1998. ) DSM-IV intermittent explosive disorder: a report of 27 cases. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 59 (4 ) ,203-10; quiz 211
Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; West, S A; Sax, K W; Hawkins, J M; Kmetz, G F; Upadhyaya, V H; Tugrul, K C; Bourne, M L (1998. ) Twelve-month outcome after a first hospitalization for affective psychosis. Archives of general psychiatry, , 55 (1 ) ,49-55
Dwight, M M; Arnold, L M; O'Brien, H; Metzger, R; Morris-Park, E; Keck, P E An open clinical trial of venlafaxine treatment of fibromyalgia. Psychosomatics, , 39 (1 ) ,14-7
Strakowski, S M; Sax, K W; Setters, M J; Stanton, S P; Keck, P E (1997. ) Lack of enhanced response to repeated d-amphetamine challenge in first-episode psychosis: implications for a sensitization model of psychosis in humans. Biological psychiatry, , 42 (9 ) ,749-55
Baker, D G; West, S A; Orth, D N; Hill, K K; Nicholson, W E; Ekhator, N N; Bruce, A B; Wortman, M D; Keck, P E; Geracioti, T D (1997. ) Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma beta-endorphin in combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, , 22 (7 ) ,517-29
Sax, K W; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; West, S A; Bourne, M L; Larson, E R (1997. ) Comparison of patients with early-, typical-, and late-onset affective psychosis. The American journal of psychiatry, , 154 (9 ) ,1299-301
Shapira, N A; McConville, B J; Pagnucco, M L; Norman, A B; Keck, P E (1997. ) Novel use of tramadol hydrochloride in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 58 (4 ) ,174-5
Stanton, S P; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1997. ) Treatment of acute mania with gabapentin. The American journal of psychiatry, , 154 (2 ) ,287
Shapira, N A; Keck, P E; Goldsmith, T D; McConville, B J; Eis, M; McElroy, S L (1997. ) Open-label pilot study of tramadol hydrochloride in treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depression and anxiety, , 6 (4 ) ,170-3
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1997. ) New uses for antidepressants: social phobia. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 58 Suppl 14 ,32-6; discussion 37-
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Bourne, M L; West, S A (1997. ) Compliance with maintenance treatment in bipolar disorder. Psychopharmacology bulletin, , 33 (1 ) ,87-91
Strakowski, S M; Sax, K W; Setters, M J; Keck, P E (1996. ) Enhanced response to repeated d-amphetamine challenge: evidence for behavioral sensitization in humans.Biological psychiatry, , 40 (9 ) ,872-80 More Information
Dunayevich, E; Strakowski, S M; Sax, K W; Sorter, M T; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; McConville, B J (1996. ) Personality disorders in first- and multiple-episode mania. Psychiatry research, , 64 (1 ) ,69-75
Strakowski, S M; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; West, S A (1996. ) Racial influence on diagnosis in psychotic mania. Journal of affective disorders, , 39 (2 ) ,157-62
McElroy, S L; Pope, H G; Keck, P E; Hudson, J I; Phillips, K A; Strakowski, S M Are impulse-control disorders related to bipolar disorder? .Comprehensive psychiatry, , 37 (4 ) ,229-40
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Stanton, S P; Kizer, D L; Balistreri, T M; Bennett, J A; Tugrul, K C; West, S A (1996. ) Factors associated with pharmacologic noncompliance in patients with mania. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 57 (7 ) ,292-7
Strakowski, S M; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; West, S A (1996. ) Suicidality among patients with mixed and manic bipolar disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, , 153 (5 ) ,674-6
Keck, P E; Nabulsi, A A; Taylor, J L; Henke, C J; Chmiel, J J; Stanton, S P; Bennett, J A (1996. ) A pharmacoeconomic model of divalproex vs. lithium in the acute and prophylactic treatment of bipolar I disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 57 (5 ) ,213-22
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Balistreri, T M; Kizer, D I; West, S A (1996. ) Factors associated with maintenance antipsychotic treatment of patients with bipolar disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 57 (4 ) ,147-51
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Stanton, S P; Tugrul, K C; Bennett, J A; Strakowski, S M (1996. ) A randomized comparison of divalproex oral loading versus haloperidol in the initial treatment of acute psychotic mania. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 57 (4 ) ,142-6
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1996. ) Outcome in the pharmacologic treatment of bipolar disorder. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 16 (2 Suppl 1 ) ,15S-23S
West, S A; Strakowski, S M; Sax, K W; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; McConville, B J (1996. ) Phenomenology and comorbidity of adolescents hospitalized for the treatment of acute mania. Biological psychiatry, , 39 (6 ) ,458-60
Bennett, J A; Keck, P E (1996. ) A target-dose finding study of clozapine in patients with schizophrenia. Annals of clinical psychiatry : official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists, , 8 (1 ) ,19-21
Sax, K W; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; Upadhyaya, V H; West, S A; McElroy, S L (1996. ) Relationships among negative, positive, and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia and psychotic depression. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, , 168 (1 ) ,68-71
