Minjin Kim

Minjin Kim

Asst Professor

University Hall


CON Nursing - 0038

Professional Summary

Dr. Minjin Kim serves as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Nursing and as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at the University of Masschusetts Chan Medical School. She earned her MSN in 2014 and PhD in Population Health in Nursing in 2017 from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Kim completed post-doctoral training in the PRACCTIS program for Cancer Prevention and Control and Implementation Science (5R25CA172009-05 and NCI T32 CA172009-06) at UMass Chan Medical School in 2020.

Dr. Kim's work focuses on developing human-centered interventions that leverage storytelling and AI technologies to improve health outcomes for underserved populations. She leads the Storytelling for Health Advocacy, Research & Education (SHARE) Lab, launched in 2022, which addresses health disparities through innovative storytelling interventions. HHer contributions have been recognized through grants such as the NIH/NINR K23 for developing a culturally appropriate storytelling intervention leveraging an AI chatbot to motivate HPV vaccination. As the Site Co-Principal Investigator for a project funded by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, she is dedicated to eliminating structural racism in nursing academia. Additionally, her co-editorship and co-authorship of The 1.5 Generation Korean Diaspora highlight the unique challenges faced by 1.5-generation Koreans in navigating their identity and culture across borders. Dr. Kim's work reflects her commitment to promoting health equity and advancing healthcare education and practice.


Ph.D.: University of Massachusetts Boston 2017 (Population Health in Nursing)

MSN: University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, MA,

BSN: Case Western Reserve University

Research and Practice Interests

Asian and Asian American Health Disparities and Health Equity
HPV Vaccination
Cancer Prevention
Digital Storytelling Intervention 
AI Chatbot

Research Support

Grant: #Nursing Pilot Research Award Investigators:Kim, Minjin 04-01-2022 -09-30-2023 Association for Leadership Science in Nursing The Effect of Mini-Mindfulness and Narrative Nursing Interventions to Promote Nurse Leaders Resilience and Well-being Role:PI $10,000

Investigators:Fichtenbaum, Carl; Gakumo, Carrie; Kim, Minjin; Perazzo, Joseph 01-15-2022 -01-14-2024 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp PARTNER (Participant Approaches to Research Techniques Nurture Engagement and Retention) Role:Co-Investigator 0.00

Grant: #KL2TR001426 Investigators:Minjin Kim 04-01-2022 -03-31-2024 Cincinnati Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training AI Chatbot Technology & Storytelling for HPV Vaccination Role:PI Active Type:Grant

Investigators:Minjin Kim 06-2021 -11-2022 The UC Office of the Vice President for Research Development and Usability Evaluation of a K-Bot Intervention for Promoting HPV Vaccination in Korean Americans Role:PI $25,000 Type:Grant

Investigators:Jin Jun, Jennifer Kue, & Minjin Kim 06-2022 -05-2023 GKNF-USA Mi Ja Kim Research Award The Racial Experiences of Asian Nurses’ Lives (REAL) study: Association between perceived discrimination and racism among Asian Nurses in the United State. Role:Co-Investigator $10,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #K23NR020342 Investigators:Kim, Minjin 09-23-2022 -07-31-2025 National Institute of Nursing Research Let's K-Talk: A Storytelling Intervention Leveraging Chatbot Technology to Prevent HPV and HPV Associated Cancers for Ethnic Koreans living in the U.S. Role:PI 163852.00 Awarded Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Lee, Haeok; Kim, Deogwoon; Kiang, Peter Nien-Chu; Cooley, Mary E; Shi, Ling; Thiem, Linda; Kan, PenhSamnang; Chea, Phala; Allison, Jeroan; Kim, Minjin (2021. ) Awareness, knowledge, social norms, and vaccination intentions among Khmer mother-daughter pairs.Ethnicity & health, , 26 (3 ) ,379-391 More Information

Adjei Boakye, Eric; Babatunde, Oluwole A; Wang, Maggie; Osazuwa-Peters, Nosayaba; Jenkins, Wiley; Lee, Minjee; Kim, Minjin (2021. ) Geographic Variation in Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Initiation and Completion Among Young Adults in the U.S.American journal of preventive medicine, , 60 (3 ) ,387-396 More Information

