Sydney Michaela Kennedy
Graduate Assistant
University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Classics
410 Blegen Library
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Email kenne2sm@mail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Sydney Kennedy is a second-year PhD student in Classical Archaeology. She graduated summa cum laude in 2022 from the College of William & Mary with her BA in Classical Archaeology. She received Highest Honors for her honors thesis, “Taking Transparent Action: Decolonizing the American Collective Memory of Ancient Greece in the Art Museum,” which applied the principle of radical transparency to the decolonization of Greek antiquities in American art museums.
Her research interests include identity negotiation and manifestation, memory work, social capital, disability, cultural exchange, and colonization in the ancient Greek world. She is also interested in cultural heritage, antiquity trafficking, and museum education.
Bachelors of Art: College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA, 2022 (Classical Archaeology)
Positions and Work Experience
2020 -2020 Ancient Art Curatorial Intern, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA
2021 -2022 Cultural Heritage Monitoring Lab Intern, Smithsonian Institute and the Virginia Natural History Museum,
2023 - Assistant Researcher (Summer), The Agora Excavations at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Athens, Greece
Paper Presentations
Sydney Kennedy (01-06-2023. ) To Be Whole: Reconstituting Disabled Personhood at the Epidaurian Asklepieion .New Orleans, LA. Conference. Level:Prof. Org.
Sydney Kennedy (01-05-2024. ) A Conflicted Chorus: Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Tensions of Societal Reintegration of the Disabled .Chicago. Conference. Level:Prof. Org.
Honors and Awards
2021 Manson A. Stewart Undergraduate Award (CAMWS) Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Monetary
2022 AIA Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Art and Archaeology Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Monetary
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Classics
410 Blegen Library
Ohio, 45221