Stephanie Kinney , MD
Associate Professor of Clinical-Affiliate
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Phone (513) 636-4261
Email Stephanie.Kinney@cchmc.org
Medical Degree: Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN, 2012
Residency: Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN, 2016 (Anatomic and Clinical Pathology)
Fellowship: Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine : University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN, 2017 (Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine )
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kinney, Stephanie N; Slayten, Jayanna; Waxman, Dan A (2016. ) The Need for Education in Molecular Immunohematology: A Survey of Specialists in Blood Banking.Laboratory medicine, , 47 (4 ) ,330-337 More Information
Kinney, Stephanie N; Eble, John N; Hes, Ondrej; Williamson, Sean R; Grignon, David J; Wang, Mingsheng; Zhang, Shaobo; Baldrige, Lee Ann; Martignoni, Guido; Brunelli, Matteo; Wang, Lisha; Comperat, Eva; Fan, Rong; Montironi, Rodolfo; MacLennan, Gregory T; Cheng, Liang (2015. ) Metanephric adenoma: the utility of immunohistochemical and cytogenetic analyses in differential diagnosis, including solid variant papillary renal cell carcinoma and epithelial-predominant nephroblastoma.Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc, , 28 (9 ) ,1236-48 More Information
Slemp, Stephanie N; Martin, Sarah E; Zhang, Shaobo; Ulbright, Thomas M; Cheng, Liang; Hattab, Eyas M (2014. ) Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour in an adult with disseminated mediastinal germ cell tumour.Neuropathology and applied neurobiology, , 40 (6 ) ,789-93 More Information
Slemp, Stephanie N; Martin, Sarah E; Burgett, Richard A; Hattab, Eyas M (2014. ) Giant cell arteritis presenting with uveitis.Ocular immunology and inflammation, , 22 (5 ) ,391-3 More Information
Slemp, Stephanie N; Davisson, Suzanne M; Slayten, Jayanna; Cipkala, Douglas A; Waxman, Dan A (2014. ) Two case studies and a review of paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.Laboratory medicine, , 45 (3 ) ,253-8; quiz e92 More Information
Gorlin, J; Kinney, S; Fung, M K; Tinmouth, A (2017. ) Prothrombin complex concentrate for emergent reversal of warfarin: an international survey of hospital protocols.Vox sanguinis, , More Information
Bailey, Shannon L; Klejna, Elizabeth R; Capasso, Susan; Kinney, Shannon R M (2021. ) Development of a laboratory-based pharmacogenomics independent study and advanced pharmacy practice experience: Connecting basic science to clinical application.Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, , 13 (9 ) ,1236-1243 More Information
Carciofi, Eve E; Whitman, Arin; Kinney, Shannon R M (2021. ) Student and faculty perceptions of integrated therapeutics courses in a doctor of pharmacy program.Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, , 13 (8 ) ,905-913 More Information
Devsam, Bianca U; Kinney, Sharon (2021. ) The clinical utility of the pain assessment tool in ventilated, sedated, and muscle-relaxed neonates.Australian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses, , 34 (4 ) ,333-339 More Information
Mamo, Tewodros; Williams, Shelly M; Kinney, Stephanie; Tessier, Katelyn M; DeFor, Todd E; Cooley, Sarah; Miller, Jeffrey S; McKenna, David H (2021. ) Infusion reactions in natural killer cell immunotherapy: a retrospective review.Cytotherapy, , 23 (7 ) ,627-634 More Information
Wendelboe, Aaron M; Kim, Sue E; Kinney, Sharyl; Cuellar, Alison E; Salinas, Linda; Chou, Ann F Cost-Benefit Analysis of Allowing Additional Time in Cleaning Hospital Contact Precautions Rooms.Hospital topics, , 99 (3 ) ,130-139 More Information
Kinney, S G; Kiesel, J D (2021. ) Utilization of Safe Fall Landing Strategies in Physical Therapist Management of Geriatric Populations: A Case Report.Physical therapy, , 101 (3 ) , More Information
Vlahos, Alexander E; Talior-Volodarsky, Ilana; Kinney, Sean M; Sefton, Michael V (2021. ) A scalable device-less biomaterial approach for subcutaneous islet transplantation.Biomaterials, , 269 ,120499 More Information
Coindre, Virginie F; Kinney, Sean M; Sefton, Michael V (2020. ) Methacrylic acid copolymer coating of polypropylene mesh chamber improves subcutaneous islet engraftment.Biomaterials, , 259 ,120324 More Information
Murni, Indah K; Duke, Trevor; Kinney, Sharon; Daley, Andrew J; Laksanawati, Ida S; Nurnaningsih, ; Rusmawatiningtyas, Desy; Wirawan, M Taufik; Soenarto, Yati (2020. ) Multifaceted interventions for healthcare-associated infections and rational use of antibiotics in a low-to-middle-income country: Can they be sustained?.PloS one, , 15 (6 ) ,e0234233 More Information
Vlahos, Alexander E; Kinney, Sean M; Kingston, Benjamin R; Keshavjee, Sara; Won, So-Yoon; Martyts, Anastasiya; Chan, Warren C W; Sefton, Michael V (2020. ) Endothelialized collagen based pseudo-islets enables tuneable subcutaneous diabetes therapy.Biomaterials, , 232 ,119710 More Information