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M (1996. ) New developments in the pharmacologic treatment of schizoaffective disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 57 Suppl 9 ,41-8
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Strakowski, S M (1996. ) Mania, psychosis, and antipsychotics. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 57 Suppl 3 ,14-26; discussion 47
West, S A; Sax, K W; Stanton, S P; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M (1996. ) Differences in thyroid function studies in acutely manic adolescents with and without attention deficity hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Psychopharmacology bulletin, , 32 (1 ) ,63-6
Keck, P E; Wilson, D R; Strakowski, S M; McElroy, S L; Kizer, D L; Balistreri, T M; Holtman, H M; DePriest, M (1995. ) Clinical predictors of acute risperidone response in schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and psychotic mood disorders. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 56 (10 ) ,466-70
Strakowski, S M; Dunayevich, E; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1995. ) Affective state dependence of the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire. Psychiatry research, , 57 (3 ) ,209-14
Ram, A; Cao, Q; Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Otani, K; Addonizio, G; McElroy, S L; Kaneko, S; Redlichova, M; Gershon, E S (1995. ) Structural change in dopamine D2 receptor gene in a patient with neuroleptic malignant syndrome.American journal of medical genetics, , 60 (3 ) ,228-30 More Information
McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; Tugrul, K L; West, S A; Lonczak, H S Differences and similarities in mixed and pure mania. Comprehensive psychiatry, , 36 (3 ) ,187-94
Sax, K W; Strakowski, S M; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; West, S A (1995. ) Attention and formal thought disorder in mixed and pure mania.Biological psychiatry, , 37 (6 ) ,420-3 More Information
Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Lonczak, H S; West, S A Chronology of comorbid and principal syndromes in first-episode psychosis. Comprehensive psychiatry, , 36 (2 ) ,106-12
West, S A; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E; McConville, B J (1995. ) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adolescent mania. The American journal of psychiatry, , 152 (2 ) ,271-3
Hawkins, J M; Archer, K J; Strakowski, S M; Keck, P E (1995. ) Somatic treatment of catatonia. International journal of psychiatry in medicine, , 25 (4 ) ,345-69
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Friedman, L M (1995. ) Minimizing and managing antidepressant side effects. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 56 Suppl 2 ,49-55
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Phillips, K A (1995. ) Kleptomania, compulsive buying, and binge-eating disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 56 Suppl 4 ,14-26; discussion 27
Stewart, W; Breslau, N; Keck, P E (1994. ) Comorbidity of migraine and panic disorder. Neurology, , 44 (10 Suppl 7 ) ,S23-7
Dwight, M M; Keck, P E; Stanton, S P; Strakowski, S M; McElroy, S L (1994. ) Antidepressant activity and mania associated with risperidone treatment of schizoaffective disorder. Lancet, , 344 (8921 ) ,554-5
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Strakowski, S M; West, S A (1994. ) Pharmacologic treatment of schizoaffective disorder. Psychopharmacology, , 114 (4 ) ,529-38
Phillips, K A; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Hudson, J I; Pope, H G (1994. ) A comparison of delusional and nondelusional body dysmorphic disorder in 100 cases. Psychopharmacology bulletin, , 30 (2 ) ,179-86
Hudson, J I; Lipinski, J F; Keck, P E; Aizley, H G; Vuckovic, A; Zierk, K C; Pope, H G (1993. ) Polysomnographic characteristics of schizophrenia in comparison with mania and depression. Biological psychiatry, , 34 (3 ) ,191-3
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Tugrul, K C; Bennett, J A (1993. ) Valproate oral loading in the treatment of acute mania. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 54 (8 ) ,305-8
Keck, P E; Taylor, V E; Tugrul, K C; McElroy, S L; Bennett, J A (1993. ) Valproate treatment of panic disorder and lactate-induced panic attacks. Biological psychiatry, , 33 (7 ) ,542-6
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E (1993. ) Treatment guidelines for valproate in bipolar and schizoaffective disorders. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, , 38 (3 Suppl 2 ) ,S62-6
Hudson, J I; Pope, H G; Sullivan, L E; Waternaux, C M; Keck, P E; Broughton, R J (1992. ) Good sleep, bad sleep: a meta-analysis of polysomnographic measures in insomnia, depression, and narcolepsy. Biological psychiatry, , 32 (11 ) ,958-75
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Nemeroff, C B (1992. ) Anticonvulsants in the treatment of bipolar disorder. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, , 4 (4 ) ,395-405
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Vuckovic, A; Friedman, L M (1992. ) Combined valproate and carbamazepine treatment of bipolar disorder. The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, , 4 (3 ) ,319-22
