Amanda C La Guardia , PhD
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor of Counseling
Counseling Program Coordinator
University of Cincinnati
Teachers College
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 5135568462
Email laguaraa@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Amanda C La Guardia is an associate professor and counseling programs coordinator in the School of Human Services within the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services at the University of Cincinnati. Licensed to practice as a professional counselor in Ohio, she is also a Nationally Certified Counselor, Certified Clinical TeleHealth Provider, and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. She received her PhD from Old Dominion University in Norfolk VA with an emphasis in research and statistics. She also completed a graduate teaching certificate in Womens Studies. She received her MA from East Tennessee State University with a dual concentration in Marriage and Family Counseling and Community Counseling, and completed her BS in biology and psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice from East Tennessee State University. Her clinical experience includes in-patient expressive arts group work and out-patient family and individual counseling with youth transitioning into or out of the foster care system. She also has experience running out-patient adolescent substance abuse groups, including holistic assessment of adolescent SUD. Her research interests focus on professional identity development, collaborative and interdisciplinary mental health care, family crisis, gender issues, and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors (suicide-related behaviors/self-directed violence). She co-authored the book Non-Suicidal Self-Injury throughout the Lifespan: A Clinical Guide to Treatment. Dr. La Guardia works from a holistic, strengths-based feminist perspective that emphasizes the importance of cultural and societal expectations as they intersect with multiple roles and experiences of marginalization and oppression. By integrating core philosophical beliefs from Adlerian theory, Dr. La Guardia seeks to improve mental health care through empowerment-based initiatives emphasizing belongingness, encouragement, mindfulness, and social connectedness. Since 2005, Dr. La Guardia has presented at a variety of international, national, and local conferences including those for the American Counseling Association (ACA), the North American Society for Adlerian Psychology (NASAP), the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC), and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). Her work has appeared in the Journal of Counseling and Development (JCD), the Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (MECD) journal, and the Journal of Individual Psychology (JIP). Dr. La Guardia has served as a consultant for several school districts in the state of Texas and has provided trainings for local mental health agencies in Texas, Tennessee, and Ohio. She and a colleague were recently awarded a HRSA BHWET workforce grant to help support counselor-in-training as they develop interprofessional skills to treat at-risk child, adolescent, and young adult populations through traditional and telehealth modalities. She has been the co-PI for two prior HRSA grants focused on training counselors to be proficient in integrated care settings.
PhD: Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA, 2009 (Counseling Graduate Teaching Certificate: Women's Studies)
MA: East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN, 2006 (Counseling Couples and Family Community Agency)
BS: East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN, 2002 (Biology and Psychology Minor: Criminal Justice)
Research and Practice Interests
Research interests include Collaborative/Interdisciplinary Care, Professional Identity Development, Suicide-Related Behaviors and Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Family Crisis Intervention, and Gender Issues.
Positions and Work Experience
2010 -2016 Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, CACREP assessment coordinator Curriculum committee chair (Dept.), Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
2008 -2009 Faculty Adjunct, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
2010 -2010 Temporary Full-Time Faculty, Counseling, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
Research Support
Grant: #G02HP30588 Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; La Guardia, Amanda 09-30-2016 -09-29-2017 Health Resources and Services Administration FY16 BHWET Competition: Serving At-risk youth Fellowship Experience for Counselors (SAFE-C) Role:Collaborator $229,167.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #M01HP31352 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda 09-30-2017 -08-31-2021 Health Resources and Services Administration FY 2017 BHWET Competition Role:Collaborator $478,168.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #18-227-400362-010 (SM062894 ODURF) Investigators:La Guardia, Amanda; Wright-Berryman, Jennifer 05-01-2018 -09-21-2019 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Testing an Interprofessional Education Suicide Prevention Program for Health Professions Students Role:PI $33,484.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #URS La Guardia New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Investigators:La Guardia, Amanda 06-01-2018 -06-30-2019 UC's Research Support URS La Guardia New Faculty Development Award – 2017/18 Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #OSPF / SM062894 Investigators:La Guardia, Amanda; Wright-Berryman, Jennifer 10-01-2019 -09-30-2020 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Implementation of an Interprofessional Education Suicide Prevention Training Program for Health Professions Students Role:PI $41,971.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #MC142109 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Collins, Tai; Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda 07-01-2021 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration University of Cincinnati Bear-CAT (Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-age Youth) Fellowship Role:Collaborator 479534.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #S184X240123 Investigators:Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda; Vincent, Lori 01-01-2025 -12-31-2029 Department of Education Cincinnati MEASURES Project Role:PI 733861.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
