William Kelton
Professional Summary
Professor, Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management. PhD and MS Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS Mathematics Ohio University; BA Mathematics University of Wisconsin-Madison. Interests: simulation, statistics, probability.
Ph D: University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, Wisconsin, 1980 (Industrial Engineering: Computer simulation and stochastic operations research)
MS: University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, Wisconsin, 1979 (Industrial Engineering: Stochastic operations research)
MS: Ohio University Athens, Ohio, 1975 (Mathematics: Analysis and applied mathematics)
BA: University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, Wisconsin, 1972 (Mathematics)
Research and Practice Interests
Simulation methods, simulation applications, applied probability and statistics
Positions and Work Experience
09-2002 - Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems,
1997 - Full member of All-University Graduate Faculty, University of Cincinnati, Department of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems,
2006 -2018 Visiting Professor of Operations Research, In residence July 2006, January 2008 – August 2008, June 2009 – September 2009, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, Department of Operations Research,
08-2007 -12-2007 Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Engineering, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
08-2007 -12-2007 Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Business, Department of Operations and Technology Management,
09-2002 -09-2005 College of Business Research Fellow, University of Cincinnati, Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management,
09-2004 -08-2005 Acting Department Head, University of Cincinnati, Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management,
02-2002 -06-2002 Full Member of the Graduate Faculty, The Pennsylvania State University:,
01-2002 -06-2002 Faculty Member, Intercollege Dual-Title Degree Graduate Program in Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University,
07-2001 -06-2002 Professor of Management Science and Chair, The Pennsylvania State University, The Smeal College of Business Administration, Department of Management Science and Information Systems,
06-1996 -07-2001 Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management,
1996 -1999 Fellow, University of Cincinnati, University-Wide Institute for Data Sciences,
12-1995 -06-1996 Professor and Director, University of Cincinnati, Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Nuclear Engineering, Industrial Engineering Program,
05-1992 -12-1995 Fellow, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minnesota Supercomputer Institute,
07-1991 -12-1995 Examining Member of the Graduate Faculty, Full Member , Examining Member of the Graduate Faculty (July 1991 – February 1994), and Full Member (February 1994 – December 1995)., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, University-Wide Graduate Program in Scientific Computation,
07-1986 -12-1995 Professor, Associate Professor, Full Member of the Graduate Faculty , Professor (July 1992 – December 1995), Associate Professor (July 1986 – June 1992), and Full Member of the Graduate Faculty (July 1986 – December 1995)., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Carlson School of Management, Department of Operations and Management Science,
1993 -1994 Systems Modeling Corporation, Sewickley, Pennsylvania, On Half-Time Leave from University of Minnesota, Systems Modeling Corporation,
1993 -1994 Visiting Professor, funded by the Mellon Foundation and USAID, Szkola Glówna Handlowa Warszawa (Warsaw School of Economics): MBA Program,
06-1992 -07-1992 Visiting Professor, Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien (Institute for Advanced Studies [formerly the Ford Institute], Vienna), Abteilung Betriebswirtschaft und Operations Research (Department of Business Administration and Operations Research), ,
06-1990 -08-1990 Visiting Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin–Madison, College of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering,
09-1983 -06-1986 Assistant Professor, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, College of Engineering, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering,
08-1980 -08-1983 Assistant Professor, Full Member of the Graduate Faculty, Kent State University, Graduate School of Management, Department of Administrative Sciences,
Research Support
Investigators:Kelton, David; Sopirala, M.; Solomkin, J.; Yacyshyn, B.; Apewokin, S.; Smulian, G.; Rao, M.; Haynes, E.; Wess, Y. 2016 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) A Multicenter (Indefinite Deliverables Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) RFP), Double-Blinded, Three-arm Randomized Controlled Trial to Describe the Safety and Efficacy of Live and Dead Saccharomyces boulardii on Incidence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) Currently Under Review Type:Sponsored Research Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David; Lyons, Michael; Ward, Michael; Lindsell, Christopher 2012 -2017 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Simulating the Operational Consequences of HIV Screening in the Emergency Department (funded) 1240967 Funded Type:Sponsored Research Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David; Lyons, Michael; Ward, Michael; Lindsell, Christopher 2012 -2013 Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) Simulating the Operational Consequences of HIV Screening in the Emergency Department (not funded) 49920 Not Funded Type:Sponsored Research Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David; Sanchez, Susan M.; Sanchez, Paul J. 12-2011 -12-2012 United States Marine Corps, Headquarters, The Pentagon, Installations & Logistics, Logistics Operations Analysis Branch (LX), via the Naval Postgraduate School Modeling & Simulation Support for Reset, War Reserve, and Life Cycle Management (to the Naval Postgraduate School) 230000 Funded Type:Sponsored Research Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David; Fernandez, Emmanuel; Fry, Michael; Magazine, Michael; Rao, Uday 2011 -2012 University of Cincinnati Research Council Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Support Grant Program Demand Modeling, Simulation, and Optimal Operational Models for Large-Scale Problems in Manufacturing and Service Enterprises 25000 Funded Type:Grant Level:The University of Cincinnati
Investigators:Kelton, David 2011 -2012 University of Cincinnati, President’s Diversity Council Student Recruitment and Retention Program, Recruiting and Retaining Students of Color to the University of Cincinnati’s Master of Science in Quantitative Analysis Program 12500 Not Funded Type:Grant Level:The University of Cincinnati
Investigators:Kelton, David 2011 -2012 Fifth Third Bank Foundation Support for MSQA Student Tuition and Fees 26468 Not Funded Type:Grant Level:Private
Investigators:Kelton, David 2008 -2012 Environmental Protection Agency Center for Sustainable Urban Water Infrastructure for the 21st Century 10000000 Not Funded Level:Federal
Investigators:Fry, Michael; Kelton, David; Allen, Ted 10-2010 -2011 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Designing Efficient and Equitable Allocations for Voting Systems 388446 Not Funded Type:Sponsored Research Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David; Lin, A. C. 2010 -2011 Rite Aid Corporation, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Analysis and Improvement of Dispensing Systems 197278 Funded Level:Private
Investigators:Kelton, David; Faulin, Javier; Juan, Angel 2008 -2011 Spanish Ministry of Science and Education Development of Algorithms and Heuristics Based in Simulation, Optimization and Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making in Transportation Route Management with Environmental Criteria 132892 Not Funded Type:Grant Level:Other
Investigators:Fry, Michael; Kelton, David; Allen, Ted 2009 -2010 National Science Foundation Allocating Voting Equipment for Efficiency and Equity 385179 Not Funded Type:Sponsored Research Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David; Minai, Ali; Fernandez, Emmanuel 2007 -2008 University of Cincinnati, College of Engineering, Center for Emerging Intelligent Autonomous Systems Cognitive Control for Intelligent Systems 22000 Funded Level:The University of Cincinnati
Investigators:Kelton, David; Froehle, C. M.; Magazine, M. J. 2006 -2007 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Orthopaedic Outpatient Clinic Flow Improvement 45000 Funded Level:Local
Investigators:Kelton, David -2005 Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC) and Old Dominion University Collaboration on Simulation Research, Applications, and Curriculum Development 10000 Funded Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David 2000 -2005 Office of Research and Advanced Studies, University of Cincinnati Assistance for Duties as Editor-in-Chief of the INFORMS Journal on Computing 131920 Funded
