Joo-Youp Lee
Ray & Connie Brooks Professor in Sustainability & Renewable Energy
Professional Summary
Ph.D: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, (Chemical Engineering )
M.S.: Sogang University Seoul, Korea, (Chemical Engineering)
B.S.: Sogang University Seoul, Korea, (Chemical Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
- Heterogeneous catalysis and separation for energy and environmental applications
- Carbon separation and recycle
- Targeted and controlled gene and drug delivery
- Mathematical modeling and simulation
Positions and Work Experience
08-2019 -To Present Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati
08-2013 -08-2019 Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati
07-2010 -08-2013 Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, School of Energy, Environmental, Biological, and Medical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
09-2008 -06-2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering, University of Cincinnati
06-2006 -08-2008 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati
01-2005 -09-2006 Instructor, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cincinnati
01-2003 -09-2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati
01-1998 -12-2002 Teaching Assistant , Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
01-1998 -12-2002 Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati
01-1993 -07-1996 Process Engineer, Daelim Engineering Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea
02-1991 -02-1993 Research Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sogang University
02-1991 -02-1993 Teaching Assistant , Department of Chemical Engineering, Sogang University
Research Support
Grant: #CHE-1726092 Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Lee, Joo; Mack, James; Tu, Maobing 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 National Science Foundation NSF MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $271,908.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Action Fund #1150 (see NSF CHE-1726092) Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Lee, Joo; Mack, James; Tu, Maobing 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 Ohio Department of Higher Education OBR Action Fund Request for Guan's MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $60,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSMRE S16AC20062 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim; Lee, Joo 10-01-2016 -09-30-2018 Department of the Interior Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Novel Process for Simultaneous Concentration of TDS and Recovery of Clean Water from Acid Mine Drainage Role:Collaborator $199,999.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R-16-14 Investigators:Lee, Joo 09-19-2016 -12-31-2018 Ohio Development Services Agency Energy-Efficient and Stable CO2 Adsorbent for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Role:PI $159,998.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OER-CDO-D-15-15 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim; Lee, Joo 03-16-2016 -06-30-2018 Ohio Coal Development Office Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Novel Process for Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals and Recovery of FGD Process Water Role:Collaborator $250,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #0610000601 Investigators:Lee, Joo 12-23-2014 -09-30-2015 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Cultivation of Marine Microalgae for Carbon Capture and Nutrient Removal Role:PI $49,999.00 Active Level:Local Government
Grant: #D-14-21 Investigators:Lee, Joo 08-18-2014 -10-01-2017 Ohio Development Services Agency Development of elemental mercury oxidation catalysts highly resistant to Ohio coal combustion flue gases Role:PI $249,999.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #NSF 1412938 Investigators:Lee, Joo 02-01-2014 -07-31-2014 National Science Foundation Novel Cost-Effective Mercury Oxidation Catalysts for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-Fired Power Plants Role:PI $50,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #CBET-1151017 Investigators:Lee, Joo 01-01-2012 -12-31-2016 National Science Foundation CAREER: Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation and Adsorption of Mercury Vapor: Integrated Research and Education in Air Pollution Control Role:PI $417,006.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #85 X 10431 Task Order 0210000388 Investigators:Lee, Joo 08-08-2011 -12-31-2013 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Optimization of Microalgae Culture Conditions for Fast Nutrient Removal and High Lipid Yield Role:PI $50,000.00 Active Level:Local Government