Kim, Minjin; Lee, Haeok; Kiang, Peter; Aronowitz, Teri; Sheldon, Lisa Kennedy; Shi, Ling; Allison, Jeroan J (2020. ) A Storytelling Intervention in a Mobile, Web-Based Platform: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Preliminary Effectiveness to Promote Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Korean American College Women.Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education, , 47 (2 ) ,258-263 More Information

Kim, Minjin; Lee, Haeok; Allison, Jeroan (2020. ) Challenges and Lessons Learned From a Mobile Health, Web-Based Human Papillomavirus Intervention for Female Korean American College Students: Feasibility Experimental Study.JMIR formative research, , 4 (1 ) ,e14111 More Information

Kim, Minjin; Lee, Haeok; Kiang, Peter; Allison, Jeroan (2019. ) Development and acceptability of a peer-paired, cross-cultural and cross-generational storytelling HPV intervention for Korean American college women.Health education research, , 34 (5 ) ,483-494 More Information

Kim, Minjin; Lee, Haeok; Kiang, Peter; Aronowitz, Teri; Sheldon, Lisa Kennedy; Shi, Ling; Kim, Sun; Allison, Jeroan (2019. ) HPV Vaccination and Korean American College Women: Cultural Factors, Knowledge, and Attitudes in Cervical Cancer Prevention.Journal of community health, , 44 (4 ) ,646-655 More Information

Lee, Haeok; Kim, Minjin; Cooley, Mary E; Kiang, Peter Nien-Chu; Kim, Deogwoon; Tang, Shirley; Shi, Ling; Thiem, Linda; Kan, Penhsamnang; Peou, Sonith; Touch, Chhan; Chea, Phala; Allison, Jeroan (2018. ) Using narrative intervention for HPV vaccine behavior change among Khmer mothers and daughters: A pilot RCT to examine feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness.Applied nursing research : ANR, , 40 ,51-60 More Information

Kim, Minjin; Lee, Haeok; Kiang, Peter; Kim, Deogwoon (2017. ) Human Papillomavirus: A Qualitative Study of Korean American Female College Students' Attitudes Toward Vaccination?.Clinical journal of oncology nursing, , 21 (5 ) ,E239-E247 More Information

Lee, Haeok; Kim, Minjin; Allison, Jeroan; Kiang, Peter (2017. ) Development of a theory-guided storytelling narrative intervention to improve HPV vaccination behavior: Save our daughters from cervical cancer.Applied nursing research : ANR, , 34 ,57-61 More Information

Lee, Haeok; Kim, Minjin; Kiang, Peter; Shi, Ling; Tan, Kevin; Chea, Phala; Peou, Sonith; Grigg-Saito, Dorcas C (2016. ) Factors Associated with HPV Vaccination among Cambodian American Teenagers.Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.), , 33 (6 ) ,493-501 More Information

Allison, Jeroan J; Nguyen, Hoa L; Ha, Duc A; Chiriboga, Germán; Ly, Ha N; Tran, Hanh T; Phan, Ngoc T; Vu, Nguyen C; Kim, Minjin; Goldberg, Robert J (2016. ) Culturally adaptive storytelling method to improve hypertension control in Vietnam - "We talk about our hypertension": study protocol for a feasibility cluster-randomized controlled trial.Trials, , 17 ,26 More Information

Lee, Haeok; Kiang, Peter; Kim, Minjin; Semino-Asaro, Semira; Colten, Mary Ellen; Tang, Shirley S; Chea, Phala; Peou, Sonith; Grigg-Saito, Dorcas C Using qualitative methods to develop a contextually tailored instrument: Lessons learned.Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing, , 2 (3 ) ,192-202 More Information

Lee, Haeok; Kim, Sun S; You, Kwang Soo; Park, Wanju; Yang, Jin Hyang; Kim, Minjin; Hayman, Laura L Asian flushing: genetic and sociocultural factors of alcoholism among East asians.Gastroenterology nursing : the official journal of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, , 37 (5 ) ,327-36 More Information

