Margo Lambert

Margo M Lambert , Ph.D. Georgetown University

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of History

University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
9555 Plainfield Rd
Muntz 275 D
Cincinnati, Ohio 45236
Phone 513-558-1655


Ph.D.: Georgetown University Washington D.C., 2007 (Major Field: American History (Early American focus) Minor Field: Britain and Early Modern Germany Dissertation: “Francis Daniel Pastorius: An American in Early Pennsylvania.” )

Positions and Work Experience

2008 -2010 Adjunct Professor of History, Northern Kentucky University, Newport, KY

2010 - Assistant/Associate Professor of History, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Abbreviated Publications


Co-editor, A Pastorius Reader, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015; editor Patrick Erben, University of Western Georgia; co-editor Alfred Brophy, University of North Carolina School of Law

Peer Reviewed Publications

“Mediation, Assimilation, and German Beginnings in North America:  Francis Daniel Pastorius as Cultural Broker” in the Pennsylvania History: A MidAtlantic Review, Winter 2017
Book Review of Murphy, Lucy Eldersveld, Great Lakes Creoles: A French-Indian Community on the Northern Borderlands, Prairie du Chien, 1750-1860 in the Ohio Valley Journal.
The New Historical Atlas of Religion in America, Oxford University Press, 2001.  Sections on Roman Catholicism, 168; and Shakers, 201.
“Let Us Now Question History.”  Hanover Historical Review.  1:1993, 28-30

Work in Progress

“Hoosier Bridesmaids: A History of Indiana’s Vice-Presidents,” co-authored with A. Christopher Bryant, Indiana University Law Review, Winter 2018


Paper Presentations

Margo Lambert (11-11-2016. ) “Pastorius’s Natives: the “[T]he so-called savages,” .McNeil Center for Early American Studies. Conference. Level:National

Margo Lambert (06-12-2017. ) “Pastorius’s Conversion: Becoming an Early American Quaker,” .Birmingham, England. Conference. Level:International

Contact Information

Academic - University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
9555 Plainfield Rd
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45236
Phone: 513-558-1655