Professional Summary

Dr. Lee’s research focuses on combustion and propulsion problems in air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems. He has many years of experience in combustion dynamics in gas turbine, ramjet and augmentor, development of various laser-based optical diagnostic techniques with applications to propulsion systems, supersonic combustion, combustion control and sensors monitoring the combustion process, turbulent flame propagations and multi-phase combustion processes.
He has been collaborating with many major gas turbine/aircraft industries such as GE Aviation, GE Energy, Pratt and Whitney, Siemens-Westinghouse, Solar Turbines, Doosan Heavy Industry as well as the AFRL-Wright Patterson, NASA-GRC and DOE NETL (Natural Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV) in those areas.

Research Support

Grant: #212014.05.00.2016.00.19-C7 / FA8650-21-D-2014 Investigators:Lee, Jongguen 09-01-2021 -06-30-2022 Department of the Air Force 2021/2022 Aerospace Propulsion Outreach Program (APOP) Role:PI 4630.00 Hold Level:Federal

Investigators:Lee, Jongguen 05-01-2022 -12-01-2022 Carbon Ventures, LLC Feasibility test of Natural Gas Combustion Under O2-CO2 Atmosphere at Elevated Pressures for Carbon Capture Role:PI 46891.00 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #PO30-00506 / 212014.05.00.2016.00.22-C7 / FA8650-21-D-2014 Investigators:Lee, Jongguen 09-01-2022 -06-30-2023 Department of the Air Force 2022/2023 Aerospace Propulsion Outreach Program (APOP) Role:PI 2465.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #Purchase Order SB20300_FA8650-22-D-2009 Investigators:Lee, Jongguen 09-11-2023 -06-30-2024 Department of the Air Force Using long-term satellite data and machine learning to quantify changes in riverine phosphorus in the Ohio River Basin Role:PI 13949.00 Hold Level:Federal

Investigators:Lee, Jongguen 09-16-2024 -09-15-2025 Innovative Scientific Solutions, Incorporated Variable Nozzle Technology Role:PI 14000.00 Hold Level:Industry


Peer Reviewed Publications

Notaro V.;Khare P.;Lee J.G. (02-15-2019. ) Mixing Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Impinging Jets at Elevated Pressures.Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, , 102 (2 ) ,355-372 More Information

V. Notaro, P. Khare and J.G. Lee (2019. ) Mixing Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Impinging Jets at Elevated Pressures .Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, , 102 (2 ) ,355

Song J.;Lee J. (01-01-2018. ) Experimental results on a gaseous jet into a turbulent air crossflow - Effect of the shape of inject.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4B-2018 , More Information

Sharma A.;Lee J.G. (01-01-2018. ) Dynamics of near-field and far-field spray formed by liquid jet in oscillating crossflow.Atomization and Sprays, , 28 (1 ) ,1-21 More Information

Knadler M.;Caley T.;Lee J.G.;Jung S.;Kim S.;Park H. (01-01-2018. ) Validation of a physics-based low-order thermo-acoustic model of combustion driven oscillations in a.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4A-2018 , More Information

Sharma, J. Song and J.G. Lee (2018. ) Near- and Far-field Response of Spray Formed by Liquid Jet Injected into Oscillating Air Crossflow .Atomization and Sprays, , 28 (1 ) ,1

Cakmakci A.;Knadler M.;Lee J. (05-01-2017. ) Spatiotemporal Distribution of Soot Temperature for Flames Using Optical Pyrometry Under Unsteady In.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 139 (5 ) , More Information

Song J.;Lee J. (01-01-2017. ) Characterization of spray formed by diesel-water mixture jet injected into an air crossflow.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , Part F130041-4B , More Information

AlAdawy A.S.;Lee J.G.;Abdelnabi B. (01-01-2017. ) Effect of turbulence on NOx emission in a lean perfectly-premixed combustor.Fuel, , 208 ,160-167 More Information

Etheridge S.;Lee J.;Carter C.;Hagenmaier M.;Milligan R. (01-01-2017. ) Effect of flow distortion on fuel/air mixing and combustion in an upstream-fueled cavity flameholder.Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, , 88 ,461-471 More Information

