Su-Ju Lee

Su-Ju Lee , MD


Bachelor's Degree: National Taiwan University School of Pharmacy Taipei City, Taiwan, 1971 (Pharmacy)

Bachelor's Degree: Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy 1974 (Pharmacy)

Master's Degree: Wayne State University College of Pharmacy Detroit, Michigan, 1975 (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio, 1985

Residency: University of Cincinnati Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio, 1986 ( Pathology)

Residency: University of Cincinnati Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio, 1990 (Diagnostic Radiology)


American Board of Radiology (Diagnostic Radiology) (Certification Date: 06-07-1990 )

Positions and Work Experience

2008 -To Present Clinical Assistant Professor Breast and Body Imaging, University of Cincinnati Department of Radiology UC Medical Center, Cincinnati OH

2006 -2008 Staff Radiologist, Professional Radiology Inc, Cincinnati OH

1991 -2006 Medical Director Department of Radiology, Margaret Mary Community Hospital, Batesville Indiana

Research Support

Investigators:Lee, SJ 08-05-2012 A clinical trial to evaluate the Hologic Tomosynthesis Mammography System when non-mass lesions are found on traditional 2D mammography. Role:Co-PI

Investigators:Lee, SJ 06-23-2010 A multicenter controlled clinical trial to evaluate the Hologic Tomosynthesis Mammography System in Biopsy Patient Population Role:Co-PI

Investigators:Lee,SJ 06-20-2009 A retrospective review of biopsy proven cases of stromal fibrosis of the breast to present their MR imaging features and make histopahtologic correlation. Role:PI


Peer Reviewed Publications

Huynh PT, Lemeshko SV, Mahoney MC, Lee SJ et al. (2012. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria: Stage I Breast Carcinoma" .J Am Coll Radiol , , (9 ) ,463-467

Lee SJ, Mahoney MC (2011. ) The Protean Manifestations of Granular Cell Tumors of the Breast .Breast J, , 17 (2 ) ,201-203

Lee SJ, Mahoney MC, Khan (2011. ) MRI Features of Stromal Fibrosis of the Breast with Histopathologic Correlation." .AJR Am J Roentgenol , , (197 ) ,755-762

Lee SJ Mahoney MC Shaughnessy E (2009. ) Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast: Imaging features and review of the literature .AJR, , 193 (1 ) ,W64-9

Mainiero MB, Lourenco A, Mahoney MC, Newell MS, Bailey L, Barke LD, Lee SJ, et al. (2013. ) ACR Approrpriateness Criteria: Breast Cancer Screening .J AM Coll Radiol, , 10 ,11-14

Harvey JA, Mahoney MC, Newell MS, Bailey L, Barke LD, Lee SJ, et al. (2013. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria: Palpable Breast Masses .J AM Coll Radiol, , 10 ,742-749

Linda M, Newell MS, Mahoney MC, Bailey L, Carkaci S, D'Orsi C, Lee SJ et al (2014. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria Stage I Breast Cancer: Initial Workup and Surveillance for Local Recurrence and Distant Metastases in Asymptomatic Women .J Am Coll Radiol, , 11 ,1160-1168

Lee SJ, Mahoney MC (2015. ) Current Concepts on Preoperative Breast MRI .Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology, , 1 ,1-8

Mainiero MB, Lourenco AP, Barke LD, Argus AD, Bailey L, Carkaci S, D'Orsi C, Lee SJ et al. (2015. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria: Evaluation of the Symptomatic Male Breast .J AM Coll Radiol, , 112 ,678-682

Lee SJ, Mahoney MC, Redus Z. (2015. ) The Management of Benign Concordant MRI-guided Breast Biopsies: Lessons Learned.Breast J, , 21 (6 ) ,665 More Information

Expert Panel on Breast Imaging:, Slanetz PJ, Moy L, Baron P, diFlorio RM, Green ED, Heller SL, Holbrook AI, Lee SJ, Lewin AA, Lourenco AP, Niell B, Stuckey AR, Trikha S, Vincoff NS, Weinstein SP, Yepes MM, Newell MS. (2017. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Monitoring Response to Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy for Breast Cancer.J Am Coll Radiol, , 14 (11S ) ,S462 More Information

Expert Panel on Breast Imaging:, Mainiero MB, Moy L, Baron P, Didwania AD, diFlorio RM, Green ED, Heller SL, Holbrook AI, Lee SJ, Lewin AA, Lourenco AP, Nance KJ, Niell BL, Slanetz PJ, Stuckey AR, Vincoff NS, Weinstein SP, Yepes MM, Newell MS. (2017. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Breast Cancer Screening.J Am Coll Radiol, , 14 (11S ) ,S383 More Information

Expert Panel on Breast Imaging:, Moy L, Bailey L, D'Orsi C, Green ED, Holbrook AI, Lee SJ, Lourenco AP, Mainiero MB, Sepulveda KA, Slanetz PJ, Trikha S, Yepes MM, Newell MS. (2017. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Stage I Breast Cancer: Initial Workup and Surveillance for Local Recurrence and Distant Metastases in Asymptomatic Women.J Am Coll Radiol, , 14 (5S ) ,S282 More Information

