Prashant Khare
Assoc Professor
Bradley Jones Chair
745C Baldwin Hall
2850 Campus Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0070
Phone 513-556-5248
Email Prashant.Khare@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Prashant Khare earned his Ph.D. degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2014. Following two years as a Research Fellow at Georgia Tech, he joined the University of Cincinnati (UC) in 2017. More detailed information is on Dr. Khare's research website: https://khare.uc.edu.
Ph.D.: Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, 2014 (Aerospace Engineering)
M.S.: The Pennsylvania State University University Park, 2009 (Mechanical Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
Please visit https://khare.uc.edu for information about Khare's research.
Research Support
Grant: #692M152040005 Investigators:Jeng, San-Mou; Khare, Prashant 08-01-2020 -09-30-2025 Department of Transportation Funamental Processes and Design Considerations for the NexGen Fire Test Burner Role:PI $100,434.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OAC-2018617 Investigators:Atluri, Gowtham; Aurisano, Adam; Beck, Thomas; Cohen, Kelly; Khare, Prashant; Lee, James 08-01-2020 -07-31-2023 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research and Workforce Development at University of Cincinnati Role:PI $600,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Action Fund 1817 (See 013171) Investigators:Atluri, Gowtham; Aurisano, Adam; Beck, Thomas; Cohen, Kelly; Khare, Prashant; Lee, James 08-01-2020 -07-31-2023 Ohio Department of Higher Education MRI: Acquisition of High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research and Workforce Development at University of Cincinnati Role:PI $128,571.50 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #EPA-NSWCDD-20-008 Investigators:Khare, Prashant; Sharma, Rajnikant 03-01-2020 -02-28-2025 Naval Surface Warfare Center Prepare Educational Partnership Agreement Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #NASA: OSGC ck#3067_12-3-19 Travel Investigators:Khare, Prashant 01-01-2020 -06-15-2020 Ohio Space Grant Consortium Travel: Internal Flow Dynamics and Spray Characteristics in Liquid Swirl Injectors Role:PI $682.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #ARL HIP Workshop Investigators:Khare, Prashant 06-25-2019 -06-28-2019 Department of the Army Research Laboratory Workshop: Introduction to Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Complex Fluid Dynamics Role:PI $7,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #N00014-19-1-2486 Investigators:Khare, Prashant; Maynard, Kathie; Sharma, Rajnikant 06-21-2019 -06-08-2022 Office of Naval Research Minor Certificate Program in Computational Naval Sciences to Enable Naval STEM Careers Role:PI $253,159.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #CRADA Investigators:Khare, Prashant 10-01-2018 -09-30-2019 Department of the Army Research Laboratory CRADA: Data driven spray breakup for uncertainty quantification and model form discovery Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #URS Khare New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Investigators:Khare, Prashant 06-01-2018 -06-30-2019 UC's Research Support URS Khare New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #Khare – URC research cost award March 2018 Investigators:Khare, Prashant 05-01-2018 -06-30-2019 UC's University Research Council Khare URC Faculty Research Cost Support Awards 2018 Role:PI $7,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #Blanket PO for FY2017, 2018, 2019 _PO 1BR51460 Investigators:Jeng, San-Mou; Khare, Prashant; Tambe, Samir 01-01-2017 -12-31-2019 General Electric Aviation Blanket for Advanced Diagnostics FY 2017, 2018, 2019 Role:Collaborator $900,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #RQ6-UC-22-6-AFRL2 / FA8650-19-2-9300 P00061_Breese Investigators:Khare, Prashant; Kumar, Manish 01-01-2022 -10-31-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Physics-Inspired Deep Learning Techniques for Modeling and Control of Complex AircraftStudent Bennett Breese Role:Collaborator 23800.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #W911NF-22-2-0058 Investigators:Khare, Prashant 04-11-2022 -04-10-2027 Department of the Army Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Dynamic Processes Relevant to Hypersonic Vehicles Role:PI 110000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #N00174-22-1-0009 Investigators:Khare, Prashant 04-14-2022 -04-13-2025 Naval Surface Warfare Center Fundamental Studies on Liquid Droplet Atomization and Vaporization in Shock-Laden Environments Relevant to Compact Liquid-Fueled High-Speed Propulsion Engines Role:PI 75000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #W912HZ-21-BAA-01 Investigators:Anand, Sundararaman; Khare, Prashant 05-01-2022 -04-30-2023 Department of the Army Phase 1 Lightweight Machine Learning Based Intelligent Design of Heat Exchangers for Additive Manufacturing Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC (NASA) 062138 Investigators:Khare, Prashant 08-15-2022 -08-14-2023 NASA Headquarters 2022-2023 UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR/SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC NASA scholarship for Brodke Investigators:Khare, Prashant 08-01-2023 -07-31-2024 NASA Headquarters Simulating Fluid Flows utilizing quantum computation Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Notaro V.;Khare P.;Lee J.G. (02-15-2019. ) Mixing Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Impinging Jets at Elevated Pressures.Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, , 102 (2 ) ,355-372 More Information
Ganti H.; Kamin M.; Khare P. (01-01-2019. ) Design space exploration for liquid jet vaporization in air crossflow using machine learning.AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, , More Information
Kamin M.;Khare P. (01-01-2018. ) A LES study of kerosene combustion in air crossflow.2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, , More Information
Ganti H.;Khare P. (01-01-2018. ) Spatio-temporal prediction of gaseous and liquid spray fields using machine learning.2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, , More Information
Li H.G.;Khare P.;Sung H.G.;Yang V. (06-02-2016. ) A Large-Eddy-Simulation Study of Combustion Dynamics of Bluff-Body Stabilized Flames.Combustion Science and Technology, , 188 (6 ) ,924-952 More Information
Khare P.;Yang V.;Meng H.;Risha G.;Yetter R. (07-03-2015. ) Thermal and electrolytic decomposition and ignition of han-water solutions.Combustion Science and Technology, , 187 (7 ) ,1065-1078 More Information
Khare P. (01-01-2015. ) Fluid Dynamics: Part 1: Classical Fluid Dynamics: Scope: textbook. Level: postgraduate, advanced und.Contemporary Physics, , 56 (3 ) ,385-387 More Information
Khare P.;Wang S.;Yang V. (01-01-2015. ) Modeling of finite-size droplets and particles in multiphase flows.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, , 28 (4 ) ,974-982 More Information
Khare P.; Yang V. (01-01-2014. ) Breakup of non-Newtonian liquid droplets .44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, ,
Khare P.;Ma D.;Chen X.;Yang V. (12-01-2012. ) Phenomenology of secondary breakup of newtonian liquid droplets.50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, , More Information
Ma D.;Chen X.;Khare P.;Yang V. (12-06-2011. ) Atomization patterns and breakup characteristics of liquid sheets formed by two impinging jets .49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Meng H.;Khare P.;Risha G.;Yetter R.;Yang V. (12-01-2009. ) Decomposition and ignition of HAN-based monopropellants by electrolysis .47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Contact Information
Academic - 745C Baldwin Hall
2850 Campus Way
Ohio, 45221-0070
Phone: 513-556-5248