Yoon J.;Joo S.;Kim J.;Lee M.;Lee J.;Yoon Y. (01-01-2017. ) Effects of convection time on the high harmonic combustion instability in a partially premixed combu.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, , 36 (3 ) ,3753-3761 More Information

Yoon C.;Graham O.;Han F.;Kim K.;Maxted K.;Caley T.;Lee J.G. (01-01-2017. ) Les-based scattering matrix method for low-order acoustic network models.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , Part F130041-4B , More Information

A.S. AlAdawy and J.G. Lee (2017. ) Effect of turbulence on NOx emission in a lean perfectly-premixed combustor .Fuel, , 208 ,160

S. Etheridge, J.G. Lee, C. Carter, M. Hagenmaier and R. Milligan (2017. ) Effect of flow distortion on fuel/air mixing and combustion in an upstream-fueled cavity flameholder for a supersonic combustor .Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, , 88 ,461

J. Yoon, S. Joo, J. Kim, M. C. Lee, J. G. Lee and Y. Yoon (2017. ) Effects of Convection Time on the High Harmonic Combustion Instability in a Partially Premixed Combustor .Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, , 36 (3 ) ,3753

Cakmakci A.;Knadler M.;Lee J. (01-01-2016. ) Spatio-temporal distribution of soot temperature for flames using optical pyrometry under unsteady i.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4A-2016 , More Information

A. Cakmakci, M. Knadler and J.G. Lee (2016. ) Spatio-temporal Distribution of Soot Temperature for Flames Using Optical Pyrometry Under Unsteady Inlet Airflow Conditions .Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 139 (5 ) ,051502-1

M. Knadler, A. Cakmakci, and J.G. Lee (2016. ) Response of Soot Temperature to Unsteady Inlet Airflow Under Modulated Condition and Naturally-Occurring Combustion Dynamics .Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 137 (4 ) ,41507-1

Tsolas N.;Lee J.;Yetter R. (08-13-2015. ) Flow reactor studies of non-equilibrium plasma-assisted oxidation of n-alkanes.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, , 373 (2048 ) , More Information

Song J.;Cain C.C.;Lee J.G. (04-01-2015. ) Liquid Jets in Subsonic Air Crossflow at Elevated Pressure.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 137 (4 ) , More Information

Knadler M.;Cakmakci A.;Lee J. (04-01-2015. ) Response of Soot Temperature to Unsteady Inlet Airflow under Modulated Condition and Naturally Occur.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 137 (4 ) , More Information

Song J.;Lee J.G. (01-01-2015. ) Characterization of spray formed by liquid jet injected into oscillating air crossflow.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4B , More Information

Ramasubramanian C.;Notaro V.;Lee J.G. (01-01-2015. ) Characterization of near-field spray of nongelled- and gelled-impinging doublets at high pressure.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 31 (6 ) ,1642-1652 More Information

N. Tsolas, J.G. Lee and R. A. Yetter (2015. ) Flow reactor studies of non-equilibrium plasma-assisted oxidation of n-alkanes .Phil.Trans. R. Soc. A, , 373 ,

Ramasubramanian, V. Notaro, and J.G. Lee (2015. ) Characterization of Near-field Spray of Non-gelled and Gelled Impinging Doublets in Air under High Pressure .Journal of Power and Propulsion, , 31 (6 ) ,

Knadler M.;Cakmakci A.;Lee J. (01-01-2014. ) Response of soot temperature to unsteady inlet airflow under modulated condition and naturally-occur.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4B , More Information

Song J.;Cain C.C.;Lee J.G. (01-01-2014. ) Liquid jets in subsonic air crossflow at elevated pressure.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4B , More Information

Notaro V.;Ramasubramanian C.;Lee J. (01-01-2014. ) Mixing analysis of like doublet injectors in high pressure environments for gelled propellant simula.50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference 2014, , More Information

Song J.;Ramasubramanian C.;Lee J. (01-01-2014. ) Response of liquid Jet to modulated crossflow.Atomization and Sprays, , 24 (2 ) ,129-154 More Information

Kim M.;Yoon J.;Oh J.;Lee J.;Yoon Y. (01-01-2014. ) An experimental study of fuel-air mixing section on unstable combustion in a dump combustor.Applied Thermal Engineering, , 62 (2 ) ,662-670 More Information