Grant: #EEC-1004623 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Keener, Timothy; Khang, Soon Jai; Kukreti, Anant; Kupferle, Margaret; Lee, Joo; Lu, Mingming; Shanov, Vesselin; Sorial, George; Wei, Heng 09-01-2010 -08-31-2014 National Science Foundation REU Site in Sustainable Urban Environments Role:Collaborator $600,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DE-FE0001834 Investigators:Lee, Joo; Keener, Timothy 12-01-2009 -09-30-2013 Department of Energy Research and Education of CO2 Separation from Coal Combustion Flue Gases with Regenerable Magnesium Solutions Role:PI $299,851.00 Active
Grant: #85x10431 Task Ord 0210000209 Investigators:Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 08-01-2009 -02-28-2011 Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati Microalgae Culture for Nutrient Removal from Wastewater Treatment Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #EP-C-05056/PEG1-52T2UC Investigators:Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 08-23-2007 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Multi-Scale Infrastructure Characterization Studies-Task 2 Role:PI $235,448.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG1-40UC WA#1-40 Investigators:Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 04-04-2007 -09-29-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Mercury Speciationtechnique in Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Materials Role:PI $21,062.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EP-C-05-056/PEG1-37UC Investigators:Ioannides, Anastasios; Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 02-22-2007 -09-29-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Beneficial Use of Sediment Role:Collaborator $540,102.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #PEG1-29UC, PTS WA #1-29 Investigators:Keener, Timothy; Lee, Joo; Suidan, Makram 10-10-2006 -09-29-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Evaluation of Global Changes and Their Impacts on Water Resources Role:Collaborator $52,158.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R25087 Investigators:Lee, Joo-Youp 05-01-2020 -04-30-2021 UC's URC Faculty Research Cost Support Awards Program Energy-Efficient and Thermally-Stable CO2 Adsorbent for Continuous CO2 Separation from Post Combustion Sources Role:PI $7,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #DE-FE0032128 Investigators:Lee, Joo-Youp; Priye, Aashish 10-01-2021 -07-31-2022 Department of Energy Energy-Efficient Direct Air Capture System for High Purity CO2 Separation Role:PI 0.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Lee, Joo-Youp 01-01-2022 -12-31-2022 Yuhan Corporation mRNA Delivery System for Cancer Immunotherapy Role:PI 308050.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #DEV-GR-2024-208018 Investigators:Lee, Joo-Youp 07-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Ohio Department of Development Energy-Efficient CO2 Separation from Ohio Coal Combustion Flue Gas Role:PI 249986.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sriram, V; Li, C.; Liu, Z; Jafari, M.; Lee, J.-Y. (2018. ) Reaction Kinetic Study of Elemental Mercury Vapor with CuCl2 .Chemical Engineering Journal, , 343 ,244 -257
Badkas, A; Frank, E.; Chandra, H.; Zhou, Z.; Lee, J.-Y.; Yadav, J. S (2018. ) Modulation of in vitro Phagocytic Uptake and Immunogenicity Potential of Modified Herceptin-Conjugated PLGA-PEG Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery .Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, , 162 ,271 -278
Zhou, Z.; Jafari, M.; Sriram, V.; Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Ruiz-Torres, S.; Waltz, S (2017. ) Delayed Sequential Co-delivery of Gefitinib and Doxorubicin for Targeted Combination Chemotherapy .Molecular Pharmaceutics, , 14 ,4551 -4559
Liu, Z.; Sriram, V.; Lee, J.-Y (2017. ) Mechanistic and Kinetic Studies of Elemental Mercury Oxidation over RuO2/rutile TiO2 Catalyst .Catalysis Science & Technology, , 7 ,4669 -4679
