Erinn Leary Green , Ph.D.
Professor Educator
Associate Professor, Educator
Professional Summary
Erinn Green is a social psychologist who specializes in program evaluation of non profit programs and organizations. Specifically, she uses participatory evaluation, organizational development and program theory methods to help organizations transform from within.
B.S.: Centre College Danville, Kentucky, 1997 (Psychology)
M.A.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2000 (Psychology)
Ph.D.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2005 (Psychology)
Research and Practice Interests
Erinn Green is a social psychologist who specializes in program evaluation of non profit programs and organizations. Specifically, she uses participatory evaluation, organizational development and program theory methods to help organizations transform from within.
Research Support
Grant: #CAPMIS - C-1415-06-0918 Investigators:Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 01-01-2015 -06-30-2015 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Study to Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of Ohio's Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - Interim Solution (CAPMIS) Role:Collaborator $172,471.50 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #CAPMIS - C-1415-06-0918 Investigators:Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 01-01-2015 -01-31-2017 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Study to Evaluate the Validity and Reliability of Ohio's Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - Interim Solution (CAPMIS) Role:Collaborator $766,399.50 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #C-2021-06-0828 Investigators:Boone, Xan; Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 12-04-2020 -06-30-2026 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Statewide Coordination of the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP) Role:Collaborator $5,249,563.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #C-2223-06-0225 Investigators:Boone, Xan; Green, Erinn; Holloway, Stacie; Howe, Steven 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Administration for Children and Families Statewide Coordination of the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program (OCWTP) Role:Collaborator 17875437.47 Active Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
for the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, "Accenutate the Positives of Multiple Roles: Work to Family and Family to Work facilitation for Employees and Parents"
Invited Presentations
Green, Erinn and Hall, Wayne (11-05-2010. ) Practice Practice .CETL Teaching Conference, TUC. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (09-29-2011. ) Logic Models: Understanding Impact .Mountain View Grand, New Hampshire. Workshop. . Level:Regional
Green, Erinn (09-30-2011. ) Logic Models: Measuring Your Impact .Mountain View Grand, New Hampshire. Workshop. . Level:Regional
Green, Erinn (08-30-2011. ) Ready Set Go: Faciliator Training .450 University Hall. Workshop. . Level:University
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (10-10-2012. ) How Active Learning Techniques Can Change Your Classroom Dynamic .University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (01-26-2012. ) Discovering Psychology .Exploratory Major Course, University of Cincinnati. Level:University
Green, Erinn (10-20-2012. ) Discovering Psychology .Exploratory Major Course, University of Cincinnati. Level:University
Green, Erinn (04-14-2012. ) The Psychology Major .Admitted Student Day, University of Cincinnati. Level:University
Green, Erinn (04-19-2012. ) What is a Social Psychologist? .Psi Chi Meeting, University of Cincinnati. Level:Department
Green, Erinn (06-04-2012. ) Consulting Pitfalls .Graduate Consulting Course, University of Cincinnati. Level:Department
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (05-2013. ) Active Learning Techniques in the Large Enrollment Classroom .CET&L Summer Institute, Langsam Library. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (08-23-2013. ) Active Learning for Large Enrollment Courses .University of Cincinnati New Faculty Orientation, Kingsgate Conference Center. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (03-14-2013. ) Discovering UC Psychology .Discovering UC course, Old Chem. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (10-22-2013. ) Discovering UC Psychology .Discovering UC course, McMicken. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (08-16-2013. ) Using Student Feedback to Improve Learning .Linder College of Business, Linder College of Business. UC. . Level:College
Green, Erinn (04-16-2013. ) Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love .Presentation to Residence Hall , Daniels Hall. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (04-03-2014. ) Finding your Place in the Field of Psychology .Psychology Club Meeting, University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:Department
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (05-2014. ) Active Learning Techniques in the Large Enrollment Classroom .CET&L Course Design Institute, University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (03-01-2014. ) Majoring in Psychology at UC .Bearcat Brunch, UC. UC. . Level:Department
Green, Erinn (03-11-2014. ) The Psychology Major at UC .Discovering Psychology course, UC. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (08-13-2014. ) Active Learning Techniques .New Faculty Orientation, Kingsgate Conference Center. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn, Stanley, Caroline and DeSensi, Victoria (01-04-2015. ) Branching off the Family Tree: The Unique Needs of First-Generation College Students .National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete's Beach, Florida. Conference. . Level:International
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (01-05-2015. ) Bridging the Relevance Gap: Collaborating with Undergraduates on Course Development .National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete's Beach, Florida. Conference. . Level:International
Green, Erinn and Rogers, Nancy (01-28-2015. ) Bridging the Relevance Gap: Collaborating with Undergraduates on Course Development .Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning, University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Green, Erinn (03-06-2014. ) Using Love Languages to Develop Healthy Relationships .Residence Hall Presentation, Daniels Hall. UC. . Level:University
Green, E., DeSensi, V. and Jurs, B. (01-05-2016. ) Major Issue? Conveying the Value of Psychology to All Students Enrolled in Introduction to Psychology .National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, Florida. Level:International
Erinn Green and Nancy Rogers (05-2015. ) Active Learning for Large Enrollment Classrooms .Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Langsam Library. Workshop. . Level:University
Erinn Green and Nancy Rogers (08-19-2015. ) Active Learning for Large Enrollment Classrooms .University of Cincinnati New Faculty Orientation, Kingsgate Conference Center. Workshop. . Level:University
Poster Presentations
Green, Erinn, Rogers, Nancy and Bruns, Kaitlyn (10-15-2014. ) A Parallel Universe: Can Active Learning Activities Be As Effective in Traditional and Online Venues? .American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO. . Conference. . Level:International
Erinn Green (02-05-2015. ) Careers in Psychology .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:Department
Event Organized
Dual Career Large Group Event FaciliationDual Career Large Group Event Faciliation 03-10-2014 University of Cincinnati Level:University
Honors and Awards
04-26-2012 -04-26-2012 Breakfast of Champions Invited by two former students (Darwin Turner scholars)--Jamieson WIlliams and Alex Wang--as an influential professor in their time at UC Type:Recognition