J. Song, C. Ramasubramanian and J.G. Lee (2014. ) Response of Liquid Jet to Modulated Crossflow .Atomization and Sprays, , 24 (2 ) ,129

M-K. Kim, J. Yoon, J. Oh, J.G. Lee, J.G. and Y. Yoon (2014. ) An experimental study of fuel air mixing section on unstable combustion in a dump combustor .Applied Thermal Engineering, , 62 (2 ) ,662

Song J, Cary Cain C, Jong Guen Lee (2014. ) Liquid Jets in Subsonic Air Crossflow at Elevated Pressure .Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 137 (4 ) ,41502-1

Song J.;Ramasubramaniar C.;Lee J.G. (12-17-2013. ) Response of liquid jet to modulated crossflow.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 1 B , More Information

Oh J.;Lee J.;Lee W. (12-01-2013. ) Vaporization of a liquid hexanes jet in cross flow.International Journal of Multiphase Flow, , 57 ,151-158 More Information

Kim M.;Yoon J.;Oh J.;Lee J.;Yoon Y. (11-03-2013. ) An experimental study of fueleair mixing section on unstable combustion in a dump combustor .Applied Thermal Engineering, , 61 (2 ) ,662-670

Lee H.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (09-16-2013. ) Mechanism of combustion instability due to flame-vortex interactions in a Lean Premixed gas turbine .49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, ,

Yoon J.;Kim M.;Hwang J.;Lee J.;Yoon Y. (03-11-2013. ) Effect of fuel-air mixture velocity on combustion instability of a model gas turbine combustor.Applied Thermal Engineering, , 54 (1 ) ,92-101 More Information

Kim D.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (01-01-2013. ) Effects of flame unsteadiness on chemiluminescence intensity in turbulent premixed combustors .Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2013, ,

Etheridge S.;Lee J.G.;Carter C.;Hagenmaier M.;Milligan R. (12-01-2012. ) Characterization of supersonic flow interaction with a shockwave using laser-based diagnostics .48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,

Sun W.;Cai G.;Donadio N.;Kuo B.H.;Lee J.;Yetter R.A. (07-01-2012. ) Development of meso-scale co-fired ceramic tape axisymmetric combustors.International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, , 9 (4 ) ,833-846 More Information

Hwang N.;Lee J.;Lee D.;Song Y. (04-01-2012. ) Interactive phenomena of a rotating arc and a premixed CH 4 flame.Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, , 32 (2 ) ,187-200 More Information

Lee J.;Armstrong J.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2011. ) Experiments on lean blowout and NOx emissions of a premixed trapped vortex combustor with high g-loa.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,1149-1158 More Information

Peluso S.;Quay B.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2011. ) Comparison between self-excited and forced flame response of an industrial lean premixed gas turbine.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,927-937 More Information

Orawannukul P.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2011. ) Fuel-forced flame response of a lean-premixed combustor.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,871-882 More Information

Bunce N.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2011. ) Mixture-forced flame transfer function measurements and mechanisms in a single-nozzle combustor at e.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,1317-1326 More Information

Szedlmayer M.T.;Quay B.D.;Samarasinghe J.;De Rosa A.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2011. ) Forced flame response of a lean premixed multi-nozzle can combustor.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,883-891 More Information

Weismiller M.;Lee J.;Yetter R. (02-03-2011. ) Temperature measurements of Al containing nano-thermite reactions using multi-wavelength pyrometry.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, , 33 (2 ) ,1933-1940 More Information

Weismiller M.;Malchi J.;Lee J.;Yetter R.;Foley T. (02-03-2011. ) Effects of fuel and oxidizer particle dimensions on the propagation of aluminum containing thermites.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, , 33 (2 ) ,1989-1996 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (02-01-2011. ) The dynamic response of turbulent dihedral v Flames: An amplification mechanism of swirling flames.Combustion Science and Technology, , 183 (2 ) ,163-179 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (02-01-2011. ) Reconstruction of heat release response of partially premixed flames.Combustion Science and Technology, , 183 (2 ) ,122-137 More Information

Jones B.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (01-01-2011. ) Flame response mechanisms due to velocity perturbations in a lean premixed gas turbine combustor.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 133 (2 ) , More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (01-01-2011. ) Experimental investigation of the nonlinear response of swirl-stabilized flames to equivalence ratio.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 133 (2 ) , More Information

