Seokki Lee
Asst Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Computer Science -
PhD: Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, 2020 (Computer Science)
Masters: Hanyang University Seoul, 2009 (Computer Science)
Research and Practice Interests
Databases, Data Provenance, Big Data, Database security, Data Exchange
For more detailed information, please visit DB Group webpage
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lee, Seokki; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2019. ) PUG: a framework and practical implementation for why and why-not provenance .The VLDB Journal, , 47-71
Diestelkämper, Ralf; Glavic, Boris; Herschel, Melanie; Lee, Seokki; (2019. ) Query-based why-not explanations for nested data .11th International Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2019), ,
Arab, Bahareh Sadat; Feng, Su; Glavic, Boris; Lee, Seokki; Niu, Xing; Zeng, Qitian; (2018. ) GProM-A swiss army knife for your provenance needs .A Quarterly bulletin of the Computer Society of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering, ,
Lee, Seokki; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2018. ) Provenance summaries for answers and non-answers .Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, , 1954-1957
Lee, Seokki; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2018. ) PUG: A Framework and Practical Implementation for Why & Why-Not Provenance (extended version) .arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.05752, ,
Lee, Seokki; Köhler, Sven; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2017. ) A SQL-middleware unifying why and why-not provenance for first-order queries .2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), , 485-496
Spoth, William; Arab, Bahareh Sadat; Chan, Eric S; Gawlick, Dieter; Ghoneimy, Adel; Glavic, Boris; Hammerschmidt, Beda; Kennedy, Oliver; Lee, Seokki; Liu, Zhen Hua; (2017. ) Adaptive schema databases .CIDR 2017, 8th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, Chaminade, CA, USA, January 8-11, 2017, Online Proceedings, ,
Niu, Xing; Arab, Bahareh Sadat; Lee, Seokki; Feng, Su; Zou, Xun; Gawlick, Dieter; Krishnaswamy, Vasudha; Liu, Zhen Hua; Glavic, Boris; (2017. ) Debugging transactions and tracking their provenance with reenactment .arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.09930, ,
Lee, Seokki; Niu, Xing; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2017. ) Integrating approximate summarization with provenance capture .9th {USENIX} Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2017), ,
Lee, Seokki; Köhler, Sven; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2016. ) Implementing Unified Why-and Why-Not Provenance Through Games .International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, , 209-213
Lee, Seokki; Tang, Yuchen; Köhler, Sven; Ludäscher, Bertram; Glavic, Boris; (2015. ) An efficient implementation of game provenance in DBMS .
Lee, Seokki; Wang, Zhen; Glavic, Boris; Miller, Renée J; Automatic Generation and Ranking of Explanations for Mapping Errors .
Lee S.; Ludäscher B.; Glavic B. (01-01-2020. ) Approximate summaries for why and why-not provenance.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, , 13 (6 ) ,912-924 More Information
Lee S.; Ludäscher B.; Glavic B. (02-01-2019. ) PUG: a framework and practical implementation for why and why-not provenance.VLDB Journal, , 28 (1 ) ,47-71 More Information
Diestelkämper R.; Glavic B.; Herschel M.; Lee S. (01-01-2019. ) Query-based why-not explanations for nested data .TaPP 2019 - 11th International Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance, ,
Lee S.; Ludäscher B.; Glavic B. (01-01-2018. ) Provenance summaries for answers and nonanswers.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, , 11 (12 ) ,1954-1957 More Information
Niu X.; Arab B.; Lee S.; Feng S.; Zou X.; Gawlick D.; Krishnaswamy V.; Liu Z.; Glavic B. (08-01-2017. ) Debugging transactions and tracking their provenance with reenactment.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, , 10 (12 ) ,1857-1860 More Information
Lee S.; Köhler S.; Ludäscher B.; Glavic B. (05-16-2017. ) A SQL-Middleware unifying why and why-not provenance for first-order queries.Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, , 485-496 More Information
Lee S.; Niu X.; Ludäscher B.; Glavic B. (01-01-2017. ) Integrating approximate summarization with provenance capture .TaPP 2017 - 9th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance, ,
Spoth W.; Arab B.S.; Chan E.S.; Gawlick D.; Ghoneimy A.; Glavic B.; Hammerschmidt B.; Kennedy O.; Lee S.; Liu Z.H.; Niu X.; Yang Y. (01-01-2017. ) Adaptive schema databases .CIDR 2017 - 8th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, ,
Lee S.; Köhler S.; Ludäscher B.; Glavic B. (01-01-2016. ) Implementing unified why- and why-not provenance through games.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), , 9672 ,209-213 More Information
Invited Presentations
Seokki Lee (09-2019. ) PUG: A Framework for Efficiently Computing and Summarizing Why and Why-not Provenance .University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA.
Poster Presentations
Seokki Lee (2015. ) Automatic generation and ranking of explanations for mapping errors .Greater Chicago Area Systems Research Workshop (GCASR), Chicago. . Level:Local
Seokki Lee (2017. ) A SQL-Middleware Unifying Why and Why-Not Provenance for First-Order Queries .Greater Chicago Area Systems Reasearch Workshop (GCASR), Chicago. . Level:Local
Seokki Lee (2018. ) Sharing reproducible research through DataONE and Whole Tale .Whole Tale Workshop on Tools and Approaches for Publishing Reproducible Research,
Contact Information
Rhodes 885
2851 Woodside Dr
Ohio, 45221