Litsa Kranias

Litsa G Kranias , PhD

Director of Cardiovascular Biology, Co-Director Cardiovascular Center of Excellence, Hanna Chair of Cardiology

Cardiovacular Center
Room CVC 5960
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0575
Phone 513-558-2377

Professional Summary

Hanna Professor and Director
Cardiovascular Biology
Distinguished Research Professor


Master's Degree: Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 1974 (Biological Sciences)

Doctoral Degree: Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 1974 (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)

Bachelor's Degree: University of Chicago Chicago, IL, 1970 (Biology/Biochemistry)

Secondary Education: Anatolia College 1966

Postdoctoral Fellowship: Northwestern University Medical School Chicago, IL, 1977

Research and Practice Interests

Myocardial Function, Ca-handling, Apoptosis, Cell Death, Heart Failure, Arrhythmia, Genetically Altered Mouse Models, Novel Therapeutic Modalities, Human Variants, Potential Prognostic or Diagnostic Markers for Heart Failure and Arrhythmia.

Positions and Work Experience

1977 - Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL

1978 - Instructor, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1978 -1982 Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, and Department of Neurology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1982 -1988 Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1988 -To Present Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1995 -To Present Director, Cardiovascular Biology, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

2004 -To Present Distinguished Research Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2007 -To Present Co-Director of the Cardiovascular Center of Excellence, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

2008 -2011 Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

2008 -To Present Hanna Professor of Cardiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Investigators:Dr. F Samaha, E. G. Kranias 07-01-1979 -06-30-1980 Muscular Dystrophy Association Biochemical Study of Normal and Diseased Human Muscle Role:PI, Co-PI $35,000 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1979 -06-30-1980 American Heart Association Southwestern Ohio Chapter Cyclic AMP and Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Role:PI $9,000 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1980 -06-30-1985 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Cyclic AMP and Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Role:PI $170,750 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1980 -06-30-1981 Muscular Dystrophy Association Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function by Protein Kinase Role:PI $20,000 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1980 -06-30-1981 American Heart Association Southwestern Ohio Chapter Cyclic AMP and Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Role:PI $12,000 Completed

Grant: #HL 26057 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1981 -06-30-1984 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Cyclic AMP and Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Role:PI $126,153 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1981 -06-20-1982 American Heart Association Southwestern Ohio Chapter Cyclic AMP Regulation of Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Role:PI $8,015 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1982 -06-30-1984 American Heart Association Southwestern Ohio Chapter In Vivo Phosphorylation of Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Role:PI $12,000 Completed

Grant: #HL 26057 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1984 -06-30-1989 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Cyclic AMP and Myocardial Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Role:PI $554,054 Completed

Grant: #HL 22619; PPG Project IV A2 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1984 -06-30-1988 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Regulation of Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum by Protein Kinase: In Vitro Studies Role:PI $206,290 Completed

Grant: #HL 22619; PPG Project IVA Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1988 -06-30-1993 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Regulation of Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Role:PI $591,958 Completed

Grant: #HL 26057 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1989 -06-30-1994 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Phosphorylation as a Regulatory Mechanism in Heart Role:PI $68,070 Completed

Investigators:E.G. Kranias, P.I. in the U.S.; I. Edes, P.I. in Hungary 11-03-1992 -11-02-1995 National Institutes of Health (J.F. No. 203/91b: U.S. - Hungarian Joint Fund) The Role of Phospholamban in the Altered Contractility of the Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid Heart Role:PI $11,000; $2,387,000 Completed

Grant: #HL 22619; PPG Project IIIA Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-1993 -06-30-1998 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Molecular Mechanisms of Phospholamban in Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Role:PI $801,550 Completed

Grant: #HL26057-19 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 06-01-1994 -05-03-2004 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Merit Award Targeted Ablation and Alteration of Mouse Phospholamban Role:PI $1,621,503 Completed

Investigators:R.A. Walsh, E.G. Kranias 01-01-1995 -12-31-1999 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute SCOR in Heart Failure"; Project 1 "The Transition Between Pressure Overload Hypertrophy and Heart Failure Role:PI, Co-PI $925,085 Completed

Grant: #P50 HL52318 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 01-01-1995 -12-31-1999 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute SCOR in Heart Failure"; Project 4 "Alterations in Cardiac Phospholamban Gene Expression and Myocardial Contractility Role:PI $756,975 Completed

Grant: #RO3 TW00861 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 03-01-1997 -02-29-2000 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Thyroid Hormones and Phospholamban Ablation Role:PI $60,000 Completed

Grant: #5-R03-TW-00861-03-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 04-01-1997 -03-31-2000 John E. Fogarty International Center Thyroid Hormones and Phospholamban Ablation Role:PI $73,868.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #5-P40-RR-12358-05-A0-S0-E1 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 08-01-1997 -07-31-2003 National Center for Research Resources Transgenic Mice with Altered Calcium Handling Role:PI $1,700,139.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #P40 RR12358: supplements Investigators:E.G. Kranias 08-01-1997 -07-30-2002 National Center of Research Resources Transgenic Mice with Altered Calcium Handling Role:PI $52,000 Completed

Grant: #P40 RR12358 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 08-01-1997 -07-30-2002 National Center of Research Resources Transgenic Mice with Altered Calcium Handling Role:PI $1,031,324 Completed

Grant: #5-R37-HL-26057-23-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 06-01-1999 -05-31-2004 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Targeted Ablation and Alteration of Mouse Phospholamban Role:PI $1,374,602.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #5-R01-HL-64018-05-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 02-01-2000 -01-31-2005 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI $1,876,811.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #HL 64018-05 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2000 -01-31-2005 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI $1,169,416 Completed

Grant: #P5OHL52318-10 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2000 -01-31-2005 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute SCOR in Heart Failure Role:PI $633,839 Completed

Grant: #R01 HL 64018-05S1 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2003 -01-31-2005 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI $58,000 Completed

Grant: #R01 HL56370-08 Investigators:J. Robbins, E.G. Kranias 02-01-2003 -01-30-2007 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Transgenic Remodeling of the Rabbit Heart Role:PI, Co-PI $287,007 Completed

Grant: #P765/N992 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 02-01-2003 -01-31-2007 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Transgenic Remodeling of the Rabbit Heart Role:PI $439,121.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #R03 TW006294-02 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 04-01-2003 -03-31-2006 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute The Role of Phospholamban in Ischemia: Transgenic Approaches Role:PI $114,200 Completed

Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 04-15-2003 -03-31-2006 John E. Fogarty International Center The Role of Phospholamban in Ischemia: Transgenic Approaches Role:PI $120,960.00 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 11-01-2003 -10-31-2007 Fundacion Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Inhibitor-1 of Protein Phosphatase 1 in Cardiac Contractility & Remodeling Role:PI $145,699.13 Closed Level:Foreign Non-Profit

Grant: #R01-HL-026057 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 06-01-2004 -05-31-2008 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Calcium Handling in Cardiac Pathophysiology Role:PI $1,380,487.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 HL26057 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 06-01-2004 -05-31-2008 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Calcium Handling in Cardiac Pathophysiology Role:PI $1,150,000 Active

Grant: #1 P5O HL77101 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2005 -01-31-2010 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Genetic and Molecular Signaling in Heart Failure” Project 3: “Calcium Cycling Protein Mutations in Human Heart Failure Role:PI $1,725,468 Active

Grant: #R01 HL64018 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2005 -01-31-2010 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Genetic and Molecular Signaling in Heart Failure Role:PI $1,250,000

Grant: #R01 HL064018 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 02-01-2005 -12-31-2009 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI $1,850,074.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #P50 HL077101 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 02-22-2005 -12-31-2011 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Specialized Centers of Clinically Oriented Research in Cardiac Dysfunction and Disease Role:PI $19,094,256.06 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:E.G. Kranias 09-01-2005 -08-31-2010 Leducq Foundation : Transatlantic Networks (France) Ca-cycling and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Heart Failure” Core 3: “Genetic Variants of Calcium Cycling Proteins in Heart Failure” Role:PI $943,341 Active

Grant: #05 CVD 03 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 10-01-2005 -09-30-2011 Foundation Leducq Ca 2+ Cycling and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Heart Failure Role:PI $998,418.67 Closed Level:Foreign Non-Profit

Grant: #R01 HL087861-01 Investigators:G.C. Fan, E.G. Kranias 04-01-2007 -03-31-2012 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Role:PI, Co-PI $250,000 Active

Grant: #1 P5O HL77101 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2008 -01-31-2010 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Core E : “Clinical Research and Skills Development“ Role:PI $87,001 Completed

Grant: #1 P5O HL77101 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 02-01-2008 -01-31-2010 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Core A : “Administrative Core“ Role:PI $84,013 Completed

Grant: #R01 HL26057-28 Investigators:E.G. Kranias 07-01-2008 -06-30-2013 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Calcium Handling in Cardiac Pathophysiology Role:PI $1,250,000 Active

Grant: #R01 HL026057 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 07-01-2008 -06-30-2013 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Calcium Handling in Cardiac Pathophysiology Role:PI $1,946,100.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #RO1 HL64018 Investigators:Evangelia G. Kranias 01-01-2010 -12-31-2013 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI 1,000.000 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #R01 HL064018 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 01-01-2010 -12-31-2013 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI $1,543,498.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01HL026057 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 08-01-2013 -07-31-2018 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Calcium Handling in Cardiac Pathophysiology Role:PI $1,958,480 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #Clev Sub U54HL119810 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 09-26-2013 -07-31-2020 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cleveland Clinic Center for Accelerated Innovations (CCCAI) Role:PI $19,020.00 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #2 R01 HL064018 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 01-01-2014 -12-31-2017 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Cycling Proteins Role:PI $1,542,250 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #T32 HL125204-01 Investigators:J.D. Molkentin and E.G. Kranias 12-01-2014 -11-30-2019 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Understanding Cardiovascular Disease Mechanisms Role:Co-PI 1,367,195 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #2018 NHI Contract Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 08-01-2018 -09-01-2019 Netherlands Heart Institute Characterization of the humanized mouse model with R14del-Phospholamban Role:PI $29,500.00 Active Level:Foreign Other

Grant: #18CVD01_Netherlands Heart Institute Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia 01-01-2019 -12-31-2023 Foundation Leducq Cure PhosphoLambaN induced Cardiomyopathy (CURE-PLaN) Role:PI $191,312.00 Awarded Level:Foreign Non-Profit

Grant: #19TPA34830084 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia; Sadayappan, Sakthivel 07-01-2019 -06-30-2022 American Heart Association - National Chapter Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Patients with Compound Mutations Role:Collaborator $100,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #Research Study Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia; Sadayappan, Sakthivel 09-01-2019 -08-31-2020 Netherlands Heart Institute Preclinical studies to improve contractile function in Humanized mouse model expressing R14del-phospholamban with heart failure. Role:Collaborator $30,000.00 Active Level:Foreign Non-Profit

Grant: #HL105826 Investigators:Kranias, Evangelia; Sadayappan, Sakthivel 01-01-2022 -12-31-2026 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Fast myosin binding protein-C and cardiac contractility in heart failure Role:Collaborator 404999.99 Hold Level:Federal


Published Abstracts

Luo, W., Grupp, I.L., Harrer, J., Ponniah, S., Zhou, Z., Duffy, J.J., Grupp, G., Doetschman, T. and Kranias, E.G. Knocking out the mouse phospholamban gene results in increased basal myocardial contractility .[Abstract]Can. J. Cardiol. , 10 ,86a

Pena, J.R., Goldspink, P.H., Heinrich, L.S., Kranias, E.G., Wieczorek. D.F., Wolska, and B.M. Phsopholamban Knockout alters hypertrophic gene expression and improves cardiac function in HCM a-tropomyosin (Glu180Gly) mouse .[Abstract]

Haghighi K, Pritchard TJ, Singh VP, Das P, Vanderbilt EL, Rubinstein J, Kranias EG A Human G109E Polymorphism in Inhibitor-1 Compromises Cardiomyocyte Function and Induces Arrhythmias. Circulation, 115 ,A34

Kranias, E.G. and Dumas, L.B. (1973. ) The effect of the Escherichia coli C dna C gene product on bacteriophage *X174 DNA replication .[Abstract]Abstracts of papers presented at the Bacteriophage Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, 34

Kranias, E.G. and Jungmann, R.A. (1977. ) Phosphorylation of calf thymus ribonucleic acid polymerase II .[Abstract]Fed. Proc. Abstracts, 806

Matlib, M.A., Wilson, D., Rouslin, W., Kranias, E., Nagao, T. and Schwartz, A. (1978. ) Effect of cytochrome C on respiration and calcium transport of two putative populations of mitochondria from a single organ .[Abstract]The Physiologist, 21 ,77

Rouslin, W., MacGee, J., Myers, B.L., Allen, K.G., Kranias, E.G., Nagao, T. and Schwartz, A. (1978. ) Ischemia induced changes in canine cardiac mitochondrial membrane bound and free fatty acids and cholesterol .[Abstract]Circulation, 58 ,176

Kranias, E., Wang, T., Mandel, F., Tsai, L.I. and Schwartz, A. (1979. ) The effects of protein kinase phosphorylation and pH on the transient state kinetics of Ca2+ ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Am. J. Cardiol., 43 ,392

Imai, K., Gende, A., Kranias, E.G., Asano, G., Dunn, F., Nagao, T., Franklin, D., Adams, R., Wang, T., Solaro, J. and Schwartz, A. (1979. ) Biochemistry of sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from endocardium and epicardium from dog ischemic heart. Fed. Proc, 38 ,976

E.G. Kranias (1979. ) The effects of protein kinase mediated phosphorylation and calmodulin on cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function .[Abstract]Gordon Conference on cyclic nucleotides,

Mandel, F., Kranias, E. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) Transient state kinetics of the sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci.,

Kranias, E.G., Mandel, F., Tsai, L.I. and Schwartz, A (1980. ) Cyclic AMP regulation of Ca2+ ATPase of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum in transient state .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 39 ,2173

Bilezikjian, L., Kranias, E.G., Potter, J.D. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) Calmodulin stimulated phosphorylation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 39 ,1663

Kranias, E.G., Bilezikjian, L., Potter, J.D. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) The role of calmodulin in regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylation .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences Meeting,

Kranias, E.G., Bilezikjian, L., Solaro, R.J., Potter, J.D. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum in vitro and in vivo .[Abstract]Circulation, 62 ,18

Kranias, E.G., Bilezikjian, L.M., Mandel, F., Potter, J.D. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by two endogenous protein kinases, cAMP and calmodulin dependent .[Abstract]J. Cell. Bio., 87 ,2636

Kranias, E.G., Bilezikjian, L.M., Mandel, F., Potter, J.D. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) Cyclic AMP and Calmodulin dependent phosphorylation of Cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Protein Phosphorylation, 105

Kranias, E.G., Samaha, F.J. and Schwartz, A. (1981. ) Regulation of the Ca2+-ATPase in skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum by protein kinase(s) .[Abstract]Biophysical J., 33 ,88a

Collins, J.H., Kranias, E.G., Reeves, A.S., Bilezikjian, L.M. and Schwartz, A. (1981. ) Purification of phospholamban and another proteolipid fraction from cardiac sarco-plasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophysical J., 33 ,89a

Robertson, S.P., Johnson, J.D., Holroyde, M.J., Kranias, E.G., Solaro, R.J. and Potter, J.D. (1981. ) Troponin I phosphorylation modulates the calcium binding properties of cardiac troponin. Biophysical J., 33 ,146a

Kranias, E.G. and Solaro, R.J. (1981. ) Coordination of SR and myofibrillar function by protein phosphorylation .[Abstract]Am. Physiol. Soc. Meeting,

Kranias, E.G. and Schwartz, A. (1982. ) A comparison of cyclic AMP dependent protein kinases of sarcoplasmic reticulum and cytosol in heart .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 41 ,659

Davis, B.A., Kranias, E.G., Potter, J.D., Samaha, F.J. and Schwartz, A. (1982. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by a Calmodulin dependent protein kinase .[Abstract]Fed. Proc., 41 ,505

Kranias, E.G., Nakamura, J. and Schwartz, A. (1983. ) Association of phospholamban with a highly purified Ca2+ ATPase preparation from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophysical J., 41 ,19a

Mandel, F., Kranias, E.G. and Schwartz, A. (1983. ) The effect of cAMP dependent phosphorylation on Ca2+ affinity of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophysical J., 41 ,17a

Davis, B.A., Schwartz, A. and Kranias, E.G. (1984. ) Calcium calmodulin dependent regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function .[Abstract]Biophysical J., 45 ,5a

Kranias, E.G. (1984. ) Properties of a phosphoprotein phosphatase activity associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophysical J., 45 ,5a

Kranias, E.G. (1984. ) Regulation of Ca2+ transport by cyclic 3':5' AMP dependent and calcium calmodulin dependent phosphorylation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophysical. J., 45 ,6a

Kranias, E.G. (1984. ) Regulation of Ca2+ transport by cyclic AMP dependent and calcium calmodulin- dependent phosphorylation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Gordon Conference on Cyclic Nucleotides,

Davis, B.A. and Kranias, E.G. (1985. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function by a calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase .[Abstract]Biophys., 47 (2 ) ,452a

Kranias, E.G., Garvey, J.L., Srivastava, R.D. and Solaro, R.J. (1985. ) In situ phosphorylation and functional modifications of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofilaments .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 47 (2 ) ,450a

Kranias, E.G. and Blount, A.L. (1985. ) Regulation of calcium transport in the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by protein kinases and protein phosphatases .[Abstract]Advances in Protein Phosphatases, Koninlijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van Belgie,

Kim, H.W., Kim, D.H., Ikemoto, N. and Kranias, E.G. (1986. ) Regulation of calcium release from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by calcium*calmodulin dependent phosphorylation .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 49 (2 ) ,235a

Kranias, E.G. and DiSalvo, J. (1986. ) Characterization of a protein phosphatase activity associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 49 (2 ) ,591a

Kim, D.H., Kim, H.W., Kranias, E.G. and Ikemoto, N. (1986. ) [Ca2+] dependence of Ca2+ release characteristics for cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 49 (2 ) ,562a

Kranias, E.G. (1986. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function by protein kinases and protein phosphatases .[Abstract]Intern. Symp. on Adaptive Mechanisms of Muscle,

Kranias, E.G., Davis, B.A., DiSalvo, J. (1986. ) Protein kinases and protein phosphatases as regulatory enzymes for calcium transport in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]6th International Conference on Cyclic Nucleotides, calcium and protein phosphorylation,

Gupta, R.C., Davis, B.A. and Kranias, E.G. (1987. ) Effect of calmodulin and calmodulin dependent phosphorylation on the calcium pump of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 51 (2 ) ,403a

Jakab, G., Rapundalo, S.T., Solaro, R.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1987. ) Effects of beta adrenergic stimulation on phosphorylation of myofilaments, sarcoplasmic reticulum and phospholipids in perfused guinea pig hearts .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 51 (2 ) ,371a

Young, E.F., Ferguson, D.G. and Kranias, E.G. (1987. ) Immunogold localization of phospholamban in canine cardiac homogenates and microsomes .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 51 (2 ) ,350a

Ferguson, D.G., Young, E.F. and Kranias, E.G. (1987. ) Immunogold localization of phospholamban like polypeptide in canine vascular and visceral smooth muscle homogenates .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 51 (2 ) ,350a

Kranias, E.G., Gupta, R.C., Jakab, G., Kim, H.W., Steenaart, N.E. and Rapundalo, S.T. (1987. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function by phospholamban and protein kinases and protein phosphatases .[Abstract]Regulation of Transport Mechanisms,

Rapundalo, S.T., Solaro, R.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1988. ) Phosphodiesterase inhibitors and phosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofilaments in intact myocardium .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 53 (2 ) ,421a

Gupta, R.C. and Kranias, E.G. (1988. ) Purification and characterization of a phospholamban Ca2+ calmodulin dependent protein kinase from canine cardiac cytosol .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 53 (2 ) ,135a

Kim, H.W., Jakab, G., Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (1988. ) Characterization of phospholipids associated with purified Ca2+ ATPase and phospholamban isolated from canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 53 (2 ) ,135a

Ferguson, D.G., Young, E.F. and Kranias, E.G. (1988. ) Immunogold electron microscopic localization of phospholamban in neonatal skeletal muscle .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 53 (2 ) ,135a

Hardin, C., Kranias, E.G., Raymaekers, L., Steenaart, N.A.E. and Paul, R.J. (1988. ) Phosphorylation of a smooth muscle plasma membrane vesicle fraction is associated with an increased glycolytically supported calcium uptake .[Abstract]FASEB J., 2 (4 ) ,2667

Edes, I., Solaro, R.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1988. ) Beta adrenergic receptor mediated inhibition of phosphoinositide turnover in isolated perfused guinea pig hearts .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol. , S.23

Edes, I., Solaro, R.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Beta adrenergic receptor and phospho-inositide turnover in isolated perfused guinea pig hearts .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 55 (2 ) ,480a

Kim, H.W., Steenaart, N.A.E., Szymanska, G. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase by phospholamban in reconstituted vesicles .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 55 (2 ) ,481a

Gupta, R.C., Young, E.F., Ferguson, D.G. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Phosphorylative modification of the Mg2+ ATPase associated with rat cardiac nuclei .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 55 (2 ) ,597a

Steenaart, N.A.E., Di Salvo, J. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Phospholamban protein phosphatase purified from cardiac muscle .[Abstract]International Conference on Protein Phosphatases, Cincinnati, Ohio,

Kranias, E.G., Kim, H.W., Szymanska, G. and Davis, B.A. (1989. ) Regulation of Ca2+ transport in cardiac SR by protein kinases and phosphatases .[Abstract]Membrane Transport and Receptor Complexes Meeting, Duke University Marine Lab,

Edes, I., Steenaart, N.A.E. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Effects of phorbol esters and diacylglycerol analogues on protein phosphorylation and phosphoinositide turnover in isolated beating guinea pig hearts .[Abstract]Membrane Transport and Receptor Complexes Meeting, Duke University Marine Lab,

Cuppoletti, J., Kim, H.W. and Kranias, E.G. (1990. ) Interaction of a synthetic phospholamban peptide with the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 57 (2 ) ,499a

Szymanska, G., Kim, H.W. and Kranias, E.G. (1990. ) The effect of negatively charged phospholipids on the reconstituted Ca2+ ATPase from skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 57 (2 ) ,501a

Kim, H.W., Szymanska, G., Steenaart, N.A.E. and Kranias, E.G. (1990. ) Reconstitution of sarcoplasmic reticula Ca2+ ATPases from cardiac and skeletal muscle .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 57 (2 ) ,502a

Steenaart, N.A.E., Di Salvo, J. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Phospholamban phosphatase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 59 (2 ) ,253a

Szymanska, G., Amler, E., Ball, W.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Regulation of skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase by phospholamban and negatively charged phospholipid .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 59 (2 ) ,252a

Talosi, L., Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Activation of protein kinase C in vivo by 1-adrenergic agonists is not associated with phosphorylation of phospholamban .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 59 (2 ) ,253a

Zhang, C., Hardin, C.D., Paul, R.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Mechanisms of calmodulin activation of Ca2+ uptake in plasmalemmal vesicles of porcine arterial smooth muscle .[Abstract]FASEB J., 5 (6 ) ,A1737

Ganim, J.R., Luo, W., Kim, H.W., Grupp, I.L., Askew, R. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) cDNA cloning and sequencing of phospholamban from mouse cardiac muscle .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 23 ,S.57

Talosi, L. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) 1 adrenergic stimulation and protein phosphorylation in beating hearts .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. , 23 ,S.66

Harrer, J.M. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Oligomeric form of phospholamban under non denaturing conditions .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 23 ,S.77

Zhang, C., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1991. ) Differential effects of calmodulin binding peptides, RS20 and melittin, on the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump from smooth muscle .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. , 23 ,S.88

Szymanska, G., Kim, H.W., Cuppoletti, J. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Regulation of the skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase by phospholamban and negatively charged phospholipids in reconstituted phospholipid vesicles .[Abstract]Membrane Transport and Signal Transduction Meeting, Duke University Marine Lab,

Harrer, J. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Oligomeric form of purified or detergent solubilized phospholamban .[Abstract]Membrane Transport and Signal Transduction Meeting, Duke University Marine Lab,

Luo, W., Ganim, J., Ponniah, S., Kim, H.W., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G (1991. ) Phospholamban in the mouse heart: cDNA cloning and expression during development .[Abstract]Membrane Transport and Signal Transduction Meeting, Duke University Marine Lab,

Edes, I., Talosi, L. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Is protein phosphorylation involved in alpha-adrenergic inotropy? .[Abstract]Eur. Heart J., 12 ,125a

Talosi, L. and Kranias, E.G. (1992. ) Intracellular mechanisms mediating the reversal of beta adrenergic stimulation in intact beating hearts .[Abstract]European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona, Spain,

Szymanska, G., Grupp, I. and Kranias, E.G. (1993. ) The role of sarcoplasmic reticulum function and phospholamban in the developing rabbit heart .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 64 (2 ) ,A382

Luo, W., Ponniah, S., Harrer, J., Doetschman, T. and Kranias, E.G. (1993. ) Gene targeting approaches for understanding the role of phospholamban in myocardial contractility .[Abstract]Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Taos, New Mexico,

Kranias, E.G., Luo, W., Ganim, J.R., Kadambi, V. and Ponniah, S. (1993. ) Regulation of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase .[Abstract]Membrane Biophysics Subgroup, Biophys. Soc., Duke University Marine Lab,

Harrer, J.M., Ponniah, S., Ferguson, D. and Kranias, E.G. (1993. ) Functional expression of phospholamban in C2C12 cells .[Abstract]Membrane Biophysics Subgroup, Biophys. Soc., Duke University Marine Lab,

Kiss, E., Kranias, E.G. and Edes, I. (1993. ) The effect of thyroid states on the phosphatidylinositide-specific phospholipase C activity and on the basal phosphorylation of phospholipids in rat heart .[Abstract]Membrane Biophysics Subgroup, Biophys. Soc., Duke University Marine Lab,

Kiss, E., Ball, N.A., Kranias, E.G. and Walsh, R.A. (1993. ) Altered cardiac mechanics and sarcoplasmic reticulum function in pressure-overload hypertrophy with congestive heart failure .[Abstract]Circulation , 88 (4 ) ,1 -86

Luo, W., Ponniah, S., Harrer, J., Doetschman, T. and Kranias, E.G. (1993. ) Gene targeting approaches for understanding the role of phospholamban in myocardial contractility .[Abstract]Circulation, 88 (4 ) ,1 -140

Kiss, E., Edes I. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) The effect of thyroid status on phospholamban protein expression in rat hearts .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 66 (2 ) ,A83

Harrer, J.M. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) Developmental regulation of phospholamban expression and sarcoplasmic reticulum function in murine hearts .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 66 (2 ) ,A202

Koss, K.L., Ponniah, S., Jones, K.W. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) Differential expression of phospholamban gene transcripts in murine atrium and ventricle .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 66 (2 ) ,A372

Luo, W., Grupp, I.L., Harrer, J., Ponniah, S., Zhou, Z., Duffy, J.J., Grupp, G., Doetschman, T. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) Targeted disruption of the phospholamban gene in embryonic stem cells: A novel approach to understanding the role of phospholamban in vivo .[Abstract]Cardiac Muscle Congress,

Slack, J.P., Grupp, I.L., Luo, W. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) Phospholamban ablation is associated with altered twitch dynamics in mouse slow-twitch skeletal muscle .[Abstract]Circulation, 90 (4 ) ,1 -38

Edes, I., Kiss, E., Kitada, Y., Papp, J.G., Kranias, E.G. and Solaro, R.J. (1994. ) Effects of Levosimendan, a new cardiotonic agent, on myofibrillar Ca2+-sensitivity, sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) function, and phosphorylation .[Abstract]Circulation, 90 (4 ) ,I-217

Lalli, J., Luo, W., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1994. ) Decreased vascular sensitivity in aorta from transgenic, phospholamban-deficient mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 90 (4 ) ,I-356

Kadambi, V.J., Walsh, R.A., Ponniah, S., Dorn II, G.W. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) Overexpression of phospholamban in the mouse results in prolongation of Ca2+ transients and depressed contractility in isolated cardiomyocytes .[Abstract]Circulation, 90 (4 ) ,I-538

Luo, W., Grupp, I.L., Harrer, J.M., Slack, J.P., Grupp, G., Doetschman, T. and Kranias, E.G. (1994. ) Targeted disruption of the phospholamban gene is associated with enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport and myocardial contractile parameters .[Abstract]Circulation, 80 (4 ) ,I-633

Wolska, B.M., Luo, W., Kranias, E.G. and Solaro, R.J. (1995. ) Effects of -adrenergic agonists on contractility of cardiac myocytes isolated from wild-type and phospholamban deficient mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 68 (2 ) ,A180

Lalli, J., Luo, W., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1995. ) Aorta from phospholamban-deficient transgenic mice have decreased sensitivity to phenylephrine (PE) and KCl but near normal SNP relaxation .[Abstract]FASEB J., A41

Harrer, J.M., Haghighi, K., Kim, H.W. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Coordinate expression of phospholamban (PLB) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase during murine myocardial development .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 27 (6 ) ,A79

Kiss, E., Edes, I., Luo, W. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Effect of isoproterenol on protein phosphorylation in hearts deficient in phospholamban .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 27 (6 ) ,A111

Luo, W., Wolska, B.M., Grupp, I.L., Slack, J., Harrer, J.M., Haghighi, K., Solaro, R.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Phospholamban gene dosage effects in the murine heart .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 27 (6 ) ,A134

Koss, K.L., Ponniah, S., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Differential tension development is associated with the relative abundance of phospholamban and SERCA2 mRNAs in the murine atrium and ventricle .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 27 (6 ) ,A135

Kranias, E.G., Harrer, J.M., Szymanska, G., Slack, J. and Grupp, I.L. (1995. ) Phenotype of the relaxing system during cardiac development .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 27 (6 ) ,A271

Koss, K.L., Ponniah, S., Grupp, I.L., Jones, W.K. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Molecular, biochemical, and physiological analyses of phospholamban (PLB) gene expression in murine cardiac compartments .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 27 (6 ) ,A364

Grupp, I.L., Koss, K.L., Grupp, G., Luo, W. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Ablation of the phospholamban (PLB) gene in murine atrium alters contractility and responses to -agonists .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 27 (6 ) ,A364

Kiss, E., Edes, I., Luo, W. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Protein phosphorylation in phospholamban knockout hearts stimulated with isoproterenol .[Abstract]Circulation, 92 ,I-558

Koss, K.L., Grupp, I.L., Luo, W. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Phospholamban gene ablation in mice enhances atrial relaxation and reduces atrial responses to -agonists .[Abstract]Circulation, 92 ,

Lorenz, J.N. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Ventricular function in the intact anesthetized phospholamban deficient mouse .[Abstract]Circulation,

Edes, I., Kiss, E., Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Effects of -adrenergic agents on protein phosphorylation in hearts with targeted ablation of phospholamban .[Abstract]Eur. Heart J., 16 ,459

Heiny, J., Masaki, H., Tilgmann, C., Harrer, J.M., Kranias, E.G. and Yatani, A. (1996. ) L-type Ca2+ currents in control and phospholamban-transfected C2C12 cells .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 70 (2 ) ,A56

Chu, G., Luo, W., Matlib, M.A., Sweet, W.E., Ferguson, D.G., Boivin, G.P., Slack, J.P., Moravec, C.S., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Compensatory mechanisms in phospholamban knock-out mouse hearts .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 70 (2 ) ,A56