Zhou, Z.; Kennell, C.; Jafari, M.; Lee, J.-Y.; Ruiz-Torres, S.; Waltz, S.; Lee, J.-H (2017. ) Sequential Delivery of Erlotinib and Doxorubicin for Enhanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Using Polymeric Nanoparticle .International Journal of Pharmaceutics, , 530 ,300 -307
Zhou, Z.; Kennell, C.; Lee, J.-Y.; Leung, Y.-K.; Tarapore, P (2017. ) Calcium Phosphate-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Enhanced Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment via Co-Delivery of Paclitaxel and miR-221/222 Inhibitors .Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, , 13 ,403 -410
Liu, Z.; Sriram, V.; Lee, J.-Y (2017. ) Heterogeneous Oxidation of Elemental Mercury Vapor over RuO2/rutile TiO2 Catalyst for Mercury Emissions Control .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 207 ,143 -152
Sriram, V.; Liu, Z.; Lee, J.-Y (2017. ) Modeling of HgCl2 Removal in Ductwork and Fabric Filter by Activated Carbon Sorbent Injection .Fuel, , 183 ,223 -231
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y (2017. ) Mitigation of Inhibition Effect of Acid Gas Using Trona Buffer for Autotrophic Growth of Nannochloris sp. Biochemical Engineering Journal, , 117 ,15 -22
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, T. (2016. ) Optimal Use of Na2CO3 Buffer for Enhanced Autotrophic Growth of Nannochloris sp. and CO2 Bioremediation .Process Biochemistry, , 51 ,2162 -2169
Liu, Z.; Li, C.; Sriram, V.; Lee, J.-Y.; Brewe, D. (2016. ) XANES Study of Elemental Mercury Oxidation over RuO2/TiO2 and Selective Catalytic Reduction Catalysts for Mercury Emissions Control .Fuel Processing Technology, , 153 ,156 -162
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, T (2016. ) Enhanced Autotrophic Growth of Nannochloris sp. with Trona Buffer for Sustainable Carbon Recycle .Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, , 21 (3 ) ,422 -429
Kim, J.; Rubino, I.; Lee, J.-Y.; Choi, H.-J (2016. ) Application of Halloysite Nanotubes for Carbon Dioxide Capture .Materials Research Express, , 3 ,045019
Zhou, Z.; Badkas, A.; Stevenson, M.; Lee, J.-Y.; Leung, Y.-K. (2015. ) Herceptin Conjugated PLGA-PHis-PEG pH-Sensitive Nanoparticles for Targeted and Controlled Drug Delivery .International Journal of Pharmaceutics, , 487 (1-2 ) ,81 -90
Liu, Z.; Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y.; Bolin, T. B. (2015. ) Oxidation of Elemental Mercury Vapor over γ-Al2O3 Supported CuCl2 Catalyst For Mercury Emissions Control .Chemical Engineering Journal, , 275 (0 ) ,1 -7
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, T. (2015. ) A Model for Autotrophic Growth of Chlorella Vulgaris under Photolimitation and Photoinhibition in Cylindrical Photobioreactor .Biochemical Engineering Journal, , 99 ,55 -60
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Ahting, C.; Johnstone, R.; Lu, T, (2014. ) Growth of Chlorella Vulgaris Using Sodium Bicarbonate under No Mixing Condition .Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, , 9 (4 ) ,604
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, T. (2014. ) Effects of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Mixing on Autotrophic Growth of Chlorella Vulgaris .Biochemical Engineering Journal, , 82 ,34 -40
Koirala, R.; Reddy, G. K.; Lee, J.-Y.; Smirniotis, P. (2014. ) Influence of Foreign Metal Dopants on the Durability and Performance of Zr/Ca Sorbents during High-Temperature CO2 Capture .Separation Science and Technology, , 49 ,1
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y. (2013. ) Modeling of Mercuric Chloride Removal by CuCl2-Impregnated Activated Carbon Sorbent in Fabric Filter .Energy and Fuels, , 27 ,7654
Lee, J.-Y.; Kim, Y. J. (2013. ) Hg(0) Removal Using Se(0)-Doped Montmorillonite from Selenite(IV) .The Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, , 34 (12 ) ,3767 -3770
Li, X.; Liu, Z.; Lee, J.-Y. (2013. ) Adsorption Kinetic and Equilibrium Study for Removal of Mercuric Chloride by CuCl2-Impregnated Activated Carbon Sorbent .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 252 -253, 419
Cheng, L.; Li, T.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J. Y. (2013. ) A Mass Transfer Model of Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in a Bubble Column Reactor by Using Magnesium Hydroxide Slurry .International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, , 17 ,240 -249