Fakhri S.;Lee J.G.;Yetter R.A. (12-01-2010. ) Effect of nozzle geometry on the atomization and spray characteristics of gelled-propellant simulant .Atomization and Sprays, , 20 (12 ) ,1033-1046

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2010. ) Forced flame response measurement in a gas turbine combustor with high hydrogen fuel .27th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2010, PCC 2010, , 3 ,2163-2173

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2010. ) Experimental investigation of the nonlinear response of swirl stabilized flames to equivalence ratio.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,833-842 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2010. ) Reconstruction of the heat release response of partially premixed flames.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,119-128 More Information

Lee H.J.;Kim K.T.;Lee J.G.;Quay B.D.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2010. ) Measurements of equivalence ratio flucutaitons in a lean premixed gas turbine combustor using an IR .Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,1137-1146 More Information

Jones B.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D.;Kim K.;Srinivasan S. (12-01-2010. ) Flame response mechanisms due to velocity perturbations in a lean premixed gas turbine combustor.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 (PARTS A AND B ) ,323-333 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (09-01-2010. ) Response of partially premixed flames to acoustic velocity and equivalence ratio perturbations.Combustion and Flame, , 157 (9 ) ,1731-1744 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (09-01-2010. ) Spatially distributed flame transfer functions for predicting combustion dynamics in lean premixed g.Combustion and Flame, , 157 (9 ) ,1718-1730 More Information

Weismiller M.;Duin A.;Lee J.;Yetter R. (05-06-2010. ) ReaxFF reactive force field development and applications for molecular dynamics simulations of ammon.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, , 114 (17 ) ,5485-5492 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Lee H.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (04-01-2010. ) Characterization of forced flame response of swirl-stabilized turbulent lean-premixed flames in a ga.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 132 (4 ) , More Information

Kim D.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D.;Kim K.;Srinivasan S. (02-01-2010. ) Effect of flame structure on the flame transfer function in a premixed gas turbine combustor.Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, , 132 (2 ) , More Information

Fakhri S.;Lee J.G.;Yetter R.A. (12-01-2009. ) Atomization and spray characteristics of gelled-propellant simulants formed by two impinging jets .45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, ,

Lee H.J.;Kim K.T.;Lee J.G.;Quay B.D.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2009. ) An experimental study on the coupling of combustion instability mechanisms in a lean premixed gas tu.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 ,749-758 More Information

Kim K.;Lee H.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2009. ) Flame transfer function measurement and instability frequency prediction using a thermoacoustic mode.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 ,799-810 More Information

Kim K.;Lee J.;Lee H.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2009. ) Characterization of forced flame response of swirl-stabilized turbulent lean-premixed flames in a ga.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 ,823-831 More Information

Loomis M.;Lee J.;Yetter R. (01-01-2009. ) Characterization of photo-ignition of single walled carbon nanotubes .Fall Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute 2009, , 555-561

Weismiller M.;Lee J.;Yetter R. (01-01-2009. ) Temporally analyzed multi-wavelength pyrometry of an Al/CuO nanothermite .Fall Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute 2009, , 284-292

Kim D.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D.;Kim K.;Srinivasan S. (12-01-2008. ) Effect of flame structure on the flame transfer function in a premixed gas turbine combustor.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 3 (PART B ) ,757-765 More Information

Figura L.;Lee J.;Quay B.;Santavicca D. (09-24-2007. ) The effects of fuel composition on flame structure and combustion dynamics in a lean premixed combus.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 2 ,181-187 More Information

Bunce K.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2006. ) Characterization of liquid jets-in-crossflow under high temperature, high velocity non-oscillating a .Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 20 ,14896-14907

Deepe J.;Lee J.;Santavicca D.;Lee W. (12-01-2006. ) Effect of weber number on the fuel transfer function for modulated liquid jets .Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 20 ,14873-14885

Stenzler J.N.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A.;Lee W. (12-01-2006. ) Penetration of liquid jets in a cross-flow .Atomization and Sprays, , 16 (8 ) ,887-906

Kim K.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (03-01-2006. ) Spatial and temporal distribution of secondary fuel for suppression of combustion dynamics.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 22 (2 ) ,433-439 More Information

