Peter M Langland Hassan
Director of Graduate Studies | Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, Cognitive Science
Professional Summary
Langland-Hassan's research spans the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of psychology, and cognitive science. Of particular interest to him are cognitive theories of imagination and pretense, the nature of visual imagery and inner speech, and the relation of imagery and imagination to self-knowledge and introspection. His work has explored the ways in which introspective and imaginative capacities can become disrupted in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. He was recently involved in an interdisciplinary study investigating the cognitive impact of inner speech deficits in people with aphasia.
Langland-Hassan arrived at UC in 2011 after spending two years as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology program at Washington University in St. Louis. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy in 2009 from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and his B.A. in philosophy from Columbia University in 1997.
More information is available on his personal website: http://langland-hassan.com
Ph.D.: The Graduate Center of the City University of New York New York, NY, 2009 (Philosophy)
B.A.: Columbia University New York, NY, 1997 (Philosophy)
Positions and Work Experience
09-2009 -07-2011 James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Researcher, Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Research Support
Grant: #URC Faculty 2012-13 Investigators:Langland-Hassan, Peter 01-22-2013 -01-21-2014 UC's University Research Council Metacognition in People with Aphasia Role:PI $6,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #RG 73416 Investigators:Dietz, Aimee; Langland-Hassan, Peter; Richardson, Michael 12-31-2015 -12-31-2017 John Templeton Foundation Inner Speech and Cognitive Phenomenology: An interdisciplinary investigation of what it is like to think without words Role:PI $150,790.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Langland-Hassan, P. (2012. ) Pretense, Imagination, and Belief: the Single Attitude Theory .Philosophical Studies, , 159 ,155
Langland-Hassan, P. (2011. ) A Puzzle About Visualization .Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, , 10 (2 ) ,145
Langland-Hassan, P. (2008. ) Fractured Phenomenologies: Thought Insertion, Inner Speech, and the Puzzle of Extraneity .Mind and Language, , 23 (4 ) ,369
Langland-Hassan, P. (2009. ) Metacognition without Introspection (commentary on P. Carruthers's "How we know our own minds") .Behavioral and Brain Sciences, , 32 ,151
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2014. ) What it is to Pretend .Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, , 95 (3 ) ,397-420
Langland-Hassan, P. (2014. ) Inner Speech and Metacognition: In Search of a Connection .Mind & Language, , 29 (5 ) ,511-533
Langland-Hassan, P. (2015. ) Introspective Misidentification .Philosophical Studies, , 172 ,1737-1758
Langland-Hassan, P. (2015. ) Imaginative Attitudes .Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, , 90 (3 ) ,664-686
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2014. ) Unwitting Self-Awareness? .Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, , 89 (3 ) ,719-726
Walton, A., Richardson, M., Langland-Hassan, P, Chemero, A (2015. ) Improvisation and the self-organization of multiple musical bodies .Frontiers in Psychology, , 6 ,313
Langland-Hassan, P., Faries, F., Richardson, M., Dietz, A. (2015. ) Inner speech deficits in people with aphasia .Frontiers in Psychology, , 6 ,528
Langland-Hassan, P. (2015. ) Self-Knowledge and Imagination .Philosophical Explorations, , 18 (2 ) ,226-245
Langland-Hassan, P. (2016. ) Hearing a voice as one's own: two views of inner speech self-monitoring deficits in schizophrenia .Review of Philosophy and Psychology, , 7 (3 ) ,675-699
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2018. ) Imagining Experiences .Nous, , 52 (3 ) ,561-586
Langland-Hassan, P., Gauker, C., Richardson, M., Dietz, A., Faries, F. (2017. ) Metacognitive Deficits in Categorization Tasks in a Population with Impaired Inner Speech .Acta Psychologica, , 181 ,62-74
Langland-Hassan, P., Faries, F.R., Gatyas, M., Richardson, M., and Dietz, A. (2021. ) Assessing Abstract Thought Using a New Nonverbal Paradigm: Evidence from Aphasia .Cognition, , 211 ,
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2021. ) What sort of imagining might remembering be? .Journal of the American Philosophical Association, ,
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2021. ) The Problem Pretense Poses to 4E Cognition .Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, ,
Langland-Hassan, P. (2020. ) Inner Speech .WIREs Cognitive Science, ,
Published Books
Langland-Hassan, Peter & Vicente, Agustin (2018. ) Inner Speech: New Voices .Oxford , Oxford University Press
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2020. ) Explaining Imagination .Oxford , Oxford University Press
Book Chapter
Langland-Hassan, P. (2016 ) On Choosing What to Imagine Knowledge Through Imagination .Oxford, Oxford University Press
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2017 ) Pain and Incorrigibility Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Pain .Routledge
Langland-Hassan, Peter (2018 ) From Introspection to Essence: The Auditory Nature of Inner Speech Inner Speech: New Voices .Oxford, Oxford University Press
Langland-Hassan, P. & Vicente, A. (2018 ) Introduction Inner Speech: New Voices .Oxford, Oxford University Press
Invited Presentations
Langland-Hassan, P. (05-2011. ) Are 'Inserted Thoughts' Thoughts? .Workshop: 'Schizophrenia and Self-Consciousness,' Center for Integrative Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany. Level:International
Langland-Hassan, Peter (05-2012. ) The Contents of Inner Speech .The Consilience Project, Ohio State University. Level:National
Langland-Hassan, Peter (02-2015. ) The Inner Voice in Schizophrenia .The Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Langland-Hassan, Peter (06-2015. ) Imagining Experiences .Conference on Imagination, University of Antwerp, Belguim. Level:International
Langland-Hassan, Peter (06-2015. ) Inner speech and metacognition .Workshop on Inner Speech, University of Granada, Spain. Level:International
Langland-Hassan, Peter (07-2016. ) Imagining Experiences .Syracuse Philosophy Annual Workshop and Network (SPAWN), Syracuse University, New York. Level:National
Langland-Hassan, Peter (02-2016. ) Alien Voices and the Aolian Harm: a Model for Intertheoretic Explanation in Psychiatry .George Washington University, Washington D.C.. Level:National
Langland-Hassan, Peter (05-2016. ) Attitude Monism .Workshop on Modes and Contents, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Level:International