Kim, J.; Liu, Z.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, T. (2013. ) Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Municipal Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella Vulgaris and Its Growth Kinetics .Desalination and Water Treatment, , 51 ,7800
Lingaraju, B. P.; Lee, J.-Y.; Yang, Y. J. (2013. ) Water Requirements for Cellulosic Ethanol Production Processes via Fermentation Pathway .Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, , 32 ,396
Bharadwaj, H. K; Lee, J.-Y.; Li, X.; Liu, Z.; Keener, T. C. (2013. ) Dissolution Kinetics of Magnesium Hydroxide for CO2 Separation from Coal-Fired Power Plants .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 250 -251, 292
Li, X.; Liu, Z.; Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y. (2013. ) Corrigendum to “Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction of Elemental Mercury Vapor over Cupric Chloride for Mercury Emissions Control” .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 142-143 ,891
Li, X.; Liu, Z.; Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y. (2013. ) Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction of Elemental Mercury Vapor over Cupric Chloride for Mercury Emissions Control .Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, , 132-133 ,401
Lingaraju, B. P.; Lee, J.-Y.; Yang, Y. J. (2013. ) Water Requirements for Cellulosic Ethanol Production Processes via Fermentation Pathway. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, , 32 ,396
Sasivongpakdi, A.; Lee, J.-Y.; Bharadwaj, H.; Keener, T. C.; Barth, E. F.; Clark, P. J.; Bujalski, N. M.; Yeardley, R. B. (2012. ) Evaluation of Sustainability of a Remediation Option: Beneficial Reuse of Petroleum-Contaminated Sediment as an Energy Source. J. Air Waste Management, , 62 ,1277
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y.; Heald, S (2012. ) XAFS Characterization of Mercury Captured on Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Sorbents. Fuel, , 93 ,618
Sasivongpakdi, A.; Lee, J.-Y.; Bharadwaj, H.; Keener, T. C.; Barth, E. F.; Clark, P. J.; Bujalski, N. M.; Yeardley, R. B. (2012. ) Evaluation of Sustainability of a Remediation Option: Beneficial Reuse of Petroleum-Contaminated Sediment as an Energy Source .J. Air Waste Manage, , 62 ,1277
Li, L.; Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Liu, Z.; Yao, X. (2012. ) The Effect of Surface Properties in Activated Carbon on Mercury Adsorption .Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., , 51 (26 ) ,9136 -9144
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y.; Heald, S. (2012. ) XAFS Characterization of Mercury Captured on Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Sorbents .Fuel, , 93 ,618
Cheng, L; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y.; Zhou, X. (2012. ) Dilute Acid Pretreatment for Cellulosic Alcohol Production .Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, , 2 (2 ) ,1
Cheng, L; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (2011. ) Wastewater Treatment for Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems in Coal-Fired Power Plants .EM, , 5 ,16
Kim, J.; Lingaraju, B. P.; Rheaume, R.; Lee, J.-Y.; Siddiqui, K. F. (2010. ) Removal of Ammonia from Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella Vulgaris .Tsinghua Science & Technology, , 15 ,391
Abhishek, A.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (2010. ) Long-Term Wind Speed Variations for Three Midwestern U.S.A. Cities. . J. Air Waste Manage, , 60 ,1057
Kim, J.; Lingaraju, B. P.; Rheaume, R.; Lee, J.-Y.; Siddiqui, K. F. (2010. ) Removal of Ammonia from Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella Vulgaris. .Tsinghua Science & Technology, , 15 ,391
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2009. ) Mercury Oxidation and Adsorption Characteristics of Chemically Promoted Activated Carbon Sorbents. Fuel Process Technol, , 90 ,1314
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2009. ) The Effect of Methods of Preparation on the Performance of Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Sorbents for the Removal of Mercury from Flue Gases. Fuel, , 88 ,2053
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2009. ) In-Duct Mercury Capture Using Cupric Chloride- Impregnated Carbons in a Pilot-Scale Entrained-Flow. .System. Environ. Sci. Technol., , 43 ,2957
