Yong  H. Kim

Yong H. H Kim


Professional Summary

Served recently as Department Head (2009-13), full professor since 1988, CBA Faculty Fellow and CBA Professor (1988-94) at UC, and the first Fulbright Professor of Business Administration at Seoul National University (SNU,1988-89). Received presidential citation for the highest scholastic achievement at SNU (1968). Held teaching positions also at Penn State, U of Hawaii, Sogang and Soongsil. Academic degrees from Penn State (Ph.D.), Virginia Tech (MBA), Seoul National University (MBA), and Soongsil University (BA). Has over seventy peer refereed scholarly publications in major journals in finance, economics, and management science. Serving or has served on the editorial advisory board of Corporate Finance Review (1995-15), International Journal of Economics and Management (2013-present), the editorial board of Journal of Mathematical Finance (2011-present), Banks and Banking Systems (2010-present), Global Finance Journal (1992-16), The Credit and Financial Management Review (1994-99), as managing editor of Korean-American Science Technology News (2004-15), Information Exchange for Korean American Scholars (2004-15), associate editor of International Journal of Finance (1995-present) and The Financial Review (1991-97), founding editor of Advances in Working Capital Management (a Research Series) by JAI/Elsevier Science (1985-02), on the Advisory Board of Korea-America Economic Association (KAEA, 2008-09 and 2014-16), and Advisory Council of Korea-America Finance Association (KAFA, 1996 - present). Has served as president of KAEA (2007-08) and founding president of KAFA (1991-95). Recently, honored as co-founder of Allied Korean Finance Associations at its 25th anniversary (2018), the founder of KAFA at its 20th anniversary (2011), Hyeongnam Distinguished Scholar at the 110th founder"s day of his alma mater (2007), keynoter at the Asia-Pacific Financial Markets conference in Seoul, Korea (2007), and winner of Bovespa - Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paulo Best Paper Award (2006).


Ph D: The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania, 1981 (Finance)

MBA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Virginia, 1974 (Finance and Quantitative Business Analysis)

MBA: Seoul National University Seoul, South Korea, 1968 (Production Management)

BA: Soongsil University Korea, 1965 (Business Administration)

Research and Practice Interests

Corporate finance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, financial constraints, international corporate finance, business groups, financial distress, managerial decision-making, international financial markets, pension funds, and circuit breakers - trading halts, price limits


Published Abstracts

Bochen Li;Hyun Han Shin Internal capital market inefficiency across legal origins: international evidence .[Abstract]

Kim, Yong;Paek, Miyoun;Ko, Kwang Soo Market Timing and Selectivity in Feedback Trading: Retail vs. Institutional Funds .[Abstract]

Kim, Yong;Paek, Miyoun;Ko, Kwang Soo Performance of Korean National Pension Fund: Internal vs. External Management .[Abstract]

Kim, Yong;Paek, Miyoun Trading Behavior in Mutual Fund Market: International Comparative Analysis .[Abstract]

Other Publications

Changarath, Vinod S.; Ferguson, Michael F.; Kim, Yong H. (2018. ) Do Capital Standards Promote Bank Safety? Evidence from Involuntary Recapitalizations .9 (2 ) , Banking and Finance Review

Kim, Yong; Paek, Miyoun; Ko, Kwangsoo Market Timing and Feedback Trading .

Kim, Yong; Paek, Miyoun; Ko, Kwangsoo Outsourcing Equity Funds and Agency Problems .

Kim, Yong; Li, Bochen; Shin, Hyun Han Use It or Lose It: Fiscal Year End Corporate Investment around the World .

Fu, Renhui; Gao, Fang; Kim, Yong H.; Qiu, Buhui (02-2017. ) Performance Volatility, Information Availability, and Disclosure Reforms .75 (2 ) , Journal of Banking & Finance/Elsevier

Chung, M K; Lee, J W; Ko, K S; Tae, E C; Kim, Yong; Paek, Miyoun (12-2016. ) A Comparative Study of Korean National Pension Fund Management: Direct vs. Indirect Investment Performance .