Hudson, J I; Goldenberg, D L; Pope, H G; Keck, P E; Schlesinger, L (1992. ) Comorbidity of fibromyalgia with medical and psychiatric disorders. The American journal of medicine, , 92 (4 ) ,363-7
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1992. ) Ratio of plasma fluoxetine to norfluoxetine concentrations and associated sedation. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 53 (4 ) ,127-9
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I (1992. ) Valproate in the treatment of bipolar disorder: literature review and clinical guidelines. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 12 (1 Suppl ) ,42S-52S
Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Friedman, L M (1992. ) Valproate and carbamazepine in the treatment of panic and posttraumatic stress disorders, withdrawal states, and behavioral dyscontrol syndromes. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 12 (1 Suppl ) ,36S-41S
McElroy, S L; Dessain, E C; Pope, H G; Cole, J O; Keck, P E; Frankenberg, F R; Aizley, H G; O'Brien, S (1991. ) Clozapine in the treatment of psychotic mood disorders, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (10 ) ,411-4
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1991. ) Declining frequency of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a hospital population. The American journal of psychiatry, , 148 (7 ) ,880-2
Cohen, B M; Keck, P E; Satlin, A; Cole, J O (1991. ) Prevalence and severity of akathisia in patients on clozapine. Biological psychiatry, , 29 (12 ) ,1215-9
Keck, P E; Carter, W P; Nierenberg, A A; Cooper, T B; Potter, W Z; Rothschild, A J (1991. ) Acute cardiovascular effects of tranylcypromine: correlation with plasma drug, metabolite, norepinephrine, and MHPG levels. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (6 ) ,250-4
McElroy, S L; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I; Keck, P E; White, K L (1991. ) Kleptomania: a report of 20 cases. The American journal of psychiatry, , 148 (5 ) ,652-7
Pope, H G; Aizley, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1991. ) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: long-term follow-up of 20 cases. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (5 ) ,208-12
Strakowski, S M; Hudson, J I; Keck, P E; Wilson, D R; Frankenburg, F R; Alpert, J E; Teschke, G C; Tohen, M (1991. ) Four cases of obstructive sleep apnea associated with treatment-resistant mania. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (4 ) ,156-8
Keck, P E; Hudson, J I; Dorsey, C M; Campbell, P I (1991. ) Effect of fluoxetine on sleep. Biological psychiatry, , 29 (6 ) ,618-9
McElroy, S L; Hudson, J I; Pope, H G; Keck, P E (1991. ) Kleptomania: clinical characteristics and associated psychopathology. Psychological medicine, , 21 (1 ) ,93-108
Pope, H G; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Hudson, J I (1991. ) Valproate in the treatment of acute mania. A placebo-controlled study. Archives of general psychiatry, , 48 (1 ) ,62-8
Keck, P E; Seeler, D C; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1990. ) Porcine stress syndrome: an animal model for the neuroleptic malignant syndrome? .Biological psychiatry, , 28 (1 ) ,58-62
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I; McElroy, S L; Yurgelun-Todd, D; Hundert, E M A controlled study of phenomenology and family history in outpatients with bulimia nervosa. Comprehensive psychiatry, , 31 (4 ) ,275-83
Kando, J C; Keck, P E; Wood, P A (1990. ) Pergolide-induced hypotension. DICP : the annals of pharmacotherapy, , 24 (5 ) ,543
Vuckovic, A; Cohen, B M; Keck, P E; Shedlack, K J (1990. ) Neuroleptic dosage regimens in psychotic inpatients: a retrospective comparison. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 51 (3 ) ,107-9
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Cohen, B M; McElroy, S L; Nierenberg, A A (1989. ) Risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome. A case-control study. Archives of general psychiatry, , 46 (10 ) ,914-8
Pope, H G; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Hudson, J I (1989. ) Long-term pharmacotherapy of bulimia nervosa. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 9 (5 ) ,385-6
Keck, P E; Sebastianelli, J; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1989. ) Frequency and presentation of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a state psychiatric hospital. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 50 (9 ) ,352-5
Pope, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Hudson, J I (1989. ) A placebo-controlled study of trazodone in bulimia nervosa. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 9 (4 ) ,254-9
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Nierenberg, A A (1989. ) Autoinduction of hypertensive reactions by tranylcypromine? .Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 9 (1 ) ,48-51
Hudson, J I; Pope, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1989. ) Treatment of bulimia nervosa with trazodone: short-term response and long-term follow-up. Clinical neuropharmacology, , 12 Suppl 1 ,S38-46; Discussion S
Cohen, B M; Buonanno, F; Keck, P E; Finklestein, S P; Benes, F M (1988. ) Comparison of MRI and CT scans in a group of psychiatric patients. The American journal of psychiatry, , 145 (9 ) ,1084-8
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I (1988. ) Valproate in the treatment of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 8 (4 ) ,275-9
