Dylan MacMurphy Kenny
Asst Professor
Asst Professor (he/him)
Blegen Library
A&S Classics - 0226
Professional Summary
Dylan Kenny (PhD, UC Berkeley, 2023) is a philologist specializing in Greek literature and philosophy. His current project situates the lyric poet Pindar against the horizon of the intellectual and social transformations of the fifth century BCE.
PhD: UC Berkeley 2023 (Classics)
MPhil: University of Cambridge 2016 (Classics)
MPhil: University of Cambridge 2015 (Early modern history)
BA: Yale University 2013 (Humanities)
Deep Springs College 2010
Positions and Work Experience
2023 - Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Dylan Kenny (2019. ) The force of description in Alcaeus fr. 140 V .Mètis, , 17 ,145-157