Investigators:Kelton, David -2004 Procter & Gamble, Consumer Market Knowledge Research Incubator Stochastic Simulation: Exploring Randomness in Inputs and Outputs 1500 Funded Level:Local
Investigators:Kelton, David -2000 Procter & Gamble, Corporate Engineering Technologies, Cincinnati Simulation Input and Output Design and Analysis 10700 Funded Level:Local
Investigators:Kelton, David 1996 -2000 Omnicare, Inc., Cincinnati Simulation of Institutional Pharmacies and Optimizing Courier Routes 90955 Level:Local
Investigators:Kelton, David; Anand, S. 1998 -1999 Select Tool and Die Corporation, Dayton Plant Layout and Simulation-Based Improvement of Manufacturing Functions at a Metal-Stamping Facility 40653 Funded Level:Local
Investigators:Kelton, David; Lin, A. C. 1998 -1999 McKesson Automated Prescription Systems, Inc., Alexandria, Louisiana Simulation of the Impact of the Baker Automated Pharmacy System 27000 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David 1998 -1999 Ohio Supercomputer Center Simulation-Based Estimation of Tolerance Intervals Funded Level:State
Investigators:Kelton, David; Howe, S.; Bishop, G.; Fisher, B.; Hom, P.; Levy, M.; Ritchey, N.; Schafer, C.; Soled, S.; Succop, P. -1997 Faculty Development Council, University of Cincinnati Faculty Development through the Institute for Data Sciences 87000 Funded Level:The University of Cincinnati
Investigators:Kelton, David; Lin, A. C.; Arantes, J. C.; Puhalla, D. M. 1996 -1997 Revco, Inc., Twinsburg, Ohio Reengineering a Chain Drug Store Operation System 149950 Funded Level:State
Investigators:Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David -1996 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Council Computational Economics via Management Science Methods 10000 Funded Type:Grant Level:The University of Cincinnati
Investigators:Kelton, David; Houshmand, A. -1996 Cincinnati Sub-Zero, Inc Modeling and Analysis of Test Chamber Production 10000 Funded Level:Local
Investigators:Kelton, David; Bromiley, P.; Chames, J. M.; Goodman, R. D.; Kelton, C.M.L.; Khosla, I. S.; Rohleder, T. R.; Scudder, G. D.; Taaffe, M. R. 1986 -1996 Minnesota Supercomputer Institute and Cray Research, Inc Funded Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David 1994 -1995 The Citizens Council, Minneapolis Research on Crime Databases 4084 Funded Level:State
Investigators:Kelton, David 1993 -1994 Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota Enhanced Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Probation/Parole Operations 25856 Funded
Investigators:Kelton, David; Khosla, I. S. 1993 -1994 Vaughn Communications, Inc., Minneapolis Simulation and Scheduling of Videotape-Copying Operations 15025 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David -1993 Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Travel Award 1090 Funded
Investigators:Kelton, David; Taaffe, M. R. 1992 -1993 Minnesota Supercomputer Institute (with Carlson School of Management 50% match), Robust Analysis of Dynamic Stochastic Systems and Approximations for the Analysis of Simulation Experiments under Common Random Numbers Robust Analysis of Dynamic Stochastic Systems and Approximations for the Analysis of Simulation Experiments undercommon Random Numbers 22500 Funded Level:Federal
Investigators:Kelton, David -1992 Hennepin County (Minnesota) Bureau of Community Corrections Simulation of the Proposed Adult Probation/Parole System 3305 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David 1989 -1990 Operations Management Center, Department of Operations and Management Science, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota Comparison of Automatic Input-Distribution Specification Methods for Simulation of Manufacturing Systems 9222 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David -1989 Project MinneMac, University of Minnesota Macintosh-Assisted Teaching and Research in Statistics and Simulation, Apple Macintosh IIcx hardware and software Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David -1987 Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota McKnight Foundation Grant, Point Estimators for Markov Chain Models: Performance of Least Squares vs. Maximum Likelihood Estimators 5000 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David -1987 Project MinneMac, University of Minnesota Standard Graphical Output in Simulation, Apple Macintosh SE hardware and software Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David 1986 -1987 Graduate School, University of Minnesota, Grant-in-Aid Program Prediction Intervals for Terminating Computer Simulation 8000 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David 1985 -1986 Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, The University of Michigan, Faculty Grant Program for Research and Artistic Activities Specifying Sampling Distributions for Computer Simulation 8004 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David -1985 General Motors, Electronic Data Systems, Decision Technologies Division Research Contract to The University of Michigan, Initialization Problems in Simulation 13813 Funded Level:Private
Investigators:Kelton, David; Hancock, W. M. -1984 Ford Motor Company Engine Division Research Contract to The University of Michigan, Statistical Quality Control 7402 Funded Level:Other
Investigators:Kelton, David 1981 -1983 Standard Oil Company (Ohio) Faculty Development Grant to Graduate School of Management, Kent State University 500 Funded Type:Grant Level:Other
Published Abstracts
Fry, Michael;Yang, Muer;Kelton, David;Jeff Ohlmann Allocation Policies for Direct-Recording Electronic Voting Machines to Maximize Equity .[Abstract]
Curry, David;Camm, Jeff;Kelton, David;Daniel Oerther;James Uber Social Networking Tools to Promote Decentralized Investment in Green Water Infrastructure .[Abstract]
Other Publications
Juan, Angel A.; Kelton, David; Currie, Christine S.M.; Faulin, Javier (12-09-2018. ) Simheuristics Applications: Dealing with Uncertainty in Logistics, Transportation, and other Supply-Chain Areas . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Chica, Manuel; Juan, Angel A.; Cordon, Oscar; Kelton, David Why Simheuristics? Benefits, Limitations, and Best Practices when Combining Metaheuristics with Simulation . Statistics and Operations Research Transactions
Kasaie, Parastu; Kelton, David; Ancona, Rachel; Ward, Michael J; Froehle, Craig; Lyons, Michael (02-2018. ) Lessons Learned From the Development and Parameterization of a Computer Simulation Model to Evaluate Task Modification for Health Care Providers .25 (2 ) , Academic Emergency Medicine
Alexopoulos, Christos; Kelton, David (12-2017. ) A Concise History of Simulation Output Analysis . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Juan, Angel A.; Chica, Manuel; de Amas, Jesica; Kelton, David (09-02-2016. ) Simheuristics: A Method of First Resort for Solving Real-Life Combinatorial Optimization Problems . Keynote Papers Handbook of OR58: The Operational Research Society Annual Conference
Kelton, David (06-2016. ) Methodological Expectations for Studies Using Computer Simulation .37 (2 ) , Journal of Business Logistics
Kasaie, Parastu; Mathema, Barun; Kelton, David; Azman, Andrew S.; Pennington, Jeff; Dowdy, David W. (12-17-2015. ) A Novel Tool Improves Existing Estimates of Recent Tuberculosis Transmission in Settings of Sparse Data Collection . (12/17/19 ) , PLOS ONE
Kasaie, Parastu; Kelton, David (12-2015. ) Guidelines for Design and Analysis in Agent-Based Simulation Studies . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Lucas, Thomas W.; Kelton, David; Sanchez, Paul J.; Sanchez, Susan M.; Anderson, Ben L. (2015. ) Changing the Paradigm: Simulation, Now a Method of First Resort .62 (4 ) , Naval Research Logistics
Kelton, David (2015. ) Interviewed for the Computer Simulation Archive: Chronicling Computer Simulation Pioneers, oral-history project, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the INFORMS Simulation Society, ACM-SIGSIM, and North Carolina State University, December 2014 at the Winter Simulation Conference in Savannah, Georgia. National Science Foundation and North Carolina State University Libraries
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2014. ) Density Estimation from Correlated Data .8 (4 ) , Journal of Simulation
Kasaie, Parastu; Dowdy, David W.; Kelton, David (2014. ) Estimating the Proportion of Tuberculosis Recent Transmission via Simulation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Best, Allyson M.; Dixon, Cinnamon A.; Kelton, David; Lindsell, Christopher J.; Ward, Michael J. (08-2014. ) Using Discrete Event Computer Simulation to Improve Patient Flow in a Ghanaian Acute Care Hospital .32 (8 ) , The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Yang, Muer; Fry, Michael; Kelton, David; Allen, Ted (2014. ) Improving Voting Systems through Service-Operations Management .23 (7 ) , Production and Operations Management