Eom, Cheoljun; Park, Jong Won; Kim, Yong H.; Kaizoji, Taisei (2015. ) Effects of the Market Factor on Portfolio Diversification: The Case of Market Crashes .44 (1 ) , Investment Analysts Journal/Routledge (Taylor & Francis)

Brooks, Raymond M.; Kim, Yong H.; Yang, J Jimmy; (09-2014. ) What Makes When-issued Trading Attractive to Financial Markets? .23 , Financial Markets, Institutions, and Instruments/Wiley

Gleason, K.; Kim, Inho; Kim, Yong H.; Kim, Y. S. (2012. ) Corporate Governance and Diversification .41 (1 ) , Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies/Wiley-Blackwell

Hsieh, Ping-Hung; Kim, Yong H.; Yang, Jimmy (12-2009. ) The Magnet Effect of Price Limits: A Logit Approach .16 (5 ) , Journal of Empirical Finance/Elsevier B.V.

Kim, Yong H.; Yang, J. (08-25-2009. ) The Effect of Price Limits: Initial Public Offerings vs. Seasoned Equity Offerings .9 (3 ) , International Review of Finance/ Blackwell-John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Jo, Hoje; Kim, Yong H. (2008. ) Financial Leverage and Growth Opportunity in Japan . International Journal of Business Research

Kim, Yong H.; Yague, Jose; Yang, J. Jimmy (2008. ) Relative Performance of Trading Halts and Price Limits: Evidence from the Spanish Stock Exchange .17 (2 ) , International Review of Economics and Finance/Elsevier B.V.

Kim, Yong H; Yang, J. (11-19-2008. ) The Effect of Price Limits on Intraday Volatility and Information Asymmetry .16 (5 ) , Pacific-Basin Finance Journal/Elsevier

Maisondieu-Laforge, Olivier; H.; Kim, Young Sang (11-01-2008. ) Financial Contracts for CEOs: Expropriation or Effective Corporate Gorvernance? .9 , International Finance Review/Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Maisondieu-Laforge, Olivier; Kim, Yong H.; Kim, Young Sang (2007. ) Financial Contracting and Operating Performance: The Case for OBRA and Efficient Contracting .4 (04/01/19 ) , Corporate Ownership and Control/Virtus InterPress

Zhou, X.; Kim, Yong H. (05-2007. ) The Relationship Between Assets Liquidity and Trading Liquidity: An Empirical Investigation .12 (1 ) , Global Business and Finance Review

Jo, Hoje; Kim, Yong H.; Kim, Yongtae (2004. ) Earnings Management and CEO Cash Compensation .16 (4 ) , International Journal of Finance

Kim, Yong H.; Yang, J. Jimmy (08-2004. ) What Makes Circuit Breakers Attractive to Financial Markets? A Survey .13 (3 ) , Financial Markets, Institutions, and Instruments/Wiley

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (2004. ) Can Composite Value Measures Enhance Portfolio Performance? .13 (4 ) , Journal of Investing/Institutional Investor

Shin, H.; Kim, Yong H. (03-2002. ) Agency Costs and Efficiency of Business Capital Investment: Evidence from Quarterly Capital Expenditures .8 (2 ) , Journal of Corporate Finance/Elsevier B.V

Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S.; Lee, Y. (2001. ) An International Investigation of the Influence of Growth Opportunities on Firm Liquidity .13 (1 ) , International Journal of Finance

Jo, H.; Kang, E.; Kim, Yong H. (2001. ) Investors" Cognizance and Stock Price Responses to Dividend Initiation .4 , Advances in Working Capital Management

Dhatt, M.; H.; Mukherji, S. (1999. ) Relations Between Stock Returns and Fundamental Variables: Evidence from a Segmented Market .6 (No. 3 ) , Asia-Pacific Financial Markets/Kluwer Academic Publishers

H; Dhatt, M.; Mukherji, S. (1999. ) The Value Premium for Small-Capitalization Stocks .55 (No.5 ) , Financial Analysts Journal

H; Fanara, P.; Mukherji, S. (1998. ) International Diversification of U.S. Portfolios with Segmented Markets . Emerging Markets Finance and Investments