Pan, B.-S., Kranias, E., Shen, Y.-T. and Johnson, R.G. Jr. (1996. ) -Adrenergic stimulation on twitch contraction of isolated ventricular myocardium of phospholamban knockout mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 70 (2 ) ,A56

Kadambi, V.J., Koss, K.L., Haghighi, K., Ponniah, S. and Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Analysis of the murine phospholamban gene promoter in cultured cells and transgenic mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 70 (2 ) ,A256

Slack, J.P., Grupp, I.L., Ferguson, D.G. and Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Phospholamban expression in transgenic mice prolongs fast-twitch skeletal muscle relaxation .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 70 (2 ) ,A285

Housmans, P.R., Sieck, G.C., Hannon, J.D., Kranias, E.G. and Potter, J.D. (1996. ) Contraction and relaxation time course of wild type and phospholamban-less mouse ventricular myocardium after beta-adrenoceptor agonism .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 70 (2 ) ,A407

Hoit, B., Kranias, E.G. and Walsh, R.A. (1996. ) Noninvasive cardiac functional analysis of genetically altered mice using imaging and doppler echo .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 28 (6 ) ,A129

Masaki, H., Sato, Y., Luo, W., Kranias, E.G. and Yatani, A. (1996. ) Characteristics of L-type Ca2+-channel and -adrenergic stimulation in wild-type and phospholamban-deficient mouse cardiac myocytes .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 28 (6 ) ,A160

Haghighi, K., Koss, K.L., Kadambi, V.J., Ponniah, S. and Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) In vitro analysis of phospholamban gene expression .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 28 (6 ) ,A171

Hampton, T.G., Kranias, E.G., Morgan, J.P. (1996. ) Intracellular calcium measured simultaneously with ventricular function in the phospholamban-deficient mouse heart .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 (8 ) ,I-159

Desai, K.H., Schauble, E., Rohrer, D.K., Luo, W., Kranias, E.G., Bernstein, D. (1996. ) Alterations in basal cardiovascular parameters and response to treadmill exercise in phospholamban deficient (PLB-I-) mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 (8 ) ,I-309

Luo, W., Sato, Y., Kadambi, V.J., Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Re-introduction of wild-type and mutant phospholamban into phospholamban-deficient hearts reverses enhanced cardiac contractility .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 (8 ) ,I-310

Chu, G., Kadambi, V.J., Luo, W., Kirkpatrick, D.L., Walsh, R.A., Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Cardiomyocyte mechanics in transgenic mice expressing monomeric phospholamban .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 (8 ) ,I-420

Edes, I., Kiss, E., Grupp, I., Grupp, G. and Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Thyroxin-induced alterations in the cardiac function and the expression of sarcoplasmic reticular proteins in phospholamban-deficient mouse hearts .[Abstract]Eur. Heart J., 17 ,329

Santana, L.F., Shioya,M. T., Kranias, E.G. and Lederer, W.J. (1997. ) Ca2+ sparks and EC coupling in phospholamban-deficient ventricular myocytes .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A43

Santana, L.F., Gomez, A.M., Kranias, E.G. and Lederer, W.J. (1997. ) Isoproterenol changes in the kinetics of Ca2+ sparks in mouse ventricular myocytes .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A44

Huser, J., Satoh, H., Bers, D.M., Kranias, E.G. and Blatter, L.A. (1997. ) Subcellular properties of [Ca]i transients in phospholamban deficient mouse ventricular myocytes .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A45

Kiss, E., Brittsan, A.G., Edes, I., Luo, W., Grupp, I.L., Grupp, G. and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Effects of thyroxine on cardiac function in phospholamban-deficient mouse hearts .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A167

Haghighi, K., Kadambi, V.J., Koss, K.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Phospholamban gene expression in cells and transgenic mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A172

Sato, Y., Luo, W., Kadambi, V.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Phospholamban inhibitory effects upon its reintroduction into the knockout background .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A172

Li, L., Kranias, E.G. and Bers, D.M. (1997. ) Calcium transport in phospholamban knockout mouse: Relaxation and endogenous CaMKII effects .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A234

Liu, Y., Kranias, E.G. and Schneider, M.F. (1997. ) Dynamic regulation of calcium handling by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in mouse single fast-twitch and slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A275

Masaki, H., Kadambi, V.J., Luo, W., Sato, Y., Kranias, E.G. and Yatani, A. (1997. ) Inactivation kinetics of cardiac L-type Ca2+ channels is regulated by SR Ca2+ content, studied in transgenic mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 72 (2 ) ,A368

Hoit, B.D., Kadambi, V.J., Magorein, D., Ball, N., Kranias, E.G., and Walsh, R.A. (1997. ) In vivo assessment of systolic and diastolic function in a novel mouse model of heart failure .[Abstract]1st Annual Meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America, #116,

Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D., Boivin, G.P., Dorn II, G.W., Walsh, R.A., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Molecular and physiological analyses of a genetical heart failure mouse model .[Abstract]1st Annual Meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America, #177,

Chu, G., Dorn II, G.W., Luo, W., Harrer, J.M., Kadambi, V.J., Walsh, R.A., Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Regulatory effects of phospholamban monomers in vivo .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences Conference on “Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility”, #PI-9,

Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Luo, W., Kranias, E.G., Walsh, R.A., and Hoit, B.D. (1997. ) Modulation of the force-frequency relationship by phospholamban in genetically engineered closed-chested mice .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences conference on “Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility”, #PI-15,

Sato, Y., Kadambi, V.J., Ferguson, D.G., Hoit, B.D., Walsh, R.A., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of calsequestrin is associated with hypertrophy and enhanced contractility .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences conference on “Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility, #PII-23”,

Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Phospholamban: From protein to transgenic mice .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences conference on “Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility”, #6,

Santana, L.F., Neubauer, C.F., Kranias, E.G., and Lederer, W.J. (1997. ) Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiac myocytes depends on the amount of Ca2+ within the organelle .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences conference on “Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility”, #16,

Sato, Y., Allen, P., Greengard, P., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Targeted ablation of protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 is associated with alteration in cardiac response to -adrenergic agonists .[Abstract]New York Academy of Sciences conference on “Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility”, #PI-25,

Kadambi, V.J., Masaki, H., Sato, Y., Kranias, E.G., and Yatani, A. (1997. ) Atrial over-expression of phospholamban alters inactivation kinetics of L-type Ca2+ -channel currents .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-55

Chu, G., Sato, Y., Li, L., Luo, W., Kadambi, V.J., Bers, D.M., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Pentameric assembly of phospholamban is necessary for its optimal regulation of myocardial relaxation .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-178

Slack, J.P., Grupp, I.L., Tilgmann, C., Luo, W., Tamura, T., Gerdes, A.M., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Effects of age on the hyperdynamic cardiac function of phospholamban knockout mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-179

Pan, B-S., Wiedmann, R.T., Kadambi, V.J., Kranias, E.G., and Johnson, R.G. Jr. (1997. ) Demonstration of phospholamban gene-dosage effect in chemically skinned mouse ventricular muscles .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-179

Luo, W., Sato, Y., Zhou, Z., Kadambi, V.J., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Transgenic approach to elucidate the role of PLB Ser16 phosphorylation site in the mediation of -adrenergic stimulation .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-181

Banerjee, A., Shah, D.P., Kadambi, V.J., Manning, P.B., and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Changes in myosin isoforms, calcium handling proteins of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and function in right atria of children in response to pressure overload .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-199

Yatani, A., Green, S.A., Kranias, E.G., and Sako, H. (1997. ) Modulation of cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel currents by isoproterenol studied in transgenic mouse myocytes with altered sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-422

Hoit, B.D., Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Magorien, D., Kranias, E.G., and Walsh, R.A. (1997. ) Influence of phospholamban on force-frequency relations and isovolumic indices of ventricular function in the closed chest model .[Abstract]Circulation, 96 (8 ) ,I-569

Li, L., Chu, G., Kranias, E.G. and Bers, D.M. (1998. ) Phosphorylation of phospholamban is more crucial than troponin I phosphorylation in PKA mediated acceleration of relaxation in cardiac myocytes .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 74 (2 ) ,A248

Dash, R., Kadambi, V.J., Harrer, J.M., Johnson Jr., R.G. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Subcellular characterization of a four-fold phospholamban overexpression mouse model .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 74 (2 ) ,A357

Brittsan, A.G., Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Overexpression of a phospholamban phosphorylation mutant in transgenic mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 74 (2 ) ,A358

Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Cardiac function and dysfunction: molecular and cellular mechanisms .[Abstract]J. Amer. Soc. Hyperten., 11 (4 ) ,235A

Kadambi, V.J., Sato, Y., Ball, N., Kranias, E.G., and Walsh, R.A. (1998. ) Transgenic overexpression of calsequestrin produces pulsus alternans .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 30 (178 ) ,A47

Chu, G., Luo, W., Sato, Y., Kadambi, V.J., and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Interplay between dual site phospholamban phosphorylation in transgenic mice .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 30 (665 ) ,A169

Sato, Y., Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Hoit, B.D., Walsh, R.A. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Calsequestrin overexpression produces left ventricular hypertrophy and increased fractional shortening .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 30 (653 ) ,A166

Kadambi, V.J., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Transgenic approach to elucidate the role of phospholamban in modulating atrial contractility .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 30 (177 ) ,A47

Takeishi, Y., Chu, G., Wakasaki, H., Hoit, B.D., Kranias, E., King, G.L. and Walsh, R.A. (1998. ) Targeted overexpression of protein kinase C 2 isoform in myocardium causes cardiomyopathy .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 30 (49 ) ,A15

Sutliff, R.L., Hoying, J.B., Kadambi, V.J., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1998. ) Phospholamban (PLB) modulates endothelial cell function: evidence from PLB-knockout mice .[Abstract]J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol., 30 (774 ) ,A196

Sutliff, R.L., Hoying, J.B., Kadambi, V.J., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1998. ) Phospholamban gene ablation alters endothelium-dependent relaxation of the mouse aorta .[Abstract]Physiologist, 41 (4 ) ,17.14

Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Banerjee, A., Kranias, E.G., Walsh, R.A. and Hoit, B.D. (1998. ) In Vivo modulation of mechanical restitution in genetically engineered mice with altered levels of phospholamban .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,Y1

Chu, G., Lester, J.W., Luo, W., Mesnard-Roullier, L. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Functional significance of dual site Phospholamban phosphorylation in transgenic mice .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,012

Banerjee, A., Joshi, P., Gabel, M., Harrer, J.M., Kranias, E.G. and Hoit, B.D. (1998. ) Pacing induced heart failure in immature goats: Physiological and molecular changes reflect impaired calcium cycling by sarcoplasmic reticulum .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,

Sato, Y., Yamamoto, S., Yatani, A. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Rescue of the depressed contractile parameters in calsequestrin overexpressing hearts by phospholamban ablation .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,017

Kiriazis, H., Kadambi, V.J., Suresh, D.P., Johnson Jr., R.G., Kranias, E.G. and Hoit, B.D. (1998. ) Transverse aortic banding leads to depressed in vivo left ventricular function in phospholamban ablated mice .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,018

Brittsan, A.G., Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Cardiac overexpression of a non-phosphorylatable form of phospholamban results in depressed contractile function and hypertrophy .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,072

Dash, R., Kadambi, V.J., Harrer, J.M., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Transgenic approaches to uncover the functional stoichiometry of phospholamban to sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in vivo .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,074

Takeishi, Y., Chu, G., Kirkpatrick, D.M., Kranias, E.G., King, G.L. and Walsh, R.A. (1998. ) In Vivo phosphorylation of cardiac troponin I by PKC2 decreases cardiomyocyte calcium responsiveness and contractility in transgenic mouse hearts .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,075

Yatani, A., Sato, Y., Sako, H. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Subcellular mechanisms in transgenic cardiac myocytes with altered excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (3 ) ,121

Bluhm, W.F., Meyer, M., Giordano, F.J., Kranias, E.G., Dillman, W.H. (1998. ) The Phospholamban to SERCA2a Ratio Modifies the Force-Frequency Relationship .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (263 ) ,I-53

Sato, Y., Yamamoto, S., Yatani, A., Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Rescue of the Depressed Contractile Parameters in Calsequestrin Overexpressing Hearts by Phospholamban Ablation .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (265 ) ,I-53

Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Banerjee, A., Kranias, E.G., Walsh, R.A., Holt, B.D. (1998. ) Genetically Altered Phospholamban Levels Modulate the Rate of Mechanical Restitution In Vivo .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (734 ) ,I-142

Chu, G., Lester, J.W. Jr., Luo, W., Mesnard-Rouiller, L., Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Genetically Engineered Mice Offer Unique Insights Into the Functional Significance of Dual Site Phospholamban Phosphorylation .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (736 ) ,I-142

Dash, R., Kadambi, V.J., Harrer, J.M., Holt, B.D., Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Transgenic Approaches to Uncover the Functional Stoichiometry of Phospholamban to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in Vivo .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (737 ) ,1-142

Kiriazis, H., Kadambi, V.J., Holt, B.D., Suresh, D.P., Johnson, R.G, Jr., Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Transverse Aortic Banding Leads to Depressed In Vivo Left Ventricular Function in Phospholamban Ablated Mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (2576 ) ,I-489

Brittsan, A.G., Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D., Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Cardiac Overexpression of a Non-Phosphorylatable Form of Phospholamban Results in Depressed Contractile Function and Hypertrophy .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (2577 ) ,I-490

Sako, H., Sato, Y., Kranias, E.G., Yatani, A. (1998. ) Subcellular mechanisms in transgenic cardiac myocytes with altered excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling .[Abstract]Circulation, 98 (4006 ) ,I-764

Chu, G. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Phospholamban: The key regulator of the SR calcium pump and contractility in cardiac muscle .[Abstract]On-line Proceedings of the 5th Internet World Congress on Biochemical Sciences ’98 at McMaster Un., Canada,

Tramuta, D.A., Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Dash, R., Kranias, E.G., Walsh, R.A. and Hoit, B.D. (1999. ) New Insights into calcium cycling using post-extrasystolic potentiation in phospholamban overexpression .[Abstract]ACC, 222814 ,

Carr, A.N., Sutliff, R.L., Allen, P.B., Weber, C.S., Greengard, P., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, J.P. (1999. ) Protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 gene ablation does not affect tonic or phasic vascular smooth muscle contractility .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 76 ,A290

Shannon, T.R., Chu, G., Kranias, E.G. and Bers, D.M. (1999. ) Rate of SR Ca leak and the efficiency of the SR Ca pump in nonpentamer-forming phospholamban mutant mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 76 ,A297

Tramuta, D., Kadambi, V.J., Ball, N., Kranias, E.G., Walsh, R.A. and Hoit, B.D. (1999. ) Genetically altered phospholamban levels modulate the rate of mechanical restitution in vivo .[Abstract]ACC,

Sutliff, R.L., Kadambi, V.J., Weber, C.S., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1999. ) Smooth muscle-targeted overexpression of phospholamban (PLB) increases sensitivity to contractile agents .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 76 ,A12

Sutliff, R.L., Conforti, L., Kranias, E.G. and Paul, R.J. (1999. ) Mechanisms underlying altered portal vein mechanical activity in phospholamban gene-ablated mice .[Abstract]FASEB J., 13 (4 ) ,A93

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Bluhm, W.F., Kranias, E.G., Meyer, M. and Dillmann, W.H. (1999. ) Phospholamban: The major determinant of the cardiac force-frequency relationship .[Abstract]Intern. Soc. Heart Res.,

Bluhm, W.F., Kranias, E.G., Meyer, M. and Dillmann, W.H. (1999. ) Phospholamban: The major determinant of the cardiac force-frequency relationship .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 31 (7 ) ,A39

Hoit, B.D., Tramuta, D.A., Kadambi, V.J., Walsh, R.A. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Effect of altered phospholamban levels on the rate of relaxation restitution in vivo .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 31 (I-8 ) ,A40

Haghighi, K., Brittsan, A., Lester, J.W. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Cardiac overexpression of a mutant form of phospholamban results in depressed contractile function .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 31 (J-9 ) ,A42

Lester, J.W., Molkentin, J.D. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Myocyte function in calcineurin overexpression transgenic mice .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 31 (J-14 ) ,A43

Schmidt, A., Zhai, J., Zvarich, E., MacLennan, D.H., Kranias, E.G. and Hoit, B.D. (1999. ) In vivo echocardiographic assessment of contractile dysfunction in transgenic mice overexpressing two different mutant forms of phospholamban .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,007

Kiriazis, H., Schmidt, A., Sato, Y., Kranias, E.G. and Hoit, B.D. (1999. ) Effects of aging on mouse hearts with cardiac-specific overexpression of murine cardiac calsequestrin .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,013

Carr, A.N., Suzuki, Y., Sato, Y., Schmidt, A., Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D., Grupp, I.L., Jing, S-L., Field, L.J., Depaoli-Roach, A. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and glycogen targeting subunit of the type I phosphatase does not result in altered cardiac contractility .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,018

Carr, A.N., Sato, Y., Neirouz, Y., Schmidt, A., Hoit, B.D., Grupp, I.L., Allen, P.B., Greengard, P. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 ablation results in depressed cardiac contractility in response to -adrenergic stimulation and decreased phosphorylation of phospholamban .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,019

Dash, R., Slack, J.P., Grupp, I.L., Holder, D., Tilgmann, C., Tamura, T., Johnson, R., Gerdes, A.M. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Aging is associated with progressive increases in Na+/Ca+ exchanger and Na+/K+-ATPase protein levels in the murine heart .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,020

Zhai, J., MacLennan, D.H. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Overexpression of a phospholamban Asp27 to Ala mutant is associated with significant inhibition of cardiac function .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,021

Frank, K., Dash, R., Moravec, C.S. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Human failing myocardium exhibits decreased Ser-16 and Thr-17 phospholamban phosphorylation and decreased apparent affinity of the sarcoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase for Ca2+ .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,022

Haghighi, K., Hoit, B.D., Schmidt, A., Kimura, Y., Brittsan, A.G., MacLennan, D.H. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Cardiac overexpression of a mutant form of phospholamban is associated with depressed contractility and hypertrophy .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,036

Minamisawa, S., Hoshijima, M., Chu, G., Ward, C.A., Frank, K., Gu, Y., Ross, J. Jr., Giles, W.R., Kranias, E.G. and Chien, K.R. (1999. ) Genetic complementation identifies phospholamban- sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca ATPase interaction as the primary defect that drives the onset of heart failure in dilated cardiomyopathy .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,071

Dash, R., Slack, J.P., Grupp, I.L., Holder, D., Tilgmann, C., Tamura, T., Johnson, R.G. Jr., Gerdes, A.M., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Aging, hyperdynamic phospholamban knockout hearts exhibit progressive increases in Na+/K+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger protein levels .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (622 ) ,I-120

Dash, R., Frank, K.F., Moravec, C.S., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Phospholamban phosphorylation and the apparent affinity of the sarcoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase for Ca2+ are depressed in failing human myocardium .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (2202 ) ,I-419

Zhai, J., MacLennan, D.H., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Overexpression of a phospholamban Asp27 to Ala mutant is associated with significant inhibition of cardiac function .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (3034 ) ,I-575

Haghighi, K., Hoit, B.D., Schmidt, A., Yatani, A., Kimura, Y., Brittsan, A.G., MacLennan, D.H., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Cardiac overexpression of a mutant form of phospholamban induces fetal genes, hypertrophy and contractile failure in mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (4015 ) ,I-761

Schmidt, A., Dash, R., Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Aging is associated with hypertrophy and depressed contractility in four-fold phospholamban over-expression hearts .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (4017 ) ,I-761

Carr, A.N., Sato, Y., Neirouz, Y., Schmidt, A., Hoit, B.D., Grupp, I.L., Allen, P.B., Greengard, P., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Gene ablation of protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 is associated with depressed cardiac contractility and decreased phospholamban phosphorylation .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (4026 ) ,I-763

Schmidt, A., Zhai, J., Zvarich, E., MacLennan, D.H., Kranias, E.G., Hoit, B.D. (1999. ) Two mutant forms of phospholamban result in different effects on ventricular function and -adrenergic response in vivo .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (4027 ) ,I-763

Brittsan, A.G., Schmidt, A., Grupp, I.L., Hoit, B.D., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Ablation of phospholamban phosphorylation sites in transgenic mouse hearts .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (4028 ) ,I-763

Frank, K.F., Tilgmann, C., Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Phospholamban ablation results in an enhanced efficiency of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport .[Abstract]Circulation, 100 (4032 ) ,I-764

Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Calcium regulatory mechanisms in cardiac function and dysfunction .[Abstract]Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular System, 43

Nobe, K., Sutliff, R.L., Kranias, E.G., and Paul, R.J. (2000. ) Phospholamban (PLB) regulation of bladder contractility: evidence from gene targeted (PLB-KO) and smooth muscle specific expression (PLB-SMOE) of PLB in mice .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 78 ,656

Shannon, T.R., Kranias, E.G., and Bers, D.M. (2000. ) How does phospholamban decrease SR Ca content .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 78 ,440

Sato, Y., Kiriazis, H., Mitarai, S., Yatani, A., Dorn, G.W. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Restoration of contractile parameters in calsequestrin overexpressing myocardium by phospholamban ablation .[Abstract]Jpn. J. Pharmacology, 82 ,115

Brixius, K., Savvidou-Zatori, Boelck, B., Frank, K., Kranias, E.G., Schwinger, R.H.G. (2000. ) An transgenen Mausen mit Uberexpression von Phospholamban ist die Ca2+-Sensitivitat der Kraft und der Myosin-ATPase erhoht .[Abstract]Z Kardiol, 89 (2 ) ,813

Pieske, B., Maier, L.S., Giannakos, A., Kranias, E.G., Schmidt, A. (2000. ) Einfluss von Calsequestrin-Uberexpression auf Kontraktilitat und Ca2+-Gehalt des sarkoplasmatischen Retikulums am isolierten Myokard transgener Mause .[Abstract]Z Kardilol, 89 (2 ) ,489

Schmidt, A.G., Zhai, J., Gerst, M., Kranias, E.G., Hoit, B.D. (2000. ) Echocardiographic assessment of LV diastolic function in genetically altered mice .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,D-13

Haghighi, K., Aronow, B., Dorn II, G.W., Wu, G., Schmidt, A., Sato, Y., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Microarray analyses of gene expression in hypertrophic transgenic mouse hearts .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,I-45

Carr, A.N., Schmidt, A., Suzuki, Y., Lanner, C., Gerst, M., Grupp, I.L., Depaoli-Roach, A., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Ablation of the SR phosphatase targeting subunit, RGL, results in enhanced cardiac contractility .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,K-3

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Marci, J., Loo, R., Rapundalo, S.T., Maggio, J., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Up-regulation and posttranslational modification of scad in hyperdynamic phospholamban knockout mouse hearts .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,K-4

Frank, K., Mesnard-Rouiller, L., Chu, G., Young, K.B., Haghighi, K., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Structure and characterization of the murine cardiac calsequestrin gene .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,K-7

Kiriazis, H., Kadambi, V.J., Hoit, B.D., Sato, Y., Schmidt, A., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Long-term transverse aortic banding is associated with similar functional alterations in phospholamban knockout and wild-type mice .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,K-11

Young, K.B., Chu, G., Molkentin, J.D., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ signaling in calcineurin overexpression transgenic hearts .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,K-20

Zhai, J., MacLennan, D.H., Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Phospholamban Asn27 to Ala mutant is associated with significant inhibition of cardiomyocyte mechanics and Ca2+ kinetics .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 (5 ) ,K-21

Macri, J., Chu, G., Dubay, T. Du, P., Stevenson, T.I., Kilby, G.W., Kranias, E.G., and Rapundalo, S.T. (2000. ) Proteomic analysis of phospholamban knockout mouse hearts: changes in protein expression .[Abstract]Circulation, 102 (18 ) ,348

Cross, H.R., Steenbergen, C., Kranias, E.G., and Murphy, E. (2000. ) Role of nitric oxide in protection from myocardial ischemic injury in female phospholamban (PLB) knockout mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 102 (18 ) ,441

Brixius, K., Savvidou-Zaroti, P., Boelck, B., Frank, K., Kranias, E.G., and Schwinger, R.H.G. (2000. ) Increased Ca2+ sensitivity of force and myosin ATP-ase activity in cardiac skinned fiber preparations of transgenic mice overexpressing phospholamban .[Abstract]Circulation, 102 (18 ) ,1046

Freeman, K. Lerman, I.R., Bohlmeyer, T.J., Kranias, E.G., and Leinwand, L.A. (2000. ) Phospholamban ablation rescues cardiac dysfunction in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .[Abstract]Circulation, 102 (18 ) ,1057

Wellman, G.C., Santana, L.F., Kranias, E.G. and Nelson, M.T (2001. ) Role of Phospholamban in the modulation of Ca2+ sparks and Ca2+ activated K+ channels by cAMP .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 80 (1 ) ,298

Pi, Y.Q., Kemnitz, K.R., Kranias, E.G. and Walker, J.W. (2001. ) Regulation of cardiac twitch kinetics by troponin I phosphorylation .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 80 (1 ) ,378-pos

Wang, J., Maertz, N.A., Lokua, A.J., Kranias, E.G. and Valdivia, H.H. (2001. ) Regulation of cardiac ryanodine receptor activity by calsequestrin .[Abstract]Biophys. J. Vol., 80 (1 ) ,2667-pos

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Maggio, J.E. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) 2-D mapping of phosphoproteins in mouse cardiomyocytes in response to -agonists .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 33 (6 ) ,A-21

Sato, Y., Schmidt, A.G., Kiriazis, H., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Cardiac hypertrophy of aged transgenic FVB/N mice overexpressing calsequestrin .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 33 (6 ) ,A-106

Young, K.B., Chu, G., Gerst, M.J., Song, Q., Robbins, J., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Overexpression of phospholamban in slow-twitch skeletal muscle alters sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport and muscle relaxation .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 33 (6 ) ,A-135

Zhao, W., Frank, K.F., Chu, G., Ji, Y., Periasamy, M. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Combined phospholamban ablation and SERCA1a overexpression result in a new hyperdynamic cardiac state .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 33 (6 ) ,A-137

Sato, Y., Schmidt, A.G., Kiriazis, H., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Cardiac hypertrophy of aged transgenic FVB/N mice overexpressing calsequestrin .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 33 ,A-106

Carr, A.N., Schmidt, A.G., Suzuki, Y., Del Monte, F., Allen, P.B., Greengard, P., Grupp, I.L., Hoit, B.D., Hajjar, R., Depaoli-Roach, A.A. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) The type-1 phosphatase activity is a critical determinant of cardiac contractile function and remodeling: New avenues for therapeutic approaches in heart failure .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 7 (3 ) ,001

Schmidt, A.G., Zhai, J., Carr, A.N., Lorenz, J.N., Pollesello, P., Annila, A., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Impaired SR Ca2+ uptake is a sufficient primary cause of heart failure: Structural and functional implications of an Asp27 to Ala phospholamban mutant .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 7 (3 ) ,022

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Maggio, J.E., and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Proteomic analysis of phosphorylation profile in the phospholamban deficient hypercontractile cardiomyocytes .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 7 (3 ) ,023

Haghighi, K., Schmidt, A.G., Hoit, B.D. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Superinhibition of sarcoplasmic reticulum by phospholamban results in gender specific responses to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and early mortality .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 7 (3 ) ,048

Dash, R., Schmidt, A.G., Gerst, M.J., Biniakiewicz, D., Abraham, W.T. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Estrogen-dependent modulation of MAP kinase protects against catecholamine-induced hypertrophy, but not depressed contractility, in phospholamban overexpression hearts .[Abstract]Circulation, 104 (17 ) ,397

Carr, A.N., Schmidt, A.G., Suzuki, Y., Del Monte, F. Allen, P.B., Greengard, P., Grupp, I.L., Hoit, B.D., Hajjar, R.J., Depaoli-Roach, A.A. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) The type-1 phosphatase activity is a critical determinant of cardiac function and remodeling in heart failure .[Abstract]Circulation, 104 (17 ) ,398

Schmidt, A.G., Carr, A.N., Frank, B., Gerst, M.J., Pater, L., Hahn, H. Hoit, B.D., McConnell, B.K., Seidman, J.G. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Phospholamban ablation rescues intrinsic contractility but does not prevent remodeling in homozygous myosin binding protein –C mice .[Abstract]Circulation, 104 (17 ) ,401

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Maggio, J.E. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Proteome analysis identifies mouse cardiomyocyte phosphoproteins associated with hyperdynamic contractility .[Abstract]Circulation, 104 (17 ) ,1510

Pathak, A., Carr, A.N., del Monte, F., Hajjar, R.J., Depaoli-Roach, A.A. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) The Role of PP1 and its Inhibitor-1 in the Regulation of Cardiac Function .[Abstract]AHA Conf. on Advances in the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure,

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Zhao, W., Gerst, M., Maggio, J.E. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Identification of a Novel Heat Shock-Like Phosphoprotein Associated with β-Adrenergic Signaling in Mouse Cardiomyocytes .[Abstract]AHA Conf. on Advances in the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure,

Song, Q., Hahn, H., Dorn, G.W. II and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Rescue of Cardiac Myocyte Dysfunction But Not Hypertrophy in the Gq Murine Model upon PLB Ablation .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 8 (4 ) ,082

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Zhao, W., Gerst, M., Maggio, J.E. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) β-Adrenergic Signaling is Associated with De Novo Phosphorylation of a Heart Shock-Life Phosphoprotein in Mouse Cardiomyocytes .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 8 (4 ) ,S12

Chu, G., Young, K., Marreez, Y., Brittsan, A., Hanh, H. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Phospholamban Phosphorylation is Critical in Preserving Cardiac Function During Cardiac Remodeling Induced by Chronic Activation of -Adrenergic Signaling .[Abstract]Circulation, 106 (19 ) ,510

Chu, G., Egnaczyk, G., Zhao, W., Gerst, M., Maggio, J.E. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Identification of a Novel Heat Shock-Like Phosphoprotein Associated with β-Adrenergic Signaling in Mouse Cardiomyocytes .[Abstract]Circulation, 106 (19 ) ,129

Song, Q., Hahn, H., Dorn, G.W. II and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Phospholamban Ablation Rescues Cardiomyocyte Dysfunction but not Hypertrophy Induced by Overexpression of Gq .[Abstract]Circulation, 106 (19 ) ,503

Zhao, W., Uehara, Y., Chu, G., Young, K. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Thr17 Phosphorylation of Phospholamban: A Major Determinant of Mouse Cardiomyocyte Force-Frequency Relationship .[Abstract]Circulation, 106 (19 ) ,37

Louch, W.E., Vangheluwe, P., Tjwa, M., Ver Heyen, M., Kranias, E.G., Wuytack, F., and Sipido, K (2002. ) Ablation of Phospholamban Reverses Slowed Relaxation but not Cardiac Hypertrophy in Mice Lacking SERCA2a .[Abstract]Biophysical Society Meeting,

Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) Targeting Phospholamban as a Therapeutic Modality in Heart Failure .[Abstract]The J. of Heart Disease, 3 (1 ) ,69

Zhao, W., Yuan, Q., Pathak, A., Chu, G., Hahn, H.S., Marreez, Y., Syed, F., Dorn, G.W. II, and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) Human Phospholamban: A Superinhibitor of Cardiac Function .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 ) ,S3

Fan, G., Gregory, K.N., Zhao, W., Park, W.J., and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) HRC Overexpression Impairs SR Ca2+ Cycling by Upregulation of Junctin and Triadin .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 ) ,S13