Pope, H G; McElroy, S L; Satlin, A; Hudson, J I; Keck, P E; Kalish, R Head injury, bipolar disorder, and response to valproate. Comprehensive psychiatry, , 29 (1 ) ,34-8
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1987. ) Frequency and presentation of neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a prospective study. The American journal of psychiatry, , 144 (10 ) ,1344-6
Pope, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1986. ) Frequency and presentation of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a large psychiatric hospital. The American journal of psychiatry, , 143 (10 ) ,1227-33
White, K; Keck, P E; Lipinski, J Serotonin-uptake inhibitors in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case report. Comprehensive psychiatry, , 27 (3 ) ,211-4
Keck, P E; Lipinski, J F; White, K (1986. ) An inverse relationship between mania and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case report. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 6 (2 ) ,123-4
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A (2020. ) Double jeopardy in the United States: Early onset bipolar disorder and treatment delay.Psychiatry research, , 292 ,113274 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A (2020. ) More assortative mating in US compared to European parents and spouses of patients with bipolar disorder: implications for psychiatric illness in the offspring.European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, , 270 (2 ) ,237-245 More Information
Fredskild, Mette U; Mintz, Jim; Frye, Mark A; McElroy, Susan L; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Grunze, Heinz; Keck, Paul E; Post, Robert M; Kessing, Lars V; Suppes, Trisha (2019. ) Adding Increased Energy or Activity to Criterion (A) of the DSM-5 Definition of Hypomania and Mania: Effect on the Diagnoses of 907 Patients From the Bipolar Collaborative Network.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 80 (6 ) , More Information
Altshuler, Lori L; Suppes, Trisha; Black, David O; Nolen, Willem A; Leverich, Gabriele; Keck, Paul E; Frye, Mark A; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Grunze, Heinz; Kitchen, Christina M R; Post, Robert (2019. ) Lower Switch Rate in Depressed Patients With Bipolar II Than Bipolar I Disorder Treated Adjunctively With Second-Generation Antidepressants.Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing), , 17 (3 ) ,322-324 More Information
van der Markt, Afra; Klumpers, Ursula Mh; Draisma, Stasja; Dols, Annemiek; Nolen, Willem A; Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Grunze, Heinz; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Suppes, Trisha; Beekman, Aartjan Tf; Kupka, Ralph W (2019. ) Testing a clinical staging model for bipolar disorder using longitudinal life chart data.Bipolar disorders, , 21 (3 ) ,228-234 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2018. ) Multigenerational transmission of liability to psychiatric illness in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Mori, Nicole; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E (2018. ) Would glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have efficacy in binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa? A review of the current literature.Medical hypotheses, , 111 ,90-93 More Information
Olguin, Pablo; Fuentes, Manuel; Gabler, Guillermo; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2017. ) Medical comorbidity of binge eating disorder: response.Eating and weight disorders : EWD, , 22 (4 ) ,725-726 More Information
Riemann, Georg; Weisscher, Nadine; Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori; McElroy, Susan; Frye, Marc A; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Suppes, Trisha; Grunze, Heinz; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W (2017. ) The relationship between self-reported borderline personality features and prospective illness course in bipolar disorder.International journal of bipolar disorders, , 5 (1 ) ,31 More Information
Stahl, Stephen M; Morrissette, Debbi A; Faedda, Gianni; Fava, Maurizio; Goldberg, Joseph F; Keck, Paul E; Lee, Yena; Malhi, Gin; Marangoni, Ciro; McElroy, Susan L; Ostacher, Michael; Rosenblat, Joshua D; Solé, Eva; Suppes, Trisha; Takeshima, Minoru; Thase, Michael E; Vieta, Eduard; Young, Allan; Zimmerman, Mark; McIntyre, Roger S (2017. ) Guidelines for the recognition and management of mixed depression.CNS spectrums, , 22 (2 ) ,203-219 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E (2017. ) Dysphoric mania, mixed states, and mania with mixed features specifier: are we mixing things up?.CNS spectrums, , 22 (2 ) ,170-176 More Information
Altshuler, Lori L; Sugar, Catherine A; McElroy, Susan L; Calimlim, Brian; Gitlin, Michael; Keck, Paul E; Aquino-Elias, Ana; Martens, Brian E; Fischer, E Grace; English, Teri L; Roach, Janine; Suppes, Trisha (2017. ) Switch Rates During Acute Treatment for Bipolar II Depression With Lithium, Sertraline, or the Two Combined: A Randomized Double-Blind Comparison.The American journal of psychiatry, , 174 (3 ) ,266-276 More Information