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (2009. ) Potential Flue Gas Impurities in CO2 Streams Separated from Coal-Fired Power Plants. .J. Air Waste Management, , 59 ,725
Lee, J.-Y.; Cho, K.; Cheng, L.; Keener, T. C.; Jagadeesan, G.; Al-Abed, S. (2009. ) Development of a Mercury Speciation Technique for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Materials. .J. Air Waste Management, , 59 ,972
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (2009. ) Modeling of Mercury Oxidation and Adsorption by Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Carbon Sorbents. .Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, , 48 ,9049
Lee, J.-Y. (2008. ) Cellulosic Ethanol Production and Its Potential Impacts on the Environment. .EM, , 21 ,
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2008. ) Novel Sorbent for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-Fired Power Plants. .J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng. , , 39 ,137
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2008. ) Performance of Copper Chloride-Impregnated Sorbents on Mercury Vapor Control in an Entrained-Flow Reactor System. J. Air Waste Management, , 58 ,1458
Lee, J.-Y.; Ju, Y.; Lee, S.-S.; Keener, T. C.; Varma, R. S. (2008. ) Novel Mercury Oxidant and Sorbent for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-Fired Power Plants.. Water Air Soil Poll: Focus, , 8 ,333
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2008. ) Elemental Mercury Control by Novel Oxidant and Sorbent in an Entrained-Flow System. Water Air Soil Poll: Focus, , 8 ,343
Keener, T. C.; Khang, S.-J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Heckel, P. F. (2007. ) Occurrence of Mercury in Periodical Cicadas (Magicicada: Cassini) .J. Entomol. Sci, , 42 (3 ) ,435
Heckel, P. F.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2007. ) Comparison of Analytical Techniques to Determine the Mercury Content of 17-year Periodical Cicadas. Am. Lab., , 39 ,16
Lee, J.-Y.; Ju, Y.; Keener, T. C.; Varma, R. (2006. ) Development of Cost-Effective Noncarbon Sorbents for Hg(0) Removal from Coal-fired Power Plants. Environ. Sci. Technol., , 40 ,2714
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (2004. ) Mercury Removal from Flue Gas with Particles Generated by SO3−NH3 Reactions. .Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., , 43 ,4363
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (2003. ) The Effects of Pulsed Corona Discharge on SO2 Absorption into Water from SO2/Air Mixture. .Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, , 42 ,2030
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C. (2001. ) The Effects of Pulsed Corona Discharge on SO2 Absorption into Water. .Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, , 40 ,5822
Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J. (2001. ) Enhanced Effect of In-Situ Generated Ammonia-Sulfur Aerosols on the Removal of NOx from Simulated Flue Gas .Environ. Sci. Technol., , 35 ,3219
Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C.; Khang, S.-J.; Lee, J.-Y. (2000. ) The Role of Ammonium-Sulfur Aerosols on Nitrogen Oxides Removal by Pulsed Corona Enhanced Wet Electrostatics Precipitation with Ammonia and Ozone Injection. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, , 8 ,483
Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C.; Khang, S.-J.; Lee, J.-Y. (1999. ) Sulfur Dioxide Removal by Pulsed Corona Enhanced Wet Electrostatic Precipitation. Adv. Environ. Res., , 3 ,309
Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, K. H.; Lee, K. S.; Lee, D. K.; Park, S. D.; Kim, S. H. (1992. ) Model Formation of a Thin Film Evaporator for Recovery of Waste Lubricating Oil as Fuel. .Hwahak Konghak (Korean), , 30 ,681
Technical Reports
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y. (2010. ) Microalgae Culture for Nutrient Removal from Wastewater Treatment.
Lingaraju, B.; Cheng, L.; Tu, Q.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Lu, M. (2010. ) Multi-Scale Infrastructure Characterization Studies. .
Sasivongpakdi, A.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2010. )
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2009. ) Multi-Scale Infrastructure Characterization Studies.
Lee, J.-Y. (2009. ) Beneficial Use of Contaminated Sediment. Progress Reports .
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2008. ) Multi-Scale Infrastructure Characterization Studies. .