Dhatt, M.; H.; Mukherji, S. (1997. ) The Role of Stock Dividends in Korea .8 (No. 2 ) , Global Finance Journal

Mukherji, S.; H.; Dhatt, M. (06-1997. ) A Fundamental Analysis of Korean Stock Returns .53 (No. 3 ) , Financial Analysts Journal

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (05-1997. ) Did the 1986 Tax Reform Act Affect Market Reactions to Stock Split? A Test of the Tax-Option Hypothesis .32 (No. 2 ) , The Financial Review

Kim, Yong; Mukherji, (1997. ) The Effect of Stock Splits on the Ownership Structure of Firms .3 (2 ) , Journal of Corporate Finance

Walker, Michael; Mukherji, S; Kim, Yong (1997. ) The Effect of Stock Splits on the Ownership Structure of Firms .3 (2 ) , Journal of Corporate Finance

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (1996. ) Is the Stock Dividend Ex-Day Effect Due to Market Microstructure? Contrary Evidence from Korea .7 (No. 1 ) , Global Finance Journal

Choi, J.; Kim, Yong H.; Ghosh, D. (1996. ) Optimum Cash Balances for International Firms .3 , Advances in Working Capital Management

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (1996. ) Seasoned Equity Issues: The Korean Experience .4 (No. 1 ) , Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (1996. ) Stock Dividends in Korea: A Test of Different Hypotheses . Research in Finance

Mukherji, S.; Kim, Yong H.; Lee, Y. (1996. ) The Demise of Stock Splits in Korea .8 (No. 4 ) , International Journal of Finance

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (1995. ) Adverse Selection, Investment Opportunities and Uninsured Rights Issues: Evidence from Korea (abstract) .49 (No. 3 ) , The Journal of Finance

McConaughy, D.; Kim, Yong H.; Dhatt, M. (1995. ) Agency Costs, Market Discipline and Market Timing: Evidence from Post-IPO Operating Performance .20 (No. 2 ) , Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

McConaughy, D.; Kim, Yong H.; Dhatt, M. (1994. ) Corporate Efficiency, Profitability, and Value Changes after the IPO .3 (No. 2 ) , Journal of Small Business Finance

Dhatt, M.; Kim, Yong H.; Mukherji, S. (03-1994. ) Japanese Stock Price Reactions to Stock Dividend Distributions .2 (No. 1 ) , Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

Kim, Yong H.; Sudhakar, K. (02-1994. ) Payment Systems in a Rapidly Developing Asian Economy .14 (No. 1 ) , Journal of Cash Management

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H.; Ruparel, B. (1992. ) Designing and Implementing Knowledge Based Systems for Corporate Financial Applications Using Relational Database Management Systems . Expert Systems in Finance

Kim, Yong; Adams, Paul; Wyatt, S B (1992. ) A Contingent Claims Analysis of Trade Credit .21 (3 ) , Financial Management

Adams, Paul; Wyatt, S B; Kim, Yong (1992. ) A Contingent Claims Analysis of Trade Credit .21 (3 ) , Financial Management

Kim, Yong H.; Chung, K. H. (1990. ) An Integrated Evaluation of Credit and Inventory: A Cash Flow Approach .17 (No.3 ) , Journal of Business Finance and Accounting

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H.; Moeller, S. E. (1990. ) International Cash Management: State of the Art and Research Directions .4 (Part B ) , Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting: International Dimensions

Kim, Yong H.; Chung, K. H. (12-1989. ) Inventory Management under Uncertainty: A Financial Theory for the Transactions Motive .10 (No. 4 ) , Managerial and Decision Economics

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H.; Bolster, P. J. (1989. ) A Framework for Integrating the Leasing Alternative with Capital Budgeting Decision .3 , Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting

Chung, K. H.; Kim, Yong H. (1989. ) Economic Analysis of Inventory Systems: A Further Clarifying Analysis .35 (No. 1 ) , The Engineering Economist/Taylor & Francis

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1988. ) Designing Expert Financial Systems: A Case Study of Corporate Credit Management .17 (No. 3 ) , Financial Management