Olguin, Pablo; Fuentes, Manuel; Gabler, Guillermo; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2017. ) Medical comorbidity of binge eating disorder.Eating and weight disorders : EWD, , 22 (1 ) ,13-26 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2017. ) More childhood onset bipolar disorder in the United States than Canada or Europe: Implications for treatment and prevention.Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, , 74 (Pt A ) ,204-213 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A (2017. ) Illnesses in siblings of US patients with bipolar disorder relate to multigenerational family history and patients severity of illness.Journal of affective disorders, , 207 ,313-319 More Information
Miller, Shefali; Suppes, Trisha; Mintz, Jim; Hellemann, Gerhard; Frye, Mark A; McElroy, Susan L; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Leverich, Gabriele S; Grunze, Heinz; Altshuler, Lori L; Keck, Paul E; Post, Robert M (2016. ) Mixed Depression in Bipolar Disorder: Prevalence Rate and Clinical Correlates During Naturalistic Follow-Up in the Stanley Bipolar Network.The American journal of psychiatry, , 173 (10 ) ,1015-1023 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2016. ) Age at Onset of Bipolar Disorder Related to Parental and Grandparental Illness Burden.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 77 (10 ) ,e1309-e1315 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2016. ) Age of onset of bipolar disorder: Combined effect of childhood adversity and familial loading of psychiatric disorders.Journal of psychiatric research, , 81 ,63-70 More Information
Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Blom, Thomas J; Keck, Paul E; Williams, Stephanie L; Welge, Jeffrey A; McElroy, Susan L (2016. ) Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in binge eating disorder: a placebo controlled trial.Human psychopharmacology, , 31 (5 ) ,382-91 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Keck, Paul E (2016. ) Managing comorbid obesity and depression through clinical pharmacotherapies.Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, , 17 (12 ) ,1599-610 More Information
Post, Robert M; Kupka, Ralph; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2016. ) Further Evidence of a Cohort Effect in Bipolar Disorder: More Early Onsets and Family History of Psychiatric Illness in More Recent Epochs.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 77 (8 ) ,1043-9 More Information
Post, Robert M; Leverich, Gabriele S; Kupka, Ralph; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Nolen, Willem A (2016. ) Clinical correlates of sustained response to individual drugs used in naturalistic treatment of patients with bipolar disorder.Comprehensive psychiatry, , 66 ,146-56 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2016. ) More illness in offspring of bipolar patients from the U.S. compared to Europe.Journal of affective disorders, , 191 ,180-6 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Munoz, Maura R; Keck, Paul E (2015. ) Overview of the treatment of binge eating disorder.CNS spectrums, , 20 (6 ) ,546-56 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A (2015. ) Multigenerational Positive Family History of Psychiatric Disorders Is Associated With a Poor Prognosis in Bipolar Disorder.The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences, , 27 (4 ) ,304-10 More Information
Post, Robert M; Leverich, Gabriele S; Kupka, Ralph; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Nolen, Willem A (2015. ) Increases in multiple psychiatric disorders in parents and grandparents of patients with bipolar disorder from the USA compared with The Netherlands and Germany.Psychiatric genetics, , 25 (5 ) ,194-200 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Blom, Thomas J; Williams, Stephanie; Casuto, Leah S; Keck, Paul E (2015. ) Armodafinil in binge eating disorder: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.International clinical psychopharmacology, , 30 (4 ) ,209-15 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Kupka, Ralph; McElroy, Susan L; Frye, Mark A; Rowe, Michael; Leverich, Gabriele S; Grunze, Heinz; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A (2015. ) Verbal abuse, like physical and sexual abuse, in childhood is associated with an earlier onset and more difficult course of bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 17 (3 ) ,323-30 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Keck, Paul E (2015. ) Psychopharmacologic treatment of eating disorders: emerging findings.Current psychiatry reports, , 17 (5 ) ,35 More Information
Calabrese, Joseph R; Keck, Paul E; Starace, Anju; Lu, Kaifeng; Ruth, Adam; Laszlovszky, István; Németh, György; Durgam, Suresh (2015. ) Efficacy and safety of low- and high-dose cariprazine in acute and mixed mania associated with bipolar I disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 76 (3 ) ,284-92 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori; Leverich, Gabriele S; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trish; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz; Rowe, Mike (2015. ) Relationship of clinical course of illness variables to medical comorbidities in 900 adult outpatients with bipolar disorder.Comprehensive psychiatry, , 56 ,21-8 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Martens, Brian E; Mori, Nicole; Blom, Thomas J; Casuto, Leah S; Hawkins, John M; Keck, Paul E (2015. ) Adjunctive lisdexamfetamine in bipolar depression: a preliminary randomized, placebo-controlled trial.International clinical psychopharmacology, , 30 (1 ) ,6-13 More Information