La Guardia A.;Nelson J. (09-01-2017. ) An Adlerian Family Therapist Reflects on Family Therapy Theories and Mentors.Journal of Family Theory and Review, , 9 (3 ) ,391-402 More Information
Cramer R.J.;La Guardia A.C.;Bryson C.;Morgan K. (05-03-2017. ) The intersection of nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide-related behavior: Patterns of elevated risk .Journal of American College Health, , 1-9 More Information
Cramer R.J.;Johnson J.C.;Crosby J.W.;Henderson C.E.;La Guardia A.C.;Stroud C.H. (07-01-2016. ) Personality, coping and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual community members.Personality and Individual Differences, , 96 ,272-278 More Information
McLean L.;LaGuardia A. (06-20-2016. ) Perceptions of being a woman and strategies for women’s body image resilience .Qualitative Report, , 21 (6 ) ,1118-1131
Stroud C.H.;Cramer R.J.;La Guardia A.C.;Crosby J.W.;Henderson C.E. (10-21-2015. ) Personality, spirituality, suicide, and self-injury proneness among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adult.Mental Health, Religion and Culture, , 18 (9 ) ,777-788 More Information
Watts R.;Laguardia A. (01-01-2013. ) Research and publication: Publication and citation.values and Ethics in Counseling: Real-Life Ethical Decision Making, , 189-193 More Information
Healey A.;Hays D. (01-01-2012. ) A discriminant analysis of gender and counselor professional identity development.Journal of Counseling and Development, , 90 (1 ) ,55-62 More Information
Craigen L.;Healey A.;Walley C.;Byrd R.;Schuster J. (01-01-2012. ) Erratum: Assessment and self-injury: Implications for counselors(Measurement and Evaluation in Couns.Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, , 45 (1 ) ,64 More Information
Healey A.C.;Rutledge C.M.;Bluestein D. (09-01-2011. ) Validation of the Insomnia Treatment Acceptability Scale (ITAS) in primary care.Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, , 18 (3 ) ,235-242 More Information
Bluestein D.;Healey A.C.;Rutledge C.M. (07-01-2011. ) Re: Sleep and the family doctor: Time to lead.Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, , 24 (4 ) ,478 More Information
Bluestein D.;Healey A.C.;Rutledge C.M. (05-01-2011. ) Acceptability of behavioral treatments for insomnia.Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, , 24 (3 ) ,272-280 More Information
Craigen L.;Healey A.;Walley C.;Byrd R.;Schuster J. (04-01-2010. ) Assessment and self-injury: Implications for counselors.Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, , 43 (1 ) ,3-15 More Information
Bluestein D.;Rutledge C.M.;Healey A.C. (03-01-2010. ) Psychosocial correlates of insomnia severity in primary care.Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, , 23 (2 ) ,204-211 More Information
Cramer, Robert J; La Guardia, Amanda C; Bryson, Claire; Morgan, Kelley (2017. ) The intersection of nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide-related behavior: Patterns of elevated risk and implications for college mental health.Journal of American college health : J of ACH, , 1-9 More Information
Hearn B.;Brubaker M.;La Guardia A. (10-02-2017. ) Inappropriate Comparisons: The LGB Population's Missing Reference Group.Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, , 11 (4 ) ,247-258 More Information
La Guardia, A.C., Cramer, R.J., Brubaker, M., & Long, M.M. (2018. ) Community mental health provider responses to a competency-based training in suicide risk assessment and prevention. .Community Mental Health, , More Information
Cramer, Robert J; Braitman, Abby; Bryson, Claire N; Long, Molly M; La Guardia, Amanda C (2020. ) The Brief COPE: Factor Structure and Associations With Self- and Other-Directed Aggression Among Emerging Adults.Evaluation & the health professions, , 43 (2 ) ,120-130 More Information
La Guardia, Amanda C; Cramer, Robert J; Brubaker, Michael; Long, Molly M (2019. ) Community Mental Health Provider Responses to a Competency-Based Training in Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention.Community mental health journal, , 55 (2 ) ,257-266 More Information
Cramer, Robert J; La Guardia, Amanda C; Wright-Berryman, Jennifer; Long, Molly M; Adams Tufts, Kimberly (2019. ) Integrating Interprofessional Education into Suicide Prevention Training: Results from A Pilot Evaluation.Social work in public health, , 34 (7 ) ,628-636 More Information
La Guardia A.;Korcuska J. (03-01-2019. ) Counselor Education and Supervision Responds to Trends in Scholarship.Counselor Education and Supervision, , 58 (1 ) ,2-3 More Information
Richardson G.;La Guardia A.;Klay P. (07-01-2018. ) Determining the roles of father absence and age at menarche in female psychosocial acceleration.Evolution and Human Behavior, , 39 (4 ) ,437-446 More Information
La Guardia, Amanda C; Wright-Berryman, Jennifer; Cramer, Robert J; Kaniuka, Andrea R; Tufts, Kimberly Adams (2021. ) Interprofessional Suicide Prevention Education.Crisis, , More Information
La Guardia, Amanda C; Acquavita, Shauna; Duan, Qing; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; McCoy, Jordan (2022. ) Professionals ready to integrate care (PRI-Care): A mental health training collaborative.Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare, , 40 (4 ) ,463-471 More Information
Published Books
Kelly Emelianchik-Key & Amanda C La Guardia (2019. ) Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Throughout the Lifespan: A Clinician's Guide to Treatment Considerations .Routledge (Co-Author)
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati
Teachers College
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 5135568462