Expert Panel on Breast Imaging:, Jokich PM, Bailey L, D'Orsi C, Green ED, Holbrook AI, Lee SJ, Lourenco AP, Mainiero MB, Moy L, Sepulveda KA, Slanetz PJ, Trikha S, Yepes MM, Newell MS. (2017. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Breast Pain.J Am Coll Radiol, , 14 (5S ) ,S25 More Information

Expert Panel on Breast Imaging:, Moy L, Heller SL, Bailey L, D'Orsi C, DiFlorio RM, Green ED, Holbrook AI, Lee SJ, Lourenco AP, Mainiero MB, Sepulveda KA, Slanetz PJ, Trikha S, Yepes MM, Newell MS. (2017. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Palpable Breast Masses.J Am Coll Radiol, , 14 (5S ) ,S203 More Information

Expert Panel on Breast Imaging:, Lee SJ, Trikha S, Moy L, Baron P, diFlorio RM, Green ED, Heller SL, Holbrook AI, Lewin AA, Lourenco AP, Niell BL, Slanetz PJ, Stuckey AR, Vincoff NS, Weinstein SP, Yepes MM, Newell MS. (2017. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Evaluation of Nipple Discharge.J Am Coll Radiol, , 14 (5S ) ,S138 More Information

Huynh PT, Lemeshko SV, Mahoney MC, Newell MS, Bailey L, Barke LD, D'Orsi C, Harvey JA, Hayes MK, Jokich PM, Lee SJ, Lehman CD, Mainiero MB, Mankoff DA, Patel SB, Reynolds HE, Sutherland ML, Haffty BG. (2016. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Stage I Breast Carcinoma.J Am Coll Radiol, , 13 (11S ) ,e53 More Information

Moy L, Newell MS, Mahoney MC, Bailey L, Barke LD, Carkaci S, D'Orsi C, Goyal S, Haffty BG, Harvey JA, Hayes MK, Jokich PM, Lee SJ, Mainiero MB, Mankoff DA, Patel SB, Yepes MM. (2016. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria Stage I Breast Cancer: Initial Workup and Surveillance for Local Recurrence and Distant Metastases in Asymptomatic Women.J Am Coll Radiol, , 13 (11S ) ,e43 More Information

Harvey JA, Mahoney MC, Newell MS, Bailey L, Barke LD, D'Orsi C, Hayes MK, Jokich PM, Lee SJ, Lehman CD, Mainiero MB, Mankoff DA, Patel SB, Reynolds HE, Sutherland ML, Haffty BG. (2016. ) ACR Appropriateness Criteria Palpable Breast Masses.J Am Coll Radiol, , 13 (11S ) ,e31 More Information

Wahab RA, Lee SJ, Zhang B, Sobel L, Mahoney MC (2018. ) A comparison of full-field digital mammograms versus 2D synthesized mammograms for detection of microcalcifications on screening.Eur J Radiol, , 107 (Oct ) ,14 More Information

Freeman CM, Xia BT, Wilson GC, Lewis JD, Khan S, Lee SJ, Lower EE, Edwards MJ, Shaughnessy EA (2017. ) Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.Am J Surg, , 214 (4 ) ,701 More Information

Freeman CM, Xia BT, Wilson GC, Lewis JD, Khan S, Lee SJ, Lower EE, Edwards MJ, Shaughnessy EA Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.Am J Surg, , 214 (4 ) ,701 More Information

Lee SJ, Saidian L, Wahab RA, Khan S, Mahoney MC (2019. ) The evolving imaging features of lupus mastitis.Breast J, , 25 (4 ) ,753 More Information

Lee SJ, Sobel LD, Shamis M, Mahoney MC. (2019. ) Asymmetric Ductal Ectasia: An Often Overlooked Sign of Malignancy. .AJR Am J Roentgenol, , 213 (2 ) , -473More Information

Wahab RA, Brown A, Lee S, Zhang B, Sobel L, Mahoney MC (2021. ) Screening mammogram results in the digital age: video messaging - a pilot study.Acad Radiol, , 28 (4 ) ,487 -494More Information

Kim D, Kim SK, Lee SJ, Choo HJ, Park JW (2019. ) Simultaneous estimation of the fat fraction and R2* Via T2*-corrected 6-echo dixon volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination imaging for osteopenia and osteoporosis detection: Correlations with sex, age, and menopause.Korean Journal of Radiology, , 20 (6 ) ,916 More Information

Book Chapter

Lee SJ and Mahoney MC (2013 ) Benign Findings in Breast MRI Breast MRI .

Lee SJ and Mahoney MC (2013 ) MRI and High Risk Breast Lesions Breast MRI .

Professional Affiliation

American College of Radiology

American Roentgen Ray Society

Radiological Society of North America

Society of Breast Imaging

Ohio State Radiological Society, ACR Chapter

Greater Cincinnati Radiological Society

Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society

Other Information

Fluent in Chinese and Taiwanese,

Contact Information

Phone: 513-584-7359
Fax: 513-584-0431