Kim, Yong H.; Srinivasan, V. (1987. ) Effective Cash Management Through Variance Analysis .3 (No. 2 ) , Canadian Cash Management Journal (CMAC)

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1987. ) Evaluating Interrelated Capital Projects: An Alternative Framework .33 (No. 1 ) , The Engineering Economist/Taylor & Francis

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1987. ) The Bierman Hausman Credit Granting Model: A Note .33 (No. 10 ) , Management Science

Thompson, A Frank; Kim, Yong H.; Dandapani, K (08-1987. ) Using Duration to Determine the Deferment Period for Callable Bonds .22 (3 ) , Financial Review

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1987. ) Credit Granting: A Comparative Analysis of Classification Procedures .42 (No. 3 ) , The Journal of Finance

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H.; Thompson, A. F. (1986. ) Abandonment Value in Capital Budgeting: A Mathematical Programming Approach .13 (No. 6 ) , Computers and Operations Research

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1986. ) Decision Support for Integrated Cash Flow Management .2 (No. 4 ) , Decision Support Systems

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1986. ) Deterministic Cash Flow Management: State of the Art and Research Directions .14 (No. 2 ) , OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1986. ) Payments Netting in International Cash Management: A Network Optimization Approach .17 (No. 2 ) , Journal of International Business Studies

Thompson, A. F.; Kim, Yong H.; McKenna, F. W.; Glasgo, P. W. (06-1986. ) The Impact of Corporate Pension Plan Reversions on Retirement Benefits .9 (No. 2 ) , Journal of Insurance Issues

Kim, Yong H.; Srinivasan, V.; Gulati, S.P. S. (05-1986. ) Corporate Cash Management in a Developing Economy: The Case of India .6 (No. 3 ) , The Journal of Cash Management

McKenna, F. W.; Kim, Yong H. (03-1986. ) Managerial Risk Preferences, Real Pension Costs, and Long Run Pension Investment Policy .53 (No. 1 ) , Journal of Risk and Insurance

Kim, Yong H.; Philippatos, G. C.; Chung, K. H. (1986. ) Evaluating Investment in Inventory Policy: A Net Present Value Framework .31 (No. 2 ) , The Engineering Economist

Kim, Yong H.; Chung, K. H. (1985. ) Economic Analysis of Inventory Systems: A Clarifying Analysis .23 (No. 4 ) , International Journal of Production Research

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (05-1985. ) A Network Optimization Approach to Efficient Cash Management in India .2 , Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

Kim, Yong H.; Chung, K.; Wood, W. (1984. ) A Net Present Value Framework for Inventory Analysis .14 (No. 6 ) , International Journal of Physical Distribution, A Special Issue on Interfaces with Marketing and Finance

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (11-1984. ) Cash Flow Management: A Decision Support System Approach .4 (No. 6 ) , The Journal of Cash Managament

Glasgo, Philip W; Kim, Yong H. (1983. ) Earnings, Cashflows, and Equity Value .18 (3 ) , Financial Review

Thompson, A. F.; Kim, Yong H.; Glasgo, P. W. (03-1983. ) Pension Liability Reporting Under ERISA .8 (No. 1 ) , Employee Benefits Journal

Kim, Yong H.; Atkins, J. C. (05-1978. ) Evaluating Investment in Accounts Receivable: A Wealth Maximizing Framework .33 (No. 2 ) , The Journal of Finance

Atkins, J. C.; Kim, Yong H. (1977. ) Opportunity Cost in the Evaluation of Investment in Accounts Receivable: Comments and Correction .6 (No. 4 ) , Financial Management

Kim, Yong H. (1969. ) A Study on Critical Path Method: Its Fundamentals and Applications .3 (No. 2 ) , The Korean Business Journal

Book Chapter

Kim, Yong H (02-1994 ) Financial Theory, Corporate Strategy and Analytic Hierarchy Process Seoul National University Press, Korea, Essays in Honor of Professor B.K. Shim

Kim, Yong H.; Stedman, B. N. (1993 ) Managerial Preferences and Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty: A Gamma Preference Framework Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty: New and Advanced Perspectives

