Attila I Kilinc , MS, PhD
Professor of experimental and computational geochemistry
Professional Summary
Experimental, theoretical and computational geochemistry at high temperatures and pressures; oxidation state of magmas, role of volatiles in magmatic processes, petrology and geochemistry of tholeiitic and alkaline basalts, physical geochemistry of explosive volcanism.
PhD: Pennsylvania State University State College, PA, 1969 (Geochemistry-Geology)
MS: Pennsylvania State University State College, PA, 1966 (Experimental petrology-geochemistry)
Research Support
NRC: (Nuclear Regulatory Commission): Experimental study of thermal and chemical diffusion of components of waste-forms at geologic conditions $78,000 Type:Grant
NSF Microscope - closed circuit TV monitors functional unit for interactive teaching $30,000 Type:Grant
USGS Study of joint fillings from granitic rocks of the East Central Sierra Nevada, California $17,000 Type:Grant
UC Research and Development Award $22,000
UC Research Challenge Award
Faculty Development Award to Women Role:Co-PI $25,000
Abbreviated Publications
With Quentin D. Singewald and O. Akinci, 1961, A Summary of the Geology of Uranium and Thorium: A.I.D. and Istanbul University Press.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Dogan, U., Dogan, M., Kilinc, A., and Locke, D., 2008. An isobaric-isenthalpic magma mixing model for the Hasan Dagi volcano, Central Anatolia, Turkey. Bulletin of Volcanology. v.70,797-804
Dogan, U., Dogan, M., Kilinc, A., and Locke, D., 2007, An isobaric-isenthalpic magma mixing model for the Hasan Dagi volcano, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Bulletin of Volcanology, p. DOI 10.1007/s00445-007-0167-9.
Kumral, M., Coban, H., Gedikoglu, A., and Kilinc, A., 2006, Petrologic And Geochemical Signatures Of Augite Trachytes And Porphyritic Trachytes From The Golcuk Volcanic Region, Isparta, SW Turkey : A Case Study: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, no. 27, p. 707-716.
Published Abstract
Solpuker, U. and Kilinc, A., 2007, Generation of alkali magmas of the Kula Volcanic Province, Western Turkey by decompressional melting of spinel peridotite source.: GSA South-Central North-Central meeting Abs, v. 39, no. 3.
Ustunisik, G. and Kilinc, A., 2007, A new explanation for oscillatory zoning in plagioclase phenocrysts.: Abs AGU meeting, San Francisco.
Kilinc, A., 2007, A computational thermodynamic model for explosive volcanism.: Abs. AGU meeting, San Francisco.
Solpuker, U. and Kilinc, A., 2007, New Insights into Petrogenetic Processes at Kula Volcanic Province, Western Turkey.: Abs. AGU meeting, San Francisco.
Kilinc, A. I. and Solpuker U., 2005, The Role of Low-pressure Fractionation in the Petrogenesis of the Kula Volcanic Province, Western Turkey: AGU Meeting, San Francisco, v. V41B-1450, p. 354.
Dogan, U., Dogan, M., Kilinc, A., Ustunisik, G., 2004, Evaluation of alteration indices and validity of geochemical discriminant diagrams as applied to altered volcanics: An example from the Ankara volcanics: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. Abs.
Dogan, U., Dogan, M., Kilinc, A., Yesilyurt, I., Ozbay, S., Doruel, Z., and Unsal, O., 2004, Reliability of geochemical discriminant diagrams as applied to the Central Anatolian Volcanics: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy. Abs.
Kilinc, A. and Gerke T., 2004, Variation of Kd for Fe-Mg exchange between olivine and melt for compositions ranging from alkaline basalt to rhyolite: Oxygen in Terrestrial Planets Abstract Vol, p. 37.
Kilinc, A., 2004, Role of KCl-NaCl and CaCl2 fluids in igneous and ore-forming processes: AGU Meeting, San Francisco. Abs, v. 85, no. 47, p. F1872.
Kilinc, A. and Gerke, T., 2003, Compositional dependency of Fe-Mg exchange between olivine and melt: GSA Abs., v. 35, no. 6, p. 72.
Dogan, A. U., Dogan, M., Kilinc, A., Steele, I., Yesilyurt, F.I., Ustunisik, G., Ozbay, K S., Tigli, M., Conger, O., and Tosun, S., TE and REE modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey: Goldschmidt Conference Abs, p. 4.
Other Publication
Gerke, T.L. Kilinc, A. I. and Sack, R. O., 2005, Ti-content of high-Ca pyroxenes as a petrogenetic indicator: an experimental study of mafic alkaline rocks from the Mt. Erebus volcanic region, Antarctica.: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 148, p. 735-745.
Post Graduate Training and Education
1969-1970 Post doc, Remote sensing using infrared imagery of Goldfield Nevada (NASA project) Research on geochemistry of Henry Mountains, Utah (NSF project) Geochemistry of alteration of granitic rocks from Sierra Nevada (USGS project), Stanford University, , Palo Alto CA
Contact Information
Phone: 513-556-5967