Kasaie, Parastu; Andrews, Jason R.; Kelton, David; Dowdy, David W. (2014. ) Timing of Tuberculosis Transmission and the Impact of Household Contact Tracing: An Agent-Based Simulation Model .189 (7 ) , American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Kasaie, Parastu; Dowdy, David W.; Kelton, David (12-2013. ) An Agent-Based Simulation of a Tuberculosis Epidemic: Understanding the Timing of Transmission . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Kasaie, Parastu; Kelton, David (06-2013. ) Resource Allocation for Controlling Epidemics: Calibrating, Analyzing, and Optimizing an Agent-Based Simulation .3 (2 ) , IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
Kasaie, Parastu; Kelton, David (06-2013. ) Simulation Optimization for Allocation of Epidemic-Control Resources .3 (2 ) , IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
Yang, Muer; Allen, Ted; Fry, Michael; Kelton, David (2013. ) The Call for Equity: Simulation-Optimization Models to Minimize the Range of Waiting Timesinimize Inequity .45 (7 ) , IIE Transactions
Chen, Xiaoting; Fernandez, Emmanuel; Kelton, David (12-2012. ) Optimization Model Selection for Simulation-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming Approaches in Semiconductor Manufacturing Operations . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Kelton, David (2011. ) Simulation Modeling and Analysis of West-Coast Container-Port Operations .55 (04/01/11 ) , SITREP, The Naval Postgraduate School Maritime Defense and Security Research Program Newsletter
Kasaie, Parastu; Kelton, David; Abolfazl, Vaghefi; Naini, S.G.R Jalali (12-2010. ) Toward Optimal Resource Allocation for Control of Epidemics: An Agent-Based-Simulation Approach . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (refereed, with revisions required before acceptance)
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2010. ) Confidence-Interval Estimation Using Quasi-Independent Sequences .42 (1 ) , IIE Transactions
Kelton, David (12-2009. ) Representing and Generating Uncertainty Effectively . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Yang, Muer; Fry, Michael; Kelton, David (2009. ) Are All Queues Created Equal? . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Brown, Gerald G.; Carlyle, W. Matthew; Kelton, David; Kline, Jeffrey; Salmeron, Javier (09-2009. ) Operational Planning Tools for the U.S. Navy Maritime Commanders . Proceedings of the 6th International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference
Flint, Matthew; Fernandez, Emmanuel; Kelton, David (06-2009. ) Simulation Analysis for UAV Search-Algorithm Design Using Approximate Dynamic Programming .14 (2 ) , Military Operations Research
Curry, David; Camm, Jeff; Kelton, David; Oerther, D.; Uber, J. Social Networking Tools to Promote Decentralized Investment in Green Water Infrastructure . United States Environmental Protection Agency
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2008. ) Estimating Steady-State Distributions via Simulation-Generated Histograms .35 (4 ) , Computers and Operations Research
Kelton, David (12-2007. ) Representing and Generating Uncertainty Effectively . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2007. ) A Procedure for Generating Batch-Means Confidence Intervals for Simulation: Checking Independence and Normality .83 (10 ) , Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Mclaughln, A. J.; Bajcsy, R. K.; Berlekamp, E.; Bernstein, P. A.; Brockett, R. W.; Chan, V.; Cross, S.; Felten, E.; Garcia, O.; Kelton, David; Nahrstedt, K.; Raghavan, P.; Schafer, R. W. (2006. ) Basic Research in Information Science and Technology for Air Force Needs . The National Academies, National Research Council, Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2006. ) Empirical Evaluation of Data-Based Density Estimation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2006. ) Quantile and Tolerance Interval Estimation in Simulation .168 , Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Harrod, Steven; Kelton, David (03-2006. ) Numerical Methods for Realizing Nonstationary Poisson Processes with Piecewise-Constant Instantaneous-Rate Functions .82 (3 ) , Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2005. ) Sequential Selection Procedures: Using Sample Means to Improve Efficiency .166 , European Journal of Operational Research
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2004. ) Experimental Performance Evaluation of Histogram Approximation for Simulation Output Analysis . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David; Chen, E. Jack (2003. ) Determining Simulation Run Length With the Runs Test .11 , Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Kelton, David; Barton, Russell R. (2003. ) Experimental Design for Simulation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2003. ) Inferences from Indifference-Zone Selection Procedures . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (2003. ) Teaching the Classics of Simulation to Beginners (panelist) . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
L'Ecuyer, Pierre; Simard, Richard; Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2002. ) An Object-Oriented Random-Number Package with Many Long Streams and Substreams .50 , Operations Research
Bhate-Felsheim, Aarti S.; Ericson, Rebecca D.; Kelton, David; Podkopacz, Marcy; Wadhwani, Dinesh (2002. ) Simulation of a Probation/Parole System .36 , Socio-Economic Planning Sciences: The International Journal of Public Sector Decision-Making
Shanker, Murali S.; Padman, Rema; Kelton, David (2001. ) Efficient Distributed Simulation through Dynamic Load Balancing .33 , IIE Transactions
Kelton, David (2001. ) Keynote Address -- Some Modest Proposals for Simulation Software: Design and Analysis of Experiments . Proceedings of the 34th Annual Simulation Symposium
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2001. ) Quantile and Histogram Estimation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (2001. ) Various Ways Academics Teach Simulation: Are They All Appropriate? (panelist) . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2000. ) A Stopping Procedure Based on Phi-Mixing Conditions . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2000. ) An Enhanced Two-Stage Selection Procedure . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (2000. ) Experimental Design for Simulation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (2000. ) Mean Estimation Based on Phi-Mixing Sequences . Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Simulation Symposium
Kelton, David (1999. ) Designing Simulation Experiments . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Chen, E. Jack; Kelton, David (1999. ) Simulation-Based Estimation of Quantiles . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Jing, G. G.; Kelton, David; Arantes, Jose C.; Houshmand, Ali A. (1998. ) Modeling a Controlled Conveyor Network with Merging Configuration . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Meyer, Lori W.; Kelton, David; Sherman, S. N.; Meyer, K. E. (1997. ) Simulation of the Seahawk Telemedicine Project . SCS Western Multiconference Proceedings - Simulation in the Medical Sciences
Kelton, David (1997. ) Statistical Analysis of Simulation Output . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1996. ) Statistical Issues in Simulation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1995. ) A Tutorial on Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1994. ) Analysis of Output Data . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1994. ) Panelist Position Statement for Teaching Simulation: A Panel Discussion . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1994. ) Perspectives on Simulation Research and Practice .6 , ORSA Journal on Computing
Kelton, David (1994. ) Statistical Simulation Software: An Introspective Appraisal . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (1993. ) Closure-State Specification for Markov-Process Models with Incomplete Micro Data .47 , Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Allen, Sarah; Goodman, Rebbeca; Podkopacz, Marcy; Kelton, David; Shanker, Aarti (1993. ) Evaluation of Probation/Parole Scheduling via Simulation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Shanker, Murali S.; Kelton, David; Padman, Rema (1993. ) Measuring Congestion for Dynamic Task Allocation in Distributed Simulation .5 , ORSA Journal on Computing
Charnes, John M.; Kelton, David (1993. ) Multivariate Autoregressive Techniques for Constructing Confidence Regions on the Mean Vector .39 , Management Science
Bischak, Diane P.; Kelton, David; Pollock, Stephen M. (1993. ) Weighted Batch Means for Confidence Intervals in Steady-state Simulations .39 , Management Science