Ioannides, A. M.; Lee, J.-Y. (2008. ) Beneficial Use of Contaminated Sediment. Progress/Final Reports .
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2007. ) Development of a Mercury Speciation Technique in Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Technique. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2007. ) Scientific Evaluation of Global Changes and Their Impacts on Water Resources. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Suidan, M. T. (2006. ) Environmental and Sustainable Technology Evaluation- Environmental Technology Verification for Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manure. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2005. ) Testing of Sorbents for Mercury Control. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (2004. ) Testing of Sorbents for Mercury Control. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (2002. ) Mercury Removal from Flue Gas by In-situ Aerosol Sorbent. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (2001. ) Removal of Mercury from Combustion Flue Gas by the Action of Ammonia-Sulfur Aerosols. .
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C. (1999. ) Enhanced Electrostatic Precipitator for Control of Particles, SO2, and NOx. .
Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y, Khang, S.-J. E (1998. ) Enhanced Electrostatic Precipitator for Control of Particles, SO2, and NOx. .
Invited Presentations
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y. (04-26-2011. ) Mechanistic Study of Elemental Mercury Vapor Captured on Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Sorbent from Coal-fired Power Plants .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 5th Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Bharadwaj, H. K.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (04-26-2011. ) Kinetics of MgCO3 Formation for CO2 Separation using Mg(OH)2 Solutions .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 5th Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Lingaraju, B.P.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T.C.; Yang, J.Y. (04-26-2011. ) Water Requirement for Cellulosic Ethanol Production Processes .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 5th Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Siddiqui, K. F. (11-07-2010. ) Effects of Total Inorganic Carbon on Growth of Chlorella vulgaris .AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y. (11-07-2010. ) Reaction and Adsorption of Mercury Captured onto Cupric Chloride- Impregnated Sorbents, .AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Lingaraju, B. P.; Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Siddiqui, K. F. (11-07-2010. ) Removal of Ammonia from Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella vulgaris, .AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Lingaraju, B. P.; Tu, Q.; Cheng, L.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, M.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (11-07-2010. ) Water Requirement, Treatment, and Conservation Options for Energy Production, .AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Lingaraju, B. P.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (04-20-2010. ) Water Requirements for Cellulosic Ethanol Production Processes .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 4th Annual Meeting and Workshop, Colombus, Ohio.
Kim, J.; Lingaraju, B. P.; Rheaume, R.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Siddiqui, K. F. (04-20-2010. ) Removal of Nitrogen and Inorganic Carbon from Wastewater Effluent by Chlorella vulgaris. .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 4th Annual Meeting and Workshop, Colombus, Ohio.
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (04-20-2010. ) Mercury Oxidation and Adsorption by Cupric Chloride- Impregnated Carbon Sorbents for Coal-Fired Power Plants. .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 4th Annual Meeting and Workshop, Colombus, Ohio.
Lingaraju, B.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (11-08-2009. ) Assessment of Freshwater Requirements and Conservation Options for the Production of Lignocellulosic and Algal Biofuels and Thermoelectricity. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (11-08-2009. ) Growth Kinetics of Chlorella Vulgaris .AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Li, X.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, S.-S.; Keener, T. C. (11-08-2009. ) Elemental Mercury Oxidation and Its Resultant Oxidized Mercury Adsorption by Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Carbon Sorbent .AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee.
Sasivongpakdi, A.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Barth, E. F.; Clark, P. J (06-16-2009. ) nvestigation of Emission Characteristics of Sediment from Lake Erie, .Management Association’s 102nd Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan.
Abhishek; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (06-16-2009. ) Impact of Climate Change on Air Quality for Three Midwestern USA Cities .Management Association’s 102nd Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan.
Kim, J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Thiansathit, W. (04-08-2009. ) Biofuels Production from Microalgae .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 3rd Annual Meeting and Workshop, Colombus, Ohio.
Cheng, L.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y. (04-08-2009. ) Lignin Degradation for Cellulosic Alcohols Production .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 3rd Annual Meeting and Workshop, Colombus, Ohio.
