Melanie Kroger-Jarvis

Professor - Educator

University Hall


CON Population Health - 0038


BSN: Thomas More College Crestview Hills, Ky, 1985 (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)

MSN, CNS: Unviverity of Cincinnati College of Nursing Cincinnati, Ohio, 1992 (Clinical Nurse Specialist, Adult Health, Medical Surgical)

DNP: Unviverity of Cincinnati College of Nursing Cincinnati, Ohio, 2012 (Evaluation, Planning and Management of Programs)

Positions and Work Experience

1985 -1986 Staff Nurse, St Luke Hospital, Ft Thomas Ky

1986 -1993 Staff Nurse, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

1993 -1994 Assistant Professor, College of Mt Saint Joseph, Delhi, Ohio

1994 -2009 Owner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Urology of Southeastern Indiana P.C., Batesville, Indiana

2006 -2007 Assistant Professor, College of Mt Saint Joseph, Delhi, Ohio

2008 -2011 Assistant Professor, UC Blue Ash, Blue Ash, Ohio

2011 -2012 Nursing Faculty, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio

2012 -2019 Associate Professor -Educator, Unviverity of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, Ohio

Research Support

Grant: #OSU 60062166 sub OMD G-1819-05-0094 / OMD201807 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Bankston, Karen; Bernheisel, Christopher; Brammer, Susan; Donnelly, John; Elder, Nancy; Fathman, Amy; Gillespie, Gordon; Kiesler, H. Joseph; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Lewis, Christopher; Mount, Hillary; Nandyal, Lauri; O'Dea, Christine; Perraud, Suzanne; Shomo, Anisasattara; Tobias, Barbara; Tyson, Ronald; Weinstock, Keri; White, Christopher; Wilder, Christine 10-01-2017 -06-30-2018 Ohio Department of Medicaid Training an Interprofessional Workforce Prepared to Care for the Medicaid Population through Community-Academic Partnerships Role:Collaborator $119,953.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #FY16 NFLP 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 E01HP28793-01 $308,13 Investigators:Glazer, Greer and Kroger-Jarvis 2016 -2017 HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program Role:Program Manager 308, 131 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #FY17 NFLP 7/1/16 – 6/30/17 E01HP28793-02 $332,694 Investigators:Glazer, Greer and Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie 2016 -2017 HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program Role:Program Manager 332,694 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #FY18 NFLP 7/1/17 – 6/30/18 E01HP28793-03 $197,164 Investigators:Glazer, Greer and Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie 2017 -2018 HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program Role:Program Manager 197,164 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #FY19 NFLP 7/1/18 – 6/30/19 E01HP28793-04 $263,030 Investigators:Glazer, Greer and Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie 2018 -2019 HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program Role:Program Manager 263,030 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #FY20 NFLP 7/1/19 – 6/30/20 E01HP28793-05 $260,968 Investigators:Glazer, Greer and Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie 2019 -2020 HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program Role:Program Manager 260,968 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #GRANT NO.:E01HP28793 Investigators:Glazer, Greer and Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie 2020 -2021 HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program Role:Program Manager 345,452 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #E01HP28793 07-01-2015 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) FY16 Role:PI 2542035.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #E01HP28793 07-01-2015 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) FY16 Role:PI 2542035.00 Active Level:Federal


Published Abstracts

SoTL National Conference Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah Georgia March 29-31st 2017 Perceived Faculty Presence with the Melanie A Kroger-Jarvis DNP MSN CNS & Kimberly Johnson PhD (2017. ) Perceived Use of Mediums for Assessment .[Abstract]SoTL, Co-Author

Melanie Kroger-Jarvis DNP MSN CNS (2013. ) Online Interactive Case Studies .[Abstract]SoTL, Author

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie (2024. ) Managing a Loan Program to Recruit and Retain Faculty in a Distance Program" .[Abstract]Author

Peer Reviewed Publications

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie (2014. ) Evaluating Prostate Cancer Knowledge in Rural Southeastern Indiana County .Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, , 14 (1 ) ,

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Gillespie, Gordon (2016. ) Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care .Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, ,

Kroger-Jarvis, Pavlik-Maus, Mullins, Kimberly (2018. ) Ovarian Torsion: ED Recognition and Management .Journal of Emergency Nursing, ,

Hachey, Lisa M; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Pavlik-Maus, Tamara; Leach, Rhonda (2020. ) Clinical Implications of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescents.Nursing for women's health, , 24 (2 ) ,115-126 More Information

Ungard, Wendy; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Davis, Linda Sue The Impact of Shift Length on Mood and Fatigue in Pediatric Registered Nurses.Journal of pediatric nursing, , 47 ,167-170 More Information

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie A; Pavlik-Maus, Tamara; Mullins, Kimberly (2018. ) Ovarian Torsion: ED Recognition and Management.Journal of emergency nursing, , 44 (6 ) ,647-649 More Information

Toole, K. ,Franke, C., Kroger-Jarvis, M (2021. ) Ureterolithiasis in Adolescents: A Case Report . Journal of Pediatric Health Care , ,

Denney, Kayla, Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie (2021. ) Submission of "Assessing Difficult Conversations Among the Interdisciplinary Care Team" (the "Work"), .Journal of Nursing Administration, ,

Julie C. Campbell∗1 , Melanie Kroger-Jarvis, Sandra Selman 2 (2022. ) Use of a simulated group visit to introduce advance care planning in the primary care setting .Journal of Education and Practice , , 12 (9 ) ,50-55