Gonzalez-Juez E.D.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2005. ) A Study of Combustion Instabilities Driven by Flame-Vortex Interactions .41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, ,

Lee J.G.;Gonzalez E.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2005. ) On the applicability of chemiluminescence to the estimation of unsteady heat-release during unstable .41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, ,

Lee W.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (05-01-2005. ) Self-induced combustion instability of laminar premixed flames on a slot burner.JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering, , 48 (2 ) ,305-309 More Information

Lee B.J.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (07-01-2004. ) Detection of the onset of unstable combustion in lean premixed combustors .AIAA Paper, , 882-891

Stenzler I.;Lee J.;Deepe J.;Santavicca D.;Lee W. (01-01-2004. ) Fuel transfer function measurements in modulated liquid jets.American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Noise Control and Acoustics Division (Publication) NCA, , 31 ,31-38 More Information

Samperio J.L.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (12-01-2003. ) Characterization of the effect of the inlet operating conditions on the performance of lean premixed .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,

Lee J.; Santavicca D.; Stenzler J. (12-01-2003. ) Penetration of liquid jets in a crossflow .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,

Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (01-01-2003. ) Experimental Diagnostics for the Study of Combustion Instabilities in Lean Premixed Combustors.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 19 (5 ) ,735-750 More Information

Kim K.; Lee J.; Santavicca D. (12-01-2002. ) A study of the role of equivalence ratio fluctuations during unstable combustion in a lean premixed .38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, ,

Kim K.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (12-01-2002. ) Optimization of the spatial and temporal distribution of secondary fuel injection for effective supp .38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, ,

Stenzler J.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (01-01-2001. ) Effect of modulation on the fuel transfer function of a liquid jet in a crossflow .Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion, Fall Technical Meeting, The Eastern States Section, , 404

Lee J.;Kim K.;Santavicca D. (01-01-2000. ) Effect of injection location on the effectiveness of an active control system using secondary fuel i.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, , 28 (1 ) ,739-746 More Information

Lee J.;Kim K.;Santavicca D. (01-01-2000. ) Measurement of equivalence ratio fluctuation and its effect on heat release during unstable combusti.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, , 28 (1 ) ,415-421 More Information

Lee J.;Santavicca D. (01-01-1999. ) Fiber optic probe for primary zone fuel distribution measurements in actual liquid-fueled gas turbin .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 3535 ,167-175

Jones C.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (01-01-1999. ) Closed-loop active control of combustion instabilities using subharmonic secondary fuel injection.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 15 (4 ) ,584-590 More Information

Bandaru R.;Miller S.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (01-01-1999. ) Sensors for measuring primary zone equivalence ratio in gas turbine combustors .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 3535 ,104-114

Venkataraman K.;Preston L.;Simons D.;Lee B.;Lee J.;Santavicca D. (01-01-1999. ) Mechanism of combustion instability in a lean premixed dump combustor.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 15 (6 ) ,909-918 More Information

Lee J.;Santavicca D. (12-01-1998. ) Fiber-optic probe for fuel distribution measurements in actual gas turbine combustors .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD, ,

Lee J.;Santavicca D. (01-01-1997. ) Fiber-optic probe for laser-induced fluorescence measurements of the fuel-air distribution in gas-tu.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 13 (3 ) ,384-387 More Information

Shih W.P.;Lee J.G.;Santavicca D.A. (01-01-1996. ) Stability and emissions characteristics of a lean premixed gas turbine combustor.Symposium (International) on Combustion, , 26 (2 ) ,2771-2778 More Information

Nye D.A.;Lee J.G.;Lee T.W.;Santavicca D.A. (01-01-1996. ) Flame stretch measurements during the interaction of premixed flames and Kármán vortex streets using .Combustion and Flame, , 105 (1-2 ) ,167-179

Lee J.G.;Lee T.W.;Nye D.A.;Santavicca D.A. (01-01-1995. ) Lewis number effects on premixed flames interacting with turbulent Kármán vortex streets.Combustion and Flame, , 100 (1-2 ) ,161-168 More Information

Lee T.W.;Lee J.G.;Nye D.A.;Santavicca D.A. (01-01-1993. ) Local response and surface properties of premixed flames during interactions with Kármán vortex stre.Combustion and Flame, , 94 (1-2 ) ,146-160 More Information