Chaudhary, A.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (04-08-2009. ) Climate Change and Energy Policy Analysis .University Clean Energy Alliance of Ohio (UCEAO) 3rd Annual Meeting and Workshop, Colombus, Ohio.
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Yang, Y. J. (08-25-2008. ) Impacts of Flue Gas Impurities in Sequestered CO2 on Groundwater Sources: A Process Analysis and Implications for Risk Management . The US EPA/DOE/EPRI Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant Control Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland.
Chaudhary, A; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y.; Yang, Y. J. (06-24-2008. ) A Study Involving Global Climate Change, Meteorology (Wind Behavior), and Ground-Level Ozone Concentration Air & Waste .Management Association’s 101st Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon .
Cheng, L.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lu, M.; Yadav, J. (06-24-2008. ) Lignin Degradation for Cellulosic Alcohols Production .Air & Waste Management Association’s 101st Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (06-24-2008. ) Development of Cupric Chloride-Impregnated Activated Carbon Sorbent Using a Pilot-Scale Entrained-Flow System .Air & Waste Management Association’s 101st Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Yang, Y. J.; Neal, J.; Carlton-Perkins, K.; Haught, R. C.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y. (05-12-2008. ) Variations in Precipitation and Flash Floods under Climate Changes in the U.S. and Implications on Drinking Water Supply Security ., World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T.C. (2008. ) Copper Chloride Impregnated Sorbents for In-Flight Mercury Capture in Coal-Fired Power Plants .The Ohio Journal of Science.
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (06-26-2007. ) Performance of Novel Oxidant on Elemental Mercury Control in an Entrained-Flow System, .Air & Waste Management Association’s 100th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania .
Lee, J.-Y.; Ju, Y.; Lee, S.-S.; Keener, T. C.; Varma, R. (03-21-2007. ) Novel Mercury Oxidant and Sorbent for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-Fired Power Plants .The 37th Mid- Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lee, S.-S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (03-21-2007. ) Elemental Mercury Control by Novel Mercury Oxidant and Sorbent in an Entrained-Flow System .The 37th Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, S.-S.; Keener, T. C.; Ju, Y.; Varma, R.; Suchecki, T. T. (10-24-2006. ) Novel Mercury Oxidant and Sorbent for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-Fired Power Plants .The 20th Symposium on Western Fuels, Denver, Colorado.
Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, S.-S.; Keener, T. C.; Ju, Y.; Varma, R.; Sikdar, S. (09-10-2006. ) Novel Oxidant for Elemental Mercury Control from Flue Gas .ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C.; Khang, S.-J.; Ju, Y.; Varma, R.; Sikdar, S. (11-04-2005. ) Novel Cost- Effective Hg(0) Sorbent/Oxidant for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-Fired Power Plants .AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (12-02-2004. ) Development of Noncarbon-based for Mercury Emissions Control from Coal-fired Boilers .Ohio Air Quality & Coal Research Symposium, Athens, Ohio.
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (06-23-2003. ) Mercury Removal from Flue Gas with Aerosols Generated by SO3−NH3 Reactions, .Waste Management Association’s 96th Annual Meeting, San Diego California.
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C. (05-19-2003. ) Simultaneous Removal of Sulfur Trioxide and Mercury from a Simulated Flue Gas by SO3−NH3 Reactions .The US EPA/DOE/EPRI Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant Control Symposium, Washington D.C..
Lee, J.-Y. (11-03-2002. ) Mass Transfer Enhancement by Corona Discharge .AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C. (08-20-2001. ) The Effect of In-Situ Generated Ammonia-Sulfur Aerosols on the Removal of NOx in a Wet ESP .The US EPA/DOE/EPRI Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant Control Symposium, Chicago, Illinois .
Khang, S.-J.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. (08-12-2001. ) Removal of Mercury from Combustion Flue Gas by the Action of Ammonia-Sulfur Aerosols .Ancona, Italy.