Vincent, Steven; Kelton, David (1992. ) Distribution Selection and Validation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (1991. ) A Comparison of Micro versus Macro Point Estimators for Markov-Process Models .38 , Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Shanker, Aarti; Kelton, David (1991. ) Empirical Input Distributions: An Alternative to Standard Distributions in Simulation Modeling . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David; Hancock, Walton M.; Bischak, Diane P. (1990. ) Adjustment Rules Based on Quality Control Charts .28 , International Journal of Production Research
Kelton, David (1990. ) Alternative Approaches for Specifying Input Distributions and Processes (Panel Editor) . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Shanker, Murali; Kelton, David; Padman, Rema (1989. ) Adaptive Distribution of Model Components via Congestion Measures . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1989. ) Panelist Position Statement for Experimental Design Issues for Large Scale Simulation Models . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1989. ) Random Initialization Methods in Simulation .21 , IIE Transactions
Charnes, John M.; Kelton, David (1988. ) A Comparison of Confidence Region Estimators for Multivariate Simulation Output . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1988. ) Designing Computer Simulation Experiments . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Murray, Joseph R.; Kelton, David (1988. ) Initializing for Bias Reduction: Some Analytical Considerations . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Murray, Joseph R.; Kelton, David (1988. ) The Transient Behavior of the M/Ek/2 Queue and Steady-State Simulation .15 , Computers & Operations Research
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (1987. ) Comparison of Hypothesis Testing Techniques for Markov Processes Estimated from Micro vs. Macro Data .8 , The Annals of Operations Research
Hancock, Walton M.; Lundberg, Daniel; Kelton, David; Bischak, Diane P. (1987. ) Economically Optimal Sample Size, Frequency, and Capability Indices using X–Bar Charts .25 , International Journal of Production Research
Kelton, David (1986. ) Replication Splitting and Variance for Simulating Discrete-Parameter Stochastic Processes .4 , Operations Research Letters
Kelton, David (1986. ) Statistical Analysis Methods Enhance Usefulness, Reliability of Simulation Models .18 , Industrial Engineering
Kelton, David (1986. ) Statistical Design and Analysis . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, David (1985. ) Analysis of Simulation Output Data . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (1985. ) Development of Specific Hypothesis Tests for Estimated Markov Chains .23 , Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Kelton, David; Law, Averill M. (1985. ) The Transient Behavior of the M/M/s Queue, with Implications for Steady-State Simulation .33 , Operations Research
Kelton, David (1985. ) Transient Exponential-Erlang Queues and Steady-State Simulation .28 , Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
Kelton, David; Law, Averill M. (1984. ) An Analytical Evaluation of Alternative Strategies in Steady-State Simulation .32 , Operations Research
Law, Averill M.; Kelton, David (1984. ) Confidence Intervals for Steady-State Simulations, I: A Survey of Fixed Sample Size Procedures .32 , Operations Research
Kelton, David; Kelton, Chris (1984. ) Hypothesis Tests for Markov Process Models Estimated from Aggregate Frequency Data .79 , Journal of the American Statistical Association
Kelton, David (1984. ) Input Data Collection and Analysis . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (1984. ) Markov Process Models: A General Framework for Estimation and Inference in the Absence of State Transition Data in Mathematical Modelling in Science and Technology, the Fourth International Conference .Mathematical Modelling in Science and Technology, the Fourth International Conference (Zurich) , Pergamon Press
Kelton, David; Law, Averill M. (1983. ) A New Approach for Dealing with the Startup Problem in Discrete Event Simulation .30 , Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
Kelton, David (1983. ) Simulation Analysis . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (1982. ) Advertising and Intraindustry Brand Shift in the U.S. Brewing Industry .30 , The Journal of Industrial Economics
Law, Averill M.; Kelton, David (1982. ) Confidence Intervals for Steady-State Simulations, II: A Survey of Sequential Procedures .28 , Management Science
Kelton, David (1981. ) A Perspective on the Initial Transient Problem in Steady-State Simulation . Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
Law, Averill M.; Kelton, David; Koenig, Lloyd W. (1981. ) Relative Width Sequential Confidence Intervals for the Mean .B10 , Communications in Statistics
Kelton, David; Law, Averill M. (1978. ) A Mean-Time Comparison of Algorithms for the All-Pairs Shortest-Path Problem with Arbitrary Arc Lengths .8 , Networks
Published Books
Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Kelton, David; Takakuwa, S. (2017. ) Simio?????????:??????????????? (translation into Japanese of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 4th ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Kelton, David (05-03-2017. ) Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications (4th ed.) .Dubuque, Iowa , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Perovrol, Frédéric (2015. ) Simio e Simulação : Modelagem , Análise, Aplicações (translation into Portuguese of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 3rd ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Dosdogru, A.T. (2015. ) Simio ve Simülasyon: Modelleme, Analiz, Uygulamalar (translation into Turkish of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 3rd ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Takakuwa, S. (2015. ) Simio?????????:??????????????? (translation into Japanese of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 3rd ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Zupick, Nancy B. (2015. ) Simulation With Arena, 6th edition .New York , McGraw-Hill Education
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Zupick, Nancy B. (2015. ) ??? ? ????? (translation into Korean of Simulation With Arena, 6th edition) .Seoul, Korea , McGraw-Hill Education Korea Ltd.
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T. (2014. ) Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications (3rd ed.) .Dubuque, Iowa , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Perovrol, Frédéric (2012. ) Simio et Simulation: Modélisation, Analyse, Applications (translation into French of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 2nd ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Takakuwa, S. (2012. ) Simio?????????:??????????????? (translation into Japanese of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 2nd ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T. (2011. ) Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications (2nd ed.) .Dubuque, Iowa , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Muñoz, David F. (2011. ) Simio y Simulación: Modelado, Análisis, Aplicaciones (translation into Spanish of Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications, 2nd ed.) .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Simio LLC e-books
Kelton, David; Smith, Jeffrey S.; Sturrock, David T.; Verbraeck, Alexander (2010. ) Simio and Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications .Dubuque, Iowa , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Swets, Nancy B. (2010. ) Simulation With Arena, 5th edition .New York , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sturrock, David T. (2008. ) Simulation With Arena, 4th edition - Korean translation .Seoul , McGraw-Hill Korea
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sturrock, David T. (2008. ) Simulation With Arena, 4th edition - Spanish translation .Mexico City , McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sturrock, David T. (2007. ) Simulation With Arena, 4th edition .New York , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sturrock, David T. (2006. ) Simulation With Arena, 3rd edition - Chinese translation .Shanghai , Asia Machine Press
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sturrock, David T. (2005. ) Simulation With Arena, 3rd edition - Korean translation .Seoul , McGraw-Hill Korea
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sturrock, David T. (2004. ) Simulation With Arena, 3rd edition .New York , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sadowski, Deborah A. (2002. ) Simulation With Arena, 2nd edition .New York , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sadowski, Deborah A. (2002. ) Simulation With Arena, 2nd edition - Korean translation .Seoul , McGraw-Hill Korea
Law, Averill M.; Kelton, David (2000. ) Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd edition .New York , McGraw-Hill
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sadowski, Deborah A. (1999. ) Simulation With Arena - Japanese translation .Tokyo , Corona Publishing Co., Ltd.