Pathak, A., Zhao, W., Fan, G., Carr, A.N., Hahn, H.S., Ping, L., Syed, F., Colbert, M., DePaoli-Roach, A.A., del Monte, F., Hajjar, R., and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) The Protein Phosphatase I Inhibitor-1: A Potent “Molecular Inotrope” in Cardiac Function .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 ) ,S13

Gregory, K.N., Hahn, H.S., Haghighi, K., Marreez, Y., Odley, A., Kranias, E.G., and Dorn, G.W. II (2003. ) Perpetual Preconditioning by PKCe Reverses Susceptibility of Phospholamban Deficient Hearts to Ischemic Injury .[Abstract]J. Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 ) ,S14

Egger, M., Szentesi, P., Pignier, C., Kranias, E.G., and Niggli, E. (2004. ) SR Ca2+ Controls Recovery from Refractoriness and Termination of CICR in Cardiac Muscle .[Abstract]48th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting,

Vangheluwe, P., Louch, W.E., Tjwa, M., Ver Heyen, M., Periasamy, M., Kranias, E.G., Carmeliet, P., Raeymaekers, L., Sipido, K., and Wuytack, F (2004. ) Phospholamban ablation and SERCA2b overexpression fail to prevent cardiac hypertrophy in SERCA2a deficient mice .[Abstract]Keystone Symposium,

Ferrero, P., Mundina-Weilenmann, C., Said, M., Vittone, L., Kranias, E.G., Mattiazzi, A. (2004. ) Role of phosphorylation of Thr17 residue of phospholamban on the mechanical recovery during acidosis .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiology, 37 (1 ) ,N07

Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Phospholamban and calcium cycling in heart failure .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiology, 37 (1 ) ,S10B

Mundina-Weilenmann, C., Vittone, L., Said, M., Kranias, E.G., Mattiazzi, A. (2004. ) CaMKII-dependent phospholamban phosphorylation as a mechanism to limit Ca2+ overload .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiology, 37 (1 ) ,S22B

Ferrero, P., Mundina-Weilenman, C., Said, M., Vittone, L., Kranias, E.G., Mattiazzi, A. (2004. ) Role of phosphorylation of Thr17 residue of phospholamban on the mechanical recovery during acidosis .[Abstract]Heart Failure, 27

Haghighi, K., Kolokathis, F., Fan, G., Sato, Y., Kremastinos D.T., Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Phospholamban Mutations in Human Dilated Cardiomyopathy .[Abstract]Circulation, 110 (17 ) ,1734

Zhao, W., Yuan, Q., Pathak, A., Chu, G., Hahn, H., Dorn II, G.W., Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Human (N27K) Phospholamban Exacerbates Stress-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy and Ischemic Injury .[Abstract]Circulation, 110 (17 ) ,56

Fan, G., Ren, X., Quian, J., Yuan, J., Wang, Y., Jones, K., Chu, G., Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of small heat-shock protein Hsp20 Alleviates ischemia/reperfusion injury and myocardial dysfunction .[Abstract]Circulation, 110 (17 ) ,1439

Pathak, A., Monte, F., Zhao, W., Carr. A., Schultz, J., Harvey, H., Syed, F., Marreexz, Y., DePaoli-Roach, A., Hajjar, R., Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Therapeutic Targeting of the Type 1 Phosphatase Activity in Murine Models of Cardiomyopathy .[Abstract]Circulation, 110 (17 ) ,96

O’Neal, E., Pathak, A., Carr, A., Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Effects of Gender on Longevity of Mice with Cardiac Specific Overexpression of Protein Phosphatase 1 .[Abstract]Circulation,

Yuan, Q., Fan, G., Sun, X., Zhao, W., Hongshen, W., Hahn, H., Jones, L., Chu, G.,Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Ablation of Junction by Gene Targeting Results in Enhanced Cardiac Contractility and Ca 2+ Kinetics .[Abstract]Circulation, 110 (17 ) ,622

Fan, G., Chu, G., Mitton, B., Song, Q., Yuan, Q., Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Small Heat-Shock Protein Hsp20 Phosphorylation Inhibits β-Agonist-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis .[Abstract]The 4th Athens Exchange of Cardiovascular Research Ideas Syllabus, 113 -121

Rodriguez, P., Mitton, B., Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Identification of Novel PKC-a Phosphorylation Sites on Human Inhibitor-1 .[Abstract]Biophys. J., 88 (1 ) ,481A

Fan, G., Yuan, Q., Qian, J., Nicolaou, P., Song, G., Chen, G., Chu, G., Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Novel Cardioprotective Effects by the Small Heat Shock Protein Hsp20 .[Abstract]Cir. Res., 97 (2 ) ,18

Rodriguez, P., Mitton, B., Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Functional Significance of a New PKC-α Phosphorylation Site on Inhibitor-1 of Cardiac Protein Phosphatase-1 .[Abstract]Cir. Res., 97 (2 ) ,14-15

Gregory, K.N., Ginsburg, K.S., Bodi, I., Hahn, H.,Marreez, Y.M., Song, Q., Padmanabhan, P.A., Waggoner, J.R., Mitton, B.A., del Monte, F., Park, W., Bers, D.S., Dorn, G.W., Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) HRC: A Novel Regulator of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Sequestration and Cardiac Function .[Abstract]Cir. Res., 97 (2 ) ,44

Arvanitis, D., Sanoudou, D., Vafiadaki, E., Haghighi, K., Kolokathis, F.,. Kremastinos, D.T., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Genetic alterations identified in HRC and sANK1 genes in dilated cardiomyopathy patients .[Abstract]57th National conference of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens,

Papalouka, V., Vafiadaki, E., Arvanitis, D. A., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Kranias, E. Sanoudou, D. (2005. ) Identifying new binding partners of CSRP3 through the yeast two-hybrid system .[Abstract]57th National conference of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,

Vafiadaki, E., Arvanitis, D.A., Sanoudou, D., Papalouka, V., Kranias, E.G., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A. (2005. ) A Molecular Investigation of the Role of Phospholamban in Cardiac Muscle .[Abstract]57th National conference of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens,

Kranias, E.G. (2006. ) Phospholamban as a therapeutic modality in heart failure .[Abstract]Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology, 22 (13 ) ,2

Zhu. Y., Gramolini, A., Sun, H., Takeuchi, J., Zhou, Y., Mori, A., Kranias, E.G., Olson, E.N., Henkellman, R.M., Backx, P., MacLennan, D.H., Bruneau, B. (2006. ) Cardiac specific deletion of Tbx5 causes left ventricular diastolic dysfunction that can be rescured by increased Serca2a activity .[Abstract]Supplement to Circulation, 114 (18 ) ,II-7

Rodríguez, P., Nicolaou, P., Qian, J., Mitton, B., Pathak, A., Robbins, J., and Kranias, E. G. (2006. ) Temporally Induced Expression of Active Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 in the Adult Mouse Heart Enhances Cardiac .[Abstract]Supplement to Circulation, 114 (18 ) ,II-314

Qian, J., Fan, G.C., Yuan, Q., Kranias, E.G. (2006. ) Phosphorylation of Small Heat Shock Protein 20 (Hsp20) at Serine 16 Modulates Cardiac Contractility .[Abstract]Supplement to Circulation, 114 (18 ) ,II-314

Diwan, A., Marreez, Y.M., Koesters, A.G., Odley, A.M., Baines, C.P., Yuan, Q., Molkentin, J.D., Kranias, E.G., Dorn, G.W. II (2006. ) Nix in the Heart: Regulation of developmental apoptosis and sarcoplasmic reticular calcium stores explains its functional diversity .[Abstract]Supplement to Circulation , 114 (18 ) ,II-34

Arvanitis, D.A., Zhao, W., Vafiadaki, E., Haghighi, K., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2007. ) Phospholamban: a single base difference between humans and other species alters cardiac gene expression profile and contractility .[Abstract]European Society of Cardiology meeting, Vienna,

Arvanitis, D.A., Vafiadaki, E., Mitton B.A., Gregory, K.N., Del Monte, F., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2007. ) Histidine-Rich Calcium Interacts with SERCA2 in a Ca-dependent manner .[Abstract]European Society of Human Genetics, Nice,

Vafiadaki, E., Sanoudou, D., Arvanitis, D.A., Catino, D.H., Kranias, E.G., Konstantopoulos, A.K. (2007. ) Hax-1 is a new interacting protein of phospholamban and a novel regulator of calcium homeostasis and cardiac cell survival .[Abstract]European Society of Human Genetics, Nice,

Vafiadaki, E., Sanoudou, D., Arvanitis, D.A., Catino, D.H., Konstantopoulos, A.K., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) Identification of a Novel Interaction Between HAX-1 and Phospholamban in Cardiac Muscle and its Role in Cell Survival .[Abstract]European Society of Cardiology meeting, Vienna,

Arvanitis, D.A., Vafiadaki, E., Mitton, B., Gregory, K.N., Del Monte, F., Kontrogianni- Konstantopoulos, A., Sanoudou, D., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) Histidine-Rich Calcium Binding Protein as Novel Mediator Between Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ uptake and Release .[Abstract]European Society of Cardiology meeting, Vienna,

Vafiadaki, E., Sanoudou, D., Arvanitis, D.A., Catino, D.H., Kranias, E.G., Konstantopoulos, A.K. (2007. ) Hax-1 is a novel interacting protein of Phospholamban in cardiac muscle .[Abstract]Kavala at the National Conference for the Biological Sciences: April,

Arvanitis, D.A., Vafiadaki, E., Fan, G.C., Mitton, B., Gregory, K.N., Del Monte, F., Kontrogianni- Konstantopoulos, A., Sanoudou, D.,. Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) HRC Protein Binds to SERCA2 .[Abstract]Kavala at the National Conference for the Biological Sciences: April,

Chen, G., Rodriguez, P., Song, G., Mitton, B., Fan, G.C., Pathak, A., Zhou, X., Dorn G.W. II ,Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) A Human Polymorphism of Protein Phosphatase 1 Inhibitor 1 is Associated with Attenuated Cardiac Contractile Responses to Beta-adrenergic Stimulation .[Abstract]The FASEB J, 21 (6 ) ,908.12

Arvanitis, D.A., Vafiadaki, E., Fan, G.C., Mitton, B.A., Gregory, K.N., Del Monte, F., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2007. ) ‘A novel role for HRC in cardiomyocyte Ca2+ cycling through interaction with SERCA2’ .[Abstract]59th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Athens,

Vafiadaki, E., Sanoudou, D., Arvanitis, D.A., Catino, D.H., Kranias, E.G. and Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A. (2007. ) ‘HAX-1 interacts with phospholamban and represents a novel regulator of calcium homeostasis and cell survival in cardiac muscle’ .[Abstract]59th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Athens,

Papalouka, V., Vafiadaki, E., Arvanitis, D.A., Oikonomaki, M., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2007. ) MYBP-C3, a novel interacting partner of CSRP3 .[Abstract]59th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Athens,

Arvanitis, D., Zhao, W., Papalouka, V., Vafiadaki, E., Haghighi, K., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2007. ) Global gene expression analysis of the “humanized” PLN mouse model reveals significant cardiac electrophysiological alterations .[Abstract]59th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Athens,

Galata, Z., Papalouka, V., Oikonomaki, M., Arvanitis, D.A., Kolokathis, F., Kremastinos, D., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2007. ) Searching for cardiac Myosin Binding Protein C sequence variations in dilated cardiomyopathy patients .[Abstract]59th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Athens,

Arvanitis, D.A., Kolokathis, F., Sanoudou, D., Vafiadaki, E., Theodorakis, G.N., Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, A., Paraskevaidis, I.A., Adamopoulos, S., Dorn, G.W. II, Kremastinos, D.Th., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) The role of Histidine-rich calcium binding protein (HRC) polymorphisms in the development of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias in DCM patients .[Abstract]28th Hellenic Cardiological Conference; Rhodes, Greece,

Fan, G.C., Yuan, Q., Qian, J., Zhou, X., Waggoner, J.R., Chen, G., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) Enhancement of Myocardial Function by Hsp20 is Associated with Decreased Type-1 Phosphatase Activity .[Abstract]Circulation, 116 ,189

Qian, J., Fan, G.C., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) Phosphorylation of Small Heat Shock Protein 20 at Serine 16 Is Essential in Cardiac Protection against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury .[Abstract]Circulation, 116 (2 ) ,68

Haghighi, K., Sato, Y., Fan G.C., He, S., Kolokathis F., Paraskevaidis I., Jones, W.K., Dorn, G.W. II, Kremastinos, D.T., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) A Novel Human Phospholamban Promoter Polymorphism in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Alters Glucocorticoid Nuclear Receptor Mediated Transcription Regulation .[Abstract]Circulation, 116 (2 ) ,605

Fan, G.C., Zhou, X., Song, G., Qian, J., Figueria, S., Chen, G., Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) Hsp20 Inhibits Doxorubicin-triggered Cardiac Injury Via PI3 Kinase-Akt Dependent Pathway .[Abstract]Circulation, 116 (2 ) ,9

Chen, G., Zhou, X., Rodriguez, P., Song, G., Mitton, B., Pathak, A., Zachariah, A., Fan, G.C., Dorn, G.W. II, Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) A Human Polymorphism of Protein Phosphatase 1 Inhibitor 1 is Associated with Attenuated Contractile Responses to Beta-adrenergic Stimulation .[Abstract]Circulation, 116 (2 ) ,46

Fan GC, Wang X, Zhao T, Wang Y, Ashraf M, Kranias EG (2008. ) Hsp20 protects bone-morrow stem cells against oxidative stress via increasing the VEGF and FGF release. J Mol. Cell Cardiol, 44 ,S6-P19

Fan GC, Wu J, Ren X, Wang X, Sator MA, Jones WK, Kranias EG. (2008. ) MiR-320, a microRNA down-regulated in the heart after ischemia/reperfusion in vivo, inhibits Hsp20 expression. .[Abstract]J Mol. Cell Cardiol, 44 (S40-p126 ) ,

Ren X, Fan GC, Kadeer N, Kranias EG, and Jones WK (2008. ) Nociceptive stimulation: a novel cardioprotective strategy. .[Abstract]Circulation, 118 ,S-705

Han P, Zhou X, Zhao W, Chen G, Chen S, Figueira S, Fan GC, Allen PD, and Kranias EG. (2008. ) Combined ablation of junctin and triadin is associated with leaky ryanodine receptors and depressed cardiac contractile function .[Abstract]Circulation, 118 ,S-541

Wang X, Zhao T, Wang T, Zhang P, Xu M, Kranias EG, Wang Y, and Fan GC (2009. ) Hsp20-engineered mesenchymal stem cells are resistant to oxidative stress via enhanced activation of Akt and secretion of growth factors .[Abstract]cir,

307. Wang X, Zhao T, Wang T, Zhang P, Xu M, Kranias EG, Wang Y, and Fan GC (2009. ) Hsp20-engineered mesenchymal stem cells are resistant to oxidative stress via enhanced activation of Akt and secretion of growth factors .[Abstract]Circulation, 120 ,S721

Zhang P, Chen J, Ren X, Wang X, Kranias EG, Medvedvic M, and Fan GC (2009. ) MicroRNA expression profiling in the ischemic preconditioned heart: Functional Role of a MiR-1/GATA-4/MiR-144, -451, and -762 Circuit .[Abstract]Circulation, 120 ,S736

Pritchard TJ, Dorn GW, and Kranias EG. (2009. ) A human inhibitor-1 polymorphism, G109E, impairs cardiomyocyte function and promotes susceptibility to arrhythmia .[Abstract]Circulation, 120 ,S763

Han P, Chen S, Arvanitis D, Cai, W, Robinson D, Cheng H, and Kranias EG (2009. ) The human histidine-rich Ca binding protein Ser96Ala variant enhances ryanodine receptor activity and induces arrhythmias .[Abstract]Circulation, 120 ,S708

Singh VP, Han P, Cai W, Kranias EG (2010. ) The functional role of Human S96A-RC genetic variant in the heat .[Abstract]

Lam C, Zhao W, Zhang G, Ren X, Zhou X, Maloyan A, Robbins J, Kranias EG (2010. ) Hax-1 protects hearts from ischemia/reperfusion injury in vivo .[Abstract]

Pritchard TJ, Dorn GW II, Singh VP, Kranias EG (2010. ) Human G109E inhibitor-1 depresses cardiomyocyte contractility and promotes aftercontractions .[Abstract]

Vafiadaki E, Papalouka V, Arvanitis DA, Terzis G, Spengos K, Kranias EG, Manta P, Sanoudou D (2012. ) Molecular characterization of a novel Muscle Lim Protein isoform, with important implications in muscle physiology and pathophysiology .[Abstract]Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 53 (Supplement A):36 ) ,

Tzimas C, Kostomitsopoulos N, Kremastinos D, Kranias EG, Sanoudou D (2012. ) Novel anti-arrhythmic drugs: evaluation of a known CAMKII inhibitor in a mouse model of ventricular arrhythmias .[Abstract]Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 53 (Supplement A:36 ) ,

Vafiadaki E, Arvanitis DA, Sanoudou D, Kranias (2013. ) Functional role of PP1 protein complexes in cardiac muscle .[Abstract]Hellenic J Cardiology, 54 (Supplement A:65 ) ,

Arvanitis DA, Vafiadaki E, Papalouka V, Kranias EG, Sanoudou D (2013. ) Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Interaction of Cardiac Muscle Lim Protein (MLP) and Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein C (cMyBPC3) During Myoblasts Differentiation to Myotubes .[Abstract]Hellenic J Cardiology, 54 (Supplement A:65 ) ,

Tzimas C, Vafiadaki E, Arvanitis D, Sonntag S, Shmerling D, Sanoudou D, Kranias EG (2013. ) Initial characterization of a knock-in mouse model with an arrhythmogenic polymorfism in the HRC protein, which has been related to sudden cardiac death in patients with dialated cardiomyopathy .[Abstract]Hellenic J Cardiology, 54 (Supplement A:65 ) ,

Zhao W, Lv W, Liu HM, Kranias EG (2013. ) The Regulatory Effects of Peroxiredoxin II on Cardiac Contractility and the Underlying Mechanisms .[Abstract]Cardiology, 126 (Suppl 1: 52 ) ,

Zhao W, Lv W, Cai W, Liu HM, Kranias EG (2013. ) Peroxiredoxin II, an antioxidant protein, is a new regulator of cardiac contractility through phospholamban .[Abstract]Acta Pharmacologica Sinica., 34 (Suppl:79 S6.112 ) ,

Zhao W, Lv W, Liu HM, Kranias EG (2013. ) Peroxiredoxin II regulates cardiomyocyte contractility through phospholamban .[Abstract]JMCC, 65 (S54 ) ,PS2-P3

Lam CK, Bidwell PA, Zhao W, Cai WF, Liu G, Kranias EG (2013. ) Inducible HAX-1 ablation enhances SR calcium cycling and potentiates mitochondria permeability transition in the adult heart .[Abstract]JMCC, 65 ,S1-S176

Bidwell P, Lam CK, Mugge L, Vanderbilt E, Kranias EG (2014. ) Endogenous HAX-1 depresses the phospholamban inhibitory activity .[Abstract]JMCC , 74 (S30: ) ,(P2-42)

Liu G, Zhao W, Vafiadaki E, Lam CK, Jiang M, Rubinstein J, Adly G, Kranias EG (2014. ) A novel human mutation in Hsp20 (S10F) abrogates the contractile and protective effects of this protein in the heart .[Abstract]JMCC, 74 (S2: ) ,P1-05)

Liu G, Morales A, Vafiadaki E, Haghighi K, Hershberger RE, Adly G, Kranias EG (2014. ) A novel human R25C-phospholamban mutant is associated with superinhibition of calcium cycling and increased apoptosis .[Abstract]JMCC, 74 (S2: ) ,(P1-05)

Cai WF, Florea S, Qian J, Zhao W, Pritchard T, Lam CK, Liu G, Haghighi K, Lebeche D, Lu LJ Deng J, Fan GC, Hajjar RJ, Kranias EG (2014. ) Micro-RNA765 targets protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 and suppresses contractility .[Abstract]JMCC, 74 (S8 ) ,(P1-26)

Haghighi K, Pritchard TJ, Singh VP, Das P, Vanderbilt EL, Rubinstein J, Kranias EG. (2014. ) A Human G109E Polymorphism in Inhibitor-1 Compromises Cardiomyocyte Function and Induces Arrhythmias. Circulation, 115 ,A34

Lam CK, Zhao W, Cai W, Liu G, Bidwell P, Gardner G, Adly G, Kranias EG (2014. ) HAX-1: A Novel Regulator of Energetics and Oxidative Stress in the Heart .[Abstract]Circulation, 115 ,A204

Liu GS, Zhao W, Vafiadaki E, Adly G, Lam CK, Cai WF, Nicolaou P, Jiang M, Rubinstein J, Fan GC, Dorn GW, Kranias EG. (2015. ) A human S10F-Hsp20 mutant abrogates the contractile and protective effects of Hsp20 in the heart. .[Abstract]JMCC, 85 (S9 ) ,

Lam CK, Zhao W, Liu GS, Cai WF, Gardner G, Kranias EG. (2015. ) HAX-1 is a new regulator of cyclophilin-D expression and the mitochondria permeability transition pore in the heart. JMCC, 85 (S10 ) ,

Onusko E, Liu GS, Koch S, Jiang M, Kranias EG, Rubinstein J. (2015. ) TRPV2 stimulation diminishes peripartum cardiomyopathy through increased ejection fraction and decreased dilation. JMCC, 85 (S24 ) ,

Liu GS, Jiang M, Cai WF, Adly G, Gardner G, Lam CK, Rubinstein J, Kranias EG. (2015. ) A Novel Human S10F-Hsp20 Mutation Induces Lethal Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. Circulation , 132 (A12702 ) ,

Tzimas C, Vafiadaki E, Arvanitis D, Davos C, Varela A, Athanasiadis N, Dimitriou C, Katsiboulas M, Sonntag S, Shmerling D, Lehnart S, Kranias E, Sanoudou D. (2016. ) The role of the human variant HRC-Ser96Ala to arrhythmias and sudden death, in a novel genetically modified mouse model.

Bidwell P, Liu GS, Lam CK, Kranias EG. (2016. ) HAX-1 Regulates Contractile Recovery After Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury By Preventing SERCA2a Degradation. .[Abstract]

Gardner G, Liu GS, Qian J, Jiang M, Cai WF, Tranter M, Fan GC, Rubinstein J, Kranias EG. (2016. ) PKA-Phosphorylation of Hsp20 is Associated with Detrimental Cardiac Remodeling and Early Death.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Chen, Guoli; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Florea, Stela; Qian, Jiang; Cai, Wenfeng; Zhang, Zhiguo; Fan, Guo-Chang; Lorenz, John; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2010. ) Expression of active protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor-1 attenuates chronic beta-agonist-induced cardiac apoptosis.Basic research in cardiology, , 105 (5 ) ,573-81 More Information

Hadri, Lahouaria; Bobe, Regis; Kawase, Yoshiaki; Ladage, Dennis; Ishikawa, Kiyotake; Atassi, Fabrice; Lebeche, Djamel; Kranias, Evangelia G; Leopold, Jane A; Lompré, Anne-Marie; Lipskaia, Larissa; Hajjar, Roger J (2010. ) SERCA2a gene transfer enhances eNOS expression and activity in endothelial cells.Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy, , 18 (7 ) ,1284-92 More Information

Salas, Margarita A; Valverde, Carlos A; Sánchez, Gina; Said, Matilde; Rodriguez, Jesica S; Portiansky, Enrique L; Kaetzel, Marcia A; Dedman, John R; Donoso, Paulina; Kranias, Evangelia G; Mattiazzi, Alicia (2010. ) The signalling pathway of CaMKII-mediated apoptosis and necrosis in the ischemia/reperfusion injury.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 48 (6 ) ,1298-306 More Information

Lompré, Anne-Marie; Hajjar, Roger J; Harding, Sian E; Kranias, Evangelia G; Lohse, Martin J; Marks, Andrew R (2010. ) Ca2+ cycling and new therapeutic approaches for heart failure.Circulation, , 121 (6 ) ,822-30 More Information

Zhang, Tong; Guo, Tao; Mishra, Shikha; Dalton, Nancy D; Kranias, Evangelia G; Peterson, Kirk L; Bers, Donald M; Brown, Joan Heller (2010. ) Phospholamban ablation rescues sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) handling but exacerbates cardiac dysfunction in CaMKIIdelta(C) transgenic mice.Circulation research, , 106 (2 ) ,354-62 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2010. ) Pharmacogenetically tailored treatments for heart disease. Current pharmaceutical design, , 16 (20 ) ,2194-213

Qian, Jiang; Ren, Xiaoping; Wang, Xiaohong; Zhang, Pengyuan; Jones, W Keith; Molkentin, Jeffery D; Fan, Guo-Chang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Blockade of Hsp20 phosphorylation exacerbates cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury by suppressed autophagy and increased cell death.Circulation research, , 105 (12 ) ,1223-31 More Information

Wang, Xiaohong; Zhao, Tiemin; Huang, Wei; Wang, Tao; Qian, Jiang; Xu, Meifeng; Kranias, Evangelia G; Wang, Yigang; Fan, Guo-Chang (2009. ) Hsp20-engineered mesenchymal stem cells are resistant to oxidative stress via enhanced activation of Akt and increased secretion of growth factors.Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio), , 27 (12 ) ,3021-31 More Information

Zhao, Wen; Waggoner, Jason R; Zhang, Zhi-Guo; Lam, Chi Keung; Han, Peidong; Qian, Jiang; Schroder, Paul M; Mitton, Bryan; Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini; Robia, Seth L; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) The anti-apoptotic protein HAX-1 is a regulator of cardiac function.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , More Information

Papalouka, Vasiliki; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Mavroidis, Manolis; Papadodima, Stavroula A; Spiliopoulou, Chara A; Kremastinos, Dimitrios T; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2009. ) Muscle LIM protein interacts with cofilin 2 and regulates F-actin dynamics in cardiac and skeletal muscle.Molecular and cellular biology, , 29 (22 ) ,6046-58 More Information

Wang, Xiaohong; Zingarelli, Basilia; O (2009. ) Overexpression of Hsp20 prevents endotoxin-induced myocardial dysfunction and apoptosis via inhibition of NF-kappaB activation.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 47 (3 ) ,382-90 More Information

Nicolaou, Persoulla; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Role of protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor-1 in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 47 (3 ) ,365-71 More Information

Liu, Qinghang; Chen, Xiongwen; Macdonnell, Scott M; Kranias, Evangelia G; Lorenz, John N; Leitges, Michael; Houser, Steven R; Molkentin, Jeffery D (2009. ) Protein kinase C{alpha}, but not PKC{beta} or PKC{gamma}, regulates contractility and heart failure susceptibility: implications for ruboxistaurin as a novel therapeutic approach.Circulation research, , 105 (2 ) ,194-200 More Information

Zhao, Wen; Fan, Guo-Chang; Zhang, Zhi-Guo; Bandyopadhyay, Arun; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Protection of peroxiredoxin II on oxidative stress-induced cardiomyocyte death and apoptosis.Basic research in cardiology, , 104 (4 ) ,377-89 More Information

Pritchard, Tracy J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Junctin and the histidine-rich Ca2+ binding protein: potential roles in heart failure and arrhythmogenesis.The Journal of physiology, , 587 (Pt 13 ) ,3125-33 More Information

Yuan, Qunying; Han, Peidong; Dong, Min; Ren, Xiaoping; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Chen, Shan; Jones, W Keith; Chu, Guoxiang; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Partial downregulation of junctin enhances cardiac calcium cycling without eliciting ventricular arrhythmias in mice.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 296 (5 ) ,H1484-90 More Information

Nicolaou, Persoulla; Rodriguez, Patricia; Ren, Xiaoping; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Qian, Jiang; Sadayappan, Sakthivel; Mitton, Bryan; Pathak, Anand; Robbins, Jeffrey; Hajjar, Roger J; Jones, Keith; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Inducible expression of active protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor-1 enhances basal cardiac function and protects against ischemia/reperfusion injury.Circulation research, , 104 (8 ) ,1012-20 More Information

Waggoner, Jason R; Ginsburg, Kenneth S; Mitton, Bryan; Haghighi, Kobra; Robbins, Jeffrey; Bers, Donald M; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Phospholamban overexpression in rabbit ventricular myocytes does not alter sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca transport.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 296 (3 ) ,H698-703 More Information

Chen, Guoli; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Pathak, Anand; Dorn, Gerald W; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) The human G147D-protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor-1 polymorphism is not associated with altered clinical characteristics in heart failure.Cardiology, , 112 (3 ) ,224-31 More Information

Nicolaou, Persoulla; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) Role of PP1 in the regulation of Ca cycling in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library, , 14 ,3571-85

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Pagakis, Stamatis N; Papalouka, Vasiliki; Sanoudou, Despina; Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini; Kranias, Evangelia G (2009. ) The anti-apoptotic protein HAX-1 interacts with SERCA2 and regulates its protein levels to promote cell survival.Molecular biology of the cell, , 20 (1 ) ,306-18 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Papalouka, Vasiliki; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2009. ) The role of SERCA2a/PLN complex, Ca(2+) homeostasis, and anti-apoptotic proteins in determining cell fate.Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology, , 457 (3 ) ,687-700 More Information

Nicolaou, Persoulla; Knöll, Ralph; Haghighi, Kobra; Fan, Guo-Chang; Dorn, Gerald W; Hasenfub, Gerd; Kranias, Evangelia G (2008. ) Human mutation in the anti-apoptotic heat shock protein 20 abrogates its cardioprotective effects.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 283 (48 ) ,33465-71 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Wang, Xiaohong; Song, Guojie; Qian, Jiang; Nicolaou, Persoulla; Chen, Guoli; Ren, Xiaoping; Kranias, Evangelia G (2008. ) Heat shock protein 20 interacting with phosphorylated Akt reduces doxorubicin-triggered oxidative stress and cardiotoxicity.Circulation research, , 103 (11 ) ,1270-9 More Information

Chen, Guoli; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Nicolaou, Persoulla; Rodriguez, Patricia; Song, Guojie; Mitton, Bryan; Pathak, Anand; Zachariah, Amit; Fan, Guo-Chang; Dorn, Gerald W; Kranias, Evangelia G (2008. ) A human polymorphism of protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor-1 is associated with attenuated contractile response of cardiomyocytes to beta-adrenergic stimulation.The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 22 (6 ) ,1790-6 More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Chen, Guoli; Sato, Yoji; Fan, Guo-Chang; He, Suiwen; Kolokathis, Fotis; Pater, Luke; Paraskevaidis, Ioannis; Jones, W Keith; Dorn, Gerald W; Kremastinos, Dimitrios Th; Kranias, Evangelia G (2008. ) A human phospholamban promoter polymorphism in dilated cardiomyopathy alters transcriptional regulation by glucocorticoids.Human mutation, , 29 (5 ) ,640-7 More Information

Pattison, James Scott; Waggoner, Jason R; James, Jeanne; Martin, Lisa; Gulick, James; Osinska, Hanna; Klevitsky, Raisa; Kranias, Evangelia G; Robbins, Jeffrey (2008. ) Phospholamban overexpression in transgenic rabbits.Transgenic research, , 17 (2 ) ,157-70 More Information