Lee, J.-Y.; Khang, S.-J.; Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C. (09-11-2000. ) The Effect of In-Situ Ammonium- Sulfur Aerosols on the Removal of SO2, NOx and Mercury from Combustion Flue Gas .17th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania.
Tseng, C.-H.; Keener, T. C.; Khang, S.-J.; Lee, J.-Y. (06-18-2000. ) The Enhanced Effect of In-Situ Ammonium Salt Aerosols on the Combined Removal of SO2 and NOx from Simulated Flue Gas in Pulsed Corona Enhanced Wet Electrostatics Precipitation .Air & Waste Management Association’s 93rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, K. H.; Lee, K. S.; Lee, D. K.; Park, S. D. Kim, S. H. Model (1992. ) Formation of a Thin Film Evaporator for Recovery of Waste Lubricating Oil as Fuel .KIChE Spring Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, K. S. (1992. ) Optimal Control of Batch Distillation .KIChE Autumn Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
Lee, J.-Y.; Jeong, S. H.; Lee, K. S. (1992. ) Optimal Control of Batch Distillation System . Korean Automatic Control Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Honors and Awards
04-2018 • UC College of Engineering Distinguished Researcher Award
04-2015 • UC College of Engineering Master Educator Award
04-2015 • UC Department Master Educator Award
Who’s Who in America 2015-17 (69th-71th editions)
05-2014 • UC College of Engineering Research Award for Young Faculty
05-2014 • Outstanding ChE Research Professor Award
10-2013 • UC Technology Accelerator Award
05-2012 • Outstanding ChE Research Professor Award
01-2012 • NSF CAREER Award
12-2006 • UC|21 Entrepreneurial Launch Pad Award
01-2006 • Engineering Tribunal Teaching Award: Professor of the Quarter
1998 -2002 • University Graduate Scholarship, University of Cincinnati
10-1990 • The 15th National Paper Competitions for College Students The 2nd Prize at the Engineering and Science Field Cosponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Research Foundation
1989 -1990 • Academic Scholarship, Sogang University, South Korea
1987 • Academic Scholarship, Sogang University, South Korea
Professional Affiliation
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Chemical Society
Air & Waste Management Association
Patents and Inventions
Doxorubicin and Cisplatin Prodrugs for Sustained and Controlled Release Lee, J.-Y.; Sriram, V.; Jafari, M., 2019 Provisional U.S. Patent 62823740
Method of making doxorubicin prodrug for sustained and controlled release Lee, J.-Y.; Sriram, V.; Jafari, M., UC Invention Disclosure 2019-094
Method and System for Removing Gaseous Mercury in Flue Gases Lee, J.-Y.; Liu, Z., International Serial No. PCT/US14/59288
A Method to Enhance Neutral Lipid Productivity Lee, J.-Y.; Kim, J.; George, B., 2014 UC Invention Disclosure 114-037
A Method to Enhance Microalgal Growth Productivity Lee, J.-Y.; Kim, J.; George, B. , UC Invention Disclosure 113-082
Mercury oxidation catalysts highly resistant to flue gases Lee, J.-Y.; Liu, Z., 2013 Provisional U.S. Patent 61887040
Compositions and Methods for Removing Mercury from Mercury-Containing Fluids Varma, R. S.; Ju, Y.; Sikdar, S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C. , 2010 U.S. Patent 7858061
Air-Cooled Condensing Wet ESP for Water Recovery and Removal of Residual Pollutants from Flue Gas Khang, S.-J.; Keener, T. C.; Lee, J.-Y., 2008 UC Invention Disclosure 109-005
Method of Safe Disposal for Fluorescent Light Bulbs Keener, T. C.; Khang, S.-J.; Lee, J.-Y., 2008 UC Invention Disclosure 109-007
Methods for Producing Mercury Sorbents Using Spent Etchant Varma, R. S.; Ju, Y.; Sikdar, S.; Lee, J.-Y.; Keener, T. C., 2007 UC Invention Disclosure 107-107