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sadowski, Deborah A. (1999. ) Simulation With Arena - Korean translation .Seoul , McGraw-Hill Korea
Kelton, David; Sadowski, Randall P.; Sadowski, Deborah A. (1998. ) Simulation With Arena .New York , McGraw-Hill
Law, Averill M.; Kelton, David (1991. ) Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 2nd edition .New York , McGraw-Hill
Law, Averill M.; Kelton, David (1982. ) Simulation Modeling and Analysis .New York , McGraw-Hill
Book Chapter
Kelton, David (2012 ) Improving Pharmacy Operations by Using Computer Simulation London, Decision Making in Service Industries: A Practical Approach (Taylor & Francis)
Kelton, David (2006 ) Implementing Representations of Uncertainty Amsterdam, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 13: Simulation (Elsevier)
Kelton, David (1992 ) Simulation Macmillan Encyclopedia of Computers
Kelton, David (1988 ) Computer Simulation in Manufacturing Competing Through Productivity and Quality
Kelton, David (1987 ) Stochastic Simulation: Initial Transient Techniques Systems and Control Encyclopedia: Theory, Technology, Applications
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Juan, A.; Chica, M.; de Amas, J.; Kelton, David (09-2016. ) Simheuristics: A Method of First Resort for Solving Real-Life Combinatorial Optimization Problems .OR58: The Operational Research Society Annual Conference, The Operational Research Society (UK), University of Portsmouth, UK. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (05-06-2016. ) Manuscript Writing Workshop (Panelist) .University of Cincinnati LEAF (Leadership, Empowerment, Advancement for Women Stem Faculty), Cincinnati. Workshop. . Level:Local
Kelton, David (05-04-2016. ) Irregular Simulation: Input Modeling, Applications, Heresies .SEED Center for Data Farming, Department of Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Seminar. . Level:International
Kelton, David (09-2015. ) Irregular Simulation: Input Modeling and Applications .16th ASIM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation im deutschsprachigen Raum) Dedicated Conference on Simulat, Dortmund, Germany. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (07-2015. ) Input Data .2015 Arena Academic Symposium, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Austin, Texas. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (07-2015. ) Output Analysis .2015 Arena Academic Symposium, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Austin, Texas. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (07-2015. ) Valid Arena Models in Complex Real-World Settings: Simulation as a Method of Choice .2015 Arena Academic Symposium, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Austin, Texas. Conference. . Level:International
Kasaie, Parastu; Mathema, Barun; Kelton, David; Azman, Andrew; Pennington, Jeff; Dowdy, David W. (07-2015. ) A Novel Approach for Estimating the Contribution of Recent Transmission to Tuberculosis Incidence .INFORMS Healthcare 2015, INFORMS, Nashville. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (02-2015. ) Valid Models and Analysis of Risk in Complex Real-World Settings: Simulation as a Method of Choice .Risk-Analytics Day, University of Cincinnati Center for Business Analytics, Cincinnati. Conference. . Level:National
Kasaie, Parastu; Kelton, David; Dowdy, David W. (11-2014. ) A Simulation-Based Approach to Estimate the Proportion of Tuberculosis Recent Transmission .INFORMS Annual Meeting, INFORMS, San Francisco. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (04-2013. ) Irregular Simulation: Input Modeling and Applications (delivered online in real time) .2013 International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Innovation, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (04-2013. ) Some Real Applications of Simulation With Arena (delivered online in real time) .2013 International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Innovation, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico. Conference. . Level:International
Kelton, David (2010. ) Experimental Design for Simulation .Logistic Division, Institute of Machines and Vehicles, Faculty of Machines and Transportation, Polit, Poznan, Poland. Level:International
Kelton, David (2010. ) Some Real Applications of Simulation With Arena .Logistic Division, Institute of Machines and Vehicles, Faculty of Machines and Transportation, Polit, Poznan, Poland. Level:International
Kelton, David (2010. ) Guest lecture in two meetings of OA 4665, Introduction to Joint Combat Modeling .Naval Postgraduate School, Operations Research Department, Level:National
Kelton, David (2010. ) Irregular Simulation: Input Modeling and Applications .OR-Ohio, Cincinnati. Level:State
Kelton, David (05-2010. ) Nonstandard Simulation with Arena: Input Modeling and Examples .ArenaSphere, Rockwell Automation, Las Vegas. Level:International
Kelton, David (2009. ) Modeling the Effects of a Transportation Security Incident Upon the Marine Transportation System .Dept. of Operational Sciences, U.S. Air Force Instititue of Technology, Dayton, Ohio. Level:National
Kelton, David (2009. ) Not, Why, How Not, and How To Simulate: Introduction and Applications .SEED Center for Data Farming, Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Operations Research, Monterey, California. Level:National
Kelton, David (2009. ) Experimental Design for Simulation .Turkish Military Academy and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Level:International
Kelton, David (2009. ) Issues and Possibilities in Contemporary Simulation .Turkish Military Academy and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Level:International
Kelton, David (2009. ) Some Real Applications of Simulation With Arena .Turkish Military Academy and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Level:International
Kelton, David (2009. ) Statistical Aspects of Simulation Software: What We Need (and Could Have) .Turkish Military Academy and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Level:International
Kelton, David (2009. ) Introduction to Dynamic Simulation Modeling in Arena: A Health-Care Case .Wisconsin School of Business, Madison, Wisconsin. Level:Local
Kelton, David (10-2009. ) Why Not, Why, How Not, and How To Simulate: Introduction and Applications .XVI Congreso Industrial (16th Industrial Congress) - Mexico, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey Technical University), Monterrey, Mexico. Level:International
Kelton, David (2008. ) Analysis and Simulation: Soulmates or Odd Couple? .MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. Level:National
Kelton, David (2008. ) Guest lectures in three graduate combat-modeling and simulation classes .Naval Postgraduate School, Operations Research Department, Level:National
Kelton, David; Brown, Gerald G.; Kline, Jeffrey; Pidgeon, LCDR Edward (2008. ) Infrastructure for Increased Port Resilience and Security .Navis World 2008 Conference, San Francisco. Level:International
Kelton, David; Bencomo, U.S. Navy, LCDR Luis A. (2008. ) Evaluation of System Impacts of Container-Port Vulnerabilities .The Pentagon, Office of the Under-Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and America’s Security Affairs, Washington, DC. Level:National
Kelton, David; Bencomo, U.S. Navy, LCDR Luis A. (2008. ) Simulating Container-Port Operations .U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD), Washington, DC. Level:National
Kelton, David (2008. ) 2.5 Real, Recent, and Incomplete Applications of Simulation With Arena .Wisconsin School of Business, Madison, Wisconsin. Level:Local
Kelton, David (2007. ) Statistical Aspects of Simulation Software: What We Need (and Could Have) .University of Wisconsin, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin. Level:Local