Zhang, Yin Hua; Zhang, Mei Hua; Sears, Claire E; Emanuel, Krzysztof; Redwood, Charles; El-Armouche, Ali; Kranias, Evangelia G; Casadei, Barbara (2008. ) Reduced phospholamban phosphorylation is associated with impaired relaxation in left ventricular myocytes from neuronal NO synthase-deficient mice.Circulation research, , 102 (2 ) ,242-9 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Yuan, Qunying; Kranias, Evangelia G (2008. ) Regulatory roles of junctin in sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium cycling and myocardial function.Trends in cardiovascular medicine, , 18 (1 ) ,1-5 More Information

Mohler, Peter J; Healy, Jane A; Xue, Hui; Puca, Annibale A; Kline, Crystal F; Allingham, R Rand; Kranias, Evangelia G; Rockman, Howard A; Bennett, Vann (2007. ) Ankyrin-B syndrome: enhanced cardiac function balanced by risk of cardiac death and premature senescence.PloS one, , 2 (10 ) ,e1051 More Information

Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Fan, Guo-Chang; Mitton, Bryan A; Gregory, Kimberly N; Del Monte, Federica; Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini; Sanoudou, Despina; Kranias, Evangelia G (2007. ) Histidine-rich Ca-binding protein interacts with sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 293 (3 ) ,H1581-9 More Information

Zhou, Xiaoyang; Fan, Guo-Chang; Ren, Xiaoping; Waggoner, Jason R; Gregory, Kimberly N; Chen, Guoli; Jones, W Keith; Kranias, Evangelia G (2007. ) Overexpression of histidine-rich Ca-binding protein protects against ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiac injury.Cardiovascular research, , 75 (3 ) ,487-97 More Information

Rodriguez, Patricia; Mitton, Bryan; Nicolaou, Persoulla; Chen, Guoli; Kranias, Evangelia G (2007. ) Phosphorylation of human inhibitor-1 at Ser67 and/or Thr75 attenuates stimulatory effects of protein kinase A signaling in cardiac myocytes.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 293 (1 ) ,H762-9 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Sanoudou, Despina; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Catino, Dawn H; Kranias, Evangelia G; Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini (2007. ) Phospholamban interacts with HAX-1, a mitochondrial protein with anti-apoptotic function.Journal of molecular biology, , 367 (1 ) ,65-79 More Information

Vila-Petroff, Martin; Salas, Margarita A; Said, Matilde; Valverde, Carlos A; Sapia, Luciana; Portiansky, Enrique; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G; Mundiña-Weilenmann, Cecilia; Mattiazzi, Alicia (2007. ) CaMKII inhibition protects against necrosis and apoptosis in irreversible ischemia-reperfusion injury.Cardiovascular research, , 73 (4 ) ,689-98 More Information

Yuan, Qunying; Fan, Guo-Chang; Dong, Min; Altschafl, Beth; Diwan, Abhinav; Ren, Xiaoping; Hahn, Harvey H; Zhao, Wen; Waggoner, Jason R; Jones, Larry R; Jones, W Keith; Bers, Donald M; Dorn, Gerald W; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Valdivia, Héctor H; Chu, Guoxiang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2007. ) Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium overloading in junctin deficiency enhances cardiac contractility but increases ventricular automaticity.Circulation, , 115 (3 ) ,300-9 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Yuan, Qunying; Zhao, Wen; Chu, Guoxiang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2007. ) Junctin is a prominent regulator of contractility in cardiomyocytes.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 352 (3 ) ,617-22 More Information

Pathak, Anand; Baldwin, Brent; Kranias, Evangelia G (2007. ) Key protein alterations associated with hyperdynamic cardiac function: insights based on proteomic analysis of the protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor-1 overexpressing hearts. Hellenic journal of cardiology : HJC, , 48 (1 ) ,30-6

Kranias, E G; Bers, D M (2007. ) Calcium and cardiomyopathies. Sub-cellular biochemistry, , 45 ,523-37

Rodriguez, Patricia; Mitton, Bryan; Waggoner, Jason R; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) Identification of a novel phosphorylation site in protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 as a negative regulator of cardiac function.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 281 (50 ) ,38599-608 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Yuan, Qunying; Song, Guojie; Wang, Yigang; Chen, Guoli; Qian, Jiang; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Lee, Yong J; Ashraf, Muhammad; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) Small heat-shock protein Hsp20 attenuates beta-agonist-mediated cardiac remodeling through apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1.Circulation research, , 99 (11 ) ,1233-42 More Information

McGraw, Dennis W; Fogel, Kevin M; Kong, Sue; Litonjua, Augusto A; Kranias, Evangelia G; Aronow, Bruce J; Liggett, Stephen B (2006. ) Transcriptional response to persistent beta2-adrenergic receptor signaling reveals regulation of phospholamban, which alters airway contractility.Physiological genomics, , 27 (2 ) ,171-7 More Information

Mattiazzi, A; Mundiña-Weilenmann, C; Vittone, L; Said, M; Kranias, E G (2006. ) The importance of the Thr17 residue of phospholamban as a phosphorylation site under physiological and pathological conditions.Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas médicas e biológicas / Sociedade Brasileira de Biofísica ... [et al.], , 39 (5 ) ,563-72 More Information

Valverde, Carlos A; Mundiña-Weilenmann, Cecilia; Reyes, Mariano; Kranias, Evangelia G; Escobar, Ariel L; Mattiazzi, Alicia (2006. ) Phospholamban phosphorylation sites enhance the recovery of intracellular Ca2+ after perfusion arrest in isolated, perfused mouse heart.Cardiovascular research, , 70 (2 ) ,335-45 More Information

Gregory, Kimberly N; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) Targeting sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling proteins as therapy for cardiac disease. Hellenic journal of cardiology : HJC, , 47 (3 ) ,132-43

Gregory, Kimberly N; Ginsburg, Kenneth S; Bodi, Ilona; Hahn, Harvey; Marreez, Yehia M A; Song, Qiujing; Padmanabhan, Prabhu A; Mitton, Bryan A; Waggoner, Jason R; Del Monte, Federica; Park, Woo Jin; Dorn, Gerald W; Bers, Donald M; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) Histidine-rich Ca binding protein: a regulator of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium sequestration and cardiac function.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 40 (5 ) ,653-65 More Information

Zhao, Wen; Yuan, Qunying; Qian, Jiang; Waggoner, Jason R; Pathak, Anand; Chu, Guoxiang; Mitton, Bryan; Sun, Xiaoyin; Jin, Jay; Braz, Julian C; Hahn, Harvey S; Marreez, Yehia; Syed, Faisal; Pollesello, Piero; Annila, Arto; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Schultz, Jo El J; Molkentin, Jeffery D; Liggett, Stephen B; Dorn, Gerald W; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) The presence of Lys27 instead of Asn27 in human phospholamban promotes sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase superinhibition and cardiac remodeling.Circulation, , 113 (7 ) ,995-1004 More Information

Gramolini, Anthony O; Trivieri, Maria G; Oudit, Gavin Y; Kislinger, Thomas; Li, Wenping; Patel, Mikin M; Emili, Andrew; Kranias, Evangelia G; Backx, Peter H; Maclennan, David H (2006. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of sarcolipin in phospholamban null mice impairs myocyte function that is restored by phosphorylation.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 103 (7 ) ,2446-51 More Information

Ji, Yong; Zhao, Wen; Li, Bailing; Desantiago, Jaime; Picht, Eckard; Kaetzel, Marcia A; Schultz, Jo El J; Kranias, Evangelia G; Bers, Donald M; Dedman, John R (2006. ) Targeted inhibition of sarcoplasmic reticulum CaMKII activity results in alterations of Ca2+ homeostasis and cardiac contractility.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 290 (2 ) ,H599-606 More Information

Wu, Yuejin; Shintani, Ayumi; Grueter, Chad; Zhang, Rong; Hou, Yue; Yang, Jinying; Kranias, Evangelia G; Colbran, Roger J; Anderson, Mark E (2006. ) Suppression of dynamic Ca(2+) transient responses to pacing in ventricular myocytes from mice with genetic calmodulin kinase II inhibition.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 40 (2 ) ,213-23 More Information

Chu, Guoxiang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) Phospholamban as a therapeutic modality in heart failure. Novartis Foundation symposium, , 274 ,156-71; discussion 1

Rodriguez, P; Kranias, E G (2005. ) Phospholamban: a key determinant of cardiac function and dysfunction. Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux, , 98 (12 ) ,1239-43

Rodriguez, Patricia; Mitton, Bryan; Kranias, Evangelia G (2005. ) Phosphorylation of glutathione-S-transferase by protein kinase C-alpha implications for affinity-tag purification.Biotechnology letters, , 27 (23-24 ) ,1869-73 More Information

Waggoner, Jason R; Kranias, Evangelia G (2005. ) Role of phospholamban in the pathogenesis of heart failure.Heart failure clinics, , 1 (2 ) ,207-18 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Chu, Guoxiang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2005. ) Hsp20 and its cardioprotection.Trends in cardiovascular medicine, , 15 (4 ) ,138-41 More Information

Pathak, Anand; del Monte, Federica; Zhao, Wen; Schultz, Jo-El; Lorenz, John N; Bodi, Ilona; Weiser, Doug; Hahn, Harvey; Carr, Andrew N; Syed, Faisal; Mavila, Nirmala; Jha, Leena; Qian, Jiang; Marreez, Yehia; Chen, Guoli; McGraw, Dennis W; Heist, E Kevin; Guerrero, J Luis; DePaoli-Roach, Anna A; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2005. ) Enhancement of cardiac function and suppression of heart failure progression by inhibition of protein phosphatase 1.Circulation research, , 96 (7 ) ,756-66 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Ren, Xiaoping; Qian, Jiang; Yuan, Qunying; Nicolaou, Persoulla; Wang, Yang; Jones, W Keith; Chu, Guoxiang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2005. ) Novel cardioprotective role of a small heat-shock protein, Hsp20, against ischemia/reperfusion injury.Circulation, , 111 (14 ) ,1792-9 More Information

Mundiña-Weilenmann, Cecilia; Ferrero, Paola; Said, Matilde; Vittone, Leticia; Kranias, Evangelia G; Mattiazzi, Alicia (2005. ) Role of phosphorylation of Thr(17) residue of phospholamban in mechanical recovery during hypercapnic acidosis.Cardiovascular research, , 66 (1 ) ,114-22 More Information

Chu, Guoxiang; Kerr, Jaclyn P; Mitton, Bryan; Egnaczyk, Gregory F; Vazquez, Jenny A; Shen, Meilan; Kilby, Greg W; Stevenson, Tracy I; Maggio, John E; Vockley, Jerry; Rapundalo, Stephen T; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Proteomic analysis of hyperdynamic mouse hearts with enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium cycling.The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 18 (14 ) ,1725-7 More Information

Szentesi, Peter; Pignier, Christophe; Egger, Marcel; Kranias, Evangelia G; Niggli, Ernst (2004. ) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ refilling controls recovery from Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release refractoriness in heart muscle.Circulation research, , 95 (8 ) ,807-13 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Gregory, Kimberly N; Zhao, Wen; Park, Woo Jin; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Regulation of myocardial function by histidine-rich, calcium-binding protein.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 287 (4 ) ,H1705-11 More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Gregory, Kimberly N; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase-phospholamban interactions and dilated cardiomyopathy.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 322 (4 ) ,1214-22 More Information

Zhao, Wen; Uehara, Yoshiki; Chu, Guoxiang; Song, Qiujing; Qian, Jiang; Young, Karen; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Threonine-17 phosphorylation of phospholamban: a key determinant of frequency-dependent increase of cardiac contractility.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 37 (2 ) ,607-12 More Information

Sutliff, Roy L; Conforti, Laura; Weber, Craig S; Kranias, Evangelia G; Paul, Richard J (2004. ) Regulation of the spontaneous contractile activity of the portal vein by the sarcoplasmic reticulum: evidence from the phospholamban gene-ablated mouse.Vascular pharmacology, , 41 (6 ) ,197-204 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Chu, Guoxiang; Mitton, Bryan; Song, Qiujing; Yuan, Qunying; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Small heat-shock protein Hsp20 phosphorylation inhibits beta-agonist-induced cardiac apoptosis.Circulation research, , 94 (11 ) ,1474-82 More Information

Yatani, Atsuko; Kim, Song-Jung; Kudej, Raymond K; Wang, Qian; Depre, Christophe; Irie, Keiichi; Kranias, Evangelia G; Vatner, Stephen F; Vatner, Dorothy E (2004. ) Insights into cardioprotection obtained from study of cellular Ca2+ handling in myocardium of true hibernating mammals.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 286 (6 ) ,H2219-28 More Information

Janczewski, Andrzej M; Zahid, Maliha; Lemster, Bonnie H; Frye, Carol S; Gibson, Gregory; Higuchi, Yoshihiro; Kranias, Evangelia G; Feldman, Arthur M; McTiernan, Charles F (2004. ) Phospholamban gene ablation improves calcium transients but not cardiac function in a heart failure model.Cardiovascular research, , 62 (3 ) ,468-80 More Information

Song, Qiujing; Young, Karen B; Chu, Guoxiang; Gulick, James; Gerst, Michael; Grupp, Ingrid L; Robbins, Jeffrey; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Overexpression of phospholamban in slow-twitch skeletal muscle is associated with depressed contractile function and muscle remodeling.The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 18 (9 ) ,974-6 More Information

Engelhardt, Stefan; Hein, Lutz; Dyachenkow, Vitaly; Kranias, Evangelia G; Isenberg, Gerrit; Lohse, Martin J (2004. ) Altered calcium handling is critically involved in the cardiotoxic effects of chronic beta-adrenergic stimulation.Circulation, , 109 (9 ) ,1154-60 More Information

Braz, Julian C; Gregory, Kimberly; Pathak, Anand; Zhao, Wen; Sahin, Bogachan; Klevitsky, Raisa; Kimball, Thomas F; Lorenz, John N; Nairn, Angus C; Liggett, Stephen B; Bodi, Ilona; Wang, Su; Schwartz, Arnold; Lakatta, Edward G; DePaoli-Roach, Anna A; Robbins, Jeffrey; Hewett, Timothy E; Bibb, James A; Westfall, Margaret V; Kranias, Evangelia G; Molkentin, Jeffery D (2004. ) PKC-alpha regulates cardiac contractility and propensity toward heart failure.Nature medicine, , 10 (3 ) ,248-54 More Information

Pan, Yan; Kislinger, Thomas; Gramolini, Anthony O; Zvaritch, Elena; Kranias, Evangelia G; MacLennan, David H; Emili, Andrew (2004. ) Identification of biochemical adaptations in hyper- or hypocontractile hearts from phospholamban mutant mice by expression proteomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 101 (8 ) ,2241-6

Chu, Guoxiang; Egnaczyk, Gregory F; Zhao, Wen; Jo, Su-Hyun; Fan, Guo-Chang; Maggio, John E; Xiao, Rui-Ping; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Phosphoproteome analysis of cardiomyocytes subjected to beta-adrenergic stimulation: identification and characterization of a cardiac heat shock protein p20.Circulation research, , 94 (2 ) ,184-93 More Information

Gregory, Kimberly N; Hahn, Harvey; Haghighi, Kobra; Marreez, Yehia; Odley, Amy; Dorn, Gerald W; Kranias, Evangelia G (2004. ) Increased particulate partitioning of PKC epsilon reverses susceptibility of phospholamban knockout hearts to ischemic injury.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 36 (2 ) ,313-8 More Information

Said, M; Vittone, L; Mundina-Weilenmann, C; Ferrero, P; Kranias, E G; Mattiazzi, A (2003. ) Role of dual-site phospholamban phosphorylation in the stunned heart: insights from phospholamban site-specific mutants.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 285 (3 ) ,H1198-205 More Information

Schmidt, Albrecht G; Haghighi, Kobra; Frank, Beate; Pater, Luke; Dorn, Gerald W; Walsh, Richard A; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Polymorphic SERCA2a variants do not account for inter-individual differences in phospholamban-SERCA2a interactions in human heart failure. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 35 (7 ) ,867-70

MacLennan, David H; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Phospholamban: a crucial regulator of cardiac contractility.Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, , 4 (7 ) ,566-77 More Information

Brittsan, Angela G; Ginsburg, Kenneth S; Chu, Guoxiang; Yatani, Atsuko; Wolska, Beata M; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Asahi, Michio; MacLennan, David H; Bers, Donald M; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Chronic SR Ca2+-ATPase inhibition causes adaptive changes in cellular Ca2+ transport.Circulation research, , 92 (7 ) ,769-76 More Information

Dash, Rajesh; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Pathak, Anand; Gerst, Michael J; Biniakiewicz, Danuta; Kadambi, Vivek J; Hoit, Brian D; Abraham, William T; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Differential regulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase mediates gender-dependent catecholamine-induced hypertrophy. Cardiovascular research, , 57 (3 ) ,704-14

Haghighi, Kobra; Kolokathis, Fotis; Pater, Luke; Lynch, Roy A; Asahi, Michio; Gramolini, Anthony O; Fan, Guo-Chang; Tsiapras, Dimitris; Hahn, Harvey S; Adamopoulos, Stamatis; Liggett, Stephen B; Dorn, Gerald W; MacLennan, David H; Kremastinos, Dimitrios T; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Human phospholamban null results in lethal dilated cardiomyopathy revealing a critical difference between mouse and human.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 111 (6 ) ,869-76 More Information

Song, Qiujing; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Hahn, Harvey S; Carr, Andrew N; Frank, Beate; Pater, Luke; Gerst, Mike; Young, Karen; Hoit, Brian D; McConnell, Bradley K; Haghighi, Kobra; Seidman, Christine E; Seidman, Jonathan G; Dorn, Gerald W; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Rescue of cardiomyocyte dysfunction by phospholamban ablation does not prevent ventricular failure in genetic hypertrophy.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 111 (6 ) ,859-67 More Information

Schmitt, Joachim P; Kamisago, Mitsuhiro; Asahi, Michio; Li, Guo Hua; Ahmad, Ferhaan; Mende, Ulrike; Kranias, Evangelia G; MacLennan, David H; Seidman, J G; Seidman, Christine E (2003. ) Dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure caused by a mutation in phospholamban.Science (New York, N.Y.), , 299 (5611 ) ,1410-3 More Information

Cross, Heather R; Kranias, Evangelia G; Murphy, Elizabeth; Steenbergen, Charles (2003. ) Ablation of PLB exacerbates ischemic injury to a lesser extent in female than male mice: protective role of NO.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 284 (2 ) ,H683-90 More Information

Isoda, Takayoshi; Paolocci, Nazareno; Haghighi, Kobra; Wang, Congrong; Wang, Yibin; Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios; Servillo, Giuseppe; Della Fazia, Maria Agnese; Kranias, Evangelia G; Depaoli-Roach, Anna A; Sassone-Corsi, Paolo; Kass, David A (2003. ) Novel regulation of cardiac force-frequency relation by CREM (cAMP response element modulator).The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 17 (2 ) ,144-51 More Information

Zhao, Wen; Frank, Konrad F; Chu, Guoxiang; Gerst, Michael J; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Ji, Yong; Periasamy, Muthu; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Combined phospholamban ablation and SERCA1a overexpression result in a new hyperdynamic cardiac state. Cardiovascular research, , 57 (1 ) ,71-81

Sato, Yoji; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Kiriazis, Helen; Hoit, Brian D; Kranias, Evangelia G (2003. ) Compensated hypertrophy of cardiac ventricles in aged transgenic FVB/N mice overexpressing calsequestrin. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 242 (1-2 ) ,19-25

Chu, Guoxiang; Haghighi, Kobra; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) From mouse to man: understanding heart failure through genetically altered mouse models.Journal of cardiac failure, , 8 (6 Suppl ) ,S432-49 More Information

Schmidt, Albrecht G; Zhai, Jing; Carr, Andrew N; Gerst, Mike J; Lorenz, John N; Pollesello, Piero; Annila, Arto; Hoit, Brian D; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) Structural and functional implications of the phospholamban hinge domain: impaired SR Ca2+ uptake as a primary cause of heart failure. Cardiovascular research, , 56 (2 ) ,248-59

Schmidt, Albrecht G; Gerst, Mike; Zhai, Jing; Carr, Andrew N; Pater, Luke; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hoit, Brian D (2002. ) Evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function from spectral and color M-mode Doppler in genetically altered mice. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography, , 15 (10 Pt 1 ) ,1065-73

Carr, Andrew N; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Suzuki, Yoichi; del Monte, Federica; Sato, Yoji; Lanner, Carita; Breeden, Kristine; Jing, Shao-Ling; Allen, Patrick B; Greengard, Paul; Yatani, Atsuko; Hoit, Brian D; Grupp, Ingrid L; Hajjar, Roger J; DePaoli-Roach, Anna A; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) Type 1 phosphatase, a negative regulator of cardiac function. Molecular and cellular biology, , 22 (12 ) ,4124-35

Carr, Andrew N; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) Thyroid hormone regulation of calcium cycling proteins.Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, , 12 (6 ) ,453-7 More Information

Wolska, Beata M; Arteaga, Grace M; Peña, James R; Nowak, Grzegorz; Phillips, Ronald M; Sahai, Shalini; de Tombe, Pieter P; Martin, Anne F; Kranias, Evangelia G; Solaro, R John (2002. ) Expression of slow skeletal troponin I in hearts of phospholamban knockout mice alters the relaxant effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation. Circulation research, , 90 (8 ) ,882-8

Pi, YeQing; Kemnitz, Kara R; Zhang, Dahua; Kranias, Evangelia G; Walker, Jeffery W (2002. ) Phosphorylation of troponin I controls cardiac twitch dynamics: evidence from phosphorylation site mutants expressed on a troponin I-null background in mice. Circulation research, , 90 (6 ) ,649-56

Chu, Guoxiang; Carr, Andrew N; Young, Karen B; Lester, J William; Yatani, Atsuko; Sanbe, Atsushi; Colbert, Melissa C; Schwartz, Steven M; Frank, Konrad F; Lampe, Paul D; Robbins, Jeffrey; Molkentin, Jeffery D; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) Enhanced myocyte contractility and Ca2+ handling in a calcineurin transgenic model of heart failure. Cardiovascular research, , 54 (1 ) ,105-16

Li, Yanxia; Kranias, Evangelia G; Mignery, Gregory A; Bers, Donald M (2002. ) Protein kinase A phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor does not affect calcium sparks in mouse ventricular myocytes. Circulation research, , 90 (3 ) ,309-16

Kiriazis, Helen; Sato, Yoji; Kadambi, Vivek J; Schmidt, Albrecht G; Gerst, Michael J; Hoit, Brian D; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) Hypertrophy and functional alterations in hyperdynamic phospholamban-knockout mouse hearts under chronic aortic stenosis. Cardiovascular research, , 53 (2 ) ,372-81

Brixius, Klara; Savvidou-Zaroti, Persephone; Mehlhorn, Uwe; Bloch, Wilhelm; Kranias, Evangelia G; Schwinger, Robert H G (2002. ) Increased Ca2+-sensitivity of myofibrillar tension in heart failure and its functional implication. Basic research in cardiology, , 97 Suppl 1 ,I111-7

Frank, Konrad F; Bölck, Birgit; Brixius, Klara; Kranias, Evangelia G; Schwinger, Robert H G (2002. ) Modulation of SERCA: implications for the failing human heart. Basic research in cardiology, , 97 Suppl 1 ,I72-8

Chu, Guoxiang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2002. ) Functional interplay between dual site phospholambam phosphorylation: insights from genetically altered mouse models. Basic research in cardiology, , 97 Suppl 1 ,I43-8

Paul, R J; Shull, G E; Kranias, E G (2002. ) The sarcoplasmic reticulum and smooth muscle function: evidence from transgenic mice. Novartis Foundation symposium, , 246 ,228-38; discussion 2

Frank, K F; Mesnard-Rouiller, L; Chu, G; Young, K B; Zhao, W; Haghighi, K; Sato, Y; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Structure and expression of the mouse cardiac calsequestrin gene. Basic research in cardiology, , 96 (6 ) ,636-44

Nobe, K; Sutliff, R L; Kranias, E G; Paul, R J (2001. ) Phospholamban regulation of bladder contractility: evidence from gene-altered mouse models. The Journal of physiology, , 535 (Pt 3 ) ,867-78

Schmidt, A G; Edes, I; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Phospholamban: a promising therapeutic target in heart failure? .Cardiovascular drugs and therapy / sponsored by the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, , 15 (5 ) ,387-96

Sato, Y; Schmidt, A G; Kiriazis, H; Hoit, B D; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Letter to the editor: Re-evaluation of heart failure in transgenic mice with impaired SR Ca2+ release.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 33 (9 ) ,1757-9 More Information

Carr, A N; Sutliff, R L; Weber, C S; Allen, P B; Greengard, P; de Lanerolle, P; Kranias, E G; Paul, R J (2001. ) Is myosin phosphatase regulated in vivo by inhibitor-1? Evidence from inhibitor-1 knockout mice. The Journal of physiology, , 534 (Pt. 2 ) ,357-66

Dash, R; Frank, K F; Carr, A N; Moravec, C S; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Gender influences on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-handling in failing human myocardium.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 33 (7 ) ,1345-53 More Information

Slack, J P; Grupp, I L; Dash, R; Holder, D; Schmidt, A; Gerst, M J; Tamura, T; Tilgmann, C; James, P F; Johnson, R; Gerdes, A M; Kranias, E G (2001. ) The enhanced contractility of the phospholamban-deficient mouse heart persists with aging.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 33 (5 ) ,1031-40 More Information

Freeman, K; Lerman, I; Kranias, E G; Bohlmeyer, T; Bristow, M R; Lefkowitz, R J; Iaccarino, G; Koch, W J; Leinwand, L A (2001. ) Alterations in cardiac adrenergic signaling and calcium cycling differentially affect the progression of cardiomyopathy.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 107 (8 ) ,967-74 More Information

Sato, Y; Kiriazis, H; Yatani, A; Schmidt, A G; Hahn, H; Ferguson, D G; Sako, H; Mitarai, S; Honda, R; Mesnard-Rouiller, L; Frank, K F; Beyermann, B; Wu, G; Fujimori, K; Dorn, G W; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Rescue of contractile parameters and myocyte hypertrophy in calsequestrin overexpressing myocardium by phospholamban ablation.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 276 (12 ) ,9392-9 More Information

Shannon, T R; Chu, G; Kranias, E G; Bers, D M (2001. ) Phospholamban decreases the energetic efficiency of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca pump.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 276 (10 ) ,7195-201 More Information

Dash, R; Kadambi, V; Schmidt, A G; Tepe, N M; Biniakiewicz, D; Gerst, M J; Canning, A M; Abraham, W T; Hoit, B D; Liggett, S B; Lorenz, J N; Dorn, G W; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Interactions between phospholamban and beta-adrenergic drive may lead to cardiomyopathy and early mortality. Circulation, , 103 (6 ) ,889-96

Chu, G; Lester, J W; Young, K B; Luo, W; Zhai, J; Kranias, E G (2000. ) A single site (Ser16) phosphorylation in phospholamban is sufficient in mediating its maximal cardiac responses to beta -agonists.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 275 (49 ) ,38938-43 More Information

Brittsan, A G; Kranias, E G (2000. ) Phospholamban and cardiac contractile function.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 32 (12 ) ,2131-9 More Information

Frank, K; Tilgmann, C; Shannon, T R; Bers, D M; Kranias, E G (2000. ) Regulatory role of phospholamban in the efficiency of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport. Biochemistry, , 39 (46 ) ,14176-82

Schmidt, A G; Kadambi, V J; Ball, N; Sato, Y; Walsh, R A; Kranias, E G; Hoit, B D (2000. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of calsequestrin results in left ventricular hypertrophy, depressed force-frequency relation and pulsus alternans in vivo.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 32 (9 ) ,1735-44 More Information

Zvaritch, E; Backx, P H; Jirik, F; Kimura, Y; de Leon, S; Schmidt, A G; Hoit, B D; Lester, J W; Kranias, E G; MacLennan, D H (2000. ) The transgenic expression of highly inhibitory monomeric forms of phospholamban in mouse heart impairs cardiac contractility. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 275 (20 ) ,14985-91

Brittsan, A G; Carr, A N; Schmidt, A G; Kranias, E G (2000. ) Maximal inhibition of SERCA2 Ca(2+) affinity by phospholamban in transgenic hearts overexpressing a non-phosphorylatable form of phospholamban. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 275 (16 ) ,12129-35

Zhai, J; Schmidt, A G; Hoit, B D; Kimura, Y; MacLennan, D H; Kranias, E G (2000. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of a superinhibitory pentameric phospholamban mutant enhances inhibition of cardiac function in vivo. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 275 (14 ) ,10538-44

Hoit, B D; Kadambi, V J; Tramuta, D A; Ball, N; Kranias, E G; Walsh, R A (2000. ) Influence of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium loading on mechanical and relaxation restitution. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 278 (3 ) ,H958-63

Li, L; Desantiago, J; Chu, G; Kranias, E G; Bers, D M (2000. ) Phosphorylation of phospholamban and troponin I in beta-adrenergic-induced acceleration of cardiac relaxation. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 278 (3 ) ,H769-79

Schwinger, R H; Brixius, K; Savvidou-Zaroti, P; Bölck, B; Zobel, C; Frank, K; Kranias, E G; Hoischen, S; Erdmann, E (2000. ) The enhanced contractility in phospholamban deficient mouse hearts is not associated with alterations in (Ca2+)-sensitivity or myosin ATPase-activity of the contractile proteins. Basic research in cardiology, , 95 (1 ) ,12-8

Bluhm, W F; Kranias, E G; Dillmann, W H; Meyer, M (2000. ) Phospholamban: a major determinant of the cardiac force-frequency relationship. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 278 (1 ) ,H249-55

Kranias, E G (2000. ) Commentary on the special topic section on the use of transgenic models.Annual review of physiology, , 62 ,965-9 More Information

Kiriazis, H; Kranias, E G (2000. ) Genetically engineered models with alterations in cardiac membrane calcium-handling proteins.Annual review of physiology, , 62 ,321-51 More Information

Tepe, N M; Lorenz, J N; Yatani, A; Dash, R; Kranias, E G; Dorn, G W; Liggett, S B (1999. ) Altering the receptor-effector ratio by transgenic overexpression of type V adenylyl cyclase: enhanced basal catalytic activity and function without increased cardiomyocyte beta-adrenergic signalling. Biochemistry, , 38 (50 ) ,16706-13

Hoit, B D; Tramuta, D A; Kadambi, V J; Dash, R; Ball, N; Kranias, E G; Walsh, R A (1999. ) Influence of transgenic overexpression of phospholamban on postextrasystolic potentiation.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 31 (11 ) ,2007-15 More Information

Minamisawa, S; Hoshijima, M; Chu, G; Ward, C A; Frank, K; Gu, Y; Martone, M E; Wang, Y; Ross, J; Kranias, E G; Giles, W R; Chien, K R (1999. ) Chronic phospholamban-sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase interaction is the critical calcium cycling defect in dilated cardiomyopathy. Cell, , 99 (3 ) ,313-22

Lalli, M J; Shimizu, S; Sutliff, R L; Kranias, E G; Paul, R J (1999. ) [Ca2+]i homeostasis and cyclic nucleotide relaxation in aorta of phospholamban-deficient mice. The American journal of physiology, , 277 (3 Pt 2 ) ,H963-70

Brittsan, A G; Kiss, E; Edes, I; Grupp, I L; Grupp, G; Kranias, E G (1999. ) The effect of isoproterenol on phospholamban-deficient mouse hearts with altered thyroid conditions.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 31 (9 ) ,1725-37 More Information

Yatani, A; Frank, K; Sako, H; Kranias, E G; Dorn, G W (1999. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of Galphaq alters excitation-contraction coupling in isolated cardiac myocytes.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 31 (7 ) ,1327-36 More Information