Kornstein, Susan G; Keck, Paul E; Herman, Barry K; Puhl, Rebecca M; Wilfley, Denise E; DiMarco, Ilyse D (2015. ) Communication between physicians and patients with suspected or diagnosed binge eating disorder.Postgraduate medicine, , 127 (7 ) ,661-70 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Leverich, Gabriele S; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Grunze, Heinz; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Rowe, Mike (2014. ) Illness progression as a function of independent and accumulating poor prognosis factors in outpatients with bipolar disorder in the United States.The primary care companion for CNS disorders, , 16 (6 ) , More Information
Post, R M; Altshuler, L; Kupka, R; McElroy, S; Frye, M A; Rowe, M; Leverich, G S; Grunze, H; Suppes, T; Keck, P E; Nolen, W A (2014. ) More pernicious course of bipolar disorder in the United States than in many European countries: implications for policy and treatment.Journal of affective disorders, , 160 ,27-33 More Information
Keck, Paul E (2014. ) Monitoring pharmacotherapy response, safety, and tolerability to enhance adherence in bipolar disorder.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 75 (5 ) ,e12 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Leverich, Gabriele S; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trish; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz; Rowe, Mike (2014. ) More medical comorbidities in patients with bipolar disorder from the United States than from the Netherlands and Germany.The Journal of nervous and mental disease, , 202 (4 ) ,265-70 More Information
Blom, Thomas J; Mingione, Carolyn J; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E; Welge, Jeffrey A; McElroy, Susan L (2014. ) Placebo response in binge eating disorder: a pooled analysis of 10 clinical trials from one research group.European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association, , 22 (2 ) ,140-6 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E (2014. ) Metabolic syndrome in bipolar disorder: a review with a focus on bipolar depression.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 75 (1 ) ,46-61 More Information
Guerdjikova, Anna I; Blom, Thomas J; Martens, Brian E; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L (2013. ) Zonisamide in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: an open-label, pilot, prospective study.The International journal of eating disorders, , 46 (7 ) ,747-50 More Information
Greenwood, Tiffany A; Badner, Judith A; Byerley, William; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Remick, Ronald A; Dessa Sadovnick, A; Kelsoe, John R (2013. ) Heritability and linkage analysis of personality in bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 151 (2 ) ,748-55 More Information
Greenwood, Tiffany A; Badner, Judith A; Byerley, William; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Remick, Ronald A; Sadovnick, A Dessa; Akiskal, Hagop S; Kelsoe, John R (2013. ) Heritability and genome-wide SNP linkage analysis of temperament in bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 150 (3 ) ,1031-40 More Information
Kessler, R C; Calabrese, J R; Farley, P A; Gruber, M J; Jewell, M A; Katon, W; Keck, P E; Nierenberg, A A; Sampson, N A; Shear, M K; Shillington, A C; Stein, M B; Thase, M E; Wittchen, H-U (2013. ) Composite International Diagnostic Interview screening scales for DSM-IV anxiety and mood disorders.Psychological medicine, , 43 (8 ) ,1625-37 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Leverich, Gabriele S; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz; Rowe, Mike (2013. ) Role of childhood adversity in the development of medical co-morbidities associated with bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 147 (1-3 ) ,288-94 More Information
Greenwood, Tiffany A; Joo, Eun-Jeong; Shekhtman, Tatyana; Sadovnick, A Dessa; Remick, Ronald A; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Kelsoe, John R (2013. ) Association of dopamine transporter gene variants with childhood ADHD features in bipolar disorder.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, , 162B (2 ) ,137-45 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E (2012. ) Obesity in bipolar disorder: an overview.Current psychiatry reports, , 14 (6 ) ,650-8 More Information
Guo, Jeff Jianfei; Wu, Jasmanda; Kelton, Christina M L; Jing, Yonghua; Fan, Huihao; Keck, Paul E; Patel, Nick C (2012. ) Exposure to potentially dangerous drug-drug interactions involving antipsychotics.Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), , 63 (11 ) ,1080-8 More Information
Post, Robert M; Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Nolen, Willem A; Rowe, Mike; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz; Goodwin, Frederick K (2012. ) Relationship of prior antidepressant exposure to long-term prospective outcome in bipolar I disorder outpatients.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 73 (7 ) ,924-30 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Winstanley, Erin; Mori, Nicole; Martens, Brian; McCoy, Jessica; Moeller, Dianna; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E (2012. ) A randomized, placebo-controlled study of zonisamide to prevent olanzapine-associated weight gain.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 32 (2 ) ,165-72 More Information