Kim MJ, Lee H, Kiang P, Watanabe P, Torres MI, Halon P, Shi L, Church DR. (2015. ) Debunking the myth: low knowledge levels of HBV infection among Asian American college students. .Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs, , 2 (1 ) ,8 -16More Information

Kim D, Lee H, Kim M (2021. ) Overview of human papillomavirus vaccination policy changes and its impact in the United States: Lessons learned and challenges for the future. .Public Health Nurs, , 38 (3 ) ,396 -405More Information

Fitzpatrick, J., Pignatiello, G., Kim, M., Jun, J., O’Mathuna, D., Duah, H., Taibl, J., Tucker, S. (2022. ) Moral Injury, Nurse Well Being, and Resilience among Nurses Practicing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Nursing Administration, ,

Kim, M. (2022. ) Barriers to HPV Vaccination Among Korean Men in the United States.Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, , 26 (3 ) ,324–327 More Information

Fitzpatrick, J. J., Pignatiello, G., Kim, M., Jun, J., O'Mathúna, D. P., Duah, H. O., Taibl, J., & Tucker, S. (2022. ) Moral Injury, nurse well-being, and resilience among nurses practicing during the COVID-19 pandemic .The Journal of nursing administration, , 52 (7-8 ) ,392-398 -https://doi.org/10.1097/NNA.0000000000001171

Commentary on patient-provider communication quality, 2002-2016: A population-based study of trends and racial differences. .Medical Care, , 60 (5 ) ,321–323 More Information

Jun, J., Tubbs Cooley, H., O'Mathúna, D. P., Kim, M., Pignatiello, G., Fitzpatrick, J. J., & Tucker, S. (2022. ) Individual and work-related characteristics associated with COVID-19 vaccination status among Ohio Nurses.Policy, politics & nursing practice, , 24 (2 ) ,81-90 More Information

Kang, H., Chae, S., & Kim, M (2023. ) Perinatal women’s experiences of childbirth and parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative descriptive study. .Health Care for Women International. , , 1-17 More Information

Kim, M., Güler, A., Kim, D., & Lee, R. C. (2024. ) A qualitative study of ethnic Korean women and men's experiences of HPV and HPV vaccination in the United States.Ethnicity & Health, , 29 (2 ) ,179 -198More Information

Jun, J., Kue, J., Kasumova, A., & Kim, M. (2023. ) Workplace Discrimination and Burnout Among Asian Nurses in the US. .JAMA Network Open, , , 6 (9 ) ,e2333833. More Information

Fitzpatrick, J., & Kim, M (2023. ) Narrative Nursing. .Nurse Leader , , More Information

Invited Publications

Minjin Kim, Ph.D. & Jennifer Kue (2022. ) Commentary on Patient-provider communication quality, 2002-2016: A population-based study of trends and racial differences.Medical Care, 60 (5 ) ,321 -323More Information

Published Books

Jane Lee and Minjin Kim (2020. ) The 1.5 Generation Korean Diaspora: A Comparative Understanding of Identity, Culture, and Transnationalism .Lexington Press (Co-Editor)

Book Chapter

Kim, M. & Hahm, C. (2020 ) Sexual health behaviors, substance use, and health care utilization among Korean American women The 1.5 Generation Korean Diaspora: A Comparative Understanding of Identity, Culture, and Transnationalism .(pp. 137 -154).Lexington Press

Lee, J. & Kim, M. (2020 ) Introduction The 1.5 Generation Korean Diaspora: A Comparative Understanding of Identity, Culture, and Transnationalism .(pp. 1 -18).Lexington Press

Additional Publications

Post Graduate Training and Education

2017-2020 Postdoctoral Research Associate, PRACCTIS training program in Cancer Prevention and Control and Implementation Science (NCI T32 CA172009-06 & 5R25CA172009-05), University of Massachusetts Medical School, ,

Contact Information

229 Procter Hall
P.O. Box 21-0038
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221-0038
Phone: 513-558-5258