Winkler, Andrea, Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie (2022. ) Is Pandemic Fatigue the “New Normal”? .Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, ,

Reinemeyer, K ,Kroger-Jarvis, M., Blackburn, E (2023. ) A Pilot Program to Improve Antibiotic Stewardship Using a Constructivist Education Model in a Convenient Care Clinic Setting. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, ,

Martin Charles, Danielle & Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie & Irwin, Amber (2023. ) Educating psychiatric mental health didactic and clinical nursing students on mindfulness activities utilizing the calm mobile application.Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 14. (39). 10.5430/jnep. v14n3p39 , , 14 (3 ) , More Information

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie A., Maus, Tamara, Mullins, Kimberly (2019) (2019. ) Ovarian Torsion or Something Else? .Atlas of Science, ,

Irwin, A & Kroger-Jarvis M. (2024. ) Use of a Flipped Classroom in Specialized Nursing Areas .Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching.9, (1) , , 9 (1 ) ,

Invited Publications

Kroger-Jarvis, M. Maus, T., Mullins, K (2019. ) Ovarian Torsion or Something Else? .Atlas of Science, (November 4th 2019 ) ,


Invited Presentations

Ungard, Wendy ; Melanie Kroger-Jarvis (2015. ) (In Press. ) ERC National Research Conference Presenter Nursing Fatigue and Mood .ERC, University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:International

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie (2013. ) (In Press. ) Lilly International Teaching Conference –Podium Presenter Online Interactive Case Studies .Miami University, Oxford, OHIO. Conference. . Level:International

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie: Carissimi, Kathy; King, Stephanie (10-2015. ) Concept and Competency Based Nursing Curriculum .INRS CEU,s, University of Cincinnati, CON. UC. . Level:Local

Kroger-Jarvis, M DNP MSN CNS, Johnson, Kim (2017. ) (In Press. ) Perceived Faculty Presence with the Use of Mediums for Assessment .SoTL National Conference Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, Georgia. Level:National

Kroger-Jarvis, M. (2020. ) "Using Diverse Applications of Media to Promote Engagement in Students in the Online Classroom .UC Showcase of Online Teaching, University of Cincinnati. Conference. . Level:University

Goodin, J., Kroger-Jarvis, M. & Schweitzer, D. (2019. ) (In Press. ) Facilitating Role Development of Novice Clinical Instructors in Dedicated Education Units Through Mentoring .Ohio League of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio. Conference. . Level:State

Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie (02-17-2022. ) (In Press. ) Educational Theories in Nursing Education .UC College of Nursing, Virtual on Zoom. Workshop. . Level:National

Kroger-Jarvis, M (2022. ) (In Press. ) Nurse Faculty Loan Best Practices. 15th Annual DNP Conference, Tampa, Florida. Conference. . Level:National

Kroger-Jarvis, M (2023. ) (In Press. ) Science of Wellness Course with over 200 Students Online .Meaningful Living and Learning in a Digital World 2023 Conference, Savannah, Georgia. Conference. . Level:National

Reinemeyer,,K, Kroger-Jarvis, M Blackburn,S. &Mathews, E (2023. ) (In Press. ) Midwest Nursing Research Conference .mproving Antibiotic Stewardship Using a Constructivist Education Model , Des Moines, Iowa. Level:National

Reinemeyer,,K, Kroger-Jarvis, M Blackburn,S. &Mathews, E (2023. ) (In Press. ) Midwest Nursing Research Conference .mproving Antibiotic Stewardship Using a Constructivist Education Model , Des Moines, Iowa. Level:National

Kroger-Jarvis (2023. ) (In Press. ) Distance Learning Administration Conference July24th 2023, Podium Presentation Planning an Online Master of Science in Nursing, Education .Distance Learning Administration Conference, Conference. . Level:National

Poster Presentations

Melanie Kroger-Jarvis (03-10-2011. ) (In Press. ) Reducing Students Anxiety Through Role Playing Simulation .SoTL , University of Statesboro. . Conference. . Level:International

Melanie, Kroger-Jarvis, Wendy Ungard, Sue Davis (04-17-2017. ) (In Press. ) Impact of Shift Work on Mood and Fatigue .AAOHN, New Orleans, Louisiana. . Conference. . Level:National

Melanie Kroger-Jarvis (07-20-2011. ) (In Press. ) Reducing Students Anxiety Through Role Playing Simulation .National Nurse Educators Conference, Breckinridge, Colorado. . Conference. . Level:National

Jeanine Goodin, Deborah Schwytzer, Melanie Kroger-Jarvis (03-01-2019. ) (In Press. ) Facilitating Role Development of Novice Clinical Instructors in Dedicated Education Units Through Mentoring .Ohio League of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:Regional


Melanie Kroger-Jarvis (11-20-2010. ) Reducing Students Anxiety Through Role Playing Simulation .Miami University. Conference. Level:International


Melanie A Kroger-Jarvis (03-2018. ) Perceived Faculty Presence Using Various Media in Online Classes .Unviersity of Cincinnati. Professional Meeting. Level:Regional

Honors and Awards

10-23-2019 Distinguished Nurse Educator LeadershipAward Mount Saint Joseph University Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition

2021 Faculty Excellence Award University of Cincinnati March 2021 University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Monetary

Professional Affiliation

2016: Greater cincinnati Nurse Executives Education Liason

2012: Rural Nurses Association

2008: Oncology Nurses Society Local and National Membership

1992 -To Present: Sigma Theta Tau Beta Iota Chapter Beta Iota Leadership Succession