Guerdjikova, Anna I; McElroy, Susan L; Winstanley, Erin L; Nelson, Eric B; Mori, Nicole; McCoy, Jessica; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2012. ) Duloxetine in the treatment of binge eating disorder with depressive disorders: a placebo-controlled trial.The International journal of eating disorders, , 45 (2 ) ,281-9 More Information
Greenwood, Tiffany A; Nievergelt, Caroline M; Sadovnick, A Dessa; Remick, Ronald A; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Shekhtman, Tatyana; McKinney, Rebecca; Kelsoe, John R (2012. ) Further evidence for linkage of bipolar disorder to chromosomes 6 and 17 in a new independent pedigree series.Bipolar disorders, , 14 (1 ) ,71-9 More Information
Post, Robert M; Leverich, Gabriele S; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Nolen, Willem A; Kupka, Ralph; Grunze, Heinz; Walden, Joerg; Rowe, Mike (2011. ) Differential clinical characteristics, medication usage, and treatment response of bipolar disorder in the US versus The Netherlands and Germany.International clinical psychopharmacology, , 26 (2 ) ,96-106 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Winstanley, Erin L; Martens, Brian; Patel, Nick C; Mori, Nicole; Moeller, Dianna; McCoy, Jessica; Keck, Paul E (2011. ) A randomized, placebo-controlled study of adjunctive ramelteon in ambulatory bipolar I disorder with manic symptoms and sleep disturbance.International clinical psychopharmacology, , 26 (1 ) ,48-53 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Winstanley, Erin L; O'Melia, Anne M; Mori, Nicole; McCoy, Jessica; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2011. ) Acamprosate in the treatment of binge eating disorder: a placebo-controlled trial.The International journal of eating disorders, , 44 (1 ) ,81-90 More Information
McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna; Mori, Nicole; Keck, Paul E (2010. ) Therapeutic potential of new second generation antipsychotics for major depressive disorder.Expert opinion on investigational drugs, , 19 (12 ) ,1527-44 More Information
Post, Robert M; Altshuler, Lori L; Frye, Mark A; Suppes, Trisha; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Leverich, Gabriele S; Luckenbaugh, David A; Rowe, Michael; Pizzarello, Scott; Kupka, Ralph W; Grunze, Heinz; Nolen, Willem A (2010. ) Complexity of pharmacologic treatment required for sustained improvement in outpatients with bipolar disorder.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 71 (9 ) ,1176-86; quiz 1252-3 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; Fleck, David E; DelBello, Melissa P; Adler, Caleb M; Shear, Paula K; McElroy, Susan L; Keck, Paul E; Moss, Quinton; Cerullo, Michael A; Kotwal, Renu; Arndt, Stephan (2009. ) Characterizing impulsivity in mania.Bipolar disorders, , 11 (1 ) ,41-51 More Information
Barzman, Drew H; DelBello, Melissa P; Forrester, Jacob J; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M (2007. ) A retrospective chart review of intramuscular ziprasidone for agitation in children and adolescents on psychiatric units: prospective studies are needed.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 17 (4 ) ,503-9 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; Fleck, David E; Adler, Caleb M; Anthenelli, Robert M; Keck, Paul E; Arnold, Lesley M; Amicone, Jennifer (2007. ) Effects of co-occurring cannabis use disorders on the course of bipolar disorder after a first hospitalization for mania.Archives of general psychiatry, , 64 (1 ) ,57-64 More Information
Patel, Nick C; Delbello, Melissa P; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M (2006. ) Phenomenology associated with age at onset in patients with bipolar disorder at their first psychiatric hospitalization.Bipolar disorders, , 8 (1 ) ,91-4 More Information
Patel, Nick C; DelBello, Melissa P; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M (2005. ) Ethnic differences in maintenance antipsychotic prescription among adolescents with bipolar disorder.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 15 (6 ) ,938-46 More Information
Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; Fleck, David E; Adler, Caleb M; Anthenelli, Robert M; Keck, Paul E; Arnold, Lesley M; Amicone, Jennifer (2005. ) Effects of co-occurring alcohol abuse on the course of bipolar disorder following a first hospitalization for mania.Archives of general psychiatry, , 62 (8 ) ,851-8 More Information
Keck, Paul E; Bowden, Charles L; Meinhold, Jane M; Gyulai, Laszlo; Prihoda, Thomas J; Baker, Jeffrey D; Wozniak, Patricia J (2005. ) Relationship between serum valproate and lithium levels and efficacy and tolerability in bipolar maintenance therapy.International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice, , 9 (4 ) ,271-7 More Information
Soutullo, Cesar A; DelBello, Melissa P; Ochsner, Jennifer E; McElroy, Susan L; Taylor, Siobhan A; Strakowski, Stephen M; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) Severity of bipolarity in hospitalized manic adolescents with history of stimulant or antidepressant treatment.Journal of affective disorders, , 70 (3 ) ,323-7 More Information
Geracioti, T D; Goldsmith, R J; Friedman, L M; Norman, A B; Somoza, E; Kasckow, J W; Baker, D G; Richtand, N M; Anthenelli, R M; Keck, P E (1997. ) Cerebrospinal fluid neuroendocrinology of alcohol misusers.Addiction biology, , 2 (4 ) ,401-10 More Information
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1991. ) Declining frequency of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a hospital population.The American journal of psychiatry, , 148 (7 ) ,880-2 More Information