Kim, Yong H. (1993 ) The Changing World of Banking and Finance Essays in Honor of Professor S.W. Kang (invited Lead article)

Srinivasan, V.; Kim, Yong H. (1988 ) Integrated Corporate Strategy and Multinational Capital Budgeting: An Analytical Framework Lexington, MA: D.C.Heath and Company, Recent Developments in International Banking and Finance


Invited Presentations

Fu, Renhui; Kim, Yong; Qiu, Buhui (05-31-2011. ) Who Pays for Disclosure Reforms? .KCMI-KAFA Joint International Conference, KCMI, Seoul, Korea. Level:International

Honors and Awards

10-21-2011 Recognition and Award - Founder of KAFA 20th anniversary of Korea-America Finance Association in Denver, CO. Level:International Type:Leadership

05-24-2008 Distinguished Service Award Co-founder of International Joint Conference of Five Finance Associations including Korea-America Finance Association; at the 15th Anniversary meeting. Level:International Type:Service, Professional

12-08-2007 Keynote Speaker I was invited to deliver the main keynote speech at the 2nd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. Title of the Speech: "The Stability of Securities-Market-Based Financial System" Level:International Type:Scholarship/Research

10-01-2007 Hyeongnam Distinguished Scholar Soongsil University is the first university in Korea and my undergraduate alma mater. The award was received at the 110th anniversary of her founder"s day to recognize my scholarly accomplishments as an academician and contributions to the study of economics and finance through my leadership roles as president of the Korea-America Economic Association and as founding president of the Korea-America Finance Association. Level:University Type:Scholarship/Research

01-05-2007 President My responsibility as the 23rd president of Korea-America Economic Association (KAEA) began in January 2007. Level:International Type:Leadership

2006 Best Paper Award of Bovespa - Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paulo Best Paper Award, 2006: The 13th Global Finance Conference. Bovespa - Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paulo. Paper title: "Corporate Governance and Diversification". Level:International Type:Scholarship/Research

06-2001 Best Paper Award, 2001 Best Paper Award, 2001:PACAP/FMA Joint Conference "Financing Valuable Investment Projects in Japan: Agency Costs, Organizational Structure," Seoul, Korea. Level:International Type:Scholarship/Research

1995 Faculty Achievement Award, 1995 In recognition of significant contributions to the profession and to the mission of the University of CIncinnati in teaching, research, and service. Type:Service, University

1995 Quality Research Award San Diego, CA Level:International Type:Scholarship/Research

1994 Distinguished Service Award In recognition of the service as he founder and executive program director.

1990 Credit Research Foundation Award The best paper in FInancial Management on the economics of managing credit. Paper Title: "Designing Expert Financial Sytems: A Case Study of Corporate Credit Management", Financial Management, Vol. 17, No. 3, Autumn 1988, pp. 32-44, with V, Srinivasan

1989 Fullbright Scholar Nominated by the Coucil for International Exchange of Scholars (Washington DC) in 1987 and awarded for the 1988-89 Fullbright Lectureship at Seoul National University by the Korean-American Educational Commission (Fullbright Program, Seoul) and the Board of Foreign Scholars Type:Scholarship/Research

1988 CBA Faculty Fellow and CBA Professor The honor recognizes extraordinary accomplishment in research, teaching, service to College, leadership in profession, and professional teamwork among collgues.

1987 Distinguished Applied Research Award Finalist Paper Title:"Finance Theory, Corporate Strategy, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process," with V. Srinivasan

1985 Provostal Support Program for Faculty Award (University Research Council) Project Title: "Corporate Cash Management in the Asia-Pan-Pacific Basin." The results of this research have been incorporated into the folowing three publications: "Corporate Cash Management in a Developing Economy", "Journey of Cash Management" (1986), "Payments Netting in INternational Cash Management: State-of-the-Art and Research Directions," Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting: International Dimensions (1986)

1983 Distinguished Contributed Paper Award XVth Annual Meeting at San Antonio, Texas. Paper Title: "Managerial Risk Preferences, Real Pension Costs, and Long-Run Corporate Pension Investment Policy," with F. McKenna, published in the Hournal of Risj and Insurance as a lead article.

