Cedrick A.K. Kwuimy , PhD
Assoc Professor - Educator
Edwards Center
CEAS - Engineering & Computing Education - 0074
BS: University of Dschang Dschang, Cameroon, 2001 (Physics)
Master's Degree: University of Yaounde 1 Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon, 2003 (Applied Physics)
Master of Advanced Studies: University of Yaounde 1 Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon, 2004 (Physics (Nonlinear Mechanics))
Ph.D.: University of Yaounde 1 Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon, 2008 (Physics (Nonlinear Mechanics))
Certificate: Villanova University Philadelphia, Pa., 2014 (Teaching Engineering in Higher Education)
Research Support
Grant: #EEC-2106229 Investigators:Kwuimy, Cedrick 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 National Science Foundation Research Initiation: Exploring the Associations Between Personality Attributes and Transformative Learning of Engineering Study Abroad Program Participants Role:PI 199980.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ITE-2322605 Investigators:Honken, Nora; Kwuimy, Cedrick; Payton, Eric; Paz y Puente, Ashley 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 National Science Foundation Pivots: Reskilling Education Via Advanced Manufacturing Practicum (REVAMP) Role:Collaborator 999997.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OISE-2419949 Investigators:Kwuimy, Cedrick; Sorby, Sheryl 01-01-2025 -12-31-2027 National Science Foundation IRES: Global Problem Solvers in Tropical Sustainable Living - GPS-SL Role:PI 438918.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Xie Z.;Kitio Kwuimy C.A.;Wang T.;Ding X.;Huang W. (05-01-2019. ) Theoretical analysis of an impact-bistable piezoelectric energy harvester.European Physical Journal Plus, , 134 (5 ) , More Information
Haj Mohamad T.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (12-03-2018. ) Multi-speed Multi-load Bearing Diagnostics Using Extended Phase Space Topology.MATEC Web of Conferences, , 241 , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Haj Mohamad T.;Nataraj C. (12-03-2018. ) Using the Gottwald and Melbourne's 0-1 test and the Hugichi fractal dimension to detect chaos in def.MATEC Web of Conferences, , 241 , More Information
Xie Z.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Wang Z.;Huang W. (01-01-2018. ) A piezoelectric energy harvester for broadband rotational excitation using buckled beam.AIP Advances, , 8 (1 ) , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2017. ) Nonlinear analysis of the yaw motion of a mariner vehicle under PD? control.Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, , 6 (4 ) ,531-545 More Information
Haj Mohamad T.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2017. ) Discrimination of multiple faults in bearings using density-based orthogonal functions of the time r.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, , 8 , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Litak G.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2015. ) Nonlinear analysis of energy harvesting systems with fractional order physical properties.Nonlinear Dynamics, , 80 (1-2 ) ,491-501 More Information
Samadani M.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2015. ) Model-based fault diagnostics of nonlinear systems using the features of the phase space response.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, , 20 (2 ) ,583-593 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Samadani M.;Kankar P.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2015. ) Recurrence analysis of experimental time series of a rotor response with bearing outer race faults.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, , 8 , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Samadani M.;Kappaganthu K.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2015. ) Sequential recurrence analysis of experimental time series of a rotor response with bearing outer ra.Mechanisms and Machine Science, , 23 ,683-696 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Kankar P.;Chen Y.;Chaudhry Z.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2015. ) Development of recurrence analysis for fault discrimination in gears.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, , 8 , More Information
Oukouomi Noutchie S.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Tewa J.;Nyabadza F.;Bildik N. (01-01-2015. ) Computational and theoretical analysis of human diseases associated with infectious pathogens.BioMed Research International, , 2015 , More Information
Oumbé Tékam G.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Woafo P. (09-25-2014. ) Analysis of tristable energy harvesting system having fractional order viscoelastic material.Chaos, , 25 (1 ) , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Samadani M.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2014. ) Preliminary diagnostics of dynamic systems from time series.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, , 6 , More Information
Samadani M.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2014. ) Fault detection and severity analysis of servo valves using recurrence quantification analysis .PHM 2014 - Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2014, , 484-493
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Litak G.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2013. ) Enhancing energy harvesting system using materials with fractional order stiffness.ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2013, , 1 , More Information
Samadani M.;Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2013. ) Diagnostics of a nonlinear pendulum using computational intelligence.ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2013, , 2 , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C.;Belhaq M. (12-03-2012. ) Chaos in a magnetic pendulum subjected to tilted excitation and parametric damping.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, , 2012 , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Litak G.;Borowiec M.;Nataraj C. (01-09-2012. ) Performance of a piezoelectric energy harvester driven by air flow.Applied Physics Letters, , 100 (2 ) , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (01-01-2012. ) Modeling and dynamic analysis of a magnetically actuated butterfly valve.Nonlinear Dynamics, , 70 (1 ) ,435-451 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nataraj C. (12-01-2011. ) Prediction of horseshoes chaos in active magnetic bearings with time-varying stiffness.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, , 1 (PARTS A AND B ) ,1003-1013 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.A.;Nana Nbendjo B.R. (09-12-2011. ) Active control of horseshoes chaos in a driven Rayleigh oscillator with fractional order deflection.Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, , 375 (39 ) ,3442-3449 More Information
Kwuimy C.A.K.;Nataraj C.;Litak G. (01-01-2011. ) Melnikov's criteria, parametric control of chaos, and stationary chaos occurrence in systems with as.Chaos, , 21 (4 ) , More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nana B.;Woafo P. (07-19-2010. ) Experimental bifurcations and chaos in a modified self-sustained macro electromechanical system.Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 329 (15 ) ,3137-3148 More Information
Kwuimy C.;Woafo P. (04-01-2010. ) Modeling and dynamics of a self-sustained electrostatic microelectromechanical system.Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, , 5 (2 ) ,1-7 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Woafo P. (01-01-2010. ) Experimental realization and simulations a self-sustained Macro ElectroMechanical System.Mechanics Research Communications, , 37 (1 ) ,106-110 More Information
Kwuimy C.;Woafo P. (08-01-2008. ) Dynamics, chaos and synchronization of self-sustained electromechanical systems with clamped-free fl.Nonlinear Dynamics, , 53 (3 ) ,201-213 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Woafo P. (12-01-2007. ) Dynamics of a self-sustained electromechanical system with flexible arm and cubic coupling.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, , 12 (8 ) ,1504-1517 More Information
Kitio Kwuimy C.;Nana Nbendjo B.;Woafo P. (11-22-2006. ) Optimization of electromechanical control of beam dynamics: Analytical method and finite differences.Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 298 (1-2 ) ,180-193 More Information
Kwuimy, C A K; Nazari, Foad; Jiao, Xun; Rohani, Pejman; Nataraj, C (2020. ) Nonlinear dynamic analysis of an epidemiological model for COVID-19 including public behavior and government action.Nonlinear dynamics, , 101 (3 ) ,1545-1559 More Information