Professional Summary
My research interests, while broad, are in the philosophy of education, social-political philosophy, and the philosophy of science. I am currently thinking about
- Narrative identity, civic empowerment, and rural education.
- Values in Science, particularly what trust entails and how scientists and philosophers doing public engagement with science might attempt to build trust in their communities.
I am also involved with the Cincinnati Ethics Center as a Graduate Fellow. In 2024-2026, I will coach the Collegiate Ethics Bowl teams. I have been involved with the Ethics Bowl since 2020, primarily serving as a judge and moderator for the Nebraska and Ohio High School Ethics Bowls.
Bachelor of Arts: University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, Nebraska, 2022 (Philosophy Concentration: ethics, law, and social-political philosophy)
American Philosophical Association (Graduate Student Council ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2024 -2026
Courses Taught
-PHIL-1000 INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY Level:Undergraduate
Introduction to Ethics Bowl Level:Undergraduate
Ethics Bowl Level:Undergraduate