Jeffrey Kramer

Jeffrey L. Kramer

Jr Research Associate

Junior Research Associate

Blegen Library


A&S Classics - 0226

Professional Summary

Jeff holds an M.A. in Classical Archaeology from the University of Arizona and a Ph.D. in Bronze Age Archaeology from the University of Cincinnati. His archival research interests focus on daily life in historical excavations, especially UC's excavations at Troy from 1932-1938. Previous archaeological research interests centered on the ceramic tradition at the transition from the Middle Bronze Age to the Late Bronze Age in the northeastern Peloponnese in Greece. He has participated in archaeological projects from Tel Miqne/Ekron and Megiddo in Israel to Midea and Dorati in Greece.

He currently serves as the archivist (Junior Research Associate) for the Department of Classics, tasked with organizing the vast amount of material from the projects the department has participated in since 1924. In addition to this position, he also serves as an adjunct professor in the Department, regularly offering online courses on Ancient Sports, Classical Mythology, and Medical Terminology.

His full CV is available online.