Susan Kotowski

Susan E. Kotowski , PHD


Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0394
Phone 513-558-0353


PhD: University of Cincinnati 2009 (Occupational Ergonomics and Safety)

Master of Science: University of Cincinnati 2008 (Environmental and Occupational Hygiene, Occupational Ergonomics and Safety concentration)

Master of Science: University of Cincinnati 2003 (Industrial Engineering, Occupational Ergonomics and Safety concentration)

Bachelor of Science: University of Dayton, College of Engineering 2002 (Mechanical Engineering Technology (Industrial Engineering Technology minor))

Research and Practice Interests

-Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics, interested specifically in:

  1. Healthcare
  2. Product design
  3. Low back pain pathways
-Experienced in conducting ergonomics assessments in a wide variety of fields including: warehousing, office environments, agricultural, healthcare, and various types of manufacturing facilities

Positions and Work Experience

2012 -To Present Assistant Professor - Clinical, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences

2010 -2012 Visiting Assistant Professor - Clinical, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences

2011 -To Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine

2009 -2010 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences

2007 -2010 Research Associate, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences

Research Support

Grant: #005008 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 12-01-2006 -05-31-2008 Hill-Rom Incorporated Ergonomic Assessment of Birthing Bed Removable Foot Sections Role:Collaborator $37,406.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #SRS 006114 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 08-01-2008 -08-30-2010 Hill-Rom Incorporated Hill-Rom Motion and Anthropometric Assessment, Phase I Role:Collaborator $107,682.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #SRS 007029 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 06-01-2010 -11-15-2010 Hill-Rom Incorporated Hill-Rom 2010 - Viking-Science of Frames Role:Collaborator $60,000.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #6153-O2-00006 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 06-01-2010 -11-15-2010 Hill-Rom Incorporated Hill-Rom 2010 - Viking-Science of Frames Role:Collaborator $26,812.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #Agreement - Ohio Means Internships (OMIC I) Investigators:Barlow, Lisa; Breslin, Paula; Cates, Cheryl; Cedercreutz, Claes Kettil; Clark, Willie; Collet, Jill; Cooper, Christopher; Fox, Marjorie; Hummeldorf, Stacey Lynn; Jefferson, Mina; Juran, Datina; Kotowski, Susan; Lockhart, Cynthia; Neff, Glenda; Nelson, Adison; Osborne, George; Osborne, Thomas; Straka, Ann; Tappel, James; Walters, William; Watson, Joy 01-01-2013 -06-30-2014 Ohio Board of Regents The Cincinnati Co-op and Internship Plan Role:Collaborator $1,822,373.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Investigators:Kotowski, Susan 07-01-2021 -12-31-2021 UC Health, LLC Gait Lab Facility Use Agreement Role:PI 1400.00 Awarded

Grant: #2025 Research Proposal Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 01-01-2025 -12-31-2025 Office Ergonomics Research Committee Understanding the Best Hybrid Schedule Role:Collaborator 37209.00 Hold Level:Non Profit


Peer Reviewed Publications

Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Albers, James; Marras, William S (2010. ) Investigating reduced bag weight as an effective risk mediator for mason tenders.Applied ergonomics, , 41 (6 ) ,822-31 More Information

Dunning, Kari K; Davis, Kermit G; Cook, Chad; Kotowski, Susan E; Hamrick, Chris; Jewell, Gregory; Lockey, James (2010. ) Costs by industry and diagnosis among musculoskeletal claims in a state workers compensation system: 1999-2004.American journal of industrial medicine, , 53 (3 ) ,276-84 More Information

Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G (2010. ) Influence of weight loss on musculoskeletal pain: Potential short-term relevance.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 36 (3 ) ,295-304 More Information

Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Waters, Thomas R (2009. ) Investigation of select ergonomic interventions for farm youth. Part 2: wheelbarrows.Journal of agromedicine, , 14 (1 ) ,44-57 More Information

Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Waters, Thomas R (2009. ) Investigation of select ergonomic interventions for farm youth. Part 1: shovels.Journal of agromedicine, , 14 (1 ) ,33-43 More Information

Dunning, K K; Davis, K G; Kotowski, S E; Elliott, T; Jewell, G; Lockey, J (2008. ) Can a transitional work grant program in a workers' compensation system reduce cost and facilitate return to work?.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, , 5 (9 ) ,547-55 More Information

Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Shockley, Kevin (2007. ) Impact of order and load knowledge on trunk kinematics during repeated lifting tasks. Human factors, , 49 (5 ) ,808-19

Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2007. ) Understanding the ergonomic risk for musculoskeletal disorders in the United States agricultural sector.American journal of industrial medicine, , 50 (7 ) ,501-11 More Information

Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2005. ) Preliminary evidence of the short-term effectiveness of alternative treatments for low back pain. Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, , 13 (6 ) ,453-62

Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2014. ) Postural variability: an effective way to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort in office work. Hum Factors, , 56 (7 ) ,1249-61

Ramsey, Todd; Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Anderson, Vern P; Waters, Thomas (2014. ) Reduction of spinal loads through adjustable interventions at the origin and destination of palletizing tasks. Hum Factors, , 56 (7 ) ,1222-34

Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2014. ) Postural variability: an effective way to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort in office work. Human factors, , 56 (7 ) ,1249-61

Ramsey, Todd; Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Anderson, Vern P; Waters, Thomas (2014. ) Reduction of spinal loads through adjustable interventions at the origin and destination of palletizing tasks. Human factors, , 56 (7 ) ,1222-34

Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Kim, Hyocher; Lee, Kyung-Suk (2014. ) Identifying risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders on Korean farms.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 49 (1 ) ,15-23 More Information

Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Wiggermann, Neal; Williamson, Rachel (2013. ) Quantification of patient migration in bed: catalyst to improve hospital bed design to reduce shear and friction forces and nurses' injuries. Human factors, , 55 (1 ) ,36-47

Witt, Dexter; Talbott, Nancy; Kotowski, Susan (2011. ) Electromyographic activity of scapular muscles during diagonal patterns using elastic resistance and free weights. International journal of sports physical therapy, , 6 (4 ) ,322-32

Israel, Susan; Kotowski, Susan; Talbott, Nancy; Fisher, Keri; Dunning, Kari The therapeutic effect of outpatient use of a peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation neuroprosthesis in people with stroke: a case series.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 18 (6 ) ,738-45 More Information

Bhattacharya, Amit; Watts, Nelson B; Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan; Shukla, Rakesh; Dwivedi, Alok Kumar; Coleman, Robert Dynamic bone quality: a noninvasive measure of bone's biomechanical property in osteoporosis.Journal of clinical densitometry : the official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry, , 13 (2 ) ,228-36 More Information

D'Angelo, M; Narayanan, S; Reynolds, D B; Kotowski, S; Page, S (2010. ) Application of virtual reality to the rehabilitation field to aid amputee rehabilitation: findings from a systematic review.Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, , 5 (2 ) ,136-42 More Information

Jorgensen, Michael; Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan; Aedla, Pranathi; Dunning, Kari (2005. ) Characteristics of job rotation in the Midwest US manufacturing sector.Ergonomics, , 48 (15 ) ,1721-33 More Information

Kotowski, Susan; Davis, Kermit (2005. ) The importance of the "human" in the identification of postural risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, , 2 (12 ) ,D100-1 More Information

Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G. (2019. ) Factors Impacting the Patient Migration in Hospital Beds: Pathway to Reduce Patient Handling Injuries .International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility, , 9 (3 ) ,102 -110

 Sampath, S.L., Wilson, K., Davis, K., Kotowski, S. (2019. ) Reality of Safe Patient Handling Policies and Programs in Hospitals Across the United States .International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility, , 9 (2 ) ,69 -76

 Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S. (2019. ) Effectiveness of Friction-Reducing Patient-Handling Devices on Reducing Lumbosacral Spine Loads in Nurses: A Controlled Laboratory Simulation Study .International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility, , 9 (2 ) ,77 -89

Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Coombs, M. (2017. ) Stopping the Slide: How Hospital Bed Design Can Minimize Active and Passive Patient Migration .Journal of Nursing Care Quality, , 32 (1 ) ,E11 -E19

Wills, A.C., Davis, K. G., and Kotowski, S.E (2016. ) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers .Journal of Ergonomics, , 6 (3 ) ,

Coombs, M., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Parkinson, R., Callaghan, J. (2015. ) Increase in vibration following vertebral endplate fracture: Potential for non-invasive endplate fracture detection .Biomechanics Open Library, , 1 (1 ) ,1 -7

Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E. (2015. ) Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders for Nurses in Hospitals, Long-Term Care Facilities, and Home Health Care: A Comprehensive Review .Human Factors, , 57 (5 ) ,754 -792

Wiggermann, N., Davis, K. G., Kotowski, S.E., and Vangilder, C. (2015. ) Head of Bed Angle is Not Equal to Patient Torso Angle: The Effect of Patient Migration in Bed on Torso Elevation .Nursing Research, , 64 (3 ) ,221 -225

Davis, K.G., and Kotowski, S.E (2015. ) Stand up and move all about-your musculoskeletal health depends on it. Ergonomic in Design, , 23 (3 ) ,9 -13

Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E (2015. ) Role of Bed Design and Head of Bed Articulation on Patient Migration. .Journal of Nursing Care Quality, , 30 (3 ) ,E1 -E9

Watson J, Kinstler A, Vidonish W, Wagner M, Lin, L., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Daraiseh, N.M., (2015. ) Impact of Noise on Nurses in Pediatric Intensive Care Units .American Journal of Critical Care, , 24 (5 ) ,377 -384

Poole Wilson T, Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Daraiseh, N.M. (2015. ) Quantification of Patient and Equipment Handling for Nurses Through Direct Observation and Subjective Perceptions.Advances in Nursing, , 2015 , More Information

Abdulrahman, A, Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., and Marras, W.S. (2020. ) Estimation of Spinal Loads During Palletizing Under Restricted Height and Poor Lighting .Ergonomics International Journal, , 4 (5 ) ,1-8

Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Denise, D., Gerding, T., Naylor, J., Syck, M. (2020. ) The Home Office: Ergonomic Lessons from the New “Normal” .Ergonomics in Design, , 28 (4 ) ,4-10

Gerding, T., Syck, M., Daniel, D., Naylor, J., Kotowski, S.E., Gillespie, G., Freeman, A.M., Huston, T.R., Davis, K.G. (2021. ) An Assessment of Ergonomic Issues in the Home Offices of University Employees Sent Home Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic .WORK, , 68 (4 ) , -981–992

Kotowski, S. E., Davis, K. G., Marras, W.S. (2022. ) Patient handling through moving of the beds and stretchers .International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, , 87 , -1-5

Kotowski, Susan E., Davis, Kermit G., and Barratt, Clare L. (2022. ) Teachers Feeling the Burden of COVID-19: Impact on Well-being, Stress, and Burnout .WORK, , 71 (2 ) ,407-415

Kotowski, Susan E. and Davis, Kermit G. (2022. ) The Virtual Office: A Perspective from College Students .WORK, , 71 (2 ) ,433-440

Kotowski, Susan E., Davis, Kermit G., Gerding, Thomas (2022. ) A Year In: Virtual Offices Remain an Ergonomic Trouble Spot .WORK, , 71 (2 ) , 319-326

Book Chapter

Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Bhattacharya, A (2010 ) Occupational Ergonomics: Past, Present, and Future Patty’s Industrial Hygiene 6th Edition .John Wiley & Sons

Waters, T.R., Davis, K. G., Kotowski, S. E (2012 ) Ergonomics in the Agricultural Industry Occupational Ergonomics: Theory and Applications 2nd Edition, .Taylor & Francis

Kotowski, S.E. and Davis, K.G. (2015 ) Ergonomics A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposure .American Industrial Hygiene Association

Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Bhattacharya, A. (2021 ) Occupational Ergonomics: Past, Present, and Future Patty’s Industrial Hygiene 7th Edition . John Wiley & Sons

Honors and Awards

2018 Outstanding Support for Experiential Learning Award UC Division of Experienced-Based and Career Education

2018 Bernice Owen Award for Research in Safe Patient Handling Association of Safe Patient Handling Professionals

2018 Turner Scholar Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati

2016 William C. Howell Young Investigator Award Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

2016 Best Paper in the Ergonomics in Design 2015 Journal Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

2015 Excellence in Research Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences

2015 Turner Scholar Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati

2012 HFES Prize, Top 3 Finalist Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

2012 Best Poster presentation American Association of Hand Therapists

2012 Best Poster presentation Ohio Physical Therapy Association Conference

2011 Best Poster presentation Ohio Physical Therapy Association Conference

2011 Best Poster presentation American Association of Hand Therapists

2010 Alphonse Chapanis Student Paper Award Finalist Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

2010 Outstanding Project Team Award (Ergonomics Toolkit) AIHA

2008 Outstanding Volunteer Group (Ergonomics Committee) Member AIHA

2008 Tichauer Award for Best Podium Presentation by a Young Researcher AIHce

2008 Tichauer Award for Best Poster by a Young Researcher AIHce

2007 Tichauer Award for Best Podium Presentation by a Young Researcher AIHce

2007 Tichauer Award for Best Poster by a Young Researcher AIHce

2005 Outstanding Kettering Student Award in Environmental and Occupational Hygiene

2005 Tichauer Award for Best Poster by a Young Researcher AIHce

2004 Tichauer Award for Best Poster by a Young Researcher AIHce

2002 L. Duke Golden Award of Excellence to the Outstanding Senior in Engineering Technology

2002 Jesse Wilder Award of Excellence to the Outstanding Graduating Senior in Mechanical Engineering Technology


biomechanics, ergonomics, low back pain

Contact Information

Academic - Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267-0394
Phone: 513-558-0353