Shinall, Myrick C; Arya, Shipra; Youk, Ada; Varley, Patrick; Shah, Rupen; Massarweh, Nader N; Shireman, Paula K; Johanning, Jason M; Brown, Alaina J; Christie, Neil A; Crist, Lawrence; Curtin, Catherine M; Drolet, Brian C; Dhupar, Rajeev; Griffin, Jennifer; Ibinson, James W; Johnson, Jonas T; Kinney, Sonja; LaGrange, Chad; Langerman, Alexander; Loyd, Gary E; Mady, Leila J; Mott, Michael P; Patri, Murali; Siebler, Justin C; Stimson, C J; Thorell, William E; Vincent, Scott A; Hall, Daniel E (2020. ) Association of Preoperative Patient Frailty and Operative Stress With Postoperative Mortality.JAMA surgery, , 155 (1 ) ,e194620 More Information
Yin, Amy X; Geminiani, Ellen; Quinn, Bridget; Owen, Michael; Kinney, Susan; McCrystal, Tara; Stracciolini, Andrea (2019. ) The Evaluation of Strength, Flexibility, and Functional Performance in the Adolescent Ballet Dancer During Intensive Dance Training.PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, , 11 (7 ) ,722-730 More Information
Olsen, Paul E; Laskar, Jacques; Kent, Dennis V; Kinney, Sean T; Reynolds, David J; Sha, Jingeng; Whiteside, Jessica H (2019. ) Mapping Solar System chaos with the Geological Orrery.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 116 (22 ) ,10664-10673 More Information
Murni, Indah K; Duke, Trevor; Daley, Andrew J; Kinney, Sharon; Soenarto, Yati (2019. ) Predictors of mortality in children with nosocomial bloodstream infection.Paediatrics and international child health, , 39 (2 ) ,119-123 More Information
Manias, Elizabeth; Cranswick, Noel; Newall, Fiona; Rosenfeld, Ellie; Weiner, Carlye; Williams, Allison; Wong, Ian Ck; Borrott, Narelle; Lai, Jerry; Kinney, Sharon (2019. ) Medication error trends and effects of person-related, environment-related and communication-related factors on medication errors in a paediatric hospital.Journal of paediatrics and child health, , 55 (3 ) ,320-326 More Information
McKinley, Dianne F; Kinney, Sharon B; Copnell, Beverley; Shann, Frank (2018. ) Long-Term Effects of Saline Instilled During Endotracheal Suction in Pediatric Intensive Care: A Randomized Trial.American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, , 27 (6 ) ,486-494 More Information
Marcinak, Rebecca; Paris, Meaghan; Kinney, Shannon R M (2018. ) Pharmacogenomics Education Improves Pharmacy Student Perceptions of Their Abilities and Roles in Its Use.American journal of pharmaceutical education, , 82 (9 ) ,6424 More Information
Krajewski, Dylan; Kaczenski, Edwin; Rovatti, Jeffrey; Polukort, Stephanie; Thompson, Chelsea; Dollard, Catherine; Ser-Dolansky, Jennifer; Schneider, Sallie S; Kinney, Shannon R M; Mathias, Clinton B (2018. ) Epigenetic Regulation via Altered Histone Acetylation Results in Suppression of Mast Cell Function and Mast Cell-Mediated Food Allergic Responses.Frontiers in immunology, , 9 ,2414 More Information
Kinney, Sharyl; Darden, Alix; Konrad, Kathryn M L; Darden, Paul M; Madden, Christi (2018. ) Community Engagement: Why Oklahoma? Why Now? .The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, , 111 (8 ) ,790-794
Murni, Indah K; Duke, Trevor; Daley, Andrew J; Kinney, Sharon; Soenarto, Yati (2018. ) True Pathogen or Contamination: Validation of Blood Cultures for the Diagnosis of Nosocomial Infections in a Developing Country.Journal of tropical pediatrics, , 64 (5 ) ,389-394 More Information
Kinney, Susan; McCrystal, Tara; Owen, Michael; Stracciolini, Andrea; Meehan Iii, William P (2018. ) The Effect of Physical Therapist Involvement in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth and Adolescent Dancers' Injuries.Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, , 22 (2 ) ,81-83 More Information
Gniadek, Thomas J; Richtsfeld, Martina; Pulkrabek, Shelley; Hansen, Kayla R; Barnett, Susan L; Joyner, Nitasha; Kinney, Stephanie; Zantek, Nicole D; Azakie, Anthony; Cohn, Claudia S (2018. ) Mechanical hemolysis in pediatric patients associated with rapid transfusion and one-way valve.Transfusion, , 58 (5 ) ,1228-1233 More Information
McKittrick, Joanne T; Kinney, Sharon; Lima, Sally; Allen, Meredith (2018. ) The first 3 minutes: Optimising a short realistic paediatric team resuscitation training session.Nurse education in practice, , 28 ,115-120 More Information
Stracciolini, Andrea; Stein, Cynthia J; Kinney, Susan; McCrystal, Tara; Pepin, Michael J; Meehan Iii, William P (2017. ) Associations Between Sedentary Behaviors, Sleep Patterns, and BMI in Young Dancers Attending a Summer Intensive Dance Training Program.Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, , 21 (3 ) ,102-108 More Information
Murni, Indah K; Duke, Trevor; Daley, Andrew J; Kinney, Sharon; Soenarto, Yati (2016. ) ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE AND MORTALITY IN CHILDREN WITH NOSOCOMIAL BLOODSTREAM INFECTION IN A TEACHING HOSPITAL IN INDONESIA. The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, , 47 (5 ) ,983-93
Contact Information
Academic - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue
Ohio, 45229
Phone: (513) 636-4261