Kadambi, V J; Ball, N; Kranias, E G; Walsh, R A; Hoit, B D (1999. ) Modulation of force-frequency relation by phospholamban in genetically engineered mice. The American journal of physiology, , 276 (6 Pt 2 ) ,H2245-50

Sutliff, R L; Hoying, J B; Kadambi, V J; Kranias, E G; Paul, R J (1999. ) Phospholamban is present in endothelial cells and modulates endothelium-dependent relaxation. Evidence from phospholamban gene-ablated mice. Circulation research, , 84 (3 ) ,360-4

Pan, B S; Hannon, J D; Wiedmann, R; Potter, J D; Kranias, E G; Shen, Y T; Johnson, R G; Housmans, P R (1999. ) Effects of isoproterenol on twitch contraction of wild type and phospholamban-deficient murine ventricular myocardium. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 31 (1 ) ,159-66

Chu, G; Li, L; Sato, Y; Harrer, J M; Kadambi, V J; Hoit, B D; Bers, D M; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Pentameric assembly of phospholamban facilitates inhibition of cardiac function in vivo. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 273 (50 ) ,33674-80

Kadambi, V J; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Genetically engineered mice: model systems for left ventricular failure. Journal of cardiac failure, , 4 (4 ) ,349-61

Sato, Y; Ferguson, D G; Sako, H; Dorn, G W; Kadambi, V J; Yatani, A; Hoit, B D; Walsh, R A; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of mouse cardiac calsequestrin is associated with depressed cardiovascular function and hypertrophy in transgenic mice. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 273 (43 ) ,28470-7

Kiss, E; Brittsan, A G; Edes, I; Grupp, I L; Grupp, G; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Thyroid hormone-induced alterations in phospholamban-deficient mouse hearts. Circulation research, , 83 (6 ) ,608-13

Wiedmann, R T; Pan, B S; Kranias, E G; Motzel, S; Johnson, R G (1998. ) Phospholamban gene dosage effects in chemically permeabilized mouse cardiac muscle. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 853 ,296-9

Johnson, R G; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function and regulation of contractility. Introduction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 853 ,xi-xvi

Kristof, E; Szigeti, G; Papp, Z; Bodi, A; Facsko, A; Kovacs, L; Papp, J G; Kranias, E G; Edes, I (1998. ) Cardiac responses to calcium sensitizers and isoproterenol in intact guinea pig hearts. Effects on cyclic AMP levels, protein phosphorylation, myoplasmic calcium concentration, and left ventricular function. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 853 ,316-9

Chu, G; Ferguson, D G; Edes, I; Kiss, E; Sato, Y; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Phospholamban ablation and compensatory responses in the mammalian heart. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 853 ,49-62

Takeishi, Y; Chu, G; Kirkpatrick, D M; Li, Z; Wakasaki, H; Kranias, E G; King, G L; Walsh, R A (1998. ) In vivo phosphorylation of cardiac troponin I by protein kinase Cbeta2 decreases cardiomyocyte calcium responsiveness and contractility in transgenic mouse hearts.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 102 (1 ) ,72-8 More Information

Kadambi, V J; Koss, K L; Grupp, I L; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Phospholamban modulates murine atrial contractile parameters and responses to beta-adrenergic agonists.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 30 (7 ) ,1275-84 More Information

Li, L; Chu, G; Kranias, E G; Bers, D M (1998. ) Cardiac myocyte calcium transport in phospholamban knockout mouse: relaxation and endogenous CaMKII effects. The American journal of physiology, , 274 (4 Pt 2 ) ,H1335-47

Luo, W; Chu, G; Sato, Y; Zhou, Z; Kadambi, V J; Kranias, E G (1998. ) Transgenic approaches to define the functional role of dual site phospholamban phosphorylation. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 273 (8 ) ,4734-9

Masaki, H; Sako, H; Kadambi, V J; Sato, Y; Kranias, E G; Yatani, A (1998. ) Overexpression of phospholamban alters inactivation kinetics of L-type Ca2+ channel currents in mouse atrial myocytes.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 30 (2 ) ,317-25 More Information

Zhou, M; Sutliff, R L; Paul, R J; Lorenz, J N; Hoying, J B; Haudenschild, C C; Yin, M; Coffin, J D; Kong, L; Kranias, E G; Luo, W; Boivin, G P; Duffy, J J; Pawlowski, S A; Doetschman, T (1998. ) Fibroblast growth factor 2 control of vascular tone. Nature medicine, , 4 (2 ) ,201-7

Haghighi, K; Kadambi, V J; Koss, K L; Luo, W; Harrer, J M; Ponniah, S; Zhou, Z; Kranias, E G (1997. ) In vitro and in vivo promoter analyses of the mouse phospholamban gene. Gene, , 203 (2 ) ,199-207

Lorenz, J N; Kranias, E G (1997. ) Regulatory effects of phospholamban on cardiac function in intact mice. The American journal of physiology, , 273 (6 Pt 2 ) ,H2826-31

Liu, Y; Kranias, E G; Schneider, M F (1997. ) Regulation of Ca2+ handling by phosphorylation status in mouse fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers. The American journal of physiology, , 273 (6 Pt 1 ) ,C1915-24

Chu, G; Dorn, G W; Luo, W; Harrer, J M; Kadambi, V J; Walsh, R A; Kranias, E G (1997. ) Monomeric phospholamban overexpression in transgenic mouse hearts. Circulation research, , 81 (4 ) ,485-92

Santana, L F; Kranias, E G; Lederer, W J (1997. ) Calcium sparks and excitation-contraction coupling in phospholamban-deficient mouse ventricular myocytes. The Journal of physiology, , 503 ( Pt 1) ,21-9

Slack, J P; Grupp, I L; Ferguson, D G; Rosenthal, N; Kranias, E G (1997. ) Ectopic expression of phospholamban in fast-twitch skeletal muscle alters sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport and muscle relaxation. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 272 (30 ) ,18862-8

Slack, J P; Grupp, I L; Luo, W; Kranias, E G (1997. ) Phospholamban ablation enhances relaxation in the murine soleus. The American journal of physiology, , 273 (1 Pt 1 ) ,C1-6

Lalli, J; Harrer, J M; Luo, W; Kranias, E G; Paul, R J (1997. ) Targeted ablation of the phospholamban gene is associated with a marked decrease in sensitivity in aortic smooth muscle. Circulation research, , 80 (4 ) ,506-13

Kiss, E; Edes, I; Sato, Y; Luo, W; Liggett, S B; Kranias, E G (1997. ) beta-Adrenergic regulation of cAMP and protein phosphorylation in phospholamban-knockout mouse hearts. The American journal of physiology, , 272 (2 Pt 2 ) ,H785-90

Masaki, H; Sato, Y; Luo, W; Kranias, E G; Yatani, A (1997. ) Phospholamban deficiency alters inactivation kinetics of L-type Ca2+ channels in mouse ventricular myocytes. The American journal of physiology, , 272 (2 Pt 2 ) ,H606-12

Harrer, J M; Haghighi, K; Kim, H W; Ferguson, D G; Kranias, E G (1997. ) Coordinate regulation of SR Ca(2+)-ATPase and phospholamban expression in developing murine heart. The American journal of physiology, , 272 (1 Pt 2 ) ,H57-66

Koss, K L; Grupp, I L; Kranias, E G (1997. ) The relative phospholamban and SERCA2 ratio: a critical determinant of myocardial contractility. Basic research in cardiology, , 92 Suppl 1 ,17-24

Santana, L F; Gómez, A M; Kranias, E G; Lederer, W J (1997. ) Amount of calcium in the sarcoplasmic reticulum: influence on excitation-contraction coupling in heart muscle. Heart and vessels, , Suppl 12 ,44-9

Chu, G; Luo, W; Slack, J P; Tilgmann, C; Sweet, W E; Spindler, M; Saupe, K W; Boivin, G P; Moravec, C S; Matlib, M A; Grupp, I L; Ingwall, J S; Kranias, E G (1996. ) Compensatory mechanisms associated with the hyperdynamic function of phospholamban-deficient mouse hearts. Circulation research, , 79 (6 ) ,1064-76

Koss, K L; Kranias, E G (1996. ) Phospholamban: a prominent regulator of myocardial contractility. Circulation research, , 79 (6 ) ,1059-63

Hampton, T G; Kranias, E G; Morgan, J P (1996. ) Simultaneous measurement of intracellular calcium and ventricular function in the phospholamban-deficient mouse heart.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 226 (3 ) ,836-41 More Information

Wolska, B M; Stojanovic, M O; Luo, W; Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1996. ) Effect of ablation of phospholamban on dynamics of cardiac myocyte contraction and intracellular Ca2+. The American journal of physiology, , 271 (1 Pt 1 ) ,C391-7

Luo, W; Wolska, B M; Grupp, I L; Harrer, J M; Haghighi, K; Ferguson, D G; Slack, J P; Grupp, G; Doetschman, T; Solaro, R J; Kranias, E G (1996. ) Phospholamban gene dosage effects in the mammalian heart. Circulation research, , 78 (5 ) ,839-47

Kadambi, V J; Ponniah, S; Harrer, J M; Hoit, B D; Dorn, G W; Walsh, R A; Kranias, E G (1996. ) Cardiac-specific overexpression of phospholamban alters calcium kinetics and resultant cardiomyocyte mechanics in transgenic mice.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 97 (2 ) ,533-9 More Information

Kiss, E; Ball, N A; Kranias, E G; Walsh, R A (1995. ) Differential changes in cardiac phospholamban and sarcoplasmic reticular Ca(2+)-ATPase protein levels. Effects on Ca2+ transport and mechanics in compensated pressure-overload hypertrophy and congestive heart failure. Circulation research, , 77 (4 ) ,759-64

Hoit, B D; Khoury, S F; Kranias, E G; Ball, N; Walsh, R A (1995. ) In vivo echocardiographic detection of enhanced left ventricular function in gene-targeted mice with phospholamban deficiency. Circulation research, , 77 (3 ) ,632-7

Szymanska, G; Grupp, I L; Slack, J P; Harrer, J M; Kranias, E G (1995. ) Alterations in sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium uptake, relaxation parameters and their responses to beta-adrenergic agonists in the developing rabbit heart. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 27 (9 ) ,1819-29

Koss, K L; Ponniah, S; Jones, W K; Grupp, I L; Kranias, E G (1995. ) Differential phospholamban gene expression in murine cardiac compartments. Molecular and physiological analyses. Circulation research, , 77 (2 ) ,342-53

Edes, I; Kiss, E; Kitada, Y; Powers, F M; Papp, J G; Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1995. ) Effects of Levosimendan, a cardiotonic agent targeted to troponin C, on cardiac function and on phosphorylation and Ca2+ sensitivity of cardiac myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in guinea pig heart. Circulation research, , 77 (1 ) ,107-13

Harrer, J M; Kiss, E; Kranias, E G (1995. ) Application of the immunoblot technique for quantitation of protein levels in cardiac homogenates. BioTechniques, , 18 (6 ) ,995-8

Harrer, J M; Ponniah, S; Ferguson, D G; Kranias, E G (1995. ) Expression of phospholamban in C2C12 cells and regulation of endogenous SERCA1 activity. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 146 (1 ) ,13-21

Harrer, J M; Kranias, E G (1994. ) Characterization of the molecular form of cardiac phospholamban. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 140 (2 ) ,185-93

Luo, W; Grupp, I L; Harrer, J; Ponniah, S; Grupp, G; Duffy, J J; Doetschman, T; Kranias, E G (1994. ) Targeted ablation of the phospholamban gene is associated with markedly enhanced myocardial contractility and loss of beta-agonist stimulation. Circulation research, , 75 (3 ) ,401-9

Kiss, E; Jakab, G; Kranias, E G; Edes, I (1994. ) Thyroid hormone-induced alterations in phospholamban protein expression. Regulatory effects on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport and myocardial relaxation. Circulation research, , 75 (2 ) ,245-51

Jakab, G; Kiss, E; Kranias, E G; Edes, I (1994. ) Effect of thyroid status on basal phosphorylation of cardiac myofibrillar phosphoproteins in rats. Cardioscience, , 5 (1 ) ,19-24

Jakab, G; Kiss, E; Kranias, E G; Edes, I (1993. ) Effect of thyroid status on phosphatidylinositols in rat heart. Cardioscience, , 4 (4 ) ,257-62

Hardin, C D; Zhang, C; Kranias, E G; Steenaart, N A; Raeymaekers, L; Paul, R J (1993. ) Regulation of glycolytically fueled Ca2+ uptake in smooth muscle plasmalemmal vesicles by phosphorylation. The American journal of physiology, , 265 (4 Pt 2 ) ,H1326-33

Talosi, L; Edes, I; Kranias, E G (1993. ) Intracellular mechanisms mediating reversal of beta-adrenergic stimulation in intact beating hearts. The American journal of physiology, , 264 (3 Pt 2 ) ,H791-7

Ganim, J R; Luo, W; Ponniah, S; Grupp, I; Kim, H W; Ferguson, D G; Kadambi, V; Neumann, J C; Doetschman, T; Kranias, E G (1992. ) Mouse phospholamban gene expression during development in vivo and in vitro. Circulation research, , 71 (5 ) ,1021-30

Szyma?ska, G; Kim, H W; Cuppoletti, J; Kranias, E G (1992. ) Regulation of the skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase by phospholamban and negatively charged phospholipids in reconstituted phospholipid vesicles. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 114 (1-2 ) ,65-71

Zhang, C; Paul, R J; Kranias, E G (1992. ) Calmodulin stimulation of smooth muscle plasmalemmal vesicle Ca2+ uptake: direct or indirect effect? .The American journal of physiology, , 263 (2 Pt 2 ) ,H366-71

Talosi, L; Kranias, E G (1992. ) Effect of alpha-adrenergic stimulation on activation of protein kinase C and phosphorylation of proteins in intact rabbit hearts. Circulation research, , 70 (4 ) ,670-8

Steenaart, N A; Ganim, J R; Di Salvo, J; Kranias, E G (1992. ) The phospholamban phosphatase associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum is a type 1 enzyme. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, , 293 (1 ) ,17-24

Edes, I; Talosi, L; Kranias, E G (1991. ) The effect of alpha-adrenergic agents and protein kinase C activators on protein phosphorylation in isolated guinea pig hearts. European heart journal, , 12 Suppl F ,143-4

Edes, I; Talosi, L; Kranias, E G (1991. ) Effect of alpha adrenergic agents and phorbol esters on phosphorylation of sarcolemmal proteins in beating guinea pig hearts. Cardiovascular research, , 25 (6 ) ,510-5

Gupta, R C; Young, E F; Ferguson, D G; Kranias, E G (1991. ) Regulation of rat cardiac nuclei-associated Mg(2+)-NTPase by phosphorylation. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 102 (2 ) ,165-72

Szymanska, G; Kim, H W; Kranias, E G (1991. ) Reconstitution of the skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-pump: influence of negatively charged phospholipids. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1091 (2 ) ,127-34

Davis, B A; Edes, I; Gupta, R C; Young, E F; Kim, H W; Steenaart, N A; Szymanska, G; Kranias, E G (1990. ) The role of phospholamban in the regulation of calcium transport by cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 99 (2 ) ,83-8

Edes, I; Kranias, E G (1990. ) The effect of phorbol esters and diacylglycerol analogues on the basal phosphoinositide turnover in isolated guinea pig hearts. Cardioscience, , 1 (4 ) ,265-74

Edes, I; Kranias, E G (1990. ) Phospholamban and troponin I are substrates for protein kinase C in vitro but not in intact beating guinea pig hearts. Circulation research, , 67 (2 ) ,394-400

Szymanska, G; Kim, H W; Cuppoletti, J; Kranias, E G (1992. ) Regulation of the skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump by phospholamban in reconstituted phospholipid vesicles. Membrane biochemistry, , 9 (3 ) ,191-202

Kim, H W; Steenaart, N A; Ferguson, D G; Kranias, E G (1990. ) Functional reconstitution of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-ATPase with phospholamban in phospholipid vesicles. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 265 (3 ) ,1702-9

Edes, I; Solaro, R J; Kranias, E G (1989. ) Changes in phosphoinositide turnover in isolated guinea pig hearts stimulated with isoproterenol. Circulation research, , 65 (4 ) ,989-96

Gupta, R C; Kranias, E G (1989. ) Purification and characterization of a calcium-calmodulin-dependent phospholamban kinase from canine myocardium. Biochemistry, , 28 (14 ) ,5909-16

Rapundalo, S T; Solaro, R J; Kranias, E G (1989. ) Inotropic responses to isoproterenol and phosphodiesterase inhibitors in intact guinea pig hearts: comparison of cyclic AMP levels and phosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrillar proteins. Circulation research, , 64 (1 ) ,104-11

Young, E F; McKee, M J; Ferguson, D G; Kranias, E G (1989. ) Structural characterization of phospholamban in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes by cross-linking. Membrane biochemistry, , 8 (2 ) ,95-106

Kranias, E G; Steenaart, N A; Di Salvo, J (1988. ) Purification and characterization of phospholamban phosphatase from cardiac muscle. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 263 (30 ) ,15681-7

Ferguson, D G; Young, E F; Raeymaekers, L; Kranias, E G (1988. ) Localization of phospholamban in smooth muscle using immunogold electron microscopy. The Journal of cell biology, , 107 (2 ) ,555-62

Kranias, E G; Gupta, R C; Jakab, G; Kim, H W; Steenaart, N A; Rapundalo, S T (1988. ) The role of protein kinases and protein phosphatases in the regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function. Molecular and cellular biochemistry, , 82 (1-2 ) ,37-44

Jakab, G; Kranias, E G (1988. ) Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of purified phospholamban and associated phosphatidylinositides. Biochemistry, , 27 (10 ) ,3799-806

Jakab, G; Rapundalo, S T; Solaro, R J; Kranias, E G (1988. ) Phosphorylation of phospholipids in isolated guinea pig hearts stimulated with isoprenaline. The Biochemical journal, , 251 (1 ) ,189-94

Garvey, J L; Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1988. ) Phosphorylation of C-protein, troponin I and phospholamban in isolated rabbit hearts. The Biochemical journal, , 249 (3 ) ,709-14

Kim, H W; Kim, D H; Ikemoto, N; Kranias, E G (1987. ) Lack of effects of calcium X calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation on Ca2+ release from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 903 (2 ) ,333-40

Gupta, R C; Davis, B A; Kranias, E G (1988. ) Mechanism of the stimulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump by calmodulin. Membrane biochemistry, , 7 (2 ) ,73-86

Edes, I; Kranias, E G (1989. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function by phospholamban. Membrane biochemistry, , 7 (3 ) ,175-92

Kranias, E G; Di Salvo, J (1986. ) A phospholamban protein phosphatase activity associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 261 (22 ) ,10029-32

Lee, S W; Wallick, E T; Schwartz, A; Kranias, E G (1985. ) Influence of protein kinase phosphorylation on isolated sarcolemmal membranes. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 17 (11 ) ,1085-93

Kranias, E G (1985. ) Regulation of calcium transport by protein phosphatase activity associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 260 (20 ) ,11006-10

Kranias, E G (1985. ) Regulation of Ca2+ transport by cyclic 3',5'-AMP-dependent and calcium-calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 844 (2 ) ,193-9

Kranias, E G; Garvey, J L; Srivastava, R D; Solaro, R J (1985. ) Phosphorylation and functional modifications of sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrils in isolated rabbit hearts stimulated with isoprenaline. The Biochemical journal, , 226 (1 ) ,113-21

Kranias, E G; Nakamura, J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Phospholamban, the regulator of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump, does not copurify with the Ca2+-ATPase enzyme. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 749 (1 ) ,62-8

Davis, B A; Schwartz, A; Samaha, F J; Kranias, E G (1983. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium transport by calcium-calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 258 (22 ) ,13587-91

Imai, K; Wang, T; Millard, R W; Ashraf, M; Kranias, E G; Asano, G; Grassi de Gende, A O; Nagao, T; Solaro, R J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Ischaemia-induced changes in canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Cardiovascular research, , 17 (11 ) ,696-709

Mandel, F; Kranias, E G; Schwartz, A (1983. ) The effect of cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation on the external Ca2+ binding sites of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes, , 15 (4 ) ,179-94

Kranias, E G; Samaha, F J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Mechanism of the stimulation of Ca2+-dependent ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum by protein kinase. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 731 (1 ) ,79-87

Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1983. ) Coordination of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrillar function by protein phosphorylation. Federation proceedings, , 42 (1 ) ,33-8

Kranias, E G; Schwartz, A; Jungmann, R A (1982. ) Characterization of cyclic 3':5'-amp-dependent protein kinase in sarcoplasmic reticulum and cytosol of canine myocardium. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 709 (1 ) ,28-37

Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1982. ) Phosphorylation of troponin I and phospholamban during catecholamine stimulation of rabbit heart. Nature, , 298 (5870 ) ,182-4

Mandel, F; Kranias, E G; Grassi de Gende, A; Sumida, M; Schwartz, A (1982. ) The effect of pH on the transient-state kinetics of Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. A comparison with skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum. Circulation research, , 50 (2 ) ,310-7

Robertson, S P; Johnson, J D; Holroyde, M J; Kranias, E G; Potter, J D; Solaro, R J (1982. ) The effect of troponin I phosphorylation on the Ca2+-binding properties of the Ca2+-regulatory site of bovine cardiac troponin. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 257 (1 ) ,260-3

Collins, J H; Zot, A S; Kranias, E G (1982. ) Isolation of two proteolipids from rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Preparative biochemistry, , 12 (3 ) ,255-64

Bilezikjian, L M; Kranias, E G; Potter, J D; Schwartz, A (1981. ) Studies on phosphorylation of canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. Circulation research, , 49 (6 ) ,1356-62

Collins, J H; Kranias, E G; Reeves, A S; Bilezikjian, L M; Schwartz, A (1981. ) Isolation of phospholamban and a second proteolipid component from canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 99 (3 ) ,796-803

Kranias, E G; Mandel, F; Wang, T; Schwartz, A (1980. ) Mechanism of the stimulation of calcium ion dependent adenosine triphosphatase of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate dependent protein kinase. Biochemistry, , 19 (23 ) ,5434-9

Kranias, E G; Mandel, F; Schwartz, A (1980. ) Involvement of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and pH on the regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 92 (4 ) ,1370-6

Kranias, E G; Bilezikjian, L M; Potter, J D; Piascik, M T; Schwartz, A (1980. ) The role of calmodulin in regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 356 ,279-91

Kranias, E G; Jungmann, R A (1978. ) Phosphorylation of calf thymus RNA polymerase II by nuclear cyclic 3',5'-AMP-independent protein kinase. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 517 (2 ) ,439-46

Kranias, E G; Jungmann, R A (1978. ) Purification and properties of a cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase from calf thymus nuclei. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 517 (2 ) ,447-56

Kranias, E G; Schweppe, J S; Jungmann, R A (1977. ) Phosphorylative and functional modifications of nucleoplasmic RNA polymerase II by homologous adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase from calf thymus and by heterologous phosphatase. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 252 (19 ) ,6750-8

Jungmann, R A; Kranias, E G (1976. ) Cyclic AMP-mediated protein kinase activation and its regulatory effect on mammalian RNA polymerase. Advances in biochemical psychopharmacology, , 15 ,413-28

Kranias, E G; Dumas, L B (1975. ) Synthesis of complex forms of bacteriophage phiX174 double-stranded DNA in a temperature-sensitive dnaC mutant of Escherichia coli C. Journal of virology, , 16 (2 ) ,412-9

Kranias, E G; Dumas, L B (1974. ) Replication of bacteriophage phiX174 DNA in a temperature-sensitive dnaC mutant of escherichia coli C. Journal of virology, , 13 (1 ) ,146-54

Rubinstein, Jack; Lasko, Valerie M; Koch, Sheryl E; Singh, Vivek P; Carreira, Vinicius; Robbins, Nathan; Patel, Amit R; Jiang, Min; Bidwell, Philip; Kranias, Evangelia G; Jones, W Keith; Lorenz, John N (2014. ) Novel role of transient receptor potential vanilloid 2 in the regulation of cardiac performance.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 306 (4 ) ,H574-84 More Information

Mattiazzi, Alicia; Kranias, Evangelia G (2014. ) The role of CaMKII regulation of phospholamban activity in heart disease.Frontiers in pharmacology, , 5 ,5 More Information

Singh, Vivek P; Rubinstein, Jack; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Ren, Xiaoping; Gao, Xiaoqian; Haghighi, Kobra; Gilbert, Mark; Iyer, Venkat R; Kim, Do Han; Cho, Chunghee; Jones, Keith; Lorenz, John N; Armstrong, Clara F; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Gyorke, Sandor; Kranias, Evangelia G (2013. ) Abnormal calcium cycling and cardiac arrhythmias associated with the human Ser96Ala genetic variant of histidine-rich calcium-binding protein.Journal of the American Heart Association, , 2 (5 ) ,e000460 More Information

Sivakumaran, Vidhya; Stanley, Brian A; Tocchetti, Carlo G; Ballin, Jeff D; Caceres, Viviane; Zhou, Lufang; Keceli, Gizem; Rainer, Peter P; Lee, Dong I; Huke, Sabine; Ziolo, Mark T; Kranias, Evangelia G; Toscano, John P; Wilson, Gerald M; O'Rourke, Brian; Kass, David A; Mahaney, James E; Paolocci, Nazareno (2013. ) HNO enhances SERCA2a activity and cardiomyocyte function by promoting redox-dependent phospholamban oligomerization.Antioxidants & redox signaling, , 19 (11 ) ,1185-97 More Information

Maiellaro-Rafferty, K; Wansapura, J P; Mendsaikhan, U; Osinska, H; James, J F; Taylor, M D; Robbins, J; Kranias, E G; Towbin, J A; Purevjav, E (2013. ) Altered regional cardiac wall mechanics are associated with differential cardiomyocyte calcium handling due to nebulette mutations in preclinical inherited dilated cardiomyopathy.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 60 ,151-60 More Information

Fish, Kenneth M; Ladage, Dennis; Kawase, Yoshiaki; Karakikes, Ioannis; Jeong, Dongtak; Ly, Hung; Ishikawa, Kiyotake; Hadri, Lahouaria; Tilemann, Lisa; Muller-Ehmsen, Jochen; Samulski, R Jude; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J (2013. ) AAV9.I-1c delivered via direct coronary infusion in a porcine model of heart failure improves contractility and mitigates adverse remodeling.Circulation. Heart failure, , 6 (2 ) ,310-7 More Information

Lam, Chi Keung; Zhao, Wen; Cai, Wenfeng; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Florea, Stela M; Ren, Xiaoping; Liu, Yong; Robbins, Nathan; Zhang, Zhiguo; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Jiang, Min; Rubinstein, Jack; Jones, W Keith; Kranias, Evangelia G (2013. ) Novel role of HAX-1 in ischemic injury protection involvement of heat shock protein 90.Circulation research, , 112 (1 ) ,79-89 More Information

Park, Chang Sik; Chen, Shan; Lee, Hoyong; Cha, Hyeseon; Oh, Jae Gyun; Hong, Sunghee; Han, Peidong; Ginsburg, Kenneth S; Jin, Sora; Park, Inju; Singh, Vivek P; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Franzini-Armstrong, Clara; Park, Woo Jin; Bers, Donald M; Kranias, Evangelia G; Cho, Chunghee; Kim, Do Han (2013. ) Targeted ablation of the histidine-rich Ca(2+)-binding protein (HRC) gene is associated with abnormal SR Ca(2+)-cycling and severe pathology under pressure-overload stress.Basic research in cardiology, , 108 (3 ) ,344 More Information

Pritchard, Tracy J; Kawase, Yoshiaki; Haghighi, Kobra; Anjak, Ahmad; Cai, Wenfeng; Jiang, Min; Nicolaou, Persoulla; Pylar, George; Karakikes, Ioannis; Rapti, Kleopatra; Rubinstein, Jack; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2013. ) Active inhibitor-1 maintains protein hyper-phosphorylation in aging hearts and halts remodeling in failing hearts.PloS one, , 8 (12 ) ,e80717 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Sanoudou, Despina; Kranias, Evangelia G (2013. ) Identification of a protein phosphatase-1/phospholamban complex that is regulated by cAMP-dependent phosphorylation.PloS one, , 8 (11 ) ,e80867 More Information

Florea, Stela; Anjak, Ahmad; Cai, Wen-Feng; Qian, Jiang; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Figueria, Sarah; Haghighi, Kobra; Rubinstein, Jack; Lorenz, John; Kranias, Evangelia G (2012. ) Constitutive phosphorylation of inhibitor-1 at Ser67 and Thr75 depresses calcium cycling in cardiomyocytes and leads to remodeling upon aging.Basic research in cardiology, , 107 (5 ) ,279 More Information

Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J (2012. ) Modulation of cardiac contractility by the phospholamban/SERCA2a regulatome.Circulation research, , 110 (12 ) ,1646-60 More Information

Cai, Wen-Feng; Pritchard, Tracy; Florea, Stela; Lam, Chi-Kueng; Han, Peidong; Zhou, Xiaoyang; Yuan, Qunying; Lehnart, Stephan E; Allen, Paul D; Kranias, Evangelia G (2012. ) Ablation of junctin or triadin is associated with increased cardiac injury following ischaemia/reperfusion.Cardiovascular research, , 94 (2 ) ,333-41 More Information

Sassi, Yassine; Abi-Gerges, Aniella; Fauconnier, Jeremy; Mougenot, Nathalie; Reiken, Steven; Haghighi, Kobra; Kranias, Evangelia G; Marks, Andrew R; Lacampagne, Alain; Engelhardt, Stefan; Hatem, Stephane N; Lompre, Anne-Marie; Hulot, Jean-Sébastien (2012. ) Regulation of cAMP homeostasis by the efflux protein MRP4 in cardiac myocytes.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 26 (3 ) ,1009-17 More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Pritchard, Tracy; Bossuyt, Julie; Waggoner, Jason R; Yuan, Qunying; Fan, Guo-Chang; Osinska, Hanna; Anjak, Ahmad; Rubinstein, Jack; Robbins, Jeffrey; Bers, Donald M; Kranias, Evangelia G (2012. ) The human phospholamban Arg14-deletion mutant localizes to plasma membrane and interacts with the Na/K-ATPase.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 52 (3 ) ,773-82 More Information

Park, Chang Sik; Cha, Hyeseon; Kwon, Eun Jeong; Jeong, Dongtak; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G; Cho, Chunghee; Park, Woo Jin; Kim, Do Han (2012. ) AAV-mediated knock-down of HRC exacerbates transverse aorta constriction-induced heart failure.PloS one, , 7 (8 ) ,e43282 More Information

Boncompagni, Simona; Thomas, Monique; Lopez, Jose R; Allen, Paul D; Yuan, Qunying; Kranias, Evangelia G; Franzini-Armstrong, Clara; Perez, Claudio F (2012. ) Triadin/Junctin double null mouse reveals a differential role for Triadin and Junctin in anchoring CASQ to the jSR and regulating Ca(2+) homeostasis.PloS one, , 7 (7 ) ,e39962 More Information

Zhang, Xiaowei; Wang, Xiaohong; Zhu, Hongyan; Kranias, Evangelia G; Tang, Yaoliang; Peng, Tianqing; Chang, Jiang; Fan, Guo-Chang (2012. ) Hsp20 functions as a novel cardiokine in promoting angiogenesis via activation of VEGFR2.PloS one, , 7 (3 ) ,e32765 More Information