Cohen, B M; Keck, P E; Satlin, A; Cole, J O (1991. ) Prevalence and severity of akathisia in patients on clozapine.Biological psychiatry, , 29 (12 ) ,1215-9 More Information
Keck, P E; Carter, W P; Nierenberg, A A; Cooper, T B; Potter, W Z; Rothschild, A J (1991. ) Acute cardiovascular effects of tranylcypromine: correlation with plasma drug, metabolite, norepinephrine, and MHPG levels. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (6 ) ,250-4
McElroy, S L; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I; Keck, P E; White, K L (1991. ) Kleptomania: a report of 20 cases.The American journal of psychiatry, , 148 (5 ) ,652-7 More Information
Pope, H G; Aizley, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1991. ) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: long-term follow-up of 20 cases. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (5 ) ,208-12
Strakowski, S M; Hudson, J I; Keck, P E; Wilson, D R; Frankenburg, F R; Alpert, J E; Teschke, G C; Tohen, M (1991. ) Four cases of obstructive sleep apnea associated with treatment-resistant mania. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 52 (4 ) ,156-8
Keck, P E; Hudson, J I; Dorsey, C M; Campbell, P I (1991. ) Effect of fluoxetine on sleep.Biological psychiatry, , 29 (6 ) ,618-9 More Information
McElroy, S L; Hudson, J I; Pope, H G; Keck, P E (1991. ) Kleptomania: clinical characteristics and associated psychopathology.Psychological medicine, , 21 (1 ) ,93-108 More Information
Pope, H G; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Hudson, J I (1991. ) Valproate in the treatment of acute mania. A placebo-controlled study.Archives of general psychiatry, , 48 (1 ) ,62-8 More Information
Keck, P E; Seeler, D C; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1990. ) Porcine stress syndrome: an animal model for the neuroleptic malignant syndrome?.Biological psychiatry, , 28 (1 ) ,58-62 More Information
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I; McElroy, S L; Yurgelun-Todd, D; Hundert, E M A controlled study of phenomenology and family history in outpatients with bulimia nervosa.Comprehensive psychiatry, , 31 (4 ) ,275-83 More Information
Kando, J C; Keck, P E; Wood, P A (1990. ) Pergolide-induced hypotension.DICP : the annals of pharmacotherapy, , 24 (5 ) ,543 More Information
Vuckovic, A; Cohen, B M; Keck, P E; Shedlack, K J (1990. ) Neuroleptic dosage regimens in psychotic inpatients: a retrospective comparison. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 51 (3 ) ,107-9
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Cohen, B M; McElroy, S L; Nierenberg, A A (1989. ) Risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome. A case-control study.Archives of general psychiatry, , 46 (10 ) ,914-8 More Information
Pope, H G; McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Hudson, J I (1989. ) Long-term pharmacotherapy of bulimia nervosa. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 9 (5 ) ,385-6
Keck, P E; Sebastianelli, J; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1989. ) Frequency and presentation of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a state psychiatric hospital. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 50 (9 ) ,352-5
Pope, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L; Hudson, J I (1989. ) A placebo-controlled study of trazodone in bulimia nervosa. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 9 (4 ) ,254-9
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Nierenberg, A A (1989. ) Autoinduction of hypertensive reactions by tranylcypromine? .Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 9 (1 ) ,48-51
Hudson, J I; Pope, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1989. ) Treatment of bulimia nervosa with trazodone: short-term response and long-term follow-up.Clinical neuropharmacology, , 12 Suppl 1 ,S38-46; Discussion S More Information
Cohen, B M; Buonanno, F; Keck, P E; Finklestein, S P; Benes, F M (1988. ) Comparison of MRI and CT scans in a group of psychiatric patients.The American journal of psychiatry, , 145 (9 ) ,1084-8 More Information
McElroy, S L; Keck, P E; Pope, H G; Hudson, J I (1988. ) Valproate in the treatment of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 8 (4 ) ,275-9
Pope, H G; McElroy, S L; Satlin, A; Hudson, J I; Keck, P E; Kalish, R Head injury, bipolar disorder, and response to valproate.Comprehensive psychiatry, , 29 (1 ) ,34-8 More Information
Keck, P E; Pope, H G; McElroy, S L (1987. ) Frequency and presentation of neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a prospective study.The American journal of psychiatry, , 144 (10 ) ,1344-6 More Information
Pope, H G; Keck, P E; McElroy, S L (1986. ) Frequency and presentation of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a large psychiatric hospital.The American journal of psychiatry, , 143 (10 ) ,1227-33 More Information
White, K; Keck, P E; Lipinski, J Serotonin-uptake inhibitors in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case report.Comprehensive psychiatry, , 27 (3 ) ,211-4 More Information
Keck, P E; Lipinski, J F; White, K (1986. ) An inverse relationship between mania and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case report. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 6 (2 ) ,123-4
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