04-04-2013 -04-04-2013 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Breakfast of Champions Nominated by Troy Miller as his most influential professor. Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2014 -2014 Departmental Nomination for Outstanding Educator Award Cincy Magazine Status:Nomination Level:Regional
(Introduction to Psychology ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 10-01-2010 -To Present
(Introduction to Psychology committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-01-2011 -To Present
Fall Psychology Department Retreat (Planning Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 07-01-2011 -09-30-2011
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 04-16-2011 -04-16-2011
(Introduction to Psychology ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Skills Class Coordinator ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Staff Function Meetings ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Introduction to Psychology ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013
(Interpersonal Skills Course Coordinator ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013
(STEM Dual Career Workshop ) Consultant Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2013
(Curriculum Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013
(Exploratory Students Point Person ) Mentor Type:Departmental Service Level:University 2013
(Peer Supervision of Teaching ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013
(Peer Observation of Teaching ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Introduction to Psychology Instructors ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Skills Course Instructors ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Exploratory Students Point Person ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Curriculum Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Introduction to Psychology textbook selection ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Executive Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Undergradute Studies ) Co-Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Intro to the Major course development ) Consultant Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
(Preparing Future Faculty ) Mentor Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014
Discovering Psychology Class Type:Service to Student Groups Level:College 02-26-2015 -02-26-2015
Type:Departmental Service Level:College 03-28-2015 -03-28-2015
Type:Departmental Service Level:College 04-11-2015 -04-11-2015
(Psychology Department Executive Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Undergraduate Curriculum Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Search Committee--Educator OT position ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 03-2015 -08-2015
(Instructional Innovations Advisory Council ) Member Type:Other Educational Service Level:College
(Cross College Curriculum Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Undergraduate Studies, Psychology ) Program Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Courses Taught
15-PSYC-101 INTRO PSYCH (EXP) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-215 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-206 ADOLES DEVELOPMENT Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-102 INTRO PSYCH (CLIN) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH (SOC) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-242 INTERPERSONAL RELAT Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-365 CONFLICT & RESOLTN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-101 INTRO PSYCH (EXP) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-102 INTRO PSYCH (CLIN) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-206 ADOLES DEVELOPMENT Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-365 CONFLICT & RESOLTN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH (SOC) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-215 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-242 INTERPERSONAL RELAT Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-359 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-101 INTRO PSYCH (EXP) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-103 INTRO PSYCH (SOC) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-395 GROUPS AT WORK Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-351 INDEPENDENT STUDY Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-359 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-271 SP TOPICS PSYCHOLGY Level:Undergraduate
Introduction to Psychology Level:Undergraduate
Social Psychology Level:Undergraduate
Groups at Work Level:Undergraduate
Teaching Practicum Level:Undergraduate
Research Practicum Level:Undergraduate
Introduction to Psychology Level:Undergraduate
Social Psychology Level:Undergraduate
Teaching Practicum Level:Undergraduate
Groups at Work Level:Undergraduate
Interpersonal Relations Level:Undergraduate
Interpersonal Relations Level:Undergraduate
Teaching Practicum Level:Undergraduate
Groups at Work Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-3095 GROUPS AT WORK Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2096 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2096 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-3095 GROUPS AT WORK Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2096 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2096 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-3095 GROUPS AT WORK Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2042 INTERPERSONAL RELS Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2096 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
Program Assessment and Policy Analysis Level:Graduate
Faculty Development Activities
11-05-2010 -11-05-2010 Best Practices in Scholarly Teaching Conference Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance
10-13-2011 -10-13-2011 Your Colleagues, Your Fellow Teachers: Using Comprehensive Peer Review to Improve Teaching & Learning Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Stratford Ballroom, Stratford Heights Type:Workshop
04-21-2011 -04-21-2011 The PrAISE Approach Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
07-30-2012 -08-03-2012 Faculty Development Summer Institute Active Learning and Teaching in University and College, University of Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island, Canada Type:Conference Attendance
09-18-2012 -09-18-2012 CET&L Facilitator Training training for CET&L presenters, CET&L Langsam Library Type:Workshop
05-06-2013 -05-10-2013 Active Learning Techniques for the Large Enrollment Classroom co-facilitated with Nancy Rogers, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Langsam Library Type:Workshop
08-23-2013 -08-23-2013 Active Learning for Large Enrollment Classes co-facilitated with Nancy Rogers, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Kingsgate Conference Center Type:Workshop
08-16-2013 -08-16-2013 Using Student Feedback to Improve Learning Linder College of Business Linder College of Business Type:Workshop
03-11-2013 -03-22-2013 Online Teaching Strategies Course College of Allied Health Sciences Type:Online Class
01-03-2015 -01-06-2015 National Institue on the Teaching of Psychology NITOP St. Pete Beach, Florida Type:Conference Attendance
01-03-2016 -01-06-2016 National Institue on the Teaching of Psychology NITOP St. Pete Beach, Florida Type:Conference Attendance
Other Information
Reviewed Text:
Schacter, D. L, Gilbert, D. T., & Wegner, D. M. Psychology. New York: Worth: Brief 2nd edition 2012.,
Asked for expert comment on article for gradPSYCH magazine: "Power Up your PowerPoint"
Reviewed Text: Social Groups in Action and Interaction by Charles Stangor
,Reviewed Text: Social Psychology 3rd Edition by Gilovich, Keltner, Chen and Nisbett