Altschafl, Beth A; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Fuentes, Oscar; Yuan, Qunying; Kranias, Evangelia G; Valdivia, Héctor H (2011. ) Dual role of junctin in the regulation of ryanodine receptors and calcium release in cardiac ventricular myocytes.The Journal of physiology, , 589 (Pt 24 ) ,6063-80 More Information

Gaffin, Robert D; Peña, James R; Alves, Marco S L; Dias, Fernando A L; Chowdhury, Shamim A K; Heinrich, Lynley S; Goldspink, Paul H; Kranias, Evangelia G; Wieczorek, David F; Wolska, Beata M (2011. ) Long-term rescue of a familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by a mutation in the thin filament protein, tropomyosin, via modulation of a calcium cycling protein.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 51 (5 ) ,812-20 More Information

Han, Peidong; Cai, Wenfeng; Wang, Yanru; Lam, Chi Keung; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Singh, Vivek P; Chen, Shan; Zhang, Huiliang; Zhang, Rongli; Cheng, Heping; Kranias, Evangelia G (2011. ) Catecholaminergic-induced arrhythmias in failing cardiomyocytes associated with human HRCS96A variant overexpression.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 301 (4 ) ,H1588-95 More Information

Fan, Guo-Chang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2011. ) Small heat shock protein 20 (HspB6) in cardiac hypertrophy and failure.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 51 (4 ) ,574-7 More Information

Qian, Jiang; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Florea, Stela M; Singh, Vivek P; Song, Weizhong; Lam, Chi Kung; Wang, Yigang; Yuan, Qunying; Pritchard, Tracy J; Cai, Wenfeng; Haghighi, Kobra; Rodriguez, Patricia; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Sanoudou, Despina; Fan, Guo-Chang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2011. ) Small heat shock protein 20 interacts with protein phosphatase-1 and enhances sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium cycling.Circulation research, , 108 (12 ) ,1429-38 More Information

Mattiazzi, Alicia; Kranias, Evangelia G (2011. ) CaMKII regulation of phospholamban and SR Ca2+ load.Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society, , 8 (5 ) ,784-7 More Information

Wang, Hong-Sheng; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Dong, Min; Niklewski, Paul J; Zhao, Wen; Lam, Chi Keung; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2011. ) SERCA2a superinhibition by human phospholamban triggers electrical and structural remodeling in mouse hearts.Physiological genomics, , 43 (7 ) ,357-64 More Information

Goonasekera, Sanjeewa A; Lam, Chi K; Millay, Douglas P; Sargent, Michelle A; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G; Molkentin, Jeffery D (2011. ) Mitigation of muscular dystrophy in mice by SERCA overexpression in skeletal muscle.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 121 (3 ) ,1044-52 More Information

Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Sanoudou, Despina; Kranias, Evangelia G (2011. ) Histidine-rich calcium binding protein: the new regulator of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium cycling.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 50 (1 ) ,43-9 More Information

Jones, W Keith; Fan, Guo-Chang; Liao, Siyun; Zhang, Jun-Ming; Wang, Yang; Weintraub, Neal L; Kranias, Evangelia G; Schultz, Jo El; Lorenz, John; Ren, Xiaoping (2009. ) Peripheral nociception associated with surgical incision elicits remote nonischemic cardioprotection via neurogenic activation of protein kinase C signaling.Circulation, , 120 (11 Suppl ) ,S1-9 More Information

Lee, S W; Wallick, E T; Schwartz, A; Kranias, E G (1985. ) Influence of protein kinase phosphorylation on isolated sarcolemmal membranes. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 17 (11 ) ,1085-93

Kranias, E G (1985. ) Regulation of calcium transport by protein phosphatase activity associated with cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 260 (20 ) ,11006-10

Kranias, E G (1985. ) Regulation of Ca2+ transport by cyclic 3',5'-AMP-dependent and calcium-calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 844 (2 ) ,193-9

Kranias, E G; Garvey, J L; Srivastava, R D; Solaro, R J (1985. ) Phosphorylation and functional modifications of sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrils in isolated rabbit hearts stimulated with isoprenaline. The Biochemical journal, , 226 (1 ) ,113-21

Kranias, E G; Nakamura, J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Phospholamban, the regulator of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump, does not copurify with the Ca2+-ATPase enzyme. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 749 (1 ) ,62-8

Davis, B A; Schwartz, A; Samaha, F J; Kranias, E G (1983. ) Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium transport by calcium-calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 258 (22 ) ,13587-91

Imai, K; Wang, T; Millard, R W; Ashraf, M; Kranias, E G; Asano, G; Grassi de Gende, A O; Nagao, T; Solaro, R J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Ischaemia-induced changes in canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Cardiovascular research, , 17 (11 ) ,696-709

Mandel, F; Kranias, E G; Schwartz, A (1983. ) The effect of cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation on the external Ca2+ binding sites of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes, , 15 (4 ) ,179-94

Kranias, E G; Samaha, F J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Mechanism of the stimulation of Ca2+-dependent ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum by protein kinase. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 731 (1 ) ,79-87

Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1983. ) Coordination of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and myofibrillar function by protein phosphorylation. Federation proceedings, , 42 (1 ) ,33-8

Kranias, E G; Schwartz, A; Jungmann, R A (1982. ) Characterization of cyclic 3':5'-amp-dependent protein kinase in sarcoplasmic reticulum and cytosol of canine myocardium. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 709 (1 ) ,28-37

Kranias, E G; Solaro, R J (1982. ) Phosphorylation of troponin I and phospholamban during catecholamine stimulation of rabbit heart. Nature, , 298 (5870 ) ,182-4

Mandel, F; Kranias, E G; Grassi de Gende, A; Sumida, M; Schwartz, A (1982. ) The effect of pH on the transient-state kinetics of Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. A comparison with skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum. Circulation research, , 50 (2 ) ,310-7

Robertson, S P; Johnson, J D; Holroyde, M J; Kranias, E G; Potter, J D; Solaro, R J (1982. ) The effect of troponin I phosphorylation on the Ca2+-binding properties of the Ca2+-regulatory site of bovine cardiac troponin. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 257 (1 ) ,260-3

Collins, J H; Zot, A S; Kranias, E G (1982. ) Isolation of two proteolipids from rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum.Preparative biochemistry, , 12 (3 ) ,255-64 More Information

Bilezikjian, L M; Kranias, E G; Potter, J D; Schwartz, A (1981. ) Studies on phosphorylation of canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. Circulation research, , 49 (6 ) ,1356-62

Collins, J H; Kranias, E G; Reeves, A S; Bilezikjian, L M; Schwartz, A (1981. ) Isolation of phospholamban and a second proteolipid component from canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 99 (3 ) ,796-803

Kranias, E G; Mandel, F; Wang, T; Schwartz, A (1980. ) Mechanism of the stimulation of calcium ion dependent adenosine triphosphatase of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate dependent protein kinase. Biochemistry, , 19 (23 ) ,5434-9

Kranias, E G; Mandel, F; Schwartz, A (1980. ) Involvement of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and pH on the regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 92 (4 ) ,1370-6

Kranias, E G; Bilezikjian, L M; Potter, J D; Piascik, M T; Schwartz, A (1980. ) The role of calmodulin in regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 356 ,279-91

Kranias, E G; Jungmann, R A (1978. ) Phosphorylation of calf thymus RNA polymerase II by nuclear cyclic 3',5'-AMP-independent protein kinase. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 517 (2 ) ,439-46

Kranias, E G; Jungmann, R A (1978. ) Purification and properties of a cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase from calf thymus nuclei. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 517 (2 ) ,447-56

Kranias, E G; Schweppe, J S; Jungmann, R A (1977. ) Phosphorylative and functional modifications of nucleoplasmic RNA polymerase II by homologous adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase from calf thymus and by heterologous phosphatase. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 252 (19 ) ,6750-8

Jungmann, R A; Kranias, E G (1976. ) Cyclic AMP-mediated protein kinase activation and its regulatory effect on mammalian RNA polymerase. Advances in biochemical psychopharmacology, , 15 ,413-28

Kranias, E G; Dumas, L B (1975. ) Synthesis of complex forms of bacteriophage phiX174 double-stranded DNA in a temperature-sensitive dnaC mutant of Escherichia coli C. Journal of virology, , 16 (2 ) ,412-9

Kranias, E G; Dumas, L B (1974. ) Replication of bacteriophage phiX174 DNA in a temperature-sensitive dnaC mutant of escherichia coli C. Journal of virology, , 13 (1 ) ,146-54

Liu, Guan-Sheng; Morales, Ana; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Lam, Chi Keung; Cai, Wen-Feng; Haghighi, Kobra; Adly, George; Hershberger, Ray E; Kranias, Evangelia G (2015. ) A Novel Human R25C-Phospholamban Mutation Is Associated with Superinhibition of Calcium Cycling and Ventricular Arrhythmia.Cardiovascular research, , More Information

Tzimas, Christos; Terrovitis, John; Lehnart, Stephan E; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2015. ) CaMKII inhibition ameliorates arrhythmias elicited by junctin ablation under stress conditions.Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society, , More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Bidwell, Philip; Kranias, Evangelia G (2014. ) Phospholamban interactome in cardiac contractility and survival: A new vision of an old friend.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 77 ,160-7 More Information

Ishikawa, Kiyotake; Fish, Kenneth M; Tilemann, Lisa; Rapti, Kleopatra; Aguero, Jaume; Santos-Gallego, Carlos G; Lee, Ahyoung; Karakikes, Ioannis; Xie, Chaoqin; Akar, Fadi G; Shimada, Yuichi J; Gwathmey, Judith K; Asokan, Aravind; McPhee, Scott; Samulski, Jade; Samulski, Richard Jude; Sigg, Daniel C; Weber, Thomas; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J (2014. ) Cardiac I-1c overexpression with reengineered AAV improves cardiac function in swine ischemic heart failure.Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy, , 22 (12 ) ,2038-45 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Papalouka, Vasiliki; Terzis, Gerasimos; Roumeliotis, Theodoros I; Spengos, Konstantinos; Garbis, Spiros D; Manta, Panagiota; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2014. ) Muscle lim protein isoform negatively regulates striated muscle actin dynamics and differentiation.The FEBS journal, , 281 (14 ) ,3261-79 More Information

Bibli SI, Andreadou I, Chatziananstasiou A, Tzimas C, Sanoudou D, Kranias E, Brouckaert P, Coletta C, Szabo X, Kremastinos D, Iliodromitis E, Papapetropoulos A: (2015. ) Cardioprotection by H2S engages a cGMP-dependent protein kinase/ phospholamban pathway .Cardiovascular Resarch, , 106 (3 ) ,432-42

Karakikes I, Stillitano F, Nonnenmacher M, Tzimas C, Sanoudou D, Termglinchan V, Kong CW, Rushing S, Hansen J, Ceholski D, Kolokathis F, Kremastinos D, Katoulis A, Ren L, Cohen N, Gho JM, Tsiapras D, Vink A, Asselbergs FW, Hulot JS, Kranias EG, Hajjar RJ (2015. ) Correction of the human phospholamban R14del mutation associated with dilated cardiomyopathy using targeted nucleases and combination therapy .Nature Communications, , 6 ,6955

Cai W, Florea S, Qian J, Zhao W, Pritchard T, Lam CK, Lu LJ, Deng J, Fan GC, Hajjar RJ, Kranias EG (2015. ) Micro-RNA765 targets protein phophatase inhibitor-1 and suppresses contractility in cardiomyocytes .European Journal of Heart Failure, ,

Liu B, Ho HT, Brunello L, Kim DH, Janssen PML, Knollmann BC, Kranias EG, Gyorke S (2015. ) Ablation of HRC alleviates cardiac arrhythmia and improves abnormal Ca handling in CASQ2 knockout mice prone to CPVT. Cardiov Res. , , 108 (2 ) ,299-311

Irie T, Sips PY, Kai S, Kida K, Ikeda K, Hirai S, Moazzami K, Armoundas AA, Kaneki M, Kranias E, Bloch D, Bloch KD, Doulias PT, Ischiropoulos H, Stamler J, Ichinose F (2015. ) S-Nitrosylation of calcium-handling proteins in cardiac adrenergic signaling and hypertrophy .Circ Res, , 117 ,793-803

Pritchard TJ, Haghighi K, Singh VP, Bidwell P, Liu GS, Lam CK, Vafiadaki E, Das P, Florea S, Vanderbilt E, Rubinstein J, Hajjar R, Kranias EG (2015. ) Human G109E-Inhibitor-1 Impairs Cardiac Function and Promotes Arrhythmias .

Lam CK, Zhao W, Liu G, Gardner G, Adly G, Kranias EG. (2015. ) HAX-1 Is a New Regulator of Cyclpophilin-D Levels in the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore in the Heart .

Mazzocchi, G; Sommese, L; Palomeque, J; Felice, J I; Di Carlo, M N; Fainstein, D; Gonzalez, P; Contreras, P; Skapura, D; McCauley, M D; Lascano, E C; Negroni, J A; Kranias, E G; Wehrens, X H T; Valverde, C A; Mattiazzi, A (2016. ) Phospholamban ablation rescues the enhanced propensity to arrhythmias of mice with CaMKII-constitutive phosphorylation of RyR2 at site S2814.The Journal of physiology, , 594 (11 ) ,3005-30 More Information

Bidwell, Philip A; Kranias, Evangelia G (2016. ) Calcium Uptake in Crude Tissue Preparation.Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), , 1377 ,161-70 More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Pritchard, Tracy J; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Singh, Vivek P; Bidwell, Philip; Lam, Chi Keung; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Das, Parthib; Ma, Jianyong; Kunduri, Swati; Sanoudou, Despina; Florea, Stela; Vanderbilt, Erica; Wang, Hong-Shang; Rubinstein, Jack; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2015. ) Human G109E-inhibitor-1 impairs cardiac function and promotes arrhythmias.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 89 (Pt B ) ,349-59 More Information

Lam, Chi Keung; Zhao, Wen; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Cai, Wen-Feng; Gardner, George; Adly, George; Kranias, Evangelia G (2015. ) HAX-1 regulates cyclophilin-D levels and mitochondria permeability transition pore in the heart.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 112 (47 ) ,E6466-75 More Information

Liu, Bin; Ho, Hsiang-Ting; Brunello, Lucia; Unudurthi, Sathya D; Lou, Qing; Belevych, Andriy E; Qian, Lan; Kim, Do Han; Cho, Chunghee; Janssen, Paul M L; Hund, Thomas J; Knollmann, Bjorn C; Kranias, Evangelia G; Györke, Sándor (2015. ) Ablation of HRC alleviates cardiac arrhythmia and improves abnormal Ca handling in CASQ2 knockout mice prone to CPVT.Cardiovascular research, , 108 (2 ) ,299-311 More Information

Cai, Wen-Feng; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Lam, Chi Keung; Florea, Stela; Qian, Jiang; Zhao, Wen; Pritchard, Tracy; Haghighi, Kobra; Lebeche, Djamel; Lu, Long Jason; Deng, Jingyuan; Fan, Guo-Chang; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G (2015. ) Up-regulation of micro-RNA765 in human failing hearts is associated with post-transcriptional regulation of protein phosphatase inhibitor-1 and depressed contractility.European journal of heart failure, , 17 (8 ) ,782-93 More Information

Karakikes, Ioannis; Stillitano, Francesca; Nonnenmacher, Mathieu; Tzimas, Christos; Sanoudou, Despina; Termglinchan, Vittavat; Kong, Chi-Wing; Rushing, Stephanie; Hansen, Jens; Ceholski, Delaine; Kolokathis, Fotis; Kremastinos, Dimitrios; Katoulis, Alexandros; Ren, Lihuan; Cohen, Ninette; Gho, Johannes M I H; Tsiapras, Dimitrios; Vink, Aryan; Wu, Joseph C; Asselbergs, Folkert W; Li, Ronald A; Hulot, Jean-Sebastien; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J (2015. ) Correction of human phospholamban R14del mutation associated with cardiomyopathy using targeted nucleases and combination therapy.Nature communications, , 6 ,6955 More Information

Diwan, Abhinav; Matkovich, Scot J; Yuan, Qunying; Zhao, Wen; Yatani, Atsuko; Brown, Joan Heller; Molkentin, Jeffery D; Kranias, Evangelia G; Dorn, Gerald W (2009. ) Endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria crosstalk in NIX-mediated murine cell death.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 119 (1 ) ,203-12 More Information

Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Sanoudou, Despina; Kolokathis, Fotis; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Papalouka, Vasiliki; Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini; Theodorakis, George N; Paraskevaidis, Ioannis A; Adamopoulos, Stamatios; Dorn, Gerald W; Kremastinos, Dimitrios Th; Kranias, Evangelia G (2008. ) The Ser96Ala variant in histidine-rich calcium-binding protein is associated with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.European heart journal, , 29 (20 ) ,2514-25 More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Kolokathis, Fotis; Gramolini, Anthony O; Waggoner, Jason R; Pater, Luke; Lynch, Roy A; Fan, Guo-Chang; Tsiapras, Dimitris; Parekh, Rohan R; Dorn, Gerald W; MacLennan, David H; Kremastinos, Dimitrios Th; Kranias, Evangelia G (2006. ) A mutation in the human phospholamban gene, deleting arginine 14, results in lethal, hereditary cardiomyopathy.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 103 (5 ) ,1388-93 More Information

Haghighi, K; Schmidt, A G; Hoit, B D; Brittsan, A G; Yatani, A; Lester, J W; Zhai, J; Kimura, Y; Dorn, G W; MacLennan, D H; Kranias, E G (2001. ) Superinhibition of sarcoplasmic reticulum function by phospholamban induces cardiac contractile failure.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 276 (26 ) ,24145-52 More Information

Frank, K; Kranias, E G (2000. ) Phospholamban and cardiac contractility.Annals of medicine, , 32 (8 ) ,572-8 More Information

Sako, H; Green, S A; Kranias, E G; Yatani, A (1997. ) Modulation of cardiac Ca2+ channels by isoproterenol studied in transgenic mice with altered SR Ca2+ content. The American journal of physiology, , 273 (5 Pt 1 ) ,C1666-72

Kadambi, V J; Kranias, E G (1997. ) Phospholamban: a protein coming of age.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 239 (1 ) ,1-5 More Information

Edes, I; Kranias, E G (1990. ) Characterization of cytoplasmic and membrane-associated phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate phospholipase C activities in guinea pig ventricles. Basic research in cardiology, , 85 (1 ) ,78-87

Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J (2017. ) The Phospholamban Journey 4 Decades After Setting Out for Ithaka.Circulation research, , 120 (5 ) ,781-783 More Information

Stillitano, Francesca; Turnbull, Irene C; Karakikes, Ioannis; Nonnenmacher, Mathieu; Backeris, Peter; Hulot, Jean-Sébastien; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J; Costa, Kevin D (2016. ) Genomic correction of familial cardiomyopathy in human engineered cardiac tissues.European heart journal, , 37 (43 ) ,3282-3284 More Information

Liu, Guan-Sheng; Gardner, George; Adly, George; Jiang, Min; Cai, Wen-Feng; Lam, Chi Keung; Alogaili, Fawzi; Robbins, Nathan; Rubinstein, Jack; Kranias, Evangelia G (2018. ) A novel human S10F-Hsp20 mutation induces lethal peripartum cardiomyopathy.Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, , More Information

Bidwell, Philip A; Haghighi, Kobra; Kranias, Evangelia G (2018. ) The antiapoptotic protein HAX-1 mediates half of phospholamban's inhibitory activity on calcium cycling and contractility in the heart.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 293 (1 ) ,359-367 More Information

Liu, Guan-Sheng; Zhu, Hongyan; Cai, Wen-Feng; Wang, Xiaohong; Jiang, Min; Essandoh, Kobina; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Haghighi, Kobra; Lam, Chi Keung; Gardner, George; Adly, George; Nicolaou, Persoulla; Sanoudou, Despina; Liang, Qiangrong; Rubinstein, Jack; Fan, Guo-Chang; Kranias, Evangelia G (2018. ) Regulation of BECN1-mediated autophagy by HSPB6: Insights from a human HSPB6S10F mutant.Autophagy, , 14 (1 ) ,80-97 More Information

Bidwell, Philip A; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Nagarajan, Narayani; Lam, Chi Keung; Haghighi, Kobra; Gardner, George; Cai, Wen-Feng; Zhao, Wen; Mugge, Luke; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Sanoudou, Despina; Rubinstein, Jack; Lebeche, Djamel; Hajjar, Roger; Sadoshima, Junichi; Kranias, Evangelia G (2018. ) HAX-1 regulates SERCA2a oxidation and degradation.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 114 ,220-233 More Information

Watanabe, Shin; Ishikawa, Kiyotake; Fish, Kenneth; Oh, Jae Gyun; Motloch, Lukas J; Kohlbrenner, Erik; Lee, Philyoung; Xie, Chaoqin; Lee, Ahyoung; Liang, Lifan; Kho, Changwon; Leonardson, Lauren; McIntyre, Maritza; Wilson, Scott; Samulski, R Jude; Kranias, Evangelia G; Weber, Thomas; Akar, Fadi G; Hajjar, Roger J (2017. ) Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 Gene Therapy in a Swine Model of Nonischemic Heart Failure.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 70 (14 ) ,1744-1756 More Information

Tzimas, Christos; Johnson, Daniel M; Santiago, Demetrio J; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Davos, Constantinos H; Varela, Aimilia; Athanasiadis, Nikolaos C; Dimitriou, Constantinos; Katsimpoulas, Michalis; Sonntag, Stephan; Kryzhanovska, Mariya; Shmerling, Doron; Lehnart, Stephan E; Sipido, Karin R; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2017. ) Impaired calcium homeostasis is associated with sudden cardiac death and arrhythmias in a genetic equivalent mouse model of the human HRC-Ser96Ala variant.Cardiovascular research, , 113 (11 ) ,1403-1417 More Information

Pollak, Adam J; Haghighi, Kobra; Kunduri, Swati; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Bidwell, Philip A; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Singh, Vivek P; Gonzalez, David J; Sanoudou, Despina; Wiley, Sandra E; Dixon, Jack E; Kranias, Evangelia G (2017. ) Phosphorylation of serine96 of histidine-rich calcium-binding protein by the Fam20C kinase functions to prevent cardiac arrhythmia.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 114 (34 ) ,9098-9103 More Information

Meli, Albano C; Kranias, Evangelia G (2020. ) Scientists on the Spot: Calcium dynamics in heart function.Cardiovascular research, , 116 (7 ) ,e73-e74 More Information

Alogaili, Fawzi; Chinnarasu, Sivaprakasam; Jaeschke, Anja; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hui, David Y (2020. ) Hepatic HAX-1 inactivation prevents metabolic diseases by enhancing mitochondrial activity and bile salt export.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 295 (14 ) ,4631-4646 More Information

Onusko, Evan; McDermott, Michael R; Robbins, Nathan; Liu, Guansheng; Kranias, Evangelia G; Rubinstein, Jack; Koch, Sheryl E (2020. ) Probenecid treatment improves outcomes in a novel mouse model of peripartum cardiomyopathy.PloS one, , 15 (3 ) ,e0230386 More Information

Chowdhury, Shamim A K; Warren, Chad M; Simon, Jillian N; Ryba, David M; Batra, Ashley; Varga, Peter; Kranias, Evangelia G; Tardiff, Jil C; Solaro, R John; Wolska, Beata M (2020. ) Modifications of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function Prevent Progression of Sarcomere-Linked Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Despite a Persistent Increase in Myofilament Calcium Response.Frontiers in physiology, , 11 ,107 More Information

Essandoh, Kobina; Wang, Xiaohong; Huang, Wei; Deng, Shan; Gardner, George; Mu, Xingjiang; Li, Yutian; Kranias, Evangelia G; Wang, Yigang; Fan, Guo-Chang (2019. ) Tumor susceptibility gene 101 ameliorates endotoxin-induced cardiac dysfunction by enhancing Parkin-mediated mitophagy.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 294 (48 ) ,18057-18068 More Information

Doevendans, Pieter A; Glijnis, Pieter C; Kranias, Evangelia G (2019. ) Leducq Transatlantic Network of Excellence to Cure Phospholamban-Induced Cardiomyopathy (CURE-PLaN).Circulation research, , 125 (7 ) ,720-724 More Information

Gardner, George T; Travers, Joshua G; Qian, Jiang; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Haghighi, Kobra; Robbins, Nathan; Jiang, Min; Li, Yutian; Fan, Guo-Chang; Rubinstein, Jack; Blaxall, Burns C; Kranias, Evangelia G (2019. ) Phosphorylation of Hsp20 Promotes Fibrotic Remodeling and Heart Failure.JACC. Basic to translational science, , 4 (2 ) ,188-199 More Information

Ren, Xiaoping; Roessler, Anne E; Lynch, Thomas L; Haar, Lauren; Mallick, Faryal; Lui, Yong; Tranter, Michael; Ren, Michelle Huan; Xie, Wen Rui; Fan, Guo-Chang; Zhang, Jun-Ming; Kranias, Evangelia G; Anjak, Ahmad; Koch, Sheryl; Jiang, Min; Miao, Qing; Wang, Yang; Cohen, Albert; Rubinstein, Jack; Weintraub, Neal L; Jones, W Keith (2019. ) Cardioprotection via the skin: nociceptor-induced conditioning against cardiac MI in the NIC of time.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 316 (3 ) ,H543-H553 More Information

Valverde, Carlos A; Mazzocchi, Gabriela; Di Carlo, Mariano N; Ciocci Pardo, Alejandro; Salas, Nehuen; Ragone, María Ines; Felice, Juan I; Cely-Ortiz, Alejandra; Consolini, Alicia E; Portiansky, Enrique; Mosca, Susana; Kranias, Evangelia G; Wehrens, Xander H T; Mattiazzi, Alicia (2019. ) Ablation of phospholamban rescues reperfusion arrhythmias but exacerbates myocardium infarction in hearts with Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II constitutive phosphorylation of ryanodine receptors.Cardiovascular research, , 115 (3 ) ,556-569 More Information

Hof, I E; van der Heijden, J F; Kranias, E G; Sanoudou, D; de Boer, R A; van Tintelen, J P; van der Zwaag, P A; Doevendans, P A (2019. ) Prevalence and cardiac phenotype of patients with a phospholamban mutation.Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation, , 27 (2 ) ,64-69 More Information

Kranias, Evangelia G; Doevendans, Pieter A; Glijnis, Pieter C; Hajjar, Roger J (2018. ) PLN Foundation.Circulation research, , 123 (12 ) ,1276-1278 More Information

Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Johnson, Daniel M; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2018. ) The Histidine-Rich Calcium Binding Protein in Regulation of Cardiac Rhythmicity.Frontiers in physiology, , 9 ,1379 More Information

Kumar, Mohit; Haghighi, Kobra; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sadayappan, Sakthivel (2020. ) Phosphorylation of cardiac myosin-binding protein-C contributes to calcium homeostasis.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 295 (32 ) ,11275-11291 More Information

Arif, Mohammed; Nabavizadeh, Pooneh; Song, Taejeong; Desai, Darshini; Singh, Rohit; Bazrafshan, Sholeh; Kumar, Mohit; Wang, Yigang; Gilbert, Richard J; Dhandapany, Perundurai S; Becker, Richard C; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sadayappan, Sakthivel (2020. ) Genetic, clinical, molecular, and pathogenic aspects of the South Asian-specific polymorphic MYBPC3?25bp variant.Biophysical reviews, , 12 (4 ) ,1065-1084 More Information

Kumar, Mohit; Haghighi, Kobra; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sadayappan, Sakthivel (2020. ) Phosphorylation of cardiac myosin-binding protein-C contributes to calcium homeostasis.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 295 (32 ) ,11275-11291 More Information

Arif, Mohammed; Nabavizadeh, Pooneh; Song, Taejeong; Desai, Darshini; Singh, Rohit; Bazrafshan, Sholeh; Kumar, Mohit; Wang, Yigang; Gilbert, Richard J; Dhandapany, Perundurai S; Becker, Richard C; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sadayappan, Sakthivel (2020. ) Genetic, clinical, molecular, and pathogenic aspects of the South Asian-specific polymorphic MYBPC3?25bp variant.Biophysical reviews, , 12 (4 ) ,1065-1084 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Glijnis, Pieter C; Doevendans, Pieter A; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2023. ) Phospholamban R14del disease: The past, the present and the future.Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, , 10 ,1162205 More Information

Kumar, Mohit; Haghighi, Kobra; Koch, Sheryl; Rubinstein, Jack; Stillitano, Francesca; Hajjar, Roger J; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sadayappan, Sakthivel (2023. ) Myofilament Alterations Associated with Human R14del-Phospholamban Cardiomyopathy.International journal of molecular sciences, , 24 (3 ) , More Information

Rogalska, Malgorzata E; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Erpapazoglou, Zoi; Haghighi, Kobra; Green, Lisa; Mantzoros, Christos S; Hajjar, Roger J; Tranter, Michael; Karakikes, Ioannis; Kranias, Evangelia G; Stillitano, Francesca; Kafasla, Panagiota; Sanoudou, Despina (2023. ) Isoform changes of action potential regulators in the ventricles of arrhythmogenic phospholamban-R14del humanized mouse hearts.Metabolism: clinical and experimental, , 138 ,155344 More Information

Dave, Jaydev; Raad, Nour; Mittal, Nishka; Zhang, Lu; Fargnoli, Anthony; Oh, Jae Gyun; Savoia, Maria Elisabetta; Hansen, Jens; Fava, Marika; Yin, Xiaoke; Theofilatos, Konstantinos; Ceholski, Delaine; Kohlbrenner, Erik; Jeong, Dongtak; Wills, Lauren; Nonnenmacher, Mathieu; Haghighi, Kobra; Costa, Kevin D; Turnbull, Irene C; Mayr, Manuel; Cai, Chen-Leng; Kranias, Evangelia G; Akar, Fadi G; Hajjar, Roger J; Stillitano, Francesca (2022. ) Gene editing reverses arrhythmia susceptibility in humanized PLN-R14del mice: modelling a European cardiomyopathy with global impact.Cardiovascular research, , 118 (15 ) ,3140-3150 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Haghighi, Kobra; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2022. ) Aberrant PLN-R14del Protein Interactions Intensify SERCA2a Inhibition, Driving Impaired Ca2+ Handling and Arrhythmogenesis.International journal of molecular sciences, , 23 (13 ) , More Information

Raad, Nour; Bittihn, Philip; Cacheux, Marine; Jeong, Dongtak; Ilkan, Zeki; Ceholski, Delaine; Kohlbrenner, Erik; Zhang, Lu; Cai, Chen-Leng; Kranias, Evangelia G; Hajjar, Roger J; Stillitano, Francesca; Akar, Fadi G (2021. ) Arrhythmia Mechanism and Dynamics in a Humanized Mouse Model of Inherited Cardiomyopathy Caused by Phospholamban R14del Mutation.Circulation, , 144 (6 ) ,441-454 More Information

Haghighi, Kobra; Gardner, George; Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Kumar, Mohit; Green, Lisa C; Ma, Jianyong; Crocker, Jeffrey S; Koch, Sheryl; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Bidwell, Phillip; Rubinstein, Jack; van de Leur, Rutger; Doevendans, Pieter A; Akar, Fadi G; Tranter, Michael; Wang, Hong-Sheng; Sadayappan, Sakthivel; DeMazumder, Deeptankar; Sanoudou, Despina; Hajjar, Roger J; Stillitano, Francesca; Kranias, Evangelia G (2021. ) Impaired Right Ventricular Calcium Cycling Is an Early Risk Factor in R14del-Phospholamban Arrhythmias.Journal of personalized medicine, , 11 (6 ) , More Information