Kelton, David (2007. ) Introduction to Dynamic Simulation and Arena .Wisconsin School of Business, Madison, Wisconsin. Level:Local
Kelton, David (2006. ) Statistical Support in Simulation Software: What We Need (and Could Have) .11th AIAA/ISSMO (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; International Society for Struc, Portsmouth, Virginia. Level:International
Kelton, David (2006. ) Statistical Aspects of Simulation Software: What We Need (and Could Have) .Madrid Discrete Event Simulation Conference I, Grupo de Ingeniería de Organización y Logística, Escu, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Level:International
Kelton, David (2006. ) Guest lectures in two graduate simulation classes .Naval Postgraduate School, Operations Research Department, Level:National
Kelton, David (2006. ) Statistical Support in Simulation Software: Needs and (Definite) Possibilities .U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Center, Naval Postgraduate School (TRAC-Monterey), Monterey, California. Level:National
Kelton, David (2006. ) Intermediate Modeling and Steady-State Statistical Analysis .Wisconsin School of Business, Madison, Wisconsin. Level:Local
Kelton, David (2005. ) Modern Simulation and Tools: An Introduction .INFORMS Practice Meeting, INFORMS, Palm Springs, California. Level:National
Kelton, David (2005. ) Guest lectures in three graduate simulation classes .Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Level:Local
Kelton, David (2005. ) Some Modest Proposals for Simulation Software .Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Level:National
Kelton, David (10-2004. ) Stochastic Simulation: Exploring Randomness in Inputs and Outputs .Consumer Market Knowledge Research Incubator, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati. Level:Regional
Kelton, David (10-2004. ) Issues and Possibilities in Contemporary Simulation, 90-minute tutorial .INFORMS National Meeting, INFORMS, Denver. Level:National
Kelton, David (09-2004. ) Possibilities for Simulation Software: A Truly Modest Proposal .Operations Research 2004, Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society,, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Level:International
Kelton, David (09-2004. ) Possibilities for Simulation Software: A Truly Modest Proposal .U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology, Department of Operational Sciences, U.S. Air Force, Dayton, Ohio. Level:Regional
Kelton, David (05-2002. ) Case Studies in Good and Bad Simulation Practice .INFORMS Conference on Practice, INFORMS, Montréal. Level:National
Kelton, David (11-2001. ) Research/Doctoral Programs, Teaching, and Industrial Applications: Conflict or Harmony? .INFORMS National Meeting, INFORMS, Miami Beach. Level:National
Kelton, David (06-2001. ) Designing Simulation Experiments .Department of Industrial Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (Postech), Pohang, Korea. Level:International
Kelton, David (06-2001. ) Designing Simulation Experiments .Seoul National University, Statistical Research Center for Complex Systems, Seoul, Korea. Level:International
Kelton, David (06-2001. ) Simulation Modeling, Design, and Analysis, six-hour workshop .Sookmyung Women’s University, Industrial Section of the Korean Statistical Society, Hyundai Motors, Korean Telecommunications Mega, Seoul, Korea. Level:International
Kelton, David (03-2001. ) Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments .IIE Simulation Solutions Conference, IIE, Denver. Level:National
Kelton, David (03-2001. ) Introduction to Simulation, all-day tutorial .IIE Simulation Solutions Conference, IIE, Denver. Level:National
Kelton, David (05-2000. ) Experimental Design for Simulation .INFORMS National Meeting, INFORMS, Salt Lake City. Level:National
Kelton, David (05-2000. ) Introduction to the Latest Advances and Uses of Simulation .University of Mississippi, Hearin Center for Enterprise Science, Oxford, Mississippi. Level:International
Kelton, David (03-2000. ) Introduction to Simulation, all-day tutorial .IIE Simulation Solutions Conference, IIE, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Level:National
Kelton, David (11-1999. ) Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments .Procter & Gamble Process Systems Technology Center, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati. Level:Regional
Kelton, David (11-1999. ) Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments .United States Military Academy, West Point, Department of Systems Engineering, West Point, New York. Level:International
Kelton, David (05-1999. ) Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments .INFORMS National Meeting, INFORMS, Cincinnati. Level:International
Kelton, David (04-1998. ) Input Modeling in Simulation .Lockheed Martin Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Denver. Level:Regional
Kelton, David (04-1998. ) Simulation Progress, Problems, and Opportunities .University of Colorado at Denver, College of Business, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver. Level:Regional
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (05-1989. ) Closure-State Specification in Estimated Markov Processes .CORS/TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, CORS/TIMS/ORSA, Vancouver, Canada. Level:International
Kelton, Chris; Kelton, David (01-1985. ) Comparison of Inference Techniques for Markov Processes Estimated from Micro vs. Macro Data .ORSA / TIMS Applied Probability Special Interest Meeting, Operations Research Society of America and the Institute of Management Sciences, Williamsburg, Virgina USA. Level:National
Kelton, David; Kelton, Chris (11-1983. ) Power of Tests for Markov Processes Estimated from Aggregate Frequency Data .ORSA / TIMS National Meeting, Operations Research Society of America and the Institute of Management Sciences, Orlando, Florida USA. Level:National
Honors and Awards
04-2017 Research Excellence Award Level:College Type:Scholarship/Research
12-2013 ACM-SIGSIM Best Student Paper Award for the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference http://www.acm-sigsim-mskr.org/bestPhDpaperAwardRecipients.htm Level:International Type:Scholarship/Research
2013 Dean"s List of Teaching Excellence Level:College Type:Teaching
2013 National Student Research Forum, Best Oral Presentation Medical Student A. Best won this, and I was one of the other co-authors, along with C. Dixon, M.J. Ward, and C.J. Lindsell Level:National Type:Scholarship/Research
2013 Nominated (by others) for Harold J. Grilliot Award for exemplary service to undergraduate organizations (I declined the nomination) Level:College Type:Teaching
2013 Nominated (by others) for Michael L. Dean EXCEL Graduate Teaching Award (I declined the nomination since I was nominating someone else, who went on to win) Level:College Type:Teaching
2012 Medical Student Summer Research Program, First Place Medical Student A. Best won this, and I was one of the other co-authors, along with C. Dixon, M.J. Ward, and C.J. Lindsell Level:University Type:Scholarship/Research
2012 Nominated (by others) for Michael L. Dean EXCEL Graduate Teaching Award (I declined the nomination since I was nominating someone else, who went on to win) Level:College Type:Teaching
2011 Nominated (by others) for Michael L. Dean EXCEL Graduate Teaching Award (I declined the nomination since I was nominating someone else, who went on to win) Level:College Type:Teaching
03-15-2011 Fellow Level:University Type:Scholarship/Research
2007 Fellow
2004 Fellow
2000 Outstanding Simulation Publication Award for A.M. Law and W.D. Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, McGraw-Hill, third edition
1998 Distinguished Service Award
1998 First Edition of the Year award First Edition of the Year award, 1998, for sales success of W.D. Kelton, R.P. Sadowski, and D.A. Sadowski, Simulation with Arena, 1998, McGraw-Hill National Sales Meeting.
1997 Meritorious Service Award for editorial work for the journal Operations Research
1996 Omega Rho, Faculty Member from 1996
1994 Operations Research Division Award
1991 Listed in IIE Speakers’ Directory (invited) from 1991
1991 Listed in Profiles in Business and Management: An International Directory of Scholars and Their Research (CD-ROM)
1982 Best Simulation Paper in Management Science for A.M. Law and W.D. Kelton, Confidence Intervals for Steady-State Simulations, II: A Survey of Sequential Procedures, Management Science 28, 550–562 (shared with one other paper)
Student Advising
Frost, Joseph Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:In-Process
Green, Brittany Comps committee member Status:In-Process
Rea, David Comps committee member Status:In-Process
Cronk, Catherine Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2017
Harnar, Todd Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2017
Wolfe, Alex Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2016
Laserna Tobar, Diego Alejandro Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2016
Linkugel, Jacob Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2016
Dinger, Steven Comps committee member Status:In-Process 2016
Ward, Michael Dissertation Committee Member Status:In-Process 2016
Ashton, Sean Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2015
Mariner, Elise Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2015
Sun, Ruiyi Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2015
Chen, Xiaoting Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 2015
Takas Castle, Ginger Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2015
Floyd, Brian Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2015
Alurovic, Bryce Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2014
Bruemmer, Jason Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2014
Harmon, Larissa Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2014
Nichols, Maj. Mark Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:In-Process 2014
Renzi, Stephen Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2014
Munjuluru, Ajit Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2014
O'Conner, Kaitlin Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2014
Chintamaneni, Lohit Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:In-Process 2014
Mishra, Mayank Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2014
Dhawan, Pankaj Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2014
Chundi, Pavan Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2014
Kasaie, Parastu Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2014
Kasaie, Parastu Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 2014
Faforiji (co-chaired with Ed Winkofsky), Adebukola Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2013
Venkataraman, Chandhrika Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2013
Sonnycalb, Matthew Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2013
Carson, Susan Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2013
Baldasare, Vince Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2013
Nair, Arathi Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2013
Arno, Brian Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2013
Moody, Jerry Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2013
Moore, Meghan Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2013
Arandia (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Ernesto Dissertation Committee Member Status:In-Process 2013
Abbott, Silky Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2012
Schneider, Valerie Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2012
Muff, Alexander Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2012
Teng, David Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2012
Walker, Richard Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2012
Clinton, Carol Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 2011
Yang, Muer Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 2011
Starling, Andy Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2011
Bell, Kristin Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2011
White, Denise Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 2010
Isla, Alberto Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2010
Gaskins, Whitney Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2010
Khatami, Amin Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2010
Vispute, C. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2009
Mueller, L. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2009
Almanza, LCDR C. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2009
Kirtland, A. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2009
Pidgeon, LCDR E. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2008
Van Roo, B Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 2007
Nooti, R. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2007
Xuo, G. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2007
Zou, H. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2007
Kao, H.-C. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2007
Remington, A. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2006
Lumbantoruan, P. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2006
Harrod, S. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 2005
Shea, Erin Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Zhang, G. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Crabtree, J. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Paul, K. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Shen, Kay Xin Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Poetzsch, Kirsten Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Roulholiman, M. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Reddy, N. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Rothstein, Neal Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Bessire, P. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Seetepalli, Pavani Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Li, Y. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Bickel, K. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2004
Shao, N. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2004
Eisner, N. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2003
Cao, Y. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2003
Li, M. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 2002
Norman, S. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 2001
Shockley, T. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2001
Sun, X. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2001
Chen, E.J. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 2000
Dalvi, G. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2000
Balakrishnan, K. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2000
Weng, M. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2000
Nikolaeva, S. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 2000
Graman, G. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1999
Sinha, M. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 1999
Liu, X. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 1999
Mohan, H. Master"s Thesis Committee Chair Status:Completed 1996
Papandonatos, G. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1994
Park, J. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1994
Haugen, D. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1993
Evers, P. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1993
Arvindh, B. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 1993
Bhaté-Felsheim , A. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1992
Rohleder, T. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1991
Daniel, J. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1991
Cheng, R. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1991
Guo, Y. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1991
Schnabel, W. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 1991
Shanker, M. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1990
Buck, H. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 1990
Keenan, T. Master"s Thesis Committee Member Status:Completed 1990
Charnes, J. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1989
Chun, Y. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1989
Mahmoodi, F. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1989
Meyer, R. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1989
Bischak, D. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1988
Murray, J. Dissertation Committee Chair Status:Completed 1988
Chua, R. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1988
Hancock-Boyd, A. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1986
Brown, D. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1984
Sounderpandian, J. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1983
Paxton, W. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1983
Vanecek, F. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1982
Stanek, G. Dissertation Committee Member Status:Completed 1982
University of Cincinnati Graduate School Policy Committee Committee Member Type:University Level:University 2010 -2012
Faculty Mentor Program Mentor for Bruce Shultes, Industrial Engineering Type:University Level:University 2000 -2001
OBAIS Department RPT Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-14-2017 -04-26-2018
OBAIS Department Senior Analytics Faculty Recruiting Committee (Reviewing applications and attending committee meetings. ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015 -2016
Department RPT Committee Chair Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Seminar Series Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Department RPT Committee Chair Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2002 -2003
Seminar Series Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2002 -2003
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee for Emeritus Status Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2001 -2001
Seminar Series Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 1996 -2001
College RPT Committee (Evaluating cases and attending meetings if asked. ) OBAIS Department alternate representative Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2016
Masters Programs Committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2010 -2011
Graduate Programs Committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2009 -2010
AQ/PQ Qualifications Accreditation Document Draft Committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2008 -2009
Technology Task Force Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2003 -2006
Research Fellow and Summer Research Grant Proposal Committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2003 -2004
MS Programs Design Committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2003 -2003
Summer Research Grant Proposal Evaluation Committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2000 -2000
Journal of Business Logistics (Special Advisory Board on Methodology (for simulation) ) Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2015
INFORMS Journal on Computing (Advising on various journal policies. ) Advisory Board Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2007
International Journal of Simulation Modeling (Advising on various journal policies. ) Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, China (2 proposals) (Reviewed 3 proposals (declined one more). ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2018 -2018
7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - ICORES 2018 Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -2018
Informatics (Refereed 1 paper in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -2017
INFORMS Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Health Services (Wrote 1 letter for OBAIS PhD student ) Reference-letter writer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -06-01-2017
INFORMS Fellow Award, co-nominated one person (successful, with Lee Schruben of UC-Berkeley) (Co-nominated one person; got support letters from Steve Pollock (Michigan), Steve Robinson (Wisconsin), and Barry Nelson (Northwestern) ) Co-nominator of 1 person Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -06-15-2017
Journal of Business Logistics (Refereed 2 papers (simulation-methods review) in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -08-31-2017
Journal of Business Logistics (Refereed 2 papers (simulation-methods review) in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -06-15-2017
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, China (3 proposals) (Reviewed 3 proposals. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -2017
U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology, Department of Operational Sciences (Reviewed in 2008, 2011, 2017. ) External reviewer for graduate programs and faculty Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2008 -2017
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (4 papers reviewed in 2017) (Refereed submitted and invited papers, and wrote reviews of them (in 2016 reviewed 4 papers for best-applied-research award). ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1992 -2017
Promotion-and-tenure cases (Evaluate candidates at other universities going up for tenure or promotion to associate professor, primarily in terms of the content of their research. ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1990 -2017
Journal of Business Logistics (Refereed 1 paper (simulation-methods review) in 2016; one paper in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 08-30-2017 -08-30-2017
Journal of Business Logistics (Refereed 1 paper (simulation-methods review) in 2016; one paper in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 03-13-2017 -03-13-2017
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, China (Reviewed 1 proposal. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2016 -2016
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (Refereed 1 paper in 2003; two papers in 2012; one paper in 2016; one paper in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2003 -2016
Journal of Business Logistics (Refereed 1 paper (simulation-methods review) in 2016; one paper in 2017. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 09-11-2016 -09-11-2016
National Science Foundation (Panelist for CAREER Grants through the Service, Manufacturing, and Operations Research Program, Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation. ) Panelist Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2015 -2015
Promotion-to-full cases (Evaluate candidates at other universities going up for promotion to full professor, primarily in terms of the content of their research. ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1991 -2015
Qatar National Research Fund (Reviewed 1 proposal. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2014 -2014
University of Iowa, Department of Management Scineces External reviewer for proposal for MS in Business Analytics Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2014 -2014
INFORMS Simulation Society, Lifetime Professional Achievement Award (Wrote 5 endorsement letters. ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2001 -2014
Journal of Simulation (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2013 -2013
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, China (Reviewed 1 proposal. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2013 -2013
Winter Simulation Conference Track Program Committee member, Simulation for Decision Making Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2013 -2013
Committee for Review and Search for Editor-in-Chief of INFORMS Journal on Computing Committee Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2012
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2012 -2012
IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2012
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2012
Member of International Program Committee, IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM 2011-12), Crete, Greece (2011) and Napoli, Italy (2012) Conference-Related Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2012
INFORMS Fellows Committee (Wrote 8 INFORMS Fellow endorsement letters. ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2012
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (Refereed 2 papers. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2004 -2012
Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (Refereed 8 papers, 3 of them in 2011, and 2 of them in 2012. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1989 -2012
1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methododologies, Technologies, and Applications (SIMULTECH 2011) Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2011
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
INFORMS Computing Society Prize Committee (Judge papers nominated for this prize ... other committee members were Sam Burer (University of Iowa) and Pascal van Hentenryck (Brown University). ) Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
Member of Program Committee, 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methododologies, Technologies, and Applications (SIMULTECH 2011), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands Conference-Related Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT): In Quest for Advanced Models, Tools and Methods for Transportation/Logistics, Politechnika Poznanska (Poznan University of Technology), Poznan, Poland (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methododologies, Technologies, and Applications (SIMULTECH 2011), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
Proceedings of the 26th Mini-Euro Conference Intelligent Decision Making in Transportation/Logistics New Trends and Directions, Politechnika Poznanska (Poznan University of Technology), Poznan, Poland (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
Proceedings of the IASTED Applied Simulation and Modelling Conference (ASM 2011) (Refereed 2 papers. ) Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
Statistics and Computing (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2011 -2011
IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -2011
Production and Operations Management (Associate Editor for special issue on healthcare operations ) Editor, Associate Editor Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -2011
IIE Fellows Committee (Wrote four IIE Fellow endorsement letters. ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2011
ACM Transactions of Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) (Refereed 4 papers. ) Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1993 -2011
Computers and Operations Research (Refereed 9 papers. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1989 -2011
Ford Foundation (Reviewed 1 proposal. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -2010
INFORMS Computing Society Prize Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -2010
Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -2010
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Reviewed 1 proposal. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -2010
Second International Conference on Engineering Systems Management, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2010
European Journal of Operational Research (Refereed 17 papers. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1986 -2010
IIE Transactions (Refereed 13 papers. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1984 -2010
Committee for Review and Reappointment of Editor-in-Chief John W. Chinneck of the INFORMS Journal on Computing Committee Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2009
INFORMS Simulation Society Officer Nominating Committee Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2009
Production and Operations Management (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2009
Sixth St Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St Petersburg State University, Russia Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2009
INFORMS Journal on Computing (Ad hoc Area Editor for Simulation ) Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2008 -2009
IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM 2008), Corfu, Greece Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2008
INFORMS Journal on Computing (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2008
INFORMS National Meeting, Washington DC Session Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2008
International Data Farming Workshop 16 Task Force Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2008
Lancaster University, UK (Wrote 1 external reference letter for promotion to Band 3 (between a U.S. full professor and chaired professor). ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2008
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2008
National Science Foundation (Reviewed 120 proposals. ) Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 1992 -2008
INFORMS Journal on Computing (Area Editor for Computational Probability and Analysis ) Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2007
International Data Farming Workshop 14 Task Force Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2007
University of Colorado at Denver Business School External reviewer for proposed MS in Decision Sciences Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2007
IIE Baker Research Award (Wrote 2 IIE Baker Research Award endorsement letters. ) Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2006 -2007
Simulation Conference Foundation (Vice-President and Treasurer, 2004-2005 President, 2006 Past President, 2007 ) Board of Trustees Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2004 -2007
INFORMS Journal on Computing (Editor-in-Chief ) Editor, Journal Editor Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2000 -2007
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TMS) (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2006
MacArthur Foundation Reviewer, Grant Proposal Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2006
Search Committee for Editor-in-Chief of INFORMS OnLine Committee Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2006
Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2005
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2005
Fifth St Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St Petersburg State University, Russia Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2005
Proceedings of the Fifth St Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, St Petersburg State University, Russia (Refereed 1 paper. ) Reviewer, Journal Article Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2005
National Academies, Board on Mathematical Sciences and their Applications, National Research Council (Committee to advise the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) ) Task Force Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2004 -2005
Outstanding Simulation Publication Award Committee, INFORMS College on Simulation Committee Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2002 -2005
IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM 2004), Rhodes, Greece Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2004
Fourth St Petersburg Workshop on Simulation Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2001
INFORMS National Meeting, San Antonio Session Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -2000
1991 Winter Simulation Conference (Co-editor of 1275-page refereed Proceedings, with Barry L. Nelson (Northwestern University) and F. Gordon M. Clark (Ohio State University). ) Editor, Conference Proceedings Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -1991
1987 Winter Simulation Conference (Co-editor of 963-page refereed Proceedings, with Arne Thesen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and F. Hank Grant (University of Oklahoma). ) Editor, Conference Proceedings Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations -1987
Professional Affiliation
1979: Fellow; Past Editor-in-Chief of INFORMS Journal on Computing Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, International
1979: Fellow; Senior Member Institute of Industrial Engineers, International
Courses Taught
Seminar in Quantitative Analysis II
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
MS Research Project
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
MS Research Project
MS Research Project
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
MS Research Project
Simulation Modeling
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
MS Thesis Research
Stat Dec Models Mgr
Stat Dec Models Mgr
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stat Dec Models Mgr
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Analysis
Stat Dec Models Mgr
Guided Study in QA
MS Thesis Research
MS Thesis Research
Stat Dec Models Mgr
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
MS Thesis Research
Stat Dec Models Mgr
Decision Models for Managers
MS Thesis Research
Business Statistics
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stat Dec Models Mgr
Naval Postgraduate School - Simulation Modeling & Analysis
Simulation Analysis
Decision Models
Stat Dec Models Mgr
Business Statistics
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stat Dec Models Mgr
Naval Postgraduate School - Simulation Modeling
Naval Postgraduate School - Simulation Modeling
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Data Analysis & Decision Making (MBA Core)
University of Wisconsin-Madison - Data Analysis & Decision Making (MBA Core)
MS Thesis Research
MS Thesis Research
Stat Dec Models Mgrs
MS Thesis Research
Business Stat I
MS Thesis Research
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Engineering Statistics II
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
Stochastic Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Analysis
MBA Management Science (team taught)
MBA Management Science (team taught)
Simulation Modeling
MBA Statistcs
Graduate Simulation
Undergraduate Simulation
MBA Statistics (off campus)
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
Principles of Probability (Ph.D. level)
MBA Statistics (off campus)
MBA Statistics
MBA Statistics
Simulation Modeling
MBA Statistics
MBA Statistics
MBA Statistics (off campus)
Honors Management Science (team taught)
MBA Management Science (team taught)
MBA Management Science (team taught)
Simulation Analysis
Stochastic Models II
Simulation Modeling
MBA Management Science (team taught)
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
Undergraduate Stastics II
Undergraduate Statistics II
Nonlinear Optimization
Simulation Analysis
MBA Statistics
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stochastic Simulation
Engineering Statistics II
Numerical Methods I and C
Emerging Technologies
MBA Statistics
MBA Statistics
MBA Statistics (night)
Emerging Technologies
MBA Statistics (Executive)
MBA Statistics (night)
MBA Statistics (night)
MBA Statistics (night)
Statistics (night)
Mathematical Modeling
MBA Statistics (night)
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
MBA Statistics (night)
MBA Statistics
MBA Statistics (night)
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Analysis
MBA Statistics (night)
Stochastic Processes
MBA Statistics
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stochastic Processes
CIC Traveling Scholar (J. Murray)
Mangement Science Survey
MBA Statistics (night)
Simulation Modeling
CIC Traveling Scholar (D. Bischak)
Management Science Survery
Computers and Information
Engineering Statistics
Simulation Analysis
Simulation Modeling
Engineering Statistics
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Analysis
Data Structures, Algorithms
Simulation Modeling
Graduate Simulation
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stochastic Processes
Graduate Simulation
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stochastic Processes
Graduate Simulation
Simulation Modeling
Simulation Modeling
Stochastic Processes