1981 Beta Gamma Sigma

1975 Alpha Iota Delta

1968 Summa Cum Laude, Presidential Citatoin for the Higest Scholastic Achievements

1967 Korean Government Scholarship For Graduate Study at Graduate School of Business Administration, Seoul National University

1966 Korean Government Scholarship For Graduate Study at Graduate School of Business Administration, Seoul National University

1964 Elder Koh"s Scholarship for Undergraduate Study

1964 Presidential Award Winner of the Nationwide Collegiate Competition in a Business Game of Shareholders" Meeting

1963 Elder Koh"s Scholarship for Undergraduate Study

Professional Affiliation

American Economic Association,

American Finance Association,

Financial Management Association,

Korea Finance Association, Lifetime,

Korea-America Economic Association, Lifetime,

Korea-America Finance Association, Lifetime,

Korean Academic Society of Business Administration, Lifetime,

Western Finance Association,

Most widely recognized association among the economics professionals. American Economic Association, International

Most widely recognized association for finance professionals in research and academic world. American Finance Association, International

Most widely participated by finance professionals around the world. Financial Management Association International, International

President An international association of economists interested in economic issues of American economy and Korean economy. Korea-America Economic Association - Lifetime, International

Most competitive association among the regional associations for financial economists. Western Finance Association, Regional

01-1991: Founding President and Lifetime Member An association of academic finance professionals in America and in Korea. Korea-America Finance Association - Lifetime, International

04-05-1989: Lifetime member An association of Korean academics inclusive of all the fields in business and management. Korean Academic Society of Business Administration - Lifetime n, National

04-05-1989: Lifetime member A la AFA, most widely recognized association of academic financial economists in Korea. Korean Finance Association - Lifetime , National

Courses Taught














International Finance

Corporate Finance

International Finance

International Finance

International Finance





Advanced Corporate Finance

International Finance

Corporate Finance

Financial Management

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Finance

International Finance

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Finance

Advanced Corporate Finance

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Finance

Advanced Corporate Finance

Guided Study in Finance

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Finance

Corporate Finance

Mergers and Acquisitions

PhD Dissertation Research

Raising Capital

Research in Finance

Mergers and Acquisitions

PhD Dissertation Research

Raising Capital

Research in Finance

International Finance

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Finance

Adv Corp Finance

International Finance

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Finance

Mergers and Acquisitions

PhD Dissertation Research

Raising Capital

Research in Fin

Mergers and Acquisitions

PhD Dissertation Research

Raising Capital

Research in Fin

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Fin

Adv Corp Fin

Bus Fin

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Fin

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Fin

Fin Mgmt

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Fin

Corporate Finance

Guided Study in Finance

International Fin

PhD Dissertation Research

Research in Bus Admin

Research in Fin

Adv Corp Fin

Guided Study in Finance

International Fin

Corporate Finance

International Finan

Corporate Finance

Special Topics

Adv Corp Fin

Adv Corp Finance

Adv Corp Finance

Adv Corp Finance

Adv Corp Finance

Foundations of Fin

Financial Mgmt

Adv Corp Fin

Adv Corp Fin

Financial Mgmt

Prob in Fincl Dec

Cases in Corporate Finance

Finance Mgrs

Foundations of Fin

Faculty Development Activities

10-16-2007 -10-18-2007 World Knowledge Forum The Forum is an international leaders" annual forum on exchanging views among the "world class" experts in a broad spectrum of fields. This year"s participants include: A. Greenspan, C. Powell, T. Peters, S. Roach (Chm. Morgan Stanley Asia), E. Phelps ("06 Nobel Laureate), J. Ridding (FT CEO), N. Al Shaali (Dubai Int"l Fin Center, CEO) among 60 others., Maeil Business Daily Seoul, Korea Type:Invited to participate as a Special Guest

2006 -2006 Opinion Leaders" Seminar Korea Economic Institute Washington, D.C., USA Type:Seminar