Mattiazzi, Alicia; Tardiff, Jil C; Kranias, Evangelia G (2021. ) Stress Seats a New Guest at the Table of PLN/SERCA and Their Partners.Circulation research, , 128 (4 ) ,471-473 More Information

Vafiadaki, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Demetrios A; Eliopoulos, Aristides G; Kranias, Evangelia G; Sanoudou, Despina (2020. ) The Cardioprotective PKA-Mediated Hsp20 Phosphorylation Modulates Protein Associations Regulating Cytoskeletal Dynamics.International journal of molecular sciences, , 21 (24 ) , More Information

Cely-Ortiz, Alejandra; Felice, Juan I; Díaz-Zegarra, Leandro A; Valverde, Carlos A; Federico, Marilén; Palomeque, Julieta; Wehrens, Xander H T; Kranias, Evangelia G; Aiello, Ernesto A; Lascano, Elena C; Negroni, Jorge A; Mattiazzi, Alicia (2020. ) Determinants of Ca2+ release restitution: Insights from genetically altered animals and mathematical modeling.The Journal of general physiology, , 152 (11 ) , More Information

Invited Publications

Jungmann, R.A. and Kranias, E.G. (1976. ) Cyclic AMP mediated protein kinase activation and its regulatory effect on mammalian RNA polymerase .Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology, 15 ,413-428

Kranias, E.G., Bilezikjian, L.M., Potter, J.D., Piascik, M.T. and Schwartz, A. (1980. ) The role of calmodulin in regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphorylation .Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 356 ,279-291

Potter, J.D., Holroyde, M.J., Robertson, S.P., Solaro, R.J., Kranias, E.G. and Johnson, J.D. (1981. ) The regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by troponin .Cell and Muscle Motility, 2 ,245-256

Kranias, E.G. and Solaro, R.J. (1982. ) cAMP dependent phosphorylation and beta adrenergic stimulation .Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy News/Nouvelles,

Schwartz, A., Kranias, E.G., Matlib, M.A., Solaro, R.J., Grupp, I., Grupp, G. and Vaghy, P (1985. ) Calcium movement inside cells: influence of two new positive inotropic drugs .Raven Press, 107-129

Kranias, E.G. and Blount, A.L. (1985. ) Regulation of calcium transport in the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum by protein kinases and protein phosphatases .Leuven University Press, 241-261

Kranias, E.G. (1986. ) Protein phosphorylation and the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .CRC Press, 105-128

Solaro, R.J., Rapundalo, S.T., Garvey, J.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1987. ) Mechanics of cardiac contraction and the phosphorylation of sarcotubular and myofilament proteins .Mechanics of the Circulation, 135-152

Kranias, E.G., Gupta, R.C., Jakab, G., Kim, H.W., Steenaart, N.A.E., and Rapundalo, S.T. (1988. ) The role of protein kinases and protein phosphatases in the regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function .Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 82 ,37-44

Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Regulation of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum function by phospholamban .Membrane Biochemistry, 7 ,175-192

Steenaart, N.A.E., Di Salvo, J. and Kranias, E.G. (1989. ) Phospholamban Protein Phosphatases in Cardiac Muscle .Advances in Protein Phosphatases, 5 ,373-390

Davis, B.A., Edes, I., Gupta, R.C., Young, E.F., Kim, H.W., Steenaart, N.A.E., Szymanska, G. and Kranias, E.G. (1990. ) The role of phospholamban in the regulation of calcium transport by cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum .Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 99 ,83-88

Edes, I., Talosi, L. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) Sarcoplasmic reticulum function in normal heart and in cardiac disease .Heart Failure, 6 (6 ) ,221-237

Edes, I., Talosi, L. and Kranias, E.G. (1991. ) The effect of * adrenergic agents and protein kinase C activators on protein phosphorylation in isolated guinea pig hearts .European Heart J., 12 ,143-144

Szymanska, G., Kim, H.W., Cuppoletti, J. and Kranias, E.G. (1992. ) Regulation of the skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase by phospholamban and negatively charged phospholipids in reconstituted phospholipid vesicles .Molecular and Cellular Biochem, 114 ,65-71

Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Ca2+ ATPases .Cell Physiology, 156-165

Grupp, I.L., Kranias, E.G., Harrer, J.M., Kiss, E., Slack, J., Koss, K.L., Edes, I., Luo, W. and Grupp, G. (1995. ) The contribution of phospholamban, a sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphoprotein, to myocardial contractility in health and disease .Heart Failure, 11 (2 ) ,48-61

Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Phospholamban: a key regulator of myocardial contractility and a potential therapeutic target in heart disease .SEPTIEMES RECONTRES DE CARDIOLOGIE, 7-24

Luo, W., Kiss, E., Koss, K.L., Grupp, I.L., Harrer, J.M., Jones, W.K., Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (1995. ) Cardiac remodeling by alterations in phospholamban protein levels .Heart Hypertrophy and Failure, 117-137

Koss, K.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1996. ) Phospholamban: A prominent regulator of myocardial contractility .Circulation Res., 79 ,1059-1063

Koss, K.L., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) The relative phospholamban and SERCA2 ratio: a critical determinant of myocardial contractility. Basic Res. Cardiol., 92 Suppl. 2 ,17-24

Koss, K.L., Grupp, I.L. and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) The relative phospholamban and SERCA2 ratio: a critical determinant of myocardial contractility .Alterations of Excitation-Contraction Coupling in the Failing Human Heart, 25-37

Kadambi, V.J., Dorn, G.W., Walsh, R.A. and Kranias, E.G. Elevated levels of phospholamban expression are associated with depression of myocardial function .Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy,

Kadambi, V.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1997. ) Phospholamban: A protein coming of age .Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 239 ,1-5

Santana, L.F., Gomez, A.M., Kranias, E.G. and Lederer, W.J. (1997. ) Amount of calcium in the sarcoplasmic reticulum: influence on excitation-contraction coupling in heart muscle .Heart Vessels Suppl, 12 ,44-49

Chu, W., Ferguson, D.G., Edes, I., Kiss, E., Sato, Y. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Phospholamban ablation and compensatory responses in the mammalian heart .Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility Annal N.Y. Acad. Sci., 853 ,49-62

Wiedmann, R.T., Pan, B., Kranias, E.G., Motzel, S., and Johnson, R.G., Jr. (1998. ) Phospholamban Gene Dosage Effects in Chemically Permeabilized Mouse Cardiac Muscle .Annal N.Y. Acad. Sci., 853 ,296-299

Kristof, E., Szigeti, G., Papp, Z., Bodi, A., Facsko, A., Kovacs, L., Papp, J.G., Kranias, E.G. and Edes, I. (1998. ) Cardiac Responses to Calcium Sensitizers and Isoproterenol in Intact Guinea Pig Hearts .Annal N.Y. Acad. Sci., 853 ,316-319

Kadambi, V.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Transgenic models of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology .Cardiovascular Physiology in the Genetically Engineered Mouse, 37-53

Kadambi, V.J. and Kranias, E.G. (1998. ) Genetically engineered mice: Model systems for left ventricular failure .J. Cardiac Failure, 4 (4 ) ,349-361

Schmidt, A. and Kranias, E.G. (1999. ) Molecular targets in the treatment of heart failure: New horizons in the year 2000 .Proceedings of the 14th Northern Greek Medical Congress, 5-25

Kiriazis, H. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Genetically Engineered Models with alterations in cardiac membrane calcium-handling proteins .Annu. Rev. Physiol., 62 ,321-351

Schmidt, A. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Genetic Approaches to Elucidate the regulatory role of phospholamban in the heart .Molecular Approaches to the Therapy of Heart Failure, 39-52

Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Ca2+-ATPases .Cell Physiology,

Edes, I., Chu, X. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Transport .Heart Physiology and Pathophysiology, 447-460

Frank, K. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Phospholamban and Cardiac Contractility .Annals of Medicine (The Finnish Med. Soc. Duodecim), 32 ,572-578

Brittsan, A.G. and Kranias, E.G. (2000. ) Phospholamban and cardiac contractile function .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 32 ,2131-2139

Schmidt, A.G., Kadambi, V.J., Young, K.B. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Genetic alterations and modeling of cardiovascular physiology .Cardiovascular Physiology in the Genetically Engineered Mouse, 17-38

Schmidt, A.G., Edes, I. and Kranias, E.G. (2001. ) Phospholamban: a promising therapeutic target in heart failure .Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 387-396

Paul, R.J., Shull, G.E. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) The sarcoplasmic reticulum and smooth muscle function: evidence from transgenic mice .Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscle, 228-243

Chu, G. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Functional interplay between dual site phospholamban phosphorylation: Insights from genetically altered mouse models .Basic Res. Cardiol., 97, Suppl. 1 ,1/43-1/48

Frank, K.F., Bolck, B., Brixius, K., Kranias, E.G., and Schwinger, R.H.G. (2002. ) Modulation of SERCA: Implications for the failing human heart .Basic Res. Cardiol., 97, Suppl. 1 ,1/72-1/78

Carr, A.N. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) Thyroid hormone regulation of calcium cycling proteins .Thyroid, 12 ,453-457

Chu, G., Haghighi, K. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) From mouse to man: Understanding heart failure through genetically altered mouse models .Journal of Cardiac Failure, 8 (6 Suppl ) ,S432-S449

Pathak, A. and Kranias, E.G. (2002. ) The role of molecular biology in medicine: new horizons in the 21st century .Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 19 (5 ) ,497-503

Sato, Y., Schmidt, A.G., Kiriazis, H., Hoit, B.D., and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) Compensated hypertrophy of cardiac ventricles in aged transgenic FVB/N mice overexpressing calsequestrin .Molec. & Cellular Biochem., 242 ,19-25

Dash, R. and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) The contractile and neurohormonal roles of phospholamban in heart failure. Cardiac Remodeling and Failure, 135-152

MacLennan, D.H. and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) Phospholamban: a crucial regulator of cardiac contractility .Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol., 4 (7 ) ,566-577

Mitton, B. and Kranias, E.G. (2003. ) Proteomics: its potential in the Post-Genome .Hellenic J Cardiol., 44 ,301-307

MacLennan, D.H. and Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Regulation of the Sarco(endo)plasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase by Phospholamban and Sarcolipin .Handbook of ATPases, 25-62

Zhao, W., Qiujing, S., and Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) The critical role of phospholamban in cardiac function .Hellenic J. Cardiol., 45 ,208-217

Haghighi, K., Gregory, K.N., and Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase -phospholamban interaction and cardiovascular disease .Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 322 (4 ) ,1214-1222

Haghighi, K., Gregory, K.N., and Kranias, E.G. (2004. ) Phospholamban and Heart Failure .Journal of Heart Failure , 1 (3 ) ,159-166

Sutliff, R.L., Conforti, L., Weber, C., Kranias, E.G., and Paul, R.J. (2004. ) Regulation of the spontaneous contractile activity of the portal vein by the sarcoplasmic reticulum: Evidence from the phospholamban gene-ablated mouse .Vascular Pharmacology, 41 (6 ) ,197-204

Mundina-Weilenmann, C., Ferrero, P., Said, M., Vittone, L., Kranias, E.G., and Mattiazzi, A. (2005. ) Role of phosphorylation of Thr(17) residue of phospholamban in mechanical recovery during hypercapnic acidosis .Cardiovasc Res., 66 (1 ) ,114-122

Fan, G.C., Chu, G., and Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Hsp20 and Its Cardioprotection .Trends in Cardiov. Med., 15 (4 ) ,138-141

Waggoner, J., and Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Role of Phospholamban in the Pathogenesis of Heart Failure .Heart Failure Clinics, 1 (2 ) ,207-218

Mattiazzi, A., Mundina-Weilenmann, C., Chu, G., Vittone, L., and Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Role of phospholamban phosphorylation on Thr17 in cardiac physiological and pathological conditions .Cardiovasc Res., 68 (3 ) ,366-375

Rodriquez, P., and Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Phospholamban: a key determinate of cardiac function and dysfunction .Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss., 98 (12 ) ,1239-1243

Bers, D.M., and Kranias, E.G. (2005. ) Normal and abnormal calcium homeostasis .Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure, 199-220

Chu, G., and Kranias, E. G. (2006. ) Phospholamban as a Therapeutic Modality in Heart Failure .Novartis Symposium, 274 ,156-171

Gregory, K.N., and Kranias, E.G. (2006. ) Targeting sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling proteins as therapy for cardiac disease .Hellenic J Cardiol., 47 (3 ) ,132-143

Mattiazzi, A., Mundiña-Weilenmann, C., Vittone, L., Said, M., and Kranias, E.G. (2006. ) The importance of the Thr17 residue of phospholamban as a phosphorylation site under physiological and pathological conditions .Braz J Med Bio Res., 39 (5 ) ,563-572

Bers, D.M., and Kranias, E.G. (2007. ) Calcium and Cardiomyopathies .Calcium Signaling and Disease: Molecular Pathology of Calcium, 523-538

Vafiadaki, E., Papalouka, V., Arvanitis, D.A., Kranias, E.G. and Sanoudou, D. (2008. ) The role of SERCA2a/PLN complex, Ca2+ homeostasis, and anti-apoptotic proteins in determining cell fate .

Nicolaou, P., and Kranias, E.G. (2008. ) The role of type 1 protein phosphatase in the regulation of calcium cycling in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology .Frontiers in Bioscience,

Arvanitis, D.A., Vafiadaki, E., Gregory, K. N., Sanoudou, D. and Kranias, E.G. (2008. ) The Histidine-Rich Calcium Binding Protein in Regulation of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Uptake and Release .Current Cardiology Reviews,

Pritchard, T.J., Kranias, E.G. (2009. ) Junctin and the histidine-rich Ca binding protein: potential roles in heart failure and arrhythmogenesis .Journal of Physiology, 587 (pt 13): 3125-3133 ,

Nicolaou, P., Hajjar, R.J., Kranias, E.G. (2009. ) Role of protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor-1 in cardiac physiology and pathophysiology .JMCC, 47 (3): 365-71 ,

Lompre, A.M., Hajjar, R., Harding, S.E., Kranias, E.G., Lohse, M.J., Marks, A.R. (2010. ) Ca2+ cycling and new therapeutic approaches for heart failure .Circ. Res. , 121(6):822-830. ,

Vafiadaki, E., Arvanitis, D.A., Kranias, E.G., Sanoudou, D. (2010. ) Pharmacogenetically tailored treatments for heart disease .Curr Pharm Des. , 16(20): 2194-2213. ,

Arvanitis, D.A., Vafiadaki, E., Sanoudou, D., Kranias, E.G. (2010. ) Histidine-Rich calcium binding protein: the new regulator of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium cycling .J Mol Cell Cardiol, 50(1):43-49. ,

Mattiazzi, A., Kranias, E.G. (2011. ) CaMKII regulation of phospholamban and SR Ca2+ load. .HeartRhythm, 8(5):784-787. ,

Fan, G., Kranias, E.G. (2011. ) Small heat shock protein 20 (HspB6) in cardiac hypertrophy and failure. .J Mol Cell Cardiol, 51(4):574-577. ,

Kranias, E.G., Hajjar, R. (2012. ) Modulation of Cardiac Contractility by the Phopholamban/SERCA2a Regulatome. .Circ. Res. , 110(12):1646-60. ,

Mattiazzi, A., Kranias, E.G. (2014. ) The role of CaMKII regulation of phospholamban activity in heart disease. Front Pharmacol, 5:5. ,

Other Publications

Liu GS, Zhu H, Cai WF, Wang X, Jiang M, Vafiadaki E, Nicolaou P, Lam CK, Gardner G, Adly G, Sanoudou D, Jiang Q, Rubinstein Jack, Fan GC, Kranias EG Regulation of Beclin-Mediated Autophagy by Hsp20: Insights from A Human Hsp20 S10F Mutant .

Cai WF, Wang L, Liu GS, Li Y, Jiang L, Huang W, Paul C, Xu M, Kranias EG, Wang YG HAX1 inhibits Mst1 to promote pro-angiogenic effects of cardiac stem cell for myocardial repair .

Watanabe S, Ishikawa K, Fish K, Lee P, Kohlbrenner E, Lee A, Motloch LJ, Oh JG, Kho C, Liang L, Leonardson L, McIntyre M, Wilson S, Akar FG, Samulski RJ, Kranias EG, Weber T, Hajjar RJ Efficacy of Expressing an Active Form of Protein Phosphatase Inhibiotr 1 by Gene Therapy using a Novel Cardiotropic AAV Cector in a Swine Model of Non-ischemic Heart Failure.

Bidwell PA, Liu GS, Nagarajan N, Lam CK, Haghighi K, Gardner G, Cai WF, Zhao W, Mugge L, Rubinstein J, Lebeche D, Hajjar R, Sadoshima J, Kranias EG. HAX-1 Deficiency Relieves Half of Phospholamban Inhibitory Activity and Increases SERCA2a Oxidation in the Heart.

Tzimas C,Johnson DM, Santiago DJ, Vafiadaki E, Arvanitis DA, Davos CH, Varela A, Athanasiadis NC, Dimitriou C, Katsimpoulas M, Sonntag S, Kryzhanovska M, Shmerling D, Lehnart SE, Sipido KR, Kranias EG, Sanoudou D. (2017. ) Impaired Calcium Homeostasis is Associated with Sudden Cardiac Death and Arrhythmias in a Genetic Equivalent Mouse Model of the Human HRC-Ser96Ala Variant. .Cardiov Res ,

Pollak AJ, Haghighi K, Kunduri S, Arvanitis DA, Bidwell PA, Liu GS, Singh VP, Gonzaleza DJ, Sanoudouc D, Wileya SE, Dixon JE, Kranias EG Phosphorylation of Ser96 of Histidine-Rich Calcium-Binding Protein by the Fam20C Kinase Is Required to Prevent Cardiac Arrhythmia. .

Book Chapter

(1998 ) Annals of NY Academy of Sciences Vol. 853 Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation of Contractility .

(2000 ) Annual Review of Physiology, Vol. 62 Transgenic Models in Cardiovascular Physiology .(pp. 237-351).

Haghighi K, Sanoudou D, Kranias EG (2015 ) Calcium Cycling Circuits in Cardiac Physiology and Pathophysiology Introduction to Translational Cardiovascular Research .(pp. 205-15).

Bidwell P, Kranias EG (2015 ) Calcium Uptake in Crude Tissue Preparation Methods in Molecular Biology: P-Type ATPase Methods and Protocols .


Invited Presentations

E.G. Kranias (1980. ) New York Academy of Sciences Meeting on Calmodulin and Cell Functions, New York, NY.

E.G. Kranias (1981. ) American Physiology Society Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1982. ) Department of Physiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1983. ) Muscle Club, Cincinnati Department of Molecular Biology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL.

E.G. Kranias (1985. ) Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1986. ) Department of Physiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1986. ) Children's Hospital Research Foundation, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1987. ) Department of Pharmacology, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1987. ) Department of Zoological and Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1987. ) Conference of the Membrane Biophysics Group on "Regulation of Transport Mechanisms", Duke Marine University Laboratory, Beaufort, NC.

E.G. Kranias (1987. ) Department of Molecular Biology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL.

E.G. Kranias (1988. ) Postgraduate Seminar on Function of Protein Phosphatases in Smooth and Cardiac Muscle, American Heart Association Meeting, Washington, DC.

E.G. Kranias (1989. ) Medical Research Council Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (1989. ) Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1989. ) Cardiology Research In Progress, Basic Science Seminar, V.A. Medical Center University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1989. ) Biomedical Sciences Program, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1990. ) Department of Physiology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA.

E.G. Kranias (1991. ) Gordon Research Conference: Mechanisms of Membrane Transport, Plymouth, NH.

E.G. Kranias (1991. ) Department of Physiology, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA.

E.G. Kranias (1991. ) Department of Physiology, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN.

E.G. Kranias (1992. ) Department of Physiology, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1992. ) Ohio Physiological Society, Dayton, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1993. ) Parke Davis Pharmaceutical Research, Ann Arbor, MI.

E.G. Kranias (1993. ) Cardiovascular Division, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

E.G. Kranias (1993. ) Membrane Biophysics Group of the Biophysical Society, Duke Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) Keynote Speaker at the Cardiac Muscle Society annual dinner meeting, New Orleans, LA.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) Department of Pharmacology, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) Division of Cardiology, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) MERCK Research Laboratories, West Point, PA.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) Children's Hospital Research Foundation Developmental Biology Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Department of Molecular Cardiology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) AHA Symposium on Molecular, Cellular and Functional Development of the Heart, New Orleans, LA.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Role of Ca2+ in Stimulus-Response Coupling .American Physiological Society Symposium, Atlanta, GA.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) NIH Workshop participant on "Mouse as a Model for Cardiovascular Research", Bethesda, MD.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) MERCK Research Laboratories, West Point, PA.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) International Society for Heart Research: North American Section, Perdido Beach Resort, AL.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Bristol-Myers Research Laboratories, Princeton, NJ.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) International Business Communications conference on "Heart Failure", Philadelphia, PA.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Workshop on Transgenic and Knockout Animal Models in the Study of Hyper-tension and Cardiovascular Disease, New Orleans, LA.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

E.G. Kranias (1996. ) Sports Medicine Meeting Symposium on "Regulation of Muscle Proteins in Transgenic Mice", Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1996. ) Gordon Research Conference on "Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms", NH.

E.G. Kranias (1996. ) Department of Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA.

E.G. Kranias (1996. ) Department of Physiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.

E.G. Kranias (1996. ) Ohio Physiological Society on "Horizons in Physiology", Cleveland, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Department of Pathology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Department of Pharmacology, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Department of Physiology, Mt. Sinai, New York, NY.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Department of Physiology, Texas Tech, Lubbock, TX.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Boston, MA.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Heart Failure Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) New York Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1997. ) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) Department of Physiology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) THE NEWMARK LECTURE .Department of Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology, University of Kansas, KS.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) Thirteenth Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, New York, NY.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) Department of Biochemistry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) Department of Biochemistry, Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) American Heart Association, Council on Clinical Cardiology and Basic Science, Dallas, TX.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) NIH Research Resource Directors’ Meeting, Miami, FL.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) Rhone Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceutical Co., Collegeville, PA.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) Children’s Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) Cardiovascular Research in the New Millennium – 21st Century .International Society of Heart Research: American Section (XXI Annual Scientific Session), San Diego, CA.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) FASEB Conference on Transport ATPases, Snowmass, CO.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) Heart Failure Society of America, San Francisco, CA.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) Keystone Symposium on Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular System, Snowbird, UT.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, IN.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) National Institutes of Health (NIH), Baltimore, MD.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) International Society of Heart Research American Section (XXII Annual Scientific Sessions), Louisville, KY.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, New London, NH.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society (XIV Congress), Baltimore, MD.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) The Integrative Biology of Exercise (APS Conference), Portland, MA.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) DuPont Pharmaceuticals Co., Wilmington, DE.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) New Targets in Heart Failure Therapy (AHA Scientific Session), New Orleans, LA.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) The Ohio Physiological Society Meeting, Columbus, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Keynote Address on “Women Scientist Day” at the National Institute of Aging (NIH), Baltimore, MD.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) The Louis Eni Lectureship in Cardiology, Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) A Showcase of Women Researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Genetic Modification of Calcium Handling Proteins in Heart Disease: Insights, Roadblocks and Potential Therapies .APS/FASEB Session, Orlando, FL.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Comparative Medicine Resource Research Director’s Meeting, The Jackson Lab , Bar Harbor, ME.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Symposium on “Remodeling and Progression of Heart Failure”, Minneapolis, MN.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Symposium on “Recent Advances in Understanding Cation Transport Control in Cardiovascular Health and Disease (AHA Scientific Session), Anaheim, CA.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Pharmacia Seminar Speaker,

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Cardiovascular Cell and Gene Therapy Conference, Boston, MA.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) International Society of Heart Research American Section (N. American Annual Scientific Sessions), Madison, WI.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Gordon Conference on Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, New London, CT.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Conference on Advances in the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure, Snowbird, UT.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Annual Scientific Meeting of the HFSA, Boca Raton, FL.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Therapeutic Horizons in Heart Failure Conference, La Jolla, CA.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Department of Physiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) 6th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy, Washington, DC.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Annual Scientific Meeting of the HFSA, Las Vegas, NV.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Department of Medicine, Cardiology Grand Rounds, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Comparative Mouse Genomics Centers Consortium Mini-Symposium, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Department of Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Department of Medicine, Cardiology Grand Rounds, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Frontiers in Heart Failure Research Distinguished Visitor, Un. Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Heart Failure Society of America, Toronto, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) Distinguished Lecture to Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Society, Rochester, MN.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) NIH Visiting Professorship Lecture in Cardiovasology, Mayo Clinic Foundation, Rochester, MN.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) 2nd Annual Symposium of the AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, Keystone, CO.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Gene & Cell Therapy Meeting, Boston, MA.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Lingrel Symposium .Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Janice Pfeffer Distinguished Lecture at the International Society of Heart Research, NA Section Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Calcium Handling and Heart Failure: The Good, the Bad and the Challenges .International Society of Heart Research NA Section Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Gordon Conference on “Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms”, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) Understanding Heart Failure .University of Western, Ontario, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) Moderator of the AHA Session on Factors Regulating Cardiac Function and Remodeling, Orlando, FL.

E.G. Kranias (2008. ) The Dean’s Lecture Series .Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.

E.G. Kranias (2008. ) Cardiovascular Cell and Gene Therapy Conference IV .Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.

E.G. Kranias (1985. ) International Conference on Protein Phosphatases and Their Regulation, Brussels, Belgium.

E.G. Kranias (1986. ) International Symposium on Adaptive Mechanisms of Muscle, Szeged, Hungary.

E.G. Kranias (1989. ) International Conference on Protein Phosphatases, Cincinnati, OH.

E.G. Kranias (1990. ) The 33rd Annual Congress: Hungarian Society of Cardiology, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

E.G. Kranias (1992. ) Satellite Symposium of the 14th World Congress of the International Society for Heart Research on "Basic and Clinical Aspects of Cardiac Inotropic Agents", Osaka, Japan.

E.G. Kranias (1993. ) Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) International Conference on Heart Failure, Winnipeg, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) European Muscle Congress, Bochum, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (1994. ) Laboratories GLAXO-Centre De Recherché, Paris, France.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Kwangju, Korea.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Symposium on "Pathophysiology of Heart Failure", Paris, France.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Symposium on "Alteration of Excitation-Contraction Coupling in the Failing Human Heart", Gargellen, Austria.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) International Society for Heart Research: XV World Congress, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

E.G. Kranias (1995. ) Crossroads in Medicine, Debrecen, Hungary.

E.G. Kranias (1996. ) International Symposium on “Positive Inotropes in Cardiovascular Medicine”, Baden-Baden, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) The 1st K-JIST International Symposium on "Excitation-Contraction Coupling", Kwangju, Korea.

E.G. Kranias (1998. ) International Society of Heart Research XVI World Congress, Rhodes, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) 8th International Congress of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) 14th Northern Greece Medical Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) 42nd Annual Meeting of Canadian Federation of Biological Societies, Winnipeg, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (1999. ) Symposium on “Molecular Approaches to the Therapy of Heart Failure”, Gottingen, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2000. ) Second Northern Greek Cardiology Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Third Cologne Conference on Heart Failure, Cologne, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) 4th International Meeting of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona, Spain.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) XVII World Congress of the International Society for Heart Research “Frontiers in Cardiovascular Health”, Winnipeg, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2001. ) Gordon Conference on Calcium Signaling, Oxford, England.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Munster, Munster, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Boehringer-Ingleheim Pharma, Biberach, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) 28th Annual Panhellenic Medical Congress, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2002. ) Symposium on Molecular Dissection of Membrane Function and Dysfunction, Toronto, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Athens Exchange of Cardiovascular Research Ideas, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Congress of the Hellenic Society of Lipidiology and Atherosclerosis, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) 3rd International Meeting, 10th Anniversary of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) The Hellenic College of Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) Functional Genomics and Heart Failure, Waldeck, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) International Academy of Cardiology: 3rd World Congress on Heart Disease, Washington, DC.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) South-American ISHR Cardiovascular Meeting, Buenos Aires.

E.G. Kranias (2003. ) European Society of Cardiology Congress 2003, Vienna, Austria.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Athens Exchange of Cardiovascular Research Ideas, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) New Trends in Cardiology, Thessaloniki, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Hungarian Society of Cardiology, Belatonfured, Hungary.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) New Trends in Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of Heart Failure, Hamburg, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) International Society of Heart Research World Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) EMBO Workshop on “Calcium Signaling and Disease”, Capri, Italy.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Department of Physiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2004. ) Hellenic College of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) Athens Exchange of Cardiovascular Ideas, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) University of Athens, Department of Cardiology (Attiko), Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) XXXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences, San Diego, CA.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) Novartis Research Foundation Symposium, London, England.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) 7th Cologne Conference on Heart Failure, Cologne, Germany.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) 4th International Mammalian Myocardium Symposium, Bristol, United Kingdom.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) European Society of Cardiology, Stockholm, Sweden.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) European Society of Cardiology, Stockholm, Sweden.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) Calcium and Heart Failure, Symposium, Institute deMyologie, Hopital Pitie, Paris, France.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) Calcium Cycling and Novel Therapeutics for Heart Failure, Leducq Meeting, Paris, France.

E.G. Kranias (2005. ) Advances and Perspectives in Cardiology 2005-2006, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Molecular Cardiology for the Practicing Cardiologist ,

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) International Society for Heart Research, Toronto, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Fifth International Congress of Pathophysiology, Beijing, China.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Cardiovascular Translational Medicine, Beijing, China.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) Leducq Conference on Targeting Calcium Cycling in Heart Failure, Montpellier, France.

E.G. Kranias (2006. ) International Congress “Advances & Perspectives in Cardiology”, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) 2nd Biennial Heart Failure Colloquium, London, Ontario, Canada.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) Leducq Conference on Targeting Calcium Cycling in heart Failure, Santorini, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) Molecular and Cellular Biology of Heart Failure, Paris, France.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) ISHR European Section, Padova, Italy.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) ISHR World Congress, Bologna, Italy.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) BIOMED Distinguished Lecture Program University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) 28th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Cardiological Society, Rhodes, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2007. ) Leducq Conference on Targeting Calcium Cycling in Heart Failure, New York, NY.

E.G. Kranias (2008. ) Opening Lecture .Panhellenic Congress of Heart Failure, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2008. ) Molecular Cardiology for the Practicing Cardiologist, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2008. ) International Conference on Biotechnology, Athens, Greece.

E.G. Kranias (2008. ) XXVII European Section Meeting ISHR , Athens, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Targeting Calcium Ccling in heart Failure .Leducq Conference , London, England. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) EUTrigTreat Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) EUGeneHeart General Assembly, Paris, France. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) From Cardiac Remodleing to Biotherapies .Hommage to Ketty Schwartz, Paris, France. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Advances and Perspective in Cardiology .4th International Congress, Athens, Greece. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) Conference on Targeting Calcium Cycling in Heart Failure, Paris, France. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona, Spain. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) EUTrigTreat Conference, Goettingem, Germany. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) Leducq Conference on Targeting Calcium Cycling in Heart Failure, Hammamet, Tunisia. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) Advances and Perspective in Cardiology .4th International Congress, Athens, Greece. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Pan-Hellenic Conress of Heart Failure, Athens, Greece. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) ISHR World Congress, Kyoto, Japan. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) EUTrigTreat Conference, Glasscow, Scottland. Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) 13th Cardiology Congress of Central Greece, Larissa, Greece . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) EUGeneHeart Symposium, Brussels, Belgium . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2011. ) EUTrigTreat Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) ISHR North American Section Speaker , Branff, Alberta, Canada . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) EUTrigTreat Conference, Bern, Switzerland . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) 10th Annual Symposium on Heart Failure, Oslo, Norway . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) 3rd International Workshop on Expression, Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins, Florence, Italy . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) 33rd Annual Congress of the Hellenic Cardiological Society, Athens, Greece . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Inaugural Presentation as a Corresponding member at the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Speaker at the “Introduction to Translational Cardiovascular Research”, Athens, Greece . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) 1st International Scientific Congress “Cardiovascular Biotechnology: From cell to man”, Athens, Greece . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Heart failure Symposium in Summer School in Medical and Biosciences Research and Management,, Monemvasia, Greece . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) EUTrigTreat Conference, Padua, Italy . Level:International

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL. Level:National

E. G. Kranias (2015. ) ISHR North American Section Meeting, Heart Failure: 21st Century Research and Therapeutics, Seattle, WA.

