Connie Kendall Theado , Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Associate Professor and Director of SoE Graduate Programs
Teachers College
CECH Literacy & Second Language Studies - 0205
Professional Summary
Connie Kendall Theado is an Associate Professor in the Literacy and Second Language Studies program and currently serves as the Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Education. Dr. Kendall Theado's research interests include the history and politics of literacy testing, particularly in high-stakes contexts, writing theory and pedagogy, and postsecondary developmental education. Her scholary work appears in JAC, Language and Literacy, Classroom Discourse, Journal of College Reading and Learning, Open Words, and Literacy in Composition Studies, as well as several edited collections including the SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies.
Ph.D.: Miami University Oxford, Ohio, 2005 (English (Composition & Rhetoric))
M.A.: Miami University Oxford, Ohio, 1998 (English (Composition & Rhetoric))
B.A.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1984 (English Literature)
B.S.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1984 (Secondary Education)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kendall Theado, C. (2010. ) Left behind: The high stakes of (il)literacy in the 21st century .Open Words: Access and English Studies, , 4 (2 ) ,4-22
Kendall, C., Kirkman, D., & Thoune, D. (2008. ) Assessment narrative: R1 university model .NCTE-WPA White Paper on Writing Assessment in Colleges & Universities, , ,
Kendall Theado, C. (2013. ) Metaphors we teach by: Examining teacher conceptualizations of literacy in the language arts classroom .Language and Literacy, , 15 (2 ) ,20-39
Paulson, E.J., & Kendall Theado, C. (2015. ) Locating agency in the classroom: A metaphor analysis of teacher talk in a college transitional reading class .Classroom Discourse, , 5 (1 ) ,1-19
Kendall Theado, C. (2013. ) Narrating the nation: Second wave immigration, literacy, and the framing of the American identity .JAC: A Quarterly Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Rhetoric, Culture & Politics, , 33 (1-2 ) ,711-738
Bauer, L.B., & Kendall Theado, C. (2015. ) Examining the ‘social turn’ in postsecondary literacy research and instruction: A retrospective view of JCRL scholarship, 2005—2013 .Journal of College Reading and Learning, , 45 (1 ) ,67-84
Kendall Theado, C., & NeCamp, S. (2019. ) A declaration of principles: Building teacher capacity for reflective practice in college writing classrooms .Journal of College Literacy and Learning, , 45 (1 ) ,
Kendall Theado, C., & Ray, B. (2016. ) Composition's global turn: Writing instruction in multilingual, translingual, and transnational contexts .Composition Studies, , 44 (1 ) ,10-13
Kendall Theado, C., & Johnson, H. (2016. ) Sociocultural perspectives on literacy and English education: A cross-cultural study with US and Kurdish teacher educators .Research Exchange Index, , 1 (1 ) ,
Haydon, T., Alter, P., Hawkins, R., & Kendall Theado, C. (2019. ) “Check Yourself”: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teachers of Students With Challenging Behaviors .Beyond Behavior, , 28 (1 ) , More Information
Invited Publications
Kendall Theado, C. (2011. ) The teacher-ethnographer’s notebook: A writing assignment to promote culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogies. The WAC Clearinghouse, -n. pag.
Kendall Theado, C., & Wan, A.J. (2012. ) Scaffolding matters: Instructional contexts and student motivations .Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 38 (1 ) ,1-2
Wan, A.J., & Kendall Theado, C. (2013. ) Creating points of access: Strategies and Pedagogies .Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 39 ,1-2
Dell, L.,& Kendall Theado, C. (2012. ) University of Cincinnati visits Salahaddin University--Hawler to observe classroom teaching .ULP Bulletin, (4 ) ,n. pag.
Wan, A.J., & Kendall Theado, C. (2014. ) The ‘new’ JCLL revisited: Expanding our reach, reorienting our work. .Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 40 ,1-2
Kendall Theado, C. (2014. ) Voices from the field: Establishing our online identities .In L.W. Clark & S. Watts-Taffe, Educating literacy teachers online: Tools, techniques, and transformations (p. 13). New York: Teachers College Press.,
Other Publications
Fox, B., Gross, J., Kendall, C., Kirkman, D., & Reece, E. (Eds.). (2007. ) Signature Pages, University of Kentucky’s Customized Version, The St. Martins Handbook 6th edition . Bedford/St. Martin's Press
Gross, J., Mayer, D., Kendall, C., Kirkman, D., & Thoune, D. (Eds). (2007. ) The engaged citizen: A reader for first year writing. . Bedford/St. Martin's Press
Kendall, C. (Ed.). (2002. ) Best of Miami University Portfolios, 2002. Miami University Press
Various authors. (2019. ) Where we are: My mundane professional life .Composition Studies, 47 (1 ) ,175 -180
Book Chapter
Young, M., & Kendall, C. (2009 ) The consequences of rhetoric and literacy: Power, persuasion, and pedagogical implications The SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies .(pp. 335-351)).Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications
Hembrecht, B., & Kendall, C. (2007 ) Graduate students hearing voices: (Mis)Recogntion and (re)defintion of the jWPA identity Untenured faculty as writing program administrators: Institutional practices and politics .(pp. 172-187)).West Lafayette, IN, Parlor Press
Kendall, C. (2006 ) Nooses and neck verses: The life and death consequences of literacy testing Rhetorical agendas: Political, ethical, spiritual .(pp. 97-107)).Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
Kendall Theado, C., Johnson, H., Highley, T., & Omar, S.H. (2017 ) Rewriting resistance: Negotiating pedagogical and curricular change in a US/Kurdish transnational partnership Emerging writing research from the Middle East--North Africa region .(pp. 151 -174).Fort Collins, CO, WAC Clearinghouse and UP of Colorado (Author)
Electronic Journal
Ray, B., & Kendall Theado, C. (2016. ) Special Issue: Composition's Global Turn .Composition Studies, 44 (1 ) ,
Kendall Theado, C., & Wan, A.J. (2014. ) Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 40 (1 ) ,
Wan, A.J., & Kendall Theado, C. (2013. ) Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 39 (1 ) ,
Kendall Theado, C., & Wan, A.J. (2012. ) Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 38 (1 ) ,
Kendall Theado, C., & NeCamp, S. (2019. ) Special Issue: What does working with literacy look like in college literacy contexts? .Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 45 (1 ) ,
Additional Publications
Paper Presentations
Kendall Theado, C. (2012. ) Sociocultural Perspectives on Literacy and English Education: A Cross-Cultural Study with US and Kurdish Teacher Educators .St. Louis, Missouri.
Kendall Theado, C. (2012. ) Negotiating curricular reform in Iraqi Kurdistan .Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA.
Kendall Theado, C. (2013. ) Why counterhistories matter: A response to making the translingual past visible .Las Vegas, NV.
Kendall Theado, C. (2013. ) Publishing with JCLL: A writer's roundtable .San Antonio, TX.
Kendall Theado, C. (2014. ) Making space for resistance in transnational partnerships .San Antonio, TX.
Kendall Theado, C. (2014. ) JCLL: A roundtable with reviewers .New Orleans, LA.
Kendall Theado, C. (2014. ) Understanding the cultural work of literacy: New directions for a college developmental reading workshop .Sanibel Island, FL.
Kendall Theado, C. (2015. ) Deep Rewards and Serious Risks: Working through international higher education writing research exchanges .Tampa, FL.
Kendall Theado, C. (2015. ) Framing the American identity: Immigration, literacy, and nation-building .Toronto, Ontario, CA.
Kendall Theado, C. (2016. ) Narrating a nation: Second wave immigration, literacy, and the framing of the American identity .Atlanta, GA.
Kendall Theado, C. (2016. ) Beyond the partnership: The question of sustainability in transnational projects .San Diego, CA.
Kendall Theado, C. (2017. ) Cultivating culturally and linguistically responsive teaching in college writing classrooms .Portland, OR.
Kendall Theado, C. (2017. ) Internationalizing higher education: Making space for resistance .Toronto, Ontario, CA.
Kendall Theado, C., & Ramanayake, S. (2018. ) Affirming culturally and linguistically diverse college classrooms: Bringing theory into practice .Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Kendall Theado, C. (2018. ) Making our work matter: Transferring expertise to new contexts, audiences, and exigencies .Louisville, KY.
Kendall Theado, C., Kroeger, S., Sulzer, M., & Camp, E. (2019. ) Challenging Institutional Barriers to Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: An Interdisciplinary Faculty Collaboration .Tucson, AZ.
Kendall Theado, C., Kroeger, S., Sulzer, M., Raider-Roth, M., & Watts-Taffe, S. (2020. ) Culturally Sustaining Practices in Teacher Education: A Collaborative Self-Study .Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England.
Honors and Awards
2012 CECH "Golden Apple" Teaching Excellence Award
2014 James L. Kinneavy Award for Best JAC Article
2015 CECH "Golden Apple" Teaching Excellence Award
2015 Cynthia L. Peterson Award for Outstanding JCRL Article
2017 Nominee, Piyush Swami Outstanding Doctoral Mentorship Award
2017 School of Education Distinguished Service Award
2011 Interactive Workshop Series on Writing in the Profession School of Education Faculty Development Grant, with Mary Brydon-Miller, Todd Haydon, and Susan Watts Taffe
2011 Going global: Developing proficiency in international educational research methods Faculty Development Grant
2014 Educational Studies PhD Program Graduate School Recruitment Grant
Professional Affiliation
05-2011 -05-2014: Editor of The Journal of College Literacy and Learning The College Literacy and Learning Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association,