David J Kelley
Professor - Educator
Professor & Graduate Coordinator MS Online
Sport Administration
Teachers College
CECH Human Services - 0068
Professional Summary
Dr. David J. Kelley is a full Professor in the Sport Administration Program within the University of Cincinnati’s School of Human Services and currently serves as the Online Master’s Degree (MSSA) in Sport Administration Program Coordinator. Dr. Kelley spent over a decade as a teacher, coach and athletic administrator in the Vinton County Local Schools in McArthur, Ohio and holds a Ph.D. from Ohio University. Dr. Kelley received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from St. Bonaventure University and his Master’s Degree from Syracuse University where he served as the Graduate Manager under Naismith Hall of Fame Basketball Coach Jim Boeheim. Dr. Kelley is also a Certified Athletic Administrator with the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) and has presented multiple workshop presentations on revenue generation strategies relative to grant writing, corporate sponsorships and the merits of licensed merchandise at the interscholastic level at the National Athletic Director’s Conference held annually in December. Dr. Kelley is the innovator of online education specifically designed for aspiring as well as working interscholastic athletic administrators in partnership with the NIAAA Leadership Training Institute Certification Program. Dr. Kelley teaches undergraduate Sport Finance and Development and the Economics of Sport. Dr. Kelley teaches graduate-level Applied Financial Management Strategies in Athletics. He is the author of Sports Fundraising: Dynamic Methods for Schools, Universities and Youth Sport Organizations, published by Routledge in 2012.
Ph.D.: Ohio University 2002 (Higher Education/Sports Administration)
M.S.: Syracuse University 1992 (Physical Education)
B.S.: St. Bonaventure University 1990 (Physical Education)
Positions and Work Experience
09-2009 -05-2013 Annual Adjunct Professor- Sport Administration, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
01-2004 -01-2006 Adjunct Professor-Sport Management Department, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
1993 -2003 Health and Physical Education Teacher/Junior High Director of Athletics and High School Assistant Director of Athletics, Vinton County Junior High School , Allensville, OH
10-2007 -09-2009 Fraud Analytics & Technology Department, Macy’s Inc., Mason, Ohio
05-2006 -08-2007 Project Manager-Sports Image Inc., Ohio & New York State Project Manager for Sports Image Inc. ,
08-2013 -07-2023 Associate Professor-Field Service & Graduate Coordinator MS Online, Sport Administration, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, School of Human Services
08-2023 -To Present Professor Sport Administration and Online Master's Degree Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kelley, D.J. & Simmons, J.M. (2018). (2018. ) Today’s Intern, Tomorrow’s Athletic Administrator. Interscholastic Athletic Administration, , 44 (4 ) ,12 -14
Kelley, D.J. (2016). (2016. ) Sports Fundraising and gender equity: Clearing up the confusion. .High School Today, , 9 (7 ) ,22 -23
Kelley, D.J. (2016). (2016. ) Grant Writing: Is it a feasible option for the contemporary interscholastic athletic director? .High School Today, , 9 (8 ) ,16 -17
Other Publications
Kelley, D.J. Fundraising Challenges within Education Based Athletics: A Mission-centered Approach .Interscholastic Athletic Administration.,
Kelley, D. J. (11-24-2003. ) Consider Life Skills a Curriculum Option .NCAA News, 40 (24 ) ,4-17
Kelley, D. J. (2002. ) NIAAA Member Interest Survey Promising. In K. Vogt’s (Ed.), leadership Training Program concludes another successful year .Interscholastic Athletic Administration, 28 (3 ) ,
Kelley, D. J. (12-2000. ) Sponsors Pay So Students Can Play. .Sports Business Journal, 3 (34 ) ,51
The Knowledgeable Leader. In: The DNA of an AD-Athletic Director – Garvis, S.M. (1st Ed.) Bound Publishing April 2022 (2022. ) The DNA of an AD-Athletic Director-Bound Publishing, April 2022 .The DNA of an AD-Athletic Director, Bound Publishing
Kelley, D.J (May 2021) (2021. ) Fundraising Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Getting Creative in the Short and Long Term .Coach and Athletic Director Magazine, 90 (3 ) ,24-25 Coach and Athletic Director
Published Books
(05-2012. ) Sports Fundraising: Dynamic Methods for Schools and Universities and Youth Sport Organizations, . Routledge Publishing Inc. (ISBN-10: 0415507197)
Invited Presentations
David J. Kelley Ph.D., CAA (05-20-2020. ) The A.D.'s Financial Interests .Zoom Webinar at the AHSAAA (Arkansas High School Athletic Administrators Association) Summer Athletic Directors Conference , Arkansas. Conference. . Level:State
Kelley, D.J., Shea, R. (2020). (05-13-2020. ) Generating New Ideas and Sources of Revenue .Workshop Presentation at the NIAAA (National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association) Summer Workshop Series via Zoom Webinar, Indianapolis, IN. Level:National
Kelley, D.J., Shea, R. (2019). (12-14-2019. ) Generating New Ideas and Sources of Revenue .Workshop Presentation at the NIAAA (National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association) National Athletic Director’s Conference; December 13-17th, 2019 in National Harbor Maryland. , National Harbor, Maryland. Level:National
Honors and Awards
1998 Vinton County Junior High School Gym Floor Replacement Project Secured $20,000 from United States Congressman Ted Strickland, State Senator Mike Shoemaker and State Representative Joe Sulzer to replace the Junior High Gymnasium floor, Allensville, OH Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Grant
1999 -2001 Vinton County/Ohio University Sports Career Day Secured $2,000 from the Vinton County School-to-Work Fund for 7th grade students to have opportunities to interact with and learn about careers from Ohio University Athletic Department administrators, coaches and Sports Administration & Facility Management Graduate Students. Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Grant
2002 General Mills Physical Education Equipment Grant Secured $10,000 from the General Mills Company to purchase a Four-Station Weight Machine and Stationary Bicycles in order to improve the physical fitness of students in the Vinton County Junior High School. Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Grant
2018 -2019 University of Cincinnati School of Human Services Distinguished Service Award Awarded the School of Human Services Distinguished Service award for the 2018-19 school year. Type:Recognition
Online Master’s Program Coordinator University Coordinator Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2017
Professional Affiliation
2012 -To Present: Member National Association of Athletic Development Directors,
2010 -To Present: Member National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association,
2008 -To Present: Member National Association of Academic Advisors for Athletics,
2000 -To Present: Member North American Society for Sport Management,
1993 -2003: American Heart Association Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart Coordinator,
1993 -2003: Ohio Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,
Courses Taught
Introduction to Sport Administration (Fall, Spring)
Economics of Sport- (Fall, Spring)
Sport Finance and Development (Fall, Spring)
Sport Management (Fall)
Sport Finance (Fall, Spring & Summer)
Athletic Fundraising (Winter, Spring)
Sport Facility and Event Management (Fall)
Applied Statistics for Human Services I (Fall, Winter)