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Children’s Medical Center, Division of Pediatrics .Children’s Medical Center, Division of Pediatrics, Cincinnati, OH.

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) Department of Pharmacology, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) Department of Medicine, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD.

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) Department of Molecular and Biomedical Pharmacology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

E. G. Kranias (2015. ) Cardiovascular Research Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.

E. G. Kranias (2015. ) Loyola University Chicago, Department of Molecular Physiology & Therapeutics, Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (2015. ) University of Iowa, The Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center Seminar Series, Iowa City, IA.

Paper Presentations

E. G. Kranias (1978. ) Miami, Florida.

E. G. Kranias (1978. ) Meriden, NH.

E. G. Kranias (1979. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1980. ) Miami, Florida.

E. G. Kranias (1980. ) Cincinnati, OH.

E. G. Kranias (1981. ) Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

E. G. Kranias (1981. ) Denver, CO.

E. G. Kranias (1981. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1982. ) San Diego, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1983. ) San Antonio, TX.

E. G. Kranias (1984. ) Meriden, NH.

E. G. Kranias (1984. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (1985. ) San Francisco, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1986. ) Bethesda, MD.

E. G. Kranias (1987. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1987. ) Phoenix, AZ.

E. G. Kranias (1988. ) Cincinnati, OH.

E. G. Kranias (1989. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (1990. ) San Francisco, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1991. ) Cincinnati, OH.

E. G. Kranias (1991. ) Barcelona, Spain.

E. G. Kranias (1992. ) Washington, D.C.

E. G. Kranias (1992. )

E. G. Kranias (1993. ) Atlanta, GA.

E. G. Kranias (1993. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1994. ) Winnipeg, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (1994. ) Bochum, Germany.

E. G. Kranias (1994. ) Dallas, TX.

E. G. Kranias (1994. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Atlanta, GA.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Perdido Beach, AL.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Prague, Czechoslovakia.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Debrecen, Hungary.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Anaheim, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (1995. ) Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (1996. ) New London, NH.

E. G. Kranias (1996. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1996. ) Cleveland, OH.

E. G. Kranias (1997. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (1997. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (1997. ) Washington, DC.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Orlando, FL.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Kansas City, MO.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) New York, NY.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Rhodes, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Boca Raton, FL.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Dallas, TX.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) San Diego, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) San Francisco, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) Atlanta, GA.

E. G. Kranias (2000. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (2000. ) Louisville, KY.

E. G. Kranias (2000. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (2000. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (2001. ) Boston, MA.

E. G. Kranias (2001. ) Winnipeg, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (2001. ) Washington, DC.

E. G. Kranias (2002. ) Anaheim, CA.

E. G. Kranias (2002. ) Boca Raton, FL.

E. G. Kranias (2002. ) Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (2003. ) San Antonio, TX.

E. G. Kranias (2003. ) Las Vegas, NV.

E. G. Kranias (2003. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (2004. ) Toronto, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (2004. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (2005. ) Long Beach, CA.

E. G. Kranias (2005. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (2005. ) Keystone, CO.

E. G. Kranias (2005. ) Dallas, TX.

E. G. Kranias (2005. ) Toronto, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (2006. ) New London, NH.

E. G. Kranias (2007. ) Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (2007. ) Orlando, FL.

E. G. Kranias (2007. ) Padova, Italy.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Bologna, Italy.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) New York, NY.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) New York, NY.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Baltimore, MD.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Las Vegas, NV.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Barcelona, Spain.

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) Orlando, FL.

E. G. Kranias (2009. ) New London, NH.

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Keystone, CO.

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Philadelphia, PA.

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Boston, MA.

E. G. Kranias (2011. ) New London, NH.

E. G. Kranias (2011. ) New Orleans, LA.

E. G. Kranias (2011. ) Banff, Alberta, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) Paris, France.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) San Diego, CA.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) London, UK.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) Beatenberg, Switzerland.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) Athens, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Athens, Greece .

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Padua, Italy .

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Thessaloniki, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Athens, Greece .

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Athens, Greece .

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Athens, Greece .

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) Athens, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) Athens, Greece .

E. G. Kranias (2014. ) Cincinnati, OH.


E. G. Kranias (1988. ) Molecular Mechanisms: Protein Phosphorylation in Heart Muscle .Williamsburg, VA.

E. G. Kranias (1989. ) Membrane Transport and Receptor Complexes .Beaufort, NC.

E. G. Kranias (1990. ) Beaufort, NC.

E. G. Kranias (1996. ) Chicago, IL.

E. G. Kranias (1997. ) Washington, D.C.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Kwangju, Korea.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) The Transgenic Approach: Novel, Redundant or Bizarre Lessons on Heart Function .Rhodes, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Rhodes, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (1998. ) Boca Raton, FL.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) Gene Therapy Approaches to Heart Failure .Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) The New Millennium Pharmacological Targets in Treating Heart Failure .San Diego, CA.

E. G. Kranias (1999. ) Cardiac Function in Murine Genetic Models .Atlanta, GA.

E. G. Kranias (2001. ) Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)- Ca2+-Release .Cologne, Germany.

E. G. Kranias (2001. ) Winnipeg, CA.

E. G. Kranias (2001. ) Arrhythmias and Calcium Handling .Washington, D.C.

E. G. Kranias (2002. ) Defects in Calcium Handling in Heart Failure .Madison, WI.

E. G. Kranias (2002. ) Novel Therapeutic Approaches: Part II .Boca Raton, FL.

E. G. Kranias (2003. ) Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease .New York, NY.

E. G. Kranias (2003. ) Waldeck, Germany.

E. G. Kranias (2003. ) Vascular Biology, Basic Research .Washington, D.C.

E. G. Kranias (2004. ) Athens, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2004. ) Athens, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2005. ) Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)- Ca2+-Release .Cologne, Germany.

E. G. Kranias (2006. ) Athens, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2006. ) Calcium Handling and Heart Failure: The Good, the Bad and the Challenges .Toronto, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (2007. ) Santorini, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2008. ) Cell to Bedside .Cincinnati, OH.

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Cardiac Regenerative Therapies .Athens, Greece .

E. G. Kranias (2010. ) Brussels, Belgium.

E. G. Kranias (2011. ) Keystone, CO.

E. G. Kranias (2011. ) Philadelphia, PA.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) Banff, Alberta, Canada.

E. G. Kranias (2012. ) New London, NH.

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Monemvasia, Greece.

E. G. Kranias (2013. ) Athens, Greece .

Honors and Awards

1966 -1970 Fulbright Scholar

1966 -1970 Full Scholarship from University of Chicago

1969 National Science Foundation Fellow

1970 -1973 Northwestern University Teaching Assistant

1973 -1974 Northwestern University Graduate Fellow

1980 -1985 Research Career Development Awardee, U.S. Public Health Service

1994 -2004 MERIT Award; NIH

1995 Faculty Achievement Award, University of Cincinnati

1995 -To Present Adjunct Professor, Kwangju Institute of Science & Technology, Korea

1996 -2000 Elected to the Council of the Biophysical Society

1997 Samuel Kaplan Visionary Award: AHA

1997 -2003 Elected to the Council of the ISHR, North American Section

1997 -To Present Appointed as a Graduate Fellow, University of Cincinnati

1998 Elected to the International Council of the International Society for Heart Research

2000 George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research, University of Cincinnati

2001 -To Present Founding Fellow of the International Society of Heart Research

2001 Fellow of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences and Fellow of the American Heart Association (F.A.H.A.)

2001 AHA Basic Science Committee Member

2002 -To Present Fellow of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences

2002 -To Present Professor, Consultant researcher of Molecular Biology at the Academy of Athens Foundation of Biomedical Research, Athens, Greece

2003 -To Present Honorary Member of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology

2003 -To Present Consultant researcher of the Cardiovascular Research Center, University of La Plata Medical School

2004 -To Present Distinguished Research Professor University of Cincinnati

2004 -2008 AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Nominating Committee Member

2005 International Health Professional of the Year

2006 Fellow of the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society

2006 Janice Pfeffer Distinguished Lecturer, International Society of Heart Research

2006 Selected as one of the Great Women of the 21st Century

2006 -2010 AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Research Committee

2007 Named “2007 Leading Women” for Women’s Advocacy

2007 -To Present Elected to the Council of the International Society for Heart Research NA Section and as Treasurer

2007 -To Present Elected to the International Council of the International Society for Heart Research

2007 -To Present Elected to the Executive Committee of the International Council of the International Society for Heart Research

2008 Scientific Advisory Boards of the International Academy of Cardiology and of the 14th World Congress on Heart Disease

2008 Daniel Drake Medal recipient , University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

2009 Honorary Doctorate Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) University of Athens and the Dean of the Medical School at the Aula of the University of Athens Status:Recipient Level:International

2009 AHA Distinguished Scientist American Heart Association Status:Recipient Level:International

2010 Inducted to National Academy of Inventors (Cincinnati Chapter)

2012 Chair of the “Excitation-Contraction Coupling” Subgroup, The International Society of Heart Research

2012 Elected as a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Athens, Greece

2012 Top Honorary Recipient by the Hellenic Cardiology Society

2014 Peter Harris Research Achievement Award by the International Society of Heart Research

2015 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Mentorship, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

2016 Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring Award, University of Cincinnati

2016 George E. Brown Memorial Lecture, American Heart Association

Student Advising

John Ganim (Undergrad ) 1990

John Lietske (Undergrad ) 1992

Kevin Lien (Undergrad ) 1996

Michael Abiog (Undergrad ) 1995

Michael Senior (Undergrad ) 1996

Christina Lawrence (Undergrad ) 1996

Dirk Brittsan (Undergrad ) 1996

Jeffrey Lohr (Undergrad ) 1996

Dimple Shah (Undergrad ) 1997

Elizabeth Sheppard (Undergrad ) 1997

Angela Naltner (Undergrad ) 1997

Sonali Shah (Undergrad ) 1997

Nicole Swain (Undergrad ) 1997

Craig Bolte (Undergrad ) 1998

Preeti J. Joshi (Undergrad ) 1998

Yvette Neirouz (Undergrad ) 1998

Susan Razavi (Undergrad ) 1998

Karin Lien (Undergrad ) 1998

Carolyn Stickney (Undergrad ) 1999

Luke Pater (Undergrad ) 1999

Jay Jin (Undergrad ) 2003

Lipi Akhter (Undergrad ) 2003

Jesse Mierzwiak (Undergrad ) 2004

Kevin Hartman (Undergrad ) 2005

Amit Zacharia (Undergrad ) 2006

Paul Schroder (Undergrad ) 2007

Emily Wilding (Undergrad ) 2008

George Pylar (Undergrad ) 2011

Seth Mills (Undergrad ) 2013

Luke Mugge (Undergrad ) 2013

George Adly (Undergrad ) Status:In Progress

Parthib Das (Undergrad ) Status:In Progress

Louise M. Bilezikjian (Doctoral ) 1981

Bruce A. Davis (Doctoral ) 1984

Hae Won Kim (Doctoral ) 1989

Judy Harrer (Doctoral ) 1994

Vivek Kadambi (Doctoral ) 1995

Jay Slack (Doctoral ) 1996

Angie Brittsan (Doctoral ) 2000

Jing Zhai (Doctoral ) 2000

Rajesh Dash (Doctoral ) 2001

Andrew Carr (Doctoral ) 2001

Qiu-Jing Song (Doctoral ) 2004

Kimberly Gregory (Doctoral ) 2005

Anand Pathak (Doctoral ) 2005

Qunying Yuan (Doctoral ) 2007

Bryan Mitton (Doctoral ) 2007

Persoulla Nicolaou (Doctoral ) 2008

Shan Chen (Master ) 2009

Pei-dong Han (Doctoral ) 2009

Zhi-guo Zhang (Doctoral ) 2009

Jiang Qian (Doctoral ) 2010

Chi Keung Lam (Doctoral ) 2012

Guansheng Liu (Doctoral ) Status:In Progress

George Gardner (Doctoral ) Status:In Progress

Ellen F. Young (Postdoctoral ) 1987

Stephen Rapundalo (Postdoctoral ) 1987

Ramesh Gupta (Postdoctoral ) 1989

Hae Won Kim (Postdoctoral ) 1990

Laszlo Talosi (Postdoctoral ) 1991

Chong Zhang (Postdoctoral ) 1991

Grazyna Szymanska (Postdoctoral ) 1992

Peter Karczewski (Postdoctoral ) 1994

Sathivel Ponniah (Postdoctoral ) 1995

Eva Kiss (Postdoctoral ) 1995

Judy M. Harrer (Postdoctoral ) 1995

Carola Tilgmann (Postdoctoral ) 1995

Kobra Haghighi (Postdoctoral ) 1996

Kim Koss (Postdoctoral ) 1996

Wu sheng Luo (Postdoctoral ) 1997

Jay Slack (Postdoctoral ) 1997

Yoji Sato (Postdoctoral ) 1998

Lawrence Messnard (Postdoctoral ) 1998

Guo-Xiang Chu (Postdoctoral ) 1999

Vivek Kadambi (Postdoctoral ) 1999

William Lester (Postdoctoral ) 1999

Roy Sutliff (Postdoctoral ) 1999

Helen Kiriazis (Postdoctoral ) 2000

Albrecht Schmidt (Postdoctoral ) 2000

Fawzi Alogaili (Doctoral ) Status:In Progress

Angie Brittsan (Postdoctoral ) 2000

Konrad Frank (Postdoctoral ) 2001

Beate Beyermann (Postdoctoral ) 2001

Andrew Carr (Postdoctoral ) 2001

Yoshiki Uehara (Postdoctoral ) 2002

Tonya L. Nichols (Postdoctoral ) 2002

Guochang Fan (Postdoctoral ) 2006

Patricia Rodriguez (Postdoctoral ) 2007

Jason R. Waggoner (Postdoctoral ) 2007

Alexandros Moulis (Postdoctoral ) 2007

Xiaoyang Zhou (Postdoctoral ) 2008

Guoli Chen (Postdoctoral ) 2009

Persoulla Nicolaou (Postdoctoral ) 2009

Wen Zhao (Postdoctoral ) 2011

Stela Florea (Postdoctoral ) 2012

Tracy Pritchard (Postdoctoral ) 2012

Wen-Feng Cai (Postdoctoral ) 2012

Vivek Singh (Postdoctoral ) 2013

Philip Bidwell (Postdoctoral ) Status:In Progress

Chi Keung Lam (Postdoctoral ) Status:In Progress

Swati Kunduri (Postdoctoral ) Status:In Progress


NIH (Cardiology Advisory Committee ) Level:National 1992 -1993

Biophysical Society Council Level:National 1997 -2001

NIH (National Advisory Research Resources Council ) 2001 -2002

International Society for Heart Research (N. America) (Scientific Program Committee ) Level:National 1998 -2000

NIH (Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers Advisory Panel ) Committee Chair Level:National 2000 -2005

NIH (Type 1 Diabetes Repository Advisory Committee ) Level:National 2001 -2005

American Heart Association (Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Nominating Committee member ) 2004 -2008

American Heart Association (National Research Program Sub committee ) 2006 -2007

American Heart Association (Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Research Committee Member ) 2006 -2010

International Society for Heart Research (N. America) Treasurer 2006 -2018

American Heart Association (Stem Cell Subgroup Committee ) 2008 -2010

International Society for Heart Research (N. America) (Young Investigator Competition ) Committee Chair 2011 -2012

International Society for Heart Research (N. America) (Young Investigator Competition: Judging Committee member ) 2014 -2016

American Heart Association (Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Marcus Award ) 2014 -2018

International Society for Heart Research (N. America) (Venue Committee ) Committee Chair 2014

American Heart Association (Distinguished Scientists’ Judging Committee member ) 2015 -2018

American Heart Association (Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Nominating Committee member ) 2015 -2017

Hellenic Bioscientific Association of the USA (Scientific Advisory Board member ) 2015

American Heart Association (Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Early Career Committee: Leadership Committee, Senior Advisor ) 2016 -2018

American Heart Association (Heart Failure Oversight Advisory Committee: Stretegically Focused Research Network ) 2016 -2018

International Society for Heart Research (N. America) (Early Career Investigators: Poster Competition Awards ) Committee Chair 2017 -2017

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Dept of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine (Stewardship Review: Dr. Junich Sadoshima ) 2017 -2017

International Society for Heart Research Committee Member Level:International 2016 -2019

Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine (Scientific Advisory Board member ) Level:International 2015

EUGTrigTreat Grant (Executive Committee: Associate Co-Ordinator and member ) Level:International 2009 -2014

International Society for Heart Research (Executive Committee of the International Council )

Mount Sinai Cardiovascular Institute (External Advisory Board Member to review ) Type:Other 5/4/2016 12:00:00 AM -5/5/2016 12:00:00 AM

NIH (Cardiac Contractility and Heart Study Section Member ) Type:Grant Panel 2013 -2017

Human Molecular Genetics Type:Editorial Service 2008 -2009

Physiology (Consulting Editor ) Type:Editorial Service 2005 -2012

Current Cardiology Reviews Type:Editorial Service 2004 -2007

Heart Failure Journal Type:Editorial Service 2004 -2008

Hellenic Journal of Cardiology (Molecular Cardiology Editor ) Type:Editorial Service 2002 -2015

Annual Reviews of Physiology (Cardiovascular Section Editor ) Type:Editorial Service 1998 -1999

J. Molecular Cellular Cardiology Type:Editorial Service 1998 -2007

Am. J. Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology ) Type:Editorial Service 1997 -2000

Heart Failure Reviews Type:Editorial Service 1995 -2005

Circulation Research Type:Editorial Service 1993

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Type:Editorial Service 1991 -2006

Membrane Biochemistry Type:Editorial Service 1990 -1993

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (Executive Committee ) Type:University/College Service Level:Department 2015

University of Cincinnati (Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee ) Type:University/College Service Level:Department 2010

University of Cincinnati (Graduate Education Committee ) Type:University/College Service Level:Department 2010

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Cardiovascular Center of Excellence: Co-Director ) Type:University/College Service Level:Department 2007

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Cincinnati Heart, Lung, and Vascular Institute Executive Advisory Board ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 2014

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Committee on Committees ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 2013 -2017

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Research Governance and Provenance Committee of the University of Cincinnati Heart, Lung and Vascular Institute ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2015

University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine (Faculty Development Committee ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 2014

University of Cincinnati (Executive Committee of Fellows of Graduate School ) Type:University/College Service Level:University 2016 -2017


Phospholamban, Aging, Calcium Atpase,GeneTargeting,Phosphoprotein,Calcium Channel,Gene Expression, Phosphorylation, Mouse models, Protein Kinases, Phosphatases, Heart Contraction, Muscle Relaxation, Transgenic Animal, Heart Pharmacology,,Embryonic Stem Cell, Antiarrhythmic Agent, Beta Adrenergic Agent,Sarcoplasmic Reticulum,Congestive Heart Failure,Protein Structure Function

Professional Affiliation

03-1980 -11-1981: Radiation Safety officer Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

10-1981 -08-1983: Director of Seminar Program Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

05-1983 -04-1984: Faculty Recruitment Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

09-1983 -06-1987: Medical Pharmacology Course (26 965 842) Steering Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

09-1983 -08-1988: Director of Graduate Studies Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

05-1980 -09-1983: Reappointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

09-1984 -08-1988: Reappointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

11-1984 -06-1987: Pharmacology Steering Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

11-1984 -06-1998: Internal Advisory Committee for PPG "Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1985: Retreat Planning Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1987: Retreat Planning Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1988 -2008: Graduate Education Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

01-1990 -06-1994: Executive Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

11-1992 -06-1994: Finance Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

06-1993 -06-1997: Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

05-1994 -06-1997: Research Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

06-1999 -06-2001: Faculty Search Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

09-2001 -2007: Research Enhancement Committee Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

09-1982 -09-1985: Minority Affairs Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-1983 -08-1988: Medical Sciences Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1983 -1984: Graduate Student Research Forum Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-1986 -08-1992: Reappointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-1993 -08-1994: Reappointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

08-1992 -08-2000: Medical Sciences Scholars (M.D./Ph.D.) Program Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1992 -1994: Medical Sciences Scholars (M.D./Ph.D.) Program Enrichment Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-1992 -08-1996: Reappointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee: Alternate member University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-1993 -08-1996: Committee on Committees University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1994 -1995: Committee on Mission and Organization of Basic Science Departments University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1994 -2004: Medical Sciences Scholars (M.D./Ph.D.) Student Evaluation Pathway Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1994 -1996: Medical Sciences Scholars (M.D./Ph.D.) Fund Raising Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1994 -2003: Physician Scientist Training Promotion Board University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1995 -1996: LCME Institutional Self-Study Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1995 -1996: Search Committee for Chair of the Department of Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1995 -1998: Committee on Research University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

1995 -2002: DNA Sequencing and Molecular Biology Core Facility Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-01-1997 -08-30-2002: Committee on Committees University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

08-1998 -06-1999: Search Committee for Director of Physician Scientist (M.D./Ph.D.) Training Program University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

11-1998 -09-1999: Search Committee for Director of Cardiology University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

2000 -2008: Physician Scientist (M.D./Ph.D.) Executive Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

2000 -To Present: Physician Scientist (M.D./Ph.D) Steering Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-2001 -11-2001: Molecular and Cellular Physiology Study Group University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

07-2002 -12-2002: College of Medicine Self-Study Committee: Faculty University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-01-2002 -08-30-2004: Committee on Committees Chair of Committee on Committees (09/01/2004-08/30/2007) University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

10-2002 -08-2003: Search Committee for Chair of Physiology University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

01-2004 -08-2005: Research Cabinet University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

07-13-2004: Academic Appeal Board Chair University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

03-2006 -12-2006: Committee on Research Infrastructure Co-Chair University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-2007 -To Present: Faculty Leave Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

04-2007 -08-2007: College of Medicine/UC Physicians/University Hospital Joint Strategic Planning Initiative University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

01-2007 -To Present: Cardiovascular Center of Excellence Co-Director University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

2007 -2008: Search Committee for faculty recruitment in Medicine and Molecular Genetics Departments University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

11-2007 -To Present: College Sabbatical Leave Committee Chairperson University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

09-1991 -06-1992: University Research Council University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1996: University Distinguished Graduate Assistantship Committee University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

01-1999 -05-1999: Committee to Re-examine the Research and Graduate Office University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

05-1999: Search Committee for the Vice President for Research and University Dean for Advanced Studies University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2000: University Distinguished Graduate Assistantship Committee University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2000 -To Present: G. Rieveschl Jr. Award for Distinguished Scientific Research Committee University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2002 -2007: American Heart Association (Southwestern Ohio & Northern Kentucky) Board Member

1992 -1993: NIH Cardiology Advisory Committee

1997 -2001: Biophysical Society Council

1997 -2003: International Society for Heart Research/American Section Council

2003 -2018: International Society for Heart Research/American Section Council

1998 -2002: NIH National Advisory Research Resources Council Member of the Executive Subcommittee (2001-2002); Chair of Panel A (2001-2002)

1998 -1999: International Society for Heart Research (N. America) Scientific Program Committee

1999 -2000: International Society for Heart Research (N. America) Scientific Program Committee

2000 -2005: NIH Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers Advisory Panel Chair

2001 -2005: NIH Type 1 Diabetes Repository Advisory Committee

2004 -2008: AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Nominating Committee member

2006 -2007: AHA National Research Program Sub committee

2006 -2010: AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Research Committee Member

2006 -To Present: International Society for Heart Research Council (N. America)

2006 -2018: International Society for Heart Research Treasurer (N. America)

1998 -2004: International Society for Heart Research Council

2007 -2013: International Society for Heart Research Council

2007 -To Present: International Society for Heart Research Executive Committee

1997 -1998: International Society for Heart Research Scientific Program Committee

2000 -2001: International Society for Heart Research XVII World Congress Scientific Program Committee

1983 -1984: AHA Southwestern Ohio Chapter

1983: AHA Ohio Affiliate

1985 -1990: AHA Ohio Affiliate

05-09-1983 -05-11-1983: Program Project site visit Consultant for NIH, Louisiana State University, New Orleans

09-01-1984 -08-30-1986: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine: Biomedical Research Support Grants

05-20-1984 -05-22-1984: Program Project site visit Consultant for NIH, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington

1985 -1986: University of Cincinnati Research Council on Life Sciences Grants

01-30-1986 -02-01-1986: Program Project site visit Consultant for NIH, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston

07-01-1986 -06-30-1990: NIH: Member of the Cardiovascular and Renal Study Section

05-05-1987 -05-06-1987: Program Project site visit consultant for NIH, Bethesda

1989: NSF research proposals

1989: Medical Research Council of Canada grant proposals

11-02-1989 -11-03-1989: NIH: Ad hoc member of the Special Review Committee for Minority School Faculty Development Awards, Clinical Investigator Awards and Physician Scientist Awards

1990 -To Present: NIH: Member of the Reserve Review Committee

12-01-1992 -12-03-1992: NIH: Ad hoc consultant for the review of the Clinical Investigations and Patient Care Branch in the National Institute of Dental Research

1993: University of Cincinnati Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship Award Committee: Member

10-12-1994 -10-14-1994: NIH: Program Project Site Visit Consultant, Bethesda

1993 -1995: VA: Grant reviewer

11-30-1997 -12-02-1997: Reviewer of the Cardiovascular Research Program at Max-Delbruck-Center, Berlin, Germany

1998 -2002: NIH: National Advisory Research Resources Council Member

01-29-2007 -01-30-2007: NIH: Program Project Reviewer

NIH: Special Emphasis Panel for a Shared Resource (Chair: 2/28/08)

1990 -1993: Membrane Biochemistry

1991 -2006: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

1993 -To Present: Circulation Research

1995 -2005: Heart Failure

1997 -2000: Am. J. Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology

1998 -2007: J. Molecular Cellular Cardiology: Associate Editor

2008 -To Present: J. Molecular Cellular Cardiology

1999 -To Present: Am. J. Physiology: Cell Physiology

2002 -To Present: Hellenic Journal of Cardiology: Molecular Cardiology Editor

2004 -To Present: Heart Failure Journal

2004 -To Present: Current Cardiology Reviews

2005 -To Present: Physiology

2008 -To Present: Human Molecular Genetics

04-20-2008 -2011: Faculty Council Committee University of Cincinnati,

2008 -2011: Public Relations Committee University of Cincinnati,

2010 -To Present: Graduate Education Committee University of Cincinnati,

2010 -To Present: Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee University of Cincinnati,

2008 -2011: Research Enhancement Committee University of Cincinnati,

2007 -2009: College Sabbatical Leave Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2008 -2011: Basic Science Chairs Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2008 -2011: College of Medicine Council University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2009 -2011: Dean's Steering Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2010 -To Present: Daniel Drake Selection Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2010 -2011: LCME: Finances and Resource Working Group University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2010 -2011: LCME Institutional Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2010 -2011: Research Incentive Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2010 -2011: Space Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2010 -2011: LCME Institutional Self-Study Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2011 -2013: Basic Science Faculty Advisory Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2011 -2013: Strategic Issues Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2011 -2013: Faculty Advisory Group University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2012 -To Present: COM Review Oversight Committee University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

03-20-2013 -07-20-2013: Search Committee for Director of Cardiology University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2013 -To Present: Committee on Committees University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2014 -To Present: Cincinnati Heart, Lung, and Vascular Institute Executive Advisory Board University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,

2008 -2010: AHA Stem Cell Subgroup Committee

2011 -2012: International Society for Heart Research (N. America) Young Investigator Competition

2007 -2013: International Society for Heart Research Member-At-Large

2007 -2010: External Advisory Committee Member for the EUGeneHeart

2011: Scientific Advisory Committee, Frontiers In CardioVascular Biology

2007 -2013: Member of the International Council of the International Society for Heart Research

2007 -2013: Executive Committee of the International Council of the International Society for Heart Research

2008 -2009: AHA: Stem Cell Subgroup

02-02-2012 -02-03-2012: NIH: Program Project Reviewer

06-05-2012 -06-07-2012: NIH: Cardiac Contractility and Heart Failure Study Section Ad-hoc

2013 -To Present: NIH: Cardiac Contractility and Heart Failure Study Section Member

2015 -To Present: Executive Committee, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics

2014 -2015: International Society for Heart Research (N. America) Young Investigator Competition

2012 -To Present: Co-ordinator of Dean’s Distinguished CVC Seminar series

2014 -To Present: Faculty Development Committee, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

2014 -To Present: Member of LEAF Allies Committee, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

2015 -To Present: Chair of the Research Governance and Provenance Committee of the University of Cincinnati Heart, Lung and Vascular Institute

2014 -2016: Judging Committee member of the AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences: Marcus Award

2014 -To Present: Chair of the Venue Committee for the International Society for Heart Research (N. America)

2015 -2018: Judging Committee member for AHA Distinguished Scientists by the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences

2015 -2017: AHA Nominating Committee member of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences

2013 -2017: NIH: Cardiac Contractility and Heart Study Section Member

2015: NIH: Cardiac Contractility and Heart Study Section Member

Courses Taught

Experimental Methods in Pharmacology

Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Myocardial Biochemistry and Pharmacology: Protein Phosphorylation

Pharmacology and Therapeutics Course


Experimental Methods in Pharmacology

Graduate Studies Director

Cellular Biology

Biophysics III

Biophysics II

Advanced Topics in Protein Phosphorylation

Medical Pharmacology

Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology

Faculty Development Activities

2014 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Faculty Development Committee Type:Other

Patents and Inventions

US20040191802 Phospholamban polymorphism and methods of assessment Kranias, Evangelia G.; Haghighi, Kobra , 09-2004

US20050066381 Regulation of cardiac contractility and heart failure propensity Molkentin, Jeffery Daniel; Kranias, Evangelia G. , 03-2005

US20070059289 Methods of improving cardiac function and attenuating and/or preventing cardiac remodeling with Hsp20 Kranias, Evangelia; Fan, Guo-chang; Chu, Guoxiang , 03-2007

US20080125385 Modulating phosphatase activity in cardiac cells Hajjar, Roger J.; Delmonte, Federica; Kranias, Evangelia , 05-2008

US20090203596 Phosphatase inhibitor protein-1 as a regulator of cardiac function Kranias, Evangelia; Rodriguez, Patricia; Mitton, Bryan , 08-2009

EP1908827 PKC-alpha regulation of cardiac contractility and heart failure propensity Molkentin, Jeffery Daniel; Kranias, Evangelia G , 04-2008

US20110183329 Protein Phosphatase-1 inhibitor-1 polymorphism and methods of use Pathak, Anand; Kranias, Evangelia G.; Chen, Guoli; Dorn, Gerald, W., II , 07-2011

US 8,524,683 Method for decreasing cardiac using a nucleic acid molecule encoding a variant phosphatase inhibitor-1 Kranias, Evangelia G.; Rodriguez, Patricia; Mitton, Bryan, 09-2013

Contact Information

Academic - Cardiovacular Center
Room CVC 5960
